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S05.E18: Regrets Only

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15 hours ago, b2H said:

Without shaming anyone, I have a serious question:  I remembered Katie as being much lighter than she has appeared this season.  I know he I got married two years ago, really watching my weight and wanting to look my best.  The scene with the dinner looked like she might be self-medicating with food. 

Am I off-base?

TBH they had to let my wedding dress out b/c I was doing a little bit of stress eating!  Katie said on Stassi's podcast  in the summer that she used to be a total health nut, gym rat, but as of late she's kind of been relaxing a little.

I believe she's probably only a size six IRL, because remember on the first season of The Simple Life when everyone would talk about how "fat" Nicole was?  She told everyone she was only 5'1 and a size four.  The camera adds a little weight.

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On 3/7/2017 at 1:00 AM, Maharincess said:


When Kristen was listing what Stassi needed for her date, did she really say adderal right before she said condoms?  I couldn't rewind it to find out but that's what it sounded like she said. 

She said A) Adderall, B) Plan-B and C) Condoms.  I like that!  Sounds like a plan.

I have heard from people (cough) that Adderall can be used to make one more social, talkative.  It is a good boost if you are tired and have plans to go out.  So I have heard...

I was thinking that I thought that Stassi said that she doesn't take Adderall anymore.  Maybe she is back on it.


11 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

Hopefully she'll similarly wise up and be more open to dating guys a bit more like this one, ones that will respect her and treat her like a lady, not just a girl of the moment. And maybe she should also invest in a few more deep life interests beyond shopping, late lunching and sleeping.   

I am a grown up and my interests are the same as Stassi's.   I love to sleep and eat good food.  I also love murder.  I work and have kids, I don't need any deep interests.

Edited by heatherchandler
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52 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

She said A) Adderall, B) Plan-B and C) Condoms.  I like that!  Sounds like a plan.

I have heard from people (cough) that Adderall can be used to make one more social, talkative.  It is a good boost if you are tired and have plans to go out.  So I have heard...

I was thinking that I thought that Stassi said that she doesn't take Adderall anymore.  Maybe she is back on it.


I am a grown up and my interests are the same as Stassi's.   I love to sleep and eat good food.  I also love murder.  I work and have kids, I don't need any deep interests.

You need your sleep and food.

Stassi does nothing all day long.

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I thought there was some blanket statement somewhere that in the beginning of the series when they were all super skinny, they were on Adderall, and that Kristen is still on it and that's how Scheana got so thin.

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Katie looked pretty at LVP's house...I don't normally find her attractive but I thought her overall look was nice. After that invitation they arranged for LVP, I'm convinced that Katie has really tacky taste, lol. How awkward and ridiculous that way. So according to the timeline, they asked LVP with just 2 weeks before their wedding. So even without even knowing how many days before the wedding LVP confirmed that she would officiate the wedding, it already seems unrealistic that in two weeks you would have spent enough time together to truly forgive and sort out such huge issues in your relationship. That whole thing seemed like a temporary band aid to the situation. I feel like Katie only responded to LVP's advice because unlike her friends pointing it out, she felt embarrassed that LVP would think so poorly of her relationship. Trying to sort out issues to make someone else proud of you seems like a way to set yourself up to come crumbling down later on when you realize that your problems really aren't fixed. That said, it was nice to see an episode where neither Katie and Schwartz were acting like assholes. 

Stassi's date was awkward to watch. She can't date a normal guy because her interests are so limited and vain that any normal guy who is a combination of good looking, motivated and intelligent will find it hard to engage with someone who talks about how pretty she is and is horrified by someone who has to wake up in the morning at a normal time as most people who have jobs and make an income to support their own lifestyle. Stassi's life would be so much easier if she was just honest with herself that she isn't actually ready for a mature relationship that involves serious conversations, compromise and difficult decisions. She thinks she's way more mature than she actually is and at soon to be 29, I think she's old enough to realize that she attracts the same quality that she projects. She's still stuck in this mentality of thinking that she's some amazing girl that keeps finding duds. Kristen is still a bit crazy but Carter does seem to be a level headed guy. He's not afraid to stick up for her and he's committed to her - his calmness probably helps Kristen keep control of her temper. Kristen certainly isn't perfect but she was honest about her shortcomings and a need to better herself and I don't think she would have managed to keep someone like Carter around if she was the still batshit crazy Kristen who thought the world owed her something and she could however she wanted without repercussions. 

