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S05.E14: Intimacy Pt. 2

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She told rachel that she wasn't into him since the beginning. I am betting what happened on the wedding night was he tried to have sex and was turned down. He tried again a couple more times at least that has been mentioned and turned down again. I think the wedding was a go with it moment to see if she might feel some "chemistry" but nothing. Honestly I think they both have had shit edits one way or the other. It has flip flopped all over too. If one isn't feeling it that is fine and she shouldn't just go through with sex just because. Yet I think this is producers pushing the issue with them because they have nothing else at all. It figures really and they screw them both with the edits IMO. Which btw, I don't care for either one of them. 

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Good grief Cody & Danielle are painful to watch! Even though I find Cody whiny & immature the outing of his mastrabatory moment was totally uncalled for. I'm sure he's frustrated, not only with not getting any, but with the producers asking him non-stop to talk about not getting any. Danielle, well I don't know, the more she talks the more I think she is not only 100% uninterested in Cody, but is also nowhere near the friend zone. She seems to actively not like the guy. Their awkward hand holding is worse than a seventh grader's first dance. 

I feel like I missed a couple of a scenes with Nate & Shelia. I guess not wanting to fight for the cameras will get you punished in weird editing ways. 

Yet again I think the producers are looking for ways to imply Ant & Ash  are in trouble so they can continually tease the will they/won't they final decision.  

Finally let me add a hearty amen to those feeling vibes of creepy voyeurism coming from the "expert."  And shut up about orgasams and chocolate! I love both those things and your ick factor doesn't need to be associated with them. 

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 I don't understand why Danielle did the show – I mean she really got turned off with Cody and Cody's cute I guess she wanted him to really take charge maybe he should've just pulled her hair and told her to take her clothes off maybe she would've liked that better – Cody is a sweet guy he deserves somebody  Who will care for him  and not play so hard to get – Danielle is not marriage material for anyone.  She wasn't even curious about sex with Cody --- hmmmm lol 

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OMG The bed thing with Ashley and Anthony....that is so my husband. He takes up so much space and I am on the edge. LOL rachel just shut up!!! Why should Ashley tell you if she is falling in love or not? If she says she is then rachel will say shit and she knows it. What is up with rachel's one eye during her yapping to them? Its all messed up and dark like....a lash falling off? LOL OMG I am laughing so much at Ashley and her putting it in her mouth comment. She so realized how bad that sounded too. I think the application thing was a bunch of bs. Yet I can see things like that with them being where she has to fill in what she can then toss it his way to sign his name, date and fill in a few odds and ends. We are like that. Its what happened when we were filling out the papers to get our home loan and everything else with it. Once I got everything in I handed it to him told him sign here, fill this in here and it was done. Faster that way then it would be if I waited for him to do it. LOL When there are timelines, and in the case of a rental that might go fast, you better get it done asap. Yet I think the drama over it wasn't real at all. 


Ok that whole thing was so fake with Cody and Danielle with his supposedly having "guy time". I find it disgusting they would go along with it but yet maybe they set it up themselves to fuck with everyone. Which IMO they should have been messing with the show from the get go in whatever ways they could. This whole crap with them though is just stupid though. I just zone out most the time and rachel there is just ugh...Sending them back to that place. UGH its not going to do a damn thing. They are not going to work. Let's just be done please. SMH I have to say at least they weren't being assholes to each other. OMG girl you don't have "strong feelings" give it a break. Why would she be surprised at that number for his trust level? What has she given? What is this so much she has given? LOL 


EEEWWWW rachel's faces she is making at Sheila and Nate is grossing me out. I can't understand how they are compatible sex wise if she can't even get there. SMH OMG Nate should have been careful with the key and had a new one made if he lost his. If he was throwing shit around....um yeah sorry but bye. His face in those scenes says a lot IMO. Just like some others ones from past episodes. Watching Unfiltered they sound like they are both at fault of things but Nate was having a tantrum and acting like a bitch. LOL I probably would have used the word diva or drama queen instead but if the show fits. LOL I just don't see them lasting though even if they make up from this. 

OMG the fish bowl....oh I mean the Mr and Mrs game. *rollseyes*


3 minutes ago, ramble said:

Finally let me add a hearty amen to those feeling vibes of creepy voyeurism coming from the "expert."  And shut up about orgasams and chocolate! I love both those things and your ick factor doesn't need to be associated with them. 

This just drives me nuts that she has done this. It really does give it an ick factor. 

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So where is Lil' Brother Tyrique during Nate and Sheila's fight and does he have his own key to the apartment? Was anyone else surprised at the amount and variety of liquor bottles on their kitchen counter? 

