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S07.E10: New Best Friends

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19 hours ago, deedee said:

I fear for Carol because there doesn't seem to be any purpose to her anymore.

Carol can still be useful, even when she's sitting all alone in the cottage with the look-at-the-flowers floral motif. 

Richard sees that, at least.


18 hours ago, DEL901 said:

I agree.  They've even developed a new way of speaking.  Seriously, just how long has it been since the ZA? 

The GPK probably didn't talk all that much before the ZA.  Swear to god - when they showed the hive swarm at the beginning of the episode, I was reminded of nothing more than when my youngest was still in her high school emo phase, and her and her friends would all hang out like a herd of mopey gothlings.  They didn't talk much, either.

14 hours ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

And that is why you are never in charge of Tactical Planning, Daryl.  Christ on a bike.  Not only endanger yourself, but everyone else at Hilltop.  Great plan!!  Oh, and let Richard run his plan that means Carol is in the Savior's way. 

To me, Daryl's departure was the most unrealistic aspect of the episode.  Daryl knows Richard's plans - and Carol's place in them - and that all Richard needs is one other like-minded individual with some fighting skills to put his plan into action.  So Daryl's just going to pick up and leave without saying anything to Carol?  Or Morgan? Or Ezekiel?  Meadow muffins.


3 hours ago, Ouisch said:

Didn't Aaron tell Rick & Co. when he first found them that he and the other Alexandrians had scoped the entire area around the ASZ within a 50-mile radius? And that's how he happened to stumble upon this ragtag starving group (at the time) that we know and love as CDB? So why hadn't he (or Aiden or Nicholas or Heath, etc) ever found the Hilltop or the Garbage Pail Kids or the Kingdom or any of the other settlements that seem to be within easy walking (or roller-skating) distance of ASZ? Please, would sometime encourage the writers to re-watch past episodes in order to keep some continuity??

IIRC I believe the 50-mile clearance claim was Aiden's statement to Glenn, not Aaron's to Rick.  So consider the source.

Edited by Nashville
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16 hours ago, Giselle said:

Maybe they have Mad Max Molly talking like the way she does because she's another TWD actor who can't speak Southern for shit.

Speaking of that, listening to Maggie when she was talking to Gregory made me flinch. I've never been to the south but I'm pretty sure her accent is horrendous. She sounds like Elly Mae Clampett. Why does she talk that way when her father and sister didn't? It's just awful. Can't this show pay for dialogue/dialect coaches?

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3 hours ago, millennium said:

If the writers insist on recycling the CDB vs. External Threat storyline, they could at least try something different.   What would be very interesting to me is a shift in perspective.   Tell the story of CDB encountering a new group from the perspective of the new group.   Portray Rick and friends as a threat to the new group's way of life.   Show that there are two ways of looking at things, that actions we might view as friendly or well-intentioned (because Rick, Michonne and the others can do no wrong) could easily and legitimately be interpreted as suspicious or hostile in the eyes of those who have never met them.  In other words, give CDB the intruder/invader edit, and make the new group the threatened party.  Tarnish the CDB halos a bit.

They've done that to a large extent with the Alexandria story line and to a lesser extent in S2 when they stumbled into Herschel's farm. Not totally from the others' perspective, but certainly CDB came to be seen as a threat in both places. Interestingly, though, both times it was after the initial community had come to know them. Familiarity with Rick brings not just contempt but outright terror :)

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5 minutes ago, Nashville said:

To me, Daryl's departure was the most unrealistic aspect of the episode.  Daryl knows Richard's plans - and Carol's place in them - and that all Richard needs is one other like-minded individual with some fighting skills to put his plan into action.  So Daryl's just going to pick up and leave without saying anything to Carol?  Or Morgan? Or Ezekiel?  Meadow muffins.

Not only that, but the gate guards just open them and let him go without a peep?  Shouldn't there have been a slight problem or attempt at intervention of his walk-out?  "We should maybe clear this with King Zeke first, you are here for protection and to be hidden after all.....". 

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On the subject of Winslow:

  • I figure Winslow was just another GPK who fell off a trash heap, got impaled on a lot of pointy junk, died and turned.
  • Jadis and the rest left his turned ass in the pit he fell into because he could occasionally be useful.
  • One of the other GPKs was a death metal fan who made Winslow the helmet as an art project ("Enough damn cats already!!!").

Oh, and did anybody else besides me notice Rick bashed Winslow with an old Radio Shack TRS-80 computer - commonly referred to as a Trash-80?  I thought that was kinda appropriate.  :)

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17 minutes ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

Not only that, but the gate guards just open them and let him go without a peep?  Shouldn't there have been a slight problem or attempt at intervention of his walk-out?  "We should maybe clear this with King Zeke first, you are here for protection and to be hidden after all.....". 

Probably they were simply glad to let Daryl and his odor waft right the hell on out of their lives.

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30 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Swear to god - when they showed the hive swarm at the beginning of the episode, I was reminded of nothing more than when my youngest was still in her high school emo phase, and her and her friends would all hang out like a herd of mopey gothlings. 