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On 3/6/2017 at 8:23 PM, ivygirl said:


Ive never heard people say "AF" out loud. Now it's twice in an hour. If they keep it up they're going to be as bad as Eden from RHOBH and her hashtag addiction.

While it's popular on social media It's not really the same as all text or twitter speech since it's an acronym for "as fuck" so just like saying WTF for "what the fuck?" or a hole instead of "asshole" it's a work around if ya don't wanna swear. I worked with a guy from Boston who said wtf and a hole all the time in his thick accent. 

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2 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

While it's popular on social media It's not really the same as all text or twitter speech since it's an acronym for "as fuck" so just like saying WTF for "what the fuck?" or a hole instead of "asshole" it's a work around if ya don't wanna swear. I worked with a guy from Boston who said wtf and a hole all the time in his thick accent. 

But these folks aren't generally averse to saying "the f word" on TV and just letting it be bleeped... that's part of what stood out to me.

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12 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I am a grown up and my interests are the same as Stassi's.   I love to sleep and eat good food.  I also love murder.  I work and have kids, I don't need any deep interests.

I should find her murder shtick unfunny & gross -- and yet she's giving me some giggles, in her new dating search.  I'd say Bravo should give Stass her own show, but I guess this is pretty much it.

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I figured Stass is trying super hard to make herself sound more off-beat & supposedly interesting.  But the murder interest is pretty run-of-the-mill & ordinary.  It's her jokey attitude about it which is kinda questionable.  Doesn't bother me much, but some might it distasteful & ick.

It's interesting to me how Stass & Cigarette Sally are such a big part of the show now, even tho they don't work at SUR & have mostly no interaction with Lisa.

Man, Ari & FI were so strangely unsexy (to me) in that shoot.  FI is so plucked & groomed, seeing him in his underpants creeped me out.  FI is not an unattractive guy, but still, yuck.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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The fake service dog thing really pisses me off. I would love to bring my dog everywhere with me too, but IMO it's a real disservice to those who actually need a service dog and incredibly disrespectful to the rest of us. I was in TJ Maxx the other day and some idiot had his equally stupid Doodle jumping all over the place wearing one of those ridiculous "emotional service dog" vests you get online. 

In other news for any Howard Stern listeners out there - my husband told me that Benjy's ex-girlfriend (aka the smartest person Benjy knows - but then she willingly slept with Benjy), apparently moved out to LA and is now a hostess at SUR! I guess she's looking to hopefully get added to the cast....

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8 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

I figured Stass is trying super hard to make herself sound more off-beat & supposedly interesting.  But the murder interest is pretty run-of-the-mill & ordinary.  It's her jokey attitude about it which is kinda questionable. 

OMG you just gave me a blammo lightbulb moment. She's completely uninteresting! She's just not an interesting person at all. She's smart and occasionally witty and I find shit-talk entertaining and enjoyable, and so I completely mistook her for someone with a good personality and interesting life and she is not either of those things! Wow. I'm a sucker. 

Anyway, she's in good company, I suppose, and it would also go far in explaining why all her friends and lovers are duds too. THE MORE YOU KNOW ?

