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S19.E01: Season Premiere (Part 1)


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4 minutes ago, lezlers said:

Oh yeah, the dog walker/interrogator.  I was excited to learn she was an interrogator because that could be really fun to watch but she lost me with the "I hate girls/girls are terrible/I'm not friends with any girls" shtick.  I've met chicks like that.  They're by and large, obnoxious, and more often than not insecure attention whores.

And how about fan girling over Paul? You can hate on the girls you have never met but fan girl over the former BB player? Oh Brother.

  • Love 4
20 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I am not too bothered by what she said.  It could be just a poor choice of words.  However, if over time she comes off as entitled, I am going to have to root for someone else.   I can't root for loud, obnoxious, or entitled house guests.

I don't watch the feeds, which means I miss a lot of what actually is going on.

It was a poor choice of words; that is what bugged me.  I doubt she is one to feel entitled,  I just cringed at the cliche.  It goes hand in with A game, didn't come to make friends etc.   I am drawn to intelligence and humor.  

First impressions are sometimes wrong.  It is early. 

  • Love 1

I amused myself this morning over my biscuit trying to figure out how they would have gotten Paul in the house if no one had pushed the button. They would have for sure - I figure it was probably pretty easy to repurpose the hanging pods into trapezes for the non-bracelet-having folks, but I'm sure they were counting on having that challenge in the episode. Maybe people could have chosen apples, and one had the bracelet-granting power in it, but it meant that when someone went home Paul came in, with the temptation being keeping a fledgling alliance safe. Or they try a different temptation, maybe even upping the money (since it wasn't airing live, they could have taken time to come up with something) Because 100%, Paul was coming back in, button or no button.

  • Love 7

Sure enough but who should appear but it wasn't just enough to have him back....then the ENTIRE GAME shifted to be about him!! And if it couldn't possible get any worse the episode veered into complete ALISON GRODNER FAN FIC....it's like someone flipped through her fan fiction on Jesse,Big Jeff and got to the Paul fic and actually filmed it. How else could you possible explain an entire segment where both men and women houseguests were forced to perform fellatio on Paul to stay in the house.

I simply don't understand why they keep doing this. I'm sure Paul has some very enthusiastic fans, but there has to be an equal number of viewers who loathe him. And then there are people like me who are just sick of him. So I'm starting off the entire season already sick to death of one of the players, right out of the gate. Not good. 

I don't think Grodner or whoever thinks this through, beyond "The fans love him!" TV producers - or anyone in show business, in general - have enormous egos and tend to listen only to adulation and applause and tune out complaints and criticism. They focus on the validation because it feeds that ego.

The problem is that the Paul fans would probably have watched this season anyway, whereas the ones who can't stand him will tune out until he's gone. So the show is driving away more viewers than they are potentially pulling in. And in fact the debut for this season was down double digits in the ratings versus last summer's premier. That should tell them something.



More thoughts about Cody: He's a vet who had active duty in combat zones, right?

In his intro package he claimed to have served in two branches of the military - six years in the air force and then something else, and said he had built nuclear weapons (?) and also was an intelligence analyst (!). Um . . . and he's how old? Is he also ex-green beret and CIA? Methinks he's padding his resume, a bit.

  • Love 1

I watched again, I was distracted last night. 

Ramses said Paul was being really 'bro' this time, whatever the hell that means since he aligned with men last time.  He is on the top of my hit list with Josh. 

Kevin was the first to hit the button but probably not the only one.  

Cody said he would work with Paul but back door him the minute he could.  And here we go with the back door talk already. Just nominate him and the majority will boot him.  No need to set up a covert operation.  Like Paul would even consider working with him anyway.   He is a Marine so there is that. 

ETA. Cody said he was pissed that Paul didn't give him a bracelet!!

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2

Didn't care either way if Cameron went first, but didn't think it was right that he didn't get interviewed.  He did put his life on hold for 3 months and all he got was 12 hours in the house.

