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Captain Sandy: Micromanagement is Her Middle Name

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If I had to deal with her, I'd probably quit very quickly. It's very clear she thinks things are going to be able to run exactly the same with the camera crew around as without. And it felt to me that she's micro-managing the way she is because she feels like she still has something to prove, in spite of supposedly being a yacht captain for 27 years. So, either she's not been a yacht captain that long or she's lost sight of the fact she's at the top of the hierarchy and has been for some time.

Edited by MrSmith
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I'll keep an open mind, but, I'm not impressed so far.  I have issues with control freaks and so , I hope she isn't going to be that way.  To me, her decorum is not Captain like. That's why others mistake her.  I'd think she would have worked on that decorum over the last 27 years.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Watching her "help" the stews really irked me. Part of it is the micromanaging piece but the other is the image it represents. The male captains on BD would NEVER think to do this. It's hard enough to be a woman in a VERY male dominated field, she's just adding to it by her actions...and they are being broadcast! Ugh! 

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Seems to me no one had a problem with Captain Lee helping the airhead stew make a painkiller when she was trying to deliver Tylenol instead of a drink.  Or Captain Lee helping get the slide out.  Double standard.  When a women does it she is micro managing-when a male captain does it he is a swell guy. 

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38 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Seems to me no one had a problem with Captain Lee helping the airhead stew make a painkiller when she was trying to deliver Tylenol instead of a drink.  Or Captain Lee helping get the slide out.  Double standard.  When a women does it she is micro managing-when a male captain does it he is a swell guy. 

Different situations. Captain Lee was stepping in because they were screwing up  which is not micromanaging and so the guests got the best service immediately.

Sandy started micromanaging before she saw what her crew was capable of and a lot of it was nonsensical like telling Hannah a 9 pm curfew was more important than organizing the supplies and she should just shove stuff into cupboards ignoring the fact that it would make the stews jobs harder when guests were on board because things would be a mess and difficult to find.

She was great working with Malia on the tender but she should have either replaced her at that moment gotten the food out there to set up and then get the guests out there and then teach Malia when there was plenty of time when the stews and guests were on the beach so not inconveniencing crew and guests.

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A couple of season ago, Kate was fighting with Ben about additional service at dinner and the gist of Kate's complaint is that she needed the stew to have a break period because of Maritime Law.  So I am guessing that curfew was in place to comport with acceptable work hours.  There is also a question of Hannah not following a direct order regarding curfew.  Not a good example for her subordinates.  Hannah's failure to manage time is not on the captain, it is on Hannah.  The next day Hannah was complaining about not getting to go to bed because the guests stayed up late.   There had to be time before the guests arrived the following day to complete the cupboard organization.  I may be wrong the entire season and success of the charters may hinge on the cupboard not be organized post curfew. 

I found this article on Bravo: http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/below-deck-mediterranean-season-2-captain-lee-rosbach-reacts  It seems even the esteemed Capt. Lee is somewhat contradictory in his comments.  He is doing exactly what he said he doesn't do-critiquing the other captains from his tweets about chef's weighing aprons on deck to the tender lessons.  Sounds to me like a critique. 

I do agree the food should have been delivered separate from the guests.  I would not hold it against Hannah if she presented her case to Sandy as to why she wants things done that way.  I didn't have a problem with the two minute lesson-Malia may very well be the one piloting the guests back to the yacht.  Much better she learn the correct way without passengers or other crew on board.

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3 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Not a good example for her subordinates.  Hannah's failure to manage time is not on the captain, it is on Hannah.

Not if the Captain gives unreasonable time constraints and keeps requesting Hannah check in with her while she is trying to get work done. The 9 pm thing appeared to be completely arbitrary.

And the training with Malia clearly took a lot longer than the edited 2 minutes that we were shown.

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Helping out doesn't make her any less a captain. A good captain will do what needs to be done if they have to. While I don't mind the captain helping out here and there when needed I do mind that she is isn't trusting those below her to do their jobs.  That to me shows insecurity on her part.

You can't tell me that she hasn't done this before with other crews. I've wondered if talk about her faults as a leader have gotten back to her and thats why she's so touchy about being seen as a captain. It also causes me to wonder if she had a major screw up happen under her command at some point, got burned for it and so she's gotten into the habit of micromanaging.

Her actions so far  haven't match her words.

We'll see.

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14 hours ago, Giselle said:

While I don't mind the captain helping out here and there when needed I do mind that she is isn't trusting those below her to do their jobs.  That to me shows insecurity on her part.


Well, I actually don't blame her a bit since several of the crew are flat-out inexperienced.  One of the guys seemed to not know how to tie a knot,  Bobby can't count, and the blonde girl didn't know how to do something correctly with a boat.  It's not like they were hired because they really knew what they were doing ... they were hired for a TV show.   

