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S02.E11: The Martian Chronicles

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"The Martian Chronicles"

WHITE MARTIANS ATTACK THE DEO - Armek (guest star Terrell Tilford), a White Martian, descends on National City intent on taking M'gann (guest star Sharon Leal) back to Mars to face her punishment as a traitor. Hank and Supergirl determine the best way to keep M'gann safe is to bring her to the DEO. However, when it is revealed that Armek shape-shifted into M'gann and is now loose in the building, the team realize he could be disguised as any one of them.

David McWhirter directed the episode written by Gabriel Llanas & Anna Musky-Goldwyn

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This was the best episode in QUITE a while, and I'm pretty sure there's a direct correlation between Mon-Suckage's lack of screentime and the quality of this episode. Let me get my gripes out of the way first:

1) This better not be a forever goodbye to M'gann. She has WAY too much potential, and Sharon Leal too much screen presence, for that.

2) Kara having a heartfelt conversation with Alex that wasn't Alex. Party FOUL, show, party foul. Not cool. The conversation at the end only partially makes up for it.

3) Everything Mon-El was terrible. First of all, are they really putting Kara NOT at the center of a love triangle for the second straight season? Like, wow, that's just insulting. Second, do they have to make Kara look like a stereotypical wishy-washy, doesn't know what she wants girl? Third, WHY IS THIS STORYLINE WRITTEN FOR AN 8-YEAR-OLD? Why are they both acting like idiot teenagers? And finally, using Alex to prop up Kara/Mon-El is just wrong, wrong, wrong. Alex has no time for overgrown man-children. I'm dreading the next 11 episodes of this crap.

4) I really liked the tension between Kara and Alex over Kara having to share space at the center of Alex's world, BUT the plotline was clumsily set up. I don't buy that Alex wouldn't have been talking about the day weeks in advance (and Maggie therefore should have known the date weeks in advance).

4.5) Oh, and it was a little too easy to defeat TWO (!) White Martians. That said, I know time constraints, and I'm kind of loving that "White Martians get into the DEO!" has become an annual tradition.

So, now that the gripes are over: that was the best episode in a WHILE, because it got us back to the Kara/Alex/J'onn core. Pretty much everything about the bottle episode was excellently done, and I didn't have to suffer through Intergalactic Frat Boy hogging Kara's screentime. I fucking LOVED the exploration of Kara feeling left out because Alex has someone else taking up a lot of her time and attention--it's an incredibly realistic feeling and a much more organic source of tension than "I was happy, therefore I should blow my life up!" I'd love to see a little more low-level tension between Maggie and Kara--though I don't hold out much hope for that--but I'm pleased that the show addressed Kara's feelings of partial abandonment. She IS used to having all of Alex's energy focused on her, and even though she's happy for Alex and Maggie, it IS a hard change to get accustomed to. Ah, the Danvers sisters, how I love thee so.

So I totally think David Harewood played his rage at M'gann earlier in the season as betrayal and fury because he was developing feelings for her pre-White Martian reveal, but he still went from "LET HER DIE SHE SUCKS" to "I never thought I'd have this again!" really f'ing quickly. That said, Harewood rocked his feelings monologue to M'gann and they both were really good in the goodbye scene. COME BACK SOON M'GANN. I wonder if she will form a resistance White Martian band that might come into play later this season when the President White Martian stuff heats up again.

Loved seeing Vasquez again and doubly excited she didn't pop up again just to be killed off! She and the trigger-happy DEO agent had a nice conciliation moment that I think was all on the actors. Nice touch.

Alex/alien gun is rivaling Kara/Alex as the show's truest OTP.

I don't know that I have much more to say. Best episode in quite a while, and that directly correlated to refocusing on the core Kara/Alex/J'onn trio and actually--gasp--letting them interact! More of this, show, more of THIS.

Edited by stealinghome
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Anybody else disappointed this week? I dunno . . . I like the show, but I'm usually watching this show now after basking in the bugfuckery that is Gotham. Tonight, I don't feel much.

If the genders were flipped, I'd have Kara tearfully relieving "pain" on the roof. But it's not . . . so I'm going to be tasteful and figure she probably went into space and just screamed for five solid minutes. I will say that dumbass Mon should be Plan C. Plan B would be Jimmy, even if he has to wear the Guardian armor at intimate times. I don't know if you can cheat on somebody if your "side piece" lives in another universe. Yes, I am pushing Barra/Karry. And Barry might have an opening in the girlfriend department soon. Fingers crossed, Kara!

