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S08.E09: Tell All, Part 2

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9 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

Kody the Narcissist:

Q: Why did you fall in love with Meri?

A: Because of the respect and admiration she had for me.  

I won't get to watch this until tonight, but did he really, actually, seriously say this? If so, O. M. G. and W. T. F!

8 hours ago, Sista Snarky said:

All Sobbin' Robyn needed was a stick. Nothing sweet is about to fall out of Kody tho...

This is true, but despite that nothing sweet will fall out, watching her hitting him with a stick would be tons more fun!

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Just now, MrSmith said:

I won't get to watch this until tonight, but did he really, actually, seriously say this? If so, O. M. G. and W. T. F!

this was only part of it.  He also said there was a myriad of reasons including her kindness.

Meri is SO lonely.  It kills me to watch.  

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7 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

I really hope Meri can find a way to leave this rotten man. They all should leave, but only Meri and possible Robyn would do it. He threw Meri away when Robyn showed up, and Robyn knows it too. I also don't see anything between him and Christine. Maybe she thinks they are "hot" again, but considering he said he was never attracted to her, and the way her looks so annoyed when she speaks, I don't think so at all. I don't think he cares about Janelle either, but tolerates her because she really loves him and doesn't give him any grief. I couldn't watch all of this, it makes me sick that a woman who has been Kody's wife for over 20 years should be treated like dirt right on camera. And I don't care if people say she brought it on herself-I don't agree. She was a nineteen year old that fell in love with a narcissistic man  who devotes his life to grifting and finding women who 'adore and respect him". 

While I generally place the blame for an individual's continuing situation on them, in this case even I don't blame her. First, as you say, she was 19 and in love with this man. Second, inertia is a difficult thing to overcome, especially with the way the accoutrements of life slowly and unnoticeably accrete around you. Third, even if you can overcome inertia, change is still difficult and scary. And leaving everything you know, even when it's a sub-optimal situation like this, and flinging yourself completely into the unknown makes change that much more scary and inertia that much more sticky. The fact is there are many, many people in similar (and even worse) circumstances who also never manage to effect real change. Those people just have the advantage of generally not being on TV or in the public eye. Usually, the worst those people have to face in the way of criticism is from their own family and, perhaps, the police.

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19 minutes ago, Amers said:

I did enjoy the honesty, I felt the were more open and answered some good questions this tell all. I like the interviewer a lot. When she asked if Meri really meant it when she told Kory to stay away and he said she told him that for months, and the interviewer was like "Oh, so you really meant it." LOL my reaction too. I thought many be she'd said it once to get him to chase her. 

Pretty sure she was telling him to stay away because that gave her private time with her internet "boyfriend". Of course, I could be recalling the timeline incorrectly since I wasn't watching during that season and was only getting recaps from my wife.

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12 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

Wow, we finally may have gotten a kernel of truth. Kody admits his ego is more important than his feelings & he and Meri both admit they were having problems back when the show started and covered it up.

So what I got from it is they're going to remain together and pretend everything is ok. 

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Kody and Meri's relationship is so whack. I swear, every time they talk about it, there's a new date when trouble started. "We were having problems before the whole Catfish thing. A few years before." "We've been having trouble for like 6 years before the Catfish thing happened." "It was not the Catfish, we'd been having issues for around 10 years". Yea, the issue is called POLYGAMY. I think y'all have been having issues ever since Meri had to start sharing her man. 

Notice the first thing Kody says that made him fall in love with Meri - "she looked at me with respect and adoration". This was a kid who felt like a loser in his family. He's not a big macho dude. He likes long hair and has a flair for the dramatic. He always felt bad because of this. So along comes Meri and someone finally gives him that respect he's been looking for. It makes him feel like a man. THE man. Yea, he may have bolstered his answer a bit with "she's kind and genuine", but that gave me some real insight right there. He needed someone even more passive and "weak" than him, to make him feel more important. And everything since then has been about making him feel important. 

Too bad for him Meri wasn't necessarily just passive, but has a real flair for the passive aggressive. Kody gives a real shitty answer about crossing a burning bridge for her (which, by the by, I understood what he was trying to say) and she's responds, "It's all good". When we all know darn well it's NOT all good. And she will likely sit across from her wet bar for months, analyzing that answer to death, but never saying a word. 

Ugh, anyway. I always love seeing the kids. It makes me really happy to see how open and supportive they all are of each other. That's the only good thing to come out of this plural relationship. 

Maddie's announcement was the definition of anti-climactic. Also, homegirl did NOT look 3 months pregnant. Anyone got a timeline on her pregnancy? When was this filmed? When is she due? 

The "dispel the tabloid rumors" segment was stupid and I think the only one who needs to be punched in the face is Kodouche.

