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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion


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7 minutes ago, Sandycat said:

Christmas and Paul both have this very creepy way about them, almost like these psychotic people you see on TV dramas. I just can't explain it, the things they say and even their looks and how they turn it off and on is very chilling.

I think what's creepy about it is the symbiotic cruelty. They're sort of like the Macbeths. They both seem to get turned on by being cruel together. It's what binds them so closely together. 

  • Love 15

Paul is in the Have Not room now.  He said Kevin is petrified of Paul talking to Alex.  Alex said they all are.  Then she said that Cody said that they were all afraid of her and he was right.

1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

They had to wait until they were priced to clear at Wal-Mart. The budget this year was probably blown in all the comps that no one competed in. 

Yep.  They were probably waiting to catch those back to school sales aimed at the college kids.

Paul is trying to create more paranoia about Kevin.  He's telling Christmas that Kevin has been sucking up to Alex and being extra nice to her.  Christmas says he's just trying to secure a jury vote.

  • Love 2
20 minutes ago, zorak said:

Alex walking through the kitchen:  "America, they picked a weak cast this year.  Jesus!"

Now she's back in the bed reading.  She says, "By the way, now that I'm on my way out, you guys can vote for me for America's Favorite.  That would be really chill."  Fat chance!

Clearly, madness is setting in and she is starting to completely lose touch with reality.    No way in hell is that happening.  You don't get AFP just because you're evicted.  The viewers have to actually like you somewhat and/or feel like you deserve it at least a little bit.  Being a miserable, mean, rambling buffoon, who doesn't speak clearly and plays a dumb game, is not going to catapult a houseguest to the top of everyone's list for AFP.

  • Love 11

And wasn't she asking us to vote for Jason the other day? Or did imagine that? 

I know we all think Kevin is an idiot for believe in Paul - like everyone else- but pretty sure Paul is the only guy to talk game with Kevin even the things tiniest bit. It's really no wonder Kevin is loyal to Paul 

Edited by gunderda
  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, gunderda said:

I know we all think Kevin is an idiot for believe in Paul - like everyone else- but pretty sure Paul is the only guy to talk game with Kevin even the things tiniest bit. It's really no wonder Kevin is loyal to Paul 

Anytime someone talked game to Kevin, he went straight to Paul and told him everything. No wonder none of them are willing to talk game with him anymore! Doesn't excuse them treating him like crap though.

  • Love 15
5 minutes ago, gunderda said:

And wasn't she asking us to vote for Jason the other day? Or did imagine that? 

I know we all think Kevin is an idiot for believe in Paul - like everyone else- but pretty sure Paul is the only guy to talk game with Kevin even the things tiniest bit. It's really no wonder Kevin is loyal to Paul 

Paul has a way of saying just enough to Kevin -- it could be only 2 sentences -- to make Kevin think they are still in some sort of alliance, and yet I can't tell if Kevin is picking up on the patronizing, condescending, dismissive way Paul sometimes talks to him.  Sometimes Paul uses a tone of voice as though he is telling a child to go sit at the kids' table and leave the adults to do grown-up things.  He sounds impatient and disinterested in what Kevin says, but it seems to go over Kevin's head, or Kevin thinks Paul is joking.

When they had their party on Labor Day, everyone had a couple of beers in them.  Paul seemed to not know too much about the origins of Labor Day (and he kept getting the name of the holiday mixed up), so Kevin was telling him about how and when Labor Day started.  As you can imagine, the story was not that interesting (at least not to Paul), and a bit long and drawn out, but Kevin was just so excited to be talking to anyone, I think.    Paul stared at Kevin with this glazed-over look in his eyes.  His response was so minimal -- it's like he wasn't even trying to hide it from Kevin that he was disinterested in the origins of Labor Day.  He looked at Kevin (as Kevin was enthusiastically talking) with contempt, and I wondered what Paul was thinking at that moment.  Whatever he was thinking, I was hoping he was not going to say it because I had a feeling it would not be nice.

  • Love 9

Kevin and Paul were outside playing pool.  (Kevin was still trying to find out why no one will talk to him, and Paul was pretending to not know.)  I think that either Christmas or Alex was asleep.  Josh was told in the DR that -- courtesy of Pop TV again -- they were going to have a Milkshake Party and make Unicorn milkshakes with the supplies they were given (frozen strawberries, whipped cream, etc.).  Production even gave them a blender and goofy unicorn horns to wear.

