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Teen Mom Presents: Reunited

Tara Ariano
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They don't help the fans find shit. If you check out the C&T thread from a few weeks ago, there are screencaps that show this woman and her birthmother found each other. They just couldn't find the $2000 for airfare. 

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I got as far as the first four minutes. Seeing Cate get out of the car in that black and white horizontally colorblocked dress which bisected her chub rolls and made her more obese looking than ever did it for me. 

I'm not going to give those two losers the benefit of my rating points. Tyler will be all over the Nielsen overnights tomorrow for sure. I'd bet my last quesadilla on it.

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F this show and F the pseudo psych bullshit that Tyler sprouts while his wife is literally cowering on the couch gnawing on her nails as the sister talks about being abused from her April-like mom.  And F Cate for being apart of this b.s and not getting into therapy herself and F him for wanting to Butch to love him so he feels empathy for the mom who beat her daughter UNCONSCIOUS because she almost ate her meth because she thought it was candy. And mostly F Dr. Drew because they parroted every TM reunion show he hosts.   I hardly ever comment but this is awful 

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And then the beginning when Tyler was pressing the adoptee about how horrible it was to be adopted and not know your 'real parents'. So F MTV for belabring his delusions.  They both need therapy and not being coddled.

my god I have never been so annoyed and angry at a show

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What a steaming load of yawn-inducing bullshit.  That was basically an hour of Tyler peacocking around like he's the coming second of Sigmund Freud, offering up his time-tested words of wisdom to the masses.  Oh, and let's not forget the free meals that they were chowing down on and slick rental cars they were cruising around in at every turn.  As for the subjects of the show, MTV is exploiting the crap out of these poor people.  Call me a stodgy old biddy (probably pretty fair accusations), but these issues are better handled by actual professions, NOT in front of cameras.  I mean, that poor girl basically found out that she was a crack baby and her sister was abused so much as a child that she could barely look at her mother without exploding.  This isn't enjoyable for television and it damn sure isn't an issue that Catelynn and Tyler from Teen Mom should be facilitating.

Okay, that got me nice and tired for bed.  Good night.

(And Jesus Christ, Catelynn, your clothes are doing you no favors, honey.)

Edited by SuzyLee
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9 minutes ago, LBS said:

And then the beginning when Tyler was pressing the adoptee about how horrible it was to be adopted and not know your 'real parents'. So F MTV for belabring his delusions.  They both need therapy and not being coddled.

my god I have never been so annoyed and angry at a show

@LBS: Wow, did they really say "real parents?!"

Edited by SuzyLee
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I was debating to put this on but it was on my DVR and I thought why the hell not. So suffering through about 10 minutes of Tyler and Catelynn being experts on life in narration and then my entire DVR box froze and says it has disconnected from the main box. Even my DVR is saying no to this!

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After watching Snoop and Martha, I tuned in to watch. The scene that I came upon was Cate in the car as she was picking at a blackhead or something. And then she looked at what she had plucked out of her face. I swear, Cate looked at that zit on her finger as if she was going to eat it.

Fucking gross. Cannot stand her. I changed the channel.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Update on my DVR: it restarted itself and seems good now but I still believe it was sending me a message and I saw enough in the ten minutes I watched before my DVR said "no" and turned off but I saw Tyler being all insightful about adoption and I can't so clearly my DVR made a call and I should respect that.

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1 hour ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I was debating to put this on but it was on my DVR and I thought why the hell not. So suffering through about 10 minutes of Tyler and Catelynn being experts on life in narration and then my entire DVR box froze and says it has disconnected from the main box. Even my DVR is saying no to this!


4 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Update on my DVR: it restarted itself and seems good now but I still believe it was sending me a message and I saw enough in the ten minutes I watched before my DVR said "no" and turned off but I saw Tyler being all insightful about adoption and I can't so clearly my DVR made a call and I should respect that.

Ha! My DVR has also been putting a swift end to Teen Mom episodes partway through, too, and it's the only show it does it with! One week it recorded the first few minutes and that's all. There was no conflicting recording or anything, it just decided it had to abort!

I am not sure how much of tonight's it recorded, but I had to turn it off. Too stupid. The show, not me. Well, perhaps me, too, for watching. I missed the face picking, but I did hear Cate finishing Tyler's sentences for him. I almost turned it off as that damned Cake in the Sea or Cake on the Beach (whatever!!!!) was playing as they drove merrily along the tropical highway. Screw that and screw them.

