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S04.E01: While the Kat's Away…

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I've seen Landon in a BMW when she needs to go further than a couple of blocks.

Again she has no job other than being on this show.  Same with Craig.  Now maybe they've really raised salaries for the cast but even if they did, it would be smart for some of the cast to get a Honda or a Toyota rather than a German car because they don't know how long the show is going to run.

The only one with a non German car is Katherine, with a Jeep SUV, which is still nice for someone without a job.

Oh and last season, she had a nice home with fancy cribs.  Now she's suppose to be back living with her parents.  Maybe they didn't lease the home again for her because they weren't sure how much she was going to be on this season?

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2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Because he wanted children, why he wanted them with Kathryn is beyond any rational thinking but it's Thomas so I guess no one should expect rational thought.

He turned 50 and realized that time was starting to run out for him to give his Daddy some grandchildren, so he looked for someone that would give it to him while also having a good family name. Kathryn's family isn't loaded but they have the Calhoun name.

It's all about continuing that family line. And it makes sense he'd have that old school rich approach to parenting. Hands off and into their nanny's hands.

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29 minutes ago, scrb said:

Oh and last season, she had a nice home with fancy cribs.  Now she's suppose to be back living with her parents.  Maybe they didn't lease the home again for her because they weren't sure how much she was going to be on this season?

They talked about Thomas cosigning for the place and that was also when he was paying child support. Also that house wasn't that big the two bedrooms were tiny and the main living space which was also the kitchen was so small it basically only fit a small couch and bistro table. 

She also lived with her parents and Thomas for the first two seasons so she would not have been paying rent for awhile and actually there was an article talking about her being late on rent.

Craig's place before he hooked up with Naomi was jankie as shit and I lived in nicer places than Austin's place when I was temping and first moved to SF after college where rent is a hell of a lot more expensive than Charleston. 

What's her name from the first season was bankrolled by her grifter older boyfriend.

There non filming lifestyle seems actually way more extravagant than what we see on the show. Landon and Shep are constantly travelling, Whitney is his gorgeous LA house or Europe, Patricia is hiring private train cars with butlers to travel through India, Thomas moves to California for polo season, and Kathryn can afford Promises, one of the most expensive rehabs in the country, etc.

I have seen absolutely no evidence that production is paying anything other than their salary. Hell even on their "trips" they stayed at Whitney's in LA, Shep's "cabin", Craig's parents, and drove to everywhere except LA. The nicest place was the resort area on Landon's "trip" and even that place wasn't expensive.  None of these people appear to live beyond their means especially when you take into account that they also make money from the show.

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On 4/6/2017 at 9:42 PM, slowpoked said:

One of Kathryn's biggest boosters on the internet just sort of gave up on her. There's some serious shit in here. And while Thomas is no saint, I kind of understand now why the other castmates praise him for "stepping up" for their children. Kathryn seems to be in a deep, deep, dark spiral:


From official court records, it seems that Kathryn missed mandatory drug tests, court appearances, etc. She didn't go to rehab like she was supposed to. She was even ordered to pay Thomas' legal fees because she caused the situation to mount to what it is now. Will she be able to pay? Who knows? But maybe that's why she just can't quit the show. Sure, the show needs her, but still, if she's serious about getting better for her children, she would stay away.

And how true that Thomas also ordered an engagement ring after their first kid was born so they could get married? Isn't that what Kathryn wanted all along? But it seems like even that part she screwed up.

Poor, poor children.

Whoa, this part definitely raises an eyebrow: 

The 24-year-old checked into a Malibu facility after drug tests last June found that she had amphetamine, marijuana, crack and/or cocaine and methadone in her system

The amphetamines could be Adderall. and marijuanna? who cares. the cocaine I could maaaybe see as  something she might have just done socially at a party EXCEPT that I know cocaine only stays in your system for a couple of days, and both parents in custody battles know their drug test date ahead of time bc it's assumed that anyone who does not have a problem will be able to refrain from partying long enough to pass the drug test. and then, the most concerning is the methadone. And her refusal to submit to any further scheduled drug tests.  

