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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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2 minutes ago, crazy8s said:

they would just claim haters are making stuff up - that is their excuse all day, every day.

I agree. They conveniently forget that Jesus also didn’t like liars. 

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4 minutes ago, EVS said:

It was in the original post by the storm chaser who ousted them. It was mentioned right before the part about the “oriental” who got physical with someone who wanted to use the bathroom in the Duggar hangout. I’ll try to find the post. 

Has anyone discovered the identity of the person the  storm chaser was clumsily and incorrectly trying to describe? 

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59 minutes ago, EVS said:

I still want to hear their explanation for not allowing a 70 year old woman to come into their “headquarters” and out of the heat. I don’t think Jesus would approve. They would probably just deny it ever happened. 

She was showing her knees?

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29 minutes ago, Tasya said:

To play devil's advocate (surprise!) is this guy really the only one that saw them behaving badly? Also, sorry but anyone who refers to someone as an "Oriental" is not the best source for me. 

Not sure.  There are pics of them with guns/badges (didn't SEE the cuffs) so at least that is not made up.  While I find his use of that word abhorrent, I find there are a lot of people that use incorrect terms so while that may make them ignorant it doesn't make their facts <of the story> wrong..  

Edited by Natalie68
added for clarity
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The guns and badges is bad, but he's accusing them of a lot more than playing keystone cop. Also, calling someone an "Oriental" is not an incorrect term. It's racism. For instance if the Duggars referred to someone using the same word, what would the reaction be? 

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14 minutes ago, Tasya said:

The guns and badges is bad, but he's accusing them of a lot more than playing keystone cop. Also, calling someone an "Oriental" is not an incorrect term. It's racism. For instance if the Duggars referred to someone using the same word, what would the reaction be? 

I would also find it abhorrent if the Duggars did it.  There is a huge swath of people in this country that do not use correct terms that are considered racist.  I suspect this dude has a lot of the same views as they do.  It is an uneducated term and yes it should not be used.  However, his use of it does not mean that the Duggars were acting as they should.  I am not going to get into a whataboutism discussion.  This story is about a lot more than an uneducated rube using racist speech.  Yes he is accusing them of a lot.  All people want is for it to be investigated.  If untrue, he owes the Duggars an apology.

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1 minute ago, Sew Sumi said:

The two are not mutually exclusive. One can be a racist and make accusations, many of which we've seen to be true.

Thank you!

The fact that this hasn't taken off in the media yet, but every instagram of a Duggar bowel movement gets 10 stories, tells me it won't. I hope I'm wrong.

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If anything it seems more likely to be true that's not some liberal type who's mad, but someone who probably shares a lot of the same beliefs. Those religious types tend to cover for each other; for example, a lot of people defending either Josh or JB and Michelle over how they handled Josh. 

I didn't know that term is a slur, and merely not the correct term. I will be careful not to use it in the future. 

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Yes, now "Oriental" refers to inanimate objects like furniture. The preferred term for people is "Asian." 

And I agree that this guy probably holds a lot of the same beliefs as the Duggars, but what he saw happening on the ground transcended any commonalities.

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While Medi Corps Corps has not posted any pictures of them wearing guns, one did show a guy with handcuffs on his belt.  I will admit that I did not notice until after this story broke. 

As to calling an Asian person oriental, some people of a certain age have words like that ingrained in their vocabulary.   My mother is one of them.  I have tried to correct her, but it does no good.  

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3 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Has anyone discovered the identity of the person the  storm chaser was clumsily and incorrectly trying to describe? 

I wonder if the "Oriental" Asian man was the Duggars' sweet friend from Indonesia?  He's been on other missioncation trips with them.

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49 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Yes, now "Oriental" refers to inanimate objects like furniture. The preferred term for people is "Asian." 

And I agree that this guy probably holds a lot of the same beliefs as the Duggars, but what he saw happening on the ground transcended any commonalities.

As you may remember, at the beginning of his posts about this, he mentioned that when he first saw them and realized who they were, he was pleased they were there. He said he'd liked them. But then things they did began to disturb him......

