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S08.E01: It's Worse Than We Thought


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3 minutes ago, Janc said:

I think that when you boil it down, all that Mariah is really holding out for is an apology from Meri that yes, Mariah did in fact try to warn her it was a catfish and Meri didn't listen.  IF Meri simply becomes the bigger person and says "I'm sorry, I was wrong for not listening to you" it would (or should) be enough take the fire from Mariah's anger, IF she is mature enough to accept the apology....  two big IFs there about people who I don't think are big enough to do either one.

Thanks. I did not know Mariah warned her. I am playing catch up on many details this season. I became exhausted with this family awhile back and did not watch as religiously as usual. 

  • Love 1

@Janc it was in the preview for the next episode so it's ok. I think the show is creating drama and pushing a "Mariah was right" storyline. I think the whole thing is exaggerated. Meri and Mariah got together last season and also went to Hawaii together. I know the relationship was strained but I have a hard time believing that it has gotten so bad that they aren't on speaking terms. Furthermore, Mariah was interviewed at the end of last season and she wasn't acting like she was overly angry anymore. So was she lying then or now? Enough time has passed that I think she would be significantly better seeing that her mom is trying really hard to talk to her and her dad has forgiven her. If this isn't a setup by the show then Mariah is just milking this for attention. None of it is about her and if all she wants is for Meri to acknowledge her "Told ya so", then that's pretty shallow even for a young person. What happened to Christian love and forgiveness? 

  • Love 2

Oh I don't know, I would like to hear someone say, dang, you were right. I just could not see it because I was emotionally involved and could not even entertain the notion. I am so sorry. You are a very bright and aware young woman.  You deserved to have my attention and consideration on your thoughts.

Had she heard this from Mèri she would have forgiven her and walked away feeling good about herself. 

ETA .  I don't know if Mariah is upset about that or the fact her mother was cheating on her dad.

Edited by wings707
  • Love 5

I think Mariah is mostly upset because her mother lost status which is something that has served her well in the past. She loved being the only child of the legal wife. Now she's the child of the cheater wife who embarrassed the family. She was also the child who expressed interest in polygamy so I don't think she really understands the emotional dynamics that could lead Meri to need love from someone else. We've seen some of the other kids recognize, even subtly, that Kody is a self-absorbed tool but Mariah doesn't see it so her sympathy for her mother will be limited 

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Good point. I do think her eyes are opening at this point, though. No? 

I'd like to think so but I don't see it yet. Of course I don't understand how any of the adult age girls could not think their dad is a grade A ass. They spent their whole lives watching their moms beg and barter for time with him and now they are old enough to understand it. They understand enough that they aren't choosing polygamy (yet) but none of them seem to question Kody's treatment of their moms. 

  • Love 1

I don't understand why the family is so "up" on Maddie, and so down on Mykelti. Maddie is getting married young with no college education and no job skill that anyone can point to. She's marrying a much older man. 10 years difference is big when you're that young. I wouldn't be celebrating either wedding. The whole thing reeks of favoritism, and I think Kody is more interested in being buddies with Maddie's fiancé than he is concerned about this daughter's future and ability to take care of herself. They should be celebrating Logan and Aspyn, who stayed in school, or the two boys who went into the military. Maddie has accomplished nothing worthy of so much attention.

  • Love 15
4 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

I'd like to think so but I don't see it yet. Of course I don't understand how any of the adult age girls could not think their dad is a grade A ass. They spent their whole lives watching their moms beg and barter for time with him and now they are old enough to understand it. They understand enough that they aren't choosing polygamy (yet) but none of them seem to question Kody's treatment of their moms. 

The older the kids get the more their focus turns to their friends and outside the house stuff. They cannot see the forest from the trees. They don't see what we see either. you would think they would read online. 

16 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

I'd be pissed as hell at Meri for allowing Robyn to take over. It was within Meri's right to refuse but she just rolled over. 

Yeah. She was given false information though. She thought Robins children were in jeopardy if Kody could not adopt them. What a prick.

1 hour ago, Nowhere said:

But why does Mariah require or need to be told she is right? I know she isn't mature yet but that seems like a character issue. She sees another person struggling with the consequences of a terrible decision, and all she can worry about is being right? 

I don't think that is her problem though. You pointed out that her issue is probably cheating on her Dad and that makes more sense to me. I am not sure where it came from that she wanted an apology.  I may have responded to a theory or rumor! 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, wings707 said:

Mariah is too young to be expected to understand her mother's complex situation. Meri is struggling to grasp it, herself.  it is shaking Mariah's security in an already tumultuous time in all kids lives. 

That.  Living through a parent or both parents cheating changes the fabric of a child's life even if they are 18 or so when it happens.  Being a legal adult doesn't mean a person has a finished fully developed brain.  Mariah has had a life altering event and there doesn't seem to be anyone in that family who can help her process it in the least damaging way possible.  There will be damage from this kind of thing and she can't just get over it and move on. 

