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S06.E10: Wish You Were Here

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When she learns that our heroes possess a weapon capable of defeating her, the Evil Queen steals Aladdin’s magic lamp from Jasmine and makes a wish that could sideline the Savior forever. Unwilling to wake Snow while Emma is missing, David works with Hook and Henry to hold the Evil Queen at bay in Storybrooke, as Regina goes on a rogue rescue mission. Meanwhile, Gold and Belle face a surprising danger to their newborn son.


At the 30 min mark- still barely anything has happened.  Emma got sent to AU, Regina chased her.  That’s it.  

Why didn’t Regina wish for the lamp to tag along on the trip with her?  

Nothing, nothing, David did something! Nothing, nothing. Why didn't they wish Aladdin free- doesn't he keep the magic genie powers w/o the itty bitty living space? 

50 min in: “Oh, hey hooded figure!

Oh- cool- Black Faire will be in this next season. And that’s how Gideon is going to be older. Oh, hey Gideon!

Emma- "the pain is what makes me, me!"  Ridiculous and contrived.

Yeah- let’s not use our magic at all and miss the magic bean portal.  


So, that was underwhelming.

  • Love 8
8 minutes ago, Mari said:

David's wish should have worked.  

"What you deserve." and "What you always wanted." are not, usually, remotely the same thing.

 Dictionaries.  Use them.

I'm pretty sure that David's wish did work.

David is responsible for wishing the hooded figure that kills Emma into the existence and the Black Fairy kidnapping Gideon to make it happen.  Cause that's how this show rolls.

Edited by ParadoxLost

What the heck?! What a disaster of a finale. And the teaser for March looks uninteresting.

How did Emma and Neal meet in an uncursed world?  And why would he have been a hero?

Princess Emma handing Regina the key to the kingdom did make me chuckle. Seriously?

Regina is staying in fake world for fake Robin?

Why did the portal close? Doesn't someone always have to get sucked in?

They sent Jasmine and Alladin away but that can't be the end because EQ is a cobra.


  • Love 5

So...Regina went to the Enchanted Forrest to find Emma then she gets distracted by Robin and Emma stuck there away from her family and Hook. Cool show let's separate Captain Swan so Outlaws Queen can hook up again? Maybe they can find a crypt somewhere. I really hope this is not for long because I'm not sure how much longer I want to watch if Emma separated from everyone she loves. I'm beyond tired of Emmas story and Captain Swan being  sacrificed for Regina and Swan Queen. This might have been a worse finale than last year's season finale . 

Edited by shoregirl
  • Love 11

Tonight's episode was brought to you by the letter "C."  The Evil Queen is a Cobra in a Cage....LOL.

David ought to know better than to make nonspecific wishes.  If that last bit hadn't happened,  I was going to call foul on A & E because what the EQ deserves and what she thinks she deserves are not the same thing.

I honestly wish this had been a Killian/Emma adventure,  but we're supposed to get that in the second half of the season.....right?

BTW, did anyone see what exactly was going on with the engagement ring in the promo??

Blue is STILL shady.

Edited by OnceUponAJen
  • Love 4

While having EQRegina turned into a cobra was okay and appropriate, I would like to lodge a complaint.

Charming mentioned later that her turning into a cobra was "what she deserved", so I'm guessing the wish opened portal for Gideon as the Evil Queen was walking by.

I am so jaded by this show's awfulness. This finale was just as bad as 6x09 if not worse.

  • Hate the stupid Neal mention and his stupid knight painting and his stupid ongoing whitewashing.
  • Why the freaking heck was Henry in Fake World? 
  • I was digging Princess Emma humming the Disney music. I hated seeing her groveling at Regina's feet, but doesn't Emma do that in Storybrooke as it is?
  • I chuckled at "Seriously?" when Regina saw the Snowing statue.
  • It was nice to see Crazy Imp Rumple again. His scene with Regina ran a little long, but the actors brought back those old vibes pretty well.
  • Emma is a Savior because the Evil Queen exists? If every villain needs a Savior, why isn't every hero a Savior? What makes Emma and Aladdin special snowflakes?
  • Regina was dumb for just waltzing up to the dwarves.
  • The Evil Queen was dumb for letting Charming steal the lamp. The stupidity must run in the Mills family, because that moment was about as silly as when Toto incapacitated Zelena with a curtain.
  • The Fake World adventure was just unadulterated Swan Queen baiting. Other than Fake!Robin and whatever is happening in the Spring, Fake World is 100% pointless.
  • Again with the heroes-don't-kill crap. Knight!Henry killing a public menace who just murdered his royal grandparents should not be seen as a bad thing. Does Emma regret killing Cruella to save Henry?
  • I cracked up at the Evil Queen being turned into a cobra. Why did no one think to turn her into a small animal before?
  • Yay for Black Fairy returning. So... has she been working at Storybrooke's Hot Topic this whole time or something?
  • The most terrifying quote of the episode - Aladdin: "We'll be back."
  • I like that Rumple and Belle are going to have to reluctantly work together to save their son now, but we all know it's going to be used to make Rumple look like some sort of good guy and deserving of being in his son's life.
  • I miss Zelena.

