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S29.E15: The True Champions

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Damn you, Challenge Gods. Sure, CT gets his win . . . but Ashley?!? Yuck. Screw her.  Hate her. I don't even care about the tears. I'd rather Camila had won, and I wouldn't want to get near her.

No more cumulative finals. No more partnering up. It's just so easy to fudge the results, and I know that would include CT's win. At least he only had to sweat one other guy in Nelson. Corey is a scrub.

Hated Nicole getting third. Even with a mouthful of peanut butter, she's still better for me to watch than Smashley and Camila. At least she got the girl, and I hope they stay together . . . because if Laurel gets her heart broken, she would end Nicole.

Finally, a hearty "fuck you" to TJ. These kids wanted a brief respite from the time buster. Not like they were whooping it up and popping Adderall. Also, the other five needed to keep Camila from going over the edge. If she snaps and kills an intern, you're out of a gig, Teeger.

Bright side: no chances to see somebody get punched in the soul. Still rooting for Sarah to fuck Johnny up beyond recognition.

Shut your fucking piehole, Camila, God.  What a baby.  I hope none of them talk to her ever again after they see this.

Oh my God that shot of Chris and Ace in Paris was my everything.  I just wish CT's hair was not in the bandana and set free in all its bushy glory. 

I am sad that TJ won't be doing the Pros vs. Hos or whatever it's called but I love Cruuuuuuuz so I'm good.  And I would watch this stupid show regardless, who am I kidding.

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Happy CT got the win! He can joke about his #dadbod all he wants but the boy is FINE. I know he's had his issues but he's really seemed to chill out over the last couple of years and fatherhood brought out a great side of him. 

I'm not fan of Ashley by any means but at least she didn't berate and blame her partners the entire time like Camilla did. Girlfriend is such a sore loser. 

I don't think I've watched an episode of the real world since college back in 2009 but I just love these challenges. Like others have said, I think they really botched this season and could have done a whole lot more with the champions vs underdogs theme. Please Challenge producers, never make the champs face off and pick each other off when there is a whole other team they can decimate. Learn from your mistakes. 

Edited by UGAmp
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Very happy with the outcome!

So great to see CT win.  Man,  he's come a long way!

Also, after Nicole got third, I was stoked that Ashley beat Camila for first.  I love a good underdog story.  She had me crying right there along with her.  It's like Rocky.  Just when everyone counts you out, you show heart and come roaring back to prove yourself.   Love it!

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Ashley?  Really?  In a season in which Laurel and Cara Maria both stepped foot?  Tomfoolery!  I am however, tickled to see Camila lose to an underdog.  She's SUCH a sore loser!  I couldn't stand her blaming everyone but herself!  Corey too!  

Nelson kind of scares me.  What was that mumbling lip twitch he was doing at the end?  Between that and the tantrum he threw when Sylvia wasn't into him, I get American Psycho vibes.  Watch out, Abe.  The next generation cray has been cast.  

I hope the next season is better.  Other than CT winning, this one was such a let down.  

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Wanted CT to win because he used some brains this season.

The girls, I was indifferent to who won but when Camilla put out the sour grapes, I was glad she didn't win.  She had a great Day 1 with the best guy but blamed Cory and Nelson for her coming in second place.  Okay, Cory was awful but Nelson didn't do anything wrong.  Was it his fault they turned the wrong way on the kayak?  She may have been in too much of a hole after Day 2 with Cory.

Cory also blamed his partners, which was ridiculous.  He performed the worst out of the 6 finalists.


Thing is, the challenges and the elimination rounds often favor the bigger and stronger people, yet the Final challenges always are big on endurance, some types of puzzles.  So the competitors who make the Finals are often the worst-equipped to perform.

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I know I'm the only one but I like Ashley so YAY!!!!!!   I teared up when she called her mom.  I don't know why but I've always liked her so I'm happy she won. She was the best choice of the three women left in my opinion. Whiny Camila and double negative Nicole get on my nerves so go Ashley!!  

I didn't care much for any of the guys left but out of the three,  I'm happy CT won. I guess. 

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I left this franchise a long long time ago, but I like seeing that CT is still alive and doing well. Always had a soft spot for that guy, loved how he took credit for Leah getting those flowers on their Real World season, and how stupid she looked when she freaked out on him about "not telling her for three days because she then had gone three whole days without thanking the real person that sent them." I don't know why her rationale for being that pissed off cracked me so much, but it did. Right up there with Teck being mad at Ruthie for breaking a glass "in case they have company". And that photo of Ace from back in the day reminded me-- I was once awoken in a South Carolina hotel by an obnoxiously drunk frat brother party/wedding in the hall outside my room. When I swung my door open dramatically to bitch at them, standing front and center was Ace. He tried to drunkenly apologize, but by then the damage was done, and I proceeded to tell him to fuck off.