Yes, I will probably watch the rest tomorrow so that I can complain more.

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God, this shit is horrible.  Horrible.  

I mean, as everyone else said...it's basically just a version of Catfish where you are looking to "reconnect" with someone in your life....and it seems like it is just as fake as Catfish too in terms of the "investigation."

And my other issue is something that I don't totally blame Cate and Tyler for.....because they don't know any better and in essence they have watched Dr. Drew behave this way for a decade now.  They put something on TV like an incredibly abused adopted woman confronting her adoptive mother and never think that it may not be something used to entertain and that it should be done in a safe and supportive environment.  However, it's what Drew makes his living off.  Drew did it to people in Celeb Rehab, he's done it to the girls time and time again.  They think that's normal and sadly, even helpful.  What it really is...is abusive.  It's taking advantage of someone who is already vulnerable with a camera in the mother truckin' face.

I hate you Dr. Drew.  You created this monster.  

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9 hours ago, LBS said:

And then the beginning when Tyler was pressing the adoptee about how horrible it was to be adopted and not know your 'real parents'. So F MTV for belabring his delusions.  They both need therapy and not being coddled.

my god I have never been so annoyed and angry at a show

Yeah, fuck this. My "real" parents are the ones who adopted me. They are my ONLY parents. This makes me so angry.

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I noticed that these two were co-executive producers in the opening credits. This is how these people continue to rake in the dough: because MTV panders to them and their delusional fanbase. So Cate is all bipolar and can't function and needs serious help but she can sure fly around "helping" other people. You have seriously got to be kidding me with this junk. The hour felt like forever. At best, this show should have been 30 minutes. And what the hell is the help they are providing? This girl had already been in contact with her mother on Facebook. Give me a break. The Internet has just about eliminated the need for a middleman when looking for someone. I hope this show bombs but their appeal to some and the powder puff stories they will present under the guise of doing something "remarkable" might have some staying power. I hope not.

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Catelynn really needs to take better care of herself. Her overall appearance is frumpy to say the least.


 No one wants to watch you bite your nails, pick at anything on your body OR talk over Tyler! IT'S EITHER GROSS OR ANNOYING?

Edited by Yolo
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What exactly do C&T do here?  Just get the story on camera and confirm already-made arrangements?  Because this all went down wayyyy too smoothly for it to have been happening as presented.  Also there was some really heavy stuff going on here.  No way C&T are even remotely qualified to help anyone navigate that kind of stuff.  I know there were counselors off screen, but they were provided by MTV, and we know what kind of counselors partner with MTV.  It feels like the whole point of this is to make reuniting people look like the best thing ever.  What we need to see is more of what happens after.  More than a 30 second update. 

I also noticed that Cate was almost always biting her nails, eating or picking at her face.  I don't think she even realized she was doing it some of the time.  I hope she noticed it, too. 


Edited by eskimo
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What did they do? Didn't you see those phone calls? "Oh, hi! Is this so-and-so? My name's Tyler. Hey, your kid is looking for you and wants to see you after all these years. Would that be ok with you? It would? OMG that's awesome!" And, looking on Facebook. "I found so-and-so! I'm going to message her right now! **DING** Oh look she messaged me back! Cool!" What a bunch of stupid phony ass shit. And don't forget, they also spewed out cliché after cliché to these people. Workin' hard.

Cate looked like a shuttlecock in that black and white dress. I've never seen such large pleats. Which reminds me, I need to go post it in Visual Snark.

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11 hours ago, configdotsys said:

I noticed that these two were co-executive producers in the opening credits. This is how these people continue to rake in the dough: because MTV panders to them and their delusional fanbase. So Cate is all bipolar and can't function and needs serious help but she can sure fly around "helping" other people. You have seriously got to be kidding me with this junk. The hour felt like forever. At best, this show should have been 30 minutes. And what the hell is the help they are providing? This girl had already been in contact with her mother on Facebook. Give me a break. The Internet has just about eliminated the need for a middleman when looking for someone. I hope this show bombs but their appeal to some and the powder puff stories they will present under the guise of doing something "remarkable" might have some staying power. I hope not.

You got it. Cate is only sick when it suits her.

I didn't watch this crap. Debating whether I should.