This episode was not worth an entire winter finale.

  • Love 10
3 minutes ago, shoregirl said:

So...Regina went to the Enchanted Forrest to find Emma then she gets distracted by Robin and Emma stuck there away from her family and Hook. Cool show let's separate Captain Swan so Outlaws Queen can hook up again? Maybe they can find a crypt somewhere. I really hope this is not for long because I'm not sure how much longer I want to watch if Emma separated from everyone she loves. I'm beyond tired of Emmas story and Captain Swan being  sacrificed for Regina and Swan Queen.

Oh, we all know how easy it is to find another bean.

  • Love 3

That episode was a hot mess. There were definitely some great moments, especially Captain Charming. But other than that, what the hell was that? At the halfway mark, we got a five-minute Regina/Rumple scene. No Captain Swan. Some weirdness with Gideon with five minutes left. The whole Belle/Gold stuff that has no connection to the rest of the plot -- seriously did Belle even know that Emma was gone? And this was supposed to be the fall finale? Holy crap.

  • Love 5

Making Princess Emma a weakling was a copout (this is the daughter of badass Snow and Charming, who defeated the Evil Queen!  Happy people don't have to be weak).  Not even mentioning Hook in the wish-world was a copout.  (Also, having Henry still exist is ... weird.)  Blaming Belle equally (compared to Rumpel) for what happened to Gideon was an awful, gross copout. 

Evil Queen not getting what she deserved from the wish made zero sense.  For all the people she's killed, she "deserves" something awful to happen to her (death, I would say).  I'm really not understanding the whole "I have what I want!" response.  And was turning into a snake the result of Gideon or the wish?  (If it was the wish, why did it have a delayed reaction?  That would also be a copout.)  (And if Gideon showed up because of Charming's wish ... there must be some rather convoluted reasoning there that will no doubt also be a copout lol.)

I did like Aladdin being grossed out by EQ.  It was also kind of funny to see Regina faltering in her attempt to bring out the savior in Emma (though not so funny to see her straight up murdering Snow and Charming, even if they are "fake" -- I wouldn't be taking any chances in assuming that).

All in all, I feel like it wasn't great, but it actually wasn't as terrible as I was fearing (faint praise).  I'm not going to miss it over the break though.

ETA: Don't you usually have to do ... something ... to be knighted?  Like, slay a dragon, break a curse, write a good book series, etc.  What did Henry do, other than be grandson of the King and Queen?

Edited by Senna
  • Love 6

So much rage at the stupid that went into this episode and this version of Princess Emma.  I guess I should just be grateful no one actually said the words that she was better off growing up without her parents for 28 years.  And that we had to waste so much time on Henry - who should not have existed in the first place if there was no curse - is unbelievable.

I guess I should be glad for the rage inducing scenes - at least they broke up the mind numbing boredom of the rest of the episode.   

  • Love 6

I loved seeing imp Rumple again, behind bars and making deals as usual.  But they certainly wrapped things up very quickly until the end when I guess it wasn't wrapped up yet.  This is kind of like a fan fiction story – now we have an AU Robin Hood.  I guess that’s the only way they could bring him back, and I am happy to see him again.  But I'm confused: If Baelfire was in the fake EF until adulthood when he apparently married Emma and had Henry, then why would fake Rumple cultivate the EQ and create the curse?  I would have liked some better exposition regarding Rumple's role in the fake EF.  

I enjoyed seeing the dwarves and Granny although they didn't have too much to do.  And I liked seeing David take more of an active role, I really miss seeing him and Snow as key players in the action, they tend to have limited roles now.

I hope the Aladdin and Jasmine story becomes more interesting, I suppose we will have to wait until they are in Agrabah.  So far I still don't see much chemistry between them.

I don't know what to say about Rumple and Belle.  At least he removed her prison bracelet, but it will take a lot more than that to convince me that there is hope for their relationship after everything he has done.  I hope the show doesn't intend to bring them together too easily.

I am looking forward to the Black Fairy; I have a feeling we will be seeing an AU Zelena - because on this show people never seem to stay dead for long (except Baelfire.)

