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  1. "Whitney Way Thore Silent in Sexual Assault Travesty when Video Surfaces of her Grabbing Youtube Star by the rear end" "Whitney Way Thore is caught in the recent #meetoo movement when video surfaces of Whitney Way Thore of participating in an 'exerciese' video, where at the end of the video, she is clearly putting her hands on the rear anatomy of a youtube celebrity." Is the above an actual news headline? No, but is it 100% fact? Yes. I'm 100% positive he didn't script that Whitney Way Thore in any way would be putting any part of her anatomy on his body, which I would include to infer to put her hands on his anus or any body part near it. I guess when you're a third rate reality tv star, you can do whatever you want. You can even grab 'em by the asshole. Even if they are clearly gay and would want no woman in that area. I've gone Null due to various issues I have about some of the posts on this forum. Haven't posted in a long time, but with this harveygate going on, I had some part of an epiphany of another reason why Whitney Way Thore is not some amazing person. She can be as lecherous as Donald Trump, Harvey Weinstien, and Jesus Fucking Christ John Lassiter??!? I need to spout off somewhere. @FitnessMarshall #youarenotalone
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