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11 minutes ago, magemaud said:

So where is Lil' Brother Tyrique during Nate and Sheila's fight and does he have his own key to the apartment? Was anyone else surprised at the amount and variety of liquor bottles on their kitchen counter? 

Nope not surprised at all. Danielle had a good amount as well when they showed her apartment way back before she moved in with Cody. I wouldn't be surprised though if the show supplies some in the shared rentals. Seems to be a big "reality" show tactic.

I hope that if they were fighting like they said that Lil Brother was off some place else. 

Edited by Evil Queen
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I heard that Cody has stated that production asked him at least 5 times a day about the sex or lack thereof. So, that's why we hear about it so much. The questioning is geared that way. 

There really is no other narrative here to explore honestly. There hasn't been anything since the honeymoon. I feel like that episode of twilight zone called it's a good life. Where a evil kid with mind powers that ran the whole town. At one  point, one the guys just started yelling, will somebody end this. Grab something. Hit him. I just want it to end.

The podcast has been correct for weeks in that Shelia can give but she can't take it. Not justifying anything we heard but not saw about Nate but her words are always cutting. 

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Sheila says that her fights with Nate are very low ...clips show that that's mostly her. She's always the one saying/doing very hurtful/petty/spiteful things or shutting him out completely. She needs a bit of my favorite Dr. Phil advice. "Language is powerful". She says dramatic things like "I don't want to be married to you", then takes it back later.

Watching the scene when Danielle  couldn't find Cody, I joked to my self "he's probably masturbating. Youre certainly  not giving him any" And sure enough...

Can't believe Danielle was shocked that Cody doesn't trust her. Girl, you won't have sex with...or barely even touch the dude. It's not not just about sex, you've given hook a clear sign of rejection. And she keeps talking about all the "work" she's doing with him. You're not working at your marriage. You're jogging with him and shit. That's not work. We've clearly established that you can be friendly with him. It's not work if your in your comfort zone.

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55 minutes ago, ralph said:

Sheila says that her fights with Nate are very low ...clips show that that's mostly her. She's always the one saying/doing very hurtful/petty/spiteful things or shutting him out completely. She needs a bit of my favorite Dr. Phil advice. "Language is powerful". She says dramatic things like "I don't want to be married to you", then takes it back later.

Watching the scene when Danielle  couldn't find Cody, I joked to my self "he's probably masturbating. Youre certainly  not giving him any" And sure enough...

Can't believe Danielle was shocked that Cody doesn't trust her. Girl, you won't have sex with...or barely even touch the dude. It's not not just about sex, you've given hook a clear sign of rejection. And she keeps talking about all the "work" she's doing with him. You're not working at your marriage. You're jogging with him and shit. That's not work. We've clearly established that you can be friendly with him. It's not work if your in your comfort zone.

Exactly. They're roommates and workout buddies, not a couple.

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On 7/13/2017 at 11:02 PM, Gem 10 said:

Sheila may be smart, pretty and what not, but after that "I'm done" bit again tonight, I really feel sorry for Nate.  It's only six weeks.  If I were a guy, I'd think twice about spending the rest of my life with her.  She is a time bomb ready to explode over every little thing.  Marriage is hard enough and I can't see anyone putting up with her forever.  All you guys on this blog, what's your opinion on Sheila?

Fights are a way of life with her. She uses them as 'protection' for herself. I think she starts them to be first at 'the game' - I'll attack him first before he attacks me. She must have had a terrible childhood. She twists Nate into a writhing mass of clay, goes for his jugular and waits to strike again later. Nate doesn't have a chance. She has been treating men like this for at least 10 years, and cannot see the wrong in all of it.  Last night she attacked Nate for calling her a 'bitch'. Nate reminded her that that was what she called him, she was reliving a prior argument with a long lost person. Creepy.

Nate is the kind of person who so wants the marriage to stand that he will allow himself to take continual abuse. She's just warming up, and in time it will break his spirit. Normal people don't do that to their lovers, and it appears this is the way she rolls. She will do to him what my kitty does to his catnip mouse, he exists solely as a target to revile, She constantly talks about Nate in a very negative manner, telling the world how he is lower than spit. In a healthy relationship, you just don't put a friend, esp. your mate on a skewer and dissect him like a frog.  I would say 'Run Nate, run', because she will keep up the charade and go back with him over and over again, only to rinse and repeat. You asked! Sorry- I didn't read your request for a guy to respond until last night.

Edited by Braveshoppr
didn't see the request for a guy to write.
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I suspect that Sheila's definition of "ranting and raving"  doesn't match mine, just as Ashley's accusing Anthony of "yelling at" her was beyond hyperbole.

I must have been distracted during Cody's Kodak Moment. Thank goodness for small favors!

