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Season 2 Discussion

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Just joining the club that doesn't readily admit I watch the show  ( my guilty pleasure too).

Also, I really appreciate the additional wisdom and knowledge that is shared here as I know I have missed an episode or two or not focused well on each show. (although let's be real, with all the recaps you would think I would be totally in the know:).

I still appreciate Loren going after Mahammit and absolutely thought the attractive Jewish woman verbally berating him was even more distasteful to him as a side note.  I am still fan of hers. I can see where many of you find her spoiled and all, but I think still that she and Alexei will succeed.

Pao and Russ are a big question mark.

Finally the one thing I kept forgetting to mention, and each time someone else mentions it I remember---------why was it ok for Anfisa to hit Jorge? And for it not to be brought up and addressed by the dull interview lady ?

Wasn't there an issue with Teen Mom (another guilty pleasure of mine) where Amber hit Gary - on camera- and I thought charges were filed.

  • Love 10

Pao has a lot of nerve to judge Anfisa since she's the one who has consistently shown more of her ass on TV.  Not a fan of either but at least Anfisa has been straight up honest about her intentions from day one.   For Pao to exhibit the fake indignation about her husband not defending her is the ultimate in hypocrisy.  She said not one word in his defense when little friend Juan attacked him ever increasing frequency.  Bitch.  I do not like her one bit; hubby needs to grow a pair.

Jorge knew the deal from the jump but like she said, he wanted to play the victim.  He looks like some demonic spirit has possessed him; he's hell bent on making Anfisa look like crap when his actions make him the one who looks foolish.  

I'm sick of Loren's whining and on demand tears.  Tretts won't kill you or your child suck it up and move on cupcake.  Alexi won't be with her long if she keeps being such a child.  Teaming up with the Sofia Vergara wannabe, Pao, and attacking Anfisa didnt help her cause either.  It just shows how immature she is.

Chantel is an air head but she had sense enough to get that pre-nup.  If it is true Momma Pedro is a lawyer then she should be sending money to him, not the other way around.  That bug eyed sister of his is just plain evil.  Maybe she and River should hook up?  The chicken feet dinner was just foul and no way to treat a guest in your home.

I have no comment on the train wreck that is Mohammat and Denieeele other than to wish they would both just go away.  

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, CoachWristletJen said:

That explains his meltdown in front of the producers after the power went out. He must have been thinking, "Two years of this madness with this unreliable woman for a provider, whatever shall I do?"

So, he started taking care of bezness stateside, quickly discovering that the fame brought by the show made it easy. Fish were jumping.

I think he cultivated a huge and irrational resentment towards Danielle, seeing her as his one and only obstacle. 

Poor Danielle was actually expecting a nonstop sexual holiday with Mo. She did get that except she wasn't a part of it.

Yeah, it's so interesting to find out all the behind the scenes stuff, isn't it? That's what I blame for my addiction to this story for three long years (help!!!)

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, itsadryheat said:

Anybody know how this works, ie. How the Mo/Danni - TeeVee relationship started. Did Mo/Danni find TeeVee or did  

TeeVee find them? Props to TeeVee for finding their "stars"!  Curious how the hunt goes down.

By the third season the showed had already aired  and it  was possible like that Before the 90 Days cougar who tried to get other shows with her sister some saw this as their opportunity for a reality show. The first couple of years producers trolled the immigration help sites like Visa Journey seeking folks to be part of a documentary on the process of getting the  K-1. Maybe those in the second season like Mohammad and Danielle knew it was reality TV and not a  Lisa Ling documentary. The third and forth season casts have nobody to blame but themselves if they didn't watch what the show had already produced.

  • Love 2

Loren is such a drama queen. Having a mini-meltdown regarding the "stigma" attached to the K-1 Visa process and the unfairness of it all.

Maybe Jorge and Anfisa got the visa faster than Loren and Alexei because they spent several months together traveling and could show having a relationship ? I'm not sure how much time Loren and Alexei spent together before applying. Maybe Loren dealt with an immigration officer who wasn't in a good mood. Life isn't fair.

As far as the "stigma" is concerned: You don't need to go around and tell everybody that your husband came on a K-1 Visa. As I've mentioned before, I'm foreign born and in almost 25 years in the US nobody has ever asked me what kind of visa I came with. I've been asked where I'm from and then usually they proceed to tell me that their grandparents are German, they have been stationed in Germany, they've been on vacation in Germany.....Not once has anybody been interested in the technicalities of my immigration.

The "stigma" attached to a Fiance-Visa is because of the stereotypical mail-order-bride scenario: older/unattractive/lower socio-economic status Americans (mostly men) who import young, attractive, poor and presumably grateful spouses.