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The fake service dog thing rubs me the wrong way too. I had a friend (who died almost 2yrs ago) who used to bring her dog everywhere and claim it was a service animal. That wasn't the case because all my friend did was order a special vest online for like $20. The dog didn't actually *do* anything for her physically, like service animals do. It was more like a prop...like "I'm so ill I need a service dog, look at me!!!". I always hated going anywhere with her and the dog cos it'd bark at everything and pull the leash, and in general was more of a nuisance to whatever we were trying to do. And the thing is she actually could have used a *real* service dog because of her diabetes and other stuff but she couldn't get one because her family didn't have the resources to care for it properly, like taking it to the vet regularly for shots and whatnot. I'm not even sure her fake service dog was up to date on vaccines.


Anyway.. sorry for the tangent. It just bugs me when people abuse the system like that.

Edited by fliptopbox
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2 hours ago, Pachengala said:

OMG you just gave me a blammo lightbulb moment. She's completely uninteresting! She's just not an interesting person at all. She's smart and occasionally witty and I find shit-talk entertaining and enjoyable, and so I completely mistook her for someone with a good personality and interesting life and she is not either of those things! Wow. I'm a sucker. 

Anyway, she's in good company, I suppose, and it would also go far in explaining why all her friends and lovers are duds too. THE MORE YOU KNOW ?

I'm kinda interested in what exactly went on with her relationship with Patrick -- probably ONLY because we know nothing about it, other than she said they broke up & got back together zillions of times.  Maybe there's nothing interesting there to know about, but we don't know why she kept breaking up & getting back with him & it makes me a bit curious.  Her whining & crying over him?  That I have ZERO patience for or interest in.

OK, so she didn't like that her date was an appealing, attractive, responsible guy who holds a regular job & manages to get up in the morning like the rest of us working slobs who have to earn a living.  That's certainly her choice.  But can I ask -- of the 2 of them on that date, who seemed more interesting & appealing?  Who had more to offer?  I thought Stassi's date did.

What's Stassi offering that's so great & interesting & wonderful?  Her looks?  Uh, there are a billion young chicks in LA as good looking or better looking than her.  That she's a 2nd banana chucklefuck on a Bravo show?  Whatever.  That might appeal to a fame-ho, but that wasn't Stassi's date at all.  OK, so she was honest about wanting to sleep & not work out.  I liked that.  But she's still mostly dull.  She can come up with a good one-liner sometimes, but Stass & her life seem boring.  I get the feeling she vastly overrates her appeal.

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On 06/03/2017 at 7:44 PM, Michichick said:

The photo shoot gets more ridiculous every season. Nothing about that was sexy.

Katie and Tom, eh. They deserve each other, and I don't mean that in the ostensibly nice way that Vanderpump meant it.


PersonnalIy, I had a lot of wonders about this year's photo shoot theme of "Indulgence." What is the purpose of all this orgy-like scene? with the fake stuffed pig and all that strange atmosphere? I'm even wondering if LVP and all the cast has not become just pawns in a larger game since she is not the creative director anymore...

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I was bothered when Stassi said "I need ... a man". How rude. Talking about her date as if he is a child.  Sorry stassi, but he seemed quite nice and she would be remiss to not go on at least one other date with him.  

Tom and Katie - head meet desk.  

Kristen admitting she doesn't really have a service dog, but rather a dog with fake papers is disgusting. I hope someone reports her. 

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I'm not sure that Stassi is capable of dating anyone not in this incestuous SUR social circle. She's said a number of times that Patrick never wanted to be on camera and had his own life outside of VPR. Plus - and I think Brittany is the exception - it must be difficult to bring someone from outside the fold into the group. Carter is a good example, as he is talking about lots of stuff that happened before he got there as if he's an expert, when really he's only parroting what Kristen's told him.  He's trying to act like one of the gang, but he's really not, and he doesn't know what he's talking about.

Ten years from now: Stassi will be married to Peter.

Edited by AnnieBananie
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On 3/9/2017 at 0:08 PM, OnceSane said:

She thinks it makes her sound cool & "edgy".

I don't think that is necessarily so.  Murder is one of my most cherished preoccupations; sure, there is an element of mystery to it sometimes, but I am really interested in stuff like the murder of the Clutters in 1959, and that crime is long solved.