If Nate's tears were fake, color me impressed!

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11 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

That same damn RED dress again !!!!!

Do you think that all these after-shows are all done at once? (I didn't notice contestants clothes- except that Danielle was the spitting image of Morticia with her black over-the-shoulder dress, and bangs that were too long.)  I think she flew into town with a limited wardrobe. 

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Every season there is one couple not having sex. It's nothing new. Boring.  

I don't see Danielle trying to promote her business like other people have seen. What did I miss? 

Maybe Anthony didn't complete the application because subconsciously he doesn't want to live in Ashley's sisters building!

So Ashley's favorite position is on top. Thanks for letting us know that, production. 

I can't stand Sheila. I'm not going to believe it's all editing. She needs therapy. Nate, get a key, and next time your wife calls, don't tell her you're busy playing games and you will get back to her. You should know by now every single, tiny, little thing you do or say is going to upset her so don't make it worse. 

Both Ashley/Anthony and Sheila/Nate's apartments are messy. And they don't look homey at all. More like extended stay hotel rooms. 

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9 hours ago, Neurochick said:

My point is, we don't know what Nate said to Sheila.  One of the bad things about marrying someone you don't know is, the trust isn't there.  You have no idea how this person will take certain comments.  

True, we don't know what Nate said, but we do know that he apologized for it and acknowledged that he crossed a line.  What makes him marriage material to me is when he said I can get pissed off and we can fight, but she'll know this man is still gonna be here (paraphrasing). Isn't that what Sheila said she wanted during their first televised argument on the honeymoon?  Someone to love her when she wasn't easy to love?

I like Sheila, but she doesn't fight fair.  And she doesn't seem to acknowledge when she is wrong.  Or apologize.  She plays dirty when she says she's done - that's not something you just throw out there during a fight - it's a relationship killer.  It's hypocritical for her to say she's in it for life , then bail when shit gets real.

It makes me sad because I think Nate and Sheila could have a great marriage if they learned to fight nicer.  I think Nate is everything Sheila said she wanted in a husband - she just has to get out of her own way.

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10 hours ago, Neurochick said:

My point is, we don't know what Nate said to Sheila.  One of the bad things about marrying someone you don't know is, the trust isn't there.  You have no idea how this person will take certain comments.  

Neuro, I see your shout out to the #4 train; I am a #5 gal myself.  Sheila said that Nate hit her with a nasty comment regarding her ex-boyfriend, so this is what I believe happened.  Sheila confided to Nate that her ex was abusive and used to hit her.  Nate had a habit of ignoring her calls when he was playing on his cell phone.  He lost his keys, so he had to call her every time he wanted to get in the apartment.  As payback, she ignored his call.  Someone other than Sheila, the Superintendent perhaps, opened the door for him.  In a fit of rage, Nate threw things around the Apt.  When Sheila came out of the shower, they started arguing.  In the heat of the moment, he said to her, "I can see why your ex used to bust your arse."  Again, this is just my guess.  

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Sheila is one efficient woman...she got all her clothes and stuff out in one fell swoop.

She should be the spokes person for ...1-800-Got Junk?

Betcha Tyrique helped because he seems like a stand up guy.

Sheila's ability to hurt N8 with words makes N8 go to her hot buttons...one being her history with past bfs.

N8 was wrong to use things she told him in confidence against her in an argument and he paid the consequences.

Next stop for Sheila...the DMV to get her name changed back...just when she was getting her laminated Duhon license in the mail....


Danielle and Cody are unwatchable. 

Bring back Homie and Dude...

I'd rather hear them barking incessantly than hearing Danielle's THs and Cody's notably slowing of his speech making his vocal fry even more sizzling sounding......

Cody tweeted said he wasn't caught in the act of self love because he was live mic'ed and wouldn't do that while the crew was around listening in... even newbie cable TV thespians know that...so I'm inclined to believe him

Just hack editing to make him look like Danielle caught him dick in hand.


Anthony understands the adage... Happy wife, happy life.

Ant like to have his hobbies, watch football, play and ref soccer so if Ashley can pop over to hangout with her sister and niece without driving, he can go do fun stuff knowing Ash is happy with her sis.

The Petta to D'Amico name change is a back burner issue... to be renegotiated in the future.

Can't get the image of Ash reverse cowgirling Anthony out of my head...

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6 hours ago, magemaud said:

So where is Lil' Brother Tyrique during Nate and Sheila's fight and does he have his own key to the apartment? Was anyone else surprised at the amount and variety of liquor bottles on their kitchen counter? 

Yeah, we were laughing about that.  Looks like a liquor store up there.  Maybe they are drinking it and having wild sex every night.  LOL.

