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S13.E04: Week 4: Hilton Head Island

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I don't understand the "to be continued..."

On an elimination show like The Bachelorette, EVERY week is "to be continued"!

Just because you are switching the order and putting rose ceremonies in the middle isn't fooling anyone, show!

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6 hours ago, waving feather said:

Yep. That's my problem with Lee as well. He is a shit-stirrer and an unnecessary one. You can never trust such people. 

Lol at all these guys. I'm far from a fantastic speller but really Peter? Starting coitus with a Q??! I understand misplacing the vowels in a word but hasn't he seen that word anywhere before?

Lee - yup - has to go.

Peter... I originally gave him partial credit,... maybe he was thinking of the word quoits (kids game)?  But then at the end, he was one of the ones mispronouncing disingenuous and nope - no more partial credit.  I really don't think he's that smart.  They caption him as business owner, but his business is Personal Training.  I don't think he's bright enough for Rachel.

I like Kenny.  I want to like Kenny.  But he is such an easy target for Lee who has to leave right now.

I like Will but he doesn't seem to interact with Rachel much. 

And there are still these random guys I haven't seen before like Adam?

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I think Bryan and his cheek bones are firmly in the lead, with Peter dropping back significantly as Rachel sees how hard it is to get JoJo's  "words of affirmation," from him, much less her own necessary "physical touch."  I noticed he put a quick stop to their make-out session with a finishing, "There now!" smack.

When Rachel was saying that lots of people were going to be mad at her, I thought she was only partly talking about keeping Lee and maybe also thinking about the reaction if she chooses a white man in the end, because I think she's falling in love with Bryan.

Josiah is so good on paper, but I think Icky the tattletale had a point about him being  turned all the way on in front of the cameras and switched completely off the rest of the time.

Kenny is growing on me.  He's a little too hot headed but ultimately keeps control of himself.

Eric, on the other hand, is easily upset and doesn't know how to handle it.  I feel sort of worried for him, I keep thinking his feelings are really going to be hurt when all this is over.

Lee is a huge casting mistake.  Over the top, protein powder pumping villains like Chad are fun.  Creepy, smiling, passive aggressive racists are not.

To the powers that be:  I'm not falling for your final three minutes past ten trick, to lead me into the next network show.  You could have cut some of the many boring bits to make room within your two hour slot for the cliff hanger.  I turn your show off at ten.

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25 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

When Rachel was saying that lots of people were going to be mad at her, I thought she was only partly talking about keeping Lee and maybe also thinking about the reaction if she chooses a white man in the end, because I think she's falling in love with Bryan.

I think its also that she knows she is allowing black men to look angry and aggressive, while falling for a white guy.  

Ugh. Lee is awful. 

I dont think the spelling bee was shown in order. I think they cherry picked amusing moments, and thats why it appeared Josiah got easier words.  I think his easy words came early. 

But wow he got drunk.  

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1 hour ago, leighdear said:

Will may SAY he reads 6 books a day, but don't we all know by now that the hamsters in the cage aren't allowed books, magazines, computers, phones, etc?  They have to talk, talk, talk.

I know, nitpicky.  But comments like that annoy me.  Will doesn't seem that brilliant, but maybe because he's been fairly well hidden thus far.  Definitely no sizzle. 

Will didn't say it.  Somebody else said it about him.  Obviously an exaggeration and a joke but it made me look at Will in a whole new way.  There's nothing negative to me about a bookworm.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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It seems some people are bothered by Peter's "from the hood" line in his rap. I am curious if you are just as bothered by Dean's "once you go black" line? I am not being argumentative, I am truly curious.

Neither bothered me, but maybe I am just more lighthearted and took them both as being in good fun.

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10 hours ago, leighdear said:

Something about Rachel I just don't care for, but I can't put my finger on it.  I didn't like her little tantrum about how hard it is to be in her situation.  Yes, we know that we'll never know how hard it is.  Just like we'll never get piles of cash to kiss cute guys and be on TV.   

I thought she said that right after saying she faces a lot of pressure being the first Black Bachelorette.  I agree with her.  I think she's doing great.