Good action. I'm a sucker for Winn the Punching Bag. Would've put money on the extras getting killed before the end of the episode. Didn't care about them at all. Kinda wish we knew about White Martian #2. I'm 90 percent certain Armek was a member of the Hyperc;lan from Grant Morrison's first arc on JLA. I hope Megan comes back soon.

The "Earth Birthday" stuff felt . . . I dunno . . . mawkish. Not as bad as Winn bringing up "one week," which led to "One Week" and Alex's hot date with Maggie, but it felt stilted. I am amused by the concept of Kara completing her thirteenth year on Earth. Would that entitle her to a Bat Mitzvah?

ETA: "I have to go. My planet needs me." Come on, I can't be the only one.

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So, after all that, M'gann makes the decision to go back to Mars. Didn't see that coming, although it would make sense the WM would keep coming after her, threatening her new friends. I really hope she comes back though. Hard not to feel bad for J'honn though.

Minimal Mon El, and absolutely no James-and the episode is all the better for it. Coincidence, I think not.

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Bummed i no longer get the CW feed (though a Canadian channel airs Supergirl so I still watch it live) as I wanted to see the Lego Batman tie in video.


As for the episode...of course J'Onn expresses his feelings and M'Gann says "So this is great,  but I'm going back to save my people."  BOO! Can't get the man / alien get a happy moment?!

I didn't realize that James was not in it in the even and it made the show SO much better.  Mechad Brooks is fine overall (he did a guest spot on SVU a few years ago and I thought he was great) but I didn't miss him at all. 

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I'm sure Maggie would have understood "it's Kara's birthday, and it's important to her, so we'll have to do something another night, or meet up after the birthday celebration."  It feels like they're isolating poor Kara to make it seem like she has no choice but to turn to Mon-idiot. (to which I say, hey Kara, Lena is also an option, a better option, who seems to actually like and appreciate you).

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1) Did anyone think that the DEO getting clobbered by White Martian(s) might be a good reason for M'gann to temporarily put aside her puny Green Martian form in favor of her true White Martian physique which might have actually had a chance? She could have retained some clothes so that we could tell them apart.

2) It's clear why "Alex" started discussing feelings with 15 minutes to go before the DEO and its neighborhood exploded, but what's Kara's excuse? I felt like I was watching an episode of SNL's MacGruber!

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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The Mon-El stuff really messes with my enjoyment of the show. Just thinking about the fact that this episode is probably the most Mon-El lite episode that we might get in awhile and I was still annoyed with his storyline, shows how much his impact on the show decreases my enjoyment of it. For all the flaws that the Jimmy/Kara/Lucy/Winn relationship drama might have had last season, that stuff didn't annoy me as bad as this because I didn't think the writers tried to prioritize the relationship drama over other stuff. I always felt the the writers clearly knew that things like Kara's relationships with Alex and Kat were way more important than any of her romantic drama. This season though, once again Mon-El and Kara's drama is where the episode ends off on and its making me enjoy the show a lot less.

Also, in the Alex/Kara scene of course things had to end with talking about Kara/Mon-El. Its not like Kara's conflict with her friends, Jimmy and Winn ,might have also led to her wanting to throw all her energy into her Earth-Birthday with Alex.

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed this episode and really hope we see M'Gann again soon. I might have some problems with storylines on this show, but I continue to adore Alex, J'onn, and Kara a lot.

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Here's something for J'onn to consider. Unless he mind bonds with her, how can he ever be sure the M'Gann who returns from Mars, assuming she actually comes back of course, is the real M'Gann?

Overall I quite liked this episode. And until it was mentioned here, I didn't even realize Jimmy wasn't in it. Though I agree with everyone who said the lack of Mon-El was also a plus. I don't mind the actor, I just don't get the point of the character.

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1 hour ago, Lantern7 said:

ETA: "I have to go. My planet needs me." Come on, I can't be the only one.

Poochie from the Simpsons.

So, let me get this straight, M'Gann's husband waited 300 years before traveling to Earth to retrieve her.  300 YEARS !!!  What was he waiting for ?
Discount travel coupons between planets.

If green Martians are also shape changers, why don't they change into the form of ...... oh I don't know ...... a much larger form equivalent to the size of the White Martians so they can best them in battle.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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So the DEO nuclear core thingy could cause an explosion that takes out ten city blocks. All the more reason their HQ should be back in the middle of the desert, yes? 

And I know it's to build tension but I would be the first one to be waving my hands in front of those flames to be like "IT'S NOT ME! NOT A MONSTER!" Why does everyone wait around staring at each other first? 6 out of 7 (or 5 out of 7, turns out) KNEW they were not the evil white martian! They should be frantically trying to be the next one to put their hand out and prove they aren't the evil one!

