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Season 7 Reunion Part 1

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There will be separate editorial posts on the reunions this season. Here's where you can discuss Part 1, premiering Monday, March 20, starting at 10 PM ET.

TO BE CLEAR: this is where you discuss the reunion segment of tonight's presentation, starting with the interviews with Dr. Drew.

To discuss the filmed episode including everything that happened backstage during the reunion filming, go here.

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Adam is doing the same ole dead beat dad routine. He makes a lot of money with MTV that's his income. Court sets a large monthly payment based on income. So out of SPITE he quits his job just so the baby mamas don't get a dime.

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Dr. Drew didn't seem to be kissing Kail's ass so much as on previous reunions. He called her out on some questionable stuff she did. Kail should be grateful to V. that she is helping to raise Isaac especially since she admitted Isaac is with them half the time now. 

I'm glad they showed what a useless jerk Adumb is. I hope MTV did not pay him one red cent this season since he did not cooperate with filming at all. I'm glad Aubree has Cole. 

They showed previews for the OG mom's. I don't know if I can stomach more of this fuckery. Didn't three of them walk off the last reunion because they got mad at MTV and Farrah? Are the ratings so great for these shows that MTV bows down to these divas? 

Edited by Straycat80
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2 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

Dr. Drew didn't seem to be kissing Kail's ass so much as on previous reunions. He called her out on some questionable stuff she did. Kail should be grateful to V. that she is helping to raise Isaac especially since she admitted Isaac is with them half the time now. 

I'm glad they showed what a useless jerk Adumb is. I hope MTV did not pay him one red cent this season since he did not cooperate with filming at all. I'm glad Aubree has Cole. 

They showed previews for the OG mom's. I don't know if I can stomach more of this fuckery. Didn't three of them walk off the last reunion because they got mad at MTV and Farrah? Are the ratings so great for these shows that MTV bows done to these divas? 

Adam is now a pay per episode cast member.  Ha! He only gets paid after he films for the day. He no longer receives a check like the rest of the cast. 

They should do this for them all. They'd leave their mikes and cameras on all the time then if their checks began to get smaller. 

Edited by Mkay
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I'm glad they showed what a useless jerk Adumb is. I hope MTV did not pay him one red cent this season since he did not cooperate with filming at all. I'm glad Aubree has Cole. 

This was season 7b, not a new season. This season was just a continuation of last season. No new contracts were signed due to the loophole. Adumb may get paid, but not for the full season.

Edited by GreatKazu
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A lot of people give Corey a pass but he was screwed with child support and the twins. Soon after Leah had the court set the money amount he quickly married AND suddenly wanted 50/50 custody. Then Jeremy left and Leah started with the pills and Corey saw the opportunity to get ful custody and keep all his money. Jeremy had a large child support payment due as well and he takes it out on Leah. He practically yelled in her face "I guess you know that I'm engaged." He always talks so hateful to her. So he deserved having her give him marital advice.LOL

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From the review I post the transcript of Adam's text to TM about why he wouldn't be there, profanity and poor grammar included:


"Are you fucking stupid or something, Larry? Fuck this show, fuck MTV, fuck Dr. Drew. I don't want any goddamn part of the show. Keep the fucking money. I have a stalker harassing me and my family and they happen to have info only you motherfuckers would know. Don't have anyone text me anymore. Go ahead and give that to Radar Online!"

A few months or so ago, Adam insisted his stalker was cutting his tires and doing other stuff on his property. At that time, he was claiming that the information was coming from Chelsea or Randy since they were the only ones who knew where he lived. So people started posting his address and sending it to him, since it is public record. They sent him his tax amount, he claimed Randy was the only one that knew what it was because it was part of his child support disclosure, but it is also public record. They sent all kinds of things to him. In that time, he claimed to have to keep replacing his tires, and had one police report for a broken window, I think, that was also Chelsea and Randy's fault, but didn't bother to purchase a camera to catch who was doing it? 