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28 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Yeah, we were laughing about that.  Looks like a liquor store up there.  Maybe they are drinking it and having wild sex every night.  LOL.

Sex with no chocolate....

Paging Sexual Chocolate!

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1 hour ago, SerenityNow721 said:

And she doesn't seem to acknowledge when she is wrong.  Or apologize.  

Didn't they have a moment when Nate kept apologizing over and over and Sheila didn't accept his apology each and/or any time. She became angrier every time he apologized! His look was incredulous. 

I am not a Nate lover but I am a human being who doesn't like seeing any living thing being abused.

This was a difficult episode all the way around. 

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12 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

The title of tonight's episode: The Emasculation of Cody.  That scene where Danielle caught him in a "personal romantic moment" was mortifying.


I know! would it have killed her to go on in and give him a hand job?

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2 hours ago, SerenityNow721 said:

True, we don't know what Nate said, but we do know that he apologized for it and acknowledged that he crossed a line.  What makes him marriage material to me is when he said I can get pissed off and we can fight, but she'll know this man is still gonna be here (paraphrasing). Isn't that what Sheila said she wanted during their first televised argument on the honeymoon?  Someone to love her when she wasn't easy to love?

I like Sheila, but she doesn't fight fair.  And she doesn't seem to acknowledge when she is wrong.  Or apologize.  She plays dirty when she says she's done - that's not something you just throw out there during a fight - it's a relationship killer.  It's hypocritical for her to say she's in it for life , then bail when shit gets real.

It makes me sad because I think Nate and Sheila could have a great marriage if they learned to fight nicer.  I think Nate is everything Sheila said she wanted in a husband - she just has to get out of her own way.

That is the thing.  The marriage will not last if she goes from 0 to 100 every time Nate says something she doesn't like.  Not to mention threaten to end the marriage each time. You have to pick your fights and let certain things go AND be able to accept a sincere apology. It's called compromise.

I think all of these wives are expecting perfection in their husbands and obviously that is not going to happen.  And sorry ladies you are not perfect either.

And Danielle.  Maybe Cody didn't man up at the time you expected it but with all the mixed signals you throw out, he is probably afraid to even touch you now.  I don't get it. She says she finds him attractive (unless she is lying) and she isn't exactly a virgin....why not go for it before the experiment ends and see what happens/develops.  There is no way Cody is going to want to continue in a sexless marriage.  He is 25!  And they are no longer strangers...so stop with that excuse.  They have been "dating" for almost 2 months.  If they had been seeing each other outside of this program, I imagine "it" would have happened by now.

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Wait, Sheila calls Nate a bitch and he apologizes? One thing that is a giant No-No in the Black community you do not call a Black man a bitch. And most Black men will not accept that. I was really liking them over the other couples but now not so much. Nate should be checking out. I know his buddies rode his butt about that. Then he freaking cries. On camera. No wonder Sheila has never had chocolate. What guy would want their conoles (sp) stuffed back down their throat like that? 

All these people are sorry this season. But wait, I have never liked any of them except for Monet and that's because I knew she was an actor to begin with. Still follow her on Twitter.

Edited by ethalfrida
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Sheila's fighting style seems to be to say all the nasty, hurtful things she can then when someone attempts to explain or apologize she shuts it down and ends the discussion so she "wins." She herself says "I'm vicious when I fight." Well, that's nothing to brag about or claim that "it's just the way I am." I think that's a huge character flaw that she's not making any attempt to change. 

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When A&A were asked that TMI question, Anthony hummed "The William Tell Overture."

So I figured Ashley's "favorite position" is shooting an arrow at the apple on Anthony's head. 

Amirite? ? ?

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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No Sheila love from me.  I get passion but I do not get viciousness.  

And the amount of liquor on display is mind boggling.... I do not know anyone that drinks regularly so it shocks me when I see booze like this.  Pot is accepted better than booze in my mid-size city.  I guess it is different in Chicago.

For some reason I think Danielle and Cody are better friends than the editing is portraying them, but that does not mean I think they will remain married.  

Ashley and Anthony are cute together.  I was not surprised they got a place near her sister's.  They will move if she interferes.

Nate and Sheila, I think he could do better because she is too much of a crocodile.

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I still like Nate and Sheila but she seems to overreact to everything. Would you really be that mad that your husband was playing a game on his phone? I think Sheila was probably having second thoughts about doing this and now is critical about everything Nate does. I don't agree with Nate throwing things about her past in her face though, that is a no-no in my book. It is hard to judge because their arguments seem to begin off camera and then we can't see who said what.