Knew he was going.  If a woman went, it would have been 9 guys and 7 women giving the guys too much power.

Still not sure how I feel about the women, but other than the white haired guy and the beefcake, I don't like the guys.  Cody as an ass (he's short and very defensive... related?  Maybe), Paul's #notmyboy, Josh(?) the Cuban American I would have loved to see him gone first, cowboy is annoying (being perplexed by "yet another twist" after being the the house a couple of hours?  And Kevin's kind of creepy.

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, PaperTree said:

The whole way he was "anointed" as this quasi-HOH coming in from the outside is annoying.  Pauli will never be "my boy".  Ugh.

I haven't watched this show in years, so had no idea who Paul was, but after listening to his babble for a few minutes, quickly decided that he is not at all 'MY boy'.  Does he always refer to himself as your boy?  What a tool.  I actually liked Cody okay, and after his one on one time with Paul, he is now a favorite.  That just cracked me up.  And then later on, he mentioned how his 'talk' with Paul was a strategy...I cannot recall the exact wording...but it made me laugh.  He also hinted that Paul was a jerk for not giving him a bracelet...errrrr..why would he give you one Cody?  lol  It just made me laugh, and I like laughing, so I like Cody for now.  I also liked Alex and hope she goes far.  Hope your boy gets the boot next.  Liking:  Cody, Christmas, Alex, Matt, Megan, and the girl who gave the tool a cheese sandwich.  That was pretty awesome.  Dislike:  Paul, Josh, and the cowboy dude.  Oh, and I am on the fence about Kevin...there is something about him that is creepy, but he was smart enough to grab the $25k.  The rest are all okay, with a slight dislike of the girl who is 'using her looks'.  I always hate it when people trot that out.  Hopefully she will improve and be entertaining.

I agree with so many others, that Paul having so much power when introduced was really irritating.  Blech.

Edited by AlleC17
  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, Ananayel said:

I amused myself this morning over my biscuit trying to figure out how they would have gotten Paul in the house if no one had pushed the button. They would have for sure - I figure it was probably pretty easy to repurpose the hanging pods into trapezes for the non-bracelet-having folks, but I'm sure they were counting on having that challenge in the episode. Maybe people could have chosen apples, and one had the bracelet-granting power in it, but it meant that when someone went home Paul came in, with the temptation being keeping a fledgling alliance safe. Or they try a different temptation, maybe even upping the money (since it wasn't airing live, they could have taken time to come up with something) Because 100%, Paul was coming back in, button or no button.

Two things I'm certain of:

  1. All three Temptations (Money, Safety, and Power) would have been put into play regardless of the outcome of any single Temptation.  We The Audience  only got to see the one scenario, where the first Temptation was accepted and the introduction of the other two evolved from that first choice.  Even if the first Temptation had NOT been accepted, though, I'm sure other scenarios were already in the Production playbook to introduce Temptation #2 - and #3, if necessary - as standalones independent of the evolution from any preceding Temptation.
  2. Every Temptation, if presented as such a standalone, had folded into it a Consequence of Paul entering the House.  Come hell or high water, FlapJaw was getting in regardless.


3 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I simply don't understand why they keep doing this. I'm sure Paul has some very enthusiastic fans, but there has to be an equal number of viewers who loathe him. And then there are people like me who are just sick of him. So I'm starting off the entire season already sick to death of one of the players, right out of the gate. Not good. 

The most galling points to me about Paul's re-entrance were the additional layers of protection laid about Paul upon re-entrance:

  • Paul is automatically exempt from the first eviction.
  • Through the bracelet picks, Paul is also given a First Strike power by which he can put any immediately perceived game adversaries in jeopardy without fear of immediate reprisal.

AG basically ushered in a new bully onto the playground and said, "Ok, people, this is the New Kid - he gets to hit you, but you can't hit back." 

And if that sounds juvenile, it's only because it is.


