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S06.E21: The Final Battle Part 1 / S06.E22: The Final Battle Part 2

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12 hours ago, Senna said:

Since when do TLK's revive people from death?  Cuz that would've been useful a few times ...


I'm guessing it has worked three times now: Season 1 when Mary Margaret revived David at the river, Season 3 when Emma revived Hook from drowning, and now with Snow reviving Charming from falling off the bean stalk.

Edit: Four times...forgot about the Henry/Emma one in this episode.

Edited by Curio
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3 minutes ago, CCTC said:

Hook did have a nice moment explaining why he had to save Emma and why he had to fight for their love which was special even if it was not some pre-destined fairy tale love.  I suppose it would have been nice if the scene was with Emma and not Charming, or if he actually would have gotten back to help restore her memory, but it was a nice scene none-the-less.

I think that was probably their reasoning why Hook and Emma shouldn't have a TLK kiss.  Or that they knew Jmo was out and Hook wasn't.  Makes next season easier on them. 

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"Watch the The Finale Battle? I'd rather gouge my eyes out with a rusty fork!"

This episode legitimately depressed me. I'll post more complete thoughts later, but I hated this episode with the fire of a thousand suns.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I will say David and Hook must drink a lot of milk for strong bones, because they came out of that fairly big fall pretty much in one piece.  The bean stalk adventure in the long run did not amount too much, but it was still nice to see some old fashioned swashbuckling action.

Where has Charming's dog been all this time? (although that was a nice little scene).

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6 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said:

"Watch the The Finale Battle? I'd rather gouge my eyes out with a rusty fork!"

This episode legitimately depressed me.

Yeah. I'm feeling pretty depressed right now. :-/

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Eh. Mixed feelings about this one. The pacing was terrible, as usual with A&E written episodes. Literally NOTHING happened for most of the 2 hours. Black Fairy just flitting around being annoying. Nothing anyone did in the EF mattered at all in the end (I will admit I enjoyed the Charming/Hook side adventure and Hook calling Snow "Mummy."). Then Henry gets to give Emma a TLK? Really? UGH.

I have been watching since the pilot, but the last couple seasons I really only tuned in for CaptainSwan. As you can imagine, I'm a little put out that they didn't manage to give them ONE conversation in the entire TWO hours. I noticed that they managed to have Regina pull Emma aside and give her some lame 2 minute monologue, but we couldn't have gotten one "I love you" exchange between the newlyweds? Or even just a "hey, let's get out of here and get on with our wedding night." SOMETHING?? I guess knowing Emma isn't coming back next year, they decided to back way off the Emma/Hook relationship and solely focus on Emma/Henry. Very disappointing...

One last thing - since when does a TLK cure falling 1000 feet to your death or being impaled by a sword? If that was the case, couldn't Emma have just TLK'ed Hook after she stabbed him in S5?

Edited by Kktjones
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I involuntarily awww-ed when the engagement ring was on the arrow. But then lost it laughing when the actor playing Robin apparently couldn't show up for a day of filming and they had to use a voiceover for his proposal. 

I'm not sure how I feel about this reboot for season seven. I've been watching the show more so out of habit than actually wanting to watch it probably since the Frozen storyline. Maybe an episode or two and if it's not like old school OUAT, I can just pretend the wedding (minus the last minute) was the series finale and be content. 

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I had very mixed feelings. I liked most of the ending (though I was yelling "she's not the rightful queen, Snow is!" at the screen when the dwarfs repainted the sign on Regina's door). But most of the middle was their usual bit of filler. I was just snarking in the previous episode's thread about their tendency to devote an episode to getting some magical thing, only to end up not using it at all, and then they do it again. The Enchanted Forest side of the story amounted to figuring out their situation, Hook and Charming making the beanstalk climb to get the bean, a lot of drama about reviving the bean, then standing around while grey clouds loom, and then they were brought back by Rumple killing the Black Fairy. Which meant that the entire episode about climbing the beanstalk was utterly pointless. Hook and David may as well have hung out at the castle instead of nearly getting killed.

The episode playing out in my head was a lot more interesting. I had Hook saving himself from the beanstalk fall by throwing down the bean as he fell so that he fell through the portal (how did he survive a freefall from that high?) and landed near where Emma was, and then Emma, who'd been having flashes of him and who had seen the picture of the guy she was having flashes of when she burned the book, would suddenly be facing this pirate who claimed to be her husband, and then Hook could have been part of making her believe (since Snow urging him was part of the promos, and that, too, amounted to nothing).