I know he is a liar, but I seriously think his delusions have reached levels that require medication and treatment. We have seen him be a complete and utter abusive ass to everyone around him from day one, but after that serious car accident where he nearly killed that elderly couple, he has become markedly worse. There is probably no amount of treatment that would make him a stand up guy, with the narcissism and anger issues bone deep, but he has become seriously unstable. After the car accident is when the domestic violence accusations started, too. Before that, he was just emotionally and verbally abusive. It probably would have increased to physical eventually, given his steroid abuse but he seriously needs to be kept away from the public.

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5 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

I think you may have the information a bit wrong there and you omitted a lot of what actually happened in that time period.

Cory wanted custody because Leah was an addict and she was not taking her sick child to her medical appointments. Leah wasn't taking the girls to school on time and they had far too many tardies. They were constantly late and the school became concerned. Cory was already paying child support since he and Leah divorced. That was way before the custody issue. The pill issue was something that had been going on since before Cory married Miranda. It only came to light later on in the show when Jeremy was done with Leah.

Of course Cory is going to do what is best for his kids if his ex is on pills. I don't know any sane parent who wouldn't do the same.

Also wasn't Leah not taking Ali (I don't know the spelling or the actual names of her girlses) to her physical therapy appointments?

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The reunion show was boring in compared to the drama behind the scenes.  I imagine that has always been the case, but this is the first time we've seen it.  

Adam keeps threatening to quit.   Let him.  Rip up his contract.   No one cares to see his stupid storylines and him trying to explain away him not even being able to do the bare minimum as a father.  

Chelsea and her boring, normal life.   It's so cute.  It's so boring.   I did laugh at Kail saying again that she has no advice for her because Chelsea is the only one of them with her shit together.  Word.  Truth.   

As for Kail, I was expecting it to be more explosive given what we've seen this season with her "storyline."  During the reunion timeline she seems to be in a better place with Javi.  Of course, we know that's fleeting since they are back to fighting and sniping at each other in the current timeline.  Kail and Jo seem to still be getting along and be pretty good friends.   I don't think Kail is even gonna like Vee and well, we know Vee couldn't care less.  While I think it is between Jo and Kail, I do agree with Vee that if Jo is currently getting Isaac 50/50 and it's no big deal then why not make it court official.   I do think that Jo strength of character and Kail knowing that he will and has exerted his rights as a father means a lot.  I also think they've just worked it out.  If Kail tried what she did with Javi with the next guy she wants to marry....Jo would be all over her.   I've always respected the way that Kail and Jo have found a way to co-parent and be legit friends.  Jo's saying they had a threesome was the line of the episode.  LOL.  

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Jo and kail have been doing this dance for years. Kail wants control so she doesn't want an official custody agreement. But Vee is 100% right. It's all good now but what if kail gets pissed and doesn't let Jo see Isaac. Or worse, what if she decides to move to LA to pursue her  "career". Or to be with baby daddy. Jo has no security. If he starts making custody noises kail threatens him with court where a judge will set a custody order and also a child support order. Clearly jo is not paying 1/3 of his MTV money to kail. She has even said as much and that's her way to control the situation. I also think he bitches to Vee about it and she was just airing the frustrations she hears from Jo. Jo just kind of sits there, with the simmering hulk to his left. Vee has zero fucks to give. 

Speaking of mail, wtf did she do to her face? She looks more and more like the joker with each passing season. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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9 hours ago, Straycat80 said:


Dr. Drew didn't seem to be kissing Kail's ass so much as on previous reunions. He called her out on some questionable stuff she did. Kail should be grateful to V. that she is helping to raise Isaac especially since she admitted Isaac is with them half the time now. 


Oh, but didn't you hear? Vee only went to ONE of Isaac's soccer games. So she's an evil, lying bitch. (NVM the fact that she has an infant daughter and wrangling little ones at soccer games is a huge PITA. I know.)

