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S09.E08: Bosom Buddies

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7 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Khandi didn't seem to have much of a backbone during those first few seasons. She sure has changed. Now she's loud, mouthy, judgemental and really high strung. I attribute most of it to Todd. He brings out the mean in her.  She should have been as disgusted with Zolziak then as she now is with Phaedra. Bet if Todd was in the picture back then he would have pushed Khandi to get her money from Kim. 

She has both Joyce and Todd tag teaming her now. Oh, and both of them have their hands out to her for money as well, so ......what's hers is theirs! LOL


Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 9
On 1/2/2017 at 3:18 AM, queenjen said:

I have to say this first, PLEASE production, kill the stupid slurping sounds everytime one of the women uses a straw! This isn't a sitcom with a laugh track. Really irritates the snot out of me. 

Currently, Cynthia is at Luanne's wedding. Or at least, she is staying with Jill Zarin who IS definitely going. I forget that Cynthia spent a lot of time in NYC and had grave reservations about moving to ATL. Wonder how she feels about that decision now?! Maybe it's the model connection with Luann, I don't know. But I love when ho franchises overlap like that!

Interesting that there was very little Kenya in this episode. I've not seen the last 10 minutes, and so far, Kenya has only appeared at the weird cast breast exam with Cynthia (where her THs were just stupid. Saying 'titty' like a 13 year old boy...what was with that?) and a couple of flashbacks. Hopefully there will be no Kenya and Matt at ALL in this ep.

Everytime i see Riley, I wonder. She seems a little...slow. Not 'stupid' slow, just languorous, lacking in energy, or maybe shy. If so, she's the only one in Kandi's family who is. And finally, there is Todd's daughter! They must have had her stashed in another wing of the house. Her advice re Riley meeting the absentee 'birthgiver' was sound, I'm glad they listened to her and can speak about these difficult relationships as a family. I appreciate it when we get to see the hos negotiating family dynamics and being somewhat 'real' as opposed to all the fake garbage we usually get fed with this particular franchise. Oh, wait. There was that scene with Sheree in the folly she's constructed and will probably never live in and definitely cannot afford. That whole SL has been manufactured, along with Kenya and Matt. I hope production is listening to us all and reconsidering just how they've pegged the audience, which would appear to be as complete morons. I never get the feeling that anyone writing here is a moron, us 'board lovies' don't miss a trick. Pick it up, production.

It makes me crazy whenever they show one of the HWs that have been bankrupt or otherwise shown to be having serious financial troubles "buying" a new palatial residence and decorating it. I'm tired of all the chateaux anyway. Don't really care. Nice to see them, but let's not dwell on them or make them characters in a long running serial 6 years in the making. I do like Cynthia's new digs. Looks like lots of relaxing fun.

I could do without the implant stuff, Cynthia's bared breasts and the egg thing. This show is pushing the nasty envelope and all that awful mugging and groaning from Phaedra is outright embarrassing. It looks as though she's advertising for a new beau and wants to make sure he knows she's up for some racy fun. Ugh.

Her retaliatory shade against Kandi smacks of more of her lies. What a thing for Porsha to whisper about her supposed best friend Shamea. I'm not surprised that Phaekdra would put that out there, however.

I think Kandi said what she did after a lengthy period of provocations from Phaedra, who tried to make it Todd's fault that she never paid him, then spent at least several months seeking sympathy from everyone about how her best friend Kandi wasn't "there for her" when she was going through her "agonizing" divorce. I see from this all her protestations about Chocolate being a female friend appear to have been shown to be yet another lie. It seems Kandi and Porsha both were aware of this relationship and I can understand that Kandi is upset that Phaedra has been putting it out there that Kandi was such a poor friend while she, Phaedra, appears to have been the merry divorcee all along. A lot of things Kandi has said and done over the last year or so seem to be more understandable in the light of the new revelations.

As for Kenya, it looks like Matt makes yet another creepy appearance next week. He needs to be gone. He is looking more dangerous by the minute.

  • Love 9
11 hours ago, WireWrap said:

For me, it has gotten to the point of which one will go lower to hurt the other in this tit for tat war, Kandi or Phaedra? Oh, and neither has the moral high ground! LOL

Even in all of their pettiness, if there's one telling the truth and the other is lying, at least the truth teller can claim some moral ground in the situation. I believe what Kandi is saying. I don't think she should have said it but on the other hand, I don't particularly feel bad for Phaedra that she did. On the other hand, I'm not giving Phaedra the benefit of the doubt - she's a nasty person and we've seen her several times repeat gossip for the sake of humiliating and cutting people down. As it stands, I am highly suspicious that what she said about Kandi is something that Kandi divulged to her in confidence. I suspect that Phaedra repeated street gossip or exaggerated some truth for the sake of making sure she 'buries Kandi first'.

