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S07.E17: Privacy Please

Tara Ariano
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36 minutes ago, iheartla said:

I don't even know what to say about Kail, other than she's a mega bitch.....Once she's finished with someone, she's cold as ice. 

IKR?  She was obviously with someone else when Javi was away, and now that she's filed for divorce, it's like Javi who?  She had a nervous smile on her face the whole time they were talking, and Javi seemed like he knew and was setting her up ("so what have you been doing these past six months...?"), but still...   Poor Isaac.  He's the only one that's really hurting.

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Does Javi see it? Does he see the shit Kail is hurling at him know is the same brand of shit she hurled at Jo? It was cool when the cannon wad aimed in that direction, wasn't it? It was funny when she gave Jo all sorts of problems. I bet he's not even making the connection. Do unto others and all that crap. Kail is poison to anyone she no longer sees as useful. 

Your turn to drink it in Javi.

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Keeping Your Pregnancy Under Wraps (Because Your Man Didn't Wrap It Up): a how-to guide coauthored by Maci Bookout and Jenelle Evans.

Tips include:

--wearing oversized shirts and hoodies

--covering your stomach with a blanket or your arms

--incredulously insisting "lol, no, I'm just fat!"

--blatantly lying to the camera crew that documents your life (even when they have visual evidence of your lies)

--refusing to make a statement about the "rumors" (because if you don't acknowledge it then it's not real, right?)

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5 hours ago, iheartla said:


I loved the little picnic Chelsea took Aubree on, feeding turtles and eating sandwiches. The best moments in life are the simple things. Cole is a goof, jokingly trying to stop Aubree from cleaning so he's not alone at the table. I wonder why she had to call Randy to ask if Adam was paying, maybe he keeps track of her finances, but even then, you'd think she can check her account deposits online. Really though, if that's her biggest flaw she's doing ok. 

I thought that was odd also.  I decided that she has an account set up for Aubrey that the money goes directly into, and Randy monitors the account.

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8 hours ago, Calm81 said:

I haven't seen tonight's episode but I just watched the deleted scene of Leah needing to "check out" and my golly was that a weird scene.

Also, why does she always look cute in her Instagram and snap chat pics but on teen mom  She looks horrible? 

Call me bitter but why isn't here a stretch mark on her body after three kids? I just had my third last year and I refuse to show my tummy even if it's flat as a pancake ( I worked HARD to lose the baby weight).

Was your third child had when you were 23?

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Jenelle must really think other people are stupid. Either that or she's one of those psychopaths (Casey Anthony) who will just lie and lie and lie no matter how boldly the truth is staring her in the face. Maybe both. But, I mean, you're on camera with your future killer rubbing your belly, talking about you both felt when you "found out", and proclaiming your need to wear hoodies. Next scene? Wearing a hoodie! But that's all about the LAND. Riiiiight. You need to wear hoodies now that you're buying land, because....it will be colder out there? It's more of a "nature" look? What? She's so fucking ridiculous. 

(And P.S. Dave did buy that land for future body burial. Know that.)

I did love when the one crew member asked, "Boy land or girl land?" Hahahaha, burn! But maybe if you didn't insist on getting pregnant with every guy you sleep with, you wouldn't have to worry about covering it up. I don't get the point in hiding it. It's going to be known sooner or later. And she really hurt her mother, but having her find out on the internet like the rest of us. Maybe if she ever put an ounce of thought into how Barb felt, Barb might be more inclined to meet her halfway with Jace. 

And I can see Barb's concerns about Jace being hurt as well. "Mommy gave ME away to Meme, but then she has all these other kids that she keeps". It's fucked up. But hopefully Jace will know that HE was the one raised in the better situation. 