That being said, she does appear to naturally like to micromanage. 

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5 hours ago, NannyBails said:

Well, I actually don't blame her a bit since several of the crew are flat-out inexperienced.  One of the guys seemed to not know how to tie a knot,  Bobby can't count, and the blonde girl didn't know how to do something correctly with a boat.  It's not like they were hired because they really knew what they were doing ... they were hired for a TV show.   

That being said, she does appear to naturally like to micromanage. 

Isn't that part of the boson's job, to lead and teach those under him? I remember watching Eddie work with Connie and others to expand their skill set. They know it's a part of their job. Captain Mommy seems overshadow  Wiz and Hannah. It undermines their authority with those under them if the captain is constantly taking decisions or opportunities to teach out of their hands.  It doesn't inspire confidence in each other especially in the captain.

I still question her trying to override Hannah to let Bobby barge in on a naked woman. Good for Hannah for standing up to her.  If the woman was out cold, in shock or gushing blood that's one thing, throw a towel over her and let him in, but when she is coherent, speaking, and in no danger, fuck the captain, you abide by her wishes.  She would have told Hannah to throw her a towel and let him in if it was bad. The clincher was Bobby barging in on Hannah peeing. He has no boundaries or respect when it comes to women.

I'll take Captain Lee over the two Med captains.

We'll see.

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On 05/12/2017 at 7:44 PM, Nancypants said:

Calling Capt. Sandy " Captain Mommy" is sexist as hell. Try calling Capt Lee "Captain Daddy" and see how far you get with that.

If the name fits though. She decided to tell them the first night they had a 9:00 bedtime, she's busy telling stews how to fold towels, being part of every move the crew makes, telling them to look at the sights when they went out. I'm half expecting her to tell someone to brush their teeth or wipe their nose. Meanwhile she's got no problem with Bobby trying to barge in on a naked Malia who yes, did have a cut, but obviously wasn't going to lose a foot or toe or bleed to death before she could shower the glass off and get dressed. I can't wait till she tells the chef how to do his job too.

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On ‎5‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 4:44 PM, Nancypants said:

Calling Capt. Sandy " Captain Mommy" is sexist as hell. Try calling Capt Lee "Captain Daddy" and see how far you get with that.

Maybe that's what his wife calls him when she wants some. 

You are fully entitled to your opinion as I am mine. Looking through our posts haven't we both and others used the term "Roid-rage" in describing Bobby's behavior and isn't that sexist? It's not a term we generally use toward women. Aren't we labeling him/his behavior that just because he is a muscular guy and he's aggressive. Sounds sexist to me.

Speaking as a female I really don't give a rats ass if it is sexist. Male or female I call them as I see them. If I see any them as acting in some particular way I may call them something appropriate if I so choose. What I do find hypocritical is that, women have no problem calling men out for being sexist but when it's convenient they will play the female card. Yes, it does happen. They also have no problem calling a man, a prick or a dick but God forbid if the dreaded " that which must never be used toward women" slur is used.  They might call a man a bastard as quickly as a man might call a woman a bitch but they get their knickers in a twist if he does. As a woman I find that hypocrisy just as sexist.

I'll call her Captain Mommy, Captain Momager until I see her act different.

Welcome to the board. I enjoy your posts and look forward to reading more.

Edited by Giselle
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"'Roid rage "is not gender specific.  Not even close.

Men use steroids.. Women use steroids. Sometimes it causes overly aggressive behavior with the steroid user. 

This renders the term Roid Rage a non sexist term. .

To say Bobby has 'roid rage is actually giving him a pass, it scares the crap out of me to think that someone is THAT Ragey and aggressive and Not on drugs! Gaa!

Edited by Nancypants
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Gender specific or not society tends to apply that term warranted or not  toward aggressive males much, much more so than toward aggressive females. One could consider it sexist.

Personally I don't remember if I have ever heard "roidrage" to applied towards a woman. I sure have heard it hurled towards men.

Edited by Giselle
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14 hours ago, Giselle said:

Gender specific or not society tends to apply that term warranted or not  toward aggressive males much, much more so than toward aggressive females. One could consider it sexist.

Personally I don't remember if I have ever heard "roidrage" to applied towards a woman. I sure have heard it hurled towards men.

Tamara in RHOC ?

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I do see a bit (lol) of masculinity in Captain Sandy. I don't care what her sexual proclivities might be, she could be doing all she can to make this season interesting. But I know if I was really young again and got a job as a yachty, I would put up with whatever necessary to travel to these exotic locations. I've been treated much worse over time just working in my profession and I put up with it because I love what I do. So I think part of this is for reality tv drama. I still like Hannah and a few of the new cast members. 

