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The Wendy Williams Show - General Discussion

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I swear I'm really not trying to come for Wendy, but below is a case in point why she doesn't get the A-list celebrities, and what her reputation was like on the radio.  These days she always tries to sweep it under the rug, but there are consequences for what you do. 


Greg Mathis checking Wendy.  And if you haven't heard the infamous Wendy/Whitney Houston interview, do yourself a favor and listen, epic. 



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She was being very vague about it.  My guess is some one came for her on social media about her past and she wanted to defend herself.  She has done this before where she just randomly starts defending her old radio show or the things she has said in the past without giving any context to what she is talking about. 

WW should be flattered IMO.

The reason why Ye went on her is because she sided with amber rose and Kim during the finger booty fiasco.

Everyone assumes that he is gay, anyways. That is no news to him.

Gayfish, anyone?

The haters are the people who call her on her bullshit, IMO.

I have listened to her, on and off on the radio and while she was always super funny, she can also be vitriolic.

Diddy took her down once, already.

Since she was signed on until 2020, she feels like she can let it all hang out.

It is a mistake, as nobody likes a hag.

I also think that something is up in her personal life and the streets are talking....

Thus haters

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So Wendy admits she didn't watch the Superbowl so why even talk about it on Hot Topics? She even implied that the game was fixed and the Bronco's won because "they" (who ever they are) weren't going to let Manning retire without being a winner. WTF is this moron talking about?? I'm not even a football fan and I wanted to come throught the teevee and kick her stupid ass. 

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So Wendy admits she didn't watch the Superbowl so why even talk about it on Hot Topics? She even implied that the game was fixed and the Bronco's won because "they" (who ever they are) weren't going to let Manning retire without being a winner. WTF is this moron talking about?? I'm not even a football fan and I wanted to come thought the teevee and kick her stupid ass.

Recently, Wendy has frequently been making it all up in her head. Speculation after speculation. This conspiracy is one of the more crazy ones. Wendy doesn't really have much to talk about since famous people are more open, there aren't that many things that people are hiding any more. She is mostly creating speculation or saying she thinks that people are doing things wrong. She can hardly remember who she is supposed to be talking about. She gets proud when she sort of remembers what they (producers) told her in the meeting 1 hour before going on air. She will probably to senile by the time her contract ends in 2020.

I hate hate, when she refers to "The White one" or "The Black One". It's not funny. Why are they both there at the same time anyway? Does she need two verbal prompters?

Edited by Kira53
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I was in the kitchen when Wendy started going on about the Super Bowl supposedly being 'fixed'. I thought I may have been hearing her wrong and came and sat in front of the TV to make sure I wasn't misunderstanding her. I agree with her not being all there upstairs to make it to 2020 if she doesn't get a handle on whatever is going on now that's making her behavior get more bizarre as time goes on.

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Wendy does appear to be inordinately proud of being able to retain the spoon-fed Talking Points as she races in studio at the last moment. It's SO VERY obvious.

Also, it's rather riveting to realize the number of people who believe Wendy to be 'one of us', 'the real deal', sane(?). Even more fascinating, upon simply leveling criticism at Wendy, how some believe one to be 'jealous' and a 'hātä'.

I do tire of Wendy's ignorant 'what the hell' racial generalizations. Maybe, ignorance truly IS bliss (and, seemingly, an avenue to finance success).

(sigh) Ah, Wendy, perhaps, in the future...

Anywaay, kudos Wendy?!


Edited by BookElitist
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I agree with her not being all there upstairs to make it to 2020 if she doesn't get a handle on whatever is going on now that's making her behavior get more bizarre as time goes on.

Maybe the pottery classes she's now taking will keep her sane a few more years.

As for her 'hot' topics - half the time I've already heard it all on TMZ.  Ssssssnore.