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Kristen's dog is not a service dog, it's an emotional support animal. Emotional support animals are not entitled to the same protections as service animals. You can refuse to rent to a tenant with an emotional support animal if you have a no pets policy, they are not entitled to go into restaurants and grocery stores and such the way service animals, like seeing eye dogs, are. The restaurant could have refused to allow Kristen's dog in and chose not to. 

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5 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

I don't think that is necessarily so.  Murder is one of my most cherished preoccupations; sure, there is an element of mystery to it sometimes, but I am really interested in stuff like the murder of the Clutters in 1959, and that crime is long solved.

Oh I'm interested in it too.  There is just a way that Stassi talks about her "love" of murder which makes me think she's trying to seem edgy.

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5 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

I don't think that is necessarily so.  Murder is one of my most cherished preoccupations; sure, there is an element of mystery to it sometimes, but I am really interested in stuff like the murder of the Clutters in 1959, and that crime is long solved.

She's making a point of the murder stuff by talking about it in her TH's.  And after all -- WTF else does she have to talk about?  More whining over Patrick?  Ew.  She sleeps all day & doesn't seem to have any interests -- other than shopping & drinking.  Yawn.  She doesn't work, except for her podcast, which seems to be just her babbling randomly or talking to idiots, and she clearly has zero ambition.  Yeah, you're a real catch, Stassi.  You keep thinkin' that, hun.  Uh, millions of people are interested in crime/murder.  There are tons of shows & books that can attest to this.  She's trying to make a big deal out of something that just isn't much of one.  Being interested in murder doesn't make her unique in the least.  She's trying hard to convince us it does.  Not buying it.

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I just think it's funny Stassi is still living like she is totally relying on her looks.. which obviously worked a couple years ago but does she not realize her looks have gone downhill? I don't think skinny is the only way to be attractive.. I think curves are hot. But her and Katie haven't gained curves lol they've just gained weight and look like they don't take as good care of themselves as they used to. It's not like they're older and so busy raising children or something. They just drink too much and sit around talking shit about other  people on their spare time. The show is entertaining but their lives are starting to look more and more depressing lol. (That one episode where Katie is all upset and stuffing her face with a salad in huge, slow bites.. I was cringing watching that. Poor girl is def eating her feelings)

And I agree with above.. it does seem like she tries to make herself seem edgy. When in reality she's just another basic shallow girl who doesn't have much going for her. Maybe it was cute when she was in her early 20s, but now that she's almost 30 it's a little sad. 

I just used to like this show way more. I remember getting so into all the drama lol but now it's pretty lame and I'm starting to not like any of the cast members. Except Brittany. And I actually think her and Jax's relationship is cute. The only thing that is annoying to me is how she doesn't pay any bills and then flips when he tells her to do something. I get that she doesn't want to look disrespected on national television but still.. if he's taking care of you financially then make the man a damn sandwich lol. 

Edited by msgxoxo
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On 3/9/2017 at 11:02 AM, Ubiquitous said:

I keep wondering Stassi says she's interested in "murder" when she means "murder mysteries".

No, I think she means murder. Full stop. Remember the first few seasons how graphically she would describe murdering her "enemies"? It was at torturous serial killer levels like WTF is wrong with someone to even THINK of something like that?!? I think it was after she found out that Kristin slept with Jax she wanted to rape her with a dildo dipped in acid so she would dissolve from the inside out! It wasn't like, hey, I'll watch Dateline NBC or 20/20 if I have nothing to do on a Friday night.

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Based on her Instagram stories, when she's not doing her podcast/promoting VP rules, Stassi literally doesn't appear to do anything but go out and drink too much, snap outfit of the day selfies, travel to other areas to drink too much, and watch TV. I'm guessing that's most of this cast's lifestyle, minus hitting the gym. Unlike Scheana or the guys she doesn't appear to work out, so I'm guessing she and equally workout-resistant Kristen and maybe even Katie perhaps still enjoy some Adderral adventures.