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15 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

While I generally place the blame for an individual's continuing situation on them, in this case even I don't blame her. First, as you say, she was 19 and in love with this man. Second, inertia is a difficult thing to overcome, especially with the way the accoutrements of life slowly and unnoticeably accrete around you. Third, even if you can overcome inertia, change is still difficult and scary. And leaving everything you know, even when it's a sub-optimal situation like this, and flinging yourself completely into the unknown makes change that much more scary and inertia that much more sticky. The fact is there are many, many people in similar (and even worse) circumstances who also never manage to effect real change. Those people just have the advantage of generally not being on TV or in the public eye. Usually, the worst those people have to face in the way of criticism is from their own family and, perhaps, the police.

and add the element of religious obligation.  She wouldn't be the first person to stay in a loveless marriage for that reason.  

4 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Kody and Meri's relationship is so whack. I swear, every time they talk about it, there's a new date when trouble started. "We were having problems before the whole Catfish thing. A few years before." "We've been having trouble for like 6 years before the Catfish thing happened." "It was not the Catfish, we'd been having issues for around 10 years". Yea, the issue is called POLYGAMY. I think y'all have been having issues ever since Meri had to start sharing her man.


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21 hours ago, Galloway Cave said:

Alcohol. Lots of alcohol. And DVR. Plus something to divert my attention a bit, like my cat or the computer.

???OMG you just described my life right now. I'm watching this shit (from my DVR) while reading the forum (thanks guys!) while my cat sleeps beside me. You really need these things to make sure your brain doesn't melt. Lol 

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17 hours ago, Roslyn said:

I watch because for me I want to see the body language when they say what they say.  Very often the two don't line up.  None of them lie convincingly.  Plus being able to see facial reactions as others talk...Robyn has the best poker face these days.  Meri's face and foot gives her away in a heartbeat.

Meri sits with her arms crossed (defensiveness/protection against feeling threatened).  Her crossed leg is constantly moving (anxiety).  And when a person sits with both arms and legs crossed, they have emotionally withdrawn from the conversation (thank you, Google).

It's crystal clear to anyone who watches Meri for more than three seconds that she's an emotional wreck.  She can barely get a coherent sentence out of her mouth, she laughs and smiles at inappropriate times, and there were a couple of instances where she knew she should be looking Kody in the eyes, but really struggled to do so.  Kody is completely over Meri, and he's told her as much.  How messed up must these two be behind closed doors, if we're seeing so much dysfunction and weirdness on a tell-all show?


10 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Robyn reads the boards - as evidenced by her use of "Sobbin' Robyn".

++++1, I LOL'd at that (waves to Sobbin')!

Christine had her whispery keep-sweet voice turned up to 11 at the beginning of the tell-all.  She almost sounded like she was talking in a strange foreign accent.  The way she blends all her words together drives me nuts.  In the flashback, she whispered about how Robyn needed to be "amazing" (insert pretend stern face), or there would be "trouble" (insert raised eyebrow).  It's all acting on Christine's part, and poor acting at that.  She wanted to be the third wife, but she left out the part where she also wanted to be the LAST wife.

Kody giving his patented "dead eyes" during the burning bridge question SHOULD tell Meri all she needs to know.  She should leave him.  But she also has to know that her leaving would not devastate him, as he's still got three honeys to turn to in her absence.  The whole "first and legal wife" crown that Meri held over everyone's head is gone.  She no longer has a leg to stand on.  Some of this is karma for her years of tyranny as "Mean Meri."  But the fact that she didn't stand up, rip off her mic and leave the room when Kody sat there like a wooden caveman when asked if he'd cross that stupid bridge tells me that she's never going to leave him, and is destined to be lonely for as long as she stays.

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2 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Meri sits with her arms crossed (defensiveness/protection against feeling threatened).  Her crossed leg is constantly moving (anxiety).  And when a person sits with both arms and legs crossed, they have emotionally withdrawn from the conversation (thank you, Google).

It's crystal clear to anyone who watches Meri for more than three seconds that she's an emotional wreck.  She can barely get a coherent sentence out of her mouth, she laughs and smiles at inappropriate times, and there were a couple of instances where she knew she should be looking Kody in the eyes, but really struggled to do so.  Kody is completely over Meri, and he's told her as much.  How messed up must these two be behind closed doors, if we're seeing so much dysfunction and weirdness on a tell-all show?


++++1, I LOL'd at that (waves to Sobbin')!

Christine had her whispery keep-sweet voice turned up to 11 at the beginning of the tell-all.  She almost sounded like she was talking in a strange foreign accent.  The way she blends all her words together drives me nuts.  In the flashback, she whispered about how Robyn needed to be "amazing" (insert pretend stern face), or there would be "trouble" (insert raised eyebrow).  It's all acting on Christine's part, and poor acting at that.  She wanted to be the third wife, but she left out the part where she also wanted to be the LAST wife.