I was thinking almost the same thing. For some reason, "Hi! I'm Rick!" cracked me up. Though I did like Rick being focused on explaining the larger picture to them. 

Of *course* we meet yet another new group seemingly 5 miles from everyone and OF COURSE they are bonkers and just talk like what and of course they know nothing of everything else going on. 

So you're all calling them 'garbage pail kids.' You people are brilliant.

One thing I've always liked is CDB just pwns zombies. It's the only thing they can do, but they do it. I remember the governor being like, "8 people cleared out a *prison*?! jfc!"

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I thoroughly enjoyed this episode.  It was nice that the characters got to actually talk and communicate with each other with extended dialogue.  It was even nicer that it was Daryl that got to do a lot of that discussion because he has been written to be the least talkative of the group for the past three years or so.  It's been annoying.  Daryl use to be a more talkative and interactive character, and so it was nice to see his character actually have discussions beyond one word or one sentence.  His scenes with Richard, Morgan, and Carol were all well done.  

He and Richard are on the same page in terms of wanting to inflict pain and revenge on the Saviors, but the minute Daryl gets the sense that the woman Richard is thinking of using as bait might be Carol, the plan shifts.  I loved how Daryl could sense the person Richard was talking about was Carol and wanted confirmation, and then once he had it, he was completely against the plan Richard had laid out and then threatened Richard that if anything happened to Carol, he'd kill him.  Later on, when Daryl and Morgan are talking, it was good that Daryl told Morgan that he was going to have to get Ezekiel on the same page as Team Grimes and that Morgan wasn't going to be able to sit out this coming fight.  

Lastly, the entire Daryl/Carol scenes were emotional, dramatic and nicely executed.  Carol has been pissed off for weeks, but at the sight of Daryl standing in her doorway, all the walls came down.  I'm not inferring romance (although who knows that may happen eventually) - I'm simply saying that Carol saw someone she has loved and cared about since the beginning of the plague standing on her porch, someone she had not seen for a while, and she wasn't expecting it.  I especially loved hearing Carol explain later by the fire why she couldn't fight or didn't want to fight.  She explained that if someone hurt him or anyone of the group, she would fight, but it would break her.  So Daryl lied.  He told her everything and everyone was fine because it's what she needed to hear.  I got the distinct impression that Daryl is on a one-way mission for himself.  The way he left Carol, almost not saying goodbye, and then going back to give her a final hug.  I just got the impression that Daryl was going to get his revenge against Negan, and he might not see her again, but he wished her well and wanted her safe.  That was my impression, anyway.  As for why Daryl left without warning Carol about Richard, it's because Daryl threatened Richard that if anything happened to Carol - anything - he would kill him.  Why would Richard then go out and try to kill Carol and how does Richard know that Daryl didn't tell Morgan or Carol?  Also, Daryl is not a prisoner at the Kingdom.  So he can come and go at his own risk.

The part of the episode that fell flat for me was the entire Jadice, Junkyard Army.  I don't know.  They were just a bit bizarre for me, and it sounds like they've been hiding in that junkyard and just taking from others.  I don't get the impression that they really fight at all or have been up against a lot of Walkers.  I did like the Rick/Gabriel scene, and it was nice to see the smile on Gabriel's face when he realized that Rick and company had risked their lives to come find and rescue him.  

The show is on the right path.

Edited by Bishop
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I don't like the garbage cult. My favourite part was the purring tiger, and Jerry? The man wth the beautiful smile. His whole face lights up. I'm also afraid that the writers won't be happy until he's depressed. 

Edited by Anela
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Re site locations: I'm almost positive that Carl said that Hilltop was 26 miles away from Alexandria. This was when he was trying to convince Enid not to take off there on her own to see Maggie. The Saviors' factory/compound/whateverthehell seems to be pretty far out from everyone we've met so far, and Oceanside is, you know, by the ocean. It took Tara at least two days to get back to Alexandria. I have no idea where the junkyard is in relation to anyone, but it really does seem as if none of these communities are actual neighbors.

I live in rural Ontario, and I remember trying to find a particular farm without having an actual address for it, just a general "It's up Wallace way" guide. It took a while traveling all of those roads to finally find the place. I'm not at all surprised that these various groups weren't stumbling all over each other.

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7 hours ago, Macbeth said:

The ending for that show was - they reach Alexandria and with all of their past knowledge - are able to build a community.

But that doesn't make for compelling TV. 

I think it could be compelling tv. You basically wipe out contemporary society, it gives you limitless freedom in the storytelling. There's been lots of ideas on this site alone that would present good plots. 


Every time I see Carol in her cozy-surrounded-by-a-picket-fence cottage, I can't help but wonder what the heck she DOES all day! 

I would go nuts. But I'd be doing actual constructive stuff. 


This show has no basis in reality because the military industrial complex no longer exists, when in a real apocalypse, ZA or otherwise, the military is the main group that would survive and have power. 