Javi and Kail. Watching them is so uncomfortable. I think Javi is going a bit beyond just being cordial. He is almost talking to her like they're still a couple at times. On the one hand, maybe seeing her again made him want to give it one more try. Or maybe he knows the camera is there and he wants to look like the "good guy". But then Kail goes so far in the other direction, I can't feel any sympathy for her. She is trying SO hard to make it clear she's over him, that it's just downright nasty. Regardless of what happened between them, this is the father of her child and she shouldn't be that callous as to make the dude throw his trash away outside. It's petty as hell. The way she talks to him, it's as if she NEVER wants to see him again. But you had a kid with him, so he's going to be in your life for a good, long time. Just relax.

I have felt bad for Isaac ever since this marriage started imploding, but last night was the first time I actually started crying over it. His sweet, innocent little face at dinner - when they were talking about bedrooms. It just killed me. Hugging and kissing Javi. That boy has the biggest heart. He's such a gentle soul. I want to fly out to fucking PA, DE.....wherever the fuck they are....and knock Kail and Javi's heads together for putting that little sweetheart in this position. Gah, it just makes me so mad. Here's an idea - quit talking about fucking bedrooms! Don't bring up Lincoln's bedroom in front of Isaac! Just drop the subject altogether. (But if you have  a 4 bedroom house, maybe give the kid a room.)


I thought Germy was a little brat this episode. Why in the hell did he need to call Cory? Is it not possible that Leah asked YOU first, and then was going to ask Cory? Does she need to conference call them? I'm glad the guys are friendly, but Germy is taking it a bit too far. Trying to use Cory to back up his issues with Leah. It just seems really immature. And I've never been to Mexico, but I know there are family friendly resorts there, and I imagine Leah would be taking the kids right off the plain to the resort. People do it all the time, so I'm not sure why he's acting like it's such a crazy idea. (Also...Bora Bora is in BFE Egypt? Where was I during Geography lessons????)

Yes, I get that Leah flipped about Ohio last week and he should have a say about vacation, but he acted like she was stealth planning something behind their backs and it was so stupid. Doesn't she end up going to the Great Wolf Lodge anyhow? I can't with these people. I'm always like Cory in those scenes....edging closer and closer to the exit. 


Aubree swiffering was adorable. I think Chelsea has come a long way with her parenting. Aubs used to be pretty spoiled. But she seems to have calmed down and she helps around the house now, and I think that's great. 

Adumb is a fucking loser, what else is new? If Taylor's math is right, dude could be owing $10k in back child support. That's really pathetic. And he wants to QUIT the show? You know he ain't making $10k with his personal training lessons. (Which is probably just him staring in the mirror and telling his clients to eat chicken wings.) Let the show portray you however you want, but TAKE CARE OF YOUR KIDS. 

Then he's hiding and running away from producers. He's such a baby. I wouldn't pay his ass a dime. 

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That Kailyn stuff is just way out there, I don't get it. First of all, he's on the mortage and deed, so it's also his house. I get that he doesn't want to be an asshole, but at the same time, she should try to pretend to be an adult. "Are you going to open all that here?" or the condescending way she smiles (that's not nervous, that's her "I am better than you" smile) when she's talking to him, is totally offputting. She could have said "Listen, that sucks about your house being delayed a couple of days. The boys missed you, you can crash on the couch / extra room, and that will give us a chance to explain to Isaac what is happening." Or "I wish I could do differently, but given where we're headed, I don't think it's a great idea for you to crash on the couch, I think it'll just sow further confusion for the boys." Instead, she was like "I WANT MY OWN LIFE NOW." I admired Javi's restraint for not taking her bait, she was itching for a fight, but there's no fucking way on earth I'd have put that in the outside garbage can. I mean she even BROUGHT the mail to him like an asshole. He went through it, and should have just thrown it in the trash. "Don't throw that in here, throw it outside" is the pettiest move I've ever seen...it's still YOUR GARBAGE, idiot. I'd have put it in the kitchen garbage and said if you want it outside, you can take it out there, i guess, or throw it on the floor out of spite." 

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Also, the scene where Cory and Leah exchange the twins behind that haunted school / abandoned factory, that was just bizarre. There was so much cross talk they couldn't even subtitle it. Cory stopped just short of squealing the tires on his way out of that meeting. 