Doesn't prove anything, of course. ... But he's certainly not me, for example. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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It's interesting that they "got x working" is a reoccurring theme. It's possible that they do possess some of the mechanical skills that they brag about so often. They might have actually been helpful if they had gotten vehicles and ACs working for the actual NGO workers and for the people in the community. If they had done that, though, they wouldn't have had time to parade around with their guns and badges, order people around, and take endless pictures of themselves "working."

They also would have been stuck in place and not had the opportunity to travel around and loot  requisition items that might have some value.

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9 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I can't even begin to wrap my head around why Jana or Abby or anyone would need a freaking accountability partner in the midst of devastation where people are homeless and searching for their loved ones.  And yet - pregnant Abby must be flown in to keep an eye on Jana, lest she find some time to sneak away and - do what, even?  Show her knees to a local?  What's Jana going to do that requires someone to "account" for her?  If it's a bad look for Jana to be unchaperoned while she supposedly tries to help people stay alive, then Jana and Abby and Laura should've all just stayed home and painted wooden signs or remodeled Michelle's walk-in closet or something.  This entire thing - guns, handcuffs, badges, perfectly applied eye makeup and Instagrammable moments of "look at us, we're HELPING" is truly nauseating.  I don't post a ton here but I do read and I can only hope this little escapade by the Duggars attracts enough controversy that it shuts them right down.

/whew rant

Do we know that’s why Abbie went on the trip, or is that just speculation? Abbie is a formally trained, licensed nurse. She’s probably the only Duggar/Bates who could actually provide practical assistance to the citizens of a devastated country. I assumed that was why she went, not because Jana needed an accountability partner. I could be wrong, but it’s nice to think that there was at least one actual helper riding in the clown car with the rest of these doofuses.

As for Zika, it’s not endemic to Bermuda. There have been 5 cases of it there in the last 4 years, all imported. There were 218 cases of it in Florida in 2016 alone, but I doubt anyone would have an issue with Abbie traveling there. 

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6 hours ago, mynextmistake said:

Do we know that’s why Abbie went on the trip, or is that just speculation? Abbie is a formally trained, licensed nurse. She’s probably the only Duggar/Bates who could actually provide practical assistance to the citizens of a devastated country. I assumed that was why she went, not because Jana needed an accountability partner. I could be wrong, but it’s nice to think that there was at least one actual helper riding in the clown car with the rest of these doofuses.

As for Zika, it’s not endemic to Bermuda. There have been 5 cases of it there in the last 4 years, all imported. There were 218 cases of it in Florida in 2016 alone, but I doubt anyone would have an issue with Abbie traveling there. 

Abby travelling as an accountability partner is pure speculation. She did only come for the last 6 days, so if the Duggars thought her nursing background would be helpful, they waited over a week to bring her to the Bahamas.

The Bahamas Zika risk was downgraded in 2019 and there's little risk at this time. I don't know how the risk spreads or increases, but heat and moisture are a prime breeding ground for mosquitoes. And the islands are basically a hot swampy mess of debris with standing water. I'm guessing it's possible the storm may make the island more risky for Zika now or in the near future.

Edited by GeeGolly
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12 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

My MIL is 87, and as racist and xenophobic as can be. But she's been trained to use "Asian." Why? Her only grandchild is half Chinese. 

My mother is 85 and doesn't have a racist bone in her body, but she can't get used to saying "Asian". Her thinking is that "Oriental" is a useful adjective, since people from, say, India or certain parts of Russia are Asian, but have quite different facial features as, say, the Chinese or Japanese. And lumping all those different features under "Asian", then, when describing someone whose background you might not know, having to  resort of something like, "well, he might be Chinese. Or Japanese, or something...maybe Korean, I'm not sure", is much clumsier than having a word like "Oriental" available to use. I'm not sure I disagree with her, as it is hard for me to tell at a glance which of those countries someone's ancestry lies. 

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29 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

My mother is 85 and doesn't have a racist bone in her body, but she can't get used to saying "Asian". Her thinking is that "Oriental" is a useful adjective, since people from, say, India or certain parts of Russia are Asian, but have quite different facial features as, say, the Chinese or Japanese. And lumping all those different features under "Asian", then, when describing someone whose background you might not know, having to  resort of something like, "well, he might be Chinese. Or Japanese, or something...maybe Korean, I'm not sure", is much clumsier than having a word like "Oriental" available to use. I'm not sure I disagree with her, as it is hard for me to tell at a glance which of those countries someone's ancestry lies. 