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Yay for CT!  I'm glad he won while Corey whined in a corner about getting the worst from his partners.  Ya know, Corey, if everyone sucks with you maybe you're the problem.

Not excited about Smashley's win, but I'll take it over a Camilla win.  Such a poor sport.  No wonder she & Corey got along so well.  Maybe they can be the first couple out on the next Battle of the Exes.

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It felt too much to me like Ashley's win was a by-design passing of the torch to The Challenge's new golden girl.  That chick is good TV and the producers know it so they want to make sure she comes back.  If Laurel or Cara Maria had made the finals there would have been no way those underdog women would have had a chance.  I am on board for the CT win though.  I may have been more happy about that than a grown woman should be, but hell, it made me smile.  I couldn't help but think Darrell would have dominated though. 

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Yay CT!  I don't give a crap about Ashley, but so glad her win resulted in Camilla not winning.  All her huffing and puffing about how awful her partners were, as if she didn't have anything to do with how her teams performed in each round.  


And Ashley with all her theatrics there at the end, sitting on the stage as everyone else left.  Yeah, you aren't angling for more screen time....

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18 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Finally, a hearty "fuck you" to TJ. These kids wanted a brief respite from the time buster. Not like they were whooping it up and popping Adderall. Also, the other five needed to keep Camila from going over the edge. If she snaps and kills an intern, you're out of a gig, Teeger.

Ha, true.  

I wish at least one of them had been quick on their feet enough to answer "we figured if we got a little nourishment we'd string beads twice as fast afterward."  Which would have the added advantage of probably being true.

Okay, not that I expect anyone to recall, but I'm one of the ones always worrying about safety in the challenges--still remember how Sarah Greyson got nerve damage from hanging upside-down by her knees--over in the Survivor forums I'm one of the ones arguing that seeing them actually starve is awful (one woman in an early season was pulling out hair by the handful due to being semi-starved! and I never want to see that again)--but c'mon, Teej.  Other than being an extra day long (for which they at least got some sleep both nights), this was the least grueling and most ho-hum finale I can recall!  Which, fine, the scenery was pretty (the kayaking long shots were lovely), and Thailand is not known for its Alp-like mountains, so I can understand no exhausting climbs, but then don't don't hype it up as the most challenging one ever!

I don't watch the regular shows any more, just the Challenge, so I don't have Ashley baggage--yeah, she's a camera hog and fusspot, but she does also give amusing interviews, and she seems (I couldn't be wrong, don't hold me to it) to be someone who has some chance of maturing out of her worst qualities (as CT has), so I don't mind her and of the three was glad she won.  

Funny how both Camila and Cory blamed everyone but themselves, except for the fact that they "picked the wrong partners."  Ha!  Not a good look.

Yay CT.  Have fun diaper shopping!

Edited by Jobiska
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I am so glad that CT won.   I read a spoiler speculating that he was the winner, but never dug deep enough to get for sure confirmation.   However, I was so happy to see that rumor/spoiler be true!!!  And if that is a dad bod.....dayum!!!  

I can't stand Smashley, but I was glad Camilla didn't win.   She was so entitled....seeming as if the challenge owed her something.   I hoped Nicole would win, but whatevs.   

I do agree that the cumulative time of the challenge is for the birds.   It does seem to allow them to fudge the numbers if they want someone to win or someone not to win.   It also just takes away from people running for the finish line and knowing if they cross first that they are the winner.   I think it would have been way better to have the final leg have a staggered start by who is ahead and by how much.   Then you'd know that CT won when he came across the line first.  

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Yeah, this final was not that intense, but I liked the change.  The mountain climbing gets boring after a while, and the one with Cuz and Cara Maria, where they did carnival games in a building that looked like Chernobyl was creepy and super boring. 

Stringing the beads looked tedious. 

What else can they do to spice up the finals? They need to, but I have no ideas. 


Finally, a hearty "fuck you" to TJ. These kids wanted a brief respite from the time buster. Not like they were whooping it up and popping Adderall. Also, the other five needed to keep Camila from going over the edge. If she snaps and kills an intern, you're out of a gig, Teeger.

Ha, true.  