3 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

In his intro package [Cody] claimed to have served in two branches of the military - six years in the air force and then something else, and said he had built nuclear weapons (?) and also was an intelligence analyst (!). Um . . . and he's how old? Is he also ex-green beret and CIA? Methinks he's padding his resume, a bit.

Not sure how you're figuring.  Cody is 32; if he initially joined up right out of high school at age 18, that would give him 14 years to be paddling around in the DoD puddle.  Plenty of time for a 6-year hitch plus another 4+ year hitch, and a few years rattling-around slack. 

Is it the branch-hopping, maybe?  Because that isn't necessarily that uncommon - not in the South, anyway, or (I would assume) any economically depressed area.  I know plenty of guys who did their tour, got out, couldn't find any substantial work, and went back in again - and many of those re-entries changed branches if they weren't that happy with their first tour of service.  The Marines are actually a pretty popular second choice, because they do one of the best jobs of training you how to stay alive.

  • Love 14

I'm mixed on Kevin, partly because Kevin seems a little mixed-up himself. 

Kevin can't seem to make up his mind which image to portray: the nice stay-at-home dad, or the goombah Whitey Bulger wannabe. 

I really wanted the Token Old Guy to go far - not a little because he and I are about the same age. 

I'm afraid, though, the whole Walken Dude image Kevin is currently pushing doesn't bode well for longevity.

  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Thanks for the military information,  @Nashville.  I wondered about Cody's resumé. 

More info:

Cody is originally from Iowa and while overseas on one of his hitches, his older brother died in a motorcycle accident while in the Army reserve so it seems like his family was involved in the Armed forces quite seriously.   And I think he did Air force first, then Marines.  

  • Love 7
15 minutes ago, Nashville said:

The most galling points to me about Paul's re-entrance were the additional layers of protection laid about Paul upon re-entrance:

  • Paul is automatically exempt from the first eviction.
  • Through the bracelet picks, Paul is also given a First Strike power by which he can put any immediately perceived game adversaries in jeopardy without fear of immediate reprisal.

AG basically ushered in a new bully onto the playground and said, "Ok, people, this is the New Kid - he gets to hit you, but you can't hit back." 

And if that sounds juvenile, it's only because it is.

Very true. It also forced people to come and basically beg/plead with him to keep them safe. Another bullying tactic, making Paul seem like he holds a lot of power over the houseguests. But I guess, if he hadn't gotten that power, he would already be out the door. 

At the moment, I like Kevin, but everyone else's assessments have made me keep an eye out for him. He's definitely no Donny, that's for sure.

  • Love 3
14 minutes ago, Nashville said:

I'm mixed on Kevin, partly because Kevin seems a little mixed-up himself. 

Kevin can't seem to make up his mind which image to portray: the nice stay-at-home dad, or the goombah Whitey Bulger wannabe. 

I really wanted the Token Old Guy to go far - not a little because he and I are about the same age. 

I'm afraid, though, the whole Walken Dude image Kevin is currently pushing doesn't bode well for longevity.

From the clip they showed in his neighborhood I got the impression he will be the guy who likes everyone. As he said after greeting the black man "doesn't matter who they are," I know everybody.  His dad, The Cheese,  was a big shot in the neighborhood, he knew everyone too, Flash, Hobo, Pinapple Jimmy,  Snowman (!).  I think that is the image he wants. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, wings707 said:

From the clip they showed in his neighborhood I got the impression he will be the guy who likes everyone. As he said after greeting the black man "doesn't matter who they are," I know everybody.  His dad, The Cheese,  was a big shot in the neighborhood, he knew everyone, Flash, Hobo, Pinapple Jimmy,  Snowman (!).  I think that is the image he wants. 

So Kevin is shooting for the Neighborhood Pal image?  I can see that, easily.  I'm withholding sticking a pin in that, though, until I see how Kevin reacts if/when he gets pissed off.