Take that as you will; I'd just be shocked to see her ever get out of her comfort zone at this point. Hit an art gallery or attend the theater or a wine tasting? Maybe a hike or a bike ride?? Nahhh...she's very much a creature of comfort; that definitely wasn't her being funny for the cameras.

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1 hour ago, JenE4 said:

No, I think she means murder. Full stop. Remember the first few seasons how graphically she would describe murdering her "enemies"? It was at torturous serial killer levels like WTF is wrong with someone to even THINK of something like that?!? I think it was after she found out that Kristin slept with Jax she wanted to rape her with a dildo dipped in acid so she would dissolve from the inside out! It wasn't like, hey, I'll watch Dateline NBC or 20/20 if I have nothing to do on a Friday night.

You're correct to make that distinction.  She has occasionally in TH's stated some pretty out-there stuff, pertaining to murder.  I haven't paid much attention to it because it sounded like random babble & I ignored it.  It certainly didn't seem funny, but I dismissed it as her trying excessively hard to seem edgy or goth or dark or hip or even imaginative or creative.  I still do.  Could this shit mean she has some sorta mental health issues going on?  Nah.  Still think she's playing for the cams.

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On ‎3‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 10:22 PM, Pachengala said:

OMG you just gave me a blammo lightbulb moment. She's completely uninteresting! She's just not an interesting person at all. She's smart and occasionally witty and I find shit-talk entertaining and enjoyable, and so I completely mistook her for someone with a good personality and interesting life and she is not either of those things! Wow. I'm a sucker. 

Wow! Now that you mention it...

On ‎3‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 1:14 AM, ScoobieDoobs said:

I'm kinda interested in what exactly went on with her relationship with Patrick -- probably ONLY because we know nothing about it, other than she said they broke up & got back together zillions of times.  Maybe there's nothing interesting there to know about, but we don't know why she kept breaking up & getting back with him & it makes me a bit curious.  Her whining & crying over him?  That I have ZERO patience for or interest in.

I'm vaguely interested but only b/c she has nothing else going on. If memory serves, Patrick was a real tool so I'm surprised he wanted nothing to do with Stassi's former co-workers.

On ‎3‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 7:07 PM, AnnieBananie said:

I'm not sure that Stassi is capable of dating anyone not in this incestuous SUR social circle. She's said a number of times that Patrick never wanted to be on camera and had his own life outside of VPR. Plus - and I think Brittany is the exception - it must be difficult to bring someone from outside the fold into the group. Carter is a good example, as he is talking about lots of stuff that happened before he got there as if he's an expert, when really he's only parroting what Kristen's told him.  He's trying to act like one of the gang, but he's really not, and he doesn't know what he's talking about.

Ten years from now: Stassi will be married to Peter.

Or Jax.

On ‎3‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 1:27 AM, OnceSane said:

Oh I'm interested in it too.  There is just a way that Stassi talks about her "love" of murder which makes me think she's trying to seem edgy.

I thought she meant "murder mysteries" but I forgot about her talking about killing people with barbed wire dildos dipped in acid. It bugs me that the way she phrases it makes her sound like a serial killer in training.

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On 3/10/2017 at 6:07 PM, AnnieBananie said:

Ten years from now: Stassi will be married to Peter.

Probably Jax. She has been transparent that she's not over him / still has unresolved feelings for him. Brittany is too pretty, sweet for him. Eventually she'll realize she can do better and he will realize he enjoys dysfunctional people. I suspect when that happens Stasi will be single and blubbering about a perceived slight or some tertiary friends invisible slight.  

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Stassi is trying to be cute by saying she's into murder. What she means is she's interested in true crime like so many people (see the iTunes list of top podcasts and the popularity of shows like Dateline, 20/20 and Forensic Files). 