I wish at least one of them had been quick on their feet enough to answer "we figured if we got a little nourishment we'd string beads twice as fast afterward."  Which would have the added advantage of probably being true.

Yeah, and besides, he was getting all "$100,000 is on the line, and none of you care!"...um Teej, they all cared. If CT, or Camilla, or any one of them had gone back over to beading while they were on a break, the others would have followed suit so that person wouldn't get ahead. Doi. 

Smashley is the "Cash Me Oussside" girl 10 years in the future. 

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What else can they do to spice up the finals? They need to, but I have no ideas. 

I'd much rather see a a one day balls to wall sprint like final over 3  day multiple episode pair ups.  If the $ is won individually, the challenge should reflect that.

They don't have to climb mountains.  Put them in a city, scavenger hunt style.  Make them answer quiz type questions.  They can add an endurance section with an obstacle course.  So many different options.

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' If the $ is won individually, the challenge should reflect that.

This. It's what always bugs me about a lot of the challenges finals and sometimes the season itself. I feel like in past seasons, the season was always "individual" but then there would be a loophole, like, the challenge mission would have a female winner and a male winner but then both parties would have to agree on who would be going into the elimination round. It didn't make sense. But yes, it seems in the finals, it has been that they have to do it in pairs-or one part of the final challenge will have to pair them up. It's happened a few times. I feel like the show just doesn't know what to do and so they do this timer thing and add up everybody's times because it's a crapshoot.

And because you know..sometimes they need a good story? I feel like because of the final three guys, it was probably always going to be a CT win, because that's what viewers wanted? I feel like had Nelson or Cory won, people would be upset. I would be. I haven't watched a new real world since Las Vegas the second time, so all these people are like "eh" to me. So yes, it was CT or bust and I think producers knew that to. I'm unsure about on the girl side though. Maybe they think Ashley is good tv, and maybe she is, not to me though, but I bet they were hoping another challenger girl was going to be there instead of just Camillia. Like Laurel going against her girlfriend?  But yes,  I agree, the times deciding the winner is annoying because like we have said it is a crapshoot. I just think this season was kind of a bust in general. 

I miss the actual teams challenges though. Like when they had to work as an actual team. I kind of hope they would go back to the "inner circle" type challenges. Those were fun. They could do another battle of the sexes. That had inner circles. 

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Awww, CT, I'm proud of you and your dad bod! First time I've been genuinely excited for seeing someone win. I was also genuinely amused when Bananas screwed over Sarah when he took all of the money during their partnered season, lol. 

TJ was too extra when he came back to the group eating. I feel like production may sent word back to have TJ return so that he could catch them. I don't blame them for calling a truce to eat. After a long day and not knowing what was going to happen on the last day, why wouldn't you want to have some fuel for your body? 

Camilla bugged the shit out of me during this finale. She's always playing victim like she gets stuck with the short end of the stick. Wishing that she was partnered with CT for the challenge when Nelson was perfectly capable in the bucket challenge... SHE was the one that was holding them up. Put the same configuration and Camilla would have had the same problem regardless of any of the guys she was partnered with. So glad she lost but I would have rather her have finished last. 

CT solidified every bit of his reputation as a badass competitor. The luckiest guys on these challenges were the ones that avoided competing against a young, temperamental CT. He was his own worst enemies those seasons and it's been great to see him evolve the way he has. 

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Congrats to CT for winning! I was rooting for him as well as Darrell so I'm glad that at least one of my favorite guys from the champs ended up with the win. 

I don't hate Ashley nor do I like her all that much, but I do have to give her props for doing so well in the final and winning. I thought it was a sweet moment when she called her mom.

My favorite part of last night's episode was when TJ caught them eating and chilling instead of stringing the beads and they all just ran back to their spots. CT was the funniest because he went back even before TJ was finished telling them off.

Now on to Champs vs Pros! It looks really good, but I hope MTV didn't mess up that format too.

Edited by Steph619
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I don't know. I just found all the other competitors who didn't get first as really bad sore losers. I get that they are all disappointed in not being first but one they are still getting a good chunk of money and two all of them refused to take responsibility for the fact that they lost. Didn't every one of them put the blame on their partners for each day? I swear they all did. It bothers me that TJ didn't call them out on their sore losing faces.