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, wings707 said:


Yeah. She was given false information though. She thought Robins children were in jeopardy if Kody could not adopt them. What a prick.


I personally think Meri was persuaded/strongarmed to file the divorce by Kody with Robyn pushing - not because of the adoption (since we all know she's on the internet pretty often and there were plenty of SME's about the topic noting that Kody did NOT need to be legally married to Robyn to adopt her kids) but for a far simpler reason:  To keep the show on the air and the TLC money coming in.

It's clear that Kody will do and say anything to keep the ratings up and the show on, and that plot devices are needed. 

getting Robyn knocked up, saying OK to Mykelti marrying FT knowing it will be a ratings bonanza, and now they have a new season assured because they'll wait until NEXT season for the M&FT nuptuals, Janelle more obese than she's ever been starting a weight-loss business...and of course Meri "asking" for the divorce.  ALL done primarily for the show, period.

  • Love 6
47 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

I don't understand why the family is so "up" on Maddie, and so down on Mykelti. Maddie is getting married young with no college education and no job skill that anyone can point to. She's marrying a much older man. 10 years difference is big when you're that young. I wouldn't be celebrating either wedding. The whole thing reeks of favoritism, and I think Kody is more interested in being buddies with Maddie's fiancé than he is concerned about this daughter's future and ability to take care of herself. They should be celebrating Logan and Aspyn, who stayed in school, or the two boys who went into the military. Maddie has accomplished nothing worthy of so much attention.

It is favoritism but not between the girls. It's Maddie's fiancé that the family is all twitterpated about. If Mykelti wanted to marry him you'd think they favored her. I don't think it would have mattered if Maddie married him a day after they met. For some reason this guy is like royalty to the Browns. FT couldn't have measured up even is he wasn't a pretentious jackass. 

  • Love 5
43 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Yes, our brains do not fully develop until about 23 years of age. Early 20s are a tough time for kids. 

This is fair. I do tend to forget that they are just 20/21 since we are talking about marriage and babies. They might come around to understand the emotional abuse polygamist marriage is for a woman when they get older and have more distance from the situation. 

1 hour ago, Nowhere said:

I'd be pissed as hell at Meri for allowing Robyn to take over. It was within Meri's right to refuse but she just rolled over. 

I feel this way too.  If Kody wanted a divorce to legally marry Robyn, then he could file for it and let the public know without a doubt what a hypocritical jerk he is.  No way should she have gone along with the ridiculous story about adopting Robin's children.  Don't know if she got any kind of settlement, but she was a fool again if she didn't get some protection for herself in the divorce.

Ironically, since Kody and Robyn made it legal, it seems to me that their relationship has cooled down immensely.  It won't surprise me if as soon as the show is cancelled, Robyn files for divorce from Kody and demands child support for all five of her children, since Kody was supposedly so eager to be the legal father of her three from the previous marriage.  

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Nowhere said:

Yeah but she's being a complete bitch and it's not necessary. Meri was saying she won't even talk to her. I think it has been long enough now and she should open communication with Meri. Kody forgave her but Mariah won't even talk to her? I don't expect her to be understanding. Just decent.

I agree on some level but if Meri would be at all real with her, she might be. Meri wasn't decent to her when she dragged her into her affair (remember that Mariah was on the trip where Meri was trying to meet Sam), brainwashed her into thinking polygamy was the only true way to live, and played the victim afterward instead of owning up to the fact that she fell in love and was about to leave and doesn't want to do this anymore. If Meri expects emotional maturity and accountability from a 21 year old, she should at least give a little herself. 

  • Love 8
15 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

I don't agree about Mariah. She's not the most likable person, but why would *she* have to be the one to "understand" the situation when her parents don't?

because she's permanently aggrieved by it and shuns Meri.  If she is going to insert herself in this with her judgment, then she should try to see both sides.  Meri tried to communicate with her, even (seems to me) bent over backwards, and Mariah is holding it over her head.  Again, if this was my kid, at this point I would tell them to get in touch when their hurt feelings are all better.  

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, toodles said:

Imo, the catfish mess is not where meri' s problem started.  The real problem was the divorce.  We know it was ALL FOR THE CHILDREN ( wringing hands dramatically).

Meri got dumped for the younger model.  Pure and simple.  And I'm sure the baby that followed shortly after the it really, really doesn't matter legal marriage is just a coincidence.  She was completely hurt and pissed off and it left her wide open for some catfishin'

yes to all this, but really it was just the icing on the bitter cake.  she may have professed polygamy, but she never ever wanted it. 