The show was smart I guess in that they didn't do much in the way of world building, so we don't know if the government relocated to Denver or something. CDB and ALL the people they meet seemingly have not included anyone with a reasonable intellectual curiosity except the one guy in Woodbury. I said last year sometime that I bet there's a bunch of communities in like Idaho or something where they've actually rebuilt and everything is fine. 

I don't know if getting into the causes of the ZA would be any good. My analogy would be the Time War on Doctor Who. It was on referenced for many seasons as something that happened and gave kind of a characterization of the Doctor. Once they explained it, it was kind of dumb. This isn't a scifi show, so I don't see if any explanation would help. 

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46 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Probably they were simply glad to let Daryl and his odor waft right the hell on out of their lives.

Thought that just about the second after I hit the submit reply button.  Knew they shouldn't have let him go, but the air quality would improve.  Cleaner air trumps logic.

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2 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

Rick's hand gets infected, and Negan decides it needs to be cut off because Negan hasn't gotten to iron someone's face, or bash in someone's head in a couple of days.  Negan demands Carl do it.  Carl chops off Rick's hand without hesitation, and then buries the hatchet in Negan's head telling him, "I told you you should have killed me when you had the chance."

Since the writers have arbitrarily chosen to include somethings from the comics, exclude others, and make revisions of their own to characters and SLs, I am blaming them for everything including the latest lame group that has now shown up, and finds it easier to build tunnels out of trash, than plant a garden because they don't bother they take.  Beyond dumb.

Apocaplyptic welfare at its finest.

Yeah they take all right, they just don't bother working for it so they can devote their time to the practice their art. Special snowflakes all.

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16 minutes ago, Giselle said:

finds it easier to build tunnels out of trash, than plant a garden because they don't bother they take.

I don't get it. Did she mean they don't bother anyone when they take stuff, or that they can't be bothered to create their own stuff? Again, this ep reminds me of Star TrekOS. The Horta writes, "No kill I." Kirk et all stand around pondering - does it mean "I won't kill you" or "Don't kill me."? These kinds of cryptic messages and/or text-speak (and the GPKs have no excuse since they aren't rock-like aliens and presumably their first language is English) can cause all sorts of unfortunate misunderstandings.

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I'll overlook the obvious ridiculousness of Rick being stupid enough to believe that a large group of completely unknown weirdos will honor whatever agreement they make with him.  But, beyond Rick's innate stupidity that always ends up with people getting killed...

1. The very first, basic thing Rick should have at least asked junkyard emos is this:  Do you know Negan and the Saviors?  Rick didn't even attempt to establish that the junkyard emos aren't already paying tribute to Negan. 

2. The second basic thing Rick should have at least asked the junkyard emos is:  Do your people even know how to use guns?  (Just as likely the junkyard emos want the guns for paying tribute to Negan, as it is to believe they want the guns to help Rick fight Negan).

3.  The third most basic thing Rick should have at least asked is "how soon is "soon"?"  Does the agreement expire tonight at midnight, or does the agreement expire a week from today?  That would seem like a critical piece of information to know.

Stupid Rick is stupid.

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Did I see that right, "Winslow" had a 'metal blindfold' on?   If so, how did it not walk into stuff and get stuck on the garbage?  Or get stuck, try to pull away and not bring shit down on it, like with what Rick did??

Oh wait, there I go with that pesky logical reasoning again.  My bad.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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4 minutes ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

Did I see that right, "Winslow" had a 'metal blindfold' on?   If so, how did it not walk into stuff and get stuck on the garbage?  Or get stuck, try to pull away and bring shit down on him, like with what Rick did??

Oh wait, there I go with that pesky logical reasoning again.  My bad.

I don't think zombies see with their eyes, they locate prey by smelling it. 

Another stupid Rick thing: if Michonne hadn't yelled at Rick to use the wall, Rick would be zombie chow now.  If Jadis didn't take note of that fact, maybe she's as stupid as Rick.

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I like the Junkyard gang. They are so far out of the boundaries of what we've come to know of various survival groups that I think they're intriguing. I want to know more. Based on what little Jadis said, my impression is that this group has been together from the beginning. A number of posters have said that there's no way this group's language skills would devolve in such a relatively short time, and fair enough. But what if this is the way that they've always talked among themselves? What if they had been a commune or a in a group home or members of a goth-nihilist-artist collective? (I'm from the 60s, people; I've run across a few odd counter-culture groups in my time.) I'd bet a lot that this is not a random group of survivors; these survivors - most of them anyway - have a shared past and their own group-developed communication. Which I also love. Seriously, there's a rhythm to Jadis's speech that really grabs my attention. I love these guys!

I like that this season is still bringing more female characters into play. Not always in a major role, but still. I'm already Team Diane, and maybe it's only me but I think there's a resemblance between Diane and GPK Tamriel(?). I'm fangrrling that T is Diane's sister who's been presumed dead and known to have rocked a flowered dress back in the day. Because why not.