  • Love 8
12 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:


They would have gone a long way as far as embarrassing him during the tell-all!

I would think Mo is numb to embarrassment. He did, you know, sleep with Danyeel and she is absolutely hideous. I'm embarrassed for the USA everytime I watch this show, and I've seen every episode. :-)

I can't stand Pedro and Chantel but they deserve a lot of credit for how they've acted at the reunion...so far.

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, Megan said:

Ive only watched a handful of episodes but my husband watches regularly so I pick up bits... was Loren and Alexei's K1 denied because she didnt have a job? She kept going on and on about it not being fair they were denied but it seems like she doesn't do anything. You have to have as steady income to bring someone over on a K1.

I sponsored my husband waaay back when we were both 22 and I had to be at a certain income level. It may have changed in the last 15 years but I was able to sponsor all on my lonesome and I was probably only making  like 30k back then and exceeded the minimum needed.

(Our K1 was easy, he was Canadian, we were the same age and came from similar backgrounds, it took like 2 months and he was approved in Nov. 2001 so immediately after 9/11.)

Same as it was then you have to earn 125% of the Federal poverty level guideline, which are slightly higher for Alaskans and Hawaiians or have a cosponsor. If you are still being supported by parents perhaps in an internship so you can get a prestige job, rather than taking current entry level income producing work, that roughly $20K a year she needed may have been too much until her parents signed off to pay back any public assistance Alexi may have requested down the line.

On ‎9‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 9:47 PM, Cabarb said:

Ouch! I find that to be a little insulting. I'm 42 years old and still call my father Daddy. And my 64 year old father continued to call his father Daddy till the day he died and still refers to him that way today. Not odd at all in the south and certainly not "gag-inducing."

It seems to be a southern thing.  I don't know anyone who calls their father "daddy" past a certain time.  I don't find it gag-inducing because I know other people do, but that's just my take on ti.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Thank you for sharing this! Mo's shock was palpable when the caveman lawyer told him that he would have to wait two years. That was when it was clear to me that he intended to run away immediately after the wedding and leave poor Danielle in the lurch.

That being said, she's far from innocent, and she should have consequences in that she should never ever be allowed to import another foreign fiance again. She's already been trolling for one, and part of why she's fighting so hard to have Mo deported (other than revenge and control issues), is because she wants a new one. She doesn't want a man her age. She wants a flawless young man whom she can love and control. She did know and she did lie and manipulate the system.

For her sake and the sake of her family, never again!

I loved that scene with the attorney. He was acting like he was struggling with his words when he asked about how long it would take to get the Green Card, but couldn't cover the shock when he heard two years. He knew he wasn't going to be able to keep her off of him for that long.

Then, to add insult to injury, he learned he would be jointly responsible for the debt she incurred during the marriage, and he had recently discovered that she was incapable of managing her money. It was okay when she was taking out title loans on her car to go visit him and pay for the Visa fees (ultimately losing the truck when she couldn't or didn't pay), and he even managed to have sex with her when she was in Doha, but as soon as he arrived here, Danielle's full personality came to the surface and he had to go to plan B, C, and D to get away from her. Fortunately for him, the show didn't try and hide Danielle's problems, which allowed the other women he was chatting with online to believe his claims of Danielle holding him hostage, and those women were sending him money and gifts. Danielle also got some money from one of the women, but I can't remember the context of how that happened. If Mo was willing to share with her, Danielle probably would have looked the other way about his extracurricular activities, but he was going to have to put out. 


1 hour ago, mayvenne said:

Finally the one thing I kept forgetting to mention, and each time someone else mentions it I remember---------why was it ok for Anfisa to hit Jorge? And for it not to be brought up and addressed by the dull interview lady ?

Wasn't there an issue with Teen Mom (another guilty pleasure of mine) where Amber hit Gary - on camera- and I thought charges were filed.

Viewers called the police and CPS after the episode aired, and that resulted in an investigation. If Amber hadn't been under the influence of drugs and the authorities hadn't found drugs when they showed up, she probably would have gotten away with it. Gary originally said he wouldn't assist in the domestic violence case, but because of the involvement of CPS, and I believe, because of the opportunity to force her to get help for her addiction, he did what CPS asked of him. Amber ended up in jail because she couldn't stay sober.

If someone called the cops about Anfisa hitting Jorge on this show, Jorge wouldn't cooperate in the case and they wouldn't have anywhere to go. The State doesn't need the victim's assistance to prosecute, but they wouldn't waste the time and resources on a case with no injuries. Jorge would have to call, or maybe a neighbor. It would end up like Jason and Cassia, with Cassia signing the documents that say she will not assist in the prosecution and all charges being dismissed.

