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S07.E10: Hostile Hacienda

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2 hours ago, Lizzing said:

Mauricio's rental property struck me as what Shannon Beador wanted when she went to Mexico with Vicki, not that cramped back room she got.  The house was gorgeous and I don't even care that most house porn on this show is free advertising for The Agency.  At least it's a visual treat, unlike the constant shilling of Skinny Girl in NY.

PK's thirst for camera time is very reminiscent of Simon VK's thirst; I just hope PK never graces the screen in tight leather pants, as I often eat my dinner watching this show.  

At that point, I think Shannon would have still complained, unless she got LVP's room with the King Bed and private patio, LOL!   :-)

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OMG that house was insanely beautiful.  Me gusta mucho! LOVE the open-air architecture.  And those views--come on!   

I thought Lisa VDP actually looked quite lovely in Mexico, especially in her final scenes with Kyle.  She looks 10x more attractive with her hair pulled up like that.  And while it's clear she probably isn't obsessed with dieting and working out like some (most) people in LA and Beverly Hills, she still has a great figure. 


I feel sorry for poor Jagger.  If he really has what the speech therapist thinks he has and his brain isn't firing signals to his tongue quickly enough, that must be so frustrating.  He seems like a smart happy kid.  I hope they get it figured out.  Say what you will about Dorit and her parenting, but she does seem to be very proactive about getting her kids the care/treatments that they need.

I agree with you. I was confused by the comments that he "should be talking by now" when it's clear that his parents are very aware of the problem and getting him the help he needs.  It's not like they said "oh he's not talking much, but he'll grow out of it on his own..." or something like that?  Anywho.  Jagger and his sister really are both so darn adorable.  Those little "I love yous" made my heart melt (despite PK being in them!)

I watched in real time so I couldn't fast-forward, but trust that I WOULD have sped through those Eileen therapy scenes and any and all Lisa and her kids scenes if I could have!  Hard pass. 

I was actually thinking how pretty Camille looked in that scene at PJ Clarkes.  I did watch on our smaller non-HD tv though, so perhaps I missed something amiss about her appearance. 

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32 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

I know!  It took me a while to even recognize her because she looked so different.   I kept comparing her face when the talking heads cut in. In PJ Clarke's her face was much tighter and had that shiny plastic look, and didn't budge an inch.  Her lips looked fuller too, I thought.  Maybe it had time to wear off by the time the talking heads were filmed.

Maybe that procedure, whatever it was, is one of the reasons that Camille was in New York the same time as Rinna.   ;-)

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2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

According to Brian Moylan the shirt PK wore to the airport was the color of balls.  http://www.vulture.com/2017/02/real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-recap-season-7-episode-10.html  The undershirt may be an improvement.  Never knew balls came in just one color, I thought they color coordinated with one's skin tone.  I need to get out more.

There is also some pretty funny stuff about Rinna and her daughter learning to walk.

It's not the color, it's the PSI?

Ask Tom Brady!

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4 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

I agree with you. I was confused by the comments that he "should be talking by now" when it's clear that his parents are very aware of the problem and getting him the help he needs.  It's not like they said "oh he's not talking much, but he'll grow out of it on his own..." or something like that?  Anywho.  Jagger and his sister really are both so darn adorable.  Those little "I love yous" made my heart melt (despite PK being in them!)

My husband was another one who didn't speak until he was four, then started talking and never stopped!  I hope things work out well for little Jagger.  I do have to hand it to Dorit and PK for ensuring his needs are met.  There are others on reality tv who seem to look the other way or expect magic to intervene and help any developmental delays in their child/children.  

My personal opinion --- I don't like the name Jagger.  I have to wonder what these kids will think when they figure out who Sir Mick is!  YMMV

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8 minutes ago, Normades said:

My personal opinion --- I don't like the name Jagger.  I have to wonder what these kids will think when they figure out who Sir Mick is!  YMMV

Well, if there are girls... they might wind up marrying him or being knocked up by him. LOL!!

1 hour ago, ElDosEquis said:

LOVED the scene where the two 'model moms' were trying to one up each other on their spawn's modeling 'career'...

"well, MY daughter is 14 THE YOUNGEST ever to walk the crapwalk..."

"MY daughter did the walk for Oshkosh by Gosh Outlet fashion show!"

"My daughter learned to model walk before she could CRAWL........"

"My daughter Naomi catwalk strutted up my fallopian tube and stunt twirled into my ovum."

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Botox and fillers are two different treatments.

Botox is a toxin that paralyzes the nerves of the area that it is injected into.