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I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, yet, but Dr. Drew said "They'll be a surprise for the girls at the end of this show that you won't want to miss," something is hoping telling me that Larry is going to announce the ending of the series. I say that because the "Behind the scenes" episode seemed weird to me like with the montage at the end. It was almost like a goodbye to the cast. IDK.

I have a strange feeling that this was the last season and that the cancellation is the big surprise and the girls are being contracted not to say anything until the end of reunion part. 2.

Wishful thinking?

Edited by Calm81
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Kailyn - It's okay for Javi to be a part of you and Jo's custody battle but Vee has NO SAY? Remember when you insisted on having Javi at that picnic table scene where you and Javi ganged up on Jo. You said, "Javi has a right to be here since he helps raise Isaac!" Well, Vee helps to raise, Isaac, too. I'm tired of your double standards and I wish Vee didn't try to take back what she said because she didn't want Kailyn upset.  I wish Sad Panda would've brought up Kaily's double standards or I wish Jo would have said "Remember when you and Javi always ganged up on me about child support and custody?"

Kailyn - Retire those ripped black jeans, I can understand having a favorite pair of pants but don't wear them all the time when you're being filmed for specials. Dress up!!!

Chelsea - Snooze.

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The reunion show was boring in compared to the drama behind the scenes.  I imagine that has always been the case, but this is the first time we've seen it.

@shelley1234 This is the second time we had a backstage pass for the reunion. Jenelle just amped up this one and it made the other one pale in comparison. It knocks Leah's backstage pass tantrum down several notches about how the producers make her look bad all the time. There was Kail flipping Chelsea in the hotel room. Nipples was allowed to see Kaiser in the trailer. Jenelle was doing her best to hide her pregnancy. Kail and Chelsea presented Leah with a birthday gift - a purse while the staff presented her with a birthday cake. There was more, just can't remember. 

Chelsea was feeling ill. She stated if she felt better she would return to film her segment. She did return and fulfilled her obligation. That is how you work with people who pay you. Chelsea may not be getting as much pay as the rest of the girls due to how little she is filming and sharing, but something tells me she is alright with it. Cole not sitting on the couch for any of these reunions could also mean he is not getting paid as much as the other second fiddles on the show.  I am sure Jenelle and Leah would raise hell if Chelsea was getting paid as much as they do for doing a lot less.

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56 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, yet, but Dr. Drew said "They'll be a surprise for the girls at the end of this show that you won't want to miss," something is hoping telling me that Larry is going to announce the ending of the series. I say that because the "Behind the scenes" episode seemed weird to me like with the montage at the end. It was almost like a goodbye to the cast. IDK.

I have a strange feeling that this was the last season and that the cancellation is the big surprise and the girls are being contracted not to say anything until the end of reunion part. 2.

Wishful thinking?

I suspect very wishful thinking Mandi (Chelsea's producer) was filming this past week in South Dakota according to her Instagram

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2 hours ago, Calm81 said:

I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, yet, but Dr. Drew said "They'll be a surprise for the girls at the end of this show that you won't want to miss," something is hoping telling me that Larry is going to announce the ending of the series. I say that because the "Behind the scenes" episode seemed weird to me like with the montage at the end. It was almost like a goodbye to the cast. IDK.

I have a strange feeling that this was the last season and that the cancellation is the big surprise and the girls are being contracted not to say anything until the end of reunion part. 2.

Wishful thinking?

Wishful thinking probably.  Sigh. I wish, too. They have been currently filming.  Maybe season 8 will be the end.  Let's hope! 

1 hour ago, crazychicken said:

I suspect very wishful thinking Mandi (Chelsea's producer) was filming this past week in South Dakota according to her Instagram


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That was some weird body language of Javi's, with his arm not just on the back of the couch but behind Kail.  First one side and then the other when they changed positions for another segment.  Like he was still claiming her, either consciously or unconsciously.  I was surprised Kail didn't tell him to move it, or move herself farther away from him.