And what Chelsea's doing, whether it's intentional or not (immaterial), is EXCELLENT for Aubree. First, she is making sure Aubree still feels connected to her, as they were alone for so long, she's reinforcing the idea that "I'm not going anywhere, we're still you and me, you're still super special" by taking her on little trips like the picnic. And the chores thing (god, I wanted to punch that cute ass kid when she was all "I LIKE SWIFFERING" and the subsequent ratting out of Cole, which was beyond cute...and her little pink frames! GRRRR!), that's Chelsea setting a distinction for Aubree's benefit: you're the big sister now, and you're mommy's helper. No baby can do what you do, and our house wouldn't function correctly without you. It also gives Aubree responsibility, and will set her up to be an even better big sister. 

2 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

33y. LOL.

I think you have your answer :). 

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8 hours ago, Calm81 said:

Call me bitter but why isn't here a stretch mark on her body after three kids? I just had my third last year and I refuse to show my tummy even if it's flat as a pancake ( I worked HARD to lose the baby weight).

I think it's genetic. Some people just don't seem to get them. I never got any with my first. I got a tiny one with my 2nd, and just a few more with my 3rd. But they've mostly faded by now. But I had other weird changes to my body that just didn't go away (bigger feet? hair on my boobs? help!)

I agree with the filters, though. Leah filters the shit out of herself on SM. 

6 hours ago, iheartla said:

I don't care for Jeremy one bit. That guy is self righteous, and likes to stir up trouble

He really does. He's no Cory. Notice that Cory didn't take the bait and engage in a shit talking session with Germy. He was just all, "Nah, I didn't know about it" - which is true. But I felt like Germy wanted that to evolve into more. "She always does this crap! She's such a bad mom." etc. etc. Leah IS a bad mom, but Germy is a petty bitch. I feel like he's decent some of the time, but then this really immature, vindictive side comes out. He only looks as good as he does because the alternative is LEAH. 

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5 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Does Javi see it? Does he see the shit Kail is hurling at him know is the same brand of shit she hurled at Jo? It was cool when the cannon wad aimed in that direction, wasn't it? It was funny when she gave Jo all sorts of problems. I bet he's not even making the connection. Do unto others and all that crap. Kail is poison to anyone she no longer sees as useful. 

Your turn to drink it in Javi.

This is why I can't feel completely bad for Javi. He not only enjoyed it when she was giving the same shit to Jo, he encouraged it! Now it's his turn. No surprises here. 


17 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

Also, the scene where Cory and Leah exchange the twins behind that haunted school / abandoned factory, that was just bizarre. There was so much cross talk they couldn't even subtitle it. Cory stopped just short of squealing the tires on his way out of that meeting. 

Oh my gosh, this post made me laugh so hard. Where WAS that??? They're always meeting at different locations. It's so weird. And yea, Cory does this inching away thing every time. His one shoulder is always turned away from her. It's hilarious. 

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1 minute ago, DangerousMinds said:

Maybe he would've if the cameras hadn't been there.

I suspect that's why he didn't freak out at all, because if the cameras weren't there, she may have fabricated a DV charge against him in order to remove him from the property. It's also probably why he hasn't said "Fuck you, I will leave as soon as I possibly can, I don't want to be here either, but I don't have anyplace to go and I just got back in the country like 36 hours ago." He knows she'd trump up some "He threatened me, make him leave" nonsense. She's done it in the past. 

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10 hours ago, Straycat80 said:


Speaking of idiots...why is MTV paying Adumb to be in the show? He lies, doesn't cooperate, basically acts like the asshat that he is. Cut him off, no more money, and I hope he gets in trouble for not paying child support. 

I feel the same way about Jenelle.

10 hours ago, Mkay said:


 Jeremy has every right to not want Leah to take Addy to Mexico. She did let her walk out the door once without her even knowing. 

As the primary guardian of Addie, Leah may have the right to take her. I wonder what their custody agreement says.

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9 hours ago, Calm81 said:

I haven't seen tonight's episode but I just watched the deleted scene of Leah needing to "check out" and my golly was that a weird scene.