One thing I don't get, though. 

The judge concluded that Kathryn ‘has been evading the drug and alcohol testing required’ and instructed her to ‘submit to immediate drug and alcohol testing or to report to the Charleston County Detention Center or the Berkeley County Detention Center.’ 

I don't understand how anyone who is not on criminal probation (this court case is not criminal, it's family court, which means it's a civil court case) can be thrown in jail for not submitting to a drug test. I'm not sure I agree with that, tbh. why not just rule in the T-Rav's favor and strip Kat of all parental rights until she is able to submit to and pass a drug test? I'm just confused as to how someone who is not on any sort of criminal probation can be forced to take a drug test or face jail time. Not defending Katherine's behavior, just baffled as to how the law works with regards to this. 

Edited by SheTalksShit
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How do you think Craig leases that Porsche if his only job is the show?

Would he qualify with the only income being on a show with no certainty of how long it's going to be on the air?

i haven't shopped a Porsche but they're more affordable than I would have thought.  The lowest priced lease starts at $699 a month with $4k drive off.


But I think you have to have great credit to get the best rates, lowest payments.  Again, would he qualify with only the show as his source of income?

i thought the most Bravo paid was $100-150k and that was for the biggest star on their Real Housewives show, which I believe get much higher ratings.

i can see Kathryn and Thomas getting 6-figures the last couple of seasons but Craig?  I thought they complained in early seasons about not getting paid enough, especially with the drama.

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1 hour ago, scrb said:

How do you think Craig leases that Porsche if his only job is the show?

How do we know it's leased? How do we know it's not Naomie's? We literally have no idea about these people's finances. $700 a month is still cheaper than most people's rent and Naomie and Craig have been living in homes owned by her parents since he moved back to Charleston so are living rent free.

He and Naomi also travel a lot. In the past year they have been to France more than once, London, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, the Bahamas, Thailand, and Park City for a ski vacation. Some of those were without Naomie. He may not have Shep's mailbox money bUT he is clearly doing fine.

The only travel they did for the show is to the Keys.


1 hour ago, scrb said:

thought the most Bravo paid was $100-150k and that was for the biggest star on their Real Housewives show, which I believe get much higher ratings.

No most of the Housewives make minimum 250k Nene and Bethenny are 1 million, Eileen somehow bamboozled the producers into 750k and she is interesting as watching paint dry, hell Cynthia who is gorgeous but boring as fuck makes 300k which is also what many of the losers on Vanderpump Rules are currently making and that's just salary a lot of these numbnuts also do paid club dates and Craig has also done more than a few.

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Thomas paid her rent for one year while he was paying child support. As someone else noted, otherwise she was living with her parents or Thomas. And she didn't pay the electric bill at her rental house, which caused the power to be cut off, which was when Thomas stepped in and wanted custody of the children. It became too apparent that she was spending her money on drugs and not caring for the babies.

6 hours ago, scrb said:

Maybe they didn't lease the home again for her because they weren't sure how much she was going to be on this season?



6 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

I don't understand how anyone who is not on criminal probation (this court case is not criminal, it's family court, which means it's a civil court case) can be thrown in jail for not submitting to a drug test. I'm not sure I agree with that, tbh. why not just rule in the T-Rav's favor and strip Kat of all parental rights until she is able to submit to and pass a drug test? I'm just confused as to how someone who is not on any sort of criminal probation can be forced to take a drug test or face jail time. Not defending Katherine's behavior, just baffled as to how the law works with regards to this.

She was doing illegal drugs, coke, etc. She was not following court-ordered drug testing. Failing to follow a court order will get your ass thrown in jail.

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How do you think Craig leases that Porsche if his only job is the show?

Would he qualify with the only income being on a show with no certainty of how long it's going to be on the air?