  • Love 9
50 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Even in all of their pettiness, if there's one telling the truth and the other is lying, at least the truth teller can claim some moral ground in the situation. I believe what Kandi is saying. I don't think she should have said it but on the other hand, I don't particularly feel bad for Phaedra that she did. On the other hand, I'm not giving Phaedra the benefit of the doubt - she's a nasty person and we've seen her several times repeat gossip for the sake of humiliating and cutting people down. As it stands, I am highly suspicious that what she said about Kandi is something that Kandi divulged to her in confidence. I suspect that Phaedra repeated street gossip or exaggerated some truth for the sake of making sure she 'buries Kandi first'.

My problem with Kandi claiming there is a "Mr" Chocolate is that she first said there wasn't, so she was either lying then or now, which makes her claims now questionable, just as much as Phaedra's claims are about her. This also applies to her condemning Porsha for defending Phaedra, she did the same exact thing if she is telling the truth this time. Sooo, I don't find either of them, Kandi or Phaedra, very trustworthy or likeable at all. Most likely, both Kandi and Phaedra are laughing together all the way to the bank.

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, kassa said:

I thought Kandi had said she knew Chocolate and there was nothing going on with Phaedra and Chocolate... but that doesn't mean Phaedra wasn't seeing somebody else

You might be right. I do not remember how Kandi phrased her answer about Chocolate, but it sounded like a passive answer because she was not (at the time) going to rat out her friend. Who was the one who brought the Chocolate rumors to light? I know Cynthia brought it up at that dinner with all the ladies. Was it Kenya? Was it Cynthia who asked Kandi about it? I cannot remember.

Maybe because I am at my table for one for kind of liking Kandi, but I thought the Kim Z issue was pushed aside because Kandi thought they were real (not just on camera) friends. I feel like I remember her mentioning their kids hung out or something like that. I think she was surprised that Kim screwed her over. I do think the audience was not surprised. Anyway, maybe she learned from that experience. I do not think she values money over her family, but I do think she doesn't like her money or her businesses messed with either.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Khandi didn't seem to have much of a backbone during those first few seasons. She sure has changed. Now she's loud, mouthy, judgemental and really high strung. I attribute most of it to Todd. He brings out the mean in her.  She should have been as disgusted with Zolziak then as she now is with Phaedra. Bet if Todd was in the picture back then he would have pushed Khandi to get her money from Kim. 

I disagree.  I dont think Todd has anythin odo with it.  I think Kim was Kandi's first RHoA friendship that she thought was genuine, only to get bit in the ass with the song and black baby gate.  And I think that hurt her and she broke down "publicly" over it.  Now, her other "genuine" relationship has taken a turn for the worst and she's determined not to take this one to heart.  So she brushed it off, she said it wasn't a big deal, and tried to move forward with a cordial, film-only relationship, only for her to feel that Phaedra is still being shady and talking shit.  Now, she doesn't care and she won't let herself be vulnerable for a TV relationship again.

  • Love 15
2 hours ago, WireWrap said:

My problem with Kandi claiming there is a "Mr" Chocolate is that she first said there wasn't, so she was either lying then or now, which makes her claims now questionable, just as much as Phaedra's claims are about her. This also applies to her condemning Porsha for defending Phaedra, she did the same exact thing if she is telling the truth this time. Sooo, I don't find either of them, Kandi or Phaedra, very trustworthy or likeable at all. Most likely, both Kandi and Phaedra are laughing together all the way to the bank.

I think what idiot Porsha is trying to play forward is you keep the secret under lock and key and essentially deflect if a situation arises that you have personal information about something that makes a friend, present or past come off in a bad light.  I don't think Kandi is buying it any longer because Phaedra went out of her way to insult not just Todd as a man with couch digging for change comment, but saying it is Todd's fault the video wasn't market ready.  That is what Kandi meant by Phaedra hitting below the belt.  It isn't necessarily about marital infidelity but pretty much discounting Todd and Kandi's work product, implying if not encouraging people not to use their production company.  To me, Porsha is the one on the wrong because she is calling Kandi a bully, when she obviously knows Phaedra's desired public persona doesn't match with reality.  Porsha should have stayed out of it.  Porsha now after a season or provocative behavior is trying to re-write her own history.

I think there comes a time when you have just covered or stood silent about a friend and the story they are trying to put out there.  It is a lot to expect someone to stay silent when you are taking direct hits at them.  Kandi feeling betrayed about Phaedra publicly claiming Todd to be a gigolo is just as valid as Kandi's claim that Phaedra was ready to move on from Apollo after his fraud and crimes were exposed.   Phaedra admitted as much when she said Kandi should not be discontent because she had it all and poor Phaedra was a single mom, with a number of businesses, other than the business of RHOA, not really going anywhere. 