@nutty1 both comments did kind of bother me.  But then I don't know the men and it kind of gives a poor first impression.  Once you get to know them you might forget about the comments.  Like Dean now seems super, super cool.  I loved his comments about Lee.  He's observant.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I don't know if it is the edit but whenever Bryan is onscreen I can't help but think "player" the cheesy "this is a fairy tale" and "when ever your weak I'm going to be strong" lines, I am just not falling for it like Rachel is.

Edited by roses
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1 minute ago, roses said:

I don't know if it is the edit but whenever Bryan is onscreen I can't help but think "player" the cheesy "this is a fairytail" and "when ever your weak Im going to be strong" lines, I am just nit falling for it like Rachel is.

Maybe it's that we have all watched this dang show way too long!!

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7 hours ago, arieswriting said:

I loved Dean's "You know exactly what I mean" to the producer trying to get that soundbite.

The highlight of this episode.  High five, Dean.  

34 minutes ago, nutty1 said:

It seems some people are bothered by Peter's "from the hood" line in his rap. I am curious if you are just as bothered by Dean's "once you go black" line? I am not being argumentative, I am truly curious.

Neither bothered me, but maybe I am just more lighthearted and took them both as being in good fun.

I agree.  

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1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:


I think Bryan and his cheek bones are firmly in the lead, with Peter dropping back significantly as Rachel sees how hard it is to get JoJo's  "words of affirmation," from him, much less her own necessary "physical touch."  I noticed he put a quick stop to their make-out session with a finishing, "There now!" smack.


I was surprised to see Peter put only one arm, limply around her as they kissed.  What is up with his lack luster passionless kisses?   At least hug her as you lock lips!  

Edited by wings707
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15 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I was surprised to see Peter put only one arm, limply around her as they kissed.  What is up with his lack luster passionless kisses?   At least hug her as you lock lips!  

 I am sure that one hand was on her thigh and the other was near her bum, I remember during that part thinking "that hand is pretty low" lol.

Edited by roses
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21 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I was surprised to see Peter put only one arm, limply around her as they kissed.  What is up with his lack luster passionless kisses?   At least hug her as you lock lips!  

Perhaps he's not going with the program and "falling in love" with Rachel.  We don't see it often in this show, because it's set up to show that every guy there, if chosen, is ready to propose.   A guy is going to look like a jerk if he says otherwise. 

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11 minutes ago, backformore said:

Perhaps he's not going with the program and "falling in love" with Rachel.  We don't see it often in this show, because it's set up to show that every guy there, if chosen, is ready to propose.   A guy is going to look like a jerk if he says otherwise. 

I agree that Peter is looking to see if she is a good fit for him rather than the usual approach.  I like that about him.  Still, kisses are usually accompanied with a two armed hug.  

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1 minute ago, backformore said:

Perhaps he's not going with the program and "falling in love" with Rachel.  We don't see it often in this show, because it's set up to show that every guy there, if chosen, is ready to propose.   A guy is going to look like a jerk if he says otherwise. 

But that's the premise of the whole show and why I watch it - people falling in love/ lust while speed dating. It doesn't make him a jerk, just a bit out of place I guess. 

To be fair, I think Peter likes Rachel as a person but I don't get the vibe that he is physically attracted to her. Most men, when someone they are attracted to welcomes physical intimacy, will be ALL IN. Most women too.

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13 hours ago, dleighg said:

on the other hand, one of the (forgettable) guys she sent home deserved it for saying "disingenuine"

A bunch of them were saying it, WTF was that? Do they have some kind of grammatically incorrect word-of-the-day toilet paper in that house or what? Even Peter, who generally comes across as intelligent, said it once. 


Why on earth did she keep Lee? Is that Production shenanigans?

Definitely. She treats him rather similarly to the way she treated Whaboom, cordially distant in every conversation. 



And now she's proved that she's JUST like all the other leads.  She has to jump through as many of their hoops as they demand.  Keeping Lee proved that. 


Why wouldn't she have to do the same things that are required of past leads? That has nothing to do with Rachel as a person, it's the nature of being the lead. 


I was crushing on Dean a lot today. Didn't feel he was too young for her today. To think this is the same guy from ATFR with the "once you go black..." comment, when I automatically dismissed him as just a pretty face. I'm totally ok with him as next Bachelor if she doesn't pick him.

Dean had a great episode last night. Casually, openly talking shit about the odious Lee and then being adorable on the one on one. I still think he's ultimately too young for her, but I don't blame her for keeping him around longer. He's becoming one of my favorites and I'd like to see him stick around for the majority of the show. 