  • Love 1
30 minutes ago, Nashville said:

The most galling points to me about Paul's re-entrance were the additional layers of protection laid about Paul upon re-entrance:

  • Paul is automatically exempt from the first eviction.
  • Through the bracelet picks, Paul is also given a First Strike power by which he can put any immediately perceived game adversaries in jeopardy without fear of immediate reprisal.

AG basically ushered in a new bully onto the playground and said, "Ok, people, this is the New Kid - he gets to hit you, but you can't hit back." 

And if that sounds juvenile, it's only because it is.



11 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Very true. It also forced people to come and basically beg/plead with him to keep them safe. Another bullying tactic, making Paul seem like he holds a lot of power over the houseguests. But I guess, if he hadn't gotten that power, he would already be out the door. 

Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of BB19 (if AG gets her way)...

Paul's gonna get Dani's Golden Key Amulet of Ass Protecting (+1 obnoxiousness, -2 charisma) and when it wears off, watch the twists come fast and furious to keep his ass in there. Aw, it just isn't the start of a season of BB if I'm not reaching for my tinfoil hat.

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 10

Kevin was the first to hit the button but probably not the only one.  

He was not the only one - they all had little lights above their pods. About half of them hit the button - Kevin's light turned green and a bunch of other lights turned red. So all the ones with red lights pushed the button too, but Kevin pushed it first. (I'm guessing a lot of them actually pushed it at the same time and some computer determined who was technically first in line but I bet a lot of them tied).


Does he always refer to himself as your boy?  What a tool.

Yes. And yes. I mean . . . sometimes Pual says funny things. He called out Raven's Cindy Lou Who hairstyle right away and stuff like that cracks me up. But even at the beginning of his first season last summer he was automatically calling himself "your boy" in the diary room, as though he assumed from the outset he would be "America's" favorite and that everyone was naturally rooting for them. I mean my God, the ego alone. 


(Aw, it just isn't the start of a season of BB if I'm not reaching for my tinfoil hat.)

It's not really a "crazy conspiracy theory" though - it's damned obvious the fix is in for this guy. 

Edited by iMonrey
  • Love 5
1 minute ago, iMonrey said:

It's not really a "crazy conspiracy theory" though - it's damned obvious the fix is in for this guy. 

True. Well, anything beyond the Amulet of Ass Protecting is speculation. But I worked so hard on it. It even has a little flower coming out of the crown. And we don't know. Maybe the rest of production couldn't take AG panting and squealing and pawing at the screen whenever Paul would appear, so they hogtied and gagged her and threw her in the same broom closet Liz/Julia would have to wait in before they switched. I hope for that every year but it hasn't happened yet.

  • Love 4
Just now, Nashville said:

So Kevin is shooting for the Neighborhood Pal image?  I can see that, easily.  I'm withholding sticking a pin in that, though, until I see how Kevin reacts if/when he gets pissed off.

Good point, he does not radiate brilliance.   If he can maintain the nice dad with 7 kids who likes everyone he will make it far.  He is not a competition threat and that is important for longevity.   So far I like him. 

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, Eolivet said:

Were the models-as-snakes the first time there have ever been...actual people that weren't returning BB fan favorites or Zingbot or guest hosts in the competition? 

They had actual people, I think it was last season, when they had the 'trolls' come out and hit the HGs during an endurance comp.

9 hours ago, missyb said:

Kind of on the fence about Christmas. I want to like her and get behind her but I get mixed messages.

This. I'm trying to like Christmas because she's already super popular with the online fandom, but I get a weird vibe from her. I think it's her smile. It makes her come off disingenuine (tm The Bachlelorette) to me. I like her tattoos though.

6 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

[Kevin]'s definitely no Donny, that's for sure.

Don't bring up Donny! It just makes me miss him too much!

