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S05.E13: Steven and Justin's Story, Part 1

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1 hour ago, Otter said:

He has a new fb (sorry if it's been posted prior)


It's like he's trying to turn over a new leaf and not be such a monster.  Damage is done though, yet he does have some fans there.  IIRC, he wanted to be some sort of star.  I don't even think Big Brother would want him.  

Nice to see that Cupcake is doing well.  

Would not trust this for one second. If he's "changing," it's only because he thinks it will get him more TV gigs. 

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On 3/30/2017 at 10:33 AM, Trees said:

Glad you posted.  That confirms a suspicion I had.  While googling his name last week, right up on page 1 of results was a legal document detailing his wife's lawsuit after their divorce, with many details.  It paints him as abusive to her and dishonest with money.  On these forums, he's the sweet and cuddly nice old doctor that you want to hug. 

This episode, combined with James and Nicole, combined with what I read in the legal document about how he treated his wife and cheated with money, shows a cruel and greedy person behind that facade.

i checked his ratings as a Doctor and i see a lot of people give him 5 stars just based off the show. Fans, i know you love this edited version of him, but you shouldn't rate any doctor unless you were actually their patient

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On 5/9/2017 at 2:53 PM, Otter said:

He has a new fb (sorry if it's been posted prior)


It's like he's trying to turn over a new leaf and not be such a monster.  Damage is done though, yet he does have some fans there.  IIRC, he wanted to be some sort of star.  I don't even think Big Brother would want him.  

Nice to see that Cupcake is doing well.  

He makes me want to barf.  Really a horrible human being.

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9 hours ago, Nancypants said:

The left him with nothing he deserves nothing


Boo. Fuckin . Hoo.

Incredibly difficult to look at this beast.

Makes me mad TLC even wasted time on this sociopath--he was already known to be difficult. Someone else could have used the help and benefited from it. He did not deserve any of Dr. Now's time. 

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On 6/27/2017 at 11:00 AM, ethalfrida said:

Justin explains the financial aspect of their lives. And a few other things. Video is at the end of the article.

What happened to that poor cat?  I just couldn't watch until the end.  Who would give him a cat?

On 5/31/2017 at 5:25 PM, Nancypants said:

I think it's the ignorance factor . Steven is wily and semi intelligent, but Owmalayyygs is just an ignorant function hillbilly that makes every one sad. Plus the babyish whining. 

The overhead shots of Steven in the medical ambulance going to Houston were interesting.     I love that they had to put cinder blocks under the bed when it broke, and I think the bed was rated for a lot higher weight than Steven admitted he was up to.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama

I have a question. Wasn't Steven supposedly married or something? Is that still the case? I can't reason why anyone would want to be with him, given his behaviors. I don't keep up with him, because I have more important things to do than observe an oversized man child who treats people horribly. I'm sorry if that was mean, but it's kind of...true. Have a good one, you all.

1 hour ago, Groovitude said:

I have a question. Wasn't Steven supposedly married or something? Is that still the case? I can't reason why anyone would want to be with him, given his behaviors. I don't keep up with him, because I have more important things to do than observe an oversized man child who treats people horribly. I'm sorry if that was mean, but it's kind of...true. Have a good one, you all.

I read somewhere online that he got engaged/married...yet he is still bed ridden so I don't know how much truth there is in that. The supposed fiancée/wife listed on social media that her job was "message therapist" (s/b massage, I imagine)...which kinda makes one wonder if she is a "call girl" or something and this is just a publicity stunt. That is speculation on my part, but if you cannot properly spell your job title, then.....? And the smell....omg....he never bathes and he sprays himself with cologne to try to mask the smell. Barf.  It's not mean, it's just reality.

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Yes, he's supposedly married to some woman in Iowa (I think there), but she's one of those online 'celebrities', so who knows how legit any of it is.    His face looked thinner in some pictures, but who knows.  


The only likeable people in this entire episode are Princess, the home care aide, Cupcake the cat, and Dr. Now.    I really wish Princess had scooped up poor Cupcake when she took the TV, and left.   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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On 3/30/2017 at 8:23 AM, bubbly said:

I'm usually very sympathetic and empathetic with the subjects on this show even when they're dispicable.   For transparency: pretty much the entire maternal side of my family are morbidly obese and my cousin had to be cut out of his mother's house not too far away from Now's practice.  I love my family and have seen first hand the struggles they've had and the cruelty some of them have been treated with (my first cousin was asked to the prom in high school.  The entire family went over to see her and her date.  The guy never showed because it was a huge joke...I think about it now and die a little inside when I remember how she cried with zero sound.  She just turned bluish white and the tears poured.  Damn, now I'm crying myself)

I'm not hard hearted, I think I'm a morally strong person,  but I felt things I've never experienced while watching this episode.   I went from disgust to actually feeling a kind of fear when he was shown.  I have a horrible feeling the only reason he isn't a sadistic serial killer is because he's too fat to sneak up on anyone and is too out of shape to dispose of a body by himself.   There's a primitive part of our brain that reacts before our conscious mind really realizes we're in danger and Steven triggered my primal fear instinct.  Heavy, heavy episode y'all. 