And as others have said, loved Aladdin's face and his "Ew" to the EQ.

Edited by Worsel
  • Love 3

I thought this was a really weak episode in what's shaping up to be a really weak season. I found myself thinking "when did this show get so bad?" a lot. Seriously, when did this show get so bad? Has it always been bad but I'm only just now noticing? I don't know, I just felt like the acting and writing were both off tonight. Emma's line readings, in particular, seemed stilted somehow.  This used to be the show I would look forward to all week--the one where I would analyze spoilers months in advance. How did it become a show that I dread? When I spend the entire hour cringing my way through the episode, maybe it's finally time to walk away from the show? I'm just so disappointed. It still has so much potential. Maybe next season will be better?

  • Love 10
5 minutes ago, Senna said:

ETA: Don't you usually have to do ... something ... to be knighted?  Like, slay a dragon, break a curse, write a good book series, etc.  What did Henry do, other than be grandson of the King and Queen?

Now, yes.  (Or contribute significantly to the music/drama/art world.)

Back when Knights were an actual military thing, you usually had to finish your training, and then go through a rite of passage, which was usually nondangerous.

  • Love 1

I am looking forward to the Black Fairy; I have a feeling we will be seeing an AU Zelena - because on this show people never seem to stay dead for long (except Baelfire.)

Watch the marketing department troll everyone with the ring being for Fake!Robin's proposal to Fake!Zelena.


But they did write that in a previous season when the Author rewrote their stories; loved seeing Zelena's Bridezilla act.

That's why I think it's possible. 

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 5

That was a freaking waste of time! It was pure Regina-pandering, and that's it. I hate Regina. Watching her actually crushing Snowing's hearts and killing them, even if they were meant to be "fake" was the limit! 

Emma kneeling before Regina, and not even stopping her from killing her parents?!! Since when did being sheltered translate to being a coward? And then her pretty much thanking Regina for how she grew up. Yuck.

David really made a stupid wish. Couldn't he be more specific?? I did like the past where the EQ was turned into a cobra. 

Victim-blaming Belle made me want to gag.

No CS in the AU. But we got fake Robin, and Emma standing by dumbly as the portal closed. Those Charming genes weren't good for the intelligence.

I did like the Captain Charming scenes in Storybrooke, though David is a hypocrite (as usual) when it comes to Hook. He was taunting him about not knowing Emma's secrets when he's keeping  a big fat secret from his freaking wife! 

Still can't stand Jasmine.

This was the worst episode of the season. 

Edited by Rumsy4
  • Love 12

I'd like to know how royalty works in the EF. David shouldn't be a king just because he married Queen Snow. It was her father's kingdom. And Henry wouldn't be a prince just because his mom is a princess, unless Baelfire was a prince also. I know, little things bug me.

I'm tired of all these shows always doing the adult kid with same aged parents crap. I've been waiting for them to age up Neal and Robin, because you know, babies are boring.

  • Love 1

That was a freaking waste of time! It was pure Regina-pandering, and that's it. I hate Regina. Watching her actually crushing Snowing's hearts and killing them, even if they were meant to be "fake" was the limit! 

Regina's whole attitude over the whole Fake World was pretty much mine. I didn't care about anyone there, or what was going to happen. I just wanted Emma out of there so we could get back to the action that "mattered" (I use that term loosely) in Storybrooke.


Emma kneeling before Regina, and not even stopping her from killing her parents?!! Since when did being sheltered translate to being a coward? And then her pretty much thanking Regina for how she grew up. Yuck.

I am happy that the writers didn't go the "thanking Regina for the curse" route we all feared. I'm also glad it wasn't a pure alternate timeline, but simply a fabrication. So, it's not necessarily an accurate representation of how Emma would have grown up. But, on the flip side, there was no real reason for it to exist other than to be a vehicle for Fake!Robin. It did nothing to further the characters' developments. 


This was the worst episode of the season. 

I hate the premiere more, but I'll get into all that in the overview post of 6A. You look at this episode, and then you look at everything 6x08 back, and you find very little relevance. 


I'm tired of all these shows always doing the adult kid with same aged parents crap. I've been waiting for them to age up Neal and Robin, because you know, babies are boring.

I'd like to put Snowflake, Pistachio, and Henry through the Dark World so we can just skip the bad parenting.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Writing Wrongs said:

And Henry wouldn't be a prince just because his mom is a princess, unless Baelfire was a prince also. I know, little things bug me.

I think this would depend on whether or not Emma was the Crown Princess.

If she was, and she seemed to be, Henry would likely be a prince, as well.    Sort of like Prince William of Great Britain is the oldest child of the oldest child, and expected to inherit the throne.