Which is probably just a good a reason as any to refer to people as people and not races.  In the case of the guy tattling on the Duggars, the racial background of the person behaving like an a** was irrelevant.  He could've been pink with green spots, but he'd still be an a**.

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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

The more I think about those Duggar fools swaggering down to the Bahamas outfitted with sidearms, cuffs and those laughable constable badges into an area where people need real help, the more irate I get, especially if what that observer said is even partially true.  I can completely believe that they felt that just their mere presence was somehow comforting and necessary, but I'm guessing they got in the way more than they actually helped.  It's like they were playing dress-up in their very best sheriff gear just in case everyone who crossed their paths didn't understand how very important they are.  Using a natural disaster as PR is despicable under any circumstances, but it's worse here because the Duggars actually believe their own hype.

And I'm also ticked because JD used to be the one Duggar that I didn't think was a toolbag.

I guess this is what comes of the extreme isolation they've all been in forever. They have only one set of "role models." And all those role models are cut from exactly the same mold....

.And in their world -- and, alarmingly, even to some degree outside of it; hello, television networks and magazines and Little Rock and DC fellow travelers whose offices JB and company are welcomed into on the regular -- those role models have been rewarded for being who and what they are. 

They've all been repeatedly told that it's sinful and dangerous to look outside their group at anything.... i.e., family-run home businesses are the only safe and godly way to live in your adulthood!!! And non-home-schools and colleges are BAD!!!!! And never join a neighborhood group of any kind unless everybody in it verifiably shares your exact worldview -- because SATAN!!!.....

And since the Bates and Duggar parents get rewards for acting this way -- and pass along at least some of those rewards to their kids, in the form of cash and Fame-- They're Gonna Live Forever! Baby Remember Their NAME!!! -- nobody asks the tiniest question. 

Other families from their cult and similar cults haven't been made into somebody by all this and haven't had TeeVee money -- and now "influencer" money and, of course, "donation" money to the "nonprofits' and "missions" and such they create or join -- to supplement their limp home-run-business incomes. And in those cases, you see a lot more people looking outside the clans and their "principles"....And seeing that their role models maybe aren't so great and developing different ideas. 

You'll never see that with these guys, apparently, until every scrap of the money and fame and influence go down the toilet. And under current media, social-media and political conditions, that day'll be a long time coming, I expect, especially for the Duggars, who've lived and who live highest off the hog from all this. 

By the time the moment comes, virtually all the 1st-generation Duggarlings will be past the age where most humans seem capable of changing our basic stances on life, in any case. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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5 hours ago, ginger90 said:

2 videos:

Am I missing something here?  This was posted by Mediccorps on their own instagram essentially congratulating themselves for doing such an amazing job and singling out a couple of their own group for special praise?   I would ask why they would do such a thing, but I already know.  And so do you.

I presume that this was written by the same person who wrote the fake testimonial from the anonymous Bahamian thanking them for their 'actual' help.  In contract to all the theoretical help being offered by the Red Cross, the US and other governments.

Here's another article from the 'No Longer Quivering' site, nothing new, but they, too, are trying to get someone in authority to check out this group:


Edited by doodlebug
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54 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

My wish is for JB to be sued for that 20k fuel bill.

Speaking of lawsuits, I would imagine this story has gotten back to the Duggar's and Bates and so far not one cease and desist or lawsuit.  This is quite the litigious bunch so I find this interesting.

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21 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Speaking of lawsuits, I would imagine this story has gotten back to the Duggar's and Bates and so far not one cease and desist or lawsuit.  This is quite the litigious bunch so I find this interesting.

I am not a lawyer, but I don't think they have enough to gain to sue a random volunteer who voiced his opinion on Facebook.  Unless you know the net worth of the guy is enough to get a decent payday, what lawyer would want to waste time and money on this case.  The story has not gained any traction outside of Internet forums.  Things could change if an actual news outlet picks up the story.  

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6 hours ago, doodlebug said:

Which is probably just a good a reason as any to refer to people as people and not races.  In the case of the guy tattling on the Duggars, the racial background of the person behaving like an a** was irrelevant.  He could've been pink with green spots, but he'd still be an a**.

