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Zach and Tori

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I think Ember looks like such a sweet and kind little girl. In spite of her parents, who seem to be jerks.


Bean is wearing several stretchy type bead bracelets in the pictures. Another bad idea for a toddler. Choking hazard. I know some cultures do this but it's still a choking hazard to me. 


I was happy for Amy with how she looked - seems she had some pretty light blonde highlights, and I loved the soft curls. Makeup looks natural and pretty. The dress was beautiful but the top did kind of gap and from the front it had sort of a bra effect to me. 8/10 in my book overall. 

I'd be really surprised if Molly didn't show. Need more Intel on that one!

Edited by seasons
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9 hours ago, seasons said:

The dress was beautiful but the top did kind of gap and from the front it had sort of a bra effect to me. 8/10 in my book overall. 

Why am I getting a pop-up ad for a "magic push-up bra"?

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More pics on Tori’s IG

I think the one of Jackson and Amy is very cute.  I love Jackson’s expression. 😊 She also has on IG stories she is not pregnant and to stop asking and where you can buy the dress she wore to the wedding although it’s not available in green anymore.

Edited by Irate Panda
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39 minutes ago, Dimi1 said:

i just saw a pic of her holding her little girl...the dress pulled in the front and there was a noticeable bump...I am thinking she is pregnant...

I think that's just where she carries her fat.  I would hope she wouldn't flat-out lie to fans on her IG -- especially after baiting them.

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24 minutes ago, all4mom2 said:

I think that's just where she carries her fat.  I would hope she wouldn't flat-out lie to fans on her IG -- especially after baiting them.

Yes she would.Remember these are reality whores everything they do suits THEM.everyone else be damned.

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Check out Lilah’s face….lol.  I think she must have been tired.  

Amy 2.0

Tori looked pregnant last time long before she should have been showing.

I'm going with fat.

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Idk.  I know that when you have gained weight, you might try to disguise it in a loose fitting outfit.  I have done that, but I never go for anything too maternity looking, because I didn’t want someone to assume I was pregnant.  

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On 8/29/2021 at 1:45 PM, all4mom2 said:

Seems Amy was standing on a riser during the ceremony.  I guess hence all the boulders and bushes hiding their lower halves.  

Did Molly and Joel not attend?  I have yet to see a photo including them.

Seems like a lot more pics of Jackson and Lilah than Ember and Bode, over all...

Molly was definitely there. Happened upon a pic today. She was wearing a pants romper/jumpsuit type thing, and that’s the only reason I even noticed it was her.

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3 hours ago, floridamom said:

Hey, I cleaned my kitchen thoroughly yesterday but I didn't feel the need to post it publicly.

Right; is that a rare occurrence?  Maybe not ALL the family food poisoning comes from Amy's Little Kitchen.  Tori's Filthy Kitchen might also be implicated!

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Making fun of zack like shooting fish in a barrel.The only time he is not being stupid is sleeping and i am not sure of that.All that has to be done is to give him some task and the laughter  will start he can barly do anything without fucking it up.I am not sure that he doesn't do it on purpose.thats his role nobody takes him serious. His ideas are laughed away.He has found his niche.comic relief.Tori is the straight man for this duo.He finally found a job, of course show goes away he does too.

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24 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

I don’t find it amusing at all when she does that.

She’s done many videos with him included, which boil down to her making fun of him.

JMO…I don’t find either of their antics amusing

if I had to choose I guess I’d go with Tori making fun of Zach over Zach shoving Tori into a pool while she was holding baby Jackson.

They both have odd senses of humour

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I'm not a fan of Tori making fun of Zach, either; she thinks she's all that and a bag of chips.  I've noticed that a lot of teachers think that title automatically makes them "the smart one" in any relationship, but I'd say these two are neck-and-neck.

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I also think she was trolling Zach, but the reason I’d rather see even her shilling videos is thats she tries to be funny and I think it just comes off cringeworthy.  I think she thinks she is much cooler than Zach, when she’s just as corny as he is. 

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10 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

I also think she was trolling Zach, but the reason I’d rather see even her shilling videos is thats she tries to be funny and I think it just comes off cringeworthy.  I think she thinks she is much cooler than Zach, when she’s just as corny as he is. 

Cool is the last thing tori is.She is as square as they get.