Like Sheila, I think Ashley is emotional and having Anthony being so low key works in her favor. Although she laughs a lot, there seem to be a lot of shots of her looking sad or anxious so I don't know what is going on there.

The faux scene of Cody possibly pleasuring himself is an all time low for this show. Does the show like Danielle that much they want to emasculate Cody at every turn? I'm not a prude but I thought it was disgusting to portray him in that way. FWIW, I don't like Danielle and she never seems to give a straight answer. Why doesn't she just admit to Cody and the show that she has zero interest and just move on?

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16 hours ago, JAndy said:

I don't need these recaps anymore. Anyone else agree?

One thing I like about the recaps is watching the participant's reaction to replaying the clips.  I think their expressions are very telling.  But seriously, are we expected to believe that Jamie sits down with them after every episode to recap - all while everyone wears exactly the same clothing/hair/etc?!?!

I've gotta say that I am extremely uncomfortable about the apparent pressure that Danielle is getting from everyone to have sex with this guy (Cody).  Geez, the boy's got needs, I get that.  But there's more than one way to satisfy that need, if you get my drift.  The poor girl is just not feeling him and that's not all her fault! 

Nate and Sheila fight dirty.  And Sheila come across as bipolar.  One minute she's changing her name and "In Love", the next she is ending the marriage and moving out.  Whatever Nate did or said, he apologized for, but she doesn't want to accept that. 

Anthony & Ashley's drama about moving/the application is totally normal perhaps even played up for the audience.  They'll be just fine. 

Edited by suzeecat
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4 hours ago, Braveshoppr said:

Do you think that all these after-shows are all done at once? (I didn't notice contestants clothes- except that Danielle was the spitting image of Morticia with her black over-the-shoulder dress, and bangs that were too long.)  I think she flew into town with a limited wardrobe. 

Yes I think they are done at once. No one is in anything different. I think its probably easier to do it that way. More so for the cost of having Jamie fly out there and do them....and for her right now being pregnant. 


4 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Both Ashley/Anthony and Sheila/Nate's apartments are messy. And they don't look homey at all. More like extended stay hotel rooms. 

Well they are both furnished rentals so no surprise. LOL I didn't know them messy but I wasn't paying to much attention. Yet I said something a while back about the door on Sheila and Nate's. It came off like a hotel door. I have never lived in any apartment or been in one that had a door like that. I didn't notice Ashley and Anthony's but now wonder if it is like that as well. 

4 hours ago, SerenityNow721 said:

True, we don't know what Nate said, but we do know that he apologized for it and acknowledged that he crossed a line.  What makes him marriage material to me is when he said I can get pissed off and we can fight, but she'll know this man is still gonna be here (paraphrasing). Isn't that what Sheila said she wanted during their first televised argument on the honeymoon?  Someone to love her when she wasn't easy to love?

Like I have said before I think he knows how to talk a good game. He knows the right things to say and when. Good or bad. Its what will get him in bed with the girl or get him in the doghouse with the girl. LOL The thing is with this show she could have apologized and they just didn't show it. We have no clue. We have no clue how bad it was with what he said. If he was throwing stuff around before she said what she did......well that isn't a good look for him IMO. She said she was in the shower when he tried to get in touch with her over letting him in. Well dude should have made sure to get a new copy of the key he lost and be more responsible with it. I think they both have their own issues when it comes to fights and how they fight though. Its not just one or the other though but the show is making it look more like its her. 


3 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Anthony understands the adage... Happy wife, happy life.

I seriously hate that saying. It should go both ways and never one. 


7 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

. It is hard to judge because their arguments seem to begin off camera and then we can't see who said what.

Agree it is how hard to...as well as even if it was all caught on camera it we would still get a crappy edit of it that either would make no sense at all (Nate and his mom's fight) or it would be very one sided with pieces missing to still not understand what happened and why. 


3 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

I've gotta say that I am extremely uncomfortable about the apparent pressure that Danielle is getting from everyone to have sex with this guy (Cody).  Geez, the boy's got needs, I get that.  But there's more than one way to satisfy that need, if you get my drift.  The poor girl is just not feeling him and that's not all her fault! 

I don't think she should be either and I think he has been a good man about it too. Its the damn producers that are having the issues about it though and seem to want it discussed and mentioned in each and ever show. 

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The faux scene of Cody possibly pleasuring himself is an all time low for this show. Does the show like Danielle that much they want to emasculate Cody at every turn? I'm not a prude but I thought it was disgusting to portray him in that way. FWIW, I don't like Danielle and she never seems to give a straight answer. Why doesn't she just admit to Cody and the show that she has zero interest and just move on?

Oh man, I totally missed that!  Must have been after I put my eye drops in and was laying down with my eyes closed. 