If he makes at least $250,000 per season (and I bet he does, this is the fourth season), that is an annual salary. Job security is not something that the salesperson at the Charleston Porsche dealership can determine. All the sales guy or gal cares about is writing up the lease and the commission he/she'll get from it, and if Craig walks in and meets the requirements why wouldn't he get a lease? 


He and Naomi also travel a lot. In the past year they have been to France more than once, London, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, the Bahamas, Thailand, and Park City for a ski vacation. Some of those were without Naomie. He may not have Shep's mailbox money bUT he is clearly doing fine.

Could be that Craig spends all his money in his off (non-filming) time and needs the next check from Bravo. He might also be Instagram shilling, which pays too. I think Craig is on the shakiest ground financially, but he probably reasons that at his age there is no reason not to keep grabbing this gig while the going is good and he always can knuckle down and do law when the reality money stops flowing in.  Heck, my son is 24 and a lot of his school friends in their twenties are working part-time jobs and temping and aren't settled in full-time jobs by choice. 

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8 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

I don't understand how anyone who is not on criminal probation (this court case is not criminal, it's family court, which means it's a civil court case) can be thrown in jail for not submitting to a drug test.

Because you can be found in contempt.  It happened to my ex.  He paid none of the ordered support he was required to, by the court.  The judge put him in handcuffs and told him to sign over the title to his wife's car, to me.  I refused the car so then he was taken back, to the detention center, and told he had to come up with at least half of his arrears.  It was amazing.  Couldn't find a dime in over a year but handcuffs,  jail, and a phone helped him find almost $10,000 in less than two hours.  

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15 hours ago, rustyspigot said:

Any guy that openly hates cousin Shelby is right in my book.

I instantly hated Shelby too, the high heels and the bikini being devoured by her butt, plus the side eye to the camera as she fell over herself to tattle to TRav..but it turns out that Shelby has stood by Kathryn, or she did until Kathryn became too much to handle after returning from rehab and falling off the wagon, and now Kathryn is slamming her on social media as well. One of the first things Kathryn has said about Shelby is that they are not 'blood related'. Their reference to one another as cousins came from growing up nearby and assuming that they shared heritage, so they have always referred to one another as 'cousin'. Kathryn seems to be going out of her way atm to lose friends and manipulate people. Her attacks on Jennifer Snowden are really hard to explain away or defend, in particular. And in doing so, she's alienated K Cooper Ray also, who's come out to support Jen when Kathryn continued to post publicly and give interviews implying that Jen's son is TRav's child and not her long time boyfriend's. Kathryn seems to be talking to any and every media outlet that'll give her the time of day in the last week. And it's likely connected with the court stuff being made public and the extent of her illness and behaviour being made public. It's getting harder and harder to remain a ride or die Kathryn fan. I feel for her, but as a fan, I can't support her involvement in this show any longer. 

Who was that guy, from the preview of the season, he's an older man, probably a father of one of the cast, possibly Landon's? He has TERRIBLE colour and looks like he's about to have a heart attack? He seemed to be unhappy about something the cast member was saying. And I have to take a moment to marinate in my ongoing and forever disgust for Landon. That's better. The only amusing thing to have come out of Kathryn's mouth lately is her nickname for Landon "Land-A-Man-Don". Where do they get these people? And are we really supposed to believe that Landon and TRav are considering a proper relationship? That dog walking scene and the 'heart to heart' on the park bench felt so contrived and producer driven. I hope Eliza isn't hit on by TRav and I hope she works out...

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8 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

I don't understand how anyone who is not on criminal probation (this court case is not criminal, it's family court, which means it's a civil court case) can be thrown in jail for not submitting to a drug test. I'm not sure I agree with that, tbh. why not just rule in the T-Rav's favor and strip Kat of all parental rights until she is able to submit to and pass a drug test? I'm just confused as to how someone who is not on any sort of criminal probation can be forced to take a drug test or face jail time. Not defending Katherine's behavior, just baffled as to how the law works with regards to this. 