The fillers just add mass to the injection site - fillers let you show emotions far better than botox, but after a while the fillers end up pooling under the skin giving people that Madame Puppet look. The doc then has to inject a larger area to keep the original site from looking lumpy.

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I here only for Rinna, Eileen, and Erika.  I can't stand LVP anymore, and Kyle is annoying!  If you don't want to talk about your sister, DON'T!  No one is forcing you.  If someone brings it up, shut it down!  You're a grown ass woman!  

And for people getting mad about others talking about them when they aren't there (I'm looking at you Eden, Kyle, and Dorito), they sure are doing a lot of talking about Rinna when she isn't there!

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52 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

And who was it that asked Kyle whether she believed Eden was "coming from a good place" (or whatever) or being annoying? If I were Kyle, I'd say both. I think one's intentions can be good, but that doesn't mean they're not also inappropriately expressed, haha! I just keep picturing Eden's intent stare when she's observing/waiting to talk. It's so funny!

When Eden gets that intense look on her face, I sometimes wonder if she is just having a hard time understanding what it going on around her - she doesn't seem to be the brightest bulb in the chandelier, imo!   

Edited by njbchlover
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9 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

Botox and fillers are two different treatments.

Botox is a toxin that paralyzes the nerves of the area that it is injected into.

The fillers just add mass to the injection site - fillers let you show emotions far better than botox, but after a while the fillers end up pooling under the skin giving people that Madame Puppet look. The doc then has to inject a larger area to keep the original site from looking lumpy.

Most fillers aren't permanent, Lisar's original fake lips were the permanent kind. Taylor's are permanent too. 

Edited by Kokapetl
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1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

Wanting a burrito and a margarita is an "ugly American routine"? Why?

Because as ElDosEquis eloquently put it:


1 hour ago, ElDosEquis said:

I wanna burrito/margarita????

Why the fuck MUST you whine and carry on about it? Get one and stuff it in your pie hole and leave us alone.

That's why. There's also much more to delicious Mexican food than some Burrito you can get at any crap Mexican restaurant in America. Erika knows better. 

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12 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

My son didn't have much of a vocabulary at Jagger's age and even today is extremely shy at six years old. I truly feel for Dorit because as much of a space cadet as she is, she's being open about her son's development delays and I speak from experience....it sucks.  

My son went to three years of speech therapy and he struggled in school until his brain caught up.  Now at 19, he was a straight A student in high school and has a 3.75 GPA in college.  The ONLY thing that makes me like Dorit is the fact she is bringing this issue to light.  You fight so long to keep your child from being labelled. 

It impacts these kids for years but honestly once they catch up watch out!  I only wish I had known someone going through it because you are VERY lonely and scared when it happens.  The first doctor told me he was retarded and would never learn.  I kicked his ass to the curb and found a more proactive Pediatrician.  I promise you AttackTurtle your son WILL flourish just give him time.  Hugs.

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That's why. There's also much more to delicious Mexican food than some Burrito you can get at any crap Mexican restaurant in America. Erika knows better. 


OK, I guess--but those things have less to do with being American than they do with being whiny.

If she "knows better" yet still wants a burrito, who cares? Some people dig the basics. And a Mexican street-vendor burrito is, in the best way possible, nothing like one that you can get in a "crap Mexican restaurant in America."

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I am kind of shaking my head in disbelief at Rinna's blog. I am at a loss where she accepting responsibility for her role.  Everything was going fine Game Night until Kim inserted herself.  Actually Rinna and Eileen were dogpiling on Dorit and plowing over old territory and irritating Erika.  I think Dorit won a couple of the rounds.  . . . I could see Kim's wheels were turning, she was dying to get a word in, to find the perfect time to start trouble with me yet again, push my buttons, and try and make me look like a crazy person for reacting to her.  Kim intentions were to provoke and bait me.  She was aggressive, and yes, she was derogatory towards me and Eileen.  If Kim had not done that, we would not be here right now.  Actually, Rinna doesn't get the concept about being responsible for her actions, no baiting, no trying to make me look crazyn no push my buttons.  Almost as if Rinna didn't make the arrest comment or give the apology with the description her actions were intentional and mean.  Then there was the declaration she was done talking about Kim, (until the next day).