Personally, I wish someone would call the cops on her, because I think it needs to be addressed. She needs to keep her hands to herself. Her behavior, from the screaming to the hitting, makes me think that she wouldn't think twice about killing him when she was angry, blame him for it and claim self-defense, and think she'll walk away scot free. She needs anger management classes.


1 hour ago, tincansailor981 said:

Chantel is an air head but she had sense enough to get that pre-nup.  If it is true Momma Pedro is a lawyer then she should be sending money to him, not the other way around.  That bug eyed sister of his is just plain evil.  Maybe she and River should hook up?  The chicken feet dinner was just foul and no way to treat a guest in your home. 

I thought Chantel's family was being ridiculous about the chicken feet and {gag} agreed with Mohamed {gag} when he said that he was onboard with Pedro's family until they didn't eat it either. His Mom and sister being all dramatic when Family Chantel wouldn't eat it, then being all shady when Chantel asked them why they weren't eating it either, just made them look like trash. It was nice to hear that Chantel would have tried it if one of them had eaten one, too. She was trying to be respectful to some people who hadn't been very kind to her.

Back when her mom was making a big deal about the pre-nup and specifically said something about an inheritance, I got the impression that Chantel was currently receiving funds from a trust. The man on the show is her step dad, and I wondered if the biological dad passed away and she has an inheritance from it or maybe from a grandparent. After all the comments about her clenched jaw, I wondered if she was injured in an accident as a minor and has some money in trust. She seems to have money available to her, because I just can't see her making a living wage from the cheerleading coaching. She may have been living at home before Pedro arrived, but she was also making trips to the DR. 

Maybe Family Chantel was just nervous about him having some right to the family sport business when they divorced, but Mom's insistence over the pre-nup and specific mention of inheritance and/or trust (it's been too long to remember the exact word she used) just struck me as being an issue right now, not possibly in the future. And good luck trying to enforce that document. When I was a paralegal, those documents printed off the internet were pretty easy to dispute and have ruled invalid. The wills that people buy and are advertised as legal in all states, were often disputed. If no one is going to contest your wishes, you'll be fine. But if you have assets or people who want to argue about who will receive your children after you pass, you really need to have one drafted by an attorney. Simple language changes can have those wills thrown out. If Chantel actually wants to protect her assets, she can still go to an attorney and have a Postnuptial Agreement drafted, but she really doesn't seem that concerned.

  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, Christina said:

Viewers called the police and CPS after the episode aired, and that resulted in an investigation. If Amber hadn't been under the influence of drugs and the authorities hadn't found drugs when they showed up, she probably would have gotten away with it. Gary originally said he wouldn't assist in the domestic violence case, but because of the involvement of CPS, and I believe, because of the opportunity to force her to get help for her addiction, he did what CPS asked of him. Amber ended up in jail because she couldn't stay sober.



I dont believe that anything said or done on this reality show could be used as proof in legal court. Most of the slaps and punches on this type of show are fake, which is why we rarely see the actual hand hit the face and a sound effect is included. Anfisa could say she was just playing a role according to her contract - which I think is somewhat true, I think that she greatly exaggerates her "golddigger" persona for entertainment value. 

I cannot tolerate when people who are not bullied play the "I have been bullied" card.  If anyone was doing any actual bullying, it was Pao and Loren (who I liked until tonight).   Their mean girls shtick was beyond immature.  Anfisa is not my favorite and I still contend that she had no right to put her hands on Jorge.  But other than that, I have NO problem with her.   This is a horrible group of people and I have no interest in watching them anymore.   I like Russ and Alex but they have their hands full and I don’t mind Pedro but the rest of these people are horrid.

  • Love 5

I honestly don't know how any of them (save Russ) were able to sponsor their fiancee financially, given the requirements.  For a family of 2 that would be $20,300. Russ had a job when he sponsored Pao, so he more than qualified. But the rest of them? I have no clue. Chantal is a student and a part time cheerleading coach. Jorge carries around a big wad of cash and doesn't seem to have any method of accounting for income. Loren quit her job in NYC and Danielle, well, you know. I am assuming that Loren's parents signed off on it, and apparently Danielle got a family member to sign off. I don't see how Chantal was able to get a family member, since it was a "big secret". 

  • Love 3
23 hours ago, SoshulMeedya said:

Editing to add that many people in the comments were so offended, they are contacting the Tourette's foundation to say that Loren is a poor choice to represent them.

