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S09.E10: Uncharitable Behavior

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In case you missed it, here's the Previously.TV post on the episode!



The Real Housewives of Atlanta Tune In, Turn Out, and Pop Up (For Charity)

Phaedra organizes a 'pop-up shop' to raise money for Flint, Michigan, which is the perfect setting for the husky-voiced return of Marlo.

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Kandi's deer in the headlights look when Cynthia and Kenya said they were staying with her was funny considering she has huge guest house that is vacant. 

Is Cynthia that clueless about sex toys?

Phaedra had a huge space, she should have had a liquor vender and a food vendor, people would have shopped a little more if they had a little booze in them.

Sheree and her wallpaper, that girl does not have the budget for imported or otherwise, paint is her option.  Why on earth did they bring back Marlo?

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14 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

The RadarOnline story isn't jiving with what's being shown. Again, producer manipulation. She was in California? I thought she was in Charlotte? Why didn't we see police anywhere? Oh, that's right, this is a TV show....

Right! LOL Matt had already broken out windows in the garage earlier but she didn't have the houses alarm set when she went out of town this time? Also, had there been footage of Matt spraying her security camera, as she/ROL report claims, does anyone really think production wouldn't have shown it?

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Matt had already broken out windows in the garage earlier but she didn't have the houses alarm set when she went out of town this time?

I would assume the alarm was set, since Kenya was already aware of the vandalism when she arrived.

Kenya might be manipulative and shady, but that doesn't change the fact that Matt is a ragey mofo.

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My question is...What makes them (Kenya, producers) think we wanna watch this shit? Nothing about this is interesting or compelling. It's CLEARLY bullshit. 

Do other franchises have this level of manipulation going on? This all started with Kenya the actress and at this point, I'm just about tapped out. Prior to her arrival there was bullshit, but to this degree? And using domestic violence as entertainment? Ugh.

Bravo if you're reading this, ENOUGH. 

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9 minutes ago, jaync said:

I would assume the alarm was set, since Kenya was already aware of the vandalism when she arrived.

Kenya might be manipulative and shady, but that doesn't change the fact that Matt is a ragey mofo.

I was going by the ROL story which says that Kenya told the police that it was "not" on/set at the time her broke the garage/SUV windows. Again, if Matt did this where is the security footage of him spray painting the cameras as she claimed he did, production would surely show this event like they did the last time he broke the windows out.

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I did not mind Kandi's reaction to Kenya deciding to stay with Kandi. My interpretation was when Kenya was on the phone with Kandi that Kenya was not interested in staying with her. Also, it looked like some time passed between when Kenya called Kandi and when she actually decided to possibly stay with Kandi. I would think that if you were going to take someone up on their offer to stay with them you would give them a heads up that you are coming over or a call asking if the offer still stands. In my opinion Kenya should not have invited Cynthia to stay as well, that is something Cynthia should take up with Kandi. Where was Noelle in this scenario? Though I think it was all some producer shenanigans that think it would be hilarious for Kenya and Cynthia to stay with Kandi. I am probably a horrible person because I have offered to let people stay with me, but secretly hope they do not take me up on it. Though I cannot get mad if they do, because I did offer.

I agree with everyone about the Matt situation being hinky. I believe that Matt has issues, but I think this storyline is all Kenya's doing. Gee, what storyline is she going to come up with next season? Again I am a horrible person because I laughed at Kenya's bad acting at Phaedra's office. 

I do think if Phaedra had more food at her pop up shop than just Ayden's cookies that she may have mad more money. Was Phaedra just selling t-shirts as well? With the space she had I thought she would have more vendors than just the rest of the housewives.

