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Ask Me Anything #2 / 2017.01.17

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I'm in Illinois and there is a Doctor's office that hires young teens and college student, offers them training and them thinking its for the job, they are sending them to Florida to learn about Scientology, I  know this because my niece went not at all knowing it was for Scientology. When she returned upon her trip they asked her how she felt and she said she was not interested, it was fired on the spot. I was terrified to even find out she was there for that reason, to me it's a cult  trying to get these kids in there. What can I do to stop this.

Edited by Jeannette
  • Love 24

Fantastic episode and great guests! I hope details about the physical abuse and imprisonment of Sea Org members gets out to a much wider audience now, along with the information about destructive cults in general.

I teared up when Hassan got emotional over being terrorized.

Thanks so much to Leah and Mike for all they've done. As Leah said, it was the least amount of fun she's ever had but the most rewarding.

When Mike acknowledged all the support and said it wasn't what he was expecting, I wonder what he thought the response would be? Hate from $cilons for sure, but it sounded like he was braced for a negative reaction from the public as well.

Edited by lordonia
  • Love 20
13 minutes ago, tchaikca said:

Holy cow! I am a weepy emotional basket case right now! Have been lurking on this forum (first time posting...hi!), but am a long time clam watcher. This show has been incredible. Kudos to Leah, Mike Rinder, and all of the guests. Big thanks to Nancy Dubuc (A&E CEO who green lit this show) who has been on the end of some nasty $cieno "tactics". I hope Leah's comment about "season one" means that this will return. I would like to see Jenna Miscavige Hill (just finished her book), and Astra Woodcraft featured, and wouldn't mind hearing from Jason Beghe again.

I really hope that this explosion of support and interest will blow the lid off this thing. Go Mike and Leah!!!


The more people that become vocal about this CULT, the louder our collective voices will be heard.

Shine a light on the darkness and hopefully more followers can find their way out and more will never fall into the dark hole.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, Jeannette said:

I'm in Illinois and there is a Doctor's office that hires young teens and college student, offers them training and them thinking its for the job, they are sending them to Florida to learn about Scientology, I  know this because my niece went not at all knowing it was for Scientology. When she returned upon her trip they asked her how she felt and she said she was not interested, it was fired on the spot. I was terrified to even find out she was there for that reason, to me it's a cult  trying to get these kids in there. What can I do to stop this.

It sounds like that doctor is practicing religious discrimination. If Scientology is a religion, firing someone for NOT being one is religious discrimination.

I'm glad Leah talked about how important "Going Clear" and other investigations were in getting her show on. At the same time, I think the A&E show has created much more exposure to an audience that really didn't know about Scientology. I also thought the anecdotes about not getting Kevin James into COS and his stuff about giving not him the Tom Cruise look were pretty funny.

  • Love 20

Of course the charlatans Louis Farrakhan and David Miscavige are in bed with each other.  My mom was friends with a woman who was in NOI every word out of her mouth was repeated from Hon. Elijah Mohammed or Dr. Farrakhan.  They are both cult leaders even though NOI was about helping poor black people from what my mother's friend said they did not much care for the "white devil,"  so I am guessing there must have been some sort of financial incentives for Farakhan to align himself with Scientology.

  • Love 6
18 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

I hired Steve Hassan back in the 80's to help get a family member out of a well-known cult. It was done like a family intervention. Anyway, it worked for about a week but the cult didn't give up and got their claws back in. Kidnapping and isolating members until they can be deprogramed is probably more effective, but it's not wholly legal and can damage relationships if it fails. 

Steve is a great person. He has empathy because of his own experiences. He's completely dedicated to the work of helping people cut bonds with these dangerous, destructive organizations. It is work for professionals, believe me. 

Thank You for posting this most personal information.

The more people tell their stories the more the truth gets out there for all of us to activate against.

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, mbaywife123 said:

So let me get this straight.

LRH founded his "church" on the facts that he left the U.S. Navy disabled and blind  (really had arthritis in his hip and pink eye) and then cured himself by his self created Dianetics.

His medals and medical conditions and Naval discharge were exposed to be false.

He then founded an organization based on his false/forged information and applied for tax exempt "church" status.

What a mentally ill loser and con man.

....with really (REALLY) bad teeth!

  • Love 23
3 hours ago, Jeannette said:

I'm in Illinois and there is a Doctor's office that hires young teens and college student, offers them training and them thinking its for the job, they are sending them to Florida to learn about Scientology, I  know this because my niece went not at all knowing it was for Scientology. When she returned upon her trip they asked her how she felt and she said she was not interested, it was fired on the spot. I was terrified to even find out she was there for that reason, to me it's a cult  trying to get these kids in there. What can I do to stop this.

You already have by posting this story.  Maybe you can post it again on the A&E site too.  Thanks for putting this out there.

