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S04.E11: Big Girl in the Big Apple

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What I do not understand is how her friends and family staged an intervention last year (?) around her weight and their concern about her health. And now it's like "Whatevs! Let's get our TLC cash and peace out." I guess it didn't fit the narrative about how utterly fab Whit and her life is. It's just sad because they've truly become the worst kind of enablers. Now it's all about how "beautiful" she is spilling out of a too small bikini top and wondering if she'll find her own Brad Pitt. It's become utterly ludicrous without even a sembalance of concern around her daily degrading health and fitness.


Eta: And OMG is that fitness marshal and his booty back ups (barf) annoying or what?!? Holy heck. Hungry bunny? I need brain bleach stat.

Edited by Tipsymcstagger
Just cause...
  • Love 8
8 hours ago, qqererer said:

There's an X-ray of her 'bad knee'  No cartilage.


Age 32, no knees, not a candidate for knee reconstruction.


Not very fabulous.


My knees looked exactly like that at the time an orthopedic surgeon said I required total knee replacements. But he wouldn't perform the surgery until I had lost 60 pounds.

BUT, here's the kicker. I was in my late 50's at the time. If I had been only 32, he would have refused even with the horrible, painful shape they were in and even if I were thinner, because I would have been too young. The lifespan of knee replacments, even at this advanced stage of technology, is maybe 20? 30? years at the outside. And one thing orthopedic surgeons do NOT want to do is put in a TKR that they absolutely know will need to be replaced again. So get used to it, Whit, your "dance career" is going to take away what cartilage you have and put you on a cane before you know it. At best you can hope it happens after your show is off the air.

  • Love 13
10 hours ago, qqererer said:

There's an X-ray of her 'bad knee'  No cartilage.


Age 32, no knees, not a candidate for knee reconstruction.


Not very fabulous.


I just want to go back to that x-ray for a second, look at how fat her knee is. Your knee is not supposed to be fat, even if you are significantly overweight there should be very little fat on your knee, you are supposed to easily be able to feel the bone in your knee. Like you can see the crease in there where her knee is supposed to be but it got eating from fat coming from both sides.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, John M said:

They should do an episode with one of the people from my 600 pound life that was actually a success story to tell her what the path she is going down is like.

Her knee is shot one one day in the near future if she doesn't change she will be another one of the people that fell one day and never get back out of bed.

oh, I'd watch the heck out of that. Have you seen the Assanti Brothers episodes of 600-lb Life? Wouldn't you love to see Whitney versus Steven? They could talk about cats and how not to care for them.

  • Love 8
10 minutes ago, Calibabydolly said:

Wow on the size of her actual knee! I am jealous.....I cut the crap out of my knees all the time, I bet Whitney never has that problem! (Can her bone actually be that far away from her skin covering it? Is that a bad angle in that x-ray picture?)

There's a lot to be learned from that exray.


That's a picture of her left knee as if she was standing looking at you.


Her knees are bowed outward because of the thickness of her thighs.  If you look more closely, you'll see where the muscle ends, and the fat begins.


Ok.  So now.  The chub rub issue.  

Whitney has so much inner thigh fat, that her femur is laterally angled away from her body.  Her hipjoints want to starfish away from her body so there's no James K Chub rub.


Or reduce CR anyways.


If her knees operated correctly, she'd have the weirdest gait.


Imagine this.  Put your arms. straight ahead of you and move them up and down.  That's how normal people with normal knees walk..


Now open up your arms out, elbows straight, and a pillow between your upper arms.  Your arms approximate a 'V'   Now move them up and down.  That's how obese people with good knees walk.


Now with your arms still out, cup that pillow lengthwise with your elbows and bend your elbows in.  Now swivel them up and down.  If you look at your hands, it's the same track as now normal people with normal knees walk.


But you're grinding the crap out of the medial cartilidge of her knees.


That's why she'll never be give TKR.  You could replace the knee, but the biomecanics are so crappy, there's almost no point to do it in the first place.


This is the problem with TKR companies, they refuse to build ones for people with bad biomechanics.  They insist that you lose weight.

  • Love 6

I admit to be puzzled as to why Twit posted that X-ray. Yes, I get that she is providing evidence to show why she wasn't lying to Jiya about her inability to go low. But my first thought was, "Wow, does she ever need to drop weight ASAP to relieve the stress on that knee." Is she so oblivious that she doesn't see that? Are her groupies so oblivious that they don't see that? How is that knee an example of how fabulous it is to weigh 350+ pounds?