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6 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

So, let me get this straight, M'Gann's husband waited 300 years before traveling to Earth to retrieve her.  300 YEARS !!!  What was he waiting for ?
Discount travel coupons between planets.

Have you seen the lines at the airport on Mars? It's ridiculous. :)  Seriously though, it's a good question. Either it took him three hundred years to find her or the trip from Mars to Earth is a lot harder than we thought.

6 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

If green Martians are also shape changers, why don't they change into the form of ...... oh I don't know ...... a much larger form equivalent to the size of the White Martians so they can best them in battle.

The real answer is budget. They already have the green and white martian CG all ready to go. In universe, I suppose it's possible J'onn doesn't know any giant alien forms to turn into, and I doubt he could bring himself to dress like a White Martian.

1 minute ago, shantown said:

So the DEO nuclear core thingy could cause an explosion that takes out ten city blocks. All the more reason their HQ should be back in the middle of the desert, yes?

I was just thinking the same thing. 

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Hold on a minute -- the very aggressive warlike species like the White Martians have spaceships and can teleport from orbit to a planet's surface yet somehow never conquered Earth in the previous 300 years.   What are they waiting for ?  An invitation.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Definitely the best episode since the winter break.  The White Martians were one of the better antagonists so far (even though they were surprisingly easily to defeat.  Just double-team them and stab them in the back!), and the brief "Who is the White Martian?!" mystery (reminded me of The Thing and whatnot) was fun.  Enjoyed seeing Chyler Leigh and especially Jeremy Jordan getting to play evil.  And plenty of J'onn and David Harewood being his normal awesome self.  Bummed that they're shipping off M'gonn for a bit.  Really was enjoying her and Sharon Leal chemistry with Harewood.  Hopefully she won't be gone for too long.  Her exit did remind me a bit of whole Poochie/Simpsons gag, which was unintentionally hilarious.

Not sure what to make of Alex and Kara's drama for the week.  Part of me thought Alex was being insensitive and surprisingly self-centered.  Another part of me thought Kara was not trying to understand that Maggie is probably Alex's first real relationship and there might be some changes because of it.  And then the part of me that is indifferent to The Barenaked Ladies just made think was all of this worth it for them?  Probably not.

Man, Jimmy really is the most insignificant character on this show.  Poor Mehcad Brooks.  

Meanwhile, Kara/Mon-El continues to be its normal stupid self.  Of course, she actually does have feelings and sure enough, as soon as she is ready to maybe admit it, he's already move on, even though he still isn't over her either.  Melissa Benoist and Chris Wood are trying their best here, but man, the Berlanti shows really aren't good at this, huh?

A lot of great lines from Winn in this one.  He's actually becoming one of my favorites, despite finding him annoying in the first season (at least the first part.

I so want it to be next week, though.  The Luthors are back!  Can't wait for more Lena and the awesome (and gorgeous) Katie McGrath!

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The previews had me hyped for this episode. It wasn't as intense as I thought it was going to be, but that's okay; I still enjoyed it.

I guess I'm the only one who likes Mon-El's character, simply because it shouldn't be a given that everyone who has super-powers is going to be automatically categorized into superhero or supervillain. I like that he's starting off selfish because I think that his arc is going to be about learning to find the hero in himself. I think that we could already see that with him mimicking Kara drinking club soda. The one gripe I have about this is that I don't think that his coming 'round should cause an automatic "oh maybe he's boyfriend material after all" reaction from Kara.

I also didn't realize that James wasn't in it. While I appreciate the claustrophobic environment that ramped up the tension, it would have been an interesting subplot to see "Guardian" aware of the issue, trying and failing to get into the building to save them. That could have been a dose of reality for him and knocked his arrogance down a peg.

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7 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

the brief "Who is the White Martian?!" mystery (reminded me of The Thing and whatnot) was fun. 

That's what I was thinking, too! Even the flame-test was akin to The Thing's blood test (or cavity-fillings test, depending on which version you're talking about).

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5 minutes ago, ZennyKenny said:

I also didn't realize that James wasn't in it. While I appreciate the claustrophobic environment that ramped up the tension, it would have been an interesting subplot to see "Guardian" aware of the issue, trying and failing to get into the building to save them. That could have been a dose of reality for him and knocked his arrogance down a peg.

Thank you.  :)   Now I have this image in my head of the show cutting to James every few minutes as he bounces off one of the DEO's unbreakable windows.

Edited by KirkB
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Well, that was the best episode they've had in a while. I think it helps that they had minimal Mon-El and no Jimmy. Plus, they got back to the core of Kara/Alex/J'onn with some Winn, so that helps. 