Loren DID go too far (and Pao) mostly on the comments on Anfisa's appearance.  But if there was a competent host, things would never have gone that far.  I think contacting the Tourette's foundation also goes too far though.  She made a mistake but who hasn't.  I wouldn't be surprised to see her issue an apology to Anfisa in Part III. 

  • Love 7
On 9/4/2017 at 11:36 AM, Cini said:

I thought Anfisa handled herself well with regards to the bullying by Pao and Loren. Pao especially is starting to show how ugly her character really is.

Somebody needs to tell Pao that the extensions and bleaching will completely ruin what little natural hair she has left. Her dark wigs looked so much better than the ratty grey-ish orange extensions

Pao is getting to be the very definition of mutton dressed as lamb. Stay tuned. She will be Darcey in another few years.

21 hours ago, ava111 said:

It's not a confidence, he is fueled by rage and revenge. His dark ugly soul shows thru his eyes. He is horrible disgusting human being. 

Jorge is a study in contradictions. He looks like a fourth grader who didnt' do his homework (slouch, no eye contact, shrug, bottom lip stuck out), then he sounds like the creepiest MRA dude who ever creeped. I loathe him.

19 hours ago, Nowhere said:

They made fun of her looks, laughed at her and called her a liar when they found out Jorge was her first, accused her of going to a "gold digger's academy", called her a bitch, wouldn't let her respond or defend herself, etc. I think that's bullying. Even if we are all thinking these things, they don't need to be said. It wasn't just that they asked questions. They were pretty vicious. 

Agreed. Props to Anfisa for keeping her cool.

  • Love 12
16 hours ago, ava111 said:

Mohammed actually said a lot of stuff that made sense these two episodes of Tell all. Last week about Americans treating them like things they can buy and how they are supposed to be forever thankful and in their debt because they allowed them to live American dream. I bet his version of American dream is not living with a nut job with criminal record who is gonna stalk him for the rest of his life.

He might have not known about a criminal record or her financial status but he knew what she looked like and could not have missed how desperate and clingy she was.  The point is he probably didn't care because he was coming here just for the green card and did not plan to stay with her. He did the least amount of interaction he had to do and was then off to pursue the "American Dream" (that he arrogantly thinks he had a right to) at the first legal chance he could.    It "was" fraud and even though Danielle should have been aware of that and let him go years ago (and shown some self respect), I don't blame her for wanting him deported.  Of course the whole situation was her own fault because she couldn't see the obvious...the same thing that Jorge couldn't see either or some of these other dudes on 90 Day Fiance Before the 90 Days. 

  • Love 5

I think my boy Alexi was over Pao here. Several points you can tell he was internally rolling his eyes. Towards the end, he also got a little annoyed at Pao's "Gold Digger school" comment. Loren laughs it up, but Alexi snaps back with his remark about Columbia.

You know, Lauren feels so offended because people like Jorge and Anfisa, Mo and Dani are delegitimizing the process, while there is some truth in that I have to question; what makes a marriage legit? Jorge and Anfisa had an arrangement. He knew her terms, and they were willing to get married for that. Why is that less legit than a couple who get married purely for love? Why is she not angry at Pao? I can easily look at the show and make assumptions based on how she treats Russ. That she just a Columbian working looking to break into American modeling. Loren and Pao spent so much critiquing others when they haven't been perfect either. 

Anfisa came off really well. It took caty Lauren and Pao and Potato George to get me on Team Anfisa. 

Edited by Samurai X
  • Love 5
8 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

She's already been trolling for one, and part of why she's fighting so hard to have Mo deported (other than revenge and control issues), is because she wants a new one. She doesn't want a man her age. She wants a flawless young man whom she can love and control. 

And she can hug him and squeeze him and call him Jorge!! See, it's already working. 

But for real, that info makes everything make so much more sense. Danielle is like an onion, sooooo many layers to her depravity. 

  • Love 8
55 minutes ago, Palomar said:

He might have not known about a criminal record or her financial status but he knew what she looked like and could not have missed how desperate and clingy she was.

I wonder if their Skype conversations were filmed close up like Nicole and Azan and when they met in person Mo was also surprised that she was "big a little bit." 

  • Love 5
On ‎8‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 9:23 PM, guilfoyleatpp said:

I feel like Mohammed was being as honest as he's ever been when he said that his relationship with Danielle didn't start out as love. And Paola was being a bitch...although she's not totally in the wrong. Yes, Paola, your relationship with Russ started out differently than Mohammed's relationship with Danielle. You're both young and attractive and you met in person and you found each other sexually attractive.  Did you know that you were going to get married right away? I can believe that the idea of the adventure of being married to a foreign spouse was also appealing to her. He didn't have to be American, but he was attractive...and different.