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I was in the kitchen when Wendy started going on about the Super Bowl supposedly being 'fixed'. I thought I may have been hearing her wrong and came and sat in front of the TV to make sure I wasn't misunderstanding her. I agree with her not being all there upstairs to make it to 2020 if she doesn't get a handle on whatever is going on now that's making her behavior get more bizarre as time goes on.

The icing on the cake for me was that her audience was clapping like crazy about what she said... do they even listen to her BS or are they just following Suzanne's cue like a bunch of trained monkeys? 


Edited by bichonblitz
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God I can't stand Suzanne. She must get paid a substantial amount to embarrass herself like she does.



Is that the idiot that whips the studio audience into that stupid, annoying whooping? She acts like she's had way too much caffeine, jumping around like a crazed lunatic. Nice way to be remembered - a total ass.


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And another thing, is every chef she ever has on her show going forward going to cook vegan recipes?  Is she trying to convert her 'cohosts'?  She's scheduling them strictly for her own self - she doesn't give a rat's ass about her co-hosts.  It is HER SHOW after all, so I'm not surprised, but it seems like the viewers are just expected to suck it up. 

Edited by Fishy
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During Wendy's hay day on the radio I did not live in her market. While reckless with her mouth I generally found her tea to be accurate I thought . Can a long time listener fill me in? Yes she is a hypocrite, she herself was high as a kite yet she went in on Whitney. Yes big Kev most likely harassed her staffer and Wendy knew about it. But I seperate that from her celeb gossip. Her celeb gossip back in the day was fairly accurate. And I don't care when celebs clap back at her cause she can dish it but can't take it.

Seth Meyers is an easy interview, yet somehow Wendy managed to screw it up and show how unprepared she is.

Yeah, what was up with that?  She couldn't remember if he was married, then couldn't remember if his baby was actually born, then two minutes later asked him again if he was married.  She tried to cover it up by asking if he had a "wedding", but everyone caught on.


She also totally messed up the Salma Hayek story from yesterday.  Salma was wearing that silly shirt because she was filming a movie at the time and was hit by the camera and was rushed to the emergency room in her costume.  She wasn't lounging around the house like Wendy was reporting. 

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Wendy is turning into a complete copycat, IMO.

Not only that, but I am seriously wondering if she has some type of neurological impairment at this point.

Even when she was high she managed to keep her stories straight...

Now a total mess.

Also , Enough with the cooking segments already, she stuffs her face the entire time. Lol

Someone feeds that woman, she is losing it.

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Wendy makes weird annoying mouth noises even when she's not eating.

Are all the people who work for her afraid to say something to her?

I'm going to give it to you straight Wendy (no chaser)....you are NOT an "A" list celebrity who deserves to think your shit doesn't stink.

Please Wendy....take several seats.

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Wendy has been really ill prepared in her other segments/interviews following Hot Gossip. I refuse to call it Hot Topics.



And that baffoon Suzanne really sold her soul. The constant mugging of the camera, the loud & obnoxious "ooohs and ahhhs" off camera, taking all of Wendy's disses, etc. Just cringeworthy. Hope she gets paid well.

Edited by rags
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Has she ever had an A list celebrity guest? I've never seen anybody who I would consider an A list celebrity on her show promoting stuff.

I know if I was a celebrity, I'd stay as far away from her show as I possibly could.

Yes she has.

Aretha Franklin and Halle Berry both did her show.

However, you are right the show has trouble booking guests because of her out of control mouth and ego.

When the chocolatier today blurted out " it is all about you" ( meaning Wendy) I clapped.

Lately, she seems so above it all.

A damn shame IMO.

Yes she has.

Aretha Franklin and Halle Berry both did her show.

However, you are right the show has trouble booking guests because of her out of control mouth and ego.

When the chocolatier today blurted out " it is all about you" ( meaning Wendy) I clapped.

Lately, she seems so above it all.

A damn shame IMO.

Both interviews happened without audience members.  Wendy had to go to Aretha directly, and Halle's interview wasn't on the main stage and didn't include the audience. 