I guess I'll start with the bad before I move on to the good. First off, I don't know why they decided to start and end the episode on the romance that is Mon-El/Kara. I don't know why they had Alex/Kara's very important talk end on Mon-El. He's being made to be this great romance for Kara and how epic they will be as a couple, but I just feel like it's taking away from the important aspects of the show. They've already cut back on Alex/Kara talking about each other in favour of Alex's romance with Maggie. Now that they finally started getting back on track this episode, they throw in Mon-El in their conversation. I just don't care to see this so called epic romance. I've accepted that these two are ending up together, but do it quickly and then keep them in the background so we can get back to other things. 

Another mistake is Winn not coming to the realization that he is doing way more good working full time at the DEO and that is more of his calling than sitting in a van and keeping Jimmy from killing himself. He was all kinds of kickass this episode, which I'll go into more detail later, and they end the episode with him going to fight crime with Jimmy. At least he would have stopped if Kara asked him to? But once again, further proving that this entire Guardian arc is actually about Winn and Jimmy is just a facade. 

Also, one more thing. When J'onn said that White Martian could have taken Winn out of the building...um, no. That was a stupid exchange there because Winn was in the building when Fake M'Gann showed up. There would have been no time for WM to get Winn out and then get back inside before the lockdown. They didn't know there was a second White Martian either. And I assume the lockdown was still in place, even when Fake Winn set the nuclear detonation. 

Other than that, I really did love the episode and there was so much good to it. First off, let's start with Winn, who finally gets something to do and actually had conversations with Kara. Jeremy Jordan got some very good material this episode. He got to really show his acting chops, and he delivered. I forgot how great of an actor he can be when given more stuff to do. He pulled off evil very well. I wish the show would continue to give him more, and I really have grown to love his friendship with Kara. After hating him for the first ten episodes last season because of the stupid friendzone arc with Kara, once they dropped it, Winn became a very useful and likable character. 

I loved the M'Gann/J'onn scenes. Their goodbye scene was very sweet and I really did buy the bond that they shared together. It does suck that she's leaving, but I do think it was the only choice. 

49 minutes ago, KirkB said:

Here's something for J'onn to consider. Unless he mind bonds with her, how can he ever be sure the M'Gann who returns from Mars, assuming she actually comes back of course, is the real M'Gann?

That was my exact thought while watching their goodbye scene. I won't be able to trust M'Gann when they bring her back because I'll be waiting for the scene when Fake M'Gann laughs at J'onn as they declare that M'Gann has been long dead. Even with the Winn/Alex being captured so WM could tap into their minds, we don't know if they need M'Gann alive. 

I do think that Alex was being a little selfish in not telling Maggie that it was Kara's Earth Birthday, but I get that a new romance is probably exciting and can be blinding. I was fine with Kara being disappointed, and I am glad that Alex did end up knowing the conversation. That was a neat twist that did help somewhat. Their end conversation, bar the Mon-El part, really did help. It felt like season  again for a second. 

For a bubble episode, they did well with what they had. They gave some focus on Vasquez and new DEO agent, which was actually surprising and kind of nice. I'll look forward to see their friendship blossoming in the background! 

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See, I would like the Guardian plot at least 20% better than I do now if they would just make it explicit that the Guardian mostly focuses on street-level crime to free Supergirl up for supervillains and to take care of the city when she is occupied with higher-level threats. That is a great justification for the Guardian's existence, so why don't they use it??


I do think that Alex was being a little selfish in not telling Maggie that it was Kara's Earth Birthday, but I get that a new romance is probably exciting and can be blinding. I was fine with Kara being disappointed, and I am glad that Alex did end up knowing the conversation.

I just found it out of character. There's absolutely no way that Alex, who absolutely adores Kara, hasn't been babbling to Maggie for weeks about Kara's Earth Birthday! Actually, that was one of the beats that rang really awkwardly in the Sanvers apartment scene, too. Alex just gave Maggie this generic "I think I hurt Kara's feelings" instead of saying "it's Kara's earth birthday and she's bummed that we're not hanging out." Who wouldn't, at that point, tell their SO that it's their sister's birthday?...except then you have to confront why Maggie didn't know about it to begin with.

That said, if you roll with the contrivance, I do think Alex handled the situation not particularly well, but I also think that was realistic. Many people struggle to balance relationships early on in a new romance, and especially since Alex had just messed up in 2x09 with Maggie, I can see why she wanted to go to the concert. But it's totally fair for Kara to be hurt and them to need to talk it out after. There's always going to be bumps in the road, and as long as the sisters TALK about the bumps and we get good emotional moments, I'm there!

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Just had a realization: Alex and Maggie are into Barenaked Ladies, but the group not only isn't known for being bare or naked, but there are also no ladies. There are probably at least three people from the show that thought this would be clever.