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14 hours ago, Yolo said:

Catelynn really needs to take better care of herself. Her overall appearance is frumpy to say the least.


 No one wants to watch you bite your nails, pick at anything on your body OR talk over Tyler! IT'S EITHER GROSS OR ANNOYING?

I am a T.V watching eater, but no way is it possible to eat a thing while Cate eats herself! So gross, can't anyone mention it to her?

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That Cate.  Such a nurturer.   Every time shit got real with the two women who were adopted, Cate would side-eye Tyler with a WTF look on her face.   She does not understand how to express her own feelings and is shocked and dismayed when others have feelings and express them.   She did get up and hug one of the women, but I'm sure she was prodded to do so.   

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This show was alternately boring and completely mystifying.

The people had found each other.  And how exactly did they THINK it was going to go with the estranged mother/daughter? 

Catelynn, don't eat on camera. Just don't. I know you do it on Teen Mom, but you're being interviewed there.  When you're the interviewer instead of interviewee, you don't eat. What if there is an important question to ask and you have a mouth full of food? No.

And if I was trying to find a birth parent, would I take advice from Cate and Tyler? No. No. I would not. They're idiots. They've shown their underpants on TM way too many times. This season alone...they have no credibility.

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Also, I didn't watch the whole episode- as you guys know, my DVR saga and all- but from the couple minutes I did see, the girl Kait, I think had found her mom on her own, didn't she? Didn't she find her on Facebook and had messaged her on her own? What was the point of having Catelynn and Tyler there?

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On 12/5/2016 at 10:10 PM, LBS said:

F this show and F the pseudo psych bullshit that Tyler sprouts while his wife is literally cowering on the couch gnawing on her nails as the sister talks about being abused from her April-like mom.  And F Cate for being apart of this b.s and not getting into therapy herself and F him for wanting to Butch to love him so he feels empathy for the mom who beat her daughter UNCONSCIOUS because she almost ate her meth because she thought it was candy. And mostly F Dr. Drew because they parroted every TM reunion show he hosts.   I hardly ever comment but this is awful 

I am really glad that I missed that this was airing. It sounds AWFUL and INFURIATING. Thanks to those of ya'll who took one for the team and are reporting back. 

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Also I thought Cate was finally getting her wardrobe together, and then there was a black bra with a semi-sheer orange top.  Why? The straps showed.

Also she was constantly plucking her skirt, I'm not sure if it was sticking to her or if she was trying to get it out of the way for walking or sitting, or if she was about to twirl.

I don't think contrasting bras are back in style, are they?

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8 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Also, I didn't watch the whole episode- as you guys know, my DVR saga and all- but from the couple minutes I did see, the girl Kait, I think had found her mom on her own, didn't she? Didn't she find her on Facebook and had messaged her on her own? What was the point of having Catelynn and Tyler there?

To have MTV pay for their flight tickets to meet one another.

By agreeing to let MTV film, they get freebies and such.

I want to see Cate on a new show where she and Tyler are dropped on an island with no food. This way I can enjoy watching her eat herself (literally) to death.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Y'know, I really used to like Catelynn. I always thought Tyler was kind of a prick, but Cate always seemed really sweet and like a nice person. And she was a cute little girl back in the day! But after, like, season 2 it became abundantly clear that she and Tyler should have gone their separate ways. They are absolutely miserable, and their misery is being spread onto Nova. It's really sad, since they seemed like they could have made something of themselves, but now? Forget it. I wonder what would have happened if MTV had not been involved beyond the initial episode/reunion special? 

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On 12/7/2016 at 8:59 PM, GreatKazu said:

To have MTV pay for their flight tickets to meet one another.

By agreeing to let MTV film, they get freebies and such.

I want to see Cate on a new show where she and Tyler are dropped on an island with no food. This way I can enjoy watching her eat herself (literally) to death.

But NOT, dear Lord, NAKED AND AFRAID. One with clothes, please. 

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I made it about 40 minutes, and that was excruciating. I had to keep pausing and going to do something else for a few minutes cuz it was so excruciating. Yes to all of the above. ENORMOUSLY boring, with moments of extreme uncomfortableness. I strongly object to this show's premise. Facilitating and documenting moments like this should be done responsibly, safely, sensitively, by professionals -- not by a couple of doofuses from a reality show. This made me think of that movie "Network" and how they started having public executions on TV because people found it entertaining. I do not find it entertaining to watch the *anguish* of these two young women as they confront their mother. I know they signed up to do this voluntarily, but for a lot of people getting free airfare to Hawaii is a really big deal. Maybe this truly is the only way those two girls could have afforded to actually meet. So it's like creating entertainment out of someone else's pain. I really hate it.