Fucking Paul. Fuck! And tbh I found him mostly hilarious in this ep, but I did for about half of BB18, too. His shtick gets real old, real quick. And he's such an asshole. I'm not looking forward to him calling women the c-word again.

I really hated Cody pre-show, but he didn't bother me in this ep. I absolutely love his Paul hate. Such fun! And I liked his response to Jillian's sob story. We'll see where he goes, I still think he'll probably turn out to be a dick.

I am obsessed with Elena already, so she'll probably be the first one evicted.

I can't decide if I'm going to even bother voting for the first Temptation. I don't want Paul to get it, but he will no matter how the votes actually go anyway, so it's probably not worth trying to get someone else to win it.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3

Interesting mix of hamsters this time.

(Of course, I pretty much say that every year at this point in the proceedings...)

Everything was going so nicely.  Then...Paul. 

If it hadn't involved Paul, I think the friendship bracelet/rose ceremony thing would have been an interesting twist.  What a way to divide the house right away.  I also found Paul's choices to be rather interesting.  He picked some surprises, and left some surprises behind.   Maybe he was choosing strategically, but how strategic could you be on such short acquaintance?  But the most interesting part of the whole thing was the trapeze competition and the apples.  Now, that was where you needed to have a strategic mind.  The only guarantee was to outlast everyone.  Other than that, those who quit early had the advantage because they had more "good" apple possibilities to choose from because of the clues.  The people who were really sort of screwed were the ones who hung out almost to the very end.  That was a diabolical competition.  Hopefully that was on purpose, and not just lucky.  If that is the caliber of the competitions we're going to see for the rest of the season, then I'll be happy. 

Is Previously.tv not going to recap the BB episodes this season?  Did I miss an announcement?  I always enjoyed reading those, the snark is powerful with the PTV recappers...

And boy, oh boy, do I hope the sound editors don't get bored and they keep up with their auditory snark.  The sleighbells for Christmas just killed me, as did the *BAM*  *POW*  effects when Alex was doing her little fake ninja chops.  It also cracked me up when they subtitled Alex when she was introducing herself and she was talking so fast as to be unintelligible, and then cut to Kevin staring at her all confused.  Comedy gold!

  • Love 6

I don't quite hate anyone yet , so that's a good start.

A few first impressions- Most of them seem OK so far, but Kevin comes across as skeevy and  Josh seems like an ass. Cody totally reminds me of Jim Caviezel (John Reese in Person of Interest) and Cameron speaks kind of the way Wallace Shawn (Vizzini in The Princess Bride) does.(I didn't notice this until the DH pointed it out, then it's all I could see.) Also, Jason needs to tone it down a few notches.

All in all, seems like a decent enough bunch at the moment. I don't even mind Paul being back so much because I remember the funny more than the arrogance.

15 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

I voted for Ramses, Elena and Megan yesterday, but this morning I sent all ten to Cody. I want him safe for three weeks so he can get Paul out of the house. After that I don't care. Watch, Paul and he will become best friends.

Three weeks?  I missed that. The consequence that comes with the safety could negate  the reason you voted for this person.  Until this obnoxious twist is given more time to get the gist it is hard to know why to vote one over another.  

The consequence could be not allowed to  participate in HOH challenges for 3 weeks. 

Edited by wings707
12 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Three weeks?  I missed that. The consequence that comes with the safety could negate  the reason you voted for this person.  Until this obnoxious twist is given more time to get the gist it is hard to know why to vote one over another.  

The consequence could be not allowed to  participate in HOH challenges for 3 weeks. 

I assume it'll work like the Golden Key. You can't play in comps while safe, therefore you can't be HoH. But you can vote. And... chill out and eat all the chicken nuggets.


I have found Christmas incredibly conceited.  In my experience if you have to tell everyone you're the best, smartest, strongest then your not.  Especially when it comes to her intelligence.  She's desperate for people to view her as extremely intelligent.  I found it really annoying.  At the same time, she made a really good choice in choosing the vote option which tells me her social game is a + at this point.  I'm willing to give her more time but my first impression is that she's full of herself and that will wear thin.