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56 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Just had a realization: Alex and Maggie are into Barenaked Ladies, but the group not only isn't known for being bare or naked, but there are also no ladies. There are probably at least three people from the show that thought this would be clever.

Mon-El's disappointment alone would've been worth a laugh or two....

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Ugh, they are playing every cliché rom-com trope when it comes to Kara and Mon-El, and I might (might!) be able able to tolerate that if I liked both halves of that pairing, but I'm somewhere between 'mehhhhh' and 'zzzzzz' when it comes to Mon-El.

Nooo! They cannot seriously be sending M'Gann away just when things were getting good between her and J'onn! I was not prepared.

I thought Alex came off badly with cancelling Kara's Earth birthday celebrations. I get they were trying to show conflict with her old and new relationships, but the concert didn't seem like a big enough reason for her to blow Kara off - on her "birthday" that's only once a year. I've seen this same story on other shows but there was usually a much better reason for missing [important day event].

Poor Mehcad. Well, I hope he's at least getting paid as a series regular.

Oh, hi Vasquez!

So the highlights for me were everything M'Gann and J'onn (except her leaving!), and Winn/Jeremy who got to go evil. Oh, and Alex and her new gun!

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Oh, and one more thing while I'm thinking about it: I call MAJOR foul on Kara's "every time I put myself out there, it backfires." Girl, the last time you put yourself out there, it backfired...on James. In fact, Kara has been the dumper/the uninterested party with all of her love interests pre-Mon-El. I see you rewriting the show's canon, writers, and I do not approve.

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2 hours ago, shantown said:

So the DEO nuclear core thingy could cause an explosion that takes out ten city blocks. All the more reason their HQ should be back in the middle of the desert, yes? 

And I know it's to build tension but I would be the first one to be waving my hands in front of those flames to be like "IT'S NOT ME! NOT A MONSTER!" Why does everyone wait around staring at each other first? 6 out of 7 (or 5 out of 7, turns out) KNEW they were not the evil white martian! They should be frantically trying to be the next one to put their hand out and prove they aren't the evil one!

This.  I love J'onn, but his was the most ridiculous.  He was acting like he had to stick his hand in acid or face his darkest demon. And hen M'gann is there all "I right here by your side.   It was a flame... which would prove he was not a thing he knew himself not to be and which he did not want anyone to believe him to be. 

Other than that, I mostly liked this episode, but that's because I like J'onn and M'gann even when they're being sort of repetitively morose.  

I always love Maggie and Alex.  But I agree that strains credulity that Alex wouldn't have mentioned that she and Kara would be celebrating her Earth Birthday (Bearthday? ack, no..nevermind).

I don't mind Mon-El and I enjoy the actor.  So that stuff doesn't bother me.  I even like it a bit. 

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5 minutes ago, RachelKM said:

This.  I love J'onn, but his was the most ridiculous.  He was acting like he had to stick his hand in acid or face his darkest demon.

Someone with more comics knowledge could explain more, but as I understand, fire is his greatest fear(/weakness?) as a Green Martian.

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Just now, Trini said:

Someone with more comics knowledge could explain more, but as I understand, fire is his greatest fear(/weakness?) as a Green Martian.

Has that been shown on the show?  Because he lit it readily enough. I'm not doubting, just confused. 

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I'm pretty sure fire as J'onn's weakness came up a few times last season. The one I vividly remember was when Alex was captured in 1x19, I think it was, because J'onn had been wounded and Indigo lit a huge fire, so he couldn't heal (and could actually be injured in the first place).

Edited by stealinghome
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Thanks.  I genuinely have no memory of that.  It's still odd that he was willing to stand so close and light it even, but putting his hand out was too much. Or did I misapprehend that too and someone else lit it? 

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18 minutes ago, RachelKM said:

Has that been shown on the show?  Because he lit it readily enough. I'm not doubting, just confused. 

I think it was also mentioned in the flashback where he first met Jeremiah Danvers.

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Just as I was coming around to J'onn and M'Gann as a couple they send her back to Mars?  Boo!  I am sure she'll be back later in the season though.  That door is wide open.  I was surprised though to find out that Mars has an active civilization on it.  Last year I thought there were just a few of the white Martians left and now a whole xenophobic planet?  Yeah, how they haven't invaded earth is a huge mystery.  Three hundred years ago they had space travel abilities and even if they were busy killing all the greens back then, they've had the time to move on to their next project.  

Maybe that is what the President as a White Martian is all about.  Conquered from within.  Maybe that will be the big ending to the season and Lena will have to help kill a bunch of aliens and be just a bit too good at it for her and Kara's friendship to be that easy after that.  And M'Gann can come back with a bunch of like minded Martians and help save the day.  It reminds me of Sara on the second season of Arrow going to get help from the LoA.  