That's not even getting into the whole galaxy of grossness that was Cate and Tyler posturing and pretending, obviously prompted off camera by someone with a "not-script" about what to say when they say X. These two know nothing about anything, really. Tyler is trying so hard to be earnest and personable. You can just see it in his scrunched up little face, he thinks this might be his big break. He's aiming to have his own talk show. I just don't think I can stomach this show.

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This is not a new concept. It's been done at least twice before. I can't remember the name but it was on TLC this summer. It had two hosts both whom were adopted. Lisa? From the sound of it, it was done much better than this.

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Why did I watch this??? Oh yeah...I finished my work early today and needed something to do while folding laundry. I had more fun folding the laundry than watching this embarrassment of a show.

First of all, Catelynn, Gawd-damn, girlie, don't eat jerk chicken and rice while some lady is spilling her soul to you! Cate was doing that annoying bounce thing she does with her fork (see Chinese food episode) while staring at which item of food she wanted first, rice or chicken. Meanwhile, Tyler is so involved in every word not even TOUCHING his meal. I couldn't eat while someone is sharing a very personal, and sad experience, and how she admitted to the abuse she caused to her daughter.

Next up is her clothes. Can you control those massive boobs?

Stahp biting your nails. It's one thing on your reality show but this time it's different, you're hired to be a co-host - ACT PROFESSIONAL, I could just picture sad panda and Nessa sitting there gnawing on what's left of their fingertips while plucking blackheads with a "Should I eat this now or wait until the cameras are off of me?" look on their face. No they act professional - or at least Nessa does, that girl is always sitting properly postured and lady like.

And a nice shot of the menthol Marlboros in the RENTAL CAR. I don't have proof of her smoking in a rental car (it's not allowed) but damn have it out of the view of the camera's - you are working a job at the moment - I'm nitpicking on that one, pun intended for the nit-picking.

Tyler, you're not off the hook, either. Black swim shorts, sandals, and a dress up shirt, really? That wanna-be Justin Timberlake hair, really? The overly abundant cliches, really? The "Yes, my dad chose drugs over me so I can definitely relate to your childhood of eating out of garbage cans, raped and molestation at seven, and KNOCKED OUT."


I have no doubt AT ALL that this show will NOT be picked up for a second season. Usually, I'm wrong about the teen mom series thinking "This is the last season and the gravy train will BE over," to find out another season is filming, but this show BOMBED for many reasons. There is way too many awesome people that deserve the hosting jobs and these two aren't them.

If I were Tyler I'd be embarrassed and angry at the way Catelynn presented herself, no employer for television will ever want to work with them if this is how Cate acts onsite at a job outside of reality work. "Trashy Bitch," to the tenth power. To think I used to like her and was rooting for her earlier this year until her true colors came out. She lost me at "I'm not as nice as people think," after Amber says "I'm nicer than people think - Cate's the mean one," not-verbatim.

I'm done.

Edited by Calm81
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2 hours ago, Calm81 said:


If I were Tyler I'd be embarrassed and angry at the way Catelynn presented herself, no employer for television will ever want to work with them if this is how Cate acts onsite at a job outside of reality work. "Trashy Bitch," to the tenth power. To think I used to like her and was rooting for her earlier this year until her true colors came out. She lost me at "I'm not as nice as people think," after Amber says "I'm nicer than people think - Cate's the mean one," not-verbatim.

Tyler has waited a long time to get his own series. Catelynn took his community-college production and downgraded it even further to church basement Christmas pageant quality. He's pissed. At this point in their relationship she is his pair cement boots.

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I got to the point when they met with Jackie and I couldn't go on. So after listening to Hazel's heartbreaking story about the abuse she suffered under Jackie's care, Cate meets the birthmother, greets her with a hug and tells her with a giant smile on her face "Oh, I am so excited, I've been hearing so much about you" Like WTF Catelynn, you cry with Hazel and then you are excited to meet the person who is responsible for her pain and suffering?

I am just hoping Carly and Nova never meet under similar circumstances with similar stories as Hazel and Katie.

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