I still believe what angered Kandi was when Phaedra tried to put the blame on Joyce for making the bomb threatening guy out to be a smear on blacks.  Mama Joyce is a lot of things, but I don't think she can be blamed for that man's actions.  Again it was a case of Kandi not wanting to sign on to Phaedra's mangled recitation of events.   

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, PettyLabelle said:

That's because on Kandi's Instagram she gave her those gifts out at dinner at a restaurant. So I'm sure that was just done for the cameras.

Ahhh, okay. That makes a lot of sense. Thank you. 


1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Kandi said that Chocolate was a woman and that she was a client of Phaedra's, that there wasn't any "guy/cheating".

My whole issue with these "cheating" allegations is that - hasn't it been recently discovered that Apollo was fooling around with some girl before he went to prison as well? Someone Kandi and Todd knew about? I just don't why Kandi think it's some big deal - as if Phaedra can't be relieved to have this dysfunctional marriage dissolved, but also be sad that she couldn't make a family work for her kids. 

I don't like how Phaedra threw Kandi under the bus either. Just me, but if a friendship falls apart, that doesn't give you carte blance to start airing all of their dirty laundry. 

  • Love 7

Riley is too young for all that fake hair! She's prbly too young for all that jewelry, too. Why does a 14 y/o need bling???

And why was Kayla wearing that awful wig? Seems like they are emphasizing the wrong things w/ those girls. And yes, they both act half asleep on camera, but Riley does seem like the has some common sense.

I think it's SAD that Noelle, 16 yrs old, had to reach out to Peter. He is the adult. Was he ready to just let her drift out of his life forever, after 8 yrs? I don't understand him. Is he involved in the lives of his bio children?

It's my guess Cynthia gave Dr. Curves a little shine in exchange for some free upcoming work she wants.

Edited by balisticnikki
  • Love 5
On 1/1/2017 at 11:35 PM, jumper sage said:

I thought Cynthia said she was leasing the lake house.

Is it just me or is anyone else getting sick of all this shit?

"meanwhile Kenya and Sheree go can back and forth about Chateau this and Manor that, I have a lake" 


Are ya'll really tapping out watching?   House porn and delusion?  You can't leave.  We started this thing, let's finish it. 

On 1/1/2017 at 11:47 PM, kassa said:

I had to laugh when Kandi started snarling about not messing with her money. She is never more serious than when money's involved - I like it. The other women knew she was sincere, too - that reaction was so visceral it made responding to it moot. They knew she was telling the truth.

They need to stop trying to make Joyce happen.

I don't know when they're gonna learn not to poke a chick who's mad and has date stamps.   

On 1/1/2017 at 11:48 PM, Bronzedog said:

No surprise that madwoman Joyce tried to get a pair of diamond earrings for herself when shopping with Kandi for Riley's birthday.

Maybe Mr. Bennie made off with her cuckarachas and she needs replacements.

On 1/2/2017 at 2:07 AM, zoeysmom said:

I agree I had to watch it twice and I wish they would just spit it out instead of all the dancing around. Kandi did actually include her husband in people Phaedra had offended..  One thing they seem to all agree about is Porsha is stupid.  I didn't appreciate Porsha lying about what she knew, her playing dumb is insulting to all involved.  Most of all, don't insult people by having and on camera conversation and then moan about someone repeating the conversation.

In the previews they show one of Kandi's employees going to Phaedra to file a lawsuit.  I hope the first words out of Phaedra's mouth are that unless Kandi waives she has a conflict as she has previously represented Kandi.  This fake lawyering is becoming annoying.

Lol!!! Porsha actually dared her

oh ok, tell me what I know....

[usually nothing, but with respect to this,] bish you bragged about taking the picture phaedra sent to him.  

tuh! puh! {{more sputtering}}

On 1/2/2017 at 6:30 AM, luckyroll3 said:

R&B is Riley''s nickname. 

I forgot to mention how much I loved all the disdain baby Ace had for Mama Joyce.  EverytIme she started talking, he would either start crying or shoot her a look like, "damn lady, you killing my vibe right now!"  It happened at the jewelry store and also at Riley's party.  Also loved how MJ tried to insert herself in Riley's outing with her dad and Kanda was like hell no! 

Remember when Phay told sweet little baby Ayden in her arms at the time to say hi to Ms. Joyce or you don't get a treat and he looked at Joyce and told his mother I don't want a treat?  Bwahaaaaaaaaaaa!!   ::aliciakeysvoice:: a real angel know a real devil when he sees her.  