  • Love 1

It would be nice if Meri would just tell the truth and say she fell in love with the guy. It's true she may get more respect from Mariah because if Mariah was there and witnessed all of it, she knows damn well Meri was in love with him. Now she has to listen to her talk about how the guy was threatening her and brainwashing her, her voicemails are spliced together and all manner of other bullshit Mariah knows for a fact isn't true. Now that I'm thinking about it, that may be why their relationship has gotten worse since last season. 

Love is so powerful and being in love can make you do crazy things. Meri would get more sympathy from everybody if she'd admit it. But she's acting like she was a victim and that she was scared for her safety. It may piss Mariah off that Meri is acting like Kody couldn't have protected her if she was being threatened. Her stories are so unbelievable. Nobody sympathizes with such a weak minded person that caves as soon as some guy says you better leave a voicemail or else. Give me a fucking break. 

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, wings707 said:

Mariah is too young to be expected to understand her mother's complex situation. Meri is struggling to grasp it, herself.  it is shaking Mariah's security in an already tumultuous time in all kids lives. 

she's not too young to have some compassion though.  And I don't think meri is struggling to grasp it.  I think she fully understands her wants, and motivations, and exactly what happened but cannot be honest about it.  Perhaps if they didn't have a TV show bringing in money, she might feel more inclined to leave.  

  • Love 1

It's highly likely that Mariah has seen the pictures that Meri posted to "Sam." (I've seen them and I wish I could un-see them).  Mariah's humiliation must run pretty deep, knowing that her mom's personal and intimate pictures are out there, that Mariah warned her that she was being catfished and Meri didn't listen, that it hurt Kody (who Mariah loves), that Meri did some of this stuff with Mariah in the house, that Meri asked Kody to stop coming over, and that it alienates her even more from her half brothers and sisters whose mom DIDN'T go looking for online love.

But I also think that for Meri to give Mariah a true and complete apology, Meri has to admit that she was unhappy in her marriage to Kody, that polygamy is a lonely and sad way to live, and that the lifestyle they've made money on and profess to love so much is nothing more than an emotional house of cards.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 10
4 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Meri messed up big time.  She never wanted this lifestyle, she only wanted it because she wanted Kody.  And now, she's either got to come clean and tell Kody that she never wanted this lifestyle, or suck it up and be miserable.  

I agree. Based on what Meri said in their book, apparently, she made a promise that was difficult to keep.  Their marriage was contingent on the fact that they would live in polygamy, and yet she was unhappy and resentful when Kody took a new wife. 

When it comes to Mykelti, it seems as if Christine and Kody were just holding their breaths. I distinctively remember Christine saying that Mykelti is the only child that “keeps her up at night, because she can be rather impulsive."

3 hours ago, wings707 said:

Thanks. I did not know Mariah warned her. I am playing catch up on many details this season. I became exhausted with this family awhile back and did not watch as religiously as usual. 

Yes, Mariah warned her about what was going on. She also told Meri that she was having an emotional affair and needed to tell Kody about it. Mariah has also said that there was a lot more going on than what people (the viewing public) know about since it happened during summer when Mariah was home - and the show doesn't film during the summer. So, there's a lot more to this situation that Mariah is privy to that we are not and I feel like she's right to be angry. Meri needs to admit the truth of the situation to her daughter - at least - and then she needs to apologize to Mariah for whatever it is she needs to apologize for (which could be several different things). Mariah may be trying to hold her to account with Kody, too, and I can't really fault her for that. I personally cannot stand liars and when I find someone's been lying to me, then I have absolutely no truck with them until they own their actions and apologize.

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28 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

because she's permanently aggrieved by it and shuns Meri.  If she is going to insert herself in this with her judgment, then she should try to see both sides.  Meri tried to communicate with her, even (seems to me) bent over backwards, and Mariah is holding it over her head.  Again, if this was my kid, at this point I would tell them to get in touch when their hurt feelings are all better.  

I agree. She's very immature. But if it was my mother, I'd tell my mother to get in touch when she was ready to quit overtly lying to me and the world. It would insult me to have someone involve me and then embarrassingly lie over and over, not just to me but on TV.

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 6
16 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

she's not too young to have some compassion though.  And I don't think meri is struggling to grasp it.  I think she fully understands her wants, and motivations, and exactly what happened but cannot be honest about it.  Perhaps if they didn't have a TV show bringing in money, she might feel more inclined to leave.  

Until Meri is able to admit the truth of the situation and what she did, she isn't deserving of any compassion.

  • Love 8
28 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

It would be nice if Meri would just tell the truth and say she fell in love with the guy. It's true she may get more respect from Mariah because if Mariah was there and witnessed all of it, she knows damn well Meri was in love with him. Now she has to listen to her talk about how the guy was threatening her and brainwashing her, her voicemails are spliced together and all manner of other bullshit Mariah knows for a fact isn't true. Now that I'm thinking about it, that may be why their relationship has gotten worse since last season. 