Mohammed is an ass, though. Telling Loren to shut it or whatever. I wanted her to punch him in the mouth.

Just getting caught up on this show - finally showed up on On-Demand, but I know people are already on part 2, and I'm going have to wait.

Anyway, I wasn't buying Mahamitt's story.  And his  treatment of Loren is not surprising - she's Jewish, and he's Muslim.  Not a good combo.


On ‎8‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 10:51 PM, poeticlicensed said:

Did anyone notice that when Jorge was sitting down, his shirt was so tight across his belly that it was gaping open? Gross, at least buy a shirt that fits. 

He's built like my husband.  I have to tell him to sit down when he tries on button-down shirts.  He's long through the body with short legs, and when he sits, he "smooshes" up, and nothing fits him, but it looks good when he's standing.


On ‎8‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 11:11 PM, Frozendiva said:

Did notice Pao's Louboutin shoes - not even the 'basic' ones for under $1000. Those were in the four figure range as part of the 'fashion' line. Maybe she got some money from the video but really, you can find ones on sale sometimes for less than half-price.

On ‎8‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 1:40 AM, Teddybear said:

I'd like to know what Anfisa is doing to get that Gucci purse.  I was completely envious of it and I work dammit! 

Knock-offs.  I'd put money I don't have on it.  George probably bought knock-offs for Anfisa, hoping she wouldn't notice, and nothing about Paola is anything but knock-off.


On ‎8‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 11:16 PM, LisaWl7TR said:

Newbie and Attempting to reply to a post upwards still unsure of quoting. I  PM with Mohammed at the very beginning of him and Danielle on the air. I believe he worked in Qatar handling the mail. My husband was deplored thete so it could have been for the military but I don't know.


On ‎8‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 4:59 PM, DangerousMinds said:

When Danielle visited him in Tunisia, you don't think he acted romantic toward her?

Drawing on my memory of useless stuff, I believe Mahamitt was working for DHL in Qatar.  Then for whatever reason, he returned to Tunisia, to Doha.  That's where Den-yell went to meet him.  There were pictures posted of them sitting on stairs somewhere, her grabbing on with a death grip to his leg.  She claims they did the deed in Doha.  He sometimes refutes that.


On ‎8‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 0:35 PM, balisticnikki said:

Did Loren (and her parents) deliberately LIE to Alexei's parents about Tourette's being hereditary? Or were they innocently mistaken about that?

Loren came off sooooooo badly screaming and schreeching and dropping F-bombs and calling Anfisa a bitch. Foul-mouthed bully. When she can't get her way by crying, she does this. Buckle up, Alexei!

I don't think that he lied.  I think her dad is one of those parents who looked in to something at one time a long time ago, was told the situation wasn't severe (not sure if she even needs meds, or if she did some sort of cognitive thing where they teach her to be aware of it), and just accepted what he was told and went on his merry way out of denial, or whatever.  I believe her mother, on the other hand, has probably quietly reading up on the subject on Web MD, etc, and probably had a better idea of it, but kept it to herself so no one else would worry (I know a lot of people who do this), or she wasn't sure if what she was reading was correct.  I don't think they'd set out to lie about it if they weren't in denial, or had a clue.

On ‎8‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 10:49 PM, Pretty5Vacant said:

Pao storming off the stage mumbling something about Russ not defending her. Doesn't she remember her bestie Juan belittling Russ and her smiling and NOT defending him? What a bitch


On ‎8‎/‎31‎/‎2017 at 9:16 AM, sasha206 said:

And since I'm now catching up -- having watched season 1 for the first time -- my first impression of Russ:  Is Pao a big cover for his Christian family?  At least in the early days, Russ gives off a very strong closeted gay vibe.  And does Pao think she could be the next Sofia Vergara?

I never thought him gay either, or the uber-religious guy with the South African fiancée.  Many guys I know raised in overly religious households seem to be the same.  They tend to over-analyze, think long and hard before they speak, etc.


As for Loren and her running and crying, I have some sympathy.  I have a minor neurological disorder, and when I'm in a situation where I'm confronted and caught off guard, or people are accusing me of doing something I didn't do, or I have multiple people coming at me, everything around me turns to a dull roar, and I can't function.  I have to get some where quiet, and process everything, and I then I can discuss, but my brain overloads very easily.  I'm not saying Lauren is that way, but it's very possible.  If you don't know about it, I come off as a brat.  My late evil nasty MIL used to call me a big brat, or a baby when I'd walk away from her constantly ganging up on me.  And I have sympathy for Anfisa for George not sticking up for her against his sister's nasty comments.  I lived that for 15 years while she was alive.  She abused my husband, and he was afraid to stand up to her, and unable to tell her to stop with her attacks on me.  It's hell.  I don't wish it on anyone.