I agree about Suzanne, the woman is a complete idiot.

She's said before that she has medical issues that make wearing heels painful, but Wendy made fun of her flat shoes so much that she now wears those ugly ass kitten heel things.

The other day, Wendy was making fun of the kitten heels. I bet Suzanne will start wearing higher heels now.

Let the woman wear what she wants! Not everybody wants to be tottering around on ridiculously high heels.

Just when I think Suzanne can't get any worse, she does. I hope she gets paid well for making a fool of herself every day.

Edited by Maharincess
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Both interviews happened without audience members.  Wendy had to go to Aretha directly, and Halle's interview wasn't on the main stage and didn't include the audience.

I just remembered that she also had Angela Bassett on.

I consider her A list.

Aretha is a whole different ball game.lol

It was big of both women to give the interviews to Wendy, IMO.

If you notice, Wendy feels more and more conflicted about doing hot topics but I guess that she is reticent to let go of her bread and butter.

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Did anyone happen to see Wendy on Dr. Oz? I was in a waiting room and they had it on. She was like the audience floater and would take the microphone to take questions about heart health for the experts on stage to answer. It was awkward. People kept trying to grab the microphone and she was flipping out about it, and people were "how you doin" her and she was ignoring them - I guess because it wasn't her show. It was a really weird segment and if I knew nothing about Wendy I would be left wondering how in the hell she got that gig.

Wendy seems to draw the millennials to her show and it makes me wonder how long the interest will last.  Wendy has already many a time said something that was old fashioned and I got the impression she felt awkward about it because she has to explain it to her audience.  I wonder how that will play out going forward.

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When Wendy was talking about how thin Sam Smith has gotten and showed a pic of him I kind of heard the audience gasp a bit and I did too. I knew he had lost weight awhile back but that picture that was shown did look like he's gotten too thin. Wendy had to start going on about how so many people become haters and tell people who've lost weight that they're too thin, look sick and etc.... It sounded like Wendy's been hearing or reading some of those comments about herself. I think most of us are trying to figure out if it's her new way of eating or something else that's causing the weird behavior that only seems to be getting worse.

Edited by Jaded
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When Wendy was talking about how thin Sam Smith has gotten and showed a pic of him I kind of heard the audience gasp a bit and I did too. I knew he had lost weight awhile back but that picture that was shown did look like he's gotten too thin. Wendy had to start going on about how so many people become haters and tell people who've lost weight that they're too thin, look sick and etc.... It sounded like Wendy's been hearing or reading some of those comments about herself. I think most of us are trying to figure out if it's her new way of eating or something else that's causing the weird behavior that only seems to be getting worse.

I caught that too.

Could she have a late onset eating disorder?

Nobody is jealous IMO, she just does not look well.

Especially as an older aa woman, her obsession with being that thin does not make sense, IMO.

That husband of hers, works her too hard.

The fuck, she is worth 60 mil. She can afford to sit on her ass and relax a bit.

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The other day, Wendy was making fun of the kitten heels. I bet Suzanne will start wearing higher heels now.

Let the woman wear what she wants! Not everybody wants to be tottering around on ridiculously high heels.

Yea, she did shame Suzanne with the kitten heels, said people on Facebook were commenting on how out of style they were. Asshole. I can't believe she said that to Suzanne on camera. If you notice, Wendy walks on stage in her heels, sits down in her Hot Topics chair with them on, and once that's over she goes straight to flats for the rest of the show. So once again, STFU Wendy!

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Yea, she did shame Suzanne with the kitten heels, said people on Facebook were commenting on how out of style they were. Asshole. I can't believe she said that to Suzanne on camera. If you notice, Wendy walks on stage in her heels, sits down in her Hot Topics chair with them on, and once that's over she goes straight to flats for the rest of the show. So once again, STFU Wendy!

Wendy is jealous of Suzanne, IMO.

While she is annoying, what did that poor woman do, for Wendy to constantly put her down?

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