The manure had to be spread further.  I really can't buy Rinna's claim she was just repeating what Kyle said a year earlier in the Hamptons about getting the phone call about Kim.  (Kyle had just gotten a couple of phone calls about Kim being arrested.)  I did not say, "Kim was on  path of destruction" or "near death" they way Eden relayed it to her eager listener.  What I said was, "They're this close to Kim dying."  Rinna might want to Google synonyms for close.  Hint for Rinna near is pretty much the number one synonym.  Those six words, "They're this close to Kim dying," have now been twisted into a dirty piece of gossip that I think Kim is on the brink of death."  Well Rinna don't know what you were thinking but you did say it and it is interesting when you say, "they're this close to Kim dying," it has some  other meaning than near death, or brink of death.  Maybe had she said, "They were this close to Kim her bullshit play it on Kyle for her statement in the Hamptons would fly.  But no those were her feelings in the store.  So which is it?  Is she saying she felt that way in the store because she was mad at Kim?  Rinna kind of blows her own arguments and justifications apart.  Again how did her statement become dirty gossip-she won't take responsibility.

It wouldn't be complete without Rinna coming down on Kyle.  Apparently, Rinna calls Kyle an enabler all the time.  I just find this hard to believe.  So she continued with, "If Kyle had said to her sister at Game Night, "Kim it is not OK for you to talk to my friends like that in my home,"  we wouldn't be where we are now.  The old Kyle's fault, againNever Rinna's.

Rinna is just frustrating and she doesn't understand the concept of "owning it" or taking responsibility.  Amazing how she writes a very long blog and doesn't even mention that she lied straight away to Kyle's face about where Eden was getting her information.  I hope Rinna spent a lot of money at Kyle's store.

18 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

When Eden gets that intense look on her face, I sometimes wonder if she is just having a hard time understanding what it going on around her - she doesn't seem to be the brightest bulb in the chandelier, imo!   

Here I thought maybe her cleanse had kicked in and she was trying to keep things in.

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16 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Maybe it's from her part on Eileen's show?

I don't think so cause you see Rinna walk behind her and start rubbing her back with a sympathetic look.

If she were reciting her lines there wouldn't be any cause for Rinna's reaction. Unless they are all getting together and doing a "soap scene".  Which would be funny considering how badly Brandi wanted to play out one so desperately she threw wine in Eileens face.. And now here they are playing out a whole skit with Erika..... LOL!

But again I doubt that's the case.

Edited by Yours Truly
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But LvP in particular holds a grudge like nobody's business

You know she has been sharpening her claws for just such an occasion...


Still can't believe Eileen is older than LVP.

Maybe she can give LVP a few vials of the unicorn blood she sips on? Because I never would have pegged ED being older than LVP.


Wanting a burrito and a margarita is an "ugly American routine"? Why?

At least she wasn't asking where the nearest McDonalds and Starbucks were. That is the ugly American routine.


I have to wonder what these kids will think when they figure out who Sir Mick is!



If she "knows better" yet still wants a burrito, who cares?


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17 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

That's why. There's also much more to delicious Mexican food than some Burrito you can get at any crap Mexican restaurant in America. Erika knows better. 

I cannot tell you how many times I have been in a party of people that go to a Mex eatery that gets rave reviews and the food sucks?

It's NOT that the food is bad, it's just that it's been 'americanized' - stuff added or left out - to make it more main stream.

It wasn't until I realized that NO FOOD would ever measure up to Mom's Home Cooking, that I was able to go into a Mexican restaurant and really enjoy a meal. You can get a 'burrito' on any corner in El Lay - and I venture that the food they served in that house wasn't 'real Mexican' food?

You have to get away from the vacation 'compounds' to find it.

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14 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I was wondering about that myself - and also, why Rinna has a problem pronouncing "Hilfiger"....I heard her say at least twice "HilfiRger" - maybe that's a knock-off designer?

She sounded like she was saying "Hilferger". She grates on my last nerve.

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I am curious, too, about what Erika has to go though every night. 

And am I missing something here or does "They're this close to Kim dying" pretty much mean "Kim is close to death"?  I can't see how those two statements are in any way different in intent.

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58 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

When Eden gets that intense look on her face, I sometimes wonder if she is just having a hard time understanding what it going on around her - she doesn't seem to be the brightest bulb in the chandelier, imo!   

Eden sits back and waits for an opening - she is looking for something in the conversation that she can personalize and steer the talk her way......

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You have to get away from the vacation 'compounds' to find it.

And it's the best! I've been to resorts and all that but the best food was when I took a trip to a non-touristy inland area of Mexico to visit a friend (as in had to take a 3-hour bus trip from Guadalajara airport through the desert in the middle of the night!).