Kody giving his patented "dead eyes" during the burning bridge question SHOULD tell Meri all she needs to know.  She should leave him.  But she also has to know that her leaving would not devastate him, as he's still got three honeys to turn to in her absence.  The whole "first and legal wife" crown that Meri held over everyone's head is gone.  She no longer has a leg to stand on.  Some of this is karma for her years of tyranny as "Mean Meri."  But the fact that she didn't stand up, rip off her mic and leave the room when Kody sat there like a wooden caveman when asked if he'd cross that stupid bridge tells me that she's never going to leave him, and is destined to be lonely for as long as she stays.

I thought the very same thing. If you love someone, of course you'll cross a burning bridge for them. To Kody she's just "there" and the body language was evident, even to a beginner. Wish she'd up and leave, too, but I suspect even though she's unhappy, it feels safer for her than setting out on her own. Same reason other neglected women stay in relationships. 

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I really hope Meri can find the strength to leave this train wreck. They are so beyond repair it could not be more obvious. I've kind of skipped episodes throughout the season but tonight I saw that the root of her unhappiness is not a "personality" thing - it is a polygamy thing. She wants to have permission to be selfish and have him to herself. I don't think she realized how unfulfilled she was because all her attention was on Mariah and the other kids before. 

and Christine... oh Christine... she has the potential to be so much more and to be with a man that can appreciate her personality. Even when they are focusing on her he has to make it sting - "oh Christine and I are soooo done with kids - that conversation is only happening with Sobbyn now". Yes Kody, rub that in because we all know how much Christine wants that image in her head. Ugh he is such a repulsive human being sometimes. 

Mykelti was looking pretty salty about not having the attention on her during the older kids segment. I was getting the vibe that her support of Mariah was not exactly genuine - or maybe they just don't get alone. 

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1 minute ago, Runnergirl said:

I thought the very same thing. If you love someone, of course you'll cross a burning bridge for them. To Kody she's just "there" and the body language was evident, even to a beginner. Wish she'd up and leave, too, but I suspect even though she's unhappy, it feels safer for her than setting out on her own. Same reason other neglected women stay in relationships. 

I agree with this. Whether she's a huge part of the family or not it's everything she has. She wouldn't just lose Kody, which for some reason seems to matter to her, she wouldn't have the rest of the family either. She wouldn't have contact with any of the kids or anyone else in the family. Why are already legally divorced so she wouldn't be able to negotiate a settlement. I'm sure the original divorce basically gives her nothing financially or property.  I'm pretty sure the TLC money is in a central pot controlled by Kody so unless she negotiated that in the divorce she's SOL there too. If he's not willing to cross a burning building for her, he's not going to work with her for an equitable split. I have also long suspected that Kody has been against any work since the show started that isn't a home business or these LooLoo Rah stuff as a means of control. Not that the wives aren't lazy but I think if they even have any thoughts of branching out he squashed them. So to Meri it probably looks like the choice is the devil she knows. 

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I told my hubs the same thing about Mariah and her being gay announcement. She is no longer the legitimate child since the "restructuring", and since 2 sisters are getting married, 2 brothers in service (which several seasons back, Kody put the kibosh to), she had to do something to make herself stand out. Just don't believe it.

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@Granny58 said, in a response @ghoulina's take on why Meri would stay in a polygamous relationship despite her obvious dissatisfaction and depression:


and add the element of religious obligation.  She wouldn't be the first person to stay in a loveless marriage for that reason.

Despite Meri being brought up in polygamy, she has stated in writing that she wanted a monogamous marriage, so I don't think she really bought into the line that her eternal soul depended on sharing her husband with other women.  Kody told her he wouldn't marry her if she didn't agree to future sister wives.  She may have hoped that Kody would be so happy with her that he wouldn't go for more wives, but when it happened Meri was stuck with what she'd agreed to, and she made everyone pay for it.  She really should have dumped his ass when she realized he really was going to add more women to their relationship, but she didn't and that is part of the reason all the Browns are so messed up.  They all have a share of the blame.

OK, how to I do that thing where a previous poster is alerted that I referenced them in a post?  Just adding the @ symbol before their name didn't do it.

Edited by Zahdii
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I had a genetics class in college that was taught y an elderly professor. He told a story about how when his 1st wife was dying of cancer he took her for a swim in their backyard pool. She asked him if she were to have a seizure would he save her from drowning and he said no, what if she pulled him under and who would take care of the children then? At the time I thought, "What a jerk," and if it had been my spouse I would have been, "Of course I would save you," even if I were planning on holding her head under the water and I thought how sad for the lady to know in her dying days what an absolute jerk she had wasted her life on and Kody's response to the burning bridge reminds me of that. 