I still think he was trying to describe the guy because he didn’t know his name and wanted to differentiate the skinny Asian dude from the skinny white dude. So I do think race was important here. However, I will agree that he used non P/C, offensive language to do it.   

Thanks to Sew Sumi for her guidance as to what setting to use Oriental in.   I had seen it used in retail situations and now I understand why. 

 Now- when are we going to get some response from MedicCorps on their behavior? 

ETA - Hollywood Gossip has picked up the story!  

Edited by mythoughtis
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I feel like the congratulatory video is in response to the negative review by the Samaritan's Purse person. The MediCorps Corps spokesperson and interviewee are standing in front of a door that has Samaritan's Purse taped on it, to make it look like MCC is a part of the legitimate organizations there.

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12 hours ago, doodlebug said:

Actually, I would.  There is no reason for a pregnant woman to travel to areas where Zika has been found except in unusual circumstances and I have advised pregnant women against vacationing in Florida.

There are also a lot of other reasons why a pregnant woman should avoid travel to places where there may be issues with sanitation, clean water and other basic necessities.  What if she had a newborn?  Would it be ok to take the baby down there?  The Duggars are all about protecting the unborn unless their own self-interest is at stake.  There are ample medical personnel with proper training and experience dealing with the medical needs after natural disasters.  Abbie had nothing special to offer and she should've stayed home.  I presume the show will get a lot of mileage out of her presence and tell us how brave and strong she is to be there.  Bullshit.

We've seen absolutely no evidence that Abbie is doing anything resembling nursing in the Bahamas.  We've seen her posing at the airport with the rest of them.  We've seen her sitting in air conditioned comfort eating Chik Fil A.  There is no nursing being done in those places.  Abbie is an LPN whose only work experience is in a nursing facility.  She hasn't worked in an ER, an Urgent Care or anyplace else where she'd have much experience with first aid.  I expect she has done virtually no nursing down there.  The Bahamian government has NEVER requested random LPN's to travel down there with random non-professional groups and help out.  She didn't go down there to be a nurse and she shouldn't have gone at all.

I’m not sure why you’re being so… vehement with me for suggesting that a nurse could be more useful in a disaster zone than the average Duggar. I said I assumed that was why she had gone down there, not that I knew she had done any actual nursing.  You know, like other people are assuming she went there to be Jana‘s accountability partner? 

I am a registered nurse. If there are ample medical professionals on the ground already after natural disasters, why is the Red Cross constantly sending me emails asking me to deploy to places like the Bahamas in the aftermath of natural disasters? I’ve never worked in an ER either, but I can give meds, start IVs, so wound care and provide services that would be of some use in a disaster zone. Maybe Abbie’s not doing any nursing or anything of value at all, I don’t know. I never said I did. But the idea isn’t ridiculous on its face. 

Edited by mynextmistake
No need to get personal
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54 minutes ago, mynextmistake said:

And according to Bermuda’s government, Bermuda hasn’t had a single case of Zika since 2016, and has never had an endemic case. 

Do you mean the Bahamas?  The Duggars haven't been to Bermuda.

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1 hour ago, mynextmistake said:

I’m not sure why you’re being so… vehement with me for suggesting that a nurse could be more useful in a disaster zone than the average Duggar. I said I assumed that was why she had gone down there, not that I knew she had done any actual nursing.  You know, like other people are assuming she went there to be Jana‘s accountability partner? 

I am a registered nurse. If there are ample medical professionals on the ground already after natural disasters, why is the Red Cross constantly sending me emails asking me to deploy to places like the Bahamas in the aftermath of natural disasters? I’ve never worked in an ER either, but I can give meds, start IVs, so wound care and provide services that would be of some use in a disaster zone. Maybe Abbie’s not doing any nursing or anything of value at all, I don’t know. I never said I did. But the idea isn’t ridiculous on its face. 

I'm not trying to be ..vehement.  However, if Abbie was really heading down to the Bahamas to provide medical care as an LPN (very different training and skills than an RN). wouldn't she have gone down there with an actual group that is there to provide medical care?  When the Duggars' 'charity' is called Medic Corps, neither they nor anyone else has suggested that they have provided any medical care whatsoever down there and every photo of Abbie we've seen has shown her hanging with the rest of her family and the other members of their group or sitting indoors in an air conditioned space with no signs of any sort of medical care being provided.