She has no parental rights as of now and hasn't seen the kids for months. Prior to that it was supervised visits. She has to hand over all medical records since 2013. The drug tests they are talking about are hair follicle tests (a rumour went around that TRav passed his by shaving all the hair off his body), these tests show drug consumption from months prior to testing. I don't know how she is going to pay TRav's legal bills. A while ago, he was threatening to sue 'Kathryn's drug dealer' (who he presumably knows?) if Saint showed any neurological damage from Kathryn's behaviour during pregnancy. Shelby (the cousin) said Kathryn openly admitted to using 'Adderall and red wine' every day of her pregnancy, and in court the nanny spoke of finding a bong or some kind of pipe while doing Kathyrn's laundry. The nanny's testimony is particularly compelling. She seems truly outraged at Kathryn treating the children like toys or props and her partying. The day TRav and she went looking for an engagement ring, he says she went out on an errand in the early evening and just didn't return until the wee hours. It's just so hard to support Kathryn on this show anymore. Kathryn's lawyer hasn't been able to get her to submit to a drug test. I think that if there are allegations of drug abuse or use in cases like this, a judge can order the parents take these tests to determine who gets custody and what kind of custody. So it's in Kathryn's interest to pass a drug test asap. I still have suspicions about TRav's connections in the old boy community, I really do, and his passing this kind of test. But this has now gone on for so long and Kathryn seems to be falling over herself to fail. She's basically pissed the judge off now with her stalling, hence the decision/penalty against her with respect to his legal fees. They have to be brutally huge. And she just can't possibly have that kind of money. She's also allegedly living with a man of ill repute (she is saying she's living with her parents at Moncks Corner). It's a mess.

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38 minutes ago, queenjen said:

It's getting harder and harder to remain a ride or die Kathryn fan. I feel for her, but as a fan, I can't support her involvement in this show any longer. 

Back when it wasn't abundantly clear that Kathryn is deeply troubled and sick she was the best thing about this show. But now that we know the extent of her problems it's really hard to find her behavior entertaining anymore. I have hope that her drug addiction is the cause of her behavior, but at some point you have to wonder if maybe she's just awful and it's not the drugs. In any case I wish she'd get real help.

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How involved is Katheryn's family in the babies' lives? If Katheryn's power was turned off due to lack of payment, were her parents not aware? If Katheryn comes from such a so-called upstanding family, did they have no influence in keeping custody of the children? Thomas said that if it weren't for him the kids would have to go to foster care. I have so many questions WRT the Calhoun/Dennis family. During the initial meeting with T-Rav they sure did try to put on a show of southern gentility, so what gives? Where are they in all this?

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10 hours ago, scrb said:

How do you think Craig leases that Porsche if his only job is the show?

Would he qualify with the only income being on a show with no certainty of how long it's going to be on the air?

i haven't shopped a Porsche but they're more affordable than I would have thought.  The lowest priced lease starts at $699 a month with $4k drive off.


But I think you have to have great credit to get the best rates, lowest payments.  Again, would he qualify with only the show as his source of income?


Why do we think it's a lease?  Naomi's parents are super wealthy, it's probably her car.

Why would we think Craig has bad credit?  His job making 250k a year is as secure as mine.  I could be fired tomorrow, anyone's job could end.  If I waltzed into a Porsche dealership right now they would ask my salary, what I made last year.  They would not care, or ask if my job is secure.  

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I don't think the show leases vehicle for these people.  Cameron's home is evidence that her and her husband are doing quite well.  

I do think it was rumored that the girl with the sugar daddy in season one was living in a home leased by bravo.  

Cameron was very clear last season that Naomi came from serious money.  I can't remember what they were driving last season, but I don't think a Porsche is beyond her means.

I did see that Craig took the Bar finally.  Better late than never!