  • Love 5
43 minutes ago, Dot said:

I admit to be puzzled as to why Twit posted that X-ray. Yes, I get that she is providing evidence to show why she wasn't lying to Jiya about her inability to go low. But my first thought was, "Wow, does she ever need to drop weight ASAP to relieve the stress on that knee." Is she so oblivious that she doesn't see that? Are her groupies so oblivious that they don't see that? How is that knee an example of how fabulous it is to weigh 350+ pounds?

It's not as if this was the first health issue that can be directly attributable to her weight. She has sleep apnea, a common health complication for extremely obese people. She has elevated blood pressure, something that you rarely see in a woman her age unless you have obesity as a factor. She had a cardiac episode that she was told straight out was a result of her weight. She has early stage diabetes. And she was told point blank that the odds of her ever getting pregnant were pretty infinitesimal and her weight was a major factor. Now she has at least one knee where she's totally worn away the cartilage, something you just shouldn't see in a 32 year old woman.

What she'll do is what she's always done when confronted with the results of her weight. That thin people have high blood pressure/heart attacks/diabetes/arthritis/fertility issues/etc... She deliberately ignores that obesity is a health risk and when you are as obese as she is (she is well past the point that most overweight people are), the risks are increased even more. The simple fact is that it's not terribly common to see any one of these health issues (with the exception of fertility) in people her age without some kind of serious health complication. But she's got all of them and they're just going to get worse as she gets older if she doesn't lose a significant amount of weight.

Whether she likes it or not, the clock is ticking. If she continues as she's been going, then it's only a matter of time before she does become disabled or suffer a serious, life threatening health crisis. And she'll have no one to blame but herself because she was fucking warned.

Edited by Hana Chan
  • Love 11
2 hours ago, Dot said:

I admit to be puzzled as to why Twit posted that X-ray. Yes, I get that she is providing evidence to show why she wasn't lying to Jiya about her inability to go low. But my first thought was, "Wow, does she ever need to drop weight ASAP to relieve the stress on that knee." Is she so oblivious that she doesn't see that? Are her groupies so oblivious that they don't see that? How is that knee an example of how fabulous it is to weigh 350+ pounds?

She's oblivious.  Same as any obese person ever.  The magic of cartilidge is that it just works, even as it wears away  to nothing ness.  People will feel absolutely no problem, until it's bone on bone.


Until then, it's HAES and NOBS.  But as soon as those joint surfaces are gone, it's game over.  It comes quickly and without mercy.


I also should point out that perfect bloodwork would point none of this out.


I look forward to season 10.


Edited by qqererer
  • Love 6
16 hours ago, okerry said:

oh, I'd watch the heck out of that. Have you seen the Assanti Brothers episodes of 600-lb Life? Wouldn't you love to see Whitney versus Steven? They could talk about cats and how not to care for them.

I just quit 600 lb life. It's become too Dr. Phil like and I'm probably going to drop MBFFL as well. If the producers want these shows cancelled, they're on the right track. 

20 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

If she resents how people see her now and feels sorry for herself because of it, just wait until she's obese, over 40 (or 50 if she makes it) and unable to walk.  She's actually able to capitalize on being somewhat facially attractive now plus she gives off an air of youthful vigor, but just wait until all vestiges of her attractiveness have faded and she is dependent on others for every little basic thing. 

Let's be honest here when we look at her life. She has no steady employment and didn't have the sense or business skill to translate the interest in her dancing into something more lucrative. There is a demand for a placed for women of all sizes to exercise in a welcoming environment and she could have capitalized on that by franchising her concept. But she needs the class to be all about her so that opportunity was wasted. 

Here's a little thought since a lot of us also watch My 600 Pound Life. When we see the people on that show who are in their early or mid-forties who are so profoundly disabled by their obesity, a common factor is the age where their body started to fail them. By the time many of these people reached their mid to late thirties, they found themselves unable to be physically active at all and eventually bedbound and unable to walk any real distances.

