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S05.E11: James K's Story

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot

James K. used pidgin English when describing Chinese food.  Such mocking behavior of a presumed accent is racist.  Please do not perpetuate his use of that language. 

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  On 12/21/2017 at 2:12 AM, notyrmomma said:

Ok, not to change the topic too much (but really, how come he doesn't have medicaid?  I don't think anyone in that household can work..) but I have rewatched this episode recently (probably the 4th time I have seen it) and i am still plagued by the following thoughts:

1. The lack of common sense in this family is baffling (and it's not that they are just uneducated, they are that too, but I know lots of uneducated people who still do well in life because they have basic common sense).  How the hell did it not occur to them that maybe, JUST MAYBE, if he lost 100 pounds before leaving KY, MAYBE, just maybe,  he could have fit into the back of Lisa's van.  They spent SO MUCH TIME on the go fund me's and other wheeling and dealing to get him to Texas that it never dawned on them that he needed to lose the weight first.  I heard it, Dr. Now was very up front with them.  He told them that he needed to get to 600 pounds before going to TX.

2. I know Dr Now loves to dole out those 1200 calorie diets, or 800 as punishment for misbehaving, but James K could have lost a metric shit ton of weight by just doing a Keto diet for six months without having to count calories and Dr. Now would have been none the wiser.  I think the 1200/800 regimens that he puts these people on are stupid as it is very hard to stick to.  The same thing with working out in a gym (or "crossfit")...go take a couple walks around the block and that will be fine until you get into the 200's.  Again, they have the internet and can launch a go fund me campaign, but they can't google diets??? the fuck?

3. Forget the CHF, how the hell does he survive with the celulitis on his legs?  Why isn't he hospitalized just for that?  When he is in the hospital, why don't they just put him on a strict liquid diet just to get enough weight off so they can make a dent in clearing up his infected legs?  I know people with a fraction of his celulitis who are hospitalized until it is under control.  Is it because he doesn't have insurance?  I'm shocked he survived the year.

So many questions!!!

Off topic - but last year we went through trying to get medicaid for my father's long term care (which ended up being shot term as his liver disease ended up taking him way too quickly) and it is a true BIOTCH!  He died in February 2016 and I believe my mom is still either making payments to the nursing home or fighting with them.


I am so sorry. 

  On 12/20/2017 at 11:32 PM, Desert Rat said:

Yes, getting nursing home coverage for parents is very difficult.  I know what you're going through. Same issues with dementia in my family.  Recently, my husband and I lost for parents in six years. Life comes at you fast sometimes. 


It really does. 

  • Love 1

So Lisa just started a new Go Fund Me for James last night.  It is titled "Help James Walk Again."  If you muddle through the ALL CAPS description and get to like one of the last two lines, you learn that James has sepsis ("Septis"), cirrhosis of the liver, and is currently in the ICU.  Seems like walking again is the least of his problems.  If what Lisa screams is true, be on the lookout for word that James is gone soon.  It's almost too sad to snark on.

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  On 1/2/2018 at 12:17 AM, ThereButFor said:

Found it.  Lisa commented that he is following the diet and losing weight but she can’t say how much because of the contract and that she will delete any comments that are not supportive.  Can’t imagine why there are no donations.


Well you know that bed is making him look fat.  Plus tubes all over the place.   

They couldn't figure out what was wrong?  Seriously?  What difference does it make at this point?  Weight is at the bottom of his problem and fixing anything else is just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

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  On 1/2/2018 at 12:17 AM, ThereButFor said:

Found it.  Lisa commented that he is following the diet and losing weight but she can’t say how much because of the contract and that she will delete any comments that are not supportive.  Can’t imagine why there are no donations.


Sadly, I think you are looking at a different GFM, they have had so many it's hard to keep track.  This one was posted last night (12/31) and she doesn't make mention of his diet or their "contract," just that she needs $5k to keep him in Texas because, and I quote: "IF WE HAVE TO GO BACK TO KY , JAMES COULD POTENTIALLY DIE IN HIS OWN BED !" and she further states: "WITH YOUR HELP , ,I CAN POSSIBLY SAVE HIS LIFE ,AND HE MAY WALK AGAIN ! "  

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How many Go Fund Mes do these people need? Her original one from before the show is still there, the one the physical therapist put up is still there...NO ONE IS GOING TO GIVE YOU ANY MONEY WE HAVE ALL SEEN THE SHOW!