There's zero emotion from Kail when it comes to Javi, but she and Joe are still emotionally connected.  I'm sure it is obvious to Vee, and that may be part of the reason she resents (1) moving to Delaware and (2) not being allowed to participate in any discussion regarding Isaac.  Joe needs to be careful because she's undoubtedly getting her fair share of attention from males with a lot more to offer.  She might just decide to move back to Philly at some point. 

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6 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Oh, but didn't you hear? Vee only went to ONE of Isaac's soccer games. So she's an evil, lying bitch. (NVM the fact that she has an infant daughter and wrangling little ones at soccer games is a huge PITA. I know.)

I read "PITA" and thought it was PUTA. Nothing out of the ordinary as the topic is about Kail.

Spot on about Vee and having her hands full. Depending what time period Kail was harping on, Vee could have been 8-9 months pregnant. Who knows, my point is Kail keeps a mental notebook on what you did or didn't do and she resorts to pulling that information out of her head like a gang girl pulling out a switchblade from her ratted hair when she feels threatened.

The difference between Vee and Kail (there are so many) is Vee didn't clap back and tell Kail her reasons for missing games. She doesn't have to and she is so smart. She knew it was Kail's attempt to thwart Vee's discussion which was she feels Jo should have 50/50 custody just like Javi has 50/50 custody.

My husband and I were cheering Jo on when he said he doesn't care about the state lines and the laws of each state. He just knows he is a great parent and he is entitled to share as much time with his child and is enjoying having his son in his care without court intervention. Still, Vee is spot on and Jo better get to getting things in order before Kail pulls the rug out from under him.

Kail was forced to share 50/50 custody with Javi because of Delaware law not because she wanted to do what was right. Lying heifer.

Kail needs psychiatric and therapeutic help just like Jenelle. She needs to learn that a child having a great relationship with a father is not akin to her failing as a mother. A child is not property for her to keep to herself. A child spending 50% of their time with a loving parent is a benefit to that child, not a detriment to the other parent. Of course, this is Kail and it is always about HER, never her kids. Kail has been pushing this idea out there for the longest time. Her feelings are she is afraid her kids will love their fathers more than her. She is bringing in her feelings towards Suzy and projecting it onto her kids. If she keeps up this behavior she will only serve to repeat history.


That was some weird body language of Javi's, with his arm not just on the back of the couch but behind Kail.  First one side and then the other when they changed positions for another segment.  Like he was still claiming her, either consciously or unconsciously.  I was surprised Kail didn't tell him to move it, or move herself farther away from him.

This was filmed in November. During this time period, Kail was still pulling Javi into her vortex, giving him an idea that they may be together or at least fuck buddies.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I really despise kails resting bitch face and her " I don't want to talk about its" .. everyone is so scared of these Girls when in reality the girls need The show more than the show needs them . Please fire them all 

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Kail needs to STFU with being all butt sore over Vee's comments.  Vee is 100% correct about the sacrifice she made in uprooting her life, as well as getting 50/50 custody legally recognized because Kail is all about Kail and when she's done with school or off into her new situation--knocked up again?--she will go back to finding fault with Jo's parenting.

I do wonder how long we will continue to follow these "girls."  I think it's time for MTV to pull the plug and take off the monster truck-sized training wheels and let them all fend for themselves or make them all start competing on the various Challenge shows to earn those checks.  Maybe that will be better birth control than sitting around and buying cars and houses every other month because then they can't compete if they're preggers or have time for stupid get rich schemes.

I also wish they would force Dr. Drew to watch all the seasons to prep for the reunion shows in exchange for his check.  

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I also wish they would force Dr. Drew to watch all the seasons to prep for the reunion shows in exchange for his check.

Drew was terrible on Celebrity Rehab. And he was right there in the middle of all of that stuff that was happening. I doubt watching TM will change his attitude.

