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S24.E09: Accidental Alliance

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Leo and Jamal are complete idiots.  I will laugh immensely when they're eliminated, and they will be.  They were okay last season, but considerably subpar this time around.  It's interesting, as they were more tolerable, personality-wise, up until they entered the stupid alliance with the other two stupid teams.


At this point, I'm hoping the final leg will come down to the Cowboys and Brenchel, but I doubt my wish will be granted.  Since there is another double U-turn, one, if not both, will most certainly be u-turned.

Edited by ribboninthesky1
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Oh ack gag, the country girls live again because of ANOTHER non-elim.   This is why conspiracy theories start.   Because honestly, those girls cannot race on their own.   You notice the first time they had no help, they wind up dead last?   They couldn't even figure out the Mustang clue without the Afghananimals feeding them where to find the answer.   It was literally right in front of them and they were still "Uh duh, what?  You mean we have to think for ourselves?"   


Connor and Dave making fun of Rachel for her meltdown from her last race was made doubly disgusting by their STILL whining about being u'turned.   "I just don't understand them."   Yeah, you don't comprehend someone wanting to win and rack up as many prizes as they can along the way.   Although I did laugh that Brendan and Rachel u-turned Dave and Connor because they thought that leg was the cars, only for D & C to get the cars this leg.   But honestly, it's a RAAAAAAACE.   You are supposed to be comptetitve.  I thought Connor was a competitive cyclist, surely he at least gets it.  


Still love my Cowboys, even as directionally challenged as they are.  They just race and stay out of the damn drama.

  • Love 9

I am so over this alliance bullshit. Brenchel are now pubic enemy number one because they dared to U-turn such a quality team as Dave & Connor? Give me a break. I hate that the country singers were saved yet again; first by the assist from Leo & Jamal, then by this being a non-elimination.  I cringe ever time they open their stupid traps about their navigation issues as it relates to them being female.  I don't know who I want to go first, I find all with the exception of the Cowboys and Brenchel to be vomit inducing.

  • Love 7

I'm okay with the alliance. "Brenchel" is a competitive team that rubs others the wrong way, and they were on Big Brother. Now, aside from being thankful they're not Dick & Daniele, why should I root for them? I can't . . . because in my mind, they suck. Loved how they knocked themselves to the back of the pack looking at the wrong bridge.


I'm thinking it'll come down to a "sausagefest" finale: Afghanimals, Cowboys and O'Learys, with Dave & Conner winning. I don't see them winning as the drop-dead worst thing that could happen. If Brendan & Rachel win, he's gonna give her a baby. Now that's a scary thought.

Edited by Lantern7

Loved the dogs!

Darn, thought the country singers would be eliminated. In a way I'd like to see a final three of them, Dave/Connor and the Afganimals just to see them not get any help to win the race. I'm not a fan of Brenchel but I'm enjoying their attitude of "we U turned a team and everyone hates us, so what".

I'm really rooting for a final with the Cowboys, Brenchel and whoever from that stupid alliance. At least there probably won't be anyone helping another team.

Is there anything Rachel hasn't done (referring to the hotel room cleanup task)?

IIRC, past Amazing Races have shown whoever wins the cars don't win the race, so Dave and Connor enjoy your prize!

Edited by Cobb Salad
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Wow, did anyone else throw up in their mouths a little when the Brothers Afghanus delcared them, the singers and Dave and Connor as the Final Three? Yeeessshhh...


And I continue to not respect this Kumbaya Collective Race that Dave is heading up... as the blondes skate through another task that is hand fed to them... *burps*... damn... second time in one episode.


What's wrong Caroline?? Trip on your karma?? And really this was an epic #RaceFail on the camera people! How can you not get the footage of her wiping out for us for slo-mo usage?


Then to have this be a non-elim?? Worst. Leg. Ever.



Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 4

I can see Dave and Connor winning the race, especially if the F3 includes the Country Girls and Leo and Jamal.  Neither of the latter two have had to really think on their own for the past two legs, at minimum.  It was kind of hilarious how much shit Leo and Jamal were talking on the gondola lift before the race to the pitstop, and they were still outmanuevered by Dave and Connor.  No way those two bozos win the entire thing.  Did they come in 2nd or 3rd place?


The only team left that seems able to go head-to-head with Dave and Connor are the Cowboys, and no way they get lucky with the U-turn again.  I like Brendan and Rachel, but I don't think they handle pressure very well.  They're okay when they're ahead, but otherwise, they're a bit shaky.  But I'd be perfectly satisfied if they won, and have no problem with them reproducing.  