This is an old thread but I watched this ep yesterday because I had read about this guy.  I was horrified from beginning to end and it affected my sleep last night.  

The bolded is so incredibly sad and breaks my heart.  No one should ever be treated this way.

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2 hours ago, Kenzie said:

That was exactly what happened to me when I saw Steven's episode - I was so traumatized that it affected my sleep. It didn't help that it was the first episode of 600 lb life I had ever seen.

Yeah I am not sure I can see ep 2.  I find it sad this is someone's life but man this guy was something else and he is truly awful!  The vid of him playing with his poop (I didn't watch) HAS to indicate something seriously wrong with him right??!!  Oy.

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When the father is saying goodbye to Stephen when the dad and Justin are going back to R.I., you would think Stephen will never be seen again.   Then when Dr. Now says Justin doesn't yet have any life threatening issues, the father doesn't even care.       It's obvious who the golden child is in that family, and who the scapegoat is. 

I love when Dr. Now gets sick of Steven's treatment of the hospital staff, and constant demands for opioids, and tells him to leave the hospital, and not call his office until he loses weight.   Then Steven says he has no where to live, and Dr. Now says he'll have him dropped off at a homeless shelter.   Steven's six day stay in rehab is so predictable too.  

Part 2 has the fake fall off of the golf cart.   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
15 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

When the father is saying goodbye to Stephen when the dad and Justin are going back to R.I., you would think Stephen will never be seen again.   Then when Dr. Now says Justin doesn't yet have any life threatening issues, the father doesn't even care.       It's obvious who the golden child is in that family, and who the scapegoat is. 

I love when Dr. Now gets sick of Steven's treatment of the hospital staff, and constant demands for opioids, and tells him to leave the hospital, and not call his office until he loses weight.   Then Steven says he has no where to live, and Dr. Now says he'll have him dropped off at a homeless shelter.   I don't remember if Part 1, or Part 2 has the fake fall off of the golf cart.   

Not watching but ..... possibly the greatest 600 lb moment is when Dr. Now forces S to look at himself in the mirror and says S doesn't look human.  So true.

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For anyone watching, you have more fortitude than I. Saw one of them relatively recently and I can't take them again. Also the AGT results show is on at 8. As boring as AGT has gotten, it's still a million times better than anything Assanti. Watching LegalEagle videos on youtube in the meantime. I'll check back to see if there's any good snark.

But for the sake of tradition, I will share that tonight's eating habit was spaghetti and meatballs with Rao's marinara and a veritable blizzard of freshly grated Parmesan. Later there will be ice cream, but I have to put away the leftover sauce first (I only made enough pasta for one). And figure out what I can take to work for lunch tomorrow...

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When I saw that last night was about THAT family of miscreants, slobs & disasters I told Mrs. Formerly Heavy J that we had to find something else to watch.  I don't mind watching the re-runs but I would rather be locked in a room with both James Dolan & my wife's sister (she completely redefines the term "jackass") for 24 hours than spend 5 minutes watching Steven, Justin, & Daddy.  To our great relief "To Catch A Smuggler" was on National Geographic.  We love that show & find ourselves chanting "es Azul...es Azul" when a detainee's stuff is tested for cocaine in the Columbian airport where the series is filmed.  "Es Azul" is Spanish for "it is blue", meaning a positive cocaine liquid chemical test.

It's the little things in life that give us happiness.

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Steven's episode was so awful it was two years before I could rewatch it (I think, anyway - a very long time). He is just so horrible, it defies description. But I have to say, Dr. Now was really over his head with Steven (not unusual, as he's terrible with psych issues) and needed to immediately put Steven in serious psychiatric care rather than, as is his usual behaviour, badgering the patient about weight loss. Dude. Steven is pulling his hair out. Literally. That is a sign of extreme - and I mean extreme - anxiety and hints at severe psychosis. Weight loss is not even on the radar with someone this disturbed. To tell Steven "Stop pulling your hair out and doing all these weird things" is beyond inappropriate for a doctor to say to a patient he has just observed pulling his own hair out. Dr. Now just came across as an ignorant jackass in that scene. He is not trained in psych issues or in pain management and he acts as though he was. Steven is an awful human being but as his doctor, Dr. Now owed him more than "Stop doing weird things."

Edited by Ralphster
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Not Buyin It-Actually, the entire revolting crew's episodes add up to eight hours.   You saw the original Steven, and Justin parts 1 and 2, then the last one "The Final Chapter" WATN, that is part 4.    Part 3 is the WATN that shows  not much, but was apparently shot with part 3 and part 4 at the same time.   This all happened over two years ago, because Steven married, and moved to Iowa (yes, someone is that desperate), and Justin and Daddy ran home to Rhode Island.   After Daddy and Steven swiped Justin's pain pills after his surgery, Justin told Dr. Now what happened.    Then there was the final office visit of Justin, and Daddy, when Dr. Now said he knew what happened to the pills.    Then all three Assanti's left Texas, never to return.   

Justin claims he's lost over 200 lbs., and his hobby shop is doing well.    I believe he moved out on his own too.    I wish him all the best.   Everyone involved has quit Dr. Now's program.   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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