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2 hours ago, MrSmith said:

While I generally place the blame for an individual's continuing situation on them, in this case even I don't blame her. First, as you say, she was 19 and in love with this man. Second, inertia is a difficult thing to overcome, especially with the way the accoutrements of life slowly and unnoticeably accrete around you. Third, even if you can overcome inertia, change is still difficult and scary. And leaving everything you know, even when it's a sub-optimal situation like this, and flinging yourself completely into the unknown makes change that much more scary and inertia that much more sticky. The fact is there are many, many people in similar (and even worse) circumstances who also never manage to effect real change. Those people just have the advantage of generally not being on TV or in the public eye. Usually, the worst those people have to face in the way of criticism is from their own family and, perhaps, the police.

You make good points about Meri not leaving; I agree with change being scary for most people. If you think about it, where else is she going to go? The house is heavily mortgaged and as you said, the TLC money is likely in a pot. Meri probably already has settled her share(?) in the divorce. She would need to renegotiate with Kody and TLC to get a separate share for the show--and they'd have to film Meri  in her own storyline and not as a "sister wife." 

The catfish was her way out, and that turned out to be a lie. Her fragile relationship with Mariah would suffer if she left-- and what kind of support would she really get from the other sister wives?

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Just now, Adiba said:

The catfish was her way out, and that turned out to be a lie. Her fragile relationship with Mariah would suffer if she left-- and what kind of support would she really get from the other sister wives?

I'm not entirely sure her relationship with Mariah would suffer if she left. I think she could leave and have Mariah's support, but she'd have to be honest about why she's leaving. In fact, if she would just own everything about the catfish situation, Mariah would be able to reconcile with her more quickly than current. As for the other sister wives, I don't think she gets much support from them as it is. So, I don't think this would really affect her decision.

It's just a shame that people aren't able to be truly honest with each other about what they want. If Meri could have told Kody "No way" on the sister wives right from the start, everyone would be much happier today. Even given their current circumstances, if Meri and Kody could be truly honest with each other about their situation, they could find a solution. I suspect that solution would involve Meri leaving the family, which is why neither of them are being honest with the other - because I think they both know, deep down when they're honest with themselves, that this is the truth.

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16 minutes ago, TresGatos said:

I had a genetics class in college that was taught y an elderly professor. He told a story about how when his 1st wife was dying of cancer he took her for a swim in their backyard pool. She asked him if she were to have a seizure would he save her from drowning and he said no, what if she pulled him under and who would take care of the children then? At the time I thought, "What a jerk," and if it had been my spouse I would have been, "Of course I would save you," even if I were planning on holding her head under the water and I thought how sad for the lady to know in her dying days what an absolute jerk she had wasted her life on and Kody's response to the burning bridge reminds me of that. 

What an asshat!!

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7 minutes ago, Adiba said:

The catfish was her way out, and that turned out to be a lie.

Totally agree. Kody is not ever going to forgive her for that. He's just not.  He knows exactly what her plan was, and that plan was to leave all of them. She must have been really miserable to contemplate doing that. Of course, the relationship was in the shits before catfish so they are both at fault for the deterioration of the marriage. 

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2 hours ago, MrSmith said:

I won't get to watch this until tonight, but did he really, actually, seriously say this? If so, O. M. G. and W. T. F!

It's verbatim.  No lie.  And yes, he then gave a longer answer, but to me, it was significant that "Meri looking at me with respect and adoration" was the first thing he said.  I think he only followed up by saying she was kind because he realized his first answer was so douchey.  He clearly just threw out an alternative fact for the sake of optics.  I mean, have we ever seen Meri act with kindness?  

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I also thought it was really funny when they asked what Robyn's spinoff would be called, and everyone laughed at "Sobbin Robyn" but the Kody was Quick to try to put his suggestion "breaking the chains" and the joke fell flat and there was a moment of awkwardness. 

I get that Mariahs feelings were hurt, but move on! Or stay out of Meri's life, she made a mistake... I didn't think Meri should get off free and clear with everyone forgiving her like nothing happened... but I'm so tired of mariah playing victim in this (for the record I'm over the entire situation).

im glad I woke up today, I had wine with the show, but thankfully I didn't make it a drinking game.

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The Burning Bridge question was a bit of a headscratcher. I would think Kody is way too concerned with his image to say he wouldn't cross a burning bridge to save her (he would absolutely have to know how terrible that would come across), yet Robin had to basically bully him into saying he would. I think he was hung up on the idea of the bridge as some sort of overarching metaphor of where their relationship is right now though, due to that later answer about "nothing's on fire, we may need to find a way to cross the water..." or whatever. I hesitate to accuse Kody of all people of overthinking something but...that did kind of seem to be what was going on there. 

