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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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I'm not sure why everyone thinks Jessa has to be so jealous of Jinger right now.  Isn't Jessa the one that introduced her to Jeremy?  If so, this is obviously the outcome she was hoping for.

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2 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Jim Blob is digging his finger in her back to keep Michelle's eyes open for the picture before she slumps over from the lethargic effects of her "distract me from my life" pills.

Michelle takes to her bed after breakfast.

The finger in the back helps to support her missing back muscle.  You're welcome.

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1 minute ago, GeeGolly said:

Y'all got it so wrong. How else can JB make sure all these men, falling over themselves to get to Michelle, know that she is taken?

Yeesh guys, get with the program.

Hmmmmmmnnnn.....Right...She of the Defrauding Knees! How silly of me!

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3 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Does jim bob ever pose with michelle without touching her? Here he looks like he's holding her up.

Maybe I've taken too many psych classes (or watched too many crime dramas lol) but I always am interested in  the way people pose for photos; body language is very telling. To me, Jim Boob is asserting is dominance over MEchelle and 'possessing' her. If you look, his grip is not loving or affectionate, but just that, a GRIP. Very creepy. Of course, ymmv.

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31 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

The finger in the back helps to support her missing back muscle.  You're welcome.

I have GOT to learn to put down the Diet Coke (okay it's after 6, a glass of Merlot) before I read your posts.  Satan must have built a fortress in my heart so I'd destroy my tablet. 

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3 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Yes, and he also spends an hour or two each day convincing insecure Catholics that good deeds done in the name of Jesus are, in fact, "filthy." .... Add to that his traveling roadshow for convincing preteen and teenage boys that masturbation is a quick one-way ticket to hell and I'd say his career consists of boosting America's self-loathing quotient through the roof, especially among the vulnerable.

How nice.

The bolded made me think of Dana Carvey's Church Lady!

What I wouldn't give to have church lady give us some commentary on the Duggars and their spouses.


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3 hours ago, drafan said:

Trust me....no one gets out of Syracuse U without some drinking/partying and some hooking up....those winters are just too long and cold. (Said from direct knowledge.)

Jeremy looks cute in some pix, and not so much in others. Jinger is adorable and seems very sweet....I hope this works out for her. I could give a rat's ass about most of the Duggs, but I kinda like Jinger.

My grassy knoll theory on Jana is that she had her eye on the Gold Medal of Fundydom, aka Chad Paine, and Erin Bates snagged him, so she's sad and dispirited.

And wedding duds from Good Will and Savers? Good for them. Those places are great....I think a lot of the J-girls' better stuff comes from there. (Mustard sweaters come from the 70% off racks at Target. You can get nice cashmere for less at GW.)

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45 minutes ago, MarysWetBar said:

The bolded made me think of Dana Carvey's Church Lady!

What I wouldn't give to have church lady give us some commentary on the Duggars and their spouses.


OMG that would be EPIC! We can dream can't we?

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3 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Omg, yes! I don't know what it is, but they look completely wrong together. It has nothing to do with Jinger's appearance because she's an attractive girl, but she always struck me as artsy and bohemian. That type usually doesn't pair well with egocentric jocks. If you look at a couple like Derick and Jill, they sort of "go" together even if they were practically strangers before they got married. I'd even say the same for Smuggar and Anna. Jeremy and Jinger are like an outfit that just doesn't match.

She's cute, but artsy and bohemian are perfect descriptions. They just don't match. 

I hope he doesn't steamroll her. She just seems so broken and vulnerable, like she's just living her life going along for the ride, while others make decisions for her. Girl always looks like she's on the brink of tears. I'd hate to see her latch on to the first guy her dad approves out of her own desperation.

I seriously know nothing about this guy. Hope he's not as dull as Derrick or wannabe as Bin.

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4 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I think WAY too much about this family for my own good.  I was musing that MAYBE he was feverishly looking for a husband for Jinger so he can have all his daughters that were groped by Josh married to say LOOK, they are fine.  If Joy suddenly becomes engaged or begins courting, maybe??  Jana hasn't been foisted off on some stranger cause well, someone needs to stop Josie from licking everything and she isn't tarnished goods that needs to be saved asap.