They made one or two rounds of milkshakes -- I've never seen anyone mangle milkshakes that badly, which Christmas blamed on the fact that she makes smoothies and not shakes.  Josh told her that her milkshake "did not bring all the boys to the yard."  LOL  Her milkshake was too thick and globby -- to the point where Paul suggested putting it in the microwave.

They finally tried another round of shakes, and I guess Christmas got it right, and now Josh is raving about how good it is.

I only see Kevin, Paul, Josh and Christmas in the kitchen with their shakes.  Alex, if I am not mistaken, came out to look at what they got from production, and then she went back to bed.

Josh and Paul are now feeling sick from their Unicorn milkshakes.   Christmas says they are lightweights.  Paul says he is going to be sick.


It seems that the Unicorn milkshakes have given Josh, Paul and Christmas a shot of energy.  Josh went out into the backyard to yell and be loud.  Paul and Christmas started playing with each other -- she was trying to poke Paul with her Unicorn horn, and he pushed her out the door into the backyard, causing her to stumble.  She started chasing him around with one crutch.

Then Paul and Josh started chasing each other around the yard, with Paul taking Orwell, the stuffed owl, away from Josh and Josh trying to get Orwell back.  Christmas is also harassing Josh in the hammock, and he keeps screaming.

Kevin is out in the yard with them too, but he is not involved in the shenanigans between Paul, Christmas and Josh, and is just watching them and smiling. 

Josh is rambling in the hammock, and Paul says he is going to sleep. 

Alex is still in bed, reading the Bible.

Edited by TVFan17
fixed some things -- was too tired when I typed up the summary last night
  • Love 2

Meanwhile, after the Unicorn Milkshake Party (see previous post)...

Alex came out of the bedroom and is now in the backyard, maniacally hula hooping and rambling to the cameras.  Josh, Christmas, Paul and Kevin are back inside.

Alex is bashing each one of them -- she even took time to call Elena a name or two, even though Elena is not there.  She mentioned something again about wanting us to vote for her as AFP (she needs to stop with that delusional B.S.).

Alex bashed Josh for crying and not standing by his big game moves.  She is bashing Paul for being dishonest and for fake-crying to her, and yet she keeps saying she will vote for him to win and will try to get Jason to vote for him too!

Alex said she is the only one in the house who is not fake.

Alex just said a hilarious thing: "Kevin HATES me because I tell him all the time that I can't stand him."  (Think about that statement for a minute.  Kevin hates her because she always tells him she can't stand him.  Well, gee, Alex, I wonder why he hates you then?)

Alex called Christmas handicapped.

Alex is ranting angrily.  She says she is super salty.  She called Paul a tool bag.  She says his friendship is B.S.  She says Paul has a band and a company to fall back on, and yet he will not take Alex to final 2 -- even though Alex doesn't have a car right now.

Alex says that Paul is a liar, and that he never got in anyone's face (even though he claimed he did).

Now Alex is on a Kevin tangent again.  Kevin heard her talking loudly in the yard, and came out to say something to her.  She dismissed Kevin and he went back inside.  She proceeded to go on about how Kevin was shuffling around the house and being obnoxious, doing nothing to win.


Basically, Alex is being a big, whiny baby.  She says she has a reason to cry, but no one else does.  They are all counterfeit.  They are lying about all the things they are doing when they get out.

Big Brother told Alex to go in and close the sliding door.  She grumbled, "Okay, fine!  They're still counterfeit, though!"

Edited by TVFan17
  • Love 13
4 hours ago, Deputy Deputy CoS said:

Best guess is she was reading the Old Testament. 

Was she playing with her rosary when she said that?

Finishing a box of cereal is such a morally unconscionable transgression that Cody "shouldn't have been reading the Bible" because he was so evil. 

But literal blasphemy is not. 

  • Love 12

So, basically this Unicorn Party was because they had nothing to show for the episode this week, right? At this point, seeing all the parties they're throwing at them, it just makes them seem desperate for footage. 

Alex is a sore loser and I'm laughing. She's opened her eyes, alright. But, as predicted, way too late. She still says she'll vote for Paul if he's in F2 because he's played the best game, so she won't be a bitter juror. But she is finally seeing Paul in another light, which I thought wouldn't have happened until at least the finale. So...Alex has surprised me there, at least. But I am highly enjoying her salt. 

  • Love 8

I'm holding out a little hope for Alex to vote against Paul. She's nursing her wounds a little right now, and feeling sad. But, let's not forget this is the woman who proudly wears a hat with the word "petty" on it.  Give her a little time, and she may just change her tune in the jury house.  