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2 minutes ago, Misslindsey said:

I did not mind Kandi's reaction to Kenya deciding to stay with Kandi. My interpretation was when Kenya was on the phone with Kandi that Kenya was not interested in staying with her. Also, it looked like some time passed between when Kenya called Kandi and when she actually decided to possibly stay with Kandi. I would think that if you were going to take someone up on their offer to stay with them you would give them a heads up that you are coming over or a call asking if the offer still stands. In my opinion Kenya should not have invited Cynthia to stay as well, that is something Cynthia should take up with Kandi. Where was Noelle in this scenario? Though I think it was all some producer shenanigans that think it would be hilarious for Kenya and Cynthia to stay with Kandi. I am probably a horrible person because I have offered to let people stay with me, but secretly hope they do not take me up on it. Though I cannot get mad if they do, because I did offer.

I agree with everyone about the Matt situation being hinky. I believe that Matt has issues, but I think this storyline is all Kenya's doing. Gee, what storyline is she going to come up with next season? Again I am a horrible person because I laughed at Kenya's bad acting at Phaedra's office. 

I do think if Phaedra had more food at her pop up shop than just Ayden's cookies that she may have mad more money. Was Phaedra just selling t-shirts as well? With the space she had I thought she would have more vendors than just the rest of the housewives.

I really think Kenya and Cynthia (and production) were punking/teasing Kandi and really didn't want or expect Kandi to let them stay with her. Notice that Cynthia got past Kandi's "gate" without having to buzz the house first, that scene was staged for a fun/light moment.

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52 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I really think Kenya and Cynthia (and production) were punking/teasing Kandi and really didn't want or expect Kandi to let them stay with her. Notice that Cynthia got past Kandi's "gate" without having to buzz the house first, that scene was staged for a fun/light moment.

Or they were out of interesting things to film and production said, "Hey, remember how Kandi offered to let you stay there a few weeks ago? Why don't you take her up on that. You and Cynthia living together in Kandi's guest house could be kind of a modern Oscar vs. Felix thing". 

The things they think WE think are entertaining....

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A multiple choice question.  Is it true that Kenya writes all her storylines/scenes?







(Maybe I drew a little smile on a Monday???  Pics from realitytvgifs.)

Edited by Ellee
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I agree with everyone about the Matt situation being hinky. I believe that Matt has issues, but I think this storyline is all Kenya's doing. Gee, what storyline is she going to come up with next season? Again I am a horrible person because I laughed at Kenya's bad acting at Phaedra's office. 

I think he is being portrayed like a creep and it will ruin his life. Kenya is strirring the pot so she has a story line.

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Trying to remember the show and comments.

Marlo is still thirsty to get on the show. Unfortunately, her faggot slurs will make sure Andy keeps her from getting a steady paycheck, despite how much drama and ratings she brings. A friend can invite her but she'll never get a friend of or Ho position. The editing had Kenya approaching her in a mild way but had Marlo reaching for drama, Sheree style. No luck, Ms. Marlo of the stolen credit cards and fashions.

Sheree, your tshirts are about 6 years too late. As NeNe said to you before, you and Marlo are playing for the wrong team. Someone pass the memo to Porsha too. 

I always like Porsha with the short cut wigs. I think they suit her face. Too bad she changes them to get men. She should showcase them/short lacefront wigs as part of her hair collections. 

Noel(le)...ok i get you have memories, but get up off your spoiled ass and snatch down them post-its before they're gone. Also, the key turning over ceremony...Cynthia's portrait was still on the wall. No, ma'am.

Kenya/Matt...I think Kenya has a part in manipulating but I also think Matt is a crazy mofo who has not yet denied being a key suspect in fucking up her house. If he came in through the broken side door, punching the garage glass would still result in outside shatter remnants and most people don't lock their cars once in the garage. She may fuck with his mind but he's still a "sick, mixed up individual" (Brand Nubian). Girl, leave his fool ass alone. No matter what he agreed to for storyline, I doubt a random car service dude from Charlotte signed up to get smacked for a $40 airport ride.

I feel like the rounded dollar amount donations were separate from the 50% of net profit contributions. I demand an accounting more thorough than what we have pieced together here. 