Meanwhile back at CBD, I melted over the Caryl reunion. Those two. Damn. I get that some don't like that Daryl lied to Carol, but that was a no-win situation: either way Carol was going to be in danger, but this way Daryl bought her some more time at peace before it all hits the fan. I mean she was falling to pieces in front of him, torn between not wanting to lose herself to killing but terrified that by doing that she was putting people she loved in the crosshairs. I think in that moment I would have done what Daryl did.

Richard's plan took me completely by surprise. I did not see that coming from him. It's interesting to see how quickly his patience is deteriorating. Maybe it's just that he's seeing all of his options for gaining allies disappearing in a big way.  I really loved that short bit between him and Daryl: "I'd die for the Kingdom." "Why dont'cha?" Exactly! I do believe that Richard would die for his group, but not before he gets his revenge on the Saviors. So instead he'll sacrifice someone else to get his war going because he needs to see them brought down. Physically, literally see that happen, not just hope that his own sacrifice will bring that around. Nice character point by the writers.

All in all not too many complaints from me about this half of the season. I'm looking forward to see how this all plays out. And dear God I cannot wait to see the meet-up between Jadis and Natania. Or wait - Jadis and Gregory!! LOL There could be some fun times ahead.



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3 minutes ago, SnarkyTart said:

I don't think zombies see with their eyes, they locate prey by smelling it. 

Another stupid Rick thing: if Michonne hadn't yelled at Rick to use the wall, Rick would be zombie chow now.  If Jadis didn't take note of that fact, maybe she's as stupid as Rick.

Yes they do use their sense of smell, and sound, but sight is also a factor.  I'd have to do some research, but for some reason, I'm thinking there's been clear indications that the walkers have been attracted because of visual cues as well, like lights or movements, etc. 

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9 minutes ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

I'm thinking there's been clear indications that the walkers have been attracted because of visual cues as well, like lights or movements, etc. 

Or Giant Fires.....

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22 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

I know I'm in the minority but I say, yeah for Morgan. 

I'm wayy in the minority because I've always liked Morgan.   He did kill someone to save Carol; he just wants to avoid killing when he can.   He whacked long hair guy to help Richard (backfired, but still) - so he will act to protect.   That said, he did give the death stare to long-haired fucker when he wouldn't give his stick back.  My violent side wants Morgan to beat his ass and kill him.

22 hours ago, ShadowSixx said:

The one in charge seems like he just wants the exchange to go down in peace.

Yes, I'm sure stupid Negan favors that LHF guy or something, which is why he's always there.  The Saviors, I'm sure, are instructed to never back down, to push people around, blah blah blah.  It's tiresome to watch.

I'm know it's purposeful and it's good that someone wears it, but the homemade Kingdom armor looks silly. 

I liked Richard but his plan was...not very well thought out.    I get that Richard's at the end of his rope and all, but randomly shooting Saviors on the road to bring them down upon the Kingdom just doesn't seem like a good idea, especially if the Kingdom isn't prepared for the retaliation (plus they've been giving a bunch of supplies to the Saviors).  I know, I'm giving this too much thought.  I blame Ezekiel some, he should be more aware of how Richard (who seems pretty important) is feeling; Richard is at the end of his rope.  Darryl pissed me off there for some reason; I know he's all protect Carol, but Richard doesn't really know her and Darryl's seen what the Saviors do. 

I like Darryl and all, but he really doesn't have much to do.  It should have been him, not Glenn, to get the bat - more unexpected, Steve Yeun is a better actor and had more of an arc.  Oh well.  I DID like the Darryl/Carol reunion.

Junkyard people were ridiculous; and really, Michonne should have been able to take them most of them out easily with her katana.  Maybe the show is going to go full camp?  Not totally Z Nation, but some goofy fun in all the gloom and general life is soooo harrrd motif would be nice.

I mean, I love Rick in all his craziness and idiocy, but it was hilarious when he got knocked into the pit; the blocking on the visual or something made me laugh.   I might have rewound it.

I feel like I'm watching that episode of MASH where Hawkeye and BJ needed a new microscope and kept making deal upon deal upon deal.

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1 hour ago, AngelaHunter said:

I don't get it. Did she mean they don't bother anyone when they take stuff, or that they can't be bothered to create their own stuff? Again, this ep reminds me of Star TrekOS. The Horta writes, "No kill I." Kirk et all stand around pondering - does it mean "I won't kill you" or "Don't kill me."? These kinds of cryptic messages and/or text-speak (and the GPKs have no excuse since they aren't rock-like aliens and presumably their first language is English) can cause all sorts of unfortunate misunderstandings.

Actually you quoted the poster I was responding to. My quote was thus:

1 hour ago, Giselle said:

Apocaplyptic welfare at its finest.

Yeah they take all right, they just don't bother working for it so they can devote their time to the practice their art. Special snowflakes all.

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23 hours ago, festivus said:

I can tell already those Mad Max motha fuckas are gonna get on my last nerve. Use your words. Damn.