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3 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

Could be that Craig spends all his money in his off (non-filming) time and needs the next check from Bravo. He might also be Instagram shilling, which pays too. I think Craig is on the shakiest ground financially, but he probably reasons that at his age there is no reason not to keep grabbing this gig while the going is good and he always can knuckle down and do law when the reality money stops flowing in.  Heck, my son is 24 and a lot of his school friends in their twenties are working part-time jobs and temping and aren't settled in full-time jobs by choice. 

Craig does a lot of Instagram shilling, and so does Naomie, so that would also be a significant source of income. Instagram shilling (which Cameran mocks a lot on her IG, hee!) done right can make you 1M or so, even more than what you make on the show. Just ask Jade & Tanner from the Bachelor. 

I bet with the show getting more popular now, their income opportunities have also expanded since.

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3 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

Craig walks in and meets the requirements why wouldn't he get a lease? 

He could get one on name alone....as long as he drives it on the show a lot.

2 hours ago, zenme said:

How involved is Katheryn's family in the babies' lives? If Katheryn's power was turned off due to lack of payment, were her parents not aware? If Katheryn comes from such a so-called upstanding family, did they have no influence in keeping custody of the children? Thomas said that if it weren't for him the kids would have to go to foster care. I have so many questions WRT the Calhoun/Dennis family. During the initial meeting with T-Rav they sure did try to put on a show of southern gentility, so what gives? Where are they in all this?

Calhoun money is long gone. Look back at the scenes when Thomas came to visit them, their shutters are falling off the house.  I don't have money, but I make sure the front, sides, back of my home are neat and tidy. They can't have the children because then Kathryn would have access to them, which right now she's forbidden to be around them.

Thomas can pass a drug test. That I know from my friend, Thomas isn't doing drugs, drinks very little, is focused on his kids and his business. Which is why I'm constantly wondering why he does this show. 

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Makes sense about the Calhoun money being gone because I do remember those scenes with Kathryn's family home in disrepair, the kitchen looked decades  old and raggedy. I'm sure that's why parents had no objections to getting knocked up by T-Rav. After the false alarm I'd have driven her to the doctor myself to get the birth control. Hell, if I knew that my kid had drug and alcohol problems--which I'm sure the Dennis' do, I'd have driven her to get the mirena asap. Sad.

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I kind of hold the parents and Granny partly responsible. Kathryn was their prize sow to find a good sire to help alleviate their debt situation. Yes, she's been doing drugs since high school, they've had problems with her in the past, this is not news to them.

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I was going to say something about this whole Kathryn situation. I just can't, really. What is there to say? This is not something you want to see anyone go through. It's almost like watching someone die.

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19 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

I kind of hold the parents and Granny partly responsible. Kathryn was their prize sow to find a good sire to help alleviate their debt situation. Yes, she's been doing drugs since high school, they've had problems with her in the past, this is not news to them.

Prize sow! Lol! Priceless! But, yes, I agree! The whole Calhoun-Ravenel "scion" (T-Rav's favorite word, season 1) dynasty was definitely portrayed as a business merger by all involved. I suppose it's possible that the scenes with T-Rav talking to his minister about Kathryn being a "fertile Myrtle," Kathryn telling the gang that she and T-Rav were trying for a baby in the car on the way to the hunting cabin, Kathryn telling grandma about the first pregnancy scare and the whole family eagerly welcoming this boyfriend who's the SAME AGE AS HER FATHER into their dilapedated home, and T-Rav saying that he'll marry her if they had a baby, COULD have all been filmed AFTER she got pregnant to make it seem like it was semi-planned. But the way it was portrayed on TV, it seemed like these people knew each other for a month, each recognized the other had something s/he wanted (money or a nubile body) and a "family name," and it was like full steam ahead! Their friends all had concerns about their relationship, but T-Rav's dad and Kathryn's family all seemed to think the faster these two got hitched and had a baby, the better! Of course, Kathryn fell for T-Rav's promise that if she got knocked up, a wedding would follow; and certainly her family would have believed that's the "right" thing for a scion to do, so I'm sure they didn't once question this brilliant game plan. The problem was after they actually knew each other for 3 entire months and realized they're disastrous together--too late, she was already pregnant. Of course, T-Rav getting on in age, is still looking for a male heir, so he's going to double-down and have ANOTHER child with Kathryn--and she's stupid enough to believe that if I have TWO children with him he'll HAVE to marry me.