I guess we found out why the Black Fairy was doing all this, but if her plan involved all the realms being destroyed, what was she going to do with all that power? Wouldn't she have been limited to Storybrooke? A Storybrooke missing most of its citizens? Wouldn't she have been better off just being a powerful fairy and being able to live in a magical world?

I'm a big fan of "coming full circle" storytelling, but this seemed more like copying and pasting. You don't repeat things almost exactly. You use the repetition to show what's changed. That's why it should have been Hook doing the TLK at the end. That's the thing that's changed for Emma. She'd already accepted Henry as her son and had a TLK with him. Why repeat that beat? Why not show the additional thing in her life that's different from the beginning?

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28 minutes ago, CCTC said:

I don't feel overly compelled to watch next year, but will probably check it out.  For a reboot, it seems like they are following the exact same blue print as part one -- just reversing the sex of the child and the disbelieving parent.  Too little seen to judge the girl on her acting, but I was getting the potential  of overly precocious and cute vibes from her.

I saw bad acting.  I know she's just a kid but it was Not Good.  If she is going to be a large focus next season, that is going to be unfortunate.  Apparently the show is going to be so different that it could be considered a spinoff instead of a continuation of the same show.  It's kind of weird they're doing it this way.

Okay, so I'm not the only one who thought that looked like the Last Supper.  I thought maybe I was just imaging things or it was an accident.  That along with the light shooting out of Emma when Gideon stabbed her, along with her being called "the savior" makes things a bit biblical, doesn't it?

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I have always preferred Charming/Hook over Hook/Emma.

Happy Belle is able to have her son and a fresh start wish she didn't take Rumple back.  

Thought that little girl was going to find her mom.  Was surprised when Henry answered the door. 

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1 hour ago, Daisy said:

They couldn't even let Hook give Emma a TLK. Once.

I KNOW!!!!!!!! WTF????????

And not much of a reaction to her "death" either. 



they would really need to explain why Rumple, Regina and Hook come back without their beloved ones next season.  

They are immortal?

Edited by Hook75
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Brightside: I've been re-watching season one, so I loved the callback to Emma's Boston apartment (especially her door) & MA plates on her yellow bug; the TLK scene with Charming & Snow cut into their pilot kiss; and the symmetry of the girl showing up on Henry's doorstep delivering the same line of dialogue to him that he did to Emma. I also loved the Charming/Hook beanstalk adventure, though the CGI in that scene was inexplicably horrible (one would think fruit would be easy). 

Everything else was a cluster: Jasmine & Aladdin representing all the past realms (until we get Sven and the Caterpillar...but no munchkins back in Oz?) seemed random at best. Not even getting Robin Hood on screen, or four of the seven dwarves, or giving the ones that showed up (or Granny) any dialogue. Gold, of course, gets his damn happy ending, consequences be damned. The lack of romance, or really, anything, between Swan & Hook was pretty disappointing, too, following their wedding last ep. I thought Emma would have her memory jogged by the picture of Hook when she threw the book in the fire, but nope. 

For me, this was the series ender. I think I'm OK with that. The Charmings are alive, Emma and Hook apparently get to be happy together, and what, they'll have 4 years of happiness before Henry goes and knocks up Lucy's mom?

Sportsguy was in the room while I was watching, and at one point, he said, "Wait a minute. That's the fourth woman who called Henry her son. Who on this show isn't his mom?" So it was fun to point out Henry's grandmother, two grandfathers, and great grandmother as well.

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2 minutes ago, sportsgirl said:

Sportsguy was in the room while I was watching, and at one point, he said, "Wait a minute. That's the fourth woman who called Henry her son. Who on this show isn't his mom?" So it was fun to point out Henry's grandmother, two grandfathers, and great grandmother as well.

Did you tell him how for a moment in season 3 he was literally his great grandfather thanks to body switching? And that said great grandfather was Peter Pan?

This show contains what has to be one of the most fucked up looking Family Trees in all of fiction. And it's continuing next year!