George reminds me of two guys I worked with at different jobs (one currently, sadly).  Both in tech positions, oddly enough.  Both thought very highly of themselves.  Both liked to tell tall tales.  Both were married (one has kids, and one did not).  Both loved to down their wives every single chance they got (just got to listen to the one today tell another guy how his wife is a bitch, she's a ball and chain, he doesn't care what she thinks, etc), but if you'd see them in public, they were a completely different person, and both of them had wives who could probably put them down if they know what they were saying.  Both overweight and schlub-y looking, but thought they were God's gift.  Both with little to offer in terms of friendship, etc.  Both, however, well-regarded by management and higher-ups because (surprise) they liked to buy respect and friendship.  But they'd crap on us peons.  Both talked a HUGE game, but in reality, were little boys in big boys clothing.  The one from my previous job passed away a few years ago, and people turned out in droves to talk about him like he was a saint.  I think George - like the two I mentioned - have some sort of narcissistic disorder.  Mommies who coddled them and told them they were bestest ever (and both are my age or a little over, so 40's).  Big fish in small ponds, who can baffle people with bullshit.  When George turned last night, I saw those two in him immediately.  

  • Love 3
On 8/30/2017 at 0:56 PM, Ivanova said:

I can understand why it was hard for Loren and her parents to tell the truth. Imagine that you have a condition, a flaw basically, and at the same time you have to be right and perfect all the time? How can you balance this?

 I get it. But when you're about to marry someone, and that someone asked you a question about something this important, that someone has a right to the truth. However, if I were him, I would've looked it up. There's plenty of information out there on the syndrome.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Palomar said:

He might have not known about a criminal record or her financial status but he knew what she looked like and could not have missed how desperate and clingy she was.  The point is he probably didn't care because he was coming here just for the green card and did not plan to stay with her. He did the least amount of interaction he had to do and was then off to pursue the "American Dream" (that he arrogantly thinks he had a right to) at the first legal chance he could.    It "was" fraud and even though Danielle should have been aware of that and let him go years ago (and shown some self respect), I don't blame her for wanting him deported.  Of course the whole situation was her own fault because she couldn't see the obvious...the same thing that Jorge couldn't see either or some of these other dudes on 90 Day Fiance Before the 90 Days. 

You're right, he knew what she looked like and how she acted and he didn't care. He still chose her. With all of the supposed women that were infatuated with him on the internet he chose Danyeel! He could have hooked up with a more attractive woman, but he's gay. I'm convinced.

  • Love 4

I am late to the game, but just wanted to say Loren and Pao were awful.

Loren was especially grating with her "STIGMA! FRAUD! YOU MAKE ME LOOK BAD! ME! ME! ME!" Shut up, Loren. There are literally children born into war-torn countries who die of violence and famine. Life isn't fair. Her outrage was so ridiculous. Be grateful that things worked out for you and your husband and once again please STFU.

Pao needs to have SEVERAL FUCKING SEATS about Anfisa not "being that beautiful". You, Pao, are delusional if you think you have a career in modelling. I can walk around Walmart and see 5 women younger, taller, and more beautiful than you. Every time you come on screen my husband asks "Has she done porn yet?"

Mohamed may be contemptuous of women (someone previously made this claim, I do not have know enough about him to assert this) but he was actually a lot more polite to Loren than she deserved.

  • Love 11

I learned a new word last night when my Jewish husband called Loren and Pao "Yentas" :)

I don't think there is a stigma attached to the K-1 visa process. Just like the German poster said above, I have never had people ask me what type of visa I used to move here. People ask about the culture, the politics, the food, how long it takes to go across the country, etc. Maybe I only know nice people. There might be a stigma about marrying someone from another country, but I think it's mostly exhibited by those who are against immigration in general. And in that case, the stigma would also apply to the CR-1 spousal visa, etc.