Now if the Country Girls end up winning the whole shebang (I doubt it, but c'est possible), the schadenfreude will be so, so sweet.  How much would it suck if a team you carried a good deal of the race wins the whole thing?  If I can't have a Cowboys or Brenchel win, I'll take a Country Girls victory.     

  • Love 2

the dogs were so cute!

I think Brenchel is running a good race. I don't care for them, but I am pulling for either them or the Cowboys, only because everyone else bugs the crap out of me.

The alliance was dumb...did I actually hear the afghanimals say they were going to wait for the girls?! I think allying with the country girls and D and C is a great strategy to win, but they have to beat the Cowboys and Brenchel, which they can't do if they are waiting for the lost and clueless. And I don't get the feeling that D and C give a damn about the alliance unless it benefits them...they won't wait for anyone.

  • Love 3

If there's anyway the TAR gods could arrange it so that next week: the Cowboys and/or Brenchel get to the U-Turn first and don't U-Turn anyone; the Country Singers get there third and choose not to U-Turn one of their "asinine alliance" mates; and Leo and Jamal get there 4th and U-Turn Dave and Connor, leaving them in the dust, that would be nice.

  • Love 8
How much would it suck if a team you carried a good deal of the race wins the whole thing?

It might put an end to the strategy of carrying weak teams, and result in more teams actually racing to win, instead of generating sanctimonious alliances and mean girl style gangs.


The Cowboys wanting to foist all the cleaning chores onto their wives grosses me out.


the dogs were so cute!

In the extreme! Whichever of the singers said that no matter what happened to you during the day, a dog would make you feel better, sure was right. Those dogs were magic.

Edited by possibilities
  • Love 2

I want the Cowboys to win but at this point anybody but Dave and Connor is okay. 


If Brendan and Rachel win, maybe they will finally go away and leave us alone.  One can hope.  Plus, they are actually racing. 


If Leo and Jamal win, I can live with it.  They are not quite as annoying as last time, plus to a degree they are racing.


If Caroline and Jen win, it will be an absolutely travesty but maybe it will wake teams up to stop dragging along people who you "think" you can beat.  It's like "Oh, we are nice and refreshed because we haven't done anything for ourselves so now we can go in for the kill."  If they are capable of going in for the kill and I don't think they are without direction.


Dave and Connor are the biggest hypocrites and I don't want them to win at all.  I'm probably a bad person, but I laughed when Dave tried to jump over that barrier at the end and thought it would have been hysterical if he hurt himself again and had to drop out. 


Cowboys for the win!  Barring that, anybody else except D&C. 

  • Love 2

Two worst moments in the episode:

The three teams piling on with mocking Brendan and Rachel.  Mean bullying shit.  I'm Ok with not liking a team, even talking about WHY you don't like them.  But the imitations of Rachel just for the amusement of other racers were mean and petty.

The blond girls driving, saying "It's nice following guys, they always know directions."  WTF???  There have been some strong female teams in past seasons, and some who flirted and manipulated, but never a female team as delusional as this one.   If you rely on male teams for building stuff, carrying stuff, and basic navigaiton, you're not a strong team.  You're a blonde team. 

Excuse me, I have to go cover up my blonde highlights now.

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I will give Leo and Jamal credit for joining that asshole alliance for the strategic purpose of wanting to be in the F3 with a team of air-headed bimbos and a gimpy old man.


That's the only saving grace I can find for Leo and Jamal right now. And I was looking hard because I thought Jet and Cord missing the train was going to eliminate them (even though I was pretty sure it was a non-elim leg) and I was going to have to root for Brendan and Rachel. And that was just going to piss me off.


I noticed that Dave and Connor didn't stop to tell their good-people alliance how to do the Mustang task.


Question: Did they have to show their work to the cluegiver at the Mustang task? Or could they have told the guy the year of the car if they knew it?

C & J give blondes a bad name.   True story:   I have a blond friend.  She is a wonderful person.   But she drove home from an event once and wound up at the wrong house.  The event was about 2 miles and very few turns from her home of more than 20 years.  Even knowing this little incident, I would find her a stronger racer than C & J.

  • Love 2

The Cowboys wanting to foist all the cleaning chores onto their wives grosses me out.