Agreed.  Civilization only fell three years ago.  It's way too early for the caveman speak.

23 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

Massive man crush? Watch it, Rick.


Tell me about it.  I was really turned off by Gabriel's hero worship.

23 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

I can't wait for Negan to meet the Garbage Pail Kids. Can you imagine his frustration? "Speak when you're spoken to!"

 Garbage Pail Kids! Lol!

10 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I just assumed the guy, Winslow, had all that gear on before he dropped dead of whatever and turned. 

A knife helmet that obscures your vision doesn't seem that practical.  Besides the thing had clearly been impaled several times so it wasn't gear.  

9 hours ago, diebartdie said:

RIGHT!!! I dont see how "formidable" they are considering they've spent 2-ish years hiding in a stinking garbage land fill, they have NO guns, they dont live like scavengers, they live like parasites,  

I'd say parasites is a better description of the Saviors than the Garbage Pail Kids.

5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Zombies aren't really led by sight, though. They're led by smell. I don't know if a bag over the head would be totally efficient. But yea, Rick's hand is bound to get hacked off one of these days. 


32 minutes ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

Yes they do use their sense of smell, and sound, but sight is also a factor.  I'd have to do some research, but for some reason, I'm thinking there's been clear indications that the walkers have been attracted because of visual cues as well, like lights or movements, etc. 

We've seen evidence that walkers rely on sight and sound to locate prey.  They've been attracted to fire and loud noises.

Really didn't like Daryl this ep.  Lying to Carol was pretty low.  I was also bothered by Daryl guilt tripping Morgan about his decision not to fight after he just gave Carol a pass.

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So in last week's episode Rick easily moved through a horde of walkers to get to the waiting vehicle but in this week's episode he's forced to fight one tricked out walker and barely makes it out alive.  

And after surviving that horrific ordeal, Rick quickly agrees to supply weapons to this group of dump dwellers he's just met because the leader says they will fight Negan in return.  She's Neo in The Matrix.  Guns, lots of guns. Although she doesn't seem to really know who Negan is and there's no reason to believe  she's credible or trust-worthy.  Or how well the group can fight.  Or if that's really what she was even agreeing to given the cryptic way she talks.  But hey, details, details.  Rick is smiling, Rick is happy.  And he's got a new best friend, Father Gabriel (someone should tell the good Father that Rick's men friends don't fare all that well on this show).  

Richard at The Kingdom is a bit of dick.  And maybe not all that bright.   Tara seems to be the new Glenn.  A very, very poor substitute but we work with what we have.   Rosita's side of that conversation made no sense to me.  We win!  What?  We win, who wins, what do they win.  It made no sense.  

I think Melissa McBride must have asked for a little kick back time or something.    I can't come up with a rationale to explain why she's sitting in that incredibly well preserved cottage reading a paperback and serving up stew to drop in Daryl.  Maybe it's Tobin's fault.  She had some domesticity with a man again and something snapped inside her.  

Poor Morgan.  He lost his stick.   This seems to be the main reason we should hate the Saviors, they're such mouthy, irritating punks.

Edited by Dodginblue
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1 hour ago, Giselle said:

Actually you quoted the poster I was responding to. My quote was thus:

Oops, don't know how that happened. But I agree with what you said too:

1 hour ago, Giselle said:

Apocaplyptic welfare at its finest.

Yeah they take all right, they just don't bother working for it so they can devote their time to the practice their art. Special snowflakes all.


37 minutes ago, Dodginblue said:

So in last week's episode Rick easily moved through a horde of walkers to get to the waiting vehicle but in this week's episode he's forced to fight one tricked out walker and barely makes it out alive.  

But he was smiling when he came out! I guess he'd been itching for a challenge.  All I could think is that he better find some way to clean his hand up. Tetanus, anyone?

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23 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Jadis was channeling Milla Jovovich.  The similarity was distracting. 

Similarity in a superficial way and  I agree it was distracting.  Partly because Milla is so beautiful,, the comparison isn't favorable to this actress playing Jadis, and while Milla's lines in the RE movies aren't high poetry or anything she has mostly coherent dialogue.

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36 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

But he was smiling when he came out! I guess he'd been itching for a challenge.  All I could think is that he better find some way to clean his hand up. Tetanus, anyone?

Disclaimer that Rick Grimes is most likely still my overall fave TWD character, however.......

I don't know why I am so stuck on this, and I get that its a TV show and the need to highlight the main character, but I can't get over how overboard the writers go with trying to prove how much so that Rick Grimes is the prototype when imagining a ZA 'Superman' hero. 

Get a really bad wound in my hand from blades that were buried in a walker [both in this ep & the one where he cut himself on the walker that had the machete lodged in its shoulder, last season]?  Pssh, just give me some dirty old cloth to wrap on it, no probs.  Good as new.  Infection?  Please.  I eat bacterial contaminants for breakfast.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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2 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

I don't get it. Did she mean they don't bother anyone when they take stuff, or that they can't be bothered to create their own stuff? Again, this ep reminds me of Star TrekOS. The Horta writes, "No kill I." Kirk et all stand around pondering - does it mean "I won't kill you" or "Don't kill me."? 