Either way though, so many forced questions about having hope/not having hope/crossing bridges and waters/making progress and it still couldn't be any clearer that they have no desire to resolve the impasse they're at--or Kody doesn't anyway--and that no one is leaving this marriage, they're just going to continue to be miserable or uninvolved and in a relationship in name only. I so wished the interviewer followed up on that part: "Is 'everything's just ok' enough for you for the rest of your life, Meri?"

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I do think Kody was overthinking the bridge question. I see Meri as VERY passive aggressive, and a lover of playing headgames. I think Kody is fed up with it. She tells him to stop coming to the house. So he does. But, damnit, that meant he was supposed to fight for her! Oh.....SHE brought up the idea of divorce/adoption. So they did it. But, damnit, that meant he was supposed to fight for her! Oh...

I just think he's over it. So the burning bridge question might have seemed like a trick to him. He's focusing on the metaphor part of it, and he's like - "No, I'm NOT going to fight for you until you are honest about the shit you've done and quit telling me to go when you really want me to stay". But yea, it does SOUND shitty. So Robyn had to cajole him into acknowledging that if Meri was literally standing on a burning bridge he'd save her life. 

I don't want to seem like a Kody defender; I have many issues with him. But even a broken clock is right twice a day, and I don't really see him as a big, bad villain in the downfall of his and Meri's relationship. I think they've both had a hand in that. 

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3 hours ago, MrSmith said:

While I generally place the blame for an individual's continuing situation on them, in this case even I don't blame her. First, as you say, she was 19 and in love with this man. Second, inertia is a difficult thing to overcome, especially with the way the accoutrements of life slowly and unnoticeably accrete around you. Third, even if you can overcome inertia, change is still difficult and scary. And leaving everything you know, even when it's a sub-optimal situation like this, and flinging yourself completely into the unknown makes change that much more scary and inertia that much more sticky. The fact is there are many, many people in similar (and even worse) circumstances who also never manage to effect real change. Those people just have the advantage of generally not being on TV or in the public eye. Usually, the worst those people have to face in the way of criticism is from their own family and, perhaps, the police.

I agree with all of this, plus in Meri's case she believes her eternal salvation depends on remaining in the family. 

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I could barely watch this, though I suffered through. Mariah is really coming across differently now, a lot more self confident and mature. She must have struggled for a long time. 

And wow, SO MUCH MERI. I'm so over hearing about the catfish and Meri this and Kody that and this crumbling marriage. Get a divorce people, or don't, but please don't make me watch you anymore!!!! 

If I was one of the other wives I'd be SO irritated. They basically don't exist. 

I felt bad for Meri previously but now she just seems narcissistic. What about Janelle and Christine's pain? They had to be mistreated by Kody AND Meri's bitchy self from day 1. I get that she was 19 but does that mean she is NEVER responsible? I got married at 21 to another dumb 21 year old for similar, though not quite as extreme (but almost, just not polygamous), religious and infatuation reasons. It was stupid and we BROKE UP. I'm only in my late 20s now but even at this point it would be my fault if I was still in it. Grow up, Meri. 

I felt a little bad for Kody about the cheating but now I can't stand him either. Focus on anything, anything but the non-relationship between these two narcissists. 

Edited by Lm2162
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13 minutes ago, leighroda said:


Robyn didn't help the burning bridge conversation much with "of course you would, you would save anyone"


I know! Did you see Meri's face when she said that? STFU, Sobbyn. You are an idiot. Someone needs to grow some balls and put her in her place.  I don't know why control freak Kody lets her get away with her big mouth and unwanted opinions. 

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I do think Kody was overthinking the bridge question. I see Meri as VERY passive aggressive, and a lover of playing headgames. I think Kody is fed up with it. She tells him to stop coming to the house. So he does. But, damnit, that meant he was supposed to fight for her! Oh.....SHE brought up the idea of divorce/adoption. So they did it. But, damnit, that meant he was supposed to fight for her! Oh...

I just think he's over it. So the burning bridge question might have seemed like a trick to him. He's focusing on the metaphor part of it, and he's like - "No, I'm NOT going to fight for you until you are honest about the shit you've done and quit telling me to go when you really want me to stay". But yea, it does SOUND shitty. So Robyn had to cajole him into acknowledging that if Meri was literally standing on a burning bridge he'd save her life. 

I don't want to seem like a Kody defender; I have many issues with him. But even a broken clock is right twice a day, and I don't really see him as a big, bad villain in the downfall of his and Meri's relationship. I think they've both had a hand in that. 