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I liked this episode but I guess I'm in the minority about Alex wanting to go to the concert.  As someone who demands a lot of attention on my birthday (I can own it), and someone who loves concerts, I'm with Alex on this.  Bands typically don't come to a city more than once a year, if that, but line dancing can be done 7 days a week.  I agree with Kara - she was a bit immature about it.  She could have just asked for a sisters night the night after - we all know Alex would have agreed.  It also shows 2 other things: Alex 'raised' Kara to be really codependent (its a wonder they aren't roommates) and Kara doesn't seem to have any other friends.

I'm kind of indifferent to Mon-El - I find him really funny but the way they're drawing this relationship out is annoying.  She likes him, he likes her, she likes him, he likes her ... back and forth.  Enough already.  Why not leave the romance angle for now and let him develop a bit on his own, then bring them back together when he gets settled.

I didn't miss Jimmy AT all.

I've liked Winn all season but Jeremy was really great here.  They've repackaged him perfectly.

Loved the talk between Alex and Kara - Melissa was really good in that scene and I think you can really feel the closeness between Chyler and Melissa there (even if it did include the Mon-El thing).

Edited by sskrill
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I really liked the traped in the DEO, who is the Martian scenes. It was fun, with them losing it after just a few hours.

Seeing Winn and Alex be bad for a little bit was fun.

I felt bad for Kara over the Earth Birthday. They had a tradition all her life and it's like Alex forgot or rather just ignore her and spend her time with her new girlfriend all the time. 

I'm glad Kara realized she did have feelings for Mon-El. 

I forget about Jimmy until Winn mentioned him at the end. 

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3 hours ago, sskrill said:

Kara doesn't seem to have any other friends.

With her big secret, that's pretty understandable. If Maggie didn't know Kara's secret, she would probably have broken up with Alex after being stood up, so Kara's relationships don't really have much of a chance unless they're in on the secret, too. Until James came to town and Kara clued in Winn, Alex, her parents,  her cousin and maybe some members of the DEO were the only people who knew.

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I’m sad that this show is going through such a sophomore slump. Way too much angst all around. Especially Alex’s arch. I’m gay I want to come out angst, I like a girl who doesn’t like me angst, wait she does but my work gets in the way angst, I’m going to ignore my sister on her earth birthday because I want to act like a high schooler with my new girlfriend angst. UGH!

SloMo fighting, needs to be cut down, by a lot. Not to mention the fight scenes that are poorly backlit and you can’t even see any of the fight choreography. This might work well on Arrow, you know because dark and gritty, but remember when Supergirl used to have the bulk of her fights in the daylight….

The use of the bad tv trope of discussing “feelings” during an intense moment. Used not once but twice. Both J’onn/M’gan and Alex/Kara stopping their hunt for the White Martian to reveal deep seated hurt/loving…like get the White Martian first, then discuss this crap. And then they double down on the trope where Kara wasn’t even revealing her true feeling to the real Alex…but wait she did, because when White Martian’s imitate you there is a telepathic link between the two?? Whhaatt? I don’t recall that ever in the Martian mythos but ok..angst.

But what really frosts my ass is the rehash of the EXACT same scenario from season 1. Alex tells Kara to take a chance with James/Monel. Kara goes to Catco to express her feeling to her intended love interest only to find them with another woman Lucy/Ms Tessmacher and then Kara walks away sad that she will never find true love. This is unacceptable.  Not to mention Monel…dude it’s been 2 days since you professed your feeling, wait a bit more before swiping left, or whatever the fuck he said. Kara is better off without him, but the writers are pushing them together. Previews for next week show the only good (gray) character turning evil. *sigh*The only slightly good thing about this episode was J’onn/M’gan but even the ending grated, what did she teleport away? What was that….  I also think the end scene at the DEO would have played better if Kara told Winn about earth birthday and he forwent playing hero with the stupid Guardian to take Kara out and celebrate.That would played much better then what we got with Alex then Monel and would have solidified Kara and Winn’s friendship.

I was happy when this show got a second chance, and I understand that with the move to the CW and another city for filming that there were going to be changes, but I sorely miss Cat Grant and Max Lord.

The LEGO Batman commercial was fun.

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I’m sad that this show is going through such a sophomore slump.

I don't know if i am going to be able to continue watching. You know when your at the point you keep switching the channel? 