I don't normally post, but in what world does "stunning" have the same difficulty level as "boutonnière"?!?! I guess it's the nerd in me, but the unfairness of that match-up had me more verklempt than Whaboom and Lee combined.

That's the nature of spelling bees sometimes. The best screwed-by-word-choice spelling bee story I ever heard was someone in like a 4th grade spelling bee who was given the word "ziggurat." Naturally, she got that one wrong because what 4th grader would know that and then the winning word..."basketball." Lol! 


I think it's pretty obvious Rachel is in to Bryan. She basically lit up at the rose ceremony when she got to call him forward.

Ugh, Bryan. I wanted Rachel to follow up on her "you're so charming it scares me" discussion because it should scare her. If someone is that slick, it's typically due to lots and lots of practice and the "practicing" on other people may not stop once he's in a relationship.

Honestly, I don't even find him charming, he seems so calculating and fake. 


Iggy is such a loser!  

Iggy is the worst. Not interesting, not fun, and clearly trying to sneak into the boyfriend role via the friend door and an obnoxious gossip. Please send him home soon. 

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2 hours ago, leighdear said:

Will may SAY he reads 6 books a day, but don't we all know by now that the hamsters in the cage aren't allowed books, magazines, computers, phones, etc?  They have to talk, talk, talk.

I know, nitpicky.  But comments like that annoy me.  Will doesn't seem that brilliant, but maybe because he's been fairly well hidden thus far.  Definitely no sizzle. 

Maybe Will does read six books a day. Then...I'm reminded of "A Fish Called Wanda," when Otto states, "Apes don't read Aristotle." and Wanda replies, "Yes they do, Otto. They just don't understand it."

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9 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:
13 hours ago, dleighg said:

on the other hand, one of the (forgettable) guys she sent home deserved it for saying "disingenuine"

A bunch of them were saying it, WTF was that? Do they have some kind of grammatically incorrect word-of-the-day toilet paper in that house or what? Even Peter, who generally comes across as intelligent, said it once. 


Someone upthread had a theory that the guys were told not to say "wrong reasons" anymore. So maybe some intern who doesn't know better offered this made-up word as a substitute :)

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1 minute ago, dleighg said:

Someone upthread had a theory that the guys were told not to say "wrong reasons" anymore. So maybe some intern who doesn't know better offered this made-up word as a substitute :)

Yes.  Someone said it first and they all leaped on it!  

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1 hour ago, nutty1 said:

It seems some people are bothered by Peter's "from the hood" line in his rap. I am curious if you are just as bothered by Dean's "once you go black" line? I am not being argumentative, I am truly curious.

Neither bothered me, but maybe I am just more lighthearted and took them both as being in good fun.

They're totally different for me. "Once you go black..." is an old joke about how dating a black person is great. "She's from the hood" is...I don't know what he meant but it's extremely loaded. 

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1 hour ago, nutty1 said:

It seems some people are bothered by Peter's "from the hood" line in his rap. I am curious if you are just as bothered by Dean's "once you go black" line? I am not being argumentative, I am truly curious.

Neither bothered me, but maybe I am just more lighthearted and took them both as being in good fun.

Yes, I was appalled by that, too. I can MAYBE see how the "I'm going black and never going back" line was intended to be funny. However, I'm not budging on the "hood" line as being incredibly racist. Lots of people have rapped on this show before. I can't imagine anyone would have ever rhymed "from the hood" if the Bachelorette were white. 

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10 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

Yes, I was appalled by that, too. I can MAYBE see how the "I'm going black and never going back" line was intended to be funny. However, I'm not budging on the "hood" line as being incredibly racist. Lots of people have rapped on this show before. I can't imagine anyone would have ever rhymed "from the hood" if the Bachelorette were white. 

He didn't know it was offensive.  That was not his intent, surely.  Sometimes white people trip on some things we just don't know.  Granted it is an obvious gaff to most of us.  This is how education happens.   He is not going to ever say that again when SM has their say.    He couldn't spell coitus either.   How sheltered do you have to be not to know the correct spelling?!  