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3 hours ago, roseslg said:

Sex with no chocolate....

Paging Sexual Chocolate!

Right .. No Chocolate .. I forgot about that.  Either Sheila has to see a shrink about the chocolate as it could be a mental thing ... OR .... Watch some porn with Nate and drink some wine to get fired up.  Last resort .. See a gyno.

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28 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

One thing I like about the recaps is watching the participant's reaction to replaying the clips.  I think their expressions are very telling.  But seriously, are we expected to believe that Jamie sits down with them after every episode to recap - all while everyone wears exactly the same clothing/hair/etc?!?!

I've gotta say that I am extremely uncomfortable about the apparent pressure that Danielle is getting from everyone to have sex with this guy (Cody).  Geez, the boy's got needs, I get that.  But there's more than one way to satisfy that need, if you get my drift.  The poor girl is just not feeling him and that's not all her fault! 

Nate and Sheila fight dirty.  And Sheila come across as bipolar.  One minute she's changing her name and "In Love", the next she is ending the marriage and moving out.  Whatever Nate did or said, he apologized for, but she doesn't want to accept that. 

Anthony & Ashley's drama about moving/the application is totally normal perhaps even played up for the audience.  They'll be just fine. 

I meant at the beginning of the actual show. I'm so sick of the first 5-10 minutes being stuff that we already saw. 

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Just now, JAndy said:

I meant at the beginning of the actual show. I'm so sick of the first 5-10 minutes being stuff that we already saw. 

Agreed.  The first 10 minutes of this show is a good time to pour yourself a drink and change into pajamas.

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Only Ashley and Anthony seem like a good match to me, and even there it looks like Ashley might only be in the game to get a baby asap.

This show's matchmakers suck!

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A&A's 'fight' was ridiculous, & so was his 'yelling', as it was described. He was a bit frustrated & confused, not angry. Joke - lame attempt at conflict there production.

I wasn't surprised they're moving into her sister's building, & agree with someone up thread it might work out for them as Anthony can go do his thing & she can hang with her sis, as long as the family closeness doesn't get too intrusive.

From the little that was said about Nate & Sheila's fight I could understand how that could feel for her, & his behavior throwing things around is out there as well. So they were setting each other off. They could agree on that, apologize & move on. But only Nate is apologizing. Sheila must want blood or something; he's exasperated not knowing what to do for her.

I don't think Nate is ever going to get away with a bad day though, with Sheila. I think she feels entitled to her emotions but he's not allowed to have his own. How many times is she going to pack up & leave & expect him to lure her back to work things out? Will she continually do this in front of any kids they may have? Nate has to have some serious concerns by now. I do feel they will stay together but he's going to get very tired & broken down if this keeps up.

I don't prefer either Danielle or Cody, but have felt bad for each in different ways along the way this season. I don't agree she is obligated to any kind of physical intimacy with him, but I do feel she should be straight up with him about the lack of chemistry she's concerned about as she said in her TH's.  Maybe she told him off camera, but from her twitter I don't think so. She's said we don't see everything (yeah we know) & that they do cuddle & kiss. If she's not feeling chemistry & this is going nowhere then he was probably feeling led on & of course frustrated.

The contrived 'caught in the act' scene was lame too. We all know he is & don't need a made-up scene to make it more real.

Next week Cody will discover Danielle's vibrator on the dresser.

Have Danielle's dogs been kenneled for the rest of the season? It's too quiet there now.

Good job putting your, um, foot, in your mouth there Ash, LOL; good comic relief for this episode.

Edited by gonecrackers
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My low brow theory...

William Tell Overture is also the Theme of The Lone Ranger.

Think of the iconic pose of the Lone Ranger rearing up high on Silver...as in Hi-Yo Silver! Away!

Ash apparently prefers cowgirl action....

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14 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

My low brow theory...

William Tell Overture is also the Theme of The Lone Ranger.

Think of the iconic pose of the Lone Ranger rearing up high on Silver...as in Hi-Yo Silver! Away!

Ash apparently prefers cowgirl action....

Yes. There isn't really any other way to interpret it.

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20 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

Oh man, I totally missed that!  Must have been after I put my eye drops in and was laying down with my eyes closed. 

OMG .. This is just too funny.  I also put drops in my eyes and missed that scene also.  I am on this I-pad so much I have eye strain.  Have to watch the whole episode again today.