Sad that Paul losing this season is literally all I have left to hope for, but that's it.

  • Love 10
6 minutes ago, Jel said:

I'm holding out a little hope for Alex to vote against Paul. She's nursing her wounds a little right now, and feeling sad. But, let's not forget this is the woman who proudly wears a hat with the word "petty" on it.  Give her a little time, and she may just change her tune in the jury house.  

Sad that Paul losing this season is literally all I have left to hope for, but that's it.

and, I don't even think that's going to happen. I think the jury will realize they were outplayed and give the win to Paul........I think. LOL!!!

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

Paul has a way of saying just enough to Kevin -- it could be only 2 sentences -- to make Kevin think they are still in some sort of alliance, and yet I can't tell if Kevin is picking up on the patronizing, condescending, dismissive way Paul sometimes talks to him.  Sometimes Paul uses a tone of voice as though he is telling a child to go sit at the kids' table and leave the adults to do grown-up things.  He sounds impatient and disinterested in what Kevin says, but it seems to go over Kevin's head, or Kevin thinks Paul is joking.

i've noticed that too and it drives me crazy.  I can only think that Kevin is craving human interaction so much that he'll take condescending paul because he has nothing else. 

I'm not sure I've ever heard Alex tell Kevin to his face that she doesn't like him.  Mostly she actually talks to him nicely from what I can tell.  I think Alex thinks she comes off more badass than she really is

  • Love 3

I think certain jury members could be bitter but I don't see the entire jury being bitter. 

Potentially bitter against Paul: Jason, Alex, Kevin

Probably not bitter against Paul: Mark, Elena

Still up Paul's butt: Matt, Raven 

Doesn't care: Cody

Josh would vote for Paul. If Paul cuts Christmas at F3 she might be hurt...Oh who am I kidding. She still votes for Paul. 

Edited by Cutty
  • Love 3
5 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

All summer this show has seemed like a 1940's gangster movie. 

Perfect analogy, every single character is perfect!  My personal favorite is Kevin.  So good.  Thundering applause!

4 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

Going over my twitter feed from last night, I find this tweet from Jessica

Cody has the ear of all the jury members because now they all see he was right. Will he use this to swing the votes? What do you guys think?

When Cody left he said he would vote for Paul or the person who got him evicted.  He may stick to that.  He will have a dilemma if Josh actually leaves him behind at F3.  

4 hours ago, Sandycat said:

I looked at Amazon to see what kind of ratings Christmas' books have, and I guess it's,her new one, but it has 56% one star with brutal reviews! She has no idea how the things she has done have impacted her livelihood. Unreal. She is totally delusional. 

The criticisms of her books were on content and it doesn't appear that BB figured in.  They all say the same thing, lacking content.  I haven't noticed what the program shows of her temper if they even touch that at all.  Anyone make note of that?  I just FF to the comps. 

3 hours ago, gunderda said:

i've noticed that too and it drives me crazy.  I can only think that Kevin is craving human interaction so much that he'll take condescending paul because he has nothing else. 

Yes and he may even interpret that as a tough game player.  It was just the other day Kevin told Paul that he was the best player of all time.  This from a man who doesn't watch the show much less the feeds.  Oy.  

Someone asked how he was doing and he said better since he went to DR.  They probably gave him a pep talk. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1
13 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

It really seems as if Christmas has substituted addictions. She's addicted to Paul.

yes, in some ways it was CrossFit she became addicted to but was able to turn it into a career.  She is really needy.  when I fist saw her I thought she was the most attractive female in the house.  now when she's on the screen I don't even register her looks, just that's she's so vile.

Edited by watch2much
  • Love 13
13 minutes ago, watch2much said:

yes, in some ways it was CrossFit she became addicted to but was able to turn it into a career.  She is really needy.  when I fist saw her I thought she was the most attractive female in the house.  now when she's on the screen I don't even register her looks, just that's she's so vile.

agreed - she is so ugly to me now

  • Love 6
13 minutes ago, watch2much said:

yes, in some ways it was CrossFit she became addicted to but was able to turn it into a career.  She is really needy.  when I fist saw her I thought she was the most attractive female in the house.  now when she's on the screen I don't even register her looks, just that's she's so vile.

agreed - she is so ugly to me now

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, Summerday said:

Right now, Josh is guaranteed second place, but if he tries too hard to get the jury votes for first, he could end up in fourth place.  

That's the thing, Josh needs to decide if getting to the end and not being able to win is better than trying to go for the win but in the process maybe failing to even get to the end.