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2 minutes ago, Shanna Marie said:

The episode playing out in my head was a lot more interesting. I had Hook saving himself from the beanstalk fall by throwing down the bean as he fell so that he fell through the portal (how did he survive a freefall from that high?) and landed near where Emma was, and then Emma, who'd been having flashes of him and who had seen the picture of the guy she was having flashes of when she burned the book, would suddenly be facing this pirate who claimed to be her husband, and then Hook could have been part of making her believe (since Snow urging him was part of the promos, and that, too, amounted to nothing).


I had the exact same thought! When Hook was falling, I actually got excited because I thought we were going to get a cool visual where it looks like Hook is going to hit the ground and die, but at the last second, the bean portal opens up and he falls through instead. That way, the bean adventure isn't completely useless, the rest of the gang trapped in the Enchanted Forest are stuck without a way back which makes Rumple's sacrifice much more significant, and Hook could have actually had one significant scene with his wife where he helps Emma remember like he did in Season 3. When Snow was removing the giant leaves, I was 100% sure that was going to be David's body and that they'd realize Hook was missing. Instead, they totally flipped that scenario and had David missing for some random reason. And why was David the one more critically injured than Hook? David should have been the one who fell if they wanted to let Snow give him a TLK revival.

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9 minutes ago, Shanna Marie said:

The episode playing out in my head was a lot more interesting. I had Hook saving himself from the beanstalk fall by throwing down the bean as he fell so that he fell through the portal (how did he survive a freefall from that high?) and landed near where Emma was, and then Emma, who'd been having flashes of him and who had seen the picture of the guy she was having flashes of when she burned the book, would suddenly be facing this pirate who claimed to be her husband, and then Hook could have been part of making her believe (since Snow urging him was part of the promos, and that, too, amounted to nothing).

This would have been so much better. See--fanfic is always better than canon when it comes to this Show.

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This ep had many issues but Hook called Snow Mummy (lol) and there was a beautiful Snowing kiss so all-in-all I'm happy. 

The show can end here for me. 

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For me, that was the series finale.  I have no interest in watching a show without Emma and the Charmings.  Also, I feel weirdly angry on behalf of Rebecca Mader, Emilie de Ravin and Jared S. Gilmore.  They've all had some pretty shitty storylines the past couple of years but they always showed up, and then they get thrown out the door for their troubles.  AND they get a new actor for Jared's character.  It just really, really irks me.

On top of that is the fact that prior to the future scene at the end, this was the perfect ending for the show.  Evil is defeated and everyone gets their happy endings/beginnings.  Except they don't, because something has gone down to ruin it all.  And we know that at the very least Regina, Rumple and Hook will be miserable since they'll somehow be separated from their friends/family.  No thank you.  I'm happy going out with that Last Supper reenactment being the last thing I see of these characters.

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Just now, Hook75 said:

I KNOW!!!!!!!! WTF????????

i mean, I've always maintained - they weren' true love - and I don't think the show ever really took the time to show it. (I loathe Douchefire but i could believe that a lot more than Captain Swan). All the times Emma had no memory, all the times Emma was hurt, or needed some TLK'ing. Hook was there and just stood there looking all heartbroke. like then what's the point? I admit i don't like the couple - but heck. I would have accepted TLK and at least it would have been cannon. 

2 minutes ago, Randomosity said:

Ditto to Hook falling off the 'stalk into a portal. I was surprised when it didn't happen.

me too. i actually thought that happened. then nope. 

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So, I didn't watch the episode...but reading the comments here and on Tumblr...it's just bizarre that after 4 seasons of build up and a wedding last week, that we'll never get a TLK between Hook and Emma or apparently even another conversation?  I just...it makes sense that Jen didn't promote the episode, she must've hated it.

I'm guessing Henry played such a large role since he becomes the star next season.

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So, this season ended exactly like the Super Mario Brothers movie.

Also, was that Adam Scott at the end?

And would it have killed them to bring back past actors when we saw Neverland, Wonderland, and Arendale restored.  Was Sven and CGI Caterpillar the best they could do?

Edited by bmoore4026
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Idk. Kinda weird? I'm almost interested in watching the pilot, but still confused as to how you're only bringing back Gold, Hook, and Regina. I swear to God if in another dimension Hook and one of the Reginas are together I'll just pretend the season 3 finale is the series finale. The last really really good episode.