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13 hours ago, beenthere said:

 I don't understand why Danielle did the show – I mean she really got turned off with Cody and Cody's cute I guess she wanted him to really take charge maybe he should've just pulled her hair and told her to take her clothes off maybe she would've liked that better – Cody is a sweet guy he deserves somebody  Who will care for him  and not play so hard to get – Danielle is not marriage material for anyone.  She wasn't even curious about sex with Cody --- hmmmm lol 

Danielle was never ready for a relatioship. Stuck on the same scenario. Big guy throws her onto the bed and in an acting way forces the issue with her permission to have sec with her She needs therapy to understand why spent multiple years with a man who cheated on her.  Danielle is and nasty to Cody. She does offer, affection or compliments or any kind of meaningful physical intimacy. The marriage should have ended weeks ago. She makes Cody not just look bad but humiliates him. From her point of view if she can be portrayed as a victim then another man will come along. She was successful in stringing the marriage along through 15 episodes. Without lovemaking at some point any marriage must end in the MAFS family and this one will as well. I hope Cody can recover from this. Will he get married and have a family I would like that.

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Last night's episode:

Cody: So nice to have our staycation where we met and got married.

Danielle: I remember pacing up and down the hall waiting for the ceremony.

Cody: Yes, I remember this is where I last had any dignity...

Danielle: What do you mean...

Cody: There is the chalk outline of my body on the bedspread where we made out and  before you starting yanking on my emotions and stomping on my heart.

Danielle: We both agreed to have a firm foundation of friendship before we had sex.

Cody: I only agreed with that with the expectation we would have sex on our honeymoon.

Danielle: Yeah, the window of opportunity had already firmly shut and I had already friend zoned you.

Cody: So we are friends?

Danielle: Of course!

Cody: I'm ready for sex with my friend...

Danielle: I'll get you the tissue box and step out to give you some privacy.

Edited by humbleopinion
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humble opinion and Racj82, I know all about "The Lone Ranger" theme ("WTO") and its OBVIOUS implications for A&A! Hence, my snarky emoticons with my "shooting an apple on Anthony's head" post!

I'm a Baby Boomer, after all. :-P

Beenthere,  Maybe Danielle didn't want "cute" and "sweet."  Or younger by five years. Or Country. I could go on. 

ETA: I've counted 3 of us who missed the Cody Embarrassment scene. Was it shown on the regular episode, or was it on "Unfiltered"? 

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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2 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

humble opinion and Racj82, I know all about "The Lone Ranger" theme ("WTO") and its OBVIOUS implications for A&A! Hence, my snarky emoticons with my "shooting an apple on Anthony's head" post!

I'm a Baby Boomer, after all. :-P

Beenthere,  Maybe Danielle didn't want "cute" and "sweet."  Or younger by five years. Or Country. I could go on. 

ETA: I've counted 3 of us who missed the Cody Embarrassment scene. Was it shown on the regular episode, or was it on "Unfiltered"? 

Regular episode after a commercial.  Danielle walked up the stairs looking for Cody (scripted).  She opened the door to a bedroom and he was under the covers doing you know what (can't even say it).  Danielle cracked up laughing her head off.  (Mean).  Ridiculous.  

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Sheila overreacts every damn episode because she's never had an orgasm. All the frustration just oozing out every chance she gets. 

But seriously, how many times do I have to hear her say "I'm done with you" to him. She's so ridiculous - and not a single time has the situation actually called for her level of anger.  That's the type of anger you see when a couple has been together for several years and every.little.thing. annoys the other person. Like, get over yourself, Sheila.  


I don't even believe her past boyfriends did her wrong, I think she just has insane expectations that nobody can meet!

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22 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Sheila may be smart, pretty and what not, but after that "I'm done" bit again tonight, I really feel sorry for Nate.  It's only six weeks.  If I were a guy, I'd think twice about spending the rest of my life with her.  She is a time bomb ready to explode over every little thing.  Marriage is hard enough and I can't see anyone putting up with her forever.  All you guys on this blog, what's your opinion on Sheila?

I think Sheila is getting a shit edit; she doesn't want to deal with production, so they're fucking with her, pure and simple.

I've been watching "Married at First Sight Second Chances" and what I have realized about this show is we have NO idea who these people are.  The show can make a person look like a hero or a douchebag.

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13 hours ago, SerenityNow721 said:

True, we don't know what Nate said, but we do know that he apologized for it and acknowledged that he crossed a line.  What makes him marriage material to me is when he said I can get pissed off and we can fight, but she'll know this man is still gonna be here (paraphrasing). Isn't that what Sheila said she wanted during their first televised argument on the honeymoon?  Someone to love her when she wasn't easy to love?

I like Sheila, but she doesn't fight fair.  And she doesn't seem to acknowledge when she is wrong.  Or apologize.  She plays dirty when she says she's done - that's not something you just throw out there during a fight - it's a relationship killer.  It's hypocritical for her to say she's in it for life , then bail when shit gets real.