Edited by sunsheyen
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The fact that Kenya refuses to take out a restraining order against Matt strongly suggests to me that she's lying about him doing all -- or possibly any -- of that damage to her house and car. While I would never call Kenya a paragon of sanity, only someone who's batshit crazy would see all this damage and not go to the police.

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6 hours ago, booboopbedoo said:

I think he is being portrayed like a creep and it will ruin his life. Kenya is strirring the pot so she has a story line.

His multiple arrests will probably have more of an impact.

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2 hours ago, MissMel said:

@sunsheyen, Porsha said on WWHL that her haircut was her real hair, not a wig.  I thought it looked good, too.  

Thanks, didn't know. She looks so good with her real hair...I've never been a weave/wig wearer but I can't imagine putting all that extra stress on my hair and weight on my head with perfectly cute locks!

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2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

His multiple arrests will probably have more of an impact.

I have a question. Was Matt ever arrested before he/Kenya hooked up or has this happened since they started dating and has he been in any legal trouble since he has moved onto some new woman?

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Did anyone notice how perfectly the cameras had been spray painted? I didn't see a ladder when I watched this scene, but even at close range, a psycho stalker ex boyfriend with vandalism on his mind...would he have taken the time to neatly color in those cameras we saw? I saw a little bit of spray on the wall behind one camera, but you'd think he'd have made as big a mess as possible given he was also there to kick in more garage glass and smash in a range rover window. That would take a lot of force, btw. A LOT. And some object or projectile has been smashed right through it.

And I sighed also when Cynthia just 'popped in' unannounced to Kandi's safe gated house. Bravo, you are really showing us how very little you think of us.

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28 minutes ago, queenjen said:


And I sighed also when Cynthia just 'popped in' unannounced to Kandi's safe gated house. Bravo, you are really showing us how very little you think of us.

just like when Block's gf just popped in for her appearance? makes me way less inclined to think cast shenanigans and more crew mess. Production already has a pass in...not hard to let someone come through at that point. 

I'm sick of the fakery. The crew needs a villain and it's easy for them to turn it to Kandi. Who else? Sheree and Porsha have no stories (unbuilt home and nothing, respectively), people already hate Kenya, Cynthia is dull as a box of rocks, everyone knows Phaedra is a liar, whether one supports her or not...who's left? Kandi. Not hard for me to believe she was blindsided with the Block stuff which didn't even last 2 episodes. 

It's so funny to watch the blogs and recappers turn against Kandi with nothing to even go on. The stupidity is unreal. It's all editing and the fact that everyone else is even duller than her makes this all a mockery. Maybe Keshia Knight-Pulliam will finally join since she has some real dirt in her life. Hell, I'd even take Lisa Wu and her made up businesses or Deshawn Snow and her divorce/best friend drama and governesses. There's an idea...Lisa vs. Keshia in the battle of Sorry Ed's spawn.

It's more than what we've got going now. Cynthia tries to buy a house, Sheree can't furnish a house, Kenya has to rebuild a house, Phaedra lives in a house, Porsha moves out of a house. 

Time for an entire overhaul and recast.

Edited by sunsheyen
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13 hours ago, WireWrap said:

According to leaked contracts, (Simon Barney), they all sign a waiver that allows the HWs and production to tell lies about them and that they give up all rights to sue. I think this is the exact reason that Kenya has never pressed charges against Matt for any of the damage she claims he caused. As long as she doesn't take it that far, he is bound by the contract. I also believe that Matt was in on them "fighting" as a storyline but never thought Kenya/production would claim he was "abusive".

From what I saw, they were not "droplets" but perfect round spots of "blood". Blood tends to run/streak but what we saw seem to defy gravity. Of course, I did not watch it on HD so maybe I missed it.

Wait, this article claims that Kenya was in Cali. and not in her driveway when she saw the damage! Oh and had she video of Matt doing this, it would have been shown just like the last time he broke out her garage windows and why wasn't the alarm "ON" when she is supposedly out of state?