Whitney's knee is a clear sign that she is on that path. Right now she is still able to be physically active and that's the only reason that her weight is fairly stable. She's not restricting her calorie intake, so she's not really losing much and the exercise is keeping her from gaining weight. But once that knee goes and she can no longer be as active, the weight will start to pile on. And with the weight increase will come more pain and disability and less ability to be active. It's a vicious cycle and if she doesn't take steps now, it's only a matter of time before she's one of the candidates to see Dr. Now.

  • Love 7

We all know that Whit will shriek that thin people suffer cartilage damage too and that the knee issues are not weight related -- in fact, the knee damage will be her excuse for limitations that in reality all loop back to her weight problem. Delusional and defensive as always. The silhouette of her leg is horrifying. I couldn't tell which way she was facing in the x-ray.

  • Love 5
On 4/6/2017 at 0:26 AM, leighroda said:

She openly sneers at thin people, and claims they have it easy... without taking the time to understand why. People do have conditions that make them unable to gain weight, and that can be just as detrimental to their health as an overweight person. People suffer from anorexia/bulemia (which Whitney has said she suffers from) only to have their conditions dismissed because people don't see being thin as a problem.

I think you are talking about the opposite extreme- whereas Whitney scorns normal-weight people because, as she says, they don't struggle like she does. Perhaps not physically, but how dare she trivialize things so much as to imply that thin people don't have struggles in their lives. We all do. That's life, honey. 

  • Love 9
1 minute ago, KateHearts said:

I saw it. That's not true... it actually looks pretty good, for having borne 400 lbs of stress over the years. She's not in dire straits with the knee X-ray she shared online.

Since I'm not a professional at reading X-rays, could you explain that more fully? It appears that the leg bones are now touching with no cartlidge in-between. Are you saying the bones are not grinding against each other yet?

  • Love 2

The bones are not touching. You can see space between them (dark). That is where the connective tissue (cartilage) lies. If it were severe you would see the top bone- the femur- sitting directly on the bottom one- the tibia. Likely with the bone edges looking "shaggy" or rough. Like this:



Edited by KateHearts
  • Love 1
On 4/5/2017 at 10:23 PM, rainbowrockgal said:

There are dry shampoos out there in the world.  I've used them after surgeries when I couldn't bathe for a few days.  You spray it in like hairspray, massage in then brush through.  Your hair actually does look clean and natural.  She could at least use one of these products...

Please let me say that Pantene has the BEST dry shampoo! OMG.  I use it, not due to dirty hair, but, because it gives LIFT and body.  You don't have to brush it out and in fact, you can't even see it.  It causes hair root to be slightly lighter, for those like me who have blonde hair. Not sure how it would work on brown, but, I hope Whit checks it out.  

I wonder if Whit is using some kind of hair grower like Rogain that makes her hair look so drab.  Certainly, she's using something due to the major hair loss. I can't say that I would be eager to shampoo my hair every day if handfuls of it were coming out and going down the drain.

Edited by SunnyBeBe
2 hours ago, KateHearts said:

Whitney scorns normal-weight people because, as she says, they don't struggle like she does. Perhaps not physically, but how dare she trivialize things so much as to imply that thin people don't have struggles in their lives.

Yeah, it is amazing to me how she plays the victim about her weight every chance she gets, yet out the other side of her mouth says her weight isn't a problem for her. Oh, it's just a problem for everyone ELSE, and their judgment is the real issue for Whitney. Right. Other people's judgment apparently destroyed her knee cartilage and puts stress on her cardiac system. RIGHT, Whit.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, KateHearts said:

The bones are not touching. You can see space between them (dark). That is where the connective tissue (cartilage) lies. If it were severe you would see the top bone- the femur- sitting directly on the bottom one- the tibia. Likely with the bone edges looking "shaggy" or rough. Like this:



OK, got it; I see the dif. Thanks for the addional info.

18 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Yeah, it is amazing to me how she plays the victim about her weight every chance she gets, yet out the other side of her mouth says her weight isn't a problem for her. Oh, it's just a problem for everyone ELSE, and their judgment is the real issue for Whitney. Right. Other people's judgment apparently destroyed her knee cartilage and puts stress on her cardiac system. RIGHT, Whit.

Oh, I can just hear her response! (You have to imagine the whine in her voice  as you read this.)