Devil In the Dark!   This episode has one of my favorite unintentionally funny lines:

A redshirt calls Kirk on the communicator and says, "Mister Vanderberg and his men are here, and they're pretty ugly."

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28 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

Oops, don't know how that happened. But I agree with what you said too:


But he was smiling when he came out! I guess he'd been itching for a challenge.  All I could think is that he better find some way to clean his hand up. Tetanus, anyone?

Tetanus shots are good for 10 years so if he'd had one not long before the ZA started he should be okay for now.  Or maybe he got a shot after he was shot all the way back when he was in the coma in episode 1.  

That scene was so ridiculous, it really was.  It reminded me of Tropic Thunder when Ben Stiller  is sitting alone in the jungle watching Kirk fight the big lizard creature on his ipod and then he hears something approaching and goes wild and kills what turns out to be a Panda (Amanda?  dude that's probably not even her real name!).  I mean, because it was so farcical.  The convenient tunnel through the piles of  trash so Michonne can watch and shout helpful ideas to Rick.  Who's stumbling around like it's day one of the ZA and he's never killed a walker before.   He was stunned, disoriented, what should he do?? how will he survive??  At least it didn't go on for very long.

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They built that Thunderdome knockoff, but we don't see any source of potable water. I get they "take," but still. I get that it's a garbage dump, but in the ZA, it's hard to think that no one would have come upon it looking for anything useful. 

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Overall, I liked this episode. We had that weird cool zombie with spikes all over him, some good acting and character stuff, especially from Carol and Darryl, and, most important, adorable tiger! She was purring! Whos a good kitty?!

The new faction are kind of interesting, even though I don't really get what their deal is (a whole community of Oscar the Grouches?) or what they've been doing this whole time besides savaging (how have the Saviors not run into them). Probably the least interesting faction in the alliance that is starting to form, but still, at least, unlike some groups, they shut up from time to time. I did laugh a bit at everyone walking around in silence super intensly. I felt like they were a really hard core flash mob about to break into a dance routine.

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A knife helmet that obscures your vision doesn't seem that practical.  Besides the thing had clearly been impaled several times so it wasn't gear.  

Well, excuse me, I guess, then? 

Shows how much I was paying attention. I hate these new people. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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24 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Well, excuse me, I guess, then? 

Shows how much I was paying attention. I hate these new people. 

I wasn't paying much attention there, either. I wondered how they got that on him, and thought maybe they did it before he regenerated - or that he had been wearing it before he died. It would be a bugger to handle, though.

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4 hours ago, maystone said:

I like the Junkyard gang. They are so far out of the boundaries of what we've come to know of various survival groups that I think they're intriguing. I want to know more. Based on what little Jadis said, my impression is that this group has been together from the beginning. A number of posters have said that there's no way this group's language skills would devolve in such a relatively short time, and fair enough. But what if this is the way that they've always talked among themselves? What if they had been a commune or a in a group home or members of a goth-nihilist-artist collective? (I'm from the 60s, people; I've run across a few odd counter-culture groups in my time.) I'd bet a lot that this is not a random group of survivors; these survivors - most of them anyway - have a shared past and their own group-developed communication. Which I also love. Seriously, there's a rhythm to Jadis's speech that really grabs my attention. I love these guys!

I hope we find out more about the origins of this group and why they communicate in this manner.  Perhaps they have some shared developmental disorder and Jadis may have been a caretaker/teacher/therapist/etc., known to most of the relative young group from the 'before time'.  The older members may have also had a similar position as Jadis.   I noted that Jadis uses a lot of non-verbal communication.

On  the other hand, they might have developed some cognitive impairment related to their environment of choice:  a toxic waste site containing heavy metals, brain damaging fumes and medical chemical waste.   Of course, TWD creative team was just modeling on MadMax, as others have said, and elements from classic Star Trek (ie, Miri).

I got an impression from this group of respect for Jadis' leadership, respect which is not gained from punishment and fear.  Hopefully we will learn more.

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17 hours ago, Ohwell said:

Ok, I'm truly confused now.  Why are the men losing their shit over Carol? Why do they care about this one woman?  I just don't get it.  Does she smell like bacon? 

That Jadis junkyard woman reminded me of Mila Jovovich.

That anyone from the Kingdom gives a fuck about Carol strains suspension of disbelief more than the zombies. She was there for all of two minutes, hardly enough time for anyone to know her (including Ezekiel) was standoffish for most of her brief stay, and decided she'd rather live in her Fortress of Solitude than become part of their community.

They're fawning over her because she's a main character and is a fan favorite, not because it actually makes sense for the characters to be enamored with her. Richard might have been a ruthless jerk for planning to throw her under the bus, but his not being impressed by Carol at least felt earned. Why should he care about her?