I had the same thoughts. I hope we are wrong, but.....

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27 minutes ago, nightmeri said:

This may not be the right place to post this but can we please play f$*k marry kill with Jeremy Bin and Derelict?

If all three can f themselves. Well, except Jer, I watched his sermon about that.

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If I had to play:

I guess F Jeremy just cause soccer body. He may have some idea of what to do

marry Bin cause he is so malleable that I would become my own headship and grant myself freedom (and leave him on the door of some preschool so he can get his learning on)

kill Derek cause he is beyond useless 

and obviously kill doughboy Smugs over and over again. No explanation necessary

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I'm channeling my inner Michelle to play your game.

(in my baby-est voice with eyes bugged out)

Well.. I would fornicate with Jermy (pronounced germy) What a blessing he could give ...to me.

Marry Bin.

It would be so fun to be a sister wife with Jessa.

Bin is so dumb, I'd be the 2nd smartest in the threesome.

Since I'm menopausal, no worries about having my own grandbaby.

Kill Derek because snapping that pencil neck would be quick and easy.

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What really strikes me about Jeremy as opposed to the other Duggar sons-in-law is that he isn't a boy. Derrick and especially Bin seemed much more like boys than men to me.  He's a man, and not just physically speaking (although he's physically certainly the most uber-masculine guy to spend any time in the Duggar home). He's had more life experiences (and more mainstream life experiences). I have some hope that maybe JimBob won't be able to push him around so easily and that maybe JimBob is even somewhat afraid of him. 

I also hold out hope that since he's given into lust and all that, that he does know how to please a woman in bed or at least knows what he's doing. At least maybe one of the daughters will get some good sex with someone experienced.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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With Jermy as a husband, the hopes for a Duggar girl to finally get an college education comes back into play.

Had high hopes that Derek would encourage Jill to go to school but their vacay-missions and popping out more Ruggar rats are their first priority.

A season with TLC cameras following Jinger as she takes the GED and placement tests at the community college.

Watching the anger roil in her stomach as she realizes homeschooling by Michelle was a useless farce.

Plenty of Jinger talking head confessionals as she angrily discovers she is literate at a 5th grade level.

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Okay, I'm the contrarian in F, M, K. I'd f Bin because he's young enough so that he'd be open to my teaching him to do it right (as opposed to how I suspect Jeremy's been doing it -- i.e., following his own bent entirely and, since athletes tend to get away with this, not paying attention to whether the woman has a bent at all, if you get my drift.). I'd m Derick because he brings breakfast in bed, seems to be pretty good with his child, doesn't seem to be overbearing about getting his own way, and is capable of getting gainful steady employment outside the house. And I'd k Jeremy, because I don't trust a guy who ranks "meek" as a top character trait for a woman.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Nah, no college for Jinger. For one, she's the first one of the girls who actually seems to enjoy homemaking, and she's good at it. Second, nobody gets as over zealous as a Prodigal Son, and this guy was homeschooled, then couldn't control himself in public school and college, and is not back into the fundie fold. He'll go overboard like nobody's business to overcompensate for his wayward years. 

He's several years older than Jinger (and decades older by maturity/life experience standards - especially how she seems stunted and 14 instead of 22). He's looking for someone innocent that he can control.

This whole situation is weird. I want to say he'd be more appropriate for Jana, but other than age wise, no. Not like Jessa is going to ever do anything to contribute to Jana's happiness anyway. Michelle and Jessa both can't stand that Jana is naturally a sweet natured person, and their sourpusses bully her. Jinger, they can control her so she's no threat.

Is this guy still actually an active soccer player, on a team, paid to play soccer, or is he another wannabe preacher?

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2 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Okay, I'm the contrarian in F, M, K. I'd f Bin because he's young enough so that he'd be open to my teaching him to do it right (as opposed to how I suspect Jeremy's been doing it -- i.e., following his own bent entirely and, since athletes tend to get away with this, not paying attention to whether the woman has a bent at all, if you get my drift.). I'd m Derick because he brings breakfast in bed, seems to be pretty good with his child, doesn't seem to be overbearing about getting his own way, and is capable of getting gainful steady employment outside the house. And I'd k Jeremy, because I don't trust a guy who ranks "meek" as a top character trait for a woman.