  • Love 1
15 minutes ago, Writing Wrongs said:

Oh, another thing I'm tired of? Hook calling all guys "mate" and all women "love". C'mon writers, expand the vocabulary.

This show uses a wide vocabulary, expect when it doesn't. You know, like when Elsa said "dating".


So why wasn't Robin Hood aged up?  I thought he was a contemporary of Snow's.

Rumple: "Your questions are pointless." If Emma was able to have a kid with Neal, I don't think timelines had any bearing. 


Oh, crap.   Its another side effect of David wishing Regina get what she deserves. I am being completely serious.

I'm surprised she didn't get a million dollars, ascension to godhood, and a harem full of submissive genies then. TS,TW.

I didn't think a fake magic bean from a fake world was going to work, anyway.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

So why wasn't Robin Hood aged up?  I thought he was a contemporary of Snow's.

Yeah.  That bugged me, too.

Maybe he ended up in Neverland for a while?  Whenever Baelfire came back?

Or, since this is apparently a "not real" reality, maybe it's what Emma expected?

1 minute ago, ParadoxLost said:

Oh, crap.   Its another side effect of David wishing Regina get what she deserves. I am being completely serious.

Oh, crap is right.

It totally is.

Can Robin please be a psycho, then?  Because that would be what Regina deserves.

  • Love 1
44 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

I'm pretty sure that David's wish did work.

David is responsible for wishing the hooded figure that kills Emma into the existence and the Black Fairy kidnapping Gideon to make it happen.  Cause that's how this show rolls.

That's what I gathered too.  Really sucks that David's wish made things worse.

I really felt for Emma when she was crying over her fake parents.  There can be good acting in this show when the writers actually make something happen and don't keep treading the same ground over and over or make the characters say stupid things that just aren't believable.

I knew it was too easy when fake Rumple just gave Regina the portal-bean without an argument or a trick.  So now we get fake Robin?  Please no.

So why was fake Henry named "Henry" when supposedly in the fake realm Regina would never have adopted him and thus not named him after her father?

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, Blue Plastic said:

So why was fake Henry named "Henry" when supposedly in the fake realm Regina would never have adopted him and thus not named him after her father?

Baelfire insisted on a very ordinary name because being named Baelfire did not particularly make it easy to blend?

Or maybe Regina's not-murdered father Henry became a kindly grandfather figure after his daughter left?

  • Love 3
15 minutes ago, kitticup said:

I thinking of skipping the finale.  Can someone tell me about Hook scenes so I decide if I should skip.  

He has a couple of good lines in Storybrooke, but otherwise doesn't really have anything to do.

7 minutes ago, Blue Plastic said:

I really felt for Emma when she was crying over her fake parents.  

My heart broke. :-/ It made me hate Regina.

  • Love 2

This was another one with a ton of wasted potential.

They didn't think about what to do with the AU from Emma's wish beyond "a hero needs a villain to bring out the savior".  A horribly missed opportunity.

It used to be that I could count on the time travel / AU eps to be a return to quality.  The show was pretty consistent about at least setting up a possible interesting storyline in finales, even though I gave up belief in any follow through long ago.

The show just feels so lazy.

23 minutes ago, Mari said:

Baelfire insisted on a very ordinary name because being named Baelfire did not particularly make it easy to blend?

Or maybe Regina's not-murdered father Henry became a kindly grandfather figure after his daughter left?

I'm just hand waving it as being part of the genie's created AU. This wasn't the world as it would've been if Emma wasn't the savior. This is a world the Evil Queen's wish from the genie created if there wasn't a savior. At least that's how I'm excusing the inconsistencies.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Katherine said:

I thought this was a really weak episode in what's shaping up to be a really weak season. I found myself thinking "when did this show get so bad?" a lot. Seriously, when did this show get so bad? Has it always been bad but I'm only just now noticing? I don't know, I just felt like the acting and writing were both off tonight. Emma's line readings, in particular, seemed stilted somehow.  This used to be the show I would look forward to all week--the one where I would analyze spoilers months in advance. How did it become a show that I dread? When I spend the entire hour cringing my way through the episode, maybe it's finally time to walk away from the show? I'm just so disappointed. It still has so much potential. Maybe next season will be better?

I think it kind of has always been this bad, honestly.  Somehow, for some reason, I keep watching, I guess for the potential of what it could be than what it actually is.  It has always been pretty corny and could be IMO so much better.

I didn't think Emma in the fake realm was cowardly, she just didn't know what to do.  Apparently Regina had been vanquished long ago.  Snow made the comment to Henry about their family not needing to fight.  Emma seems to have grown up in a peaceful kingdom and had never been personally challenged by a serious threat.  She didn't know she had magic, either, so for all she knew she had no way to fight Regina.