1 hour ago, RandomWatcher said:

Going over my twitter feed from last night, I find this tweet from Jessica

Cody has the ear of all the jury members because now they all see he was right. Will he use this to swing the votes? What do you guys think?

Honestly, I don't see any scenario where Cody doesn't vote for Paul. He's the surest Paul vote in there imo. He will only not vote for Paul if Paul isn't an option lol. And if Jessica's right and Cody has the ear of all the jury (he doesn't lol) then Paul will absolutely win. 

I had some optimism for a minute that Paul might not get every vote, but I'm back to figuring he will indeed get a unanimous vote. Although I'm hoping Jason settled on being pissed at/not believing Paul and that he's bitter enough to just throw away his vote on whoever's next to Paul. I don't really see it happening though.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3
12 minutes ago, house864 said:

I thought you guys might like to hear my thoughts on it and I'd love to hear if you agree or disagree.

All very interesting.  My love > hate for the game has been very similar to yours and your wife's.  I too despised Boogie and started seeing the producer manipulation at about that time.

  • Love 3

If Paul is evicted though that could change things because he could potentially influence the jury.  I'm not sure if he would be bitter or not.  If Josh made the play to oust Paul then I could see a scenario where Josh loses as I don't think anyone really wants to give that buffoon half a million dollars and basically admit they were outsmarted by the biggest dummy in the house.

Edited by MV007
  • Love 3
4 hours ago, house864 said:

I've been doing a lot of thinking about Big Brother as a whole, sad I know, since this season has been such a trainwreck and I've come up with a theory. It's all Will Kirby's fault. 

First some background on my history with the show. My wife and I watched it from day one. Every episode. We didn't follow feeds or look anything up until season 6. We were obsessed every season and debated strategy and who would win or lose or whatever. When season 6 came around I was convinced the friendship couldn't possibly be as bad as they were being portrayed so I started looking online and found Joker's. This was my first exposure to the feeds and would change the way I viewed the game.

While there was some production interference and whatnot I could see the game was still there. All-stars changed all that and while following it I realized that the way the game was played was changing. The production interference seemed more heavy handed and not even subtle and that's where my Will Kirby's theory comes from.

My wife and I were so disappointed to see Will carry, and yes he carried him, the slimy weasel Boogie to the end that we stopped watching totally. We missed season 8-11 completely and then picked it back up with the brigade and have since watched all the seasons we missed but it's not the same game. That game ended with season 6.

When All-stars started Will was faced with a dilemma. He was playing a game against people who'd all played before. Who had played a game that he hadn't played because in season 2 there was no veto or backdoors or six finger plans. No outrageous twists. Just the HOH and a bunch of people for him to manipulate. Now he had a cast who all had more experience and weren't as easily manipulated. So he went for the next best thing manipulate production to give him what he wants. He did that by pitching them a story arc. For once they didn't have to cobble together a story from the episodes. They could just make the story happen with the help of the houseguests it was benefitting. And voila the new age of Big Brother is born.

This is even further proven by a few statements that Dan Geesling has made when giving tips on how to play. He's said more than once it's not winning comps or your social game that will keep you in the house. You have to remember you're on a television show and give them something to make your character interesting to make them want you to stay against all odds.

The fact that Will is the one who moderates the juror round table discussions just adds to the fact that production wants to make sure they can control the outcome to tell the story they have in mind for that specific season.

I think Nicole won last season because a woman had to beat a guy in the final two. It had never happened in the US Big Brother and it had twice on the Canadian counterpart and between that and the rumors of sexism they wanted a female to win against a male to prove that it was possible on the US version.

This season is Paul's payback for taking second. I don't think he was ever supposed to win because that wasn't the story they wanted to tell. I also don't think him controlling the house the way he has is the story either. They wanted a split house. Right vs left. To tie into the split in America over the election and all the crap from both sides. All American Marine Cody and his soldiers vs tattooed trendy hipster Paul and his soldiers. They cast a huge amount of followers who were needy and wanted to be accepted as cannon fodder to sacrifice as the two generals made war on screen. That's not what happened. Cody took the shot at Paul just like they wanted but they never imagined every houseguest but Jessica would run cowering to Paul when the Pendant of Ass Protection was used. That's when they lost control of the story and it's been a train wreck ever since. The fact that Paul isn't even respecting production and is ordering his minions to throw comps and ignore temptations makes it worse. He's taken them out of the equation.

I really doesn't matter though because next season will be a new story. I accepted that when I started watching again in season 12. It hasn't felt like a true game since season 6 and I don't think it ever truly will again unless there are drastic changes made. 