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I'm happy to see that the micromanagement story line seems to have gone away, at least for now. I think Sandy is fantastic. She calls to mind the idea that any given task is important and urgent, unimportant but urgent, important but nonurgent, or unimportant and nonurgent. It's really easy to get caught up in the unimportant and urgent (getting the guests to the beach within the next 10 minutes is, in the scheme of a two-day charter, not that important), at the expense of the important and nonurgent (making sure a member of the deck crew is comfortable driving the tender). Same with her insistence on putting aside certain jobs for now so the crew can get some sleep. She thinks longer-term in a smart way, even if it goes against Hannah (queen of urgent but unimportant)'s instincts. And I do like Hannah! She can just get caught up in the immediate stress, without thinking about the bigger picture. I'm currently midcareer in a very fast-paced job, and I constantly struggle to balance the important and nonurgent with the urgent and unimportant.

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Captain Sandy was on Andy Cohen last night. She seems a little socially awkward, but I do like her. She said she had no idea Malia was being romanced by half of the crew. She said she would have fired Adam if she had known he put onions in the guests food three times. I still thought she should have fired him. Someone called in asking how she got away from pirates. She was funny. She said you just go really fast, zig zag in the water and call the Coast Guard. She seems pretty unflappable.

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Absolutely love Captain Sandy and Hannah. Very happy to see their returns. Mostly happy to see Captain Sandy. She was a breath of fresh air. We love how involved she was, taking every opportunity to teach, train and encourage. With a much more positive way of leading, she showed everyone that it's possible to lead without being harsh or negative. Great to see such a wonderful female leader showcased.

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8 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Granted, I haven't watched every WWHL nor have I read every post here etc., but did Andy just out Sandy on WWHL?  I mean, I think we all knew she was a lesbian, but has she said she was a lesbian.  'Cuz Andy just did.

She is out, she has discussed it on WWHL as well.

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Did anyone see the episode of Cash Cab (celebrity episode) with Captain Sandy? 

She didn't appear to be very smart. I could answer the questions correctly and that's setting the bar REALLY low.

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On 4/16/2020 at 9:34 PM, biakbiak said:

She has been posting and deleting some very unhinged Instagram stories about social distancing and such and is getting dragged on her IG.

I looked at her IG but don't see anything. Can you share the essence of what she's been trying to say?

She must really dislike Hannah.  She has pix of her and other crew but none with Hannah.

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1 minute ago, Jextella said:

Can you share the essence of what she's been trying to say?

She posted a video of her mocking a grocery store worker for telling her and her girlfriend that they had to wear masks and follow the arrows for the single file aisles. She also has made a big deal about not wearing masks and in one picture while getting a manicure used the underwear they give you when you get a wax as an ill-fitting mask, etc. 

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2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

She posted a video of her mocking a grocery store worker for telling her and her girlfriend that they had to wear masks and follow the arrows for the single file aisles. She also has made a big deal about not wearing masks and in one picture while getting a manicure used the underwear they give you when you get a wax as an ill-fitting mask, etc. 

Thank you!

Unhinged is right.  I've never been a big fan of Sandy (or of Captain Lee). 

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Did anyone else see the episode of Cash Cab Celebrity Edition with Captain Sandy?

It's a fairly new (past year?) addition to the regular Cash Cab.

Capt. Sandy was the "celebrity" riding with a young man (a teacher) and his female friend (whose profession I don't recall). 

Anyway, Sandy was really dumber than a box of rocks. I don't think she knew the correct answer to ANY of the questions. Even I could answer most of the questions (and that's setting the bar really low!)

The couple in the cab did win money but it was solely because of them. I don't think Sandy is stupid but dang, Cash Cab is NOT Jeopardy! The woman contestant told Sandy "go back to the boat!" 😄

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Captain Sandy is dumber than a box of rocks. 

I made the mistake of reading some of the pre-show press and it's all Sandy talking to anyone & everyone who will listen.  She really fancies herself a motivational mentoring leader.  I don't find her inspiring.  Rather than motivate, she's hyper-critical of anyone who doesn't share her passion and kiss her ring. 

Yo, you're on a reality TV show, the vast majority of the crew are there for the paycheck & notoriety.  Yes, Hannah would've left yachting a few years ago were it not for the fat Bravo paychecks (might still be in the industry as a broker or on the provisioning side).  But who is Sandy to judge?  She's the biggest fame whore in all of Bravoland.    

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4 minutes ago, snarts said:

But who is Sandy to judge?  She's the biggest fame whore in all of Bravoland.    