Edited by MV007
  • Love 6

I'm trying to like Christmas because she's already super popular with the online fandom, but I get a weird vibe from her. I think it's her smile. It makes her come off disingenuine (tm The Bachlelorette) to me. I like her tattoos though.

I always give a side-eye to the player who tells us "I decided to throw the competition because I don't want everyone to know how strong I am." Lady, you're built like a brick shit house and you've got tattoos up and down your body. People are going to think you're strong whether you win the damn competition or not. 

  • Love 13
33 minutes ago, MV007 said:

I have found Christmas incredibly conceited.  In my experience if you have to tell everyone you're the best, smartest, strongest then your not.  Especially when it comes to her intelligence.  She's desperate for people to view her as extremely intelligent.  I found it really annoying.  At the same time, she made a really good choice in choosing the vote option which tells me her social game is a + at this point.  I'm willing to give her more time but my first impression is that she's full of herself and that will wear thin.

Remember, they are prompted by a producer to talk up their assets, tell their strategy and claim they are going to win!!  

40 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I assume it'll work like the Golden Key. You can't play in comps while safe, therefore you can't be HoH. But you can vote. And... chill out and eat all the chicken nuggets.

Sounds possible but I am not totally convinced they would have the same rules for this. 

While I was rooting for Paul to win last year I'm not sure I like him back this year. 


A lot of them tried for the money , at least 7 but maybe up to 9 hit the button for the money. I tried pausing to see the lights. Surpringly Josh was one of the few that didn't go for the money. 


Im not a Kevin fan. I so wanted a cool 45+ houseguest to root for. I didn't like how Kevin joked about his dad being called the big cheese. His father is a convicted big time drug dealer who did go by the cheese. i would not judge Kevin based on his fathers actions but Kevin publically defended his father and didn't want to go to jail because he was old, his father did go to jail because it wasn't a little amount of drugs and it was years of selling. I just find it in poor taste now to joke about mafia stereotypes and gangster lingo when his family was involved. 


I would also also like to know if Raven and Paul knew each other outside the house or if they just meet at a fan event. I'm torn on Raven, not found of the overly peppiness but I'm waiting to see her with her hair down, literally. She looked so pretty without the hair up. 


Im looking forward to the feeds tonight. I just wish after watching OTT that we could see from day 1. I can see the fish on my Roku but not on my iPad. Do you have to use the app to view this year or can you use safari still? 

8 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

Im not a Kevin fan. I so wanted a cool 45+ houseguest to root for. I didn't like how Kevin joked about his dad being called the big cheese. His father is a convicted big time drug dealer who did go by the cheese. i would not judge Kevin based on his fathers actions but Kevin publically defended his father and didn't want to go to jail because he was old, his father did go to jail because it wasn't a little amount of drugs and it was years of selling. I just find it in poor taste now to joke about mafia stereotypes and gangster lingo when his family was involved. 


I would also also like to know if Raven and Paul knew each other outside the house or if they just meet at a fan event. I'm torn on Raven, not found of the overly peppiness but I'm waiting to see her with her hair down, literally. She looked so pretty without the hair up. 

Interesting.  Where did you find this information?  

49 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Remember, they are prompted by a producer to talk up their assets, tell their strategy and claim they are going to win!!  


I get that and I haven't written her off or anything.  But I was more concerned when she said these things to other players.  I'm thinking of her discussion with Paul specifically.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

And in fact the debut for this season was down double digits in the ratings versus last summer's premier. That should tell them something.

That's misleading.  It went down 11% in it's key demographic.  But 5% in total viewers - from 6.2M to 5.9M.  It was still the highest rated show of the night.


  • Love 3
13 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

A lot of them tried for the money , at least 7 but maybe up to 9 hit the button for the money. I tried pausing to see the lights. Surpringly Josh was one of the few that didn't go for the money. 