On 1/2/2017 at 0:42 PM, drivethroo said:

I don't see the problem with Kandi giving Riley $5000 in jewelry for her birthday.  Kandi can afford it and nobody would blink an eye if one of the Beverly Hills housewives dropped $5000 for their kid's jewelry.  Mama Joyce WAS tacky in trying to get some jewelry out of Kandi, though.  Riley doesn't seem spoiled or entitled in any way.

Phaedra didn't imply Kandi and Todd were having threesomes with Shamea, she straight up said Kandi & Todd were having threesomes with Shamea.  Problem for Phaedra is Kandi has no problem digging the grave, jumping in the grave, then showing everyone how dirty she got from the grave.  PHAEDRA is the one who doesn't want to get her slip dirty.

I know I shouldn't be relishing.  That's wrong.  Lol.  Phaaaaaaydruhhh? bay bay?   Drama is not the one finna blow your ass up.  

23 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Back in the 70s an Italian girl with a "booty" was called bubble butt.  The shame, the shame.  Now I get, "Nice booty", what a shame since I am in my 50s and no one cares anymore.

Lies!  I'm thisclose to 50.  Santo Domingo this March, come with me.   Pluck some blubber outcha stomach and sides, stick it in your undercarriage and face parentheses and see if the bachelor in seat 26A on the flight home isn't overly concerned with your comfort.  

19 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

I think a haul of stuff vs one extravagant & mature gift (excluding car purchase lol)  is preferred by teen girls.  Like a couple designer outfits, some kickass boots, expensive sneakers, new iPhone, bunch of high end makeup & palettes, cashmere hoodie, and a small Vuitton or Chanel handbag. 

This.  Kandi's from a time when a "fly chain" was a big deal.   ithings, Uggs that look like sheep and arrange for Drake to come to my school and ask me to junior prom.

Kenya's tittays need the help but not from Dr. J.  He does curves like, well a letter J as opposed to a figure 8.  The donkey bootys walking around the ATL just got back from Colombia, Mexico and the DR.

  • Love 15
18 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Are ya'll really tapping out watching?   House porn and delusion?  You can't leave.  We started this thing, let's finish it. 

No worries, Girl.  "And I am telling you...I'm not going!"  I am all in for the long haul.

I know it's an unpopular opinion but I really feel like things didn't get waay ugly until Kandi got all in her feelings about Phaedra 's "scrounging for change" remark.  Was that remark below the belt?  Absolutely.  But one would think an apology could've repaired the damage from that.  This shit here is irreconcilable.


 Santo Domingo this March, come with me.   Pluck some blubber outcha stomach and sides, stick it in your undercarriage and face parentheses and see if the bachelor in seat 26A on the flight home isn't overly concerned with your comfort.  

"Face parentheses!". I CAN'T with you!  I am howling over here...thank God for a Mute button or you might owe me a reference---Ima update my resume right now with your contact info, just in case!  And I'll see you in Santo Domingo.

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, absolutqt said:

No worries, Girl.  "And I am telling you...I'm not going!"  I am all in for the long haul.

I know it's an unpopular opinion but I really feel like things didn't get waay ugly until Kandi got all in her feelings about Phaedra 's "scrounging for change" remark.  Was that remark below the belt?  Absolutely.  But one would think an apology could've repaired the damage from that.  This shit here is irreconcilable.

tear down the mountains, yell scream and shout.  LOL!!!  my man! fitty grand!

Look, I'm too lazy to check but I think it's more of what somebody mentioned upthread re:  Phaedra pulling something completely outta left just to say stay slick at the mouth.   Because if Kandi did wanna take care of every muffucah in here, she could.  So what does Todd's existing change have to do with the money Phaedra owed him?  That's A and B how is emasculation a justification for skirting debt?  I'll be all the punk bitches you want, long as you spell it properly on that check.  Thanks.   

I don't know if scrounging for change would ordinarily qualify as below the belt but as their friendship was fragile at the point and (as far as Kandi knew) they still had a cordial understanding, I think it went too far.  In private that probably could've been laughed off or dismissed but as always with Phaedra:  method of delivery.

12 minutes ago, absolutqt said:

And I'll see you in Santo Domingo.

thank you for being a friend.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

My whole issue with these "cheating" allegations is that - hasn't it been recently discovered that Apollo was fooling around with some girl before he went to prison as well? Someone Kandi and Todd knew about? I just don't why Kandi think it's some big deal - as if Phaedra can't be relieved to have this dysfunctional marriage dissolved, but also be sad that she couldn't make a family work for her kids.