1 hour ago, veronicamers said:

Amazing episode. I was really blown away by Steven Hassan. What a compassionate, lovely, caring man. Has anyone read any of his books? I really want to dive into them like right now. 

All my gratitude to Leah, Mike, the team behind the scenes, and all the participants for the unbelievable experience of watching this show. It really has had a profound impact on me. You have my admiration and full support.

Wait to thank them next week.  There is still one episode left this season I believe.  And I think it is the one that tells Leah's personal story in detail.  I think I read that somewhere.

And really?  Empty houses filled with Kool cigs and that picture of the giant double o part of the Kool logo taken from a drone or something?  So Hubbard can see the Kool label from some cloud or something when he descends to earth and knows where to go to get his nicotine fix?  You just can't make up stuff like this.

Add in the US Navy conspiracy to hide his real identity when he was apparently a naval version of 007 and I just don't know how it is possible for anyone to swallow any of this crap ever.  I know brainwashing is real but come on.  Would these people believe the moon was made of Swiss cheese if it was in one of Hubbard's books?  Sadly, probably.

Edited by green
  • Love 9
7 minutes ago, green said:

You already have by posting this story.  Maybe you can post it again on the A&E site too.  Thanks for putting this out there.

Wait to thank them next week.  There is still one episode left this season I believe.  And I think it is the one that tells Leah's personal story in detail.  I think I read that somewhere.

And really?  Empty houses filled with Kool cigs and that picture of the giant double o part of the Kool logo taken from a drone or something?  So Hubbard can see the Kool label from some cloud or something when he descends to earth and knows where to go to get his nicotine fix?  You just can't make up stuff like this.

Add in the US Navy conspiracy to hide his real identity when he was apparently a naval version of 007 and I just don't know how it is possible for anyone to swallow any of this crap ever.  I know brainwashing is real but come on.  Would these people believe the moon was made of Swiss cheese if it was in one of Hubbard's books?  Sadly, probably.

This stuff is too unbelievable to make up!i

I think I will now start up a "church" that is based on the information to all that when I fart spirits come out of my ass to clear the planet.

If you disconnect from my farts you will be declared and you can no longer be a member of my billion year book club.

  • Love 9
7 hours ago, lordonia said:

When Mike acknowledged all the support and said it wasn't what he was expecting, I wonder what he thought the response would be? Hate from $cilons for sure, but it sounded like he was braced for a negative reaction from the public as well.

I think they were worried about apathy. Instead, they got the opposite.

  • Love 7

I thought this episode did a great job of clarifying the horrible mistreatment of Sea Org vis a vis the general brainwashing and financial leeching of the average "parishioner".  

Wasn't it telling that Debbie Cooke's case was dropped after one day?  Afraid of those court records, DM?  Supports what Leah has said about suing her and others who blow and talk.  CO$ loves to threaten with legal BS, but they seem scared to death of an actual courtroom.

  • Love 16
8 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Is someone assigned to keeping a couple of fresh packs of Kools around just in case LRH decides to check in for a night?


8 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

Yes, cigarette Sally aka David Miscavige.

If Lafette came back to us mere mortals I believe Little Davie would smother him in his sleep. Ain't no way that little Napoleon would ever willingly turn over all that power and cash flow.

  • Love 18
8 hours ago, green said:

Wait to thank them next week.  There is still one episode left this season I believe.  And I think it is the one that tells Leah's personal story in detail.  I think I read that somewhere.

Oh, I SO hope this is true.  I really want to hear about Leah's personal journey.  Is her little sister still in the COS?  I vividly remember Leah's book talking about how she'd stop into the nursery to try and see her baby sister, who was being "taken care of" by a bunch of kids, and I can't even think about the conditions without getting teary.  

5 hours ago, AnnieGirl said:

.....audit the gay out of them.....

Uh huh, good luck with that!

When this was discussed, I thought about Kirstie Alley, who is good friends with Jonathan Knight from NKOTB - and Jonathan is openly gay.  I wonder how Kirstie justifies this in her own mind.


1 hour ago, TaraS1 said:

This series is so intense, it's always nice when Leah comes out with some zinger that breaks up some of the sadness.  Her "That's disgusting, Mike" comment when he said he'd seen her Stuff magazine cover was hysterical!  Followed by him giving her a look of adoration that said, "You are crazy and hilarious and I love you for it."

+++++1.  They really do play well off each other.  At the very beginning of the show, as Mike and Leah were getting miked and having their makeup fussed with, Leah fondly touched Mike's cheek with the back of her hand, and I thought: these two truly care for each other.  They are perfect together.  I could literally listen to their accents all day long.

Side note: it drives me nuts how COS members pronounce LRH: "Ell-errr-aich" in that weird blended way.  Tom Cruise especially.  It's just odd.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 11

Excellent episode.  I am touched by the love Rinder and Leah have for each other. 

Cos believes LRH's Navy record was sheep dipped.  They have an answer for everything.  The fake medals would be tricky to defend. 