Follow Dr. Now's plan, lose some weight and get a job. 


(I'm surprised Go Fund Me hasn't taken any of them down)

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I watched the episode again today and forgot that Lisa set up a GoFundMe to get James to Houston via ambulance.  They asked for $15,000 and Lisa commented to James that they should have no problem raising it being he lived in that town his entire life.  And they got all of $200 before poor Dad remortgaged his home.  

I used to follow Lisa's FB page, but she was really quiet.  Last I read the past Autumn, they were still in Houston.  Friends would ask how it was going and she never replied on her page.  Still can't help but feel sorry for her.  She's had a hard life and a lot of abuse from men.  

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Okay, out of curiosity looked at her page.  Nothing new BUT, she set up a page for James after Christmas.  All I can discern is that he is not dead.  No sure if I can post links to FB, but if it doesn't work, search "The James K. Story.".  Shet ook photos of him when he had the neck catheter due to heart failure.  Have no idea what the point of the page is.  Her personal page linked to the GFM that's gone.  Poor woman.  And she has so many people who love an value her yet she sticks with this azzhole who does neither.


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I hope to hell there is life insurance. That could pay for years of therapy for Leeesssaa. 

After James dies in the near future, we are getting her a total mind body soul makeover reality show!

Also, she will need help on dealing with the anger guilt sorry/ not sorry she may feel from killing this fat dick with cheesecake and the cooing that ensues ..pyooke

Edited by Nancypants
Fuck. U. James
  • Love 2
  On 1/4/2018 at 12:12 AM, Nancypants said:

I hope to hell there is life insurance. That could pay for years of therapy for Leeesssaa. 

After James dies in the near future, we are getting her a total mind body soul makeover reality show!

Also, she will need help on dealing with the anger guilt sorry/ not sorry she may feel from killing this fat dick with cheesecake and the cooing that ensues ..pyooke


She'll be left as destitute as she is now.  

I had forgotten a lot about the episode, including how Lisa beat herself up on camera.  She won't call herself a victim but is fully aware of what she has done to herself.  

I don't give a flying phluck about him. It's not too late for Lisa but she has to get away from him.  She said he's a human being and deserves someone to take care of him.  No he doesn't.  He made her sleep on the friggin floor!  It's like a martyr syndrome.  

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I try hard to always have compassion for other people, but it's hard for me to have any for James. He was given a chance that a lot of people who struggle with their weight would give almost anything for and all he had to do was to follow a simple diet and he blatantly disregarded that.  And I really don't think there's anything mentally wrong with him that causes him to overeat like so many of the people we see on this show, I think he's just a lazy ass who doesn't give a shit about himself or anyone around him and wants everyone to do everything for him. He's the exact person this surgery isn't for, the person who believes that it's a cure all and there's no work involved. I don't have any all that much compassion for Lisa anymore.

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  On 1/8/2018 at 8:20 PM, auntjess said:

I do have some pity for Lisa, because I think she is afraid of him.
People say "what can he do to her?" but when she gets close, he could grab her.


I don't know if James would do exactly this, but he could be the type to say something like, "If you don't get me Chinese, I'm going to kill myself."  Not all abusers use physical violence, and this is especially true for the bed bound 600 pounders who somehow manage to maintain or gain weight.  Did you ever see the documentary about Ricky Naputi from Guam who was in similar position as James (I think you can Youtube it, it's pretty interesting knowing all we know about WLS from this show)?  I would have bet money that Ricky was using those manipulative tactics, by probably threatening to kill himself, against his wife to get her to keep bringing him the food.  He finally did it though.  He ended up OD-ing on some medication because his wife said she was leaving him for good.  The sad thing is that his family totally blamed her for him killing himself and she didn't even end up going to his funeral.

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Just watched this episode... Wow.