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This show has always been to a certain extent about Emma's doubt,  the two halves of Regina Mills and Rumple choosing power over love.  I did like how the two episodes focused on these three overreacting story arcs.  Emma finally confronted her doubt and accepted what it truly meant to be a savior.  Both halves of Regina confronted who they were and Rumple made the right choice even when he gained nothing.  


 I am not sure I am explaining it right.  Just that this show has never been especially deep but it has been heartbreaking and heartwarming and both worked for me so I would be fine with the show ending here.  I am actuality not looking forward to another season.

 The show has to do a lot of prompting to get me to watch.  Right now as far as I am concerned I just watched the series finale.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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I am ok with Hook and Emma not getting a TLK - it kind of lost a lot of impact when Zelina and Hades had one.  I do think Hook should have been involved with bringing her memory back, but am fine with no TLK.

The one thing that might have prevented it from being a great finale, is that there was no real sacrifice.  Rumple decided to do the right thing and got his wife and baby back, EQ throws herself into the vortex and poofs back when the realms are restored, Emma and Charming are simply kissed back to life (although I would have been mad had either of them died, and not sure of Charming was dead of just knocked out.  Was their the TLK special effect when Snow kissed him? ).

I thought the 3A finale actually did a nice job of balancing happy endings with sacrifices being made.

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Season 3 with Peter Pan was the last good season IMO, since then I stayed ONLY for Hook. The fact that he played NO part in the SL tonight was extremely disappointed!

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They threw SQ a few bones, so that was nice.

But I don't get it. How did Gideon do the right thing by stabbing Emma with his sword? Maybe I zoned out or something, but the final battle had no rhyme or reason. It was so anticlimactic.

And yeah, parallels are great, but the set up for season 7 is literally the exact same thing as the pilot, just reversed sexes. That's just...redundant and kinda boring.

Like others have said, HOW are they going to bring those three characters back without their significant others/families? There's no explanation that makes even a little bit of sense.

It wasn't a bad finale, it was...fine. Definitely could have ended the series on that note. But I do look forward to seeing how these characters' stories can possibly play out in S7.

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2 minutes ago, asabovesobelow said:

But I don't get it. How did Gideon do the right thing by stabbing Emma with his sword? Maybe I zoned out or something

It wasn't Gideon who did the right thing.  Rumple did the right thing by trying to use Gideon's heart to save him/ have him not kill Emma.

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"Boy, this sure was a nice series finale, right yall? I mean, the pacing was a mess, but what do you expect from this show, and it sucks that Emma ended up being a pretty pointless Savior, but everything wrapped up really nicely, we saw some real character growth from our leads, and everyone is in a happy place now. I'm totally fine with this being the very last time we ever see these characters on ABC, ever!"


Denial aint just a river in Egypt.

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4 minutes ago, asabovesobelow said:

Hmm...so the final battle was won with intent?

I guess.  It would have been more impactful if Rumple had anything to lose by doing the right thing.  Instead it was in his own best interests.

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1 hour ago, Blue Plastic said:

I sort of wish I could live in Storybooke the way they showed it at the end, though!  Everybody knows everybody, everybody gets to do a job they love with people they love.  That’d be nice.  It would have been nice if the show had concentrated on that aspect a little more throughout the seasons but whatever!

This x1,000,000.

1 hour ago, Blue Plastic said:

Okay, this Light-destroys-Light idea is pretty cockamamie.  Magic doesn’t allow you to kill someone who is attacking you without becoming dark yourself, simply because the attempted killer is actually a good person but operating under evil magic orders?

Goodness me, this show is dumb. It made no sense. So magic can sense that light is fighting light but it can't sense that one of the fighters is being controlled by dark magic? 

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2 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

"Boy, this sure was a nice series finale, right yall? I mean, the pacing was a mess, but what do you expect from this show, and it sucks that Emma ended up being a pretty pointless Savior, but everything wrapped up really nicely, we saw some real character growth from our leads, and everyone is in a happy place now. I'm totally fine with this being the very last time we ever see these characters on ABC, ever!"


Denial aint just a river in Egypt.

This is where I'm at with this one.  It was a good episode considering what these writers are capable of.  Its awful by any other measurement.

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1 hour ago, Curio said:

I'm guessing it has worked three times now: Season 1 when Mary Margaret revived David at the river, Season 3 when Emma revived Hook from drowning, and now with Snow reviving Charming from falling off the bean stalk.