Also, why does she always look cute in her Instagram and snap chat pics but on teen mom  She looks horrible? 

Call me bitter but why isn't here a stretch mark on her body after three kids? I just had my third last year and I refuse to show my tummy even if it's flat as a pancake ( I worked HARD to lose the baby weight).

I agree! How does she look so toned and in shape after 3 kids and twins no less??? Her arms and legs look good like she works out everyday- ugh not fair 

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I wonder why she had to call Randy to ask if Adam was paying, maybe he keeps track of her finances, but even then, you'd think she can check her account deposits online. Really though, if that's her biggest flaw she's doing ok. 

I'm pretty sure that the scene of Chelsea learning of Adam's delinquent child support was a set up for the camera to add a little drama to her cute, but otherwise boring storyline.    No way she was unaware that he was that far behind especially since she goes to the gym with his other baby mama and have surely commiserated about it together.

If Adam is concerned about how he is portrayed negatively on camera, running away and hiding like a little child doesn't help his cause.

Wow, Kailyn is a repulsive human being.    I feel so sorry for her two little boys having to live with that beast.  

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19 minutes ago, Inga said:

I agree! How does she look so toned and in shape after 3 kids and twins no less??? Her arms and legs look good like she works out everyday- ugh not fair 

This is not supernatural: she has no job, she has daycare / school, and she abused (I'm not sure it's active so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt I guess) prescription drugs. If I didn't have a job to do every day, and the kids were in school, I'd have a six pack, too., because what else is there to do, at least that kills a couple hours. 

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28 minutes ago, neece26 said:

If Adam is concerned about how he is portrayed negatively on camera, running away and hiding like a little child doesn't help his cause.

Especially since he had just agreed to it the day before. The producer said I want to film you with your kids. Adumb said Aubree would be by a a specific time. Not only did he run away like a baby, but where was Aubree? Was he even planning to see her? Or were his parents just keeping her all weekend? You'd think he could fake being a good dad and come up with a fun activity for them to do that day. All he's doing is giving MTV more fodder for the "bad dad" angle. 

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

This is why I can't feel completely bad for Javi. He not only enjoyed it when she was giving the same shit to Jo, he encouraged it! Now it's his turn. No surprises here. 


Oh my gosh, this post made me laugh so hard. Where WAS that??? They're always meeting at different locations. It's so weird. And yea, Cory does this inching away thing every time. His one shoulder is always turned away from her. It's hilarious. 

She has moved closer to him.  It's about 20 mins past his house. No towns in between. (Stores, etc that I can tell on the map) So they probably just met somewhere in the middle and that was the choice. 

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52 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Maybe he would've if the cameras hadn't been there.

And Kail would've hit him for throwing the mail at her because the cameras weren't there.


I agree that Leah deserves a heads up that they were in Ohio, all divorced parents need to communicate big things.

I have pointed this out already, but I will post it again. I don't see the big deal with Jeremy taking his child TWO HOURS away. Yes he crossed into another state, but it is because he and Leah live near the bordering state. Here where I live in So Cal, many things are two hours away such as Disneyland, Knott's Berry Farm, other kid-related places. We are close to the beach. Los Angeles is 50 minutes away. For us So Cal people, it is not unusual for us to have to drive at least one hour, and I have driven plenty of times for two hours or more when taking my kids (when they were younger) to places.  For those who live inland, they drive two hours to come to our beach. I would find it annoying to contact the other parent just to let them know what it is I would be doing on my visitation time with the kids that would not require a passport or is no further than maybe four hours away, especially if the place they I am going to is somewhere familiar. In this case, Ohio is where Jeremy goes to often because of his relationship with Brooke, the lady he is engaged to. It was also where Jeremy sought refuge to get away from the flooding situation in their area due to no electricity and no running water.