Do you have a link to the contract?  I think that no matter what's in the release, it would be thrown out as counter to public policy if it specifically allowed for defamation.  Most releases are to get out of negligent behavior, not intentional acts, so it would be cool to see the contract.

I think blood can stream, run or settle into round drops.  Blood splatter analysis is generally done in murder scenes where different forces are at play...versus a cut that may occur when cutting your hand or foot, or a secondary injury.

Like I said, i think it's possible to come up on the security camera from behind to disable it.  Also, Kenya lives in the woods.  I dont see why it's impossible for him to park in the wooded area and come up on the cameras from behind.

Has he come out with an official denial?

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5 hours ago, pbutler111 said:

The fact that Kenya refuses to take out a restraining order against Matt strongly suggests to me that she's lying about him doing all -- or possibly any -- of that damage to her house and car. While I would never call Kenya a paragon of sanity, only someone who's batshit crazy would see all this damage and not go to the police.

I think there are many women in abusive/codependent/toxic relationships that refuse to get restraining orders.  Quite often, no one knows until it's too late.

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17 minutes ago, sunsheyen said:

It's so funny to watch the blogs and recappers turn against Kandi with nothing to even go on.

I've seen a clip of Kandi and Todd, maybe it was linked here, where she's responding to a question about how much contact she has with the cast. There was an eyeroll and a complicit look at Todd and she said she doesn't associate with any of them. I've said it before here, this season, it's like production has punkd Kandi. You can have your restaurant publicity, but we're going to make you film with any dirt we can dig up on you ie. Block. 

And this franchise...why are they so attached to this cast? None of them are authentic and the only one who is, Kandi, they seem to be trying to make her jump through hoops for whatever they're paying her. I just saw the article linked above where a big deal is trying to be created out of a pretty innocuous tweet Kandi made: they're trying to beat it up into 'Kandi is leaving RHOA!!!'. There's nothing to it if it's only that tweet. And if Kandi was on another franchise, she'd be as interesting as say Eileen Davidson on BH. No real friends among the cast (including Lisa R), so her interactions are just her going about her business. I like that Kandi is successful and she's genuinely hustling, and she's raising a family and dealing with family. But she's not really letting the audience in to her life either. And she's the best of this bunch, IMO, with Cynthia next. 

The one thing that most of us here are sensing and objecting to is the fakery, the contrived SLs and the really bad acting. I'm preferring Married to Medicine to a lot of this atm.

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I think the reason people are turning on Kandi is due to her constant support and approval of her nasty mother. If Joyce had never joined the party, Kandi would still be the sweet, nice woman we met years ago. I also liked Kandi's former home with normal furniture.. Not the monstrosity with gaudy, tacky decor..

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9 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

I think the reason people are turning on Kandi is due to her constant support and approval of her nasty mother.

I can't stand MJ. But seeing what Kandi came up with makes me feel for her even more. I don't think she could ever cut her mother off and we know that no one can look sideways at Kandi's family, but at the same time, Kandi didn't have a problem telling us that MJ had opened credit cards in her name and burned money in gambling and she took us through the house no longer good enough for MJ that she'd torn up and devalued with some offscreen scrub. It's a weird dynamic, I think she 'supports' MJ because and only because she is her mother. I don't think there is necessarily approval there, just acceptance of the things Kandi doesn't believe she can change. But MJ is truly a heinous piece of work and I could care less about the 'OLG' also. I feel like Kandi is trying to channel them into something acceptable and profitable.

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7 hours ago, RealReality said:

Do you have a link to the contract?  I think that no matter what's in the release, it would be thrown out as counter to public policy if it specifically allowed for defamation.  Most releases are to get out of negligent behavior, not intentional acts, so it would be cool to see the contract.