I'm not surprised, only because they have a clear shot of Josh shaking his head as soon as Julie mentions money. I decided to pause to see who actually hit the button, other than Kevin: Jason, Raven, Cody, Ramses, Alex, and Mark. I noticed Elena looking up at the light right as the buttons were pressed, so she might have also pressed hers. 

I also tried pausing to see who might have gotten it if Kevin didn't hit it in time. If it wasn't Kevin, it would have been Mark.

  • Love 3
9 minutes ago, MV007 said:

I get that and I haven't written her off or anything.  But I was more concerned when she said these things to other players.  I'm thinking of her discussion with Paul specifically.

I didn't notice that.  My first impressions will change, they always do.  She and Matt were the only ones who caught my attention as maybe being someone to favor.   It is too early but oh boy, there are many who will annoy! 

  • Love 1
17 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

I remember when I could not wait for this show to return every summer. But for the past three years, I just can't with this show anymore. All the HGs are clones of previous seasons and seem so boring.  

One thing that makes me laugh when I stop and think about it is that there apparently has to be a white guy from Texas whose name starts with C. Caleb, Clay, Corey, and now Cody. Heh. It does seem like a thing they are casting for now.



That's misleading.  It went down 11% in it's key demographic.  But 5% in total viewers - from 6.2M to 5.9M.  It was still the highest rated show of the night.

I could be wrong, but I think it usually starts slow and builds throughout the summer. People in general seem pretty tuned out right before the 4th.

Edited by vb68
  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, vb68 said:

One thing that makes me laugh when I stop and think about it is that there apparently has to be a white guy from Texas whose name starts with C. Caleb, Clay, Corey, and now Cody. Heh. It does seem like a thing they are casting for now.

Added to that, none of them were very bright (although Clay wins the title of Dumbest of All). The jury is still out on Cody.

  • Love 2

I'm completely impressed that all of you are so good with their names already! Me, not so much. So far, I have: Rainbow Brite, Christmas (that one stuck out), Radiohead, Silver Fox, Dad, Cosplay, Tijuana Surgery & Miami Vice. Oh, &, of course, Paul, who is undoubtedly NOT my boy. I do think he got screwed & should have won last year, though. 

  • Love 2
13 minutes ago, nkotb said:

I'm completely impressed that all of you are so good with their names already! Me, not so much. So far, I have: Rainbow Brite, Christmas (that one stuck out), Radiohead, Silver Fox, Dad, Cosplay, Tijuana Surgery & Miami Vice. Oh, &, of course, Paul, who is undoubtedly NOT my boy. I do think he got screwed & should have won last year, though. 

LOL, Okay, I think I have most of these, but who is Tijuana Surgery? 


59 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

While I was rooting for Paul to win last year I'm not sure I like him back this yea

I was rooting for Paul at the end too, but I think that was more a matter of who the alternatives were. Blech. 

He's okay in small doses, against the right person- but I could do without him this year. 

3 hours ago, wings707 said:

Lol @peachmangosteen.  I don't find Christmas ingenuine,  she is a favorite of mine.  

You and a lot of other people. She's super popular on Joker's. I can usually understand why someone's popular even if I don't like them, but man I am having a hard time understanding Christmas' popularity. I'm not writing her off completely yet though.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3

Yeah, that kind of blew.  I'm already sick of the 18,000 "temptations" they apparently will be throwing at them non-stop.  And of COURSE Paul is getting his three weeks.  After three weeks in the house, he'll stop being seen as the "veteran" and start seeming like one of them.  Gives him plenty of time to enmesh himself in the house.  God, he's such an asshat.  I hated him last year.

I like Alex (surprisingly), Christmas and Matthew but reserve the right to start hating them as quickly as tonight.  And yeah, Kevin is pretty creepy. 

Poor Cameron.  I've already forgotten what you looked like. 

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