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S04.E09: Whitney Gets A Date

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13 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

OK Whitney  wants someone  REFINED ?  

She likes her men like she likes her sugar, unhealthy and guaranteed to make you gain weight. I call total BS on her "profile." Wasn't it typed up in a Word document? Although Plenty of Fish is advertising during the episode. I laughed.

Also, Maney and Roy are over her. Completely.

  • Love 15

So form doesn't mean shit during this Boobs to Barbell competition? I don't see how Whitney's pullups qualify as anything but wrong.

Quite honestly, I'm surprised that this was actually something they did. I hadn't found any pictures from the event at CrossFit Versatile in Greensboro, where this seemed to have taken place. 

They seemed to be pretty much just doing some semblance of the workout just to participate rather than actually compete.  And that's okay. It's a fundraiser. They were the only ones doing the ring rows and that kettle bell was probably the lightest one in the house.


Manny obviously really hates Whitney.  I love it.

Totally. He seems to be over playing nice for the camera. 

Will these people stop feeding her ego?  Good grief, for someone who is apparently an 'experienced dancer,' she was supremely awkward in that salsa lesson.  Yeah, it was probably something new, but someone who has experience with dancing and choreography (or 'choreography') shouldn't struggle with some basic steps. 

So the people who set up this EXTREEEME dance battle deliberately held back crucial details and ground rules (music, formation, the fact that they could use kids)?  Oh em gee!  It was total sabotage!  

Edited by Yajmele
  • Love 8
23 minutes ago, Yajmele said:

Quite honestly, I'm surprised that this was actually something they did. I hadn't found any pictures from the event at CrossFit Versatile in Greensboro, where this seemed to have taken place. 

27 minutes ago, Yajmele said:

Quite honestly, I'm surprised that this was actually something they did. I hadn't found any pictures from the event at CrossFit Versatile in Greensboro, where this seemed to have taken place.

They seemed to be pretty much just doing some semblance of the workout just to participate rather than actually compete.  And that's okay. It's a fundraiser. They were the only ones doing the ring rows and that kettle bell was probably the lightest one in the house.

Totally. He seems to be over playing nice for the camera. 

Just because Will is wearing a tee shirt with the event's name on it doesn't mean he didn't buy it 3 months earlier when the event actually took place. I still think it was faked.


  • Love 8

Whitney surely must have arrested development.  She acts like a spoiled little kid.

She also is so immature when it comes to men/dating/women.   In a few seconds she makes judgments and future plans with people who have no interest beyond having lunch or one drink.

Someone smiles at her and she thinks they are in love.   Sheesh.

Edited by Cherrio
  • Love 12

So we have 66-65 Twit, 76-58 Trophy Wives, and 87-82 Twit. Combined score 211-223 Trophy Wives. No, Twit, you did not get a rigged competition. You barely beat them according to two judges, It also looks like your score went up according to one judge who downgraded the Trophy Wives. The one that scored you low lowered the Trophy Wives scores. Quit whining.

  • Love 11

Dear Whitney, please shut up about your sweat glands. No one needs to be told that you are sweating, are really sweating, are sweating a lot, are sweating something awful or whatever the status of your sweat production is at any given moment.

Goodness gracious I am so impressed with myself! However did I completely and accurately predict that the judge from the bellydance studio would reach out to Whitney to take a class with her, because she was so impressed with Whitney's abilities at the dance battle! Whoever would have seen that coming?!

Oh. Just about everyone who is watching this ridiculous "reality" show?  Nevermind.

  • Love 15
20 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

Dear Whitney, please shut up about your sweat glands. No one needs to be told that you are sweating, are really sweating, are sweating a lot, are sweating something awful or whatever the status of your sweat production is at any given moment.

Don't forget her mentioning frequently that she hasn't showered recently.  Sign me up for a long road trip with her in a small car.  Or not.

  • Love 8

I do get sort-of a gay vibe from Nathan.  I wouldn't rule him out as being gay/bisexual and maybe one of Tal's old boyfriends that he set her up with just for the show.  The way Tal was overreacting when Whitney had Nathan on the phone made me think that. 

Nathan couldn't have missed the sentence Whitney put in her online dating profile that went:


I am looking for a person who is intelligent and kind - a person who is established in his or her own life and looking to connect with a woman like me. 