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Wow, I am watching old episodes from Season One. Kathryn showed her true character right from the get-go. 

She is a really sick girl. Just re-watch the scene up at Shep's hunting cabin when Whitney admits to Thomas that he slept with her. When confronted, she blatantly lies and even gets aggressive towards Thomas until he backs down! Only when Thomas gets fed up and threatens to leave her does she come clean about Whitney. And even then she blames Whitney and says he dumped her. 

Craig knew Kathryn was just using Thomas-had already moved all of her stuff in and everything. Craig was urging Thomas to get away, so was Whitney. They both told Thomas that she was truly bad news but he just wouldn't listen. 

She was trying to get pregnant right out of the gate. Craig, Cameran, Jenna and Whitney were already foreshadowing that she would need to go on Maury to find out who the father is. 

I truly feel that Kathryn is a sociopath. You can see that she has no true deep feelings for Thomas, is just trying to make a rich ($$$) life for herself. Very creepy person, no wonder she has now ditched her kids for drugs. It is not shocking when you look back at her character. 

Watch Season One and see. 

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On 4/4/2017 at 1:58 PM, Missmissie173 said:

That new AustinAustyn (sp?)  guy has all kinds of DipShit potential.  "Walk of Shame." Really? Not can I drive you home, get you a cab, give you a side hug, cheese straw for the road...but nuthin'?  Why didn't he just pick her up by the scruff of the neck, throw her out the backdoor and use a bleach wipe on his hands? He's from Charleston???

Indeed. How dreadful. ™Dwight. 

He sounds more like Shep's low-rent poor relation who grew up eating boiled kudzu.

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7 hours ago, Sage47 said:

She is a really sick girl. Just re-watch the scene up at Shep's hunting cabin when Whitney admits to Thomas that he slept with her. When confronted, she blatantly lies and even gets aggressive towards Thomas until he backs down! Only when Thomas gets fed up and threatens to leave her does she come clean about Whitney. And even then she blames Whitney and says he dumped her. 

Which is why I didn't for one minute believe that nonsense she and Craig spread around last year about Whitney being in love with her. Whitney's story has remained consistent since it happened and she has changed it every season. Season 2 she was all about how it was only once.

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2 hours ago, StevieRocks said:

Indeed. How dreadful. ™Dwight. 

He sounds more like Shep's low-rent poor relation who grew up eating boiled kudzu.

He's a tryhard both ways - he's trying too hard to prove that he's not Shep (or better than Shep), and at the same time, trying too hard to act like Shep.

Edited by slowpoked
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On 4/4/2017 at 7:20 AM, Major Bigtime said:

Kathryn was doing drugs while pregnant with him, coke and marijuana. Not to mention her drinking. I feel sad for the little boy. 


On 4/4/2017 at 7:15 AM, Higgins said:

Flame me if you must but.........Saint doesn't look right to me.

I think he looks just like Kathryn with NO makeup on!

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5 hours ago, Nancypants said:

Also If I had Camerans Body I would wear a Bikini, not a. Dann Tankini, that's for folks like me with middle aged flab

That was an adorable one piece not a tankini.

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Mmmmhmm. Now that that is clarified, I will state my point again. In admiration of Cameran' s enviable figure. ..

If i had Cameran' s body I would wear a Bikini not an adorable one piece. Or Tankini.  