Weren't S1 and S3 just CPR?

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Not too bad of a series finale, all things considering.  Oh, wait.....

So, basically, Fiona/Black Fairy's curse was sending the Charmings and Regina back to the Enchanted Forrest (and Oz for Zelena), and then take Emma's memories away, and lock her in a nuthouse, while Henry remembered, but naturally, everyone else thought he was lying.  Also, Fiona made herself the mayor in this scenario, complete with a Regina-like wardrobe.  A little creepy there, Fiona.

Meanwhile, everyone else is freaking out because apparently, the more Emma doesn't believe, the other worlds get destroyed or something.  Regina and Zelena try to use magic with the Evil Queen (yep, she's back!), while Hook and Charming go on (one last) bro-trip, up a beanstalk, to get another magic bean.  Of course, neither one of the plans work.  At least Hook and Charming were fun as always.

In the end, Rumple kills Fiona after he finds out she never intended to let him be with Belle unless she was magically under her control, but Gideon has been told to kill Emma.  But he is "defeated" (kind of), thanks to both Emma being willing to sacrifice herself and Rumple actually doing the right thing for once, and trying to stop him.  Emma "dies", but then Henry wakes her up with TLK.  Kind of underwhelming there, show.

The final montage was actually pretty well done and would have been a good way to end the series.

But alas, the show introduces us to this new girl from the Enchanted Forrest, who comes to Seattle years later with her own book and meets.... an adult Henry?  Who apparently grows up to be Gareth from The Walking Dead?!  What the fuck is going on here?!

Oh, hey, Aladdin and Jasmine.  Nice to see you two again for a brief moment.  Still can't believe they squandered Karen David like this. Maybe Agent of SHIELD can find something for her, since that show knows how to use a former Galavant star!

I really don't know what to think here.  Granted, this show has always been hit or miss (I might be being too generous), but this is the first season finale where I'm leaving not having a clue what is going on, and if this show has any shot of recovering.  I know reboots can be needed and some of this isn't in their complete control, but I really have doubts they are going to pull this off, with just Regina, Rumple, and Hook as the only regulars.  I'm sure I'll be back, but I'm setting my expectations way low here.

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Have to say  I  was not disappointed ..I  expected a steaming pile of dog poo and that's what I got.

That end montage was about 15 mins too short. 

Jared can't act his way out of a paper bag and dragged everything waaay down in an already dismal.

Thank goodness for the wedding ep..series ended right before the BF curse.

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8 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

I guess.  It would have been more impactful if Rumple had anything to lose by doing the right thing.  Instead it was in his own best interests.

Yes - that is what bugs me about Gold's redemptions, they are always narrowly focused on his wife or child, he never really cares about anyone else.  Even when Henry asked for help earlier in the episode, he really did not care about Emma or the rest of Henry's family.  I think the closing scene is one of the first times I have seen him interact with the others socially.   Plus, we have seen how quickly he falls back to the dark side once his initial sacrifice gets him what he wants.   He is great with grand gestures, but he never really retains the lesson that he had just learned long.

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For someone who was mostly bored throughout season 6, I thought this was a good series finale. (Because I do consider a series finale, since the 7th season is a reboot of sorts.) I thought they did as good a job as they could have with Rumpel; the Belle-Rumpel dancing made me cringe though. I loved his agonizing over having it all since that's been his thing the entire series--his son(s), his wife (I like how they echoed Milah), parental love, power. The scene where he's talking to himself was one of the few Rumpel scenes I've liked this year, and it reminded me of Dark Swann. I was hoping we might get a brief cameo of Baelfire and Pan while all this was going on (especially since the actors came back as recently as 5B), maybe as unconscious thoughts so that Rumpel would be talking to himself. Kind of sad that Rumpel ended up killing both his parents.

I enjoyed the Charming-Hook and Emma-Henry scenes. I thought for sure the dragon would turn out to be Lily and they'd finally resolve that plot in a throwaway scene. I realized just before it happened that the Black Fairy would throw Henry down the stairs, but I was surprised we didn't get something reminiscent of the S1 finale of his heartbeat stopping and Emma bringing him back to life. Like everyone else, I couldn't help thinking of the Neverending Story, lol.

Even though the show's coming back in another form next year, I know it won't be the same. I'll miss these characters and their interactions. All the best to Morrison, Mader, Goodwin, Dallas, Ravin, and all the actors who played the background Storybrooke characters.