They store food for LRH, too.  Oh good god. Makes me wonder how a 100 year old can of cream of celery soup would hold up.  

The celebrities have no clue what goes on; there are no rules for them.  They live in a privileged bubble but  wouldn't you think they would at least check out the growing movement to expose the horrors?  Are they that arrogant?  

  • Love 14
38 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Shannon is Leah's little sister. Her whole family got out when Leah got out. This includes Shannon's then husband.  None of her family is in anymore.  The weird thing about her husband is it appears he's with someone else. He and Shannon are no longer together but he still participates in all family gatherings like Christmas. (with his new g/f).  I think it's b/c he left his family when he left Scn and now Shannon's family is all he has.  I think that's pretty awesome of her and everyone to include him and his new g/f. 

Edited by scoobie1
  • Love 12

She may have her family on next week when she tells her story because they are an integral part of it.  I am looking forward to hear her husband speak.  Fingers crossed I am right. 

ETA. http://www.lifeandstylemag.com/posts/leah-remini-husband-serial-cheater-76315/photos/leah-remini-105293

Edited by wings707
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

They really do play well off each other...  They are perfect together.  I could literally listen to their accents all day long.

I love Rindah and Remini.  One might believe that these two have always been destined to bring down a demonic cult that enslaves, abuses, and kills.  They endured much, in different ways and gaining different skills, so that they would be well positioned to do what needs to be done.  What a team!

  • Love 11

Isn't smoking an addiction?  Wouldn't smoking make LRH a level 1.1 person or some kind of low level person as his addiction means he has crimes and is unethical?  Just saying, if he needs to find his Kools from space it isn't just recreational use lol.

What a great show, just wonderfully done with information well explained and experiences you can empathize with. I used to think Scientology was just odd but fascinating but now I see the evil.

  • Love 24
14 hours ago, Jeannette said:

I'm in Illinois and there is a Doctor's office that hires young teens and college student, offers them training and them thinking its for the job, they are sending them to Florida to learn about Scientology, I  know this because my niece went not at all knowing it was for Scientology. When she returned upon her trip they asked her how she felt and she said she was not interested, it was fired on the spot. I was terrified to even find out she was there for that reason, to me it's a cult  trying to get these kids in there. What can I do to stop this.

I worked at a Dentist office a few years ago and they were trying out a new program that required the entire office to go to Florida for training. I did not go and when they came back it was obvious it was a Scientology based program. They started talking about SPs and how people that didn't want the treatments that they were telling them they needed ( some unnecessary, if you ask me) would be declared SPs because they were useless to the practice. So basically if you just needed cleanings you were lesser than the people they could talk into crowns and expensive other work. It was sick and I didn't last much longer after that.

I do know that it was very expensive for the practice and they had to go to Florida quite a bit for "training"

  • Love 14
20 minutes ago, Arynm said:

I worked at a Dentist office a few years ago and they were trying out a new program that required the entire office to go to Florida for training. I did not go and when they came back it was obvious it was a Scientology based program. They started talking about SPs and how people that didn't want the treatments that they were telling them they needed ( some unnecessary, if you ask me) would be declared SPs because they were useless to the practice. So basically if you just needed cleanings you were lesser than the people they could talk into crowns and expensive other work. It was sick and I didn't last much longer after that.

I do know that it was very expensive for the practice and they had to go to Florida quite a bit for "training"

What year did this happen? 

They love to throw around the words "hate crime," but how is sending people dressed in Nazi uniforms to "protest" at the home of a Jewish man not a hate crime? That's the point where Leah broke down, when Mr. Hassan was telling that part, if I'm not mistaken. Just when I think there's no way they can sink any lower, they find a way.

  • Love 23

I'm going to be a little critical of this episode. Both "AMA" episodes have started out with Leah answering questions but quickly changed over to guest interviews. I would have liked to have heard more questions and answers from viewers like us. I also thought they sort of glossed over a lot of the answers. For example, I found it interesting what Kevin James' reaction was to any attempt she made to recruit him, but that just raised another question: to what extent was she asked, or expected to recruit Kevin James or any other co-star into Scientology? And by whom? Then they brought up the church's position on homosexuals but didn't utter a peep about all the rumors swirling around both Tom Cruise and John Travolta. I realize they don't want to get sued but it's the big elephant in the room and they could have simply referred to unnamed celebrities who may or may not have joined the church to be "cured." We'd all know who they meant.

Also, it sometimes feels like Mike Rinder is somewhat less remorseful than he ought to be. When Steven Hassan was tearing up and saying how Mike used to scare the hell out him, Mike just sat there stone-faced. I felt he should have been a bit more apologetic.

That said, this was some pretty engrossing stuff.


We're invited to ask her anything but no one's got questions about her nails?!

Well she probably needs them for self-defense, in case any Scientologists try to drag her back to the church.

  • Love 14

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