If he genuinely responded to her ad, why would he overlook all the cat references and her insistence on how the guy for her would have to accept her cats if he doesn't like cats?  Could he be another CHUBBY CHASER?  LOL  After all, she did put the sentence below at the end of her online ad.  From this I can only conclude that she's really not looking for a relationship, she just wants someone to hook up with every now and then:


If you like what you've read, you should definitely hit me up for a good time.

No one who is serious about looking for love begs to be hit up for "a good time".  Of course, she will probably whine (like she has in the past) that she only attracts men with a fat fetish, but if that bothers her then why would she post the above and basically beg to be contacted by fetishists?  She's full of shit, that's why.

I didn't get a transsexual vibe from Nathan.  I suppose anything is possible but his face shape and straight physique were classically male.

Either that or what he's going to tell her in the next episode is that he's the head of the Greensboro Trump campaign headquarters, LOL.  OK maybe not that, but it'll be something strange and quirky.  She may end up liking him because he's not completely vanilla and boring, LOL.  Maybe he's going to tell her that he is basically gay but has a secret fetish for obese women and this is his first attempt to act on it.  Or maybe he's married or in a relationship but is recruiting her for a fetish threesome.  Of course, I won't buy any of it.  He didn't strike me as being particularly into her.  I wonder how much the show paid him to take this role.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 9
5 hours ago, goofygirl said:

If Buddy's a walking heart attack, Whitney is a running heart attack! She weighs more than Buddy does AND she's shorter! LOL!!

I agree but Buddy LOOKS physically ill. A comment on someone else in the show is not my way of implying that I am giving Whitney a pass. I've wasted enough time on her. At the moment I am more worried about Buddy. He is pale, out of breath, and bloated. He's had a sudden, massive weight gain and I was simply commenting on his overall health.  If you've read ANY of my previous posts, you will have seen that I also snark on Whitney's weight and health as well. 

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:


No one who is serious about looking for love begs to be hit up for "a good time".  Of course, she will probably whine (like she has in the past) that she only attracts men with a fat fetish, but if that bothers her then why would she post the above and basically beg to be contacted by fetishists?  She's full of shit, that's why.


The husband and I were kind of shocked that she included photos of her in bathing suits. I mean...I don't want to body shame here but...come on. (FWIW, I think women should refrain from bathing suit shots in their online dating profiles anyway. Just, you know, in general.) 

It bugged me when he asked her what kind of music she liked and she said, "Everything but country", after he'd shown an interest in that music. It was rude. Now, I am not a big fan of jazz, rap or heavy metal but I can find common ground with almost anyone. Occasionally I'll hear a rap song and think, "Yeah, that's okay!" And I've been known to listen to metal when I'm with my cousin because that's his jam. And my ex played jazz. I'd listen to it and find things here and there that didn't bother me. But it irks me when someone says they don't like ANY of it. That's a pretty big type of music to exclude every song from every artist from every decade. My husband is from another country and he'd never heard of country music when we got together. I'd never heard of HIS music. We blended. 

  • Love 9

She couldn't have carried in her sequined tennis shoe "flats" in a tote bag?  In the one scene, they show her walking in carrying them in her hands.  Next scene she's walking inside with nothing in her hands.  Did she hide them in a plant til needed?  It looked like she changed them in the middle of the dance floor.  Real classy.

I felt sorry for Nathan having to touch that sweaty bod.  Why was she the only one that was sweating buckets? (I know, just moving causes her to break out in a sweat.) Why did she even bother having Maddie fix her hair?  It looked like it was pulled back in a half ponytail  with possibly a bun made with hair hanging down.  Nothing spectacular. Then at end her hair was a sweaty mess as usual.

I agree, she shouldn't have had that much difficulty dancing if that's her thing. I guess it's hard to follow anyone else's choreography.  In that one move, I thought her back went out.  Her butt jutted way out.  Maybe it was her "bleg" problem, or whatever she called it.  I'm surprised she didn't drop herself to the floor & make Nathan massage her like she had Roy do. 

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, LookABird said:

Soooooooooo . . .