Edited by wings707
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I've fallen asleep the last two episodes before the show is over. Knowing that there is no rose ceremony at the end of the episode and instead it will be only bros arguing makes me meh about even bothering. There is an inherent feeling that I won't miss anything, only unnecessary drama and conflicts dragged out that will all be rehashed at the beginning of the next week's show.

Too bad. At least Survivor and the Amazing Race kept their concepts intact. Again, I blame Chris Harrison as the producer for this format ... he seems bored with the show as is and probably pushes for the cliffhangers. I like Rachel (well, except for those eyelashes ... yikes). 

Edited by TheFinalRose
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4 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I don't think he knew it was offensive.  That was not his intent, surely.  Sometimes white people trip on some things we just don't know.  Granted it is an obvious gaff to most of us.  This is how education happens.   He is not going to ever say that again when SM has their say.    He couldn't spell coitus either.   How sheltered do you have to be not to know the correct spelling?!  

White people don't know that most black people don't live in the hood? 

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"From the hood," always makes me think of JLo saying, "I'm still Jenny from the hood."  So,  I don't think of it as a race thing so much as an economic class thing, referring to the poorer neighborhoods in the inner city.  Which is why I thought it was really irritating when Peter said it.  It shows he doesn't know Rachel at all.  She's Rachel from the wealthy suburbs. 

Dean, although I thought he took a huge risk, was making fun of an old silly stereotype and the immediate laugh from Rachel showed she got it.

Rachel is way too smart for most of these men, but I'm not bothered that she gives roses to some of the jerks.  Every bach/ette has said the producers tell them that they get to make most of the choices, but, for story purposes, the producers will be picking a few each time.

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14 hours ago, ridethemaverick said:

White people don't know that most black people don't live in the hood? 

NO!  I said that was an obvious mistake.  HE, apparently didn't know this was a bad thing to say  I said some  whites slip on some things.  It is ignorance not mal intent. 

14 hours ago, JudyObscure said:


"From the hood," always makes me think of JLo saying, "I'm still Jenny from the hood." 


"Jenny from the block'" is the song lyric.  

Edited by wings707
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12 hours ago, Ripley68 said:

So the only white guy to take his shirt off is Lee. 


Bryan did, too.

12 hours ago, dirtypop90 said:

Peter's rap mentioning black girls from the hood eww


That was so cringeworthy. Rachel didn't seem to mind at all though. But she might think that if she says anything about it she'll look bad or something. She's obviously worried about what being the first black Bachelorette means.

2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I turn your show off at ten.


I used to do that, but the last scene is often (maybe always) the best part of the ep so I set my DVR to go over by like 5 minutes now. Fucking ABC!

17 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

"From the hood," always makes me think of JLo saying, "I'm still Jenny from the hood." 


She said 'Jenny from the block.' 'Hood' definitely has racial implications.

Dean is maybe my favorite guy ever on one of these shows. He is just a breath of fresh air. And him calling out Lee for the racist little shit he is while also being sure not to give Production the sound bite they wanted was fucking amazing.

Bryan comes off completely fake and smarmy to me in every interaction he has with Rachel. Maybe he's just someone that comes off that way when he really isn't, but I can barely stand to watch them together. I did like how over all the drama he seemed in the scenes with the guys though. He looked like he was trying to sink into the couch so it'd swallow him whole at one point! And his cheeks looked slightly better in this ep.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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16 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

So,  I don't think of it as a race thing so much as an economic class thing, referring to the poorer neighborhoods in the inner city.  Which is why I thought it was really irritating when Peter said it.  It shows he doesn't know Rachel at all.  She's Rachel from the wealthy suburbs. 

Yeah, for me it's not even that it's "offensive", even though it may be for some but it shows how dumb that was. Rachel is more privileged and wealthy than most the men left in the show. In the real world, she is out of their league. I don't see her truly marrying any of the lot. 

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Josiah is so good on paper, but I think Icky the tattletale had a point about him being  turned all the way on in front of the cameras and switched completely off the rest of the time.

That's the thing though. Yes, some of Iggy's observations about Eric and Josiah aren't necessarily wrong. The issue is that he, as Eric said, is like a freaking gossip queen, running to Rachel every time to talk about other guys instead of focusing on developing any kind of relationship with her. And I so agreed with Josiah and laughed out loud when he pointed out that Iggy then comes to the person he's just talked about, tells them he just said all this shit about them to Rachel, like he's doing them a favor and then it's like, "but still love you bro and good luck with her". Like WTH?