"But it is obviously discriminatory that you attribute my compromised joints and my irregular cardiac rhythm to the fact that I weigh nearly 250 lbs more than the stupid BMI charts say I should weigh. There are plenty of 130 lb.  5'2" women  in their early thirties with bad knees and bad hearts! Millions and millions of them, I'm sure. So saying MY problems must be due to my WEIGHT is just another form of body shaming!"

Man, how I hate this stupid, faulty reasoning. Just because people of normal weight can have the same health issues as people who are morbidly obese does not mean that morbid obesity is not a cause of those health issues. It just means it's not the cause for the people of normal weight. She loves to declaim this as if it's a killer point, but it's actually a logical fallacy.

News Flash, Whitney - crumbling joints and weakened hearts can be caused by more than one thing.  And one of those things is morbid obesity.  And no, I don't believe that all those of 5'2" women in their early thirties, with bad hearts and bad joints, who weigh 130 lbs., that you believe are out there, must have those issues for the same reason that you do.  Your pathology is your own. No rational doctor, or even person, is going to look at your weight and the condition of your joints and heart, and not draw the obvious conclusion.

  • Love 4
On April 7, 2017 at 8:20 AM, KateHearts said:

I saw it. That's not true... it actually looks pretty good, for having borne 400 lbs of stress over the years. She's not in dire straits with the knee X-ray she shared online.

Very rarely do doctors prescribe xrays for knees that feel perfectly fine.


She has genu vargus (sp). Femur and tibia should be in a straight line not look like an old man with rickets.  All pressure is being put on medial articular surfaces of knee joint.

Xrays don't show cartilidge, true. but they also don't show the articular surfaces of both the femur and tibia.


Any doctor can make predictable conclusions on that xray, and it's not fabulous.


Note the EQUAL SIZED joint spaces of medial and lateral condyles of the knee.  The difference between the two and the resulting angle between the tibia and femur is the result of lost of cartilige and joint surface on the medial side.


Can you see the difference between a healthy knee and Twit's knee?


Even Twit can see it.  She pointed an arrow to her messed up side.


On the first xray, you're looking at two right knees.  If you can see, the knee of the left side the femur goes up and left.  That's because the femur rises up to the hips, which are wider.


On the 'red arrow' xray, the thigs are so wide, that the knees are so wide apart, that the femur rises up and to the right, toward the hips.  Not biomechanically correct.


So yeah, Twit can contradict fabulous/#cantgetlow, but the biomechanics are obvious.  She's headed to walkerville.




Edited by qqererer
Added pictures. Undisputed proof. I really wonder why they didn't film this exam #notsofabulous
  • Love 8

Part of the problem with Whitney's knee is clearly a result of her body mechanics. Because she's got tremendous thighs, that forces her to walk at a very odd angle and her knee is altered to compensate. So we see a greater amount of joint space on the outer side of the joint but much less on the inner side (which is taking the strain from her unnatural gait). The two sides of her knee are being pulled in opposite directions.

This is due entirely to her weight. If her thighs were more normal sized and allowed her to walk in a more normal manner, we wouldn't be seeing this kind of joint change. And she's been complaining of knee pain for some time now, so there is some deterioration in the joint that is not getting better. And we have to keep in mind that she's only 32. People her age don't tend to have knee problems unless they've seriously abused their joints with heavy physical activity. My bed friend needed knee surgery in her late twenties, but that was a result of doing competitive gymnastics up until college. Whitney's knees are taking that kind of abuse from doing moderate, normal physical activity that is due... let's all say it, class... from her weight.

Losing weight now would help alleviate her knee pain and slow further deterioration. It would also make her a better candidate for surgical repair. But again, that would throw her "fat but fit" bullshit into complete disarray. This is only going to get worse going forward.

  • Love 6
On 4/6/2017 at 10:13 AM, Dot said:

Twit has a CPAP machine; I don't think Buddy does or he would look more rested.

Really?  At what, 30, 31? What young person who isn't disabled in some way, has a CPAP? Why wouldn't that alone be enough to get her to lose weight - especially if she is otherwise relatively healthy and the need for a CPAP is due to her weight? Why doesn't that indicate to her that something is really wrong? Why am I asking these questions?

  • Love 3
On 4/5/2017 at 6:52 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

I must have missed it.  Sounds like those two cats are having issues.  Sometimes, a cat shows it's unhappy wit h something  with litter box violations.  As a cat lover, she should know this.  Maybe, it doesn't like the cameras and lights from the crew. I'd send it to grandmother's house and see how it fares there. 