Whitney and Buddy ran 100 metres?  AKA 328 feet.  If they ran 100 metres up and back three times, that is still only 1/3 of a mile.  Such a fuss over a minor workout, even including pull-ups and the tiniest kettlebell on the face of the earth.  :)

I thought it was just 100 meters total each trip cuz everyone else did 200. So if it is just 100m each trip then that is even less than 1/3 mile cuz it was only a total of 300 meters which is not even one lap around a track which is 400m. So they didn't even make it one loop. Still that is not a lot. My husband and I said the same thing about the kettle bell. What was it like 5lbs??? And there is no way the weights were 45lbs each based on the size esp given how easily she was lifting those up (like the medicine ball) And don't get me started on the push ups, those were horrible! All she did was lift the top half of her body while her legs were completely flat on the ground. If you are going to modify them at least do it right. I would never want to go to Will's gym based on seeing her workout. 

Oh Maney just said on the radio show that when Twit came into the radio station it was three weeks after the battle and was still complaining and also those score sheets magically appeared on Victoria's desk (not by them) hahaha.   

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, AmyB said:

Oh Maney just said on the radio show that when Twit came into the radio station it was three weeks after the battle and was still complaining and also those score sheets magically appeared on Victoria's desk (not by them) hahaha.   

I suspected as much about the score sheets.  I loved it when Maney told her don't bother talking because her mike was off.  I found that exchange interesting because he did not seem to filter his tone. I suspect it came out of his mouth before he had the chance to think so his true feelings were communicated.

Edited by Kid
  • Love 9

This episode really shows just how non-fabulous Whitless's life is. Mindnumbingly boring is a far better description. Apparently the only vaguely interesting things happen are completely scripted and manufactured for the viewing audience (what there is of it).

Whitney's dating woes would be pretty much the same for any single woman, so no bonus points for her there. And sorry, but her weight is going to drastically limit the pool of prospective male admirers and a good number of those will be of the "chubby chaser" variety (which I've experienced firsthand). She's going to have to swallow the fact that the only kind of men who might be physically attracted to her are those who like very heavy women. She's not going to magically attract a man who previously only dated more normal sized women and falls for Whitney despite her size. This isn't fucking Cinderella. And stop going on about how sweaty you get. I'm sure that Nathan became aware of that fact the instant you did any physical movement. 

I was laughing my ass off during the cross training competition because Whitney was so half-assing it there. Amazing that Will was all over Buddy and ignoring the fact that Whitney was rolling up during her sit ups (using her sheer mass to propel her upper body up and not using her core the way she's supposed to) or that her pull ups were in such poor form. And don't get me started on that weak-ass excuse for a "push up" she was doing. I could swing that baby kettle bell over my head without an iota of strain (and I'll admit that my upper body strength is not what it should be). And basically doing a quick walk during the running phase... I said it before and I'll say it again that it was a piss poor idea to take two extremely obese people who aren't in great physical condition and having them enter any kind of competition against people in such better shape. Why not throw them into an iron man race or a mud run just for chuckles? At least then we'd have the hilarity of seeing Whitney bobbing along in the water like an overinflated floatation toy, or doing a faceplant in the mud.

Yeah, I call bullshit on Whitney just "discovering" the score sheets from the dance battle weeks after the fact at the radio station. And girl... no one likes a sore loser. However close the scores were, you lost. Build a bridge and get over yourself already.

  • Love 11

Oh my where to start!?!?! 

First, I laughed my ass off and spit my coke zero out when Babs commented that Twit needs to find someone like Brad Pitt.  Yeah Babs... yeah right.

Second, who goes just on spur of the moments to get a tattoo?  I don't know about everyone else  but I am a planner.  When I got my tats (and I have 5), it took alot of thinking, planning out exactly what I want, where I want it and deciding how it will look in the end and in 10 years in that spot.  

Nathan - I got my gaydar pinned.  There is something up.  Bisexual? Trans?  Purchased by TLC for Twit's new storyline?  

Fast forward the stuff with Buddy and Wil - snoozefest.

Really don't give a crap about the radio station antics or dance battle.  Let it go Twit. Let that just go.

Twit belly dancing next week?  I need brandy to watch that. And brain bleach.

  • Love 10

Two more thoughts this morning -

When Whitney was "running" (if you could call it that), she was wheezing, which could be exercise induced asthma, something that appears a lot with obese people.

Nathan - Maybe he's going to tell her that he wants a sex change to become a woman but would still be interested in her anyway, LOL.

46 minutes ago, greekmom said:

Twit belly dancing next week?  I need brandy to watch that. And brain bleach.