I wasn't sure what to think about Jeremy and his Mexico rant. I am Hispanic and have visited Mexico and Tijuana many, many times growing up with my family. I have also had people I know lose family members to murders while they were in Mexico. My brother-in-law's cousin was murdered four years ago after he wasn't able to pay "protection money" because he was tapped out paying other criminal groups for "protection". He owned a business in Mexico which earned him a lot of money.  The police and government are corrupt. I have a friend who was pulled over by the police and he was ordered to pay them $250 American dollars or they would haul him in on drug charges. He doesn't do drugs, so planting evidence is what they threatened.  I will never return to Mexico other than visiting a resort and I will make sure to keep my fat ass at that resort. I have fears of that place. It is no longer the place I knew.

Leah is not all there. Maybe that is what Jeremy fears? Who is going with her? Is she going by herself with the kids? I don't trust Leah having 50 percent custody much less taking the kids out of the country. I can see her wandering off, like Addie. She may get drunk or get high. She might try and get herself some pillses which are still readily available in Mexico. Mexico will tell you it has come down hard on their pharmaceuticals, demanding proper prescriptions and only a certain amount will be administered. Bullshit. If you have money, and Leah has money, you can find what it is you seek down there. Mind you, their pharmaceuticals are not regulated nor do they have an FDA like we do here. People take chances buying any medication in Mexico.  That is not to say Leah can go to Hawaii and all is fine and dandy. There are dangers anywhere. But, if she is not purposely seeking out drugs and she keeps her head on straight, she can be safe at a Mexican resort just as she can be safe at any resort in any other place.

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1 hour ago, DangerousMinds said:

I feel the same way about Jenelle.

As the primary guardian of Addie, Leah may have the right to take her. I wonder what their custody agreement says.

True. It doesn't mean he can't be worried.  I'm in the minority because even I was sitting here saying she didn't need to go to Mexico (or Hawaii) with three kids. She's still a mess. 

Edited by Mkay
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13 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Especially since he had just agreed to it the day before. The producer said I want to film you with your kids. Adumb said Aubree would be by a a specific time. Not only did he run away like a baby, but where was Aubree? Was he even planning to see her? Or were his parents just keeping her all weekend? You'd think he could fake being a good dad and come up with a fun activity for them to do that day. All he's doing is giving MTV more fodder for the "bad dad" angle. 

Mandy said in twitter that they stayed an extra day so that they could get the footage for Adam.  They then waited 2 hours for him to come out before he drove off. 

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16 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

This is not supernatural: she has no job, she has daycare / school, and she abused (I'm not sure it's active so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt I guess) prescription drugs. If I didn't have a job to do every day, and the kids were in school, I'd have a six pack, too., because what else is there to do, at least that kills a couple hours. 

I know right? There has been praise for Leah for not altering her looks with surgery, but that doesn't mean that her a looooot of her self-worth in how she looks. Being skinny in her neck of the woods, especially after having children, probably is somewhat unusual and a real feather in her cap. So yeah, no surprise she uses her considerable free time and free childcare to work herself to a great body. Now if only she'd have that kind of dedication to school or a career, she might get somewhere.

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  45 minutes ago, Inga said:

I agree! How does she look so toned and in shape after 3 kids and twins no less??? Her arms and legs look good like she works out everyday- ugh not fair 

This is not supernatural: she has no job, she has daycare / school, and she abused (I'm not sure it's active so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt I guess) prescription drugs. If I didn't have a job to do every day, and the kids were in school, I'd have a six pack, too., because what else is there to do, at least that kills a couple hours. 

She also had 3 kids between teenage and early 20s. metabolism probably was biggest factor in quick bounce back. If she'd had all 3 in her 30's would be a different story.

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She had T.R. Dues in her life ya'll. He was a trainer hired by MTV and that is how they met. That is why Leah has those muscular shoulders. She was always thin after giving birth. Not a big feat when one is thin to begin with and doing drugs.

BTW Leah and Jeremy have joint custody.