I think Kandi was refusing to be cast in the role of Friend Who Let Me Down Just When I Was At My Most Broken Over the Betrayal of My Beloved and Breakup Of My Marriage.  It appears that Phaedra and Kandi were close enough that she filled her in on her hot love life, only to go on national television crying to NeNe Frankenstein about how Kandi couldn't care less about her heartbroken friend.

Phaedra has a very fluid interpretation of reality (for public consumption - I think she grasps it perfectly fine mentally).

  • Love 12

Were Porsha and Phaedra intentionally being dense or what? Kandi wasn't mentioning Phaedra had moved on romantically from Apollo to bust her out but to defend herself for not being there for her during her pain of the split...the response was essentially slut shaming her in return for also stepping out of monagamy and her marriage. That wasn't the pt. So really didn't negate what Kandi said. Honestly I was more sympathetic to Phaedra's side in this messy ass fight since Kandi was being rough airing this dirty laundry but she and Porsha lost me when they did literally the exact same thing back. Had Phaedra and or Porsha brought up she paid Todd back the money so showed she was trying to right the wrongs and she threw the baby shower and helped plan Todd's moms funeral (I think she got the ministers and speakers set up which is nothing to sneeze at)...had she brought those facts up to remind that she wasn't a shitty friend when it counted and she does care about her the argument pretty much would have been won. Right now they are both being bogus and petty af. 

Noelle is beautiful but her parents are both classically beautiful so no surprises there. I'm a bitch but when Noelle was talking about her feelings and Peter admitted he wasn't there and considerate of her I said well he hasn't been that responsible to his many biological kids or his wife why what does anyone expect from this trifling mf? 

  • Love 12

The whole Kandi vs Phaedra dirt spilling just results in a big "meh" from me.  If Kandi is telling the truth and Phaedra had someone lined up and was ready to go, I'm not shocked and horrified about her cheating on Apollo.  That's between them (and, frankly, I think Apollo doesn't really have a leg to stand on in the argument, seeing as how he wound his ass back up in prison).  And if Kandi likes to add some women into her bedroom? That's between her and Todd.  I'm just not sure what is supposed to make me turn on one or the other of them.

What I do think Kandi needs to do is get her mother out of her purse, once and for all.  If she wants to support her, that's cool.  But, unless Mama Joyce is paying the bills, she doesn't get to call the shots.  And unless Block owes her the money, then she needs to STFU and let Kandi figure out how to handle things on her own.  Her constant "He needs to write a check" is annoying.  I do agree Block should be paying his part for Riley, but that's Kandi's situation to deal with, Mama Joyce needs to stop lighting fires that Kandi has to put out all over town.

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, smores said:

The whole Kandi vs Phaedra dirt spilling just results in a big "meh" from me.  If Kandi is telling the truth and Phaedra had someone lined up and was ready to go, I'm not shocked and horrified about her cheating on Apollo.  That's between them (and, frankly, I think Apollo doesn't really have a leg to stand on in the argument, seeing as how he wound his ass back up in prison).  And if Kandi likes to add some women into her bedroom? That's between her and Todd.  I'm just not sure what is supposed to make me turn on one or the other of them.

What I do think Kandi needs to do is get her mother out of her purse, once and for all.  If she wants to support her, that's cool.  But, unless Mama Joyce is paying the bills, she doesn't get to call the shots.  And unless Block owes her the money, then she needs to STFU and let Kandi figure out how to handle things on her own.  Her constant "He needs to write a check" is annoying.  I do agree Block should be paying his part for Riley, but that's Kandi's situation to deal with, Mama Joyce needs to stop lighting fires that Kandi has to put out all over town.

With all the crap Mama Joyce has pulled, Kandi still hasn't grown a backbone when it comes to her mother. I think the only thing that will take her there is if her mom betrays Kandi's children because those are the only two people that I think Kandi may be even more protective of than her mother. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

With all the crap Mama Joyce has pulled, Kandi still hasn't grown a backbone when it comes to her mother. I think the only thing that will take her there is if her mom betrays Kandi's children because those are the only two people that I think Kandi may be even more protective of than her mother. 

I'm not so sure on that and I only say that because I suspect/believe that Joyce guilt's Kandi using the death of her son, Kandi's brother, as a way to keep Kandi in line/defending her.

  • Love 6

Kandi is the new NeNe. NeNe started out as fun and the one to watch and morphed into an egomaniac. Kandi does not tolerate anyone who disagrees with her. She doesn't have friends on the show. NeNe at least, has friends. And NeNe doesn't come with Mama Joyce.