The approval rate for K-1 visas is extremely high, over 95%. It's not smart to blame someone else for your visa being denied. When you get a denial, they give you a paper that states exactly what reason, according to the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), the denial was based upon. I don't think any of those sections of the INA say "Your visa was denied because a lot of other people have commited fraud". The decision is made on a case by case basis. If you say that your visa was denied, you should also tell the reason, it's very transparent. Was the K1 visa denied or was the I-129 petition denied? That's two completely different things. Let's assume the petition was approved, but the visa got denied, because that's how Loren phrased it. Here are some common reasons for visa denial :

- Insufficient proof of bona fide relationship:

        - A very brief courtship followed by a plunge into matrimony

        - There is little or no documentary evidence of the relationship prior to the actual engagement

        - Couple lacks sufficient evidence of recent day-to-day contact

        - Long gaps of time between the petitioner & beneficiary being together in person

- No common language

- A very large age difference between the couple

- Petitioner is employed by or has a business relationship with a relative of beneficiary

- Fiancee interviews poorly and the consul doubts that there is a bona fide relationship with the U.S. citizen

- Beneficiary attempted to enter the country with immigration intentions before and failed

Edited by Ivanova
Edited the list
  • Love 6

None of those reasons should apply to Loren and Alexi's case. The only thing I can think of, besides them filing the paperwork incorrectly, is that maybe his family tried to get refugee status or asylum in the US before. Don't know.

Also, about bona fide marriages being solely based on love. It's not about marrying for love being a modern concept. Even today, if we look around, a lot of marriages are based on so many different reasons. People marry because their religious parents tell them that living together out of wedlock is a sin. Because they want to find a father/mother for their children. Because the woman feels that her biological clock is ticking. Because the man feels he won't find any other woman. Simply because that's what everybody does and that's what you're supposed to do. a lot of these marriages last for decades and aren't always unhappy.

  • Love 6
On 9/4/2017 at 5:02 PM, Real Eyes said:

I think Paola just said she "wasn't that beautiful".  Objectively, that is true.  Anfisa is not a beauty.  

She wasn't accused of going to a golddigger academy, she was asked if they really exist.

Anfisa is a bitch, or at least, her portrayal on the programme is of an unhinged bitch.

So no, I don't think these things were bullying.  Harsh reality, yes.  Impolite, yes.  But they were the truth.

I think Anfisa was lucky that they didn't bring up her domestic violence. Although they should have.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, Apollo said:

I agree with all of this, except that I don't think Chantal is dumb at all.  If she were, she would have made a fool out of herself by now and it doesn't look like she has.  She knows when to remain quiet and she's doing a great job learning Spanish too.  It also seems like she is willing to talk things out with others.  I'd much rather get into a disagreement with HER any day, over Anfisa, Loren or Pao.    I feel she really loves her husband and has been incredibly tolerant of Drizella and Anastasia, also known as his Mom and sister.   LOL  :-)  

I dunno. I might be able to hang with her for a minute. Then I'd have to ask her why her jaws are perpetually shut. Cheerleading accident? Deformed tongue that she's hiding? Rage? I need a reason. I saw a Snapped episode last night (don't judge), and a woman on it had the same issue. Open your mouths! Free the jaws!

Edited by Drogo
Removed blank quote.
  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Ivanova said:

Here are some common reasons for visa denial :

- Insufficient proof of bona fide relationship:

        - A very brief courtship followed by a plunge into matrimony

        - There is little or no documentary evidence of the relationship prior to the actual engagement

        - Couple lacks sufficient evidence of recent day-to-day contact

        - Long gaps of time between the petitioner & beneficiary being together in person

- No common language

- A very large age difference between the couple

- Petitioner is employed by or has a business relationship with a relative of beneficiary

- Fiancee interviews poorly and the consul doubts that there is a bona fide relationship with the U.S. citizen

- Beneficiary attempted to enter the country with immigration intentions before and failed

So the reason for Loren/Alexei's first two denials wasn't "Because of people like Mahamit/Danyeel/Jorge/Anfisa"...? 

  • Love 2
22 minutes ago, Drogo said:

So the reason for Loren/Alexei's first two denials wasn't "Because of people like Mahamit/Danyeel/Jorge/Anfisa"...? 

I understand that I went into technicalities there, while she was speaking in a more general sense. Maybe she meant that the process is so complex because of people like M/D/J/A. Because of people like them the process requres to provide proof of relationship and financial stability, etc. I get it. But again, over 95% of applicants have no problem providing those things, and if you have a genuine relationship, you will have plenty of evidence.

But the interesting thing is, these difficulties were put in place to exclude fraud. And if none of our participants got excluded from the process because of those requirements, it means either that those measures aren't doing their job to prevent fraud, or that M/D/J/A aren't considered fraud.