She needs to clean the litter box!!!   She said in a previous episode when Todd commented on the smell and found the evidence that she cleaned the litter box (Singular) 4 days ago.   With more than one cat you need more than one litter box and the litter boxes (Plural) need to be cleaned at least once a day.  But I guess she doesn't have time to do that because she's too busy being fabulous.

  • Love 3
On 4/4/2017 at 11:49 PM, scoopski potata said:

Not to mention the fact that the dude is gay...though something sorta interesting I've noticed...fat women tend to fall for gay men disproportionately (just my personal observation, in no way is this necessarily indicative of the behaviors of the general population), because they're safe...the rejection won't be because they're unattractive, it's because they're women period. So it's safe to lust after them and pretend to be interested because there's no chance and rejection is inevitable and it won't have anything to do with your appearance. I did it when I was fat. 

That and their gay men friends/crushes probably pay them compliments and make them feel attractive (even though they aren't attractED to them) where straight men either ignore or ridicule them. They get the positive male attention they want AND from a safe source. 

  • Love 5
On 4/5/2017 at 2:31 PM, ClareWalks said:

And I noticed Whitney really struggled to get onto the rickshaw. WHY? It was like a foot and a half step up. That's it. Nobody able-bodied under the age of 60 should have trouble with that. And the ramp up to the ferry was "Mount Everest." I would LOVE to see Whitney try to climb Mount Everest. You know she'd think she could, too.

I don't think it's JUST the getting UP part that was a challenge but also the getting INTO that was problematic. A body that big with a somewhat narrow space to negotiate to get into the rickshaw. I think it's a miracle she managed to get into the thing at all. And I hope that TLC double-paid the driver. Poor guy. 

  • Love 3
On 4/5/2017 at 4:12 PM, auntjess said:

On the other hand, I imagine in her house, the odor of cat urine is strong enough to mask and body odor.
Those are beautiful cats, and I hate that they don't have a clean place to piss in.

You know... that makes me think... if the house stinks of cat urine, chances are her clothes do too. I had a great aunt (bless her heart, she was a true "crazy cat lady") who had four indoor cats and she wasn't great about cleaning the litter boxes and so there was a smell throughout the house and it was in her clothes (even washing them didn't help). She was 100% nose-blind to it. Even with perfume, the cat urine smell was still there. 

There's a good possibility that Twit's clothes carry that cat odor on top of whatever other unshowered-sweat-drenched odors she might be exuding.

  • Love 3

I had to use a Cpap machine due to my morbid obesity.  As soon as I lost the weight I no longer needed the cpap machine.  Due to the strain on my knees due to my morbid obesity I ended up needing a knee replacement in one knee.  But now that I have lost the weight my other knee is much better and at this point my doctor says I don't need to do anything more than to continue to exercise and keep the weight off.  If only Whitney would lose the weight she could most likely lose the cpap machine and possibly not need knee replacement or at least have a whole lot less knee pain discomfort.  Not too fabulous to need a cpap and possibly knee surgery at her age.

  • Love 9
On 4/4/2017 at 10:22 PM, Diamond Dog said:


Firemarshall Spaz is obnoxiously flamboyant. He reminds me of a gay version of the Slap Chop guy. tumblr_lfps5fygu01qbk15ko1_400.gif

Yes!  You nailed that.  ShamWow!

I just got around to watching the full episode and I think Todd's behavior is due to 100% pure, undiluted jealousy.  Been there, and that emotion sure makes a person say and do very ugly things.  I wonder if TLC allowed Todd to think that he would be in the video and/or that the episode would focus more on him.  The way he went all out in the dance class might be in part because he wanted to be the one to catch Fitness Dude's eye.  I don't blame Whitney on this one, it was a good (set-up) opportunity and was a pretty good marketing idea for both YouTube channels.  The only criticism I have for Whitney is that perhaps she should have understood WHY Todd would be jealous, but that would be an indication of maturity, and I think her emotional age-meter is permanently stuck at about 21 years. 

Todd wanted what Whitney got and his lizard brain took over.  When those primitive emotions come to the surface, they can be very powerful. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, cynicat said:

The only criticism I have for Whitney is that perhaps she should have understood WHY Todd would be jealous, but that would be an indication of maturity, and I think her emotional age-meter is permanently stuck at about 21 years. 