It seems some people are bothered by Peter's "from the hood" line in his rap. I am curious if you are just as bothered by Dean's "once you go black" line? I am not being argumentative, I am truly curious.

You obviously weren't paying attention because Dean got a lot of shit for that right after the AFR, which is why he was very sheepish about it when they met again for the official first night cocktail party. And it's also why Rachel had to keep reassuring him that she wasn't bothered because yeah, he got a lot of crap online for that comment and some people are only now slowly coming around to liking him. Also, Bryan got a lot of crap for that sloppy seconds comment on the Ellen Show group date. To be honest, I don't think Peter is getting much crap for that line because this board is the first place I'm seeing it even being discussed. Every where else online is gushing over how adorably cute and bad he was at his little attempt to rap. 


I don't know if it is the edit but whenever Bryan is onscreen I can't help but think "player" the cheesy "this is a fairy tale" and "when ever your weak I'm going to be strong" lines, I am just not falling for it like Rachel is.

I don't think she's completely falling for it because she sort of called him out on it. She's definitely very attracted to him so she couched some of the criticism behind the "I wonder if you're too good to be true" but she did tell him flat out that some of it just seem a little too smooth and I felt like she did laughingly eyeroll his ridiculous "it is a fantasy" line. I think he's definitely getting the too smooth edit where eventually we'll hear Rachel express being wary of knowing if he's really genuine or not. Sets up the conflict for them for the season if she does end up picking him. 


Perhaps he's not going with the program and "falling in love" with Rachel.  We don't see it often in this show, because it's set up to show that every guy there, if chosen, is ready to propose.   A guy is going to look like a jerk if he says otherwise. 

Yup, ask Brooks about that, who some viewers acted like he was one of the worse villains from the franchise because he realized he was not in love with Des and basically told her and left. Especially because he realized she was likely going to pick him. 


Even Peter, who generally comes across as intelligent, said it once. 

He has, when? Because I don't feel like I've seen anything in any of these episodes to convince me of Peter's intelligence good or bad. So I can't say the disingenuine and spelling coitus with Q was so out of character for him in my eyes. YMMV. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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3 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:


You obviously weren't paying attention because Dean got a lot of shit for that right after the AFR, which is why he was very sheepish about it when they met again for the official first night cocktail party. And it's also why Rachel had to keep reassuring him that she wasn't bothered because yeah, he got a lot of crap online for that comment and some people are only now slowly coming around to liking him. Also, Bryan got a lot of crap for that sloppy seconds comment on the Ellen Show group date. To be honest, I don't think Peter is getting much crap for that line because this board is the first place I'm seeing it even being discussed. Every where else online is gushing over how adorably cute and bad he was at his little attempt to rap. 


Yup, ask Brooks about that, who some acted like was one of the worse villains from the franchise because he realized he was not in love with Des and basically told her and left. Especially because he realized she was probably likely going to pick him. 


I did know about Dean. That's what made me ask, I was wondering if people equated the 2 comments.

Brooks....sigh....one of my all time favorites, during the show and after. 

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Oh, is that what Brooks did? The whole thing was a WTF because he left it at the last minute. Surely if he wasnt feelin her, dawg, then he would have known sooner than that? #teamBrooksSucks

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4 minutes ago, wonald said:

Oh, is that what Brooks did? The whole thing was a WTF because he left it at the last minute. Surely if he wasnt feelin her, dawg, then he would have known sooner than that? #teamBrooksSucks

He wanted to leave sooner. They wouldnt let him.

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24 minutes ago, wonald said:

Oh, is that what Brooks did? The whole thing was a WTF because he left it at the last minute. Surely if he wasnt feelin her, dawg, then he would have known sooner than that? #teamBrooksSucks

To me, he should have left after their 2nd 1-1 date, when Des was asking him to gauge how much he was falling in love with her (that whole walking-skipping-jogging-sprinting nonsense) and Brooks looked like he wanted the earth to swallow him whole. He was clearly not into her them.

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14 hours ago, susannot said:

The spelling bee is a great idea.  Josiah is a smart and good looking guy.

And funny, too.  "Can I use that word in a sentence?" 


13 hours ago, dizzyd said:

Lmao at the GoT scene.