No kidding?  Oh no!  Your poor dim wife might actually figure out you know how to run a vacuum? I'm thinking instead, the wives are just as traditional as the cowboys and are OK doing the indoor chores if Jet and Cord handle the outdoor chores.  Whatever, dude.  This IS still the 21st century.  Makes me very happy that my boys can clean a bathroom and do their own laundry and can iron their dress shirts.  Oh yeah, they are 12 and 13.


The "accidental alliance" was so self congratulatory -- maybe they think they are coming across better than Brenchel?  I honestly think the Afghanimals feel that it's better to be on this side than the outside -- pure strategy.  I think it's self-righteous arrogance for Dave and Conner.  I think it's raw opportunism for the country girls.  Seriously, how far can they be carried in this race? 

  • Love 1

I'm thinking instead, the wives are just as traditional as the cowboys and are OK doing the indoor chores if Jet and Cord handle the outdoor chores.


I'd bet that whatever Jet and Cord do regarding chores inside the house, their wives also do chores outside, even if it's just driving a truck during harvest. There are plenty of chores on a farm to go around. I'm guessing too that Jet and Cord have done their share of cleaning, especially since they finished first (or second?). They did not seem to be strangers to a vacuum cleaner.

  • Love 2

That may be so, but I have friends who are in these traditional relationships on working farms, no less.  Both parties are very content to play out the traditional gender roles.  And while the women I know are liable to jump into whatever outdoor chores need to be dealt with, it NEVER works the other way around. The men never chip in on the women's housework chores.

I'm still not getting why hating "Brenchel" is such a big deal. They're basically reality TV veterans at this point. If Ramber were to come back, I'd expect lots of mocking of them as well. Aside from the possibility of the Blondes pulling a "Beekman," I don't see any problems with the alliance.



For me it's more the spectacle of a clique of teams banding to together to mock another team.  But the whole concept of "alliances" in TAR still rubs me the wrong way (even though I realize it's the new reality).  And coming from Dave and Connor, who jag-off about how they're such great arbiters of who's a "good person", the dick-ish behavior is a bit much.


I'm sure the Cowboys would like to see Brenchel eliminated before the F3.  But you don't see them acting like Heathers about it.

  • Love 8

Well, we won't know if the Cowboys would've bitched out Brenchel because they weren't on the train at that time. And from what I've heard, they've uttered a few discouraging words about their competition in their original tour of duty, so they're not exempt from being catty. And I can still remember how Ken & Gerard were making fun of Ian's berating of Teri during TAR3.

  • Love 1
And I can still remember how Ken & Gerard were making fun of Ian's berating of Teri during TAR3.



I'm certainly not above mockery for the sake of mockery.  In fact, I consider that a virtue.


But my thing with Dave and Connor is their sense of being aggrieved by Brendan and Rachel.  They're acting like Brendan and Rachel personally gave them nut-cancer and slashed their achilles tendons.  The Country Singers are enabling it because they apparently need a Sugar Daddy in order to find their way out the door in the morning.  And the Afghans are enabling it because they see the strategic value in racing against Dave/Connor and the Country Singers in the F3.


It's the self-righteousness that bothers me the most.  I just wish the'd stfu and run their own race.

  • Love 11
I'm still not getting why hating "Brenchel" is such a big deal. They're basically reality TV veterans at this point.



I am not a fan of "Brenchel" (and even less a fan of that name).   But I thought the mocking of rachel, using a high voice, the mocking and laughing at another team was unwarranted.  And, there's  the attitude that they don't have the right to use the U-Turn against dave & connor, that somehow using the U-turn was mean and sneaky and made them horrible people.


What's more offensive to me is that the "alliance"  is just a way for three teams to gang up on another team.  I can only hope that it makes them lose focus and then the cowboys can race past them to the finale.  (Brenchel can come in second). 

  • Love 5


And I can still remember how Ken & Gerard were making fun of Ian's berating of Teri during TAR3.

Argghh... I immediately read his name as EYE-an and the flashbacks started to come... yikes.


Anyhows, yeah it's the whole "our shit doesn't stink-ness" of the "AA" that also gets under my skin. As if they'd say in hushed tones to other people "Oh ewwww, they are from that, that... *disapproving look over the top of glassses* REALITY show don't you know... and they both wear that tacky shade of green..."


Looking down on people you think are "lesser" isn't cool and it becomes infinitely less cool when a group does it.