What a petulant man baby! 

Did he suffer from a traumatic event in adolescence and stop maturing? All the "Ow, my leg" whining and cries sounded like a baby.  That totally had to trigger a mothering response from Lisa.  I think I actually saw adult diapers under him at a couple of points.

I know that my mother has indicated that the easiest way to make me stop crying when I was a baby was to feed me, which is why I've been overweight mostly all of my adult life.  

Lisa had to have had the same response and then lie to Dr. Now when Jake kept gaining weight on 800 or 1200 calorie a day diets while out of the hospital;  Whenever he was on a restricted diet while in the hospital, he actually lost weight.

Edited by beartrash
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  On 5/22/2018 at 7:50 PM, aliya said:

"My dad is my rock. If anything were to happen to him, it would destroy me."  Really? More than the "800 pounds of food in you" has destroyed you? More than the new life-form growing on your legs has destroyed you? How is that possible?


How about if he ends up on the street, because he mortgaged his home, TO NO AVAIL, because he thought you were actually serious about trying to lose weight.

  • Love 7

Just now in our house:

"You know, let's eat out tonight.  I have a headache and I don't feel like cooking."

"Well, what do you want me to go get?"

Like flipping a switch.

"Git me some CHA-NEESE."

When the dinner was served from the containers?  "You give me one little ole' REG roll?"

To which my husband responded (say it with me now): "IT'S FRIIIIIIIIIIIIED!"

  • Love 6

Has there been an update on James K. that I missed? If not, is there anything new going on with him?

This is one guy who did inspire me to never get to his level of obesity. As soon as I was given the okay by my oncologist (I had to be completed treatment 6 months), I joined a medically supervised weight loss program at my local hospital and have now lost 30 pounds. I still have 40 to go, but I'm amazed how much easier it is to walk  around and that I have more stamina. I cannot imagine being trapped in the prison of being 600 lbs, I started at 235 and that was bad  enough in terms of having trouble walking upstairs with laundry, getting tired easily, etc. 

Recently I watched Brandi's episode on Comcast on Demand, and she did really well. She lost over 350 pounds in a single year by following Dr. Now's program and not once arguing or disagreeing with him. It was truly amazing. Go back and watch her episode if you're fed up with the James K types. 

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Tee hee, unbelievably, I am here re-watching James K's episode. Yikes, I swore that I would never, ever watch this train wreck of a human being again, yet I am. I had forgotten how much I came to loathe this man within just the first ten minutes of the show.

Just finished watching the scene where about eight wonderful, patient and, kind members of the local fire department arrange, hoist and lug his ginormous man-baby ass out of his house an into the ambulance financed by his dear father taking out a second mortgage on his home while James screams, moans and yells out "Ow Mah Layg" over and over again. This, of course makes me laugh hysterically since that just never gets old!

Oh well, my excuse is that it's Wednesday, our Live Chat day, which always has me tuning in to TLC for past episodes of M600PL and I need something entertaining to watch while I clean my bedroom. See y'all later tonight!

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  On 3/16/2017 at 12:59 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

When Lisa threatened to leave, I said to the tv, "PLEASE LEAVE and let the man have a chance to live!"  Apparently, she feels her work on earth is not done until they put James in a coffin. (No, they can't put him in a coffin, because, there would not be one large enough.  I doubt he would fit into a cremation device either.  What would they do with him?)  She's doing nothing but helping him die.  I really wish Adult Protective Services would get involved.  LIsa is is as sick as James is. If Lisa would just walk away, the county would be required to place James in a nursing home and there he would get proper care, proper diet and he could complain all he wanted, but, they wouldn't provide all that junk.  And since Medicaid would be paying for the Nursing home, he'd only be able to keep a small monthly sum for his personal use. That would not be enough to fuel his fast food/take out food habit, so, it would be a win win situation.  I wonder what her background is and if she's harmed other disabled people this way. 

I suspect he gained so much weight once they moved into the apt, because, he had easier access to delivery places, that they may not have had in his rural KY home. I still wonder why the program doesn't teach coping skills.  James needed coping skills. He also didn't seem to have much to occupy his mind all day. Food was his amusement.  I would think that motivation tapes, books, health based informational videos could have been tried.  But, I'm prone to agree with many that James has very little chance of success.  I do feel for his dad and daughter.  