The situation between Kim Zolciak and Kandi is quite a bit different from the falling out that Kandi had with Phaedra over that video. Kim has two songs because Kandi encouraged Kim to make the first one and auto-tuned it because Kim is no singer. Kandi didn't play a part in the second song but Kim owes Kandi a debt of gratitude. 

Apollo and Phaedra were finished with each other before Apollo went to prison. This is not a story line. 

Phaedra is dirty and uses her Southern Belle persona to overcompensate. It is tiring. Also tiring is Phaedra's BLM politics making its way into my Reality TV viewing. 

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I'm not so sure on that and I only say that because I suspect/believe that Joyce guilt's Kandi using the death of her son, Kandi's brother, as a way to keep Kandi in line/defending her.

She was also a single mother raising her children and that can create an impenetrable type of relationship between parent and child under those circumstances. Her brother's situation probably just added to what was already a very strong 'ride or die' type of mentality between MJ and Kandi.

  • Love 5
16 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

"I don't know when they're gonna learn not to poke a chick who's mad and has date stamps.   

Maybe Mr. Bennie made off with her cuckarachas and she needs replacements.

I know I shouldn't be relishing.  That's wrong.  Lol.  Phaaaaaaydruhhh? bay bay?   Drama is not the one finna blow your ass up.  

Remember when Phay told sweet little baby Ayden in her arms at the time to say hi to Ms. Joyce or you don't get a treat and he looked at Joyce and told his mother I don't want a treat?  Bwahaaaaaaaaaaa!!   ::aliciakeysvoice:: a real angel know a real devil when he sees her. 

:::some people want it all, but I don't ... want nothin' at all, if it ain't you(r posts) bayybaay!:::

15 hours ago, absolutqt said:

Are ya'll really tapping out watching?   House porn and delusion?  You can't leave.  We started this thing, let's finish it

No worries, Girl.  "And I am telling you...I'm not going!"  I am all in for the long haul.

I gave up too many trashy TV shows along the way. Now in the era of Tonald Drump, I'm left with few things left to watch because my usual cable news line up ain't gonna be it. Forget RHOA ... sheeeiit... I may have to bring NJ back on, and maybe some BBWLA back into the rotation for good measure.


I am howling over here...thank God for a Mute button or you might owe me a reference---Ima update my resume right now with your contact info 

Oh girl, you ain't know? Yeah. Read at home, or keep a list of excuses on a post it at your desk. Rotate as needed. 

15 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Look, I'm too lazy to check but I think it's more of what somebody mentioned upthread re:  Phaedra pulling something completely outta left just to say stay slick at the mouth.   Because if Kandi did wanna take care of every muffucah in here, she could.  So what does Todd's existing change have to do with the money Phaedra owed him?  That's A and B how is emasculation a justification for skirting debt?  I'll be all the punk bitches you want, long as you spell it properly on that check.  Thanks.   

I don't know if scrounging for change would ordinarily qualify as below the belt but as their friendship was fragile at the point and (as far as Kandi knew) they still had a cordial understanding, I think it went too far.  In private that probably could've been laughed off or dismissed but as always with Phaedra:  method of delivery.

thank you for being a friend.


See, this is my problem. I worry about the wrong things. The focus here should be this belting performance, and yet I can do nothing but try and figure out what the hell is happening on the ceiling. Is it a bad paint job? Water damage? Is it the kitchen below the bathroom, or the basement? Why is it so low? WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE???

I think Kandi's main objection to all that was Phaedra including her in it, vis-a-vis Kandi being late/short with Todd's allowance.

15 hours ago, kassa said:

I think Kandi was refusing to be cast in the role of Friend Who Let Me Down Just When I Was At My Most Broken Over the Betrayal of My Beloved and Breakup Of My Marriage.  It appears that Phaedra and Kandi were close enough that she filled her in on her hot love life, only to go on national television crying to NeNe Frankenstein about how Kandi couldn't care less about her heartbroken friend.

Phaedra has a very fluid interpretation of reality (for public consumption - I think she grasps it perfectly fine mentally).

Love it.  Love the bag, love the shoes, love everything.

Phaedra will never live down trying to change HER DOCTOR'S interpretation of reality with her "different doctors have said I'm 4 months." Bish, you crowning.

  • Love 12
26 minutes ago, SnarkKitty said:

Phaedra will never live down trying to change HER DOCTOR'S interpretation of reality with her "different doctors have said I'm 4 months." Bish, you crowning.

LOL! My favorite correction to Phaedra's reality challenged self depiction! Nope, she'll never live that one down. I felt like she was doing it mostly to keep her preacher mom from clueing in, but I think mama is not that dumb, either.