I don't watch GoT so I didn't even know the context but I still thought it was hilarious.


12 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I'm a little tipsy right now

If you're only a little tipsy, then your drinking game word must not be "guys."


5 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Some guy (don't know his name) said, "I'm not getting involved in this," but in the same breath said, "I'm not going to miss this" and ran to go peek out the window. This is the kind of contestant I would be--to know better than to get involved, but to grab my popcorn and a first row seat to watch everyone else's drama.

I loved the way he did it.  He explained not getting involved, and then added, "That said..." as he scurried to the window.


4 hours ago, CindyBee said:

Oh well, I'll keep watching to see where Adam Jr appears (he looked great in the audience at the spelling bee)

I find Adam Jr compelling.  Something about the look on his face.




I made liberal use of my pause and rewind buttons to transcribe this amazing exchange:

Brady: "...everyone's different, and has their own little weird... quarks."

Dean: "...quirks. Sure."

Brady: "Quirks--"

Dean: "--Quirks."

Brady: "Quirks? Quarks."

Dean: "Quirks."

JACK STONE: "Quirks. Quarks."

Dean: "Quarks are like an anatomical..."

JACK STONE: "Quarks are, um, they go in a wine bottle."

Dean: "No, qua-- no, that's a cork."

....and that's when my grey matter liquified and dribbled out of my right ear. 


I think those kind of conversations are hilarious.  (See comment above about the GoT conversation I didn't even understand.)

But what could Dean have been thinking when he said quarks have something to do with anatomy?  I obviously don't think he knows what an actual quark is, but what word was he thinking of?

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1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

"From the hood," always makes me think of JLo saying, "I'm still Jenny from the hood." 

Ah yes, the classic B side.  "Jenny from the Hood."  Hahahahah.  Also, "J.Lo from the Ghet-TO" and "J from Around the Way".

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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13 hours ago, dleighg said:

I admit to only partially paying attention, but didn't that get said (it may not have been about Lee, I admit)-- something about him not being "familiar" with "certain demographics" or something like that? Which I at first took as a class thing, but a bit later realized they were talking about race

Dean said it about Lee.  He said that Lee will only start fights and drama with men from a different demographic than Lee is.  When the (producer?) asked Dean "What do you mean by that?" Dean just flashed his Dean Smile and said "You know exactly what I mean by that."

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3 hours ago, backformore said:

I keep seeing this referenced (sorry I'm bad with Acronyms) and have no idea what this means - did I miss the ending?

GoT = Game of Thrones. Josiah and Kenny were doing bad imitations of some of GoT's characters' accents, and Will was mocking them.

3 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

But what could Dean have been thinking when he said quarks have something to do with anatomy?  I obviously don't think he knows what an actual quark is, but what word was he thinking of?

Technically he wasn't wrong since a quark is a sub-atomic particle and everything, including the human body, is made of atoms. I give him credit for even being in the science ballpark. BTW, quark could also refer to a German dairy dish - somewhere between yogurt and farmer's cheese.

Stuff like the quirk/quark/cork discussion, the spelling bee, and the GoT ending is why I watch this show. I'm not feeling Rachel with any of the guys - Bryan is too smarmy, Peter too indifferent, and Dean adorable but too young for her. I sometimes enjoy a fun "villain", but Lee and Iggy are just tedious.

Edited by chocolatine
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@backformore it's probably not worth trying to explain the whole thing here, but basically in the end-credits tag Josiah puts on a (truly terrible) British accent and says "fill my goblet" and then some other guys jumped in with their own drunken British accents and half-quoted lines from Game of Thrones. The awful accents (and Will's palpable pain over them) are the highlight. Or lowlight, as it were. 

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Yeah, when they were al sitting around talking, I swear there were new guys  - guys I don't recall ever seeing before.

When Rachel was worried about criticism, I wondered if she was anticipating that, since she was falling for a white guy, that she was concerned she will face backlash for finding white guys more desirable than Black guys.  


And thanks, everyone, for explaining the GoT reference  - never saw the show, and I think my DVR cut out before it happened.

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9 hours ago, Catronia said:

Eric (cooler this week, but can't let last week go, especially with the previously scene showing him literally dancing with rage like some old Loony Tunes character)

Maybe that's just his "physde".  

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