Gotta hand it to Dr. Now. I've never seen him that demonstrative before.  It was needed and then some. 


Did Dr. Now read my post? 

Mother of Mercy - I usually watch these shows w/my back to the TV, typing away on the forum. And even when I buy an episode, I usually play it while doing something else online and admit to missing a lot of the detail.

Let me just say that James' legs are something else completely when they are 6" in front of you on the phone while you are eating lunch. Dang! Double dang! You would think the legs alone would be a reason to stick to the diet. And watching them cream up the legs... OMGoodness... ewwwww.

I was looking for something mindless to watch during lunch. I think I made a mistake.

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Did you ever see the Ow Mah Layg! compilation of every time he shrieked in 'pain', and I was cackling like a fool every time he did, and hoping they'd scrape him along the wall going in and out of the apartment.    I don't know how those saintly ambulance and fire people could resist the temptation to show him what getting bounced off the parking lot felt like.     The only good thing is after the follow up was aired, it was reported that the daughter has gone back to Kentucky.     

I wonder if Lisa has a bunch of those no qualification life insurance policies on him?    I'm not sure he's old enough, but the joke would be on her, because my understanding is they only pay off if you die in an accident, not from being a 600 lb + whining, man baby of a jerk.

Watching any of the more radical non-compliant people who have been feature during or before a meal is a mistake, unless you have an iron stomach like me.    If this episode bothers you, then avoid Robert, both Assante episodes (except the phony fall from the golf cart, and Dr. Now taking away his right to get drugs), and some of the more delusional ones.        I can even eat through the James K. initial, and follow up episode, because I've learned when to stop eating because I'll be laughing.    I think I'm really mean, but I enjoy it.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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The way that both James and Lisa curse at and disrespect Dr. Now is a HUGE issue for me. If they are so convinced that Dr. Now doesn’t know what he’s doing then they should go to another doctor. They would find that another doctor would be much harsher on them. No one else would put up with the abuse that they treat Dr. Now with. Smh

  • Love 8
  On 10/16/2018 at 11:21 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

Did you ever see the Ow Mah Layg! compilation of every time he shrieked in 'pain', and I was cackling like a fool every time he did, and hoping they'd scrape him along the wall going in and out of the apartment.    I don't know how those saintly ambulance and fire people could resist the temptation to show him what getting bounced off the parking lot felt like.     The only good thing is after the follow up was aired, it was reported that the daughter has gone back to Kentucky.     

I wonder if Lisa has a bunch of those no qualification life insurance policies on him?    I'm not sure he's old enough, but the joke would be on her, because my understanding is they only pay off if you die in an accident, not from being a 600 lb + whining, man baby of a jerk.

Watching any of the more radical non-compliant people who have been feature during or before a meal is a mistake, unless you have an iron stomach like me.    If this episode bothers you, then avoid Robert, both Assante episodes (except the phony fall from the golf cart, and Dr. Now taking away his right to get drugs), and some of the more delusional ones.        I can even eat through the James K. initial, and follow up episode, because I've learned when to stop eating because I'll be laughing.    I think I'm really mean, but I enjoy it.  


James K being shoved back into the house cracked me up. It was all very suggestive with people telling him “it’ll fit”, “let go” and that he needed to relax, and James is all “stop, it’s not gonna fit” and “hnnghh”, plus him panting and taking shallow breaths. 

  • Love 5

First time watching James. How little self esteem does Lisa have to put up with this?  I feel even when James dies she will find another abusive man. I would take a baseball bat to that loathsome SOB. There is no man on this earth worth wiping his ass especially one who has gotten so fat that he shits himself.  And one who expects her to sleep on the floor cause he might need something? Oh baby, let me around him for five minutes. 

  • Love 3
Message added by PrincessPurrsALot

James K. used pidgin English when describing Chinese food.  Such mocking behavior of a presumed accent is racist.  Please do not perpetuate his use of that language. 

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