  • Love 3
On ‎1‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 9:05 AM, zoeysmom said:

Actually, what Kandi was replying to was about going below the belt.  She never said money was more important than family.  She did say money and business was important to her.  Of course after what Phaedra said about her to the others she now has the below the belt about Kandi's sex life.  I think initially she was agreeing with the nitwit that Phaedra hadn't said anything about she or Todd cheating but now she has.    

I am agreeing they need to stop trying to make Phaedra and Kandi happen.  At one time they were two of the more successful on the series.  Now it seems Kandi continues to surpass Phaedra in all things business and has a family.   

Why is Sheree so involved?  Can we talk about her "Chateau" that apparently doesn't have air conditioning? 

On ‎1‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 5:29 AM, bichonblitz said:

Khandi didn't seem to have much of a backbone during those first few seasons. She sure has changed. Now she's loud, mouthy, judgemental and really high strung. I attribute most of it to Todd. He brings out the mean in her.  She should have been as disgusted with Zolziak then as she now is with Phaedra. Bet if Todd was in the picture back then he would have pushed Khandi to get her money from Kim. 

 Lol ! Did you see her designer wipe his face with a swatch sample ? It was too darn hot in there, no wonder she could not get it finished , the painters are working in extreme heat .

  • Love 1
On ‎1‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 6:49 AM, renatae said:

It makes me crazy whenever they show one of the HWs that have been bankrupt or otherwise shown to be having serious financial troubles "buying" a new palatial residence and decorating it. I'm tired of all the chateaux anyway. Don't really care. Nice to see them, but let's not dwell on them or make them characters in a long running serial 6 years in the making. I do like Cynthia's new digs. Looks like lots of relaxing fun.

I could do without the implant stuff, Cynthia's bared breasts and the egg thing. This show is pushing the nasty envelope and all that awful mugging and groaning from Phaedra is outright embarrassing. It looks as though she's advertising for a new beau and wants to make sure he knows she's up for some racy fun. Ugh.

Her retaliatory shade against Kandi smacks of more of her lies. What a thing for Porsha to whisper about her supposed best friend Shamea. I'm not surprised that Phaekdra would put that out there, however.

I think Kandi said what she did after a lengthy period of provocations from Phaedra, who tried to make it Todd's fault that she never paid him, then spent at least several months seeking sympathy from everyone about how her best friend Kandi wasn't "there for her" when she was going through her "agonizing" divorce. I see from this all her protestations about Chocolate being a female friend appear to have been shown to be yet another lie. It seems Kandi and Porsha both were aware of this relationship and I can understand that Kandi is upset that Phaedra has been putting it out there that Kandi was such a poor friend while she, Phaedra, appears to have been the merry divorcee all along. A lot of things Kandi has said and done over the last year or so seem to be more understandable in the light of the new revelations.

As for Kenya, it looks like Matt makes yet another creepy appearance next week. He needs to be gone. He is looking more dangerous by the minute.

I agree about Matt being creepy, he is just showing up at random. This would scare the crap out of me, most especially where she is living down that long driveway deep into the woods alone. There was always something about Matt that looked a little strange to me, now I know what it is, he is crazy..

  • Love 3
21 hours ago, smores said:

The whole Kandi vs Phaedra dirt spilling just results in a big "meh" from me.  If Kandi is telling the truth and Phaedra had someone lined up and was ready to go, I'm not shocked and horrified about her cheating on Apollo.  That's between them (and, frankly, I think Apollo doesn't really have a leg to stand on in the argument, seeing as how he wound his ass back up in prison).  And if Kandi likes to add some women into her bedroom? That's between her and Todd.  I'm just not sure what is supposed to make me turn on one or the other of them.

What I do think Kandi needs to do is get her mother out of her purse, once and for all.  If she wants to support her, that's cool.  But, unless Mama Joyce is paying the bills, she doesn't get to call the shots.  And unless Block owes her the money, then she needs to STFU and let Kandi figure out how to handle things on her own.  Her constant "He needs to write a check" is annoying.  I do agree Block should be paying his part for Riley, but that's Kandi's situation to deal with, Mama Joyce needs to stop lighting fires that Kandi has to put out all over town.

Thanks,  I thought I was the only one 'sick and tired"  of Joyce "hollerin" about that 50 thousand dollars. Joyce has nothing to do with that and she needs to mind her business.

Edited by byrd
  • Love 10
4 hours ago, SnarkKitty said:

:::some people want it all, but I don't ... want nothin' at all, if it ain't you(r posts) bayybaay!:::

I gave up too many trashy TV shows along the way. Now in the era of Tonald Drump, I'm left with few things left to watch because my usual cable news line up ain't gonna be it. Forget RHOA ... sheeeiit... I may have to bring NJ back on, and maybe some BBWLA back into the rotation for good measure.