I do give him a teeny tiny bit of credit for at least pointing some things out, especially to Kail. If he could just amp that shit up by 200 percent it would be much better.

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10 hours ago, SnarkKitty said:

So wait, we just gonna ignore Kail's "I was thinking of opening a store selling only black clothes" comment, followed by "I like everything black. My clothes, my men, my (something I forgot)."

She likes black SUVs, too.  I guess she thinks they make her look like a badass cruising the boulevards of Dover.

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MTV isn't pulling the plug because people are lapping it up.   I mean....the fangirls and the haters feed the beast.   I mean, if people really wanted the show to end, you just gotta unplug and stop watching, but I seriously doubt that is gonna happen.   It's Must See TV for those who watch Reality TV for the drama and hate.  

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7 minutes ago, shelley1234 said:

MTV isn't pulling the plug because people are lapping it up.   I mean....the fangirls and the haters feed the beast.   I mean, if people really wanted the show to end, you just gotta unplug and stop watching, but I seriously doubt that is gonna happen.   It's Must See TV for those who watch Reality TV for the drama and hate.  

Dat ad revenue 

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Karl is disgusting! She shot right up to the top of my Hate Meter this season. She's right up there with lowlife Jenelle and POS Amber from OG. I would like to reiterate that Karl's face looks like a bare ass with cheeks spread apart. 

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What the F was that? I do like the behind the scenes of the reunion! Keep it coming.

I can't put Kail in Jenelle's category. Kail has issues up the inflated rear end, but I believe that she is a caring mother. I know, I know, she's totally not handling the fighting and drama well, but her kids look loved and cared for. Jenelle hasn't got the slightest idea how to be maternal. She's missing an empathy gene. It seems her family is loaded with mental illness, and MTV has really screwed with the whole family mess by paying her to be dysfunctional. I'm really worried for Jace. He goes to the top of the Teen Mom franchise list of who should have been adopted. Poor baby. 

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17 minutes ago, EmeraldGirl said:

What the F was that? I do like the behind the scenes of the reunion! Keep it coming.

I can't put Kail in Jenelle's category. Kail has issues up the inflated rear end, but I believe that she is a caring mother. I know, I know, she's totally not handling the fighting and drama well, but her kids look loved and cared for. Jenelle hasn't got the slightest idea how to be maternal. She's missing an empathy gene. It seems her family is loaded with mental illness, and MTV has really screwed with the whole family mess by paying her to be dysfunctional. I'm really worried for Jace. He goes to the top of the Teen Mom franchise list of who should have been adopted. Poor baby. 

Caring mothers don't withhold their children from their caring fathers. They also don't clog the courts by putting restraining orders on both those fathers especially when they haven't been abused and they are the actual abuser.

I looked at the comparison list someone posted of Jenelle and Kail on Jenelle's thread and I was floored. I had no idea how much those two really are very similar. As someone posted, they are bookends. The only difference between those two is Kail is taller.

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17 hours ago, SnarkKitty said:

So wait, we just gonna ignore Kail's "I was thinking of opening a store selling only black clothes" comment, followed by "I like everything black. My clothes, my men, my (something I forgot)."

Wait!!!!! Hold up! What?!!! When was this?

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13 minutes ago, IgnoranceisBLISS said:

Wait!!!!! Hold up! What?!!! When was this?

On the BTS before the reunion. I'm thinking maybe they should have aired the behind the scenes after they aired the reunion, only because keeping in the intro bit here Panda was like "Janelle and Chelsea aren't here, they're feeling sick" was unnecessary, as we know what really went down. Chelsea was sick. Janelle was a drama queen. 

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Actually, Kail should just lease her men the way she leases her vehicles.  No long-term commitment, no fuss when she's done using them.  Just discard them and pick out a new one to use for the next couple of years.