Exactly she also isn’t doing yachting full time. Look judge Hannah when she doesn’t get the job done but not everyone wants to have “passion for their work” and most people don’t have the luxury to even make that decision. 

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On 5/31/2020 at 6:35 PM, snarts said:

Captain Sandy is dumber than a box of rocks. 

I made the mistake of reading some of the pre-show press and it's all Sandy talking to anyone & everyone who will listen.  She really fancies herself a motivational mentoring leader.  I don't find her inspiring.  Rather than motivate, she's hyper-critical of anyone who doesn't share her passion and kiss her ring. 

Yo, you're on a reality TV show, the vast majority of the crew are there for the paycheck & notoriety.  Yes, Hannah would've left yachting a few years ago were it not for the fat Bravo paychecks (might still be in the industry as a broker or on the provisioning side).  But who is Sandy to judge?  She's the biggest fame whore in all of Bravoland.    

She's definitely a fame whore but the biggest?? This is Bravo we're talking about...the network of a thousand housewives.

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On 6/5/2020 at 11:30 AM, LaLaLaLa said:

She's definitely a fame whore but the biggest?? This is Bravo we're talking about...the network of a thousand housewives.

The funny thing is that she wishes she had the notoriety of a Bravo HW.

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On 5/31/2020 at 5:41 PM, biakbiak said:

Exactly she also isn’t doing yachting full time. Look judge Hannah when she doesn’t get the job done but not everyone wants to have “passion for their work” and most people don’t have the luxury to even make that decision. 

Very good point.  I hadn't thought of it that way before.

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Ok, after hearing Sandy saying (again) that she could/should've fire Hannah, is this correct? Or is Hannah hired/fired by Bravo?

I mean if something egregious happened and Hannah was the cause, that's one thing.  But conflict of personalities?? 

I've read both ways; Sandy CAN fire Hanna,  and Sandy CANNOT fire Hannah.

Does anyone know definitively??


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On 4/16/2020 at 10:34 PM, biakbiak said:

She has been posting and deleting some very unhinged Instagram stories about social distancing and such and is getting dragged on her IG.

This doesn't surprise me at all. I saw her doing an interview insisting it was super safe to go on a cruise as soon as they reopen. Um, I'm not concerned about catching Covid at the grocery store, but cruises were a floating petrie dish on a good day before, let alone now. We've seen reports of illnesses running rampant on cruises for years, her insisting they are super safe is just stupid at best, deadly at worst. 

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On 5/19/2020 at 3:55 PM, biakbiak said:

She posted a video of her mocking a grocery store worker for telling her and her girlfriend that they had to wear masks and follow the arrows for the single file aisles. She also has made a big deal about not wearing masks and in one picture while getting a manicure used the underwear they give you when you get a wax as an ill-fitting mask, etc. 

Wow. A ship captain should know better than to make fun of illness. Good to know, I won’t book a trip on whatever unsanitized garbage scow she pilots next.

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On 4/16/2020 at 7:34 PM, biakbiak said:

She has been posting and deleting some very unhinged Instagram stories about social distancing and such and is getting dragged on her IG.

She apparently knows that she pissed off a lot of people and has apologized.  Not that it makes it okay for her to say that people should start cruising again as soon as things open up. 

I'm a veteran cruiser, and I'm just as concerned about exposure to illness on shore excursions (not controllable by the cruise line) as I am concerned about getting ill on the ship.

I've been on ships that had norovirus outbreaks.  It blew my mind how often people would breeze right by the hand-sanitizer at the entrance to all eating places and other venues.  I'm not taking a chance on cruising until next year at the earliest.


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2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

She apparently knows that she pissed off a lot of people and has apologized.  Not that it makes it okay for her to say that people should start cruising again as soon as things open up. 

After that “apology”in April  she made more anti-mask videos including getting a mani/pedi using as “mask” the ipantries the give you for waxing and  said as a “young healthy person” she should be able had to go to indoor concerts. Bravo started limiting her interviews in May and June.


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30 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Bravo started limiting her interviews in May and June.

Not soon enough.  Between the COVID denials and her ongoing attempts to explain & gain support for her actions on not yet aired footage (i.e. spoilers), she's a liability.  An extremely self-serving liability. 

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I just saw a promo for a show on E! that she is apparently on called "Celebrity Call Center" ????  However even though she was briefly featured in the promo, there's precious little mentioning her on the intertubes.

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If I was a chef I would never sign on to a boat captained by Sandy. She specializes in demasculinizIng the chef as she has done it every time.

You couldn’t get a more gentle and sensitive guy than Kiko who belies every stereotype of the Chef and still she tries to cut his balls off.

She is so bad she even did it to Anastasia.

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