It makes me sad because I think Nate and Sheila could have a great marriage if they learned to fight nicer.  I think Nate is everything Sheila said she wanted in a husband - she just has to get out of her own way.

Exactly. On the honeymoon, after the fight, she said that Nate could have said anything, anything but quitting (he said he didn't want to be married to her anymore), she said that that was a deal breaker. And now, she continuously does it to him ("I'm done", "not doing this with you anymore", leaving).. I thought she was serious the first time. Her credibility lost points there...

You don't take a man's name until you are over all these "I'm in"/"I'm out" issues. You take his name when it feels really solid and peaceful, as a symbol of being one (not one person, but one team, one family). Of course, you don't have to, but she wanted to. Too soon IMO.

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1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

I think Sheila is getting a shit edit; she doesn't want to deal with production, so they're fucking with her, pure and simple.

I've been watching "Married at First Sight Second Chances" and what I have realized about this show is we have NO idea who these people are.  The show can make a person look like a hero or a douchebag.

Or, she's actually just horrible and moody all the time. 

Sometimes people do get a bad edit, sometimes they are just horribly grumpy and there is more footage of them acting a mess than there is of them being pleasant. 

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11 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

When A&A were asked that TMI question, Anthony hummed "The William Tell Overture."

So I figured Ashley's "favorite position" is shooting an arrow at the apple on Anthony's head. 

Amirite? ? ?

Actually, you're all wrong - From the Urban Dictionary:  The William Tell


The William Tell

A sexual act in which a man starts playing the final part of the William Tell Overture and must have sex with his woman to the beat of the song. If he can go the entire time before he ejaculates then he wins.

OK, now all the couples are officially disgusting me.  And I'm very far from a prude either.  Just ewwww.

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I don't think Cody really wants to have sex with Danielle.  He's just sexually frustrated and wants to have sex with any living thing at this point.  And it's wearing thin with her because she knows it's not because he wants to be close to her but just to have sex with anyone.  That's plainly obvious to me despite what he's saying.  I call BS on his act with Rachel that he wants to be close to Danielle because he has feelings for her.  He has no feelings for her.  They're not even connecting on any emotional level so BS to that.  Dude just wants to get off.  Danielle is open about how the pressure is only driving her further away.  But she started out pretty far away as it is.  We definitely are missing a big piece of the puzzle about what happened between the two of them because as others have reminded us upthread, she started out receptive of him until HE put on the brakes.  Why would he do that?  Then suddenly it became all about her not being interested in HIM.  What happened to turn things around so suddenly and permanently?

That said, the show completely disgusted me with Danielle walking in on him with Rosie Palmer.  Even if it was fake and producer instigated, Daneille's humiliating attitude about it disgusted me.  She reminded me of a woman friend I had once that acted that way about catching her son in the act!  I was appalled at the way she humiliated him by telling that story to her friends!  Even if this was producer instigated, Danielle didn't have to follow through with it.  I agree that this was a new low, which is bad given that this show is already pretty low.

And I call BS on the show conveniently not having the footage of whatever it is that Nate said to upset Sheila - I'm not excusing Nate if he really did all that, but let's not forget that Sheila was already mad at him for something completely bogus and exaggerated beyond any reality.  She was already acting like a royal BITCH to him non stop for no good reason, and not accepting his apology (which IMO he didn't even owe her) so why is it so surprising or horrible that he might blow up at her after all that?  Locking him out of the freaking HOUSE and making him resort to desperation to get back in?  I mean what kind of freaking abuse does someone have to take before it's understandable that they might blow up and call the other person names?  The guy has taken a LOT from her without once letting it get the better of him, and when he finally blows up suddenly we're given the impression that he was so bad that he deserved what he got from her.  I call total BS on that.  I think the show is actually trying to make Nate look worse than Sheila and it may not be deserved.  No matter what he did it wouldn't make Sheila's reaction look any less wacko to me.  I really feel sorry for him!

Oh, and @Neurochick, I grew up with the #4 train, took it for decades from the Bronx to Manhattan and back.  Had to stop because of fear of getting mugged by marauding gangs which had already preyed upon a couple of friends of mine.  And no guy ever said "excuse me" to me for manspreading or bumping into me and I'm white, to the point that I remember it specifically because I had a complex about it and thought it was a poor manners thing or just a general lack of respect for women unless they're young and very attractive - I have seen that a lot, where they get an apology but I get shoved and given a dirty look for being "in their way".  And the women were no better, in fact even worse to other women than the men were to women.  I now get bumped into at shopping malls out here in the suburbs and no one says "excuse me", male or female but I'm almost 60 and at this age I'm completely invisible anyway, of course.  YMMV, of course.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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