100%. At some point they both have to take responsibility, be honest with each other and move on. Meri is just as manipulative as Kody is egotistical. Maybe some believe that's "because of polygamy," and it might exacerbate it, but sorry, based on her behavior with her sister wives, daughter, businesses and catfish, I think that's just who she is and who she'd be no matter what. The money, the houses, the wet bar...That's not 100% due to polygamy. And even if it was, letting 6 kids you're supposedly going on TV to say you "see as your own" possibly go hungry because you want an equal budget for no reason, makes you a shitty person. It might be because of jealousy but the kids aren't responsible for your stupid religion and marital problems. 

Edited by Lm2162
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4 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I know! Did you see Meri's face when she said that? STFU, Sobbyn. You are an idiot. Someone needs to grow some balls and put her in her place.  I don't know why control freak Kody lets her get away with her big mouth and unwanted opinions. 

Because she has the only functioning uterus that is open for business. That and she's the best looking one of the bunch (though that isn't saying very much).

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If Meri did not see the writing on the wall after that episode---I think Kody could not be any more done with that relationship. He has pretty much said that. In that previous therapy session he acted like he wasn't sure if he wanted to work on it...he has stated feeling hopeless about it....he said if she left it would hurt his ego more than his feelings...he looks at her like he despises her.  Honestly can't say I blame him, ha ha, but seriously it is so over. I actually am with him on this one---I would not want to try to work on that miserable relationship that has been dead for years when he has other wives he can turn to. 

And why can't an interviewer actually ask WHAT CAUSED THE PROBLEMS in the relationship with Meri. They keep saying it had been going on for years---so what started it? Or are they scared to go there?

about the Christine segment--I feel sorry for Christine. She adores that man---absolutely in love with him from the start. And does he ever have anything nice to say to her? It seems like he makes her the butt of jokes all the time. Like how much she flirted with him when they were courting--he always make everything she did seem bad or that he's laughing at her.  She's drama-but she's playful and attractive. I bet she drops her panties as soon as he walks in the door. 

Also I thought it was funny when Christine was going on and on about modesty and then it shows a flashback to Truley being born and her legs open and Kody's face in her vag helping deliver. Don't get me wrong--I know it's her husband, but I'm not as modest in dress as them and I preferred my husband not to be on the vag end when I was giving birth. Ha ha. 

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I wasn't angry at Kody for saying he fell in love with her because of her respect for him or adoration, whatever he said. I've read that it is very important for men to know that they are respected and appreciated and a woman who displays that can become very attractive. Ive heard that that's why men have affairs much of the time. The wife doesn't show any appreciation or respect so in comes new pussy to make the husband feel like big man again. I didn't have a problem with that statement because he wouldn't have married Christine for that reason because she had a lady boner for him since Hector was a pup and he wasn't interested. But he loved Meri for her kindness and whatever else he said. 

What pissed me off was when he said it would hurt his ego more than his emotions if Meri left. I felt bad for her in that moment. It was so mean. At least he told the truth though. He basically told her he doesn't give a shit. If that's ok with her then we can't blame Kody anymore. He's essentially shown her the door and she won't leave. He just straight up told her he does not care and she stays. That's on her.

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5 hours ago, Granny58 said:

Meri is SO lonely.  It kills me to watch.  

But it's her own fault. Even if she doesn't date, there's no reason she can't plug herself into something in Las Vegas for companionship. 

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28 minutes ago, MoodyGirl said:

I actually am with him on this one---I would not want to try to work on that miserable relationship that has been dead for years when he has other wives he can turn to.

Honestly, I don't know how you would even start to rebuild a marriage that went off the rails 12 years ago. How do you even muster the interest in doing the work required? After all, they're basically strangers at this point. So, they'd have to do the hard work of getting to know each other like it's the first time again, and they'd have all the baggage that comes with being with someone 20 years. To really fix it, they'd have to put extra time, attention, and effort in, and I'm not sure he's able to invest the time. After all, he's got 3 other wives and 13-ish children at home to worry about. Given that there are only so many hours in a day, I can't see that he'd be able to shave any time off extra for Meri. Of course, if the other wives were generous and caring, they'd voluntarily give up at least a little time with Kody. But I don't think any of them care for Meri or Kody's relationship with Meri enough to do that. In some ways, I can't blame them. It's an unfortunate fact of polygamy that everyone has to fight for their scraps daily and the ones that don't [fight] get left behind and end up with a deficit - one that, in this case, is basically unrecoverable.

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I think this is part of the reason this form of marriage isn't the best... normally in a relationship if things aren't working you separate, end the relationship and move on, but in polygamy you remain in the relationship and the man just moves to the next wife... so especially the woman is "stuck" while the guy moves on. I wish Meri would just leave, it's obvious they don't want her there any more than she wants to be there and that's a crappy place to be.  Even though I'm not generally a Meri fan, it is sad to see how she is being treated now, even if it's karma.