Edited by Nancypants
Bad salad
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On 4/4/2017 at 4:34 AM, ScoobieDoobs said:

People have ALWAYS been hung up on age.  Unfortunately, women sometimes don't fare well.  Asshole rich men like Horseteeth & Thom-ass, expect to date women decades younger, and express no interest in women their age.  Snowflake looked kinda pathetic dating that younger guy with the big sweat stains all over him.  Ugh, Snowflake -- really?  OK, it was obviously hot.  But Craigie-poo didn't have any sweat stains on him like Snowflake's loser did.  Wonder if Mr. Sweat Stains was a pretend boyfriend.

Hey, Horseteeth, I still hate your fucking jackass guts.  Who are you to have that nasty talk with Naomi?  And then to order her to stay with Craig, while you just said to her that he's a worthless loser?  You really are a total jerk & a jackass, Horseteeth.  That wasn't even passive aggressive.  It was an aggressively nasty & shitty thing to do.  Don't underestimate Naomi.  Her eyes seem wide open on who Craig is.  If she's with him, she chooses to be with him.  Fuck off, Horseteeth & don't get involved in other people's relationships.

Uh, why did we see Austen's ass?  It was OK, but the rest of him looks mighty average to me.  So far he made no impression.  The scene with the chick leaving his place?  So what?  This show has such a double standard for men & women.  Men can be man-whores, but if any women are?  Heaven forbid, Patricia clucks her tongue.  And speaking of Kathryn, the drama set up around her seems kinda silly.

More gender double standards . . . from what I could see, the women at the party were mostly in revealing outfits/swimsuits & were thin & in great shape.  Um, and the men?  Most were covered up or in really terrible shape.  Producers, I really don't need to see Thom-ass without a shirt, thanks.

What's going on with Count Chocula?  He's not still gonna be parading around the fake girlfriend to us, is he?  Oh please.

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On 4/9/2017 at 0:14 AM, scrb said:

Oh and last season, she had a nice home with fancy cribs.  Now she's suppose to be back living with her parents.  Maybe they didn't lease the home again for her because they weren't sure how much she was going to be on this season?

Last season Kathryn was renting a house in the I'On neighborhood in Mt. Pleasant, right across the Ravenel Bridge (yup) from Charleston. I recognized it because my husband and I got married there. Looking at their website, the most inexpensive houses there sell for around $1.25M. I have no clue what they rent for, but I imagine if Kathryn currently has no visitation with the kids with the hopes of getting back supervised visitation, and if the drug rumors are true (which, sadly, they seem to be), Bravo likely wouldn't want to shell the out extra money for a house she wouldn't live in 24-7 and that might put them in a position of liability regarding any illicit activity going down there.

Edited by acid burn
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18 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

Bravo doesn't pay Kathryn's rent. Thomas co-signed the lease and paid the rent for one year. 

I thought that might have been for the storyline, kind of like how Scheana and Shay paid for their own wedding on Vanderpump Rules. Although if it wasn't a setup and Thomas did pay ('cause lord knows he can afford it), the same sentiment would apply (re: not wanting to pay for a potential drug den), compounded by all the bad blood between Kathryn and him. 

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Everything I've been told about Bravo shows like this one, the show doesn't provide people with homes, cars, etc. That's on each person. Which is why Kathryn kept sleeping on people's couches when she didn't want to drive back to Mom & Dad's house in the country.

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So Kathryn got Thomas to pay a big rent bill just so she could be in the fashionable part of town?

And Craig bought a very expensive Porsche or maybe Natalie's parents got that for her, even though neither of them have incomes apart from this show.

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32 minutes ago, scrb said:

And Craig bought a very expensive Porsche or maybe Natalie's parents got that for her, even though neither of them have incomes apart from this show.

If that car didn't come from Naomi's parents, I'd bet it's a lease.  They ought to be able to pay for that with their Bravo salaries.

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On 4/3/2017 at 5:05 PM, scenicbyway said:

Also, way to put rooms for your kids in your house but then decide they are too messy so off to the guest house with a nanny for them.  Who does that?  Who banishes his kids to the guest house?

A slimy piece of shit called Thomas.

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