Todd wanted what Whitney got and his lizard brain took over.  When those primitive emotions come to the surface, they can be very powerful. 

I think they're both emotionally still in junior high.

Edited by AZChristian
  • Love 9
On 4/7/2017 at 5:11 PM, qqererer said:


On 4/7/2017 at 11:20 AM, KateHearts said:

I saw it. That's not true... it actually looks pretty good, for having borne 400 lbs of stress over the years. She's not in dire straits with the knee X-ray she shared online.

Very rarely do doctors prescribe xrays for knees that feel perfectly fine.


She has genu vargus (sp). Femur and tibia should be in a straight line not look like an old man with rickets.  All pressure is being put on medial articular surfaces of knee joint.

Xrays don't show cartilidge, true. but they also don't show the articular surfaces of both the femur and tibia.


Any doctor can make predictable conclusions on that xray, and it's not fabulous.


Note the EQUAL SIZED joint spaces of medial and lateral condyles of the knee.  The difference between the two and the resulting angle between the tibia and femur is the result of lost of cartilige and joint surface on the medial side.


Can you see the difference between a healthy knee and Twit's knee?


Thanks for the radiology lesson. But I stand by my post. of course the doc ordered the X-ray because her knee wasn't "perfectly fine." She's pounding the hell out of it. I'm sure it hurts. But take the time to look at the X-ray link I posted. THAT is a severely degenerative knee. She has cartilage remaining. And no, just because the femur and tibia aren't totally aligned doesn't make that pathological. Most people's aren't. Your rickets analogy is exaggerated, to say the least. 

'My point to begin with is that Whitney is, again, dramatizing her issues for the sake of drama. I don't doubt her knee hurts, but I also am sure she's overplaying her "blown out knee" (I hate phrases  like that) for tv. That's not a knee ready for a replacement, by any stretch of the imagination. 

There are differences between her knee and a "healthy" one, yes. But as I said, I've looked at hundreds of X-rays in my career and this one looks like early degenerative joint disease. I bet 50% 0f people in their 30s and above, especially those who have done athletics like dancing, have films like this.

Edited by KateHearts
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, KateHearts said:

Thanks for the radiology lesson. But I stand by my post. of course the doc ordered the X-ray because her knee wasn't "perfectly fine." She's pounding the hell out of it. I'm sure it hurts. But take the time to look at the X-ray link I posted. THAT is a severely degenerative knee. She has cartilage remaining. And no, just because the femur and tibia aren't totally aligned doesn't make that pathological. Most people's aren't. Your rickets analogy is exaggerated, to say the least.

'My point to begin with is that Whitney is, again, dramatizing her issues for the sake of drama. I don't doubt her knee hurts, but I also am sure she's overplaying her "blown out knee" (I hate phrases  like that) for tv. That's not a knee ready for a replacement, by any stretch of the imagination.

There are differences between her knee and a "healthy" one, yes. But as I said, I've looked at hundreds of X-rays in my career and this one looks like early degenerative joint disease. I bet 50% 0f people in their 30s and above, especially those who have done athletics like dancing, have films like this.

I guess that's the difference between you and I.


You see the film and see it for what it is.


I like your sunny outlook.


I see the film, and see it for what it will be.


Both valid frames of reference.


Edited by qqererer
  • Love 3

See, and I know nothing about reading X-rays but either way is bad, IMO. Either her knee is really terrible, and her weight is totally destroying it; or her knee isn't that bad, so she is once more blowing something out of proportion to get out of doing "hard work" and get more attention. Either way: that's our Whitney! ;)

  • Love 8

Okay... watching this again (because it's on) and I have to say... I like Nathan. He seems like a fun guy to hang out with. I get the gaydar ping as has been mentioned already but she's also talked about not feeling a "spark" or whatever. So maybe the love of your life (distant relative status aside) but maybe you've found a new friend? Someone cool to compare family notes with? Someone also single who is fun to go out with as friends and have FUN?? 

  • Love 1

So I just thought of this--why was Todd so upset about throwing up during the dance workout? Big deal! To me that can be a normal reaction to hard workouts. Happens to me 50% of the time when doing hills. Hell, if I throw up from a hard workout I consider it a good thing. 

Bu maybe he was hung over, who knows. It just didn't seem like a real big deal. 

  • Love 1

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