I haven't heard much about Patrick but I started to listen to Stassi's podcast (she's much more likeable on it) and he was her guest twice and both times he came across as a real ass. He seemed super arrogant and he misused/mispronounced "big words" (in quotes because that's how Stassi described them but I would not classify them as particularly difficult). He constantly talked over her and took over the show. She kept trying to excuse him by saying it's because he's a radio host as his job but she's had another radio host as a guest and she doesn't do that. I didn't get a favorable impression of him from my limited exposure. 

Edited by glowbug
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On ‎3‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 7:07 PM, AnnieBananie said:

Ten years from now: Stassi will be married to Peter.

I don't hate Peter enough to wish that on him.  I don't actually hate Peter at all - seems like a nice enough guy, but no to Stassi and him.  please.

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My suggestions to these women who think murder and crime is cool (Stassi, Gigi Hadid, the Rinna brat) spend a day at victim services and really talk to the survivors and feel their loss of a wage earner, primary care taker, son or daughter of the victim of homicide and maybe develop a bit more of a reality check what murder involves.  Gigi started her studies in college with Forensics (laugh, laugh) but she could never really go back to the classroom but hey it is great cocktail party talk.  I find this so revolting that people think it cool to dial into murder.

I guess on the high side their hobbies and interests  don't include child rearing.

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Yeah, while I'm not bothered by Stassi's murder babble, it makes me think about murder victims' families, who watch her babble this unfunny bullshit.  I shudder thinking about them when she starts on her murder jags in her TH's.  Does she think her murder babble is adorable & charming & attractive?  I suspect she does.

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I don't think people interested in murder and crime think it's "cool", except for Stassi. I love watching all of those Identity shows, Forensics Files, etc. just because they're interesting. I also love reading murder mystery/crime books. I don't think being interested in these topics is disrespectful to any victims or families of victims lol.

Stassi is just so one-dimensional, basic, and boring that she thinks talking about murder makes her unique. When in reality she's just as basic as James' pumpkin spiced latte girlfriend (I saw someone on here call her that and it was so accurate lol). Also.. I didn't think her 'sexy photoshoot' was sexy. SHE is just not sexy anymore in my opinion. She was definitely cute in the earlier seasons but not so much now. 

And this whole wedding is a train wreck. Why are two people who barely have any money wasting 50k on a big elaborate, floral, grandma-looking wedding?? What is Katie gonna have when it's over? Some pictures, videos, debt, and a shitty marriage lol. I think they should've kept it simple and focused more on their major relationship issues. Or maybe saved that money to buy a house? Rather than waste all that money just to drive back home to their little crappy apartment and shitty jobs. Like I said this show is getting very depressing lol. 

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This season Schwartz went from being my favorite character to my least favorite (or I should say one of my least favorite as there are a few to pick from. And saying that though I am still obsessed with the show so in some way all of them draws me in) 

James is the biggest douche though. I hope we don't see him next season. He and Lala can sail in to the sunset for all I care. 

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4 hours ago, msgxoxo said:

I don't think people interested in murder and crime think it's "cool", except for Stassi. I love watching all of those Identity shows, Forensics Files, etc. just because they're interesting. I also love reading murder mystery/crime books. I don't think being interested in these topics is disrespectful to any victims or families of victims lol.

I'm the same way. I like seeing/learning about how crimes are solved. I find is fascinating. I am also fascinated by the psychology of the killers. It's not in a fun, rubber-necking type of way. I really want to understand why people do such heinous things and see the end result, hopefully that they're caught and put away. I've been like this ever since I read Helter Skelter when I was 14. 

Stassi is trendy (crime shows are a dime a dozen these days) while at the same time thinking she's special. But I will admit she sometimes makes me laugh. 

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On 3/7/2017 at 10:41 AM, farmgal4 said:

He reminded me of SOMEONE; I'm not sure who, but I know I've seen that guy's face before.

He reminds me totally of a silicon Valley version of Ryan Reynolds.  I thought he was adorable.

Edited by mjstrick
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