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Kody and Meri remind me of Matt and Amy Roloff years ago, except they've already gotten the legal divorce out of the way. If TLC runs Sister Wives as long as they have LPBW, we'll eventually see Meri and Kody trying to live separate lives in the same cul-de-sac like the Roloffs are trying to live separate lives on the same farm.

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30 minutes ago, Nysha said:

But it's her own fault. Even if she doesn't date, there's no reason she can't plug herself into something in Las Vegas for companionship. 

If she leaves, she will be cut from the children. You think Kody and Robyn are going to let her babysit King Solomon if she's dating Joe Schmoe?  Now that her daughter is a lesbian and her heteronormative vision for Mariah's future is gone, Meri may be more likely to hold on to the Brown family.  She wants a role/purpose - mother, grandmother, wife. That's what she was raised with and that's what she'll probably die with. 

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13 minutes ago, leighroda said:

I think this is part of the reason this form of marriage isn't the best... normally in a relationship if things aren't working you separate, end the relationship and move on, but in polygamy you remain in the relationship and the man just moves to the next wife... so especially the woman is "stuck" while the guy moves on. I wish Meri would just leave, it's obvious they don't want her there any more than she wants to be there and that's a crappy place to be.  Even though I'm not generally a Meri fan, it is sad to see how she is being treated now, even if it's karma.

Well, and in a monogamous relationship, you generally genuinely work on the problems before you completely give up on the relationship.

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4 hours ago, Zahdii said:

Despite Meri being brought up in polygamy, she has stated in writing that she wanted a monogamous marriage, so I don't think she really bought into the line that her eternal soul depended on sharing her husband with other women.  Kody told her he wouldn't marry her if she didn't agree to future sister wives.  She may have hoped that Kody would be so happy with her that he wouldn't go for more wives, but when it happened Meri was stuck with what she'd agreed to, and she made everyone pay for it.  She really should have dumped his ass when she realized he really was going to add more women to their relationship, but she didn't and that is part of the reason all the Browns are so messed up.  They all have a share of the blame.

This x 100.  Meri was young and very naive, and infatuated with this smooth-talking, worldly pretty boy.  Based on all the "lovahhh" exchanges we heard from them back in the day, I absolutely think that Meri agreed to polygamy to get Kody, but assumed that she would be all he'd ever want or need.  Enter Janelle, Meri's friend/relative, who started popping out babies, and then Christine, who did the same.  Meri was confronted from the beginning with the fruits of Kody's sleep-overs, while she herself couldn't get pregnant as evidence of her and Kody's relationship.  It's true that rather than work on her relationship with Kody, she took out her anger on the other wives, and now it's come full circle.

And the other wives are loving it, because as long as Meri's on the bottom, they aren't the last-place wifey anymore.  Did anyone notice Janelle - she was practically beaming during the entire tell-all.  I especially loved it when the "interviewer" asked if the other wives still think about the catfishing, and Janelle was all, "you know, I really don't think about it at all anymore."  Liar - she thinks about it, and then probably does a little happy dance.  I also thought it was a not-so-subtle dig at Meri, who obviously thinks about it all the time, for her arch-nemesis Janelle to sit there like it ain't no big thing.  These women really do hate each other, even as they sit on the couch and smile at one another.  And big ol' doofus Kody sits there literally in the middle of it, wondering what they're all talking about. 

Edited by laurakaye
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6 minutes ago, sucker4reality said:

Kody and Meri remind me of Matt and Amy Roloff years ago, except they've already gotten the legal divorce out of the way. If TLC runs Sister Wives as long as they have LPBW, we'll eventually see Meri and Kody trying to live separate lives in the same cul-de-sac like the Roloffs are trying to live separate lives on the same farm.

There's one major difference. Matt still wants Amy. Probably only for Caregiver. He put up cameras to watch her.  Once Meri moves off the cul-de-sac, Kody won't give her a second thought. 

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The only way Kody thinks about Meri is in how it makes HIM look to the public. That is why it took so long for him to formulate answers last night. He knew what his honest answers were, but he had to think about what made him look good to the viewing audience and of course his little pea brain doesn't spin fast enough to spit out an answer quickly. That is also why Robyn kept jumping in to tell him what his answers were- she knows his limitations and was just speeding up the process for him. Meri knows all this, that is why she said it's all good. She has thrown in the towel with Kody and isn't fighting it any more. When she is pushed to answer the question by producers or in the tell-nothings, she will furiously shake her foot, look down with that half droopy smirk and slowly drawl some sort of an answer but she is over Kody.

It was really stupid how Andrea asked each sibling how Mariah told them she was gay. Why does that matter? You could tell they really didn't give a shit either. It took up too much time and took away from asking individual questions of each sibling. Also, what the hell is going on with Maddie's hair? It looked fried, frazzeled, thin and over-dyed, all at the same time. She used to have such pretty hair. Don't pregnancy hormones give you lots of pretty hair?