I'll need vodka.  And a lobotomy.

  • Love 6

Watching now. WTF are Whitney's pushups?! She is simply rolling down and up from the knees. HORRIBLE. I'm sure her gut prevents her from doing proper pushups on the floor, but I'd make a client that large do wall pushups or on a low bar so that she isn't just on her gut fat the whole time.

Also, why did she give that dude her phone number immediately? I would have messaged on the dating site a few times. She didn't even ask his name or ANYTHING. Moron.

Edited by ClareWalks
  • Love 5

I am watching the supposed competition. Honestly, this seems like a pre-competition workout to show you what to expect. Lots of events have things like that. It's hilarious, HILARIOUS, that Whitney still wants/expects to actually win this thing. She showed up, saw the incredibly lean women with amazing arm muscles, and thought "I want to win"??!! What a fuckin' deludinoid. And the whining about running a grand total of 300 meters is absolutely batshit. Especially considering they had a billion modifications laid out for them because they couldn't handle anything.

OMG hold up, this was their workout: 100m run, 21 kettlebell swings, 12 ring rows, (split between two people!) repeat twice, then 30 clean and jerks. That was the WHOLE THING. And Whitney damn near died. That workout should take maybe ten minutes.

Edited by ClareWalks
  • Love 7

I really think that the staged and overly produced happenings on the show are a negative and not a plus.  I wish they would just let it be.  Let Whit, her family and friends be themselves without all the interference.  Granted, they think that it helps the show, but, to me, it's hurting it.  

I don't fault Whit for liking or not liking some things about people.  You can't help what you like or dislike.  I used to be turned off by hunting for sport too, until I learned first hand how much damage deer in the road can do.  They have totaled my car and several of my family members.  They are overpopulated in NC.(I live here.)  She should know this.  Maybe, she doesn't drive in rural areas enough.  Though, deer are now also inside cities lying dead from car collisions.  I applaud those who hunt them now. And, she must not know many real hunters, because all of the ones that I know,eat the meat.  I don't know any who waste the meat. Still, it's her opinion.  

I thought that Whit looked very nice at the dance, but she sure did seem awkward on her feet. Was she stiff from the competition?  I suspect she feigned being awkward.  Recall how graceful she was in the Ballroom dance competition? So, more manipulation by the producers.  I don't care for it.  I also don't care for rehashing the dance competition.  LET IT ALONE. 

I share with those who are alarmed by Buddy.  WHEN is he going to get a physical?  He really looks ILL.  Bloated, sluggish, stiff,. and breathless.  These are warning signs.  OMG, why doesn't someone comment on it.  That bar tending job is NOT doing him any favors. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I thought that Whit looked very nice at the dance, but she sure did seem awkward on her feet. Was she stiff from the competition?  I suspect she feigned being awkward.  Recall how graceful she was in the Ballroom dance competition? 

Actually, I don't. I thought she was clumsy and her balance was poor and she was frequently off the music.  She has consistently demonstrated a delusional self-assessment of her dancing skills, so I question why she would want to show herself as awkward and unable to pick up a basic "2-3-4-hold" salsa step. I'm more inclined to believe what she showed on television was actually the best she was able to do.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, greekmom said:

Purchased by TLC for Twit's new storyline?

Ding ding ding.  We have a winner!

That was the fakest date in the history of dating.  Just think of what it would have been like if it were a real date.  Guy sitting there, when all of a sudden a camera crew descends upon him, and a production assistant informs him that his impending date has a "reality" show, and that he needs to sign reams of legal forms allowing them to film him on this first date, and mic him up.  And negotiate his salary for appearing on air.  And all this is done in between the time he arrives at the venue and the time that Twit appears.  And then he's trying to salsa with cameras all up in his face.  You think any normal person would have stayed around for that?

Nope.  He was totally hired as an actor to play the part of Twit's date.  Maybe he's another of their drama gang from high school?

And yes, Babs, keep dreaming that Brad Pitt is going to fall in love with your severely obese daughter who doesn't shower enough, and who doesn't clean her cats' litter box enough, and it content to live with cat poop piling up in the corners of her house.  I hear that's a big turn-on for guys these days.