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10 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

I wasn't sure what to think about Jeremy and his Mexico rant. I am Hispanic and have visited Mexico and Tijuana many, many times growing up with my family. I have also had people I know lose family members to murders while they were in Mexico. My brother-in-law's cousin was murdered four years ago after he wasn't able to pay "protection money" because he was tapped out paying other criminal groups for "protection". He owned a business in Mexico which earned him a lot of money.  The police and government are corrupt. I have a friend who was pulled over by the police and he was ordered to pay them $250 American dollars or they would haul him in on drug charges. He doesn't do drugs, so planting evidence is what they threatened.  I will never return to Mexico other than visiting a resort and I will make sure to keep my fat ass at that resort. I have fears of that place. It is no longer the place I knew.

Leah is not all there. Maybe that is what Jeremy fears? Who is going with her? Is she going by herself with the kids? I don't trust Leah having 50 percent custody much less taking the kids out of the country. I can see her wandering off, like Addie. She may get drunk or get high. She might try and get herself some pillses which are still readily available in Mexico. Mexico will tell you it has come down hard on their pharmaceuticals, demanding proper prescriptions and only a certain amount will be administered. Bullshit. If you have money, and Leah has money, you can find what it is you seek down there. Mind you, their pharmaceuticals are not regulated nor do they have an FDA like we do here. People take chances buying any medication in Mexico.  That is not to say Leah can go to Hawaii and all is fine and dandy. There are dangers anywhere. But, if she is not purposely seeking out drugs and she keeps her head on straight, she can be safe at a Mexican resort just as she can be safe at any resort in any other place.

I think I agree. Jeremy and his father probably are racist at least a little bit, but I wouldn't trust Leah to take three children to Mexico, either, and can easily see her wandering about somewhere she has no business being and ending up in some sort of fix. Plus, there's a language barrier. And drugs.

I despise Jenelle, but she was surprisingly calm when Jace told her that he loves camp, and tennis and the other fun things he does there and that he also would miss Barb too much. Good for him for being honest. He knows where his bread is buttered. It's one thing to go on a mini vacation with Jenelle and her latest baby daddy and to spend the weekend at her house, but he also knows that Barb provides the stability he needs and that she is ride and die for him.

Kailyn--OMG, what a motherfucking bitch. What else is there to say?

I don't think Chelsea is boring. It's nice to see at least one of the girls enjoying a trauma-free life. She and her friend cracked me up with that baby heart monitor and I love how Aubree is turning out. 

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40 minutes ago, Inga said:

That scene with that dumbass hick, Jeremy and his dumbass hick father, in their dumbass hick trailer made me embarrassed to be an American. I mean, thank u for taking time out of your kkk meeting to film that scene. And no, I would not want Leah to take my kids anywhere, but an all inclusive-you never leave the resort-place on the Yucatán peninsula is not dangerous. Your children can get kid napped after their 20 flight to Hawaii just as easily as they can anywhere else. I am not Mexican, just sad that people like Jeremy and his family exist. 

This was after Leah was unaware that Addie was booking it down the road in her jammies and a cop picked her up, right? I would be adamant that she never leave the continental US with my child EVER after that fiasco. Funny how Leah seems to have wiped that memory from her mind. I wonder if Jeremy brought it up and it was edited out.....

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13 minutes ago, Mkay said:

Mandy said in twitter that they stayed an extra day so that they could get the footage for Adam.  They then waited 2 hours for him to come out before he drove off. 

It's dumb but when Adam drove off all of could think of was the scene from Fargo w Frances McDormand


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1 hour ago, FairyDusted said:

And cheap pilles for all. Yup. You can walk into the drug store and come out with barrels of drugs in Mexico. I used to walk across the bridge on the regular. My asthma meds are 10 bucks there compared to 45 here. 

I would imagine the trick is getting them back into the US.

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48 minutes ago, Inga said:

That scene with that dumbass hick, Jeremy and his dumbass hick father, in their dumbass hick trailer made me embarrassed to be an American. I mean, thank u for taking time out of your kkk meeting to film that scene. 

I agree! I really detest Jeremy. I'm no fan of Leah, but I do think she's lucky to be rid of him.

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3 minutes ago, politichick said:

I think I agree. Jeremy and his father probably are racist at least a little bit, but I wouldn't trust Leah to take three children to Mexico, either, and can easily see her wandering about somewhere she has no business being and ending up in some sort of fix. Plus, there's a language barrier. And drugs.