I thought you guys might like to hear my thoughts on it and I'd love to hear if you agree or disagree.

I agree. Very good post. I hope, and wish we could sign some petition against, that the next story (after the celebrity season) is not Xmas's big comeback after healing from her injury that impeded her gameplay this season ....Xmas second chance BS story. No freakin' thanks! Will pass on that.

Edited by Lamima
  • Love 6
37 minutes ago, house864 said:

I've been doing a lot of thinking about Big Brother as a whole, sad I know, since this season has been such a trainwreck and I've come up with a theory. It's all Will Kirby's fault. 

I agree with the rest of your post but I don't agree that Will is responsible for ruining this game.  He is not that powerful.  Production has ruined it. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 5
29 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I agree with the rest of your post but I don't agree that Will is responsible for ruining this game.  He is not that powerful.  Production has ruined it. 

Oh I don't think he's solely responsible at all. I agree he's not that powerful. Maybe I should've said he showed them they could take it further. Inspired them maybe, or at least helped plan the roadmap they've used for every season since. 

Edited by house864
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, house864 said:

Cody took the shot at Paul just like they wanted but they never imagined every houseguest but Jessica would run cowering to Paul when the Pendant of Ass Protection was used. That's when they lost control of the story and it's been a train wreck ever since. The fact that Paul isn't even respecting production and is ordering his minions to throw comps and ignore temptations makes it worse. He's taken them out of the equation.

Very interesting observations. But, I think the bottom line is that 1. production created the Pendant of Protection and 2. Paul got it. It gave him weeks of safety and that time allowed him to create his cult. And the groupies wanted to "be with" Paul at first to protect themselves and go further in the game and then they drank the Kool_Aide and it became an almost hypnotic mind set of being there to escort Paul to the f2. Their own game got lost along the way. 

Production might say: well we had no control over who received that Pendant. But, the bottom line is that they created it and inserted it into the game. So at the starting gate it would not have been an even playing field for all of the HGs. So it did not matter who got it and the fact that Paul got it was a disaster. And that idiotic bit with "friendship bracelets?" 

No matter what spin TPTB put on this season and regardless of the high ratings, this season has been criticized by many viewers and in the media. And after Paul wins, when they all get out and have time to find out how they were perceived, I really think that many of them will be furious at themselves. 

Serves them right. I actually hope Paul wins so they get what they deserve: a feeling that they were idiots and wasted their summer giving money to an already rich guy.  I console myself with that. And... if Cody manages to win AFP, we do get the last laugh. 

Paul is already rich, he comes from a wealthy family so this money will not make a difference in his life. For him, it is gravy. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
  • Love 1

You could say that the buyback comp and Jess getting the temptation was them trying to give team Cody a chance to comeback and reset the season like they wanted. But that'd be extreme conspiracy theorizing. Because as much as production does interfere there are limits to how far they'll go to keep there storyline going. They underestimated the strength of Paul's Kool-Aid.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, basically this Unicorn Party was because they had nothing to show for the episode this week, right? At this point, seeing all the parties they're throwing at them, it just makes them seem desperate for footage. 

Alex is a sore loser and I'm laughing. She's opened her eyes, alright. But, as predicted, way too late. She still says she'll vote for Paul if he's in F2 because he's played the best game, so she won't be a bitter juror. But she is finally seeing Paul in another light, which I thought wouldn't have happened until at least the finale. So...Alex has surprised me there, at least. But I am highly enjoying her salt. 

I think you're right about the Unicorn Milkshake Party being something to inspire more footage.   It was such an oddly timed, random thing.   There are only a handful of people in the house as it is, and one of them is very angry.   Even when Paul and Kevin were playing pool, it didn't seem animated and lighthearted so much as a chance for Kevin to ask why no one will talk to him and Paul to lie and feign ignorance.

When Josh came out to the yard to tell Paul and Kevin that he had an announcement to make (about the Unicorn Milkshake Party), I think that Paul and Kevin didn't believe him that there was actually an announcement and an activity that they had to do at that moment (it was getting late).  They thought Josh was joking.

The mood in the house and the time of night just made it seem like a very strange moment for BB to bust out the Unicorn Milkshake supplies from Pop TV.   It seemed like no one was really in the mood for milkshakes at that specific time, and yet they had to fumble with making them and trying to get them right.

Christmas and Kevin were happy with the free tote bags that Pop TV/BB gave them with the milkshake supplies, so I'm sure that made for some thrilling footage. ;) ;)

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