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52 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

I also think she was trolling Zach, but the reason I’d rather see even her shilling videos is thats she tries to be funny and I think it just comes off cringeworthy.  I think she thinks she is much cooler than Zach, when she’s just as corny as he is. 

I agree… Tori thinks she’s cool and hip but she’s really just as dumb as Zach

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A spouse should not make fun of or put the other one down publicly OR privately. It's disrespectful. This, to me, is a symptom of another issue in the relationship that is unresolved. and one harbors resentment for. This act does not make Tori look any better for it. She should stop.

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2 hours ago, floridamom said:

A spouse should not make fun of or put the other one down publicly OR privately. It's disrespectful. This, to me, is a symptom of another issue in the relationship that is unresolved. and one harbors resentment for. This act does not make Tori look any better for it. She should stop.

This! 100%.

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Actually, good natured teasing is part of building a healthy relationship. Couples need to have fun with each other and teasing can be a sign of a strong relationship. Things like someone not noticing an effort happen all the time and it's better to laugh than to fume.

This seemed like it was for fun, not malicious. If the trolling was one-sided there might be cause for concern, but we've seen Zack tease Tori, too. Until we find out from Zack that he has a negative reaction to things like this it seems fine.

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I'll agree this doesn't seem QUITE as cruel and mean-spirited as when she kills herself laughing because he's mispronounced a word, but couples ridiculing each other -- even if both do it (and I don't agree both do) -- isn't my favorite.  Overall, Tori just seems to feel superior to and lack respect for her husband.  Not good to expose kids to that attitude, either.

Edited by all4mom2
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I wish I could post previous videos of Tori making fun of Zach.

One was her spelling words, and asking him to say them. Not funny, to me. Not relationship building, to me.

Unless we hear it from Zach, we don’t know how it makes him feel. But, we can give our opinion. Teasing is ambiguous.

Perhaps someone else saw them at the time.

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4 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

But, we can give our opinion.

Yup we can. My opinion? She's teasing him about not noticing that she cleaned the kitchen and that really sounds like Zach. It was funny, imo. If this leads Zach to divorce, I mean, that's his call, but he's none too gentle in teasing her either. 

Mocking people for how they mispronounce words can be unkind, but I note how popular it is here so its hard to jump on Tory for what the audience does freely. 

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2 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

Mocking people for how they mispronounce words can be unkind, but I note how popular it is here so its hard to jump on Tory for what the audience does freely. 

Except that we're not married to Amy, nor do we have children with her.

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1 minute ago, all4mom2 said:

Except that we're not married to Amy, nor do we have children with her.

In my opinion, it doesn't really matter. Dont get me wrong, we're all free to say what we like, but if it's unkind for a wife to say, how is it not unkind for a perfect stranger to say? 

And I was actually referencing how *Zach* is often mocked for being a mush mouth and barely getting his words out. Not all roads lead to Amy. 

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19 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

Sadly I can answer that - no. 

(Had a genuine hoarder in the apt. complex for a while and it took a lot of effort to rid the place once they were evicted)


That is a nightmare for me.  I lived in NY for a while and roaches were too common.  Out here in Oregon we don't really have roaches, mosquitoes or ticks.  But we have the dreaded odoriferous ant (some folks here call then sugar ants) that have the most foul smell when you kill them and the biggest Norway rats I have ever seen. They creep me out.

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image.pngI don't see a resemblance of Amy at all in Lilah. The last picture, I am not even sure if that is Amy and a sibling or Jeremy and Zach, haha seriously I'm not sure. The resemblance of the twins to Amy's family is strong. I think Jackson and Lilah have more of Tori's family than Amy or Matt. Or I don't know, maybe Lilah does have some of Matt's family resemblance, but not Matt himself. 

Edited by stewedsquash
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That last picture that you're not sure of? It's Amy and her brother. Zach has his dad's coloring but he and Jeremy both very much favor Amy's side. Molly and Jacob are the ones who look like Matt. 

Right now Lilah is so young, I think its the achon features that lead people to say she looks like Amy. Jackson, for now, isn't very achondroplasic in the face. He's clearly Tory's child. 

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Yes, I agree that Lilah does seem to have Amy's body shape but I don't see Amy in her face yet. Children change a lot. Also agree that Molly and Jacob share Matt's family resemblance. 

Do you see that the last picture could be mistaken for Jeremy and Zach? 

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