So, in hindsight. this season had very little Robyn, very little of the Truly and Sol Show, no baby Ari, a shit-ton of clip shows, a double dose of Batfish, a Pintrest Wedding, one honest story about coming out, and pre-leaking of the new grandkid and M/T's wedding. I give it one and a half stars (all because of Mariah's story).

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24 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

If she leaves, she will be cut from the children. You think Kody and Robyn are going to let her babysit King Solomon if she's dating Joe Schmoe?  Now that her daughter is a lesbian and her heteronormative vision for Mariah's future is gone, Meri may be more likely to hold on to the Brown family.  She wants a role/purpose - mother, grandmother, wife. That's what she was raised with and that's what she'll probably die with. 

Not only that but she'd be cut off from Mariah. Despite Mariah's claim to have seen the light about feminism and to have developed all of this critical thinking, she is still completely unable to see that her father has any role or responsibility in her mother's unhappiness. Even when Kody actually admitted he might have contributed, she shot him down and said it was all Meri. I can't imagine if Meri left Kody that Mariah would ever speak to her mother again and you know Kody wouldn't encourage any kind of reconciliation. 

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I'm wondering why it was even rumored that Robyn would get a spin-off. Based on what? What's interesting about her other than being a sister wife. They should have asked Maddie and Chipmunk if they were getting a spin-off because I'm sure that's what they're going for. 

Just a side note about Caleb. I remember reading somebody's post here saying something Caleb did, probably the fish thing with truly or the BFG comment, and they said, "I love that kid." Point is I hope the poster wasn't referring to Caleb because he's 30yrs old. His wife is a kid. He is not. Just something that was on my mind.

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4 hours ago, MrSmith said:

I'm not entirely sure her relationship with Mariah would suffer if she left. I think she could leave and have Mariah's support, but she'd have to be honest about why she's leaving. In fact, if she would just own everything about the catfish situation, Mariah would be able to reconcile with her more quickly than current. As for the other sister wives, I don't think she gets much support from them as it is. So, I don't think this would really affect her decision.

It's just a shame that people aren't able to be truly honest with each other about what they want. If Meri could have told Kody "No way" on the sister wives right from the start, everyone would be much happier today. Even given their current circumstances, if Meri and Kody could be truly honest with each other about their situation, they could find a solution. I suspect that solution would involve Meri leaving the family, which is why neither of them are being honest with the other - because I think they both know, deep down when they're honest with themselves, that this is the truth.

I don't think Mariah will ever give Meri a break.  She's entirely too self-absorbed and sadistic toward her mother for that.  She punishes her mother for all slights, real and perceived.  Anyone else would be supportive, but Mariah doesn't know the meaning of the word.  And yes, it's because she learned some of this from her mother.

Meri is already all alone.  Her family has distanced itself from her, her daughter has distanced herself from her - what's left?  Might as well leave and find out that people aren't like her family, in general.  She would definitely be better off out than in.   Because when the financial train from TLC ends, they're all going down.  She may be able to get out while there's still time.

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1 hour ago, Nysha said:

But it's her own fault. Even if she doesn't date, there's no reason she can't plug herself into something in Las Vegas for companionship. 

There IS a reason. Because of the show, there's a significant percentage of the viewing public who considers Meri & Kody still an item/married. Now it's clear, from their own mouths, that they've been estranged/apart since before there show. Just look at all the people who said she was "cheating" on Kody with the catfish. By the time that shit started Meri was already legally divorced and K&R had married - just weeks before Overton came on the scene in fact.  

I never considered it an affair or cheating because I don't believe in polygamy and now with this revelation that they hadn't been having a physical relationship for some time- Meri is for all intents and purposes a single woman and in fact was at the time of thecatfishing which began 2 years ago already. 

Sure she acted stupid but I don't think she was cheating. 

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2 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

I felt bad for Meri previously but now she just seems narcissistic. What about Janelle and Christine's pain? They had to be mistreated by Kody AND Meri's bitchy self from day 1. I get that she was 19 but does that mean she is NEVER responsible? I got married at 21 to another dumb 21 year old for similar, though not quite as extreme (but almost, just not polygamous), religious and infatuation reasons. It was stupid and we BROKE UP. I'm only in my late 20s now but even at this point it would be my fault if I was still in it. Grow up, Meri. 

Here's the thing:
I don't think growing up in a polygamist household teaches one, especially a woman, how to be self-sufficient.   That is, not reliant on anyone else, a man in particular.  The whole idea may just be foreign to her with no idea how to even begun. 

There used to be a 'Save Jinger' page during the Duggar craze to get her out of that awful environment.  For Meri to be able to do this, she would need some serious hand-holding.

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