- Monel is horrible. I don't mind the character that much but his role in this show seems to be to weaken Kara.  First I don't believe for a second that he has any feeling for her other than he is lonely and needs a supportive friend who also happens to be super powered. If you were stranded alone on a planet it would be hard giving up the one person that is like you and has tried to be kind.  When Kara said she didn't like him I cheered. Only to have Alex step into frame and send Kara back into 15 year old high school territory.  No Alex they would be a disaster and maybe Kara should wait for someone really spectacular or be alone.  But now we switch to Kara pining for him? Ugh.  Kara if your going to rethink anyone who declared they liked you, re think Winn because I am pretty sure he did.  Also I was annoyed that it seemed like Kara started considering him because she wanted to go out for her earth birthday and there was no one around. 

- So I sit through weeks of M'gann and her troubles only to have her leave? Why show. Not that I ever thought any of that stuff was interesting.

- What is up with weakening Kara? She should wipe the floor with most of these bad guys but routinely misses or has some reason she can't go full speed. Speaking of speed - why can't she just go faster than the White Martian once he reveals himself.  There were like 10 different ways she could have topped that thing easily.

- I don't mind Alex and her gf but I didn't buy Alex leaving earth birthday for any concert.  

I did enjoy "bad" Winn. 

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I might like Mon-el better if he didn't feel so much like "well, when Kara does the nasty, it needs to be with somebody she wouldn't accidentally tear into bloody shreds during the throes of passion."  I dunno, just install a Red Sun nightlight in her bedroom or something.  It's just difficult for me to imagine Kara finding her "soul mate" in an entitled frat boy.

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I don't know how an episode that talks about Barenaked Ladies as much as this one did, can fail to have an appearance by the band.  Also - did Alex say she was a huge fan of them in college?  Because unless she was either A) waaaay into the Big Bang Theory song or B) the Doogie Howser of Ninja Scientists, I don't see how that could have happened.  Look, I really enjoy the band - but I also remember peak BNL, and Kara wouldn't have even crashed by then.

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I've only been watching this season on and off but damn the show needs 100% less Kara romance drama. My favourite parts of S1 were the Kara/Alex moments and they seem to be more absent this season so imagine my utter disappointment when a nice Kara/Alex scene turns to some rubbish about MonEl. That's just wrong show. It needs to return to its roots.

Also, Winn is awesome. I don't know when it happened but he's so much better than he was last season. The DEO did him some good.

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What is up with weakening Kara? She should wipe the floor with most of these bad guys but routinely misses or has some reason she can't go full speed. Speaking of speed - why can't she just go faster than the White Martian once he reveals himself.  There were like 10 different ways she could have topped that thing easily.

Kara has been nerfed a lot this season (part of it is probably the budget). I don't mind her struggling with something like a white martian or Parasite because they are supposed to be powerful but the addition of more heroes like Mon-el and the Guardian means that Kara is weakened sometimes just so they can prove themselves.

I think the show is still adjusting to the CW move and all the changes that came with it but I actually enjoyed this episode a lot though. It wasn't overstuffed, it  had villains that actually should be a challenge , and I didn't see that twist with Alex coming. 

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Focusing the episode on the family of J'onn, Kara, Alex, and Winn, was a good call.  Yeah, J'onn is starting to accept Winn as a surrogate son, Kara and Alex already treat him like a brother.  And you had M'gann who Alex, Kara, and Winn like, so she's getting into that family.

I liked that this episode saw all 5 play a key role in stopping the White Martians.  J'onn and M'gann defeated M'gann's ex, Kara defeated the White Martian that was pretending to be Alex, Winn stopped the reactor from exploding, and Alex shot the White Martian.  There was nobody just on the sidelines in this episode, everyone in the DEO played a part in stopping it all.

And about the previews for next week, no, that can't happen.

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10 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Just had a realization: Alex and Maggie are into Barenaked Ladies, but the group not only isn't known for being bare or naked, but there are also no ladies. There are probably at least three people from the show that thought this would be clever.


9 hours ago, The Crazed Spruce said:

Mon-El's disappointment alone would've been worth a laugh or two....

This I wouldn't mind! Make Mon-El the Amelia Bedelia of Supergirl, always confusing some common phrase for a literal interpretation. Have him take a look at the Barenaked Ladies and ask where the actual ladies are. Keep him the alien bar bouncer able to get some underground alien info while hilarious misinterpreting when someone orders a Sex on the Beach. Keep him kind of as a frat boy jerk with a lovable doofy side. Just keep him away from Kara as far as romance goes.