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They handled the death prophecy almost exactly the same as Buffy. Instead of Xander giving CPR, Henry gave her a TLK. She "died" for about thirty seconds. Pretty uncreative if you ask me.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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2 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said:

They handled the death prophecy almost exactly the same as Buffy. Instead of Xander giving CPR, Henry gave her a TLK. She "died" for about thirty seconds. Pretty uncreative if you ask me.

this whole season had a Whedonverse theme to it. 
Gidiot (Connor)
Musical episode. 
death prophecy that she's super scared of, and decides at the end to face the day and deal with it, and then dies, and then nothing happens. 



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I enjoyed it. It wasn't perfect but it worked for a quasi-series finale. 

The curse made me miss season 1. I liked all the callbacks. It's good that they bookended the series with a Henry/Emma TLK but Hook was right there! They don't want to give CS a TLK, fine; but don't tease us like that. I would've liked Hook, Emma or Charming to give Emma the final pep talk. Why couldn't any of the others kill Gideon to stop the "trap" that Emma gave into anyway? 

I was kinda ticked off that they have given the EQ a happy ending just to take it away. But then again, dying sacrificing herself would've been good. Regina's gotten much better but she still doesn't deserve being called Queen and having the dwarves bow to her. She still has hearts in her vault!! 

I liked the montage in the end. A little weird that Rumpel was there, but whatever. Why did Gideon turn back into a baby? It wasn't explained. And where was Zelena's bit? She earned one. 

I will watch next season, I am intrigued even if they're just repeating the same thing. 

The little Charming/Hook adventure was great. My favorite part of this show are the adventures at the Enchanted Forest. 

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So, in Once Upon a Time in Offscreenville...

Hook is hundreds of feet in the air hurtling to the ground. Now he's only a hundred feet. Fifty feet. At the last second, he pulls out the magic bean and chucks it below him. He thinks of Emma. Just as it appears Hook is going to look like a Wile E. Coyote accordion, the magic portal opens and he falls through. At that very moment, Emma is paging through Henry's hand-drawn storybook in her Boston apartment. She flips to a page with a picture of Captain Hook, which makes her remember a time when the man from the burning page knocked on her door and kissed her. She also remembers kicking him in the jewels. But that's not a memory, it can't be a memory... Knock. Knock. Knock. Emma puts down Henry's makeshift storybook and answers the door. It's Captain Hook. "Emma! I know you don't remember me, but..." "Captain Hook." "Wait. You do remember me?" "No. Well, kind of. I mean, you have a hook for a hand, who else could you be?" Zoom in on a large mirror in Emma's apartment. The Black Fairy is spying on Emma and notices Captain Hook has made an appearance. This won't do. The Black Fairy fiddles with some potions and casts a magical spell. Meanwhile, Hook pleads with Emma to believe him, and he's actually making really good progress, but the mirror in Emma's apartment suddenly shatters. Unbeknownst to them, it's the Black Fairy's spell. While Emma has her back turned and is investigating the broken mirror, the magic bean portal quickly opens up and swallows Killian back to the Enchanted Forest where he is soon found by his Mommy-in-Law under some giant leaves. Emma turns around and is incredibly confused that the pirate man has suddenly disappeared. Okay, this is it. Emma needs to go back to Storybrooke. She wants to believe that man is real. 

Boom. Killian has a hand in helping Emma remember, Captain Swan get to interact for longer than 10 seconds, the bean adventure wasn't a total waste of time, and Killian using the bean and the Black Fairy tampering with the portal could explain why the bean is dried up by the time Hook gives it to Regina. Oh, and it explains how Hook ended up on the ground without a scratch on him but David was critically injured.

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21 minutes ago, Daisy said:

this whole season had a Whedonverse theme to it. 
Gidiot (Connor)
Musical episode. 
death prophecy that she's super scared of, and decides at the end to face the day and deal with it, and then dies, and then nothing happens. 



Responding in the Season 7 thread.

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38 minutes ago, asabovesobelow said:

I did appreciate that quick but meaningful look that Regina and Rumple shared at the family dinner. It was a nice sort of closure for the two "evils" in Storybrooke to end up happy after all.

Without having to sacrifice a damn thing for it too!  Hooray!

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