Why did she refer to Henry as "kid?"  I guess they were trying to fake us out and make us think Emma had recovered her memory, but it seems unlikely that she would use that term when she had no memory of her real life and believed she was raised in fairy land.

  • Love 4

I've been weaning myself off the show this season. The last ep I watched from start to finish was the Hook centric. I decided to give this one a shot since it was the winter finale (and I had reached my Christmas movie quota for the day...turns out my limit is four). 

Emma looked really pretty. That's the nicest thing I can say. The writers didn't take the AU situation seriously so neither did I. Emma acted lobotomized. Henry shouldn't have been there. Show and Charming were "murdered" and Emma actually thanked Regina for "killing" them. I never liked Robin, so his reappearance did nothing for me. My first thought when I saw Rumbelle's kid was the Connor plot from Angel too. Why are Rumple's sons such asshats?

I was surprised to see the show is returning in March since I thought the schedule had changed. I think I will stick with my decision to stay away from live viewing. It's just not fun anymore.

  • Love 6
25 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

The show just feels so lazy.

That's exactly my problem with this episode. It felt like a first draft, or an early brainstorming session during the phase when all ideas are considered "good" and no criticism is allowed. It's what gets put together when people just throw out their favorite ideas without analysis, and they skip the part where they start analyzing and criticizing the ideas, and then reworking them and fine tuning them. So someone threw out the idea of Princess Emma who wasn't the Savior, and they did some fun brainstorming about having her sing "Someday My Prince Will Come" and be the ultimate pretty Disney princess, and then of course Henry has to be a hero who gets knighted and who's the one who really saves the day by showing up, since he's A&E's surrogate and mouthpiece, and all development stopped there. There was no thought put into how the daughter of Snow and Charming, who'd fought a war to win their kingdom back and who still had their weapons skills, would have turned out, how how she couldn't be quite that sheltered and naive if she'd still been a teen mother and, the way it seemed, was already a widow (I doubt they'd have had a portrait of a princess's unwed babydaddy hanging in the palace). This is a woman who has been through stuff. Why would she cave at the first sign of trouble? Why would she be so eager to give up the kingdom her parents fought so hard for?

Did I miss the "you're Prince Bloody Charming" line that was in the script tease, or did they yet again tease something that got cut?

David was so smug about his wish, when if he knows anything about wishes, he should know that a wish that vague is a really, really bad idea.

13 minutes ago, AmeliaBedelia said:

Why are Rumple's sons such asshats?

Genetics? Look at Rumple. And his father. Poor Damien also has Belle's DNA, so he might be even dumber than his box of hair half brother.

I was mostly just bored. It was such an incoherent mess that there's no plot, no thread, nothing to hold onto. It's just a bunch of characters running around and doing random things that make no sense.

  • Love 7
17 minutes ago, Blue Plastic said:

I think it kind of has always been this bad, honestly.  Somehow, for some reason, I keep watching, I guess for the potential of what it could be than what it actually is.  It has always been pretty corny and could be IMO so much better.

I didn't think Emma in the fake realm was cowardly, she just didn't know what to do.  Apparently Regina had been vanquished long ago.  Snow made the comment to Henry about their family not needing to fight.  Emma seems to have grown up in a peaceful kingdom and had never been personally challenged by a serious threat.  She didn't know she had magic, either, so for all she knew she had no way to fight Regina.

Why did she refer to Henry as "kid?"  I guess they were trying to fake us out and make us think Emma had recovered her memory, but it seems unlikely that she would use that term when she had no memory of her real life and believed she was raised in fairy land.

I thought she called him "kid" to show the real side of her coming through in the fake world.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, kitticup said:

I thinking of skipping the finale.  Can someone tell me about Hook scenes so I decide if I should skip.  That would be only reason to watch.  Hearing that Regina kills snowing pisses me off.

I only watched part of it but if you like Captain Charming, then you may like if. If you want Captain Swan, you're out of luck. It's Swan Queen all the way.

Regina doesn't kill off the real Snowing, she just makes Emma and Henry think so, so that Henry can save the day with his bravery.

33 minutes ago, maryle said:

Didn't watched a lot but I hate this au princess Emma. I didn't recognize her at all.

Count me in on that hate.  She dropped 80 IQ points along with losing her determination and independence.  Why?  I can only assume it's to make Regina look good. And in the end, she's stuck in the fake world with her for the second part of the season and can't get to her family and real life.  Haven't I already seen this plot before?

  • Love 2

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