Edited by Snarky McSnarky
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1 minute ago, WhosThatGirl said:

On the BTS before the reunion. I'm thinking maybe they should have aired the behind the scenes after they aired the reunion, only because keeping in the intro bit here Panda was like "Janelle and Chelsea aren't here, they're feeling sick" was unnecessary, as we know what really went down. Chelsea was sick. Janelle was a drama queen. 

Dang it!!! Now I am going to have to torture myself and go back and watch it. LOL

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33 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

On the BTS before the reunion. I'm thinking maybe they should have aired the behind the scenes after they aired the reunion, only because keeping in the intro bit here Panda was like "Janelle and Chelsea aren't here, they're feeling sick" was unnecessary, as we know what really went down. Chelsea was sick. Janelle was a drama queen. 

It is necessary because it shows what a big production MTV puts on when they are covering their employees' asses. The contrast between the BTS episode and the reunion segment shows us how these yahoos lie big time about what is really happening. Chelsea wasn't lying, but Jenelle was. We also watched what went down between Jenelle and Barb. Before the fourth wall, we wouldn't have had all that information other than an article about a blow-out occurred before the reunion taping.

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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

It is necessary because it shows what a big production MTV puts on when they are covering their employees' asses. The contrast between the BTS episode and the reunion segment shows us how these yahoos lie big time about what is really happening. Chelsea wasn't lying, but Jenelle was. We also watched what went down between Jenelle and Barb. Before the fourth wall, we wouldn't have had all that information other than an article about a blow-out occurred before the reunion taping.

I just mean that they could have played the behind the scenes episode right after the reunion like they did. Just with a reversed order. We would still find out what went down and on the same night.

For me, I'm just as tired of these girls storylines. In all honestly the only girl from that has matured and grown up is Chelsea. To me anyway. At least Chelsea has grown up and somewhat carved out a better situation for herself in some way. But it's tired. The rest of them just keep going back and forth in their cycles and circle back each and every time. 

I was glad Panda was tired of Adams crap but he should have been tired of his crap years ago. For all the supposed hate Adam says he gets from Drew, I don't see it. Randy has gotten more distaste from Drew because Randy had stated that he hates Adam for the way he treats his daughter and granddaughter and Panda would be all "don't do that tsk tsk". I would say maybe last years reunion he was hard on Adam for the first time and this reunion but Adam has gotten away with a lot of crap because Drew would say something like "he's better now". The hell? And I can't ever really get past Drew trying to shame Chelsea for going on dates and not putting them on the show a few years back. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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3 hours ago, IgnoranceisBLISS said:

Dang it!!! Now I am going to have to torture myself and go back and watch it. LOL

It's the scene where Kail is getting her hair curled in the makeup chair. (Keep the torture to a minimum.) 

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22 hours ago, SnarkKitty said:

So wait, we just gonna ignore Kail's "I was thinking of opening a store selling only black clothes" comment, followed by "I like everything black. My clothes, my men, my (something I forgot)."


oh KailSmash is just failing in life. What a comment. Dummy

19 hours ago, Denim Dreams said:

Kail needs to STFU with being all butt sore over Vee's comments.  Vee is 100% correct about the sacrifice she made in uprooting her life, as well as getting 50/50 custody legally recognized because Kail is all about Kail and when she's done with school or off into her new situation--knocked up again?--she will go back to finding fault with Jo's parenting.

I do wonder how long we will continue to follow these "girls."  I think it's time for MTV to pull the plug and take off the monster truck-sized training wheels and let them all fend for themselves or make them all start competing on the various Challenge shows to earn those checks.  Maybe that will be better birth control than sitting around and buying cars and houses every other month because then they can't compete if they're preggers or have time for stupid get rich schemes.

I also wish they would force Dr. Drew to watch all the seasons to prep for the reunion shows in exchange for his check.  

Why is this not part of his contract? What happened to "do no harm" Doc? I can't understand why this isn't a requirement. You CANNOT get all you need to know on this snippets. Just look at all the shit we see now with this fourth wall scenario. 

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