I think blood can stream, run or settle into round drops.  Blood splatter analysis is generally done in murder scenes where different forces are at play...versus a cut that may occur when cutting your hand or foot, or a secondary injury.

Like I said, i think it's possible to come up on the security camera from behind to disable it.  Also, Kenya lives in the woods.  I dont see why it's impossible for him to park in the wooded area and come up on the cameras from behind.

Has he come out with an official denial?

The site I saw the contracts on was stoopidhousewives but they closed a while ago. I am sure if you google Simon Barney custody fight you will find it. That clause was 1 of his main reasons for not allowing his/Tamra's children to film the show after their divorce.

In the ROL report, it states that Kenya told the police that she "saw" Matt spray paint the cameras. I did try to check to see if he denied this but he no longer on twitter that I can find and he isn't talking about the show at all on his IG account.  

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Joyce could massacre kittens NYE in Times Square and Kandi would challenge anyone who dared to criticize it. 

Marlos voice is so deep. She sounds like Kathleen Turner. 

Porsha looks best in a bob. It suits her heart shaped face, strong jaw, and sassy personality. 

Ive said it before but the brazen fakeassedness of every single plot this season is insulting. Also ditto to the comment about all the house stories...when is Josh Flagg or Jeff Lewis going to do crossovers since we basically a reality show about real estate and renovations now. 

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1 hour ago, Petunia13 said:


Joyce could massacre kittens NYE in Times Square and Kandi would challenge anyone who dared to criticize it. 


This. I get family loyalty. But Kandi knows her mother is a nightmare and she could have kept her off the show, instead of subjecting her cast mastes (and us viewers) to her chicanery. 

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5 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I had a good chuckle at the nail salon yesterday, (CNN was on (at the nail salon, odd choice but whatever) and there was Phaedra's cowboy wearing political friend front and center...donning a red cowboy hat in all it's glory.

Her name is Frederica Wilson, she's a congresswoman and yes, she does love her some cowboy hats.

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On ‎1‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 9:51 AM, absolutqt said:

I guess I need to go back an rewatch but I didn't follow why Cynthia's deal fell through.  I thought her toasting with her fam by the lake last week meant she had already settled?  Whatev...I'm not that interested.  And I was so annoyed that Noelle wouldn't put down her phone to speak to her mother.


No, they hadn't closed when she and her mother and Mall toasted at the lake; her realtor just let them in to see it. Her offer was accepted but the bank ordered a second appraisal and the house didn't appraise for the purchase price. So no deal. They will have to do a third appraisal (or renegotiate the sale amount).


I just youtubed shooting glass and if it's plate glass, it will shatter in both directions.

Yeah, that was strange that Cynthia was planning on bunking at Kandi's but without her 16 y/o child. Speaking of, why would Cynthia move so far away while Noelle is still in high school? Why not stay put until she graduates?

Does Cynthia have like no hair at all under the wigs and ponytails?

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13 hours ago, RealReality said:

I think there are many women in abusive/codependent/toxic relationships that refuse to get restraining orders.  Quite often, no one knows until it's too late.

Kenya said a restraining order wouldn't stop him or even scare him.  They are ineffective against someone who isn't worried about it. Plus Kenya seems to be in denial that he'd ever actually hurt her. He may get tired of breaking her stuff and turn his anger on her. She needs to stop being so desperate to be with a man. If she wants to be a mom, she should go the frozen dad route instead.    

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I just youtubed shooting glass and if it's plate glass, it will shatter in both directions.

I'm willing to bet my shoe budget that contractors don't put plate glass in garage doors. It has to be heavier glass to withstand routine opening and closings, weather, animals, etc.

Kenya is a lying liar who lies...film at 11.

I doubt she'll ever have a partner willing to be on this show with her. 

Edited by Drumpf1737
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1 hour ago, Drumpf1737 said:

Kenya is a lying liar who lies...film at 11.