Also did anyone catch the aftershow special thing about epic challenge fails? Ugh. A majority of it annoyed the hell out of me. Particularly the parts about Eric. Like I know he passed out and Almost died during that one final challenge but it wasn't his fault that he made it that far, no one wanted to go against him in elimination rounds. That was the season where the teams voted people in and the only guy who thought about Eric going in was Johnny and no one backed him up. That was back when Banans was a decent person and made sense. Also they showed the clip when Camilla and Eric were partners and she was being rude to him so he quit on her and Camilla is an awful person.

Also they made me think they were going to play Johnny backpack and they did not and I'm angry about it. Instead they wasted like 10 minutes on epic failed hookups which I don't give a damn about. 

Yup. The whole special was mostly terrible as- aside from CT who I adore and who didn't say much really on this thing- the people on it who were making comments and such have no room to talk. It bothered me a lot. Especially the use of Eric in that final challenge and I'm not even a big Eric fan but I feel like the use of that moment was.. messed up.  That wasn't an epic fail, that was an actual serious health problem. Its bothersome the use of it, with this show. But then again, everyone's behavior during that moment was gross- with the exception of Brad- and then the fact that I still remember how everyone treated Eric on that reunion because of it. And I'm sorry Camillia sucks. I'm always reminded of it. I start to sort of like her but then I'm instantly reminded of why I dislike her. First it was her final moments in the episode and then this special. 

I didn't see the special, and my memory's a little fuzzy, but didn't Eric party and drink a lot the night before the finale (or last leg), and that, at least in part, is why he got sick and cost his team the win?  At the reunion that year, I think I remember him acting victimized about his weight, when in actuality it wasn't about that at all.

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Yeah from what I remember the issue was that in addition to not being in the best shape, he did nothing to help his situation by partying and drinking a lot the night of the final which had a huge part in his problems. That is why everyone was so pissed. He made a point to declare how he would give his all and never give up, but in reality his own actions belied his declarations.


Also, Eric is not well liked among a lot of the cast anyway I think.  I know Zach knocked him out at a bar one night for being a drunk ahole unless I am mistaken.

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Meh. The last few finals have been boring to me...they don't live up to finals of the past.  Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it's hard - but something is just missing. Maybe it's the timed component, I don't know.

On another note, it makes me sad that someone can go through school, and somehow, a teacher never noticed that they didn't learn how to think and reason. What a shame.

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On 5/12/2017 at 9:03 PM, lightbeam said:

Meh. The last few finals have been boring to me...they don't live up to finals of the past.  Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it's hard - but something is just missing. Maybe it's the timed component, I don't know.

On another note, it makes me sad that someone can go through school, and somehow, a teacher never noticed that they didn't learn how to think and reason. What a shame.

For me it's the combination of the forced partnerships (on seasons that are not partner based) that can cause one to lose because of another's ineptitude and the invisible added up times that keep it truly transparent/honest (from a viewer's perspective). Yeah, I know it sucks for production to have to leave a crew stuck 60 miles back because of a loser group and it ruins some of the excitement, but it's not like anyone really thought Corey stood a chance, so why not have his struggle ass be way behind like the loser he was?

Also, there hasn't been much change in the finals lately. Run far, eat something gross, figure out a shape puzzle, run far while carrying something. Maybe swim/kayak. Nothing has been different in years. 

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I'm very happy as a lot of people mentioned that CT won. He was very happy and humble. I was hoping CT won and glad I was right. He deserved the win. Now...as someone mentioned above yes I did catch Nelson mumbling the whole time. I understand it's upsetting to lose but as someone mentioned at least you're leaving with money. Surprised TJ didn't get on him or anyone for being a sore loser. He normally calls people out on their behavior.

Not happy that Ashley won as some others mentioned. I rather Nicole win. Camila's attitude was too much the whole time. Especially the scene with the kayak...she's yelling and getting crazy yet Nelson remains calm...then when her kayak and Cory/Ashley's kayak bump Camila gets crazy and Cory is calm saying it's not on purpose. I understand the adrenaline is pumping and everyone deals with stress and pressure differently but Camila doesn't realize it's her attitude that gets the best of her therefore hindering her performance. Plus you can't continue to blame others. You have to take some responsibility.

TJ's reaction to seeing them taking a break to eat when they were supposed to work on beading was too much....ummm these people are starving c'mon. CT running was funny as soon as TJ came up. And he can call it a dadbod all he wants CT is fine!!!

I didn't see the preview for the next challenge but a lot of people are saying it looks good. So I'm looking forward to it. Although there was mention above that TJ won't be hosting...not too happy about that. They need a good host for these kind of shows. Overall, things could have been different in regards to the challenge but I'm glad CT won. That was the best part.

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