Same with Buenos Aires; I was much happier with the "regular" food from normal reastaurants and vendors at the flea market than I was with the high-end places. Even at home, gimme a dive bar and hole-in-the-wall Thai, Middle Eastern, or Mexican place over our other options.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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1 minute ago, TattleTeeny said:

And it's the best! I've been to resorts and all that but the best food was when I took a trip to a non-touristy inland area to visit a friend. 

And the worst part of that?

You chase that 'taste' until you get a chance to go back!!!!

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13 hours ago, WireWrap said:

This is what she did to Lisa last season, no doubt about it. She says things then blames others for it. Last season, Lisa manipulated Rinna into talking about Munchausen and this season, Kim attacked her for no reason and that forced her into talking about Kim's sobriety/Kyle being an enabler and Eden took things way too seriously (even though she only repeated what Rinna told her) on her own! LOL Rinna needs to have her mouth super glued shut!  

Which is why I totally loved LVP's quip - "Rinna will try to tell people I forced her to say it" (re Kim).  

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And the worst part of that?

You chase that 'taste' until you get a chance to go back!!!!


Haha, I would love to go back there (La Piedad), but my friend isn't there anymore. And I think the BF or my other friends would be all, "Here?! This is a vacation to you?!" 

I mean, I'll take any one of the HWs' vacation venues any day of the week, and the all-inclusive resort packages are great in their own way (especially when you don't have HW dough but do have too poor a sense of direction to be navigating through unknown lands!). But I'm also the one in the vacation group that insists on stepping outside the resort walls for real food and stuff. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Dorit's son has been in speech therapy since he was two years old, or a bit younger?  I did day care for years when I was raising my own children, and it wasn't unusual for many toddlers that age to not talk  a bunch.  Geez, my own son didn't talk that much at that age and he did just fine in school.  He's over 30 now and he's job is to talk....he's a prosecutor!  He was put in the gifted and talented class in 3rd grade because of high grades, reading well and especially being able to express himself so well.  I'm just surprised at the young age everyone is worrying about little Jagger.

Camille  has that same face that people in LA seem to find attractive.  It seems the New York ladies know moderation when it comes to their faces.  Even here in the midwest, the women do a much better job with their "extra help" when it comes to their looks.  Such a shame, Camille is very pretty and she can't be that old.

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11 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

Before I forget,

I was laughing at the 'moat' in front of LVPs house.

I can only imagine what that water smelled like - that shit looked foul (fowl?).

I'm sure that paying for swan upkeep isn't where LVP decided to skimp and that there is someone that cleans all swan related messes, including the moat water, regularly.  

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From the Vulture article -

Actually, this was one of the ones that cracked me up the most (and lord knows there was lots of fun stuff in that article):

"Considering his mother sounds like Madonna doing an imitation of her Guatemalan maid and his father sounds like a Mary Poppins fart, his first word will probably sound like that of a Senegalese taxi driver."

Edited by AndySmith
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27 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

Which is why I totally loved LVP's quip - "Rinna will try to tell people I forced her to say it" (re Kim).  

I love that too, along with telling Kyle she will need a lot of thread (to sew Rinna's lips shut).

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LVP weighs in. . . . I think she is enjoying the layers of Rinna being peeled off:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-7/blogs/lisa-vanderpump/lisa-vanderpump-lisa-rinna-is-no

How can Rinna's comment to Eden that she is the only one who can get through to Kim, not a directive, suggestion or manipulation, by these clowns standards?

4 minutes ago, tvfanatic13 said:

Why the hell was Eileen's grown son curled up in a laundry bag???

And people are worried about Jagger's speech trouble. 

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3 minutes ago, CatMomma said:

Ok, nerded out for a moment.  But, we are only seeing a snippet of what Jagger is going through.  That short scene in the restaurant tells me that Dorit is doing EXACTLY what she should be doing.  Visual cues with an emphasis on certain consonants.  

I also noticed in that scene her stupid ass accent wasn't nearly as ridiculous as it normally is when she was talking to him.

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4 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I also noticed in that scene her stupid ass accent wasn't nearly as ridiculous as it normally is when she was talking to him.

OMG!  I have to watch that scene again. How did I not notice?

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3 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I also noticed in that scene her stupid ass accent wasn't nearly as ridiculous as it normally is when she was talking to him.

That is because she slowed down her speech and made sure to clearly enunciate each part of the word. Even those with a very thick southern draw lose much their accent when doing this! LOL

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1 minute ago, WireWrap said:

That is because she slowed down her speech and made sure to clearly enunciate each part of the word. Even those with a very thick southern draw lose much their accent when doing this! LOL

Yes, I was just noting that she is clearly making a very conscious effort to help him with his speech issues.

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