  • Love 4

Did Danielle say that she is financially responsible for Mohammed for 10 years because of the Green Card regulations, even though they are no longer legally married? If I heard her correctly, and if this indeed is accurate, I have a better understanding of her desire to convince authorities that he used her. I live in Canada, and sponsored Mr. Thinker's application to come to this country. I recall, as his sponsor, I agreed to support him for a considerable period of time, even if the marriage ended - we're 12+ years in and still together, thankfully.

  • Love 6
23 minutes ago, ThinkerBell said:

I agreed to support him for a considerable period of time, even if the marriage ended - we're 12+ years in and still together, thankfully.

Same here.  The agreement I signed in regard to my British husband was not to support him, but rather to reimsurse the government for a period of time if he should claim government funds like welfare.  I can't see that being called into play very often.  

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Sprockets said:

Same here.  The agreement I signed in regard to my British husband was not to support him, but rather to reimsurse the government for a period of time if he should claim government funds like welfare.  I can't see that being called into play very often.  

Yes,  that is the same arrangement that I entered into with my husband. I suspect that Danielle worries that Mohammed could potentially continue to impose a financial hardship for her, even though the marriage is over. I'm sure it's crossed Jorge's mind too about Anfisa. Pao's glib comment to Danielle to simply cut ties and walk away isn't always legally possible in cases where sponsorship is involved.

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, ThinkerBell said:

I suspect that Danielle worries that Mohammed could potentially continue to impose a financial hardship for her, even though the marriage is over.

Oddly enough, that is one thing she actually does NOT need to worry about.  The terms of the divorce will specify all divisions of property, financial responsibilities, etc.  Danielle actually can be done with him emotionally if she chooses to be.  

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, Ivanova said:

None of those reasons should apply to Loren and Alexi's case. The only thing I can think of, besides them filing the paperwork incorrectly, is that maybe his family tried to get refugee status or asylum in the US before. Don't know.

I think it may be because they are not true Isrealies- they are from Russia/Ukraine

47 minutes ago, Kid said:

This host. A houseplant could do a better job.

I hate her! Her fake concern and open mouth when she tries to express shock or wonder. Who picked this dead fish???

Get someone with a personality!

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, booboopbedoo said:

I think it may be because they are not true Isrealies- they are from Russia/Ukraine

So it may be because they went from one country to another and now he wants to move again? I don't think it would be an issue, unless they already tried to move specifically to the US. But honestly, I don't know how the rules work in this situation.

On 9/5/2017 at 3:41 PM, Kid said:

 I get it. But when you're about to marry someone, and that someone asked you a question about something this important, that someone has a right to the truth. However, if I were him, I would've looked it up. There's plenty of information out there on the syndrome.

I really don't see it as all that important.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Ivanova said:

So it may be because they went from one country to another and now he wants to move again? I don't think it would be an issue, unless they already tried to move specifically to the US. But honestly, I don't know how the rules work in this situation..

I think the theory is the family tried the USA and only choose Israel and the boys being drafted into the IDF when the US turned them down. So then the government's concerns would be the spousal visa was just to get around not getting a refuge visa

  • Love 1
14 minutes ago, Raja said:

I think the theory is the family tried the USA and only choose Israel and the boys being drafted into the IDF when the US turned them down. So then the government's concerns would be the spousal visa was just to get around not getting a refuge visa

During the 90s, the Soviet Jewish diaspora were permitted to leave if they so chose. A good many went to Israel because it was easier than going to Europe, Canada, and the US. Israel was also more welcoming since it is their homeland. I think to emigrate elsewhere, there were fewer refugee visas or existing family was required and had to meet unification of families criteria.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
  • Love 2
7 hours ago, ThinkerBell said:

Yes,  that is the same arrangement that I entered into with my husband. I suspect that Danielle worries that Mohammed could potentially continue to impose a financial hardship for her, even though the marriage is over. I'm sure it's crossed Jorge's mind too about Anfisa. Pao's glib comment to Danielle to simply cut ties and walk away isn't always legally possible in cases where sponsorship is involved.

This is a great point. If Mo can't get health insurance and goes on Medicaid, does Danielle have to reimburse the government for any medical care Mo receives under Medicaid?  Ouch!  

Now I get why Danielle was pushing so hard for an annulment and deportation. 

I wonder how many of these idiots consider the potential long-tern financial ramifications for sponsoring someone coming into this country. My guess is near zero. Danielle didn't. She seems completely blindsided.

5 hours ago, orangeiguana said:

To avoid being productive, I rewatched this. The way Russ is petting Pao's arm is just disturbing. Just not how grownups act in public. It was like she was a housecat or puppy.

I thought the same thing. I used to rub my children's arms that way to keep them settled and quiet in church or other public settings.  Weird to do that to a spouse. 

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