  • Love 16

Whitney talks such a big game behind people's backs, but she really pusses out when he has to confront someone in person. Example: "bitch, we need a rematch because this is BULLSHIT, bitch!" Then to Jiya: "Erm, ah, excuse me, ah, we have been talking, ah, and I think we want to have a rematch maybe?" It is getting very tiresome. I can tell the radio folks just totally HATE her. I'm sick of her damn whining, myself. She has such high expectations to win every physical competition, despite her immense size and poor conditioning, and then when she doesn't win she finds a way to claim it was unfair or rigged against her. And her fans are right there to tell her how great and right she is. Barftown, population: me.

  • Love 14
9 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

Of course, she will probably whine (like she has in the past) that she only attracts men with a fat fetish, but if that bothers her then why would she post the above and basically beg to be contacted by fetishists? 

I mean really her only option is fat fetishists. She is FAT. Like fat, fat, like her eventual partner will have to be part time caretaker if she doesn't lose a bunch of weight. There is one thing turning your head and saying you like the person and can ignore 25 pounds, 50 pounds, even maybe, maybe 100 pounds on the right frame but Whit is over 200 pounds overweight, she is carrying around an entire another obese person worth of weight, you have to be into that because her weight is going to dominate your life and your relationship. Whit's weight is going to dictate where you can go for date night, or if she can fit in your car or if your furniture is going to support her. Whit's weight is going to drastically affect your sex life as well. Hell, even basic intimacy like kissing or cuddling on the sofa is going to be challenging if not impossible. 

Whit talks all about acceptance, tolerance and not being judgemental but reacts with disgust that someone might be turned on my one of the most defining and limiting things about her and her body. Yes, I get there are creepy fat fetishist, there are creepy everything but there is nothing inherently wrong with having a fetish as long as it isn't hurting yourself or someone else. Almost all of us have fetishes and it's OK, no need to sex-shame. And I know the harming yourself or someone else is arguable when you are Whit's size but Whit has basically made it clear that she has no really desire or intention of making a drastic change to her weight so if some guy wants to fuck her fat folds and also genuinely cares about her and isn't trying to make things worse by things like feeding or asking her to stop her very basic workouts then get it gurl. Whit has to understand that she is making a very, very, very big ask right out of the gate, even your first date is going to be dictated as much by if you fit into the chairs as shared mutual interest.

Sorry Whit, you are not going to find some amazing catch that is just overtaken by your (shitty) personality and is just going to overlook the whole weight thing, you really have three choices here, famewhore that is just interested in you because of your minor celebrity, fat fetishist (and fetishes are fine) or damaged goods because honey you aren't even the prized pig.

  • Love 21

EXACTLY @JohnM. She needs to embrace the fact that she will only really attract fat fetishists, if she wants a man to be physically attracted to her. I mean, I have big boobs, not to brag, because they ain't worth bragging about, but they're big. I would not expect to attract a man who prefers tiny boobs just by the strength of my "amazing personality." Nor would I begrudge a man for being attracted to me because I have big boobs. Whitney wants to have her cake and eat it too, ALL THE PUNS INTENDED.

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, AmyB said:

Oh Maney just said on the radio show that when Twit came into the radio station it was three weeks after the battle and was still complaining and also those score sheets magically appeared on Victoria's desk (not by them) hahaha

I fell asleep about 5 minutes in, so I'll try to work up the motivation to stay awake and watch tonight.  But at this point the one thing that makes the radio-story bearable for me is the possibility that the TPTB haven't let Whitney in on the fact that it's a story-line, and she really believes all this bullshit.  


I'll need vodka.  And a lobotomy.

The old "a bottle in front 'a me or a frontal lobotomy"


And sorry, but her weight is going to drastically limit the pool of prospective male admirers and a good number of those will be of the "chubby chaser" variety (which I've experienced firsthand). She's going to have to swallow the fact that the only kind of men who might be physically attracted to her are those who like very heavy women.

And here's the thing with "chubby chasers", imo:  Some of them are "normal" guys who just like really big (natural) boobs, and/or nice round butts.  And you just don't find those attributes on women with string-bean bodies.  I don't see that as a "fetish" per se, but just a physical preference.  These can be completely normal, happy relationships.

The others are "fetish" guys who for some reason get off on really really big (overall) women.  In this case, the woman is reduced to nothing more than an object of psycho-sexual gratification.

Unfortunately for Whitney, her body-shape makes her a target for the latter rather than the former.

  • Love 6

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