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13 hours ago, stealinghome said:

3) Everything Mon-El was terrible. First of all, are they really putting Kara NOT at the center of a love triangle for the second straight season? Like, wow, that's just insulting. Second, do they have to make Kara look like a stereotypical wishy-washy, doesn't know what she wants girl? Third, WHY IS THIS STORYLINE WRITTEN FOR AN 8-YEAR-OLD? Why are they both acting like idiot teenagers? And finally, using Alex to prop up Kara/Mon-El is just wrong, wrong, wrong. Alex has no time for overgrown man-children. I'm dreading the next 11 episodes of this crap.

The Martian attack part of the episode was awesome, as well as the adult relationship and interaction between J'onn and M'gann, but this Mon-El stuff is dragging down the show.  I don't need Beverly Hills 90210.  I also had to laugh at how this facility in the middle of a major city has a small nuclear reactor on the property.  People would be blowing a gasket if they stuck a reactor in downtown L.A.

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OK, I'm just going to say it and forgive me if I sound crass.  I just don't understand why Supergirl can never have sex. It's getting ridiculous.


Same! Every other romantic relationship on the show (Winn & Siobhan, Alex & Maggie, James & Lucy) has had some sort of sexual element, including the multiple humans and aliens Mon-El has bumped uglies with. Supergirl needs to get laid. It's starting to come off as if supergirl has sex it means she's been "conquered" or 'tainted" or something.


I don't care at this point if it's with Mon-el or Lena, or whomever. It's weird that pretty much everyone else of note has had that to one degree or another but her.


But that aside, this was a really good episode.  I hope that M'Gann isn't gone for good though.

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28 minutes ago, Bats27 said:

OK, I'm just going to say it and forgive me if I sound crass.  I just don't understand why Supergirl can never have sex. It's getting ridiculous.


Same! Every other romantic relationship on the show (Winn & Siobhan, Alex & Maggie, James & Lucy) has had some sort of sexual element, including the multiple humans and aliens Mon-El has bumped uglies with. Supergirl needs to get laid. It's starting to come off as if supergirl has sex it means she's been "conquered" or 'tainted" or something.


I don't care at this point if it's with Mon-el or Lena, or whomever. It's weird that pretty much everyone else of note has had that to one degree or another but her.

It's not crass, it's a fair point. Until Mon-El came around I would have said it was the "woman of steel, man of kleenex" trope, even though Clark and Lois pretty much dismiss that whole thing since I'm pretty sure they get down to it from time to time. Mon-El seems to have no problem controlling himself when he sleeps with human women. So what's the deal with Kara? Well, growing up I imagine the idea of having sex with someone she could break in half if she wrapped her legs around them them a little too tightly had some effect, though again it doesn't seem to have stopped Clark. So the larger issue must be from either the show runners or Kara herself. Clearly the show runners don't have an issue with sexuality, given everything you pointed out, so my guess is the hang up is on Kara's end, she just has never stated it outloud. Maybe there is a Kryptonian hangup concerning sex? It wouldn't be an issue for Clark since he was raised on Earth but maybe Kryptonians are forbidden from sex before marriage or something?

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14 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:
14 hours ago, KirkB said:

Here's something for J'onn to consider. Unless he mind bonds with her, how can he ever be sure the M'Gann who returns from Mars, assuming she actually comes back of course, is the real M'Gann?

That was my exact thought while watching their goodbye scene. I won't be able to trust M'Gann when they bring her back because I'll be waiting for the scene when Fake M'Gann laughs at J'onn as they declare that M'Gann has been long dead. Even with the Winn/Alex being captured so WM could tap into their minds, we don't know if they need M'Gann alive. 

I thought they did bond when they placed their hands on each others heads when saying goodbye.  We just didn't see what was happening in their minds.

Were the White Martians captured?  The one who got spiked by M'gann should be dead, unless they rushed him to the infirmary.  Not sure about the one shot by Alex.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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Just now, ItCouldBeWorse said:

I thought they did bond when they placed their hands on each others heads when saying goodbye.  We just didn't see what was happening in their minds.

They did. I meant, when M'Gann comes back, to make sure it's her.

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Just now, KirkB said:
2 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

I thought they did bond when they placed their hands on each others heads when saying goodbye.  We just didn't see what was happening in their minds.

They did. I meant, when M'Gann comes back, to make sure it's her.

Ok. I misunderstood what you were saying.  If she returns, would he have to re-bond with her every time she's out of sight to make sure she hasn't been replaced by a White Martian?

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4 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Ok. I misunderstood what you were saying.  If she returns, would he have to re-bond with her every time she's out of sight to make sure she hasn't been replaced by a White Martian?

Kinda. I mean, strictly speaking, after last night he probably needs to break his rule of not using his powers most of the time and be scanning everyone on a regular basis. Supergirl and Superman are immune, but even M'Gann's husband said he had special training to resist it, so J'onn would be able to tell if someone was fighting/resisting/blocking him.

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