Meek = I can tell her what to do.

Jill and Derrick are made for each other. Jessa and Bin are pretty much compatible. Marjorie (as annoying as she was) and Josiah were a good pair. I just don't see this with Jinger and Jeremy. Only thing they have in common is their names start with "J".

I hate to admit I wonder if Jimbob sees Jinger as damaged goods, now that he can't hide the whole Josh issue, and he's just trying to pawn her off on whomever. Now that their dirty secrets are more exposed, he just wants rid of whoever he can pawn off. Watch out Joy. You're next. Jana isn't going to let herself be forced on anyone. She's not going to go from one indentured servitude to another.

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11 hours ago, Teena said:

HA!!!  I LOVE this.....it's funny because it's true  :)

On another note--I'm laughing at how gingerly (see how I did that?) Jinger is keeping her hand away from FutbolJeremy's crotch!



What the hell is up with JimBoob's "smile"? Nothing says, "Welcome to the family" like gritting your chipmunk chompers. At least Michelle looks pleasant. 

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Jinger does look like she's ready to give Jeremy a backhand tweak. 

ETA: Wow, I just discovered jeremyvuolo.com. I'm sorry, but isn't it tedious for all the clan to listen to everyone out Bible-verse each other, and play, "Who was the biggest sinner?" All the time? 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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1 hour ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

What the hell is up with JimBoob's "smile"? Nothing says, "Welcome to the family" like gritting your chipmunk chompers. At least Michelle looks pleasant. 

Pleasant =benzos

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4 hours ago, Muffyn said:

Okay, I had a  really creepy thought. Jeremy has a J name.  So it's like Jinger is courting one of the J'slaves.  I need a shower.   

And his middle name is Joseph.

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I couldn’t and wouldn’t fuck, marry, or kill these boys, but I would fix Ben, cuz there’s something wrong with that kid, I would mold Derick cuz I see some potential there, and I would kick Jeremy just to see what he would do.

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On 6/22/2016 at 6:52 AM, Jynnan tonnix said:


On 6/22/2016 at 7:15 AM, monno2 said:

First post, but just wanted to join to ask why people think Jinger will be the one moving? So far, 2 daughters married off, neither of them have left. The husbands have moved TO them (in the beginning, now of course Derrick has taken Jill pretty far away!).  Ben would have been a good bet to stay where he was with is family but no he moved closer to Jessa and stayed.

Would JB allow Jinger to court someone who wouldn't move closer to the TTH??  Guess we'll find out.

p.s. while googling, I noticed Jeremy knows who Jean Valjean is. (his sister isn't hard to find and she's got public accounts). He saw Les Mis in 2012 with his siblings.

This is interesting. I know Boob is controlling but I don't see him forbidding a courtship that meant Jinger moving to Texas. I mean, it's hard to find a guy who can meet their endless qualifications and there obviously aren't dozens of them beating down the door in northwest Arkansas. They certainly do believe a wife is to follow her husband wherever god calls him, so if they believe he is called to ministry in Texas, I think she'd go. But we shall see!

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1 hour ago, becca3891 said:

This is interesting. I know Boob is controlling but I don't see him forbidding a courtship that meant Jinger moving to Texas. I mean, it's hard to find a guy who can meet their endless qualifications and there obviously aren't dozens of them beating down the door in northwest Arkansas. They certainly do believe a wife is to follow her husband wherever god calls him, so if they believe he is called to ministry in Texas, I think she'd go. But we shall see!

I'm thinking Boob is building an empire of super ministers so they can one day open their own mega church. But before that the "ministers" have to have years of grifting to get them ready for the mega empire Boob is setting up.

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13 hours ago, drafan said:
16 hours ago, drafan said:

My grassy knoll theory on Jana is that she had her eye on the Gold Medal of Fundydom, aka Chad Paine, and Erin Bates snagged him, so she's sad and dispirited.