Heh.  This took me back to vintage LL, "You lied about the lies that you lied about; you even lied to your aunt when you went down South...". Kenya 's theme music.

Thanks for the clarification about Cynthia's new house, Nikki.  I wasn't invested enough to go back and take a second look.  

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I can't speak for everyone, but I don't get a sense that Matt is looked at as a saint or some innocent. I, personally, think he seems pretty dangerous. But I also think there was something sketchy about this most recent incident. I think it's possible for Matt to be dangerous AND for Kenya to have had a hand in amping things up for her storyline. 

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I can't speak for everyone, but I don't get a sense that Matt is looked at as a saint or some innocent. I, personally, think he seems pretty dangerous. But I also think there was something sketchy about this most recent incident. I think it's possible for Matt to be dangerous AND for Kenya to have had a hand in amping things up for her storyline. 

Taking to Kenya thread.......

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3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I get family loyalty. But Kandi knows her mother is a nightmare and she could have kept her off the show, instead of subjecting her cast mastes (and us viewers) to her chicanery.

I assumed that MJ's appearances netted her a cheque. That's what happens, doesn't it? I assume that Bob, Marlo, OLG, Peter, Matt all got some kind of appearance fee for filming. So, I also thought that MJ's regular scenes on the show were saving Kandi paying her some of the 'walking around' money that she is up for with her mother. On top of the house she lives in and more than likely all the upkeep on that paid for by her daughter. When I said this season it felt like Kandi was being punkd by production, I forgot to mention that that ridiculous scene a few episodes back with MJ all dressed up 'in disguise' to go to Phaedra's office, was apparently filmed without Kandi's knowledge. I bet MJ is negotiating wherever she can with production without Kandi's knowledge. And i bet she also prefers not to tell Kandi what she's being paid. And no doubt still has her hand out. When I see Mj with the rest of the OLG, I get the feeling she's THAT sister: the one that runs wild and loves to rub her family's nose in her 'living large' on Kandi's dime. I can't see the other sisters using the kind of language MJ used at the lunch where she confronted Phaedra about the Drama bomb scare, for example. 

I know Gia Giudice is being paid a regular seasonal amount, I assumed other regulars got appearance fees. Is this correct?

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On Monday, January 16, 2017 at 8:45 AM, RHJunkie said:

That said, I do think that his anger is real and even if it's not a regular thing, it's there and that is still an issue that should be addressed.

At the end of the day, this does showcase real issues on Matt's part. While he may not have been physically abusive, his temper suggests that he could very well cross that line.

I think the fact that Kenya didn't take out a restraining order on Matt sends out the wrong message.  According to her, this isn't the first time Matt has broken things in anger at her home.  He's really giving her garage door a hard time.  I think Kenya should consider getting rid of the all glass garage door.  But if someone is vandalizing your home every time he loses his temper, why would you let him get away with that and why would you not take precautions to make sure he doesn't do it again.  The fact that she didn't get a restraining order makes me think this whole thing is fake.  And I agree that it's pathetic if this is true.  It's a slap in the face to all of the poor women who are facing real domestic violence.  Shame on all involved.

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4 hours ago, swankie said:

I think the fact that Kenya didn't take out a restraining order on Matt sends out the wrong message.  According to her, this isn't the first time Matt has broken things in anger at her home.  He's really giving her garage door a hard time.  I think Kenya should consider getting rid of the all glass garage door.  But if someone is vandalizing your home every time he loses his temper, why would you let him get away with that and why would you not take precautions to make sure he doesn't do it again.  The fact that she didn't get a restraining order makes me think this whole thing is fake.  And I agree that it's pathetic if this is true.  It's a slap in the face to all of the poor women who are facing real domestic violence.  Shame on all involved.

I agree that it sends out the wrong message, but i think its very, very in line with what women in absuive/toxic/codependent relationships will do.

I don't see it as a slap in the face to all women suffering in an abusive relationship, as much as this is just the way women in these relationships sometimes behave.