  • Love 4

I didn't have a problem with Jet's comments on cleaning because I assumed, being Cowboys, they're no stranger to chores.  It's not like they're sitting on their asses while the wimmins bring them whiskey sours and tend to the chirren.  Plus, like auntlada, I took it as a joke. It's nice that someone has a sense of humor while managing to realize it's a race.  


I'm not sure how strategic it is for Leo and Jamal to get into an alliance with the self-righteous teams, especially this late in the game.  Dave and Connor are the strongest of the three, but that's not exactly a ringing endorsement.

  • Love 3

Dave and Connor are acting like Brendon and Rachel cheated somehow. They used a tool available in the game! What the hell is wrong with that?! It pains me to say that Rachel was right - if they can't handle that, they better stop racing. So juvenile.


I am so sick of Leo and Jamal's shtick with their "magic carpets" and bullshit.

  • Love 5

I love when TAR goes some place I've been.  I was on that bridge in Lucerne, the one Brenchel couldn't find.


I wonder if Dave & Connor have any clue that they are now the villains of this season, not Brenchel.  Imagine the pearl clutching and puffing that they are the right kind of people.  How dare anyone root against them!  Like everyone I'm sick to death of everyone hand holding the Country Girls, but loved when Leo & Jamal confessed it was for strategic reasons.  (And I wonder how the Girls reacted to hearing that last night.  Here they thought they were awesome racers, only to find out that L&J thought they were lame.)  Also, for Phil's sake, everyone quit bitchin' about the UTurn.  Just get over it!


Manoman, poor navigating cost the Cowboys the first train to Switzerland last night.  Thank goodness for the HoO that let them catch up.  They cannot afford any more mistakes!  Please, Cowboys, get past next week's UTurn before anyone else.


Aww, Jet's cleaning comment was just a joke.

FWIW,I know the cowboys were joking.  Did I overreact a tad last night?  Yup.  Does it push a button for me on a personal level? Absolutely, for reasons I won't bore you with today.


As much I overstated my case last night with the cowboys, I find the country singers a lot more annoying as they get carried through the race. I'm just sorry that the country singers and twinnies were the best TAR could do for all female teams.  Were none of the female teams who actually race WELL available? Though good for the country singers, I guess.  They are playing these male teams for all it's worth, so part of me is starting to hope they win it all.  And then I remember how unsatisfying it is when the best racers don't win.... 


I'm more than a little bummed that we're in all stars and 60% of the contestants are making this unwatchable for me.

Love that the Cowboys can joke so easily this late in the race. I take the Hotel cleaning as a joke, especially seeing how easily they knocked the task out in the end.


LOVED their joke with the Mustang after they got the year (about to climb into the driver's seat to 'drive' it to the next challenge). It came off so naturally, especially since they did seem to appreciate the cars. 


And the Milk dogs were great. Cowboys made a good choice and clearly know their animals. 


We probably have a bunch coming up, but any idea how far back the girls are? As long as the Cowboys stay near the front, the U-Turns shouldn't affect them too much.

The problem for me with the mocking is they were mocking Rachel for one meltdown she had on one leg on a previous race.   She got over said meltdown and did not refer to the problems again.   Meanwhile, even after a rest stop, D & C were still bitching about being U-Turned.   A legitmate part of the game.   So they can moan and cry over more than one leg, but Rachel gets made of more crying on one leg?   Yep, they are the "right kind of people."


I am no fan of Rachel and she can get off my screen anytime.   However, right now she is more mature than the 60 year old guy.  

  • Love 9

I have seen every episode of the Amazing Race.  I suffered through Flo and through KKKendra.  I made it through Luke's meltdowns three times.  I can't believe what has happened to one of my favorite shows and I really can't believe that I am removing it from my DVR for the rest of this season.  But these middle school antics from supposed adults (a 60-year old man, really?) are just too much.  Run your own damn race.  I don't even care if you get mad about being U-turned.  But the behavior last night was beyond the pale.  "Quality people??"  I beg to differ.  Sorry my beloved Phil, see you maybe next season.

  • Love 3

Favorite parts of this episode: the adorable Bernese Mountain dogs and the classic Mustangs.  You say there were people, too?  Oh right, Helga!  I loved Helga!!! 


I agree with all the 'mean girl' comments.  Right now, I want the pretty much drama-free cowboys to win.  The alliance threesome has caused me to dislike all three.  And Brenchel was never a favorite anyway.  Just when the Afghanimals were starting to win me over, too.