Oh girl, you ain't know? Yeah. Read at home, or keep a list of excuses on a post it at your desk. Rotate as needed.

::looksoverspectaclesat2ndpew::  Mother Vernetta?  The usher board and I can hear you and Ms. Parks cackling through service.   Step forth solemnly, squeeze a tittie, then regain your composure so that we may continue.  

4 hours ago, SnarkKitty said:

See, this is my problem. I worry about the wrong things. The focus here should be this belting performance, and yet I can do nothing but try and figure out what the hell is happening on the ceiling. Is it a bad paint job? Water damage? Is it the kitchen below the bathroom, or the basement? Why is it so low? WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE???

Amidst Aaron's beautiful deliverance you made me check to see if he's really just that tall and whether or not that's the kitchen because a basement with that much direct sunlight, I'm struggling.  But if it's the basement, why is there a baker's rack in the front room?   'cho grassy knoll ass observations.  Now I'm stuck.   Unforgivable.

4 hours ago, SnarkKitty said:

Phaedra will never live down trying to change HER DOCTOR'S interpretation of reality with her "different doctors have said I'm 4 months." Bish, you crowning.


Peter?  Remember that gul?  and your nostrils?  near her open collared shirt? 


Keep Cynthia's name outcha mouth.     

  • Love 6
On ‎1‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 9:33 AM, pasdetrois said:

I hate how some of these women are degrading themselves to stay on TV and make a buck.

I used to really enjoy watching them but now it has taken a "nasty turn" and I  just think what they are doing to each other is just deplorable.  There is no need for this. It taken the fun out of it for me. Kandi and Phaedra need to step away from all of this.

  • Love 4

And THIS is why you don't start with airing your ex-BFF's business - because, baby, she knows yours, too! I don't feel one ounce of bad for Kandi now that it's out that she and Todd are fucking Shamea. 

1) Shamea fine so...well done. 

2) You went all burn it to the ground on Phaedra so don't be affronted when the bitch brings marshmallows for the fire. 

I absolutely believe Phaedra was ready to move on before Pretty Pollo Went to the Pen and that's just fine since we all now know he had a whole girlfriend on the side. Here's the thing: No matter which way Phae was tipping, the job of the BFF is to support her. Kandi ain't new to tipping seeing as she had a baby with a married man. She's old enough to know that one can be sad about a situation and still happy to see it go. She was trife for that gritted teeth revelation (really, the girl gonna give herself lockjaw) and Phaedra has seen her trife and risen her a double dog dirty. 

I can't wait to see how this plays out. Let's watch! *chews popcorn with vigor*

  • Love 17
5 hours ago, byrd said:

I agree about Matt being creepy, he is just showing up at random. This would scare the crap out of me, most especially where she is living down that long driveway deep into the woods alone. There was always something about Matt that looked a little strange to me, now I know what it is, he is crazy..

He can't show up if he doesn't no where it is. Since he does, it can't be random. I'd say, setup and planned. Now by whom is the question?

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, announcergirl said:

He can't show up if he doesn't no where it is. Since he does, it can't be random. I'd say, setup and planned. Now by whom is the question?

Production dictates the places where they will film. They know ahead of time where filming will be, what the situation is going to be and who's going to start shit with whom.

  • Love 4

I'm about halfway through this episode. I hate speaking badly about a kid, and it may just be that she's not comfortable around the cameras but there's not a lot of personality I see from Riley.  She's just kind of...there.  I see more personality from my houseplant. 

I can't stand Kandi anymore. I've always hated that thing she calls q mother and now I'm starting to hate her too.  She sure does have a snooty, I'm better than you are air about her.  The apple didn't fall too far from that bitch tree. 

Speaking of snooty, I don't like Cynthia either.  Her comment about taking the women to a plastic surgeon so they can look as good as her made my eyes roll so far back, my nose was as high in the air as Cynthia's always is. 

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 4

Still cannot stand Mama Joyce. She is so camera conscious now. She really thinks she is all that and more. Ugh. 

I really don't get Sheree's finances. Can someone explain how Sheree can afford building that ridiculous vanity-project chateau monstrosity? A couple of years as a regular housewife on this show, then off the show, now back. Her ex has no extraordinary viable means of income, no? Then two kids to support. Plus she doesn't appear to have another gig/money-making business going on in her entire housewife career. So where does the $$$$$ come from? Plus she built from the ground up (even if it has taken a couple of years). It's not like she purchased a cheap foreclosure. Plus the damn chateau is so huge? How's she gonna maintain it $$$$, utilities, taxes, upkeep.....boo?

Please someone explain this to me. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
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