When she talks about how great he was at first, I think that is the guy she wants to protect.  If he had come at her from day one kicking stuff and breaking car windows, she would have been out.  But that's almost never how abusers operate....they turn the violence up low and before you know it, you're in boiling water up to your neck.

So, it would be great if she got a restraining order and fully left the relationship.  I think it would send the right message.  But I think it takes a lot of women a long time to get to that place when they are in an abusive relationship. 

Now, had I known Kenya I could have told her to avoid Matt as he has crazy eyes.  And the eyes never lie!!

11 hours ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

I agree. When I had a broken window in my garage, they put plexiglass in.  

We've seen Matt kick out her garage Windows before, so it seems like they may not be made of anything super strong. 

Edited by RealReality
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5 hours ago, RealReality said:

I agree that it sends out the wrong message, but i think its very, very in line with what women in absuive/toxic/codependent relationships will do.

I don't see it as a slap in the face to all women suffering in an abusive relationship, as much as this is just the way women in these relationships sometimes behave.

When she talks about how great he was at first, I think that is the guy she wants to protect.  If he had come at her from day one kicking stuff and breaking car windows, she would have been out.  But that's almost never how abusers operate....they turn the violence up low and before you know it, you're in boiling water up to your neck.

So, it would be great if she got a restraining order and fully left the relationship.  I think it would send the right message.  But I think it takes a lot of women a long time to get to that place when they are in an abusive relationship. 

Now, had I known Kenya I could have told her to avoid Matt as he has crazy eyes.  And the eyes never lie!!

I think they're referring to it being a slap in the face IF this entire storyline was originally manufactured for storyline purposes. That is the accusation Matt has put against Kenya and you can see how scenes on the show don't add up and would suggest that Matt is telling the truth.

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45 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

I think they're referring to it being a slap in the face IF this entire storyline was originally manufactured for storyline purposes. That is the accusation Matt has put against Kenya and you can see how scenes on the show don't add up and would suggest that Matt is telling the truth.

I believe the poster said its pathetic if true, and a slap in the face to victims of domestic violence.  Which is how i read it.  And that its likely not true because kenya didnt file a restraining order.  Which i dont think is accurate.

I think a viable, alternate explanation is that abusive men are quick to blame everyone else for their behavior.  And so matt "suggesting" that this is all a storyline he has been manipulated into makes sense.

I dont know how you manufacture a guy showing up to an event when you have his flight cancelled.  

I think her not seeking a restraining order or police intervention doesnt make her story less believable since many women in abusive relationships dont do either of those things.

Has he issued an uneqivocal denial to the charge that he vandalized her property?  Not sime tweet suggesting that there was more to the story, but an uneqivocal denial?

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8 minutes ago, RealReality said:

I believe the poster said its pathetic if true, and a slap in the face to victims of domestic violence.  Which is how i read it.  And that its likely not true because kenya didnt file a restraining order.  Which i dont think is accurate.

I think a viable, alternate explanation is that abusive men are quick to blame everyone else for their behavior.  And so matt "suggesting" that this is all a storyline he has been manipulated into makes sense.

I dont know how you manufacture a guy showing up to an event when you have his flight cancelled.  

I think her not seeking a restraining order or police intervention doesnt make her story less believable since many women in abusive relationships dont do either of those things.

Has he issued an uneqivocal denial to the charge that he vandalized her property?  Not sime tweet suggesting that there was more to the story, but an uneqivocal denial?

Like all the husbands/so/bf, Matt gets paid and he was scheduled to attend the filming of Peter's new bar opening. Kenya/Peter may have cancelled his flight but I don't think they or production told him to stay away, so him still showing up makes more sense than not.

No, Matt never denied the first time he broke the windows but he closed his twitter account and has kept his mouth closed since then.

I again go back to my initial opinion in that I think Kenya thought she could "handle" Matt, poke/provoke him but still "control" him and she was wrong.

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