My biggest fear -- the country girls get lucky at the end (like the Beekmans) and win it all. 

  • Love 1

When the season started I wanted Dave and Connor to win, but ugh, Dave's inflating ego makes me dislike them the most.  The griping about being U-turned isn't so bad - I think it would be hard not to take it personally a little bit - but his sense of grievance: "How dare they?"  Plus the juvenile mocking of Rachel - Dave, are you 60 or 6?  You are only 4 years older than me but your attitude is more juvenile than the high schoolers in the Sr. Youth class I lead at church.  Also his "good people" and the "right kind of people" give me the creeps.  The alliance, however, is having its affect on Brendan and Rachel.  They made a dumb mistake with the bridge and that was due to the pressure they're under.


Rachel and Brendan or Cowboys for the win!

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Dave can either complain about people being mean to him because he's 60 years old, or he can imitate people like a 5-year-old on the playground, but I don't think he gets to do both.


As for the Afghanimals' part in it all, I understand that it makes sense for them to stoke whatever fires may be there with the other two teams and do what they can to get the final 3 they want ... however, the thought that the country singers would make it to the end makes me so angry I can't even express it. Where normally I would have felt sympathetic for the one that had to drag those milk cans through the snow at elevation, I was just satisfied that finally she was forced to do something by herself.


Loved the dogs - so waggy! Particularly the one with the country singer. You know that dog was extra excited to see her come back because it had been waiting so long.

  • Love 2
The Cowboys wanting to foist all the cleaning chores onto their wives grosses me out.

That was Jet's dry, deadpan humor.  "I sure hope my wife doesn't see this."  He knows darn well she's going to see it.  What surprised me about the room cleaning task: Jet hugged Helga when she gave them the clue!  They don't usually do that.


Question: Did they have to show their work to the cluegiver at the Mustang task? Or could they have told the guy the year of the car if they knew it?

They had to give him the card with the "formula" worked out on it.  If they hadn't filled in the right mileage with the year answer, I don't think it would have been accepted.


Leo & Jamal got a foreshadowing of the perils of bringing "weaker" teams with you into the Final Three.  You might be able to beat those teams in a footrace to the finish, but sometimes there's a shorter route that a smarter or luckier team might find.

  • Love 1

Dave, grow up.


I loved the classic cars! I think, based on his reaction at the mat, Dave thought they had won one of those cars. He jumps to conclusions pretty quickly, obviously.


I found myself feeling the effects of altitude watching the teams slog their way to the mat with Phil. Whoo wee, 10K feet? Zounds!


I also thought Jet's comment at the hotel was a joke so it didn't bug me. What DID bug me was that it was another non-elimination round. FFS.


Dave, grow up.

Where normally I would have felt sympathetic for the one that had to drag those milk cans through the snow at elevation, I was just satisfied that finally she was forced to do something by herself.


It's a shame that I still don't really know (or care) who is who on this team.  I think that was Jennifer.  I was conflicted about her - it was a task in which being a relatively fit guy was the advantage, so they were automatically put at a disadvantage because there was no male team member to do it.  But yet, I also felt, "Finally! A task they have to do themselves!"  It's funny, I actually think they're the most strategic of the alliance, and they're not blathering on in their THs about it.  I loathe the social aspect of the game that this show has turned into, but if you're gonna play it that way, these two have the right idea.  Must be nice to potentially coast into the final leg. If they manage to outwit the sausage fest of this season and win it all, I will be immensely entertained.  


Leo & Jamal got a foreshadowing of the perils of bringing "weaker" teams with you into the Final Three.  You might be able to beat those teams in a footrace to the finish, but sometimes there's a shorter route that a smarter or luckier team might find.


Yep.  And they didn't even manage to outrun the Cowboys to get 2nd place. I would not be at all surprised if their strategy backfires on them.

What surprised me about the room cleaning task: Jet hugged Helga when she gave them the clue!  They don't usually do that.

Helga seemed quite surprised by the hug as well.


I was nervous when the Cowboys didn't make the first train to Switzerland.  I thought it was funny when Brenchel stormed through that parade of children (what was that anyway...?) screaming "Who's seen William Tell?  Where's William Tell?" 


Was there an appreciable difference in the speed between Gondolas 1 and 2 during the milk jug task?  The way they kept highlighting who was on each Gondola, I thought at first that Gondola 2 must be slower or something.

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