Your thoughts haunted me last night. I can see poor Jana still pining and lost. She needs to become more assertive to snag a guy. Erin snagged him because she wasn't shy about giving her number to Chad. Jana was probably too meek and afraid of Boob to ever have pulled a move that bold.

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I think Jeremy might turn out to be bossy and domineering.  

Derick is a whimp.  Ben was so young and kinda dopey. This Jeremy seems like he could totally take over meek Jinger.  

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38 minutes ago, Marigold said:

I think Jeremy might turn out to be bossy and domineering.  

Derick is a whimp.  Ben was so young and kinda dopey. This Jeremy seems like he could totally take over meek Jinger.

Derick is a dreamer and will gladly drag his wife and child to the four corners of the earth to fulfill his dream of being a missionary.  

Ben is indeed dopey, but ultimately likes materials things and will most likely end up selling cars for Christ and hoping he's in JimBob's will while doing whatever it is Jessa tells him to do.

Jeremy though, he's the wild card.  Everything I've seen about him leads me to believe he's volatile.  He's going to be the one who starts a cult and then holes up on a ranch and gets into a standoff with the ATF.  

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Someone please find some video of Jeremy playing soccer.

GIF it to taunt Michelle and defraud her dreams.

If Jeremy is the type to bait the ATF into a compound standoff then Jessa is the gal you want on YOUR side of the barricade.

She'll be nursing 2 babies as she gun battles with the Feds.

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2 hours ago, Marigold said:

I think Jeremy might turn out to be bossy and domineering.  

Derick is a whimp.  Ben was so young and kinda dopey. This Jeremy seems like he could totally take over meek Jinger.  

Or, he is unwilling to submit to Boob and he protects and 'encourages' Jinger to become a strong/independent partner in their balanced relationship. 

Edited by sometimesy
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3 hours ago, Fuzzysox said:

I'm thinking Boob is building an empire of super ministers so they can one day open their own mega church. But before that the "ministers" have to have years of grifting to get them ready for the mega empire Boob is setting up.

I think that this is giving him way too much credit. Derick dropped into his lap, Ben stalked Jessa, and Ben and Jessa set up Jinger. JB has had no luck finding mates for his kids other than Josh/Anna. He has dragged them to Big Sandy for years to meet other Gothardites, and there appears to be zero interest. Thousands of their family "friends" showed up to Jill and Jessa's weddings, and they have attended the Bates weddiings, and still no nibbles. He has 9 adult kids and there are no Gothardite prospects on the horizon. The potential courtship of Joseph and whatever Bates girl people thought he was interested in went nowhere. The Jinger/Lawson speculation never panned out.

Although I'm not sure that he knows what he wants, I think he would choose guys like JD if he could: guys with some modest manual work skills who are willing to submit to his umbrella of authority and work as part of Duggar Enterprises. A missionary or a pastor is probably a nice feather in his cap, but what he needs is workers. If he is going to create a financial empire that can support all of these uneducated people who won't work for "outsiders" he needs some worker bees.

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3 hours ago, sometimesy said:

Or, he is unwilling to submit to Boob and he protects and 'encourages' Jinger to become a strong/independent partner in their balanced relationship. 

Well, let's keep hoping.

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6 hours ago, Fuzzysox said:

I'm thinking Boob is building an empire of super ministers so they can one day open their own mega church. But before that the "ministers" have to have years of grifting to get them ready for the mega empire Boob is setting up.

Does northwest Arkansas have the will to support so many hardcore, bible thumping, unordained preachers with absolutely no talent for the job?

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46 minutes ago, Kokapetl said:

Does northwest Arkansas have the will to support so many hardcore, bible thumping, unordained preachers with absolutely no talent for the job?

I think that the short answer to that question is "no."

NW Arkansas is very hard-core Bible-belt and there are tons of churches -- and those churches have educated ordained ministers. It's certainly possible for a particularly charismatic preacher with no credentials to have a store-fromt church -- but I think that that pretty clearly rules out Ben and Derick.

Laredo is heavily Mexican and Catholic, so there is more room there. Since there are few evangelicals, there is more room for an untrained douchebag (Jeremy) to get a foothold.

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