Edited by Scaeva
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9 hours ago, maystone said:

Re site locations: I'm almost positive that Carl said that Hilltop was 26 miles away from Alexandria.

Actually... I'm pretty sure the first time Jesus took CDB to the Hilltop (and yes God I loved typing that), he said the community was either 50 or 55 miles away from the ASZ.


8 hours ago, SnarkyTart said:

I'll overlook the obvious ridiculousness of Rick being stupid enough to believe that a large group of completely unknown weirdos will honor whatever agreement they make with him.  But, beyond Rick's innate stupidity that always ends up with people getting killed...

1. The very first, basic thing Rick should have at least asked junkyard emos is this:  Do you know Negan and the Saviors?  Rick didn't even attempt to establish that the junkyard emos aren't already paying tribute to Negan. 

2. The second basic thing Rick should have at least asked the junkyard emos is:  Do your people even know how to use guns?  (Just as likely the junkyard emos want the guns for paying tribute to Negan, as it is to believe they want the guns to help Rick fight Negan).

3.  The third most basic thing Rick should have at least asked is "how soon is "soon"?"  Does the agreement expire tonight at midnight, or does the agreement expire a week from today?  That would seem like a critical piece of information to know.

Stupid Rick is stupid.

Not necessarily.

It's quite possible Jadis plans to take the guns and walk.  And Rick would be foolish not to take such a possibility into consideration.

But as I recall, nothing in the deal required Rick to provide ammunition.

If the GPKs decide to try putting one over on CDB, they're liable to end up with nothing more than a widely varied collection of paperweights.


8 hours ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

Yes they do use their sense of smell, and sound, but sight is also a factor.  I'd have to do some research, but for some reason, I'm thinking there's been clear indications that the walkers have been attracted because of visual cues as well, like lights or movements, etc. 

There seems to be some confusion, but I'm derned if I can understand why.  Past evidence is pretty conclusive:

  1. If they can see, they use sight (attracted to burning buildings from miles away).
  2. If they can hear, they use sound ("Mom?  Mom?  Mom...?")
  3. If they can smell, they follow their nose (disguisable under zombie guts).

...and if they lack any one of these senses, they fall back on the others.

Edited by Nashville
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On ‎2‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 10:04 PM, islandgal140 said:

Why must I continue to be tortured by those damn Fear the Walking Dead vignettes? 

Excuse me?  Torture?  I'm more interested in them than the actual show.

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On ‎2‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 2:37 AM, thuganomics85 said:

Rosita is now being a jerk to Tara.  One of these days she is going to diss someone who will actually dish it back to her.

I can get why she's being like this.  The grief of losing Abraham and Glenn has been getting to her, and it's only been a couple of days (in their time) since Spencer and Olivia left the land of the living behind them.  In the case of the latter, in particular, she feels incredible guilt for unintentionally bringing about her death at Arat's hands, and even more guilt over being responsible for Eugene now being in Negan's hands.  People deal with grief and guilt in different ways.  In Rosita's case, it's by pushing everyone away and just being a bitch.  I think Tara gets that, which is why she's letting Rosita say what she's saying.  At least for now.

At some point, though, yes, someone needs to check Rosita on how she's acting and snap her out of it.  Get her to realize that what's done is done and they need to move on.

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10 hours ago, SnarkyTart said:

I'll overlook the obvious ridiculousness of Rick being stupid enough to believe that a large group of completely unknown weirdos will honor whatever agreement they make with him.  But, beyond Rick's innate stupidity that always ends up with people getting killed...

1. The very first, basic thing Rick should have at least asked junkyard emos is this:  Do you know Negan and the Saviors?  Rick didn't even attempt to establish that the junkyard emos aren't already paying tribute to Negan. 

2. The second basic thing Rick should have at least asked the junkyard emos is:  Do your people even know how to use guns?  (Just as likely the junkyard emos want the guns for paying tribute to Negan, as it is to believe they want the guns to help Rick fight Negan).

3.  The third most basic thing Rick should have at least asked is "how soon is "soon"?"  Does the agreement expire tonight at midnight, or does the agreement expire a week from today?  That would seem like a critical piece of information to know.

Stupid Rick is stupid.

On the other hand promising her everything got CDB outta there, which was the first order of business.  Jadis doesn't know that Rick is trustworthy either.  I think that whole exchange was to see who would blink first.  It remains to be seen what will happen if/when Rick returns with a truck load of guns.

10 hours ago, maystone said:

I like the Junkyard gang. They are so far out of the boundaries of what we've come to know of various survival groups that I think they're intriguing. I want to know more. Based on what little Jadis said, my impression is that this group has been together from the beginning. A number of posters have said that there's no way this group's language skills would devolve in such a relatively short time, and fair enough. But what if this is the way that they've always talked among themselves? What if they had been a commune or a in a group home or members of a goth-nihilist-artist collective? (I'm from the 60s, people; I've run across a few odd counter-culture groups in my time.) I'd bet a lot that this is not a random group of survivors; these survivors - most of them anyway - have a shared past and their own group-developed communication. Which I also love. Seriously, there's a rhythm to Jadis's speech that really grabs my attention. I love these guys!