It's one thing to go to an area with urgent need with a group like the Red Cross which actually has the means and personnel to provide medical care, it is a whole other thing to go down there with a bunch of like minded fundamentalists and commandeer all the food and water and fuel while bringing virtually no medical equipment of their own except maybe a first aid kit from Sam's Club.  What was she expecting to do without the appropriate tools and facilities?  Heck, they wouldn't even let an elderly women come indoors out of the heat or allow anyone to use 'their' bathroom in the building they commandeered.  One would think that, as a nurse, Abbie might have had just a smidgeon of concern for the elderly, but I guess not.

None of us knows why Abbie specifically went down there.  We know that, being pregnant, it was probably not the smartest thing to do.  Do you think that the Red Cross would have asked her to volunteer, knowing she was pregnant?  Of course not.  Since she didn't go down there with the first wave of Duggars, I find It hard to believe she decided to come to work as an LPN since, by the time she arrived, most of the acute cases had been evacuated and the Red Cross and other major medical caregivers have their operations up and running.  There is nothing she could possibly be doing that anyone with a first aid handbook and a little common sense couldn't do.

While we may not know the specifics of accountability partners down in the Bahamas, the Duggars have spoken about it ad nauseum on the show and it seems logical that Jana would want/expect to have another fundie woman by her side at all times, especially in that environment.  Back in Arkansas, she's not allowed to go to Aldi's by herself.

Edited by doodlebug
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This one is probably posted around here someplace already, but I can't see it, so here it is just in case -- Pretty extensive .... Just based on allegations, not much original reporting, of course, but it covers a lot and pretty clearly --


Their earlier story, in which they tried to probe the ownership of Medic Corps but didn't get far -- 


"The Medic Corps website doesn’t provide much information about the group. In a press release, it says that it is a “non-profit rescue organization” and that it partners with first responders, government entities, hospitals, and other groups in times of crisis. Medic Corps says that their short-term rescue mission in the Bahamas will cost $15,000 to $20,000. People who want to donate to support the relief efforts can do so through the organization’s website. The organization has applied for tax-exempt status but has not yet received it, according to its website. 

"The Medic Corps website doesn’t provide any information about who runs the organization, but it is located in Springdale, Arkansas. State business records indicate that John David Duggar incorporated a business called Medic Choppers LLC in early 2019 that is also located in Springdale. He also incorporated a business called Medical Evacuation Disaster Intervention Corps in late 2018 with Nathan Bates, though its registration is not current. It is not clear if the entities are related to Medic Corps. Showbiz Cheat Sheet reached out to Medic Corps for comment but has not heard back."


Here's the real reason the Duggars and Bateses seem to be trying to get into the air ambulance business (led, no doubt, by JB, who I'm sure collects tips for easy moneymakers like a long-haired dog collects burrs in tall grass)-- the ability to charge sky-high prices (although time may be running out for that.)


Wyoming thinks it may have found a way to end crippling air ambulance bills that can top $100,000 per flight

The issue has come to a head in Wyoming, where rugged terrain and long distances between hospitals forces reliance on these ambulance flights. Costs for such emergency transports have been soaring, with some patients facing massive unexpected bills as the free-flying air ambulance industry expands with cash from profit-seeking private-equity investors.

Other states dealing with the same dynamic have tried to rein in the industry but have continually run up against the Airline Deregulation Act, a federal law that preempts states from regulating any part of the air industry.

The air ambulance industry has grown steadily in the U.S. from about 1,100 aircraft in 2007 to more than 1,400 in 2018. During that same time, the fleet in Wyoming has grown from three aircraft to 14. State officials said an oversupply of helicopters and planes is driving up prices because air bases have high fixed overhead costs. Fuchs said companies must pay for aircraft, staffing and technology such as night-vision goggles and flight simulators, incurring 85% of their total costs before they fly a single patient.

But with the supply of aircraft outpacing demand, each air ambulance is flying fewer patients. Nationally, air ambulances have gone from an average of 688 flights per aircraft in 1990, as reported by Bloomberg, to 352 in 2016. So, companies have raised their prices to cover their fixed costs and to seek healthy returns for their investors.

Edited by Churchhoney
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