I do think Germy has valid concerns. I still think Leah and kids would probably be fine going to an all inclusive resort there. But I don't see anything wrong with him wanting to talk about it and have a say. But he went about it entirely wrong, IMO. He called up Cory first, and acted like Leah was plotting to kidnap their kids behind their backs. So much drama. 

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6 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

It's dumb but when Adam drove off all of could think of was the scene from Fargo w Frances McDormand



"oh, for Pete's sake!"

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8 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

I would imagine the trick is getting them back into the US.

Yes! Very illegal. It's very stressful crossing back through to the U.S. (Not that I'm endorsing breaking the law)  American cigarettes are cheap too. 

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I'm in the "I wouldn't let Leah take my child to Mexico" camp... but not because Mexico is inherently dangerous or anything, like I said earier, I wouldn't want her taking my child to target. 

Something felt weird about Jeremy's tattle telling scene... he could just be irrational, it wouldn't shock me, but he's not a good actor and those scenes felt forced to me. That was a huge over reaction though, it's not like it had been weeks or even days since Leah told him... I can understand checking with Corey to see if he's letting his kids go, but the way he went about it was like I did when I was 7 and wanted to get my brother in trouble.

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On 1/23/2017 at 5:34 AM, Calm81 said:

Whenever I've been endulging on food I can look like I'm 5 months pregnant because I'm a slim girl. I see Jenelle fluctuate from tiny to fluffy on a few occasions and MAYBE that is the reason for the target pic. She wasn't filming for the season and decided to enjoy a break from her diet workout before filming resumed.

This is me just guessing until we have an answer to the mysterious Target "is she or isn't she" pregnant pic. Lol.

If I were brave I would submit a before and after image of me after thanksgiving ??

I hate Jenelle.

Yeah, while she was obviously hiding the pregnancy, I think *some* of the confusion is because she's so short. I'm less than 5' with a similar body type, and currently pregnant. Some days I am so much bigger after eating big meals for a couple days that I actually think my bump is finally here. Other days, after light eating or a few days of morning sickness, I'm completely flat-stomached. She may or may not have been pregnant in a lot of those pics. The bump isn't really a good way to tell for a lot of people. For me, her pregnancy was obvious not because of the bump but because it had been more than 6 months of dating and soulmateness and well, that's her M.O.

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Damn, Kail was acting like Javi abandoned her and her kids to go to Vegas to get high and sleep with prostitutes for 6 months. He was fucking deployed. Show some support even if you don't want to be involved with him romantically anymore. I guess when she's hurting she lashes out? But that's being generous. She's a royal bitch and it's on camera for everyone to see. You can buy a nice house but you can't buy class or kindness.

Germy is being a not-so-subtle racist and it's a horrible stereotype of the South. He should be happy that Leah would be going somewhere closer than Hawaii. I wonder why she didn't also consider the Caribbean or something, but then again their worlds are so small it probably didn't occur to her.

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I'm not buying Jeremy's concern is driven by much but racism. For people mentioning drugs...Honestly, I live near the border and have been to Mexico and I've also been to the meth-addled, mostly white, similar-to-Leah's-kinfolks' town where my parents live. Guess where I was more afraid? You'd be better off in most parts of Mexico in terms of lack of drug availability, guns, violence and general sordidness than among Leah and Jeremy's particular acquaintances, who often look high or drunk, have multiple parents of various kids and think it's cute for toddlers to pose with weapons. West Virginia has some of the highest rates of illiteracy, crime, and drug use and abuse in the country. There are bad parts of Mexico just like here. They don't live amongst Harvard grads in a small college town in Vermont, they live in one of the most dangerous states in the country and partake in plenty of guns-n-drugs themselves. It's just pure racism and a belief in some "Mexican gangs and drug lords" stereotypes on Jeremy's part. Or producer driven drama. Or both. 