That's it!  They are either a bunch of mimes or an interpretive dance troop!  (Paging Martha Graham!)

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I basically hate every single character on the show, except for Darryl, Carl and Carol. Since this is the case it was very surprising when I couldn´t watch the scene when Rick was fighting the junkyard monster. It was scary as hell. I knew he wasn´t going to die but it made me realize that he is slightly more tolerable than most of the others. Why are all the other leaders written to be so horribly annoying? Negan is the worst, but still, the others give him a run for their money. Like the "King" and the woman that was demanding half, ugh. I wish the show wasn´t filled with such annoying idiots. But this episode was the best one for a long, long time, I loved seeing Darryl and Carol cuddling.

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5 hours ago, Scaeva said:

That anyone from the Kingdom gives a fuck about Carol strains suspension of disbelief more than the zombies. She was there for all of two minutes, hardly enough time for anyone to know her (including Ezekiel) was standoffish for most of her brief stay, and decided she'd rather live in her Fortress of Solitude than become part of their community.

No kidding. As soon as she regained consciousness, Zeke started giving her the whole lowdown on the Kingdom - this woman he just met - when his own serfs know nothing. And then they start appearing with offerings for her, as though they're appeasing Vaal. (Sorry I can't get Star Trek out of mind - "Bonk on the head, Bonk, bonk!") Why? She's just one little woman, not some mystical wizard they need to court.

1 hour ago, Haleth said:

Stupid Rick is stupid.

And when did he become so totally trusting and accepting? Remember how he punched poor Aaron's lights out for no reason at all, yet this woman with a really, really bad hairdo throws him into a garbage pit to die a horrible death with the punctured zombie and he still trusts her.

As for the GPK, if anyone saw the horrific movie "Threads", people eventually ended up living this way as scavengers in trash heaps but it took a couple of generations, not a couple of years.

And TPTB? Tigers can't purr, FFS.

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I actually find it pretty amusing that the Kingdom boys won't leave Carol alone, but I realize your mileage may vary on that.  Sure, they're doing it because the script needs them to maintain contact so it's not just intermittent scenes of Melissa McBride reading by the fire or traipsing through the woods, but it's really not inconsistent with what we've been shown of the Kingdom and its primary philosophy.  Sweet Benjamin articulated it last week first to Carol and then to Ezekiel in arguing why they should join Rick:  We help people.  That's what we do.  They didn't hesitate to bring Carol and Morgan back to their community when they were shot up and needed help.  They happily took Morgan in as a permanent resident and then offered refuge to Daryl as well despite his surliness when our crew didn't get the immediate answer they wanted.  

The fact that Carol's set up house nearby instead of taking off to parts unknown is a pretty good tell that she doesn't really want to be alone as badly as she believes or claims.  Ezekiel obviously realizes that and thinks he can build on it.  As for the rest of them, well, their king is clearly taken with her for whatever reason and that's probably good enough for them.

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6 hours ago, Scaeva said:

They're fawning over her because she's a main character and is a fan favorite, not because it actually makes sense for the characters to be enamored with her. Richard might have been a ruthless jerk for planning to throw her under the bus, but his not being impressed by Carol at least felt earned. Why should he care about her?

Agree 100%.  Carol is years past her sell-by date but tptb know that there would be a full-on fan revolt if she was killed off or simply written out of the show.  That's why she's still here, not because she has something interesting. 

Richard is perfectly within his rights not to care about Carol.  And considering that Carol has never given a damn about anybody outside her magic circle,turn-about is fair play.  Tending to Carol is taking important time away from running the Kingdom.  And for what?  Her sparkling personality?

One of the main reasons I've heard that Carol is the most important character in television history is because she represents middle-aged women.  Yet it's okay that Daryl treats her like an infant and makes decisions about what she can and can't handle?  That sounds like something Ed would do.  Carol is a grown-ass woman living in the ZA.  If she can't handle the death that goes with it, maybe it's time for her to hug a walker and put herself (and me) out of her misery.

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13 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

Richard is perfectly within his rights not to care about Carol.  And considering that Carol has never given a damn about anybody outside her magic circle,turn-about is fair play.  Tending to Carol is taking important time away from running the Kingdom.  And for what?  Her sparkling personality?

It's perfectly understandable. He's immune to her magic charms that seem to cast a spell on so many others. Maybe Zeke thinks she's hot and wants a little freaky deaky with her. That's the only reason for his wooing of her I can think of that makes any sense to me.

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1 hour ago, AngelaHunter said:
3 hours ago, Haleth said:

Stupid Rick is stupid.

And when did he become so totally trusting and accepting? Remember how he punched poor Aaron's lights out for no reason at all, yet this woman with a really, really bad hairdo throws him into a garbage pit to die a horrible death with the punctured zombie and he

Wait a minute!  I didn't say that!

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