And yes, I'd be nervous about Leah going anywhere with my kids, but Jeremy doesn't seem to have an issue with her having Addie most of the time, so...

Edited by Lm2162
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9 hours ago, salvame said:

Interesting how things have flipped for me with these girls.  I used to be a big Kailyn supporter and Chelsea and her family used to frustrate the hell out of me.  

Now, Chelsea has settled down, and Aubree is being raised amidst love.  I wish they would just drop Adumb, as his whining and petulant behavior do nothing for the show.  I also wish she had waited a bit longer, at least until after the wedding, to get pregnant.  No apparent reason, just think that she could have had a fantastic wedding of her dreams and then focused on creating a larger family, but that's just me.  A new baby will perhaps justify her annoying babytalk!

I wish Chelsea had waited until after the wedding to get pregnant, and Randylicious probably does, too,  but suspect they were careless one drunken night and since they were already engaged decided to keep it moving. She's going to have her dream wedding after the birth. 

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44 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

I would imagine the trick is getting them back into the US.

You are assuming Leah wouldn't ingest them there while in Mexico. One, like Leah, who has a history of drug abuse, isn't going to try to bring them back. Just enjoy them while they can where she is away from prying eyes and cameras. And family.

6 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:


And yes, I'd be nervous about Leah going anywhere with my kids, but Jeremy doesn't seem to have an issue with her having Addie most of the time, so...

He doesn't have a choice. She is Addie's mother. The custody agreement must be adhered to. Jeremy also works FULL-TIME out of town. What can Jeremy prove differently than Cory? Cory had all kinds of shit on Leah.

Edited by GreatKazu
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1 minute ago, GreatKazu said:

You are assuming Leah wouldn't ingest them there while in Mexico. One, like Leah, who has a history of drug abuse, isn't going to try to bring them back. Just enjoy them while they can where she is away from prying eyes and cameras. And family.

Yeah, I mean, the vast majority of the drug trade in Mexico exists because Americans are so hooked on them and willing to pay. 

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3 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

You are assuming Leah wouldn't ingest them there while in Mexico. One, like Leah, who has a history of drug abuse, isn't going to try to bring them back. Just enjoy them while they can where she is away from prying eyes and cameras. And family.

He doesn't have a choice. She is Addie's mother. What can Jeremy prove differently than Cory, and Cory had all kinds of shit on Leah.

I just mean that I don't happen to think that was the main reason for this particular freakout. Racism was at least partially involved IMO. 

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Jeremy's definitely one of the people yelling "It ain't your country no more, [insert slur for either homosexual, woman, or minority here]!" during the inauguration this week. The oreo comment was brilliantly summarized by another illustrious poster here as confirming Jeremy as "a turd." I know I liked that post, just not sure who it was, but well done. 

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7 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

I'm not buying Jeremy's concern is driven by much but racism. For people mentioning drugs...Honestly, I live near the border and have been to Mexico and I've also been to the meth-addled, mostly white, similar-to-Leah's-kinfolks' town where my parents live. Guess where I was more afraid? You'd be better off in most parts of Mexico in terms of lack of drug availability, guns, violence and general sordidness than among Leah and Jeremy's particular acquaintances, who often look high or drunk, have multiple parents of various kids and think it's cute for toddlers to pose with weapons. They don't live amongst Harvard grads in a small college town in Vermont, they live in one of the most dangerous states in the country and partake in plenty of guns-n-drugs themselves. It's just pure racism and a belief in some "Mexican gangs and drug lords" stereotypes on Jeremy's part. Or producer driven drama. Or both. 

And yes, I'd be nervous about Leah going anywhere with my kids, but Jeremy doesn't seem to have an issue with her having Addie most of the time, so...

Yes to everything in this post. I currently live in northern Virginia (from NJ-which carries its own stereotypes, yes) and hate venturing even 30-40 minutes south of where I live because you then enter Germy like territory. And as another poster wrote, it's not like she's taking them to Juarez, we're talking Riviera Maya. I personally dream of Rosewood Mayakoba on a daily basis, but that is just a pipe dream 

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