Love is so powerful and being in love can make you do crazy things. Meri would get more sympathy from everybody if she'd admit it. But she's acting like she was a victim and that she was scared for her safety. It may piss Mariah off that Meri is acting like Kody couldn't have protected her if she was being threatened. Her stories are so unbelievable. Nobody sympathizes with such a weak minded person that caves as soon as some guy says you better leave a voicemail or else. Give me a fucking break. 

This is one reason I think Mariah is so angry at Meri. Meri hasn't admitted the truth and keeps trying to push her bullshit stories about what happened. I used to lie to my parents all the time when I was a kid. Eventually, I learned that lying about stuff just makes it worse. The longer you delay the pain and delay suffering the consequences for your actions, the worse the pain and the consequences are. Admitting you screwed up is like taking a band-aid off: Do it quickly and in as little time as possible.

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, Granny58 said:

Again, if this was my kid, at this point I would tell them to get in touch when their hurt feelings are all better.  

Quite possibly the outcome would be that Meri would lose Mariah forever.

Mariah seems to have been deeply hurt by the situation.  Meri has likely lost Mariah's trust, faith, and respect.  That's a lot to get over and if Meri isn't willing or able to work on that, the breach may never be healed.  This isn't something that Mariah should just forget about and get on with life as usual.  A breach in the parents' marriage is much more than just about the two in the couple once they have children.  Has Mariah done all she could?  I have no idea.  Is she spoiled?  More than likely.  She was a doted on it seems only child and brought up by an emotionally stunted mother.  To expect her to shoulder the burden of healing herself in this situation seems to me to be very unrealistic.  She very well may have to eventually but at the moment she has the right to expect some assistance from the people who created the situation.  She surely didn't.

Edited by Absolom
  • Love 10
3 hours ago, wings707 said:

Oh I don't know, I would like to hear someone say, dang, you were right. I just could not see it because I was emotionally involved and could not even entertain the notion. I am so sorry. You are a very bright and aware young woman.  You deserved to have my attention and consideration on your thoughts.

Had she heard this from Mèri she would have forgiven her and walked away feeling good about herself. 

ETA .  I don't know if Mariah is upset about that or the fact her mother was cheating on her dad.

Don't forget she doesn't like the way her mom draws on her eyebrows either and was kind enough to point that out during filming. 

Such a clever caring daughter she is. 

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, wings707 said:


A poster earlier in this thread mentioned Christine and her kids were Kodys least favorite. I have been lax in viewing the past several seasons so missed some details. Can someone give me the Cliff notes on that, please? Thanks.


When the show first started, he seemed to be at Meri and Robyn's houses the most. Robyn because she was the new, "hot" wife - who also gave him the first son he'd had in many years. And Meri's place was relatively calm and quiet. There was also an episode where Christine has to basically barter with Kody to get him to spend more time with her kids. She says she'll let him put gym mats down in her garage if he'll come over more. I don't think this family has (maybe never had) a regular schedule. Kody just flings open the door of whichever house he feels like lounging at that night. 


6 hours ago, Normades said:

I think Mariah would show some compassion if Meri would admit she was wrong instead of expecting everyone to gloss over this and act as if nothing happened.  I also understand why Mariah might feel as if she is owed an apology and explanation.  She was brought into this situation and who knows what lies Meri told her.  Remember Mariah was with Meri and JO in Disneyland.

I think the lying is a HUGE problem here. We all know Meri isn't being completely forthright about the nature of the catfish scandal. It's annoying, but it's just TV. This is Mariah's mother. Who had an emotional affair and likely would have had a physical affair, had the catfish really been the dude she was claiming to be. I do believe that Mariah was suspicious and tried to warn her mother. Not only did Meri not listen, but now she's trying to portray herself as the naive victim of some super smart internet scam artist. There is more to it than that and Mariah knows it, and likely resents her mother treating her like she's stupid. 

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, wings707 said:

Thanks. I did not know Mariah warned her. I am playing catch up on many details this season. I became exhausted with this family awhile back and did not watch as religiously as usual. 

does it matter if Mariah warned her?  I am just trying to envision this with my mom.  If I warned her and she disregarded it, and ended up in trouble...the last thing I would do would hold out for an "I told you so."  I would try to help her.  But then again...I love my mom.  She's not a mere foil in my delusions about life. 

56 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

Yes, Mariah warned her about what was going on. She also told Meri that she was having an emotional affair and needed to tell Kody about it. Mariah has also said that there was a lot more going on than what people (the viewing public) know about since it happened during summer when Mariah was home - and the show doesn't film during the summer. So, there's a lot more to this situation that Mariah is privy to that we are not and I feel like she's right to be angry. Meri needs to admit the truth of the situation to her daughter - at least - and then she needs to apologize to Mariah for whatever it is she needs to apologize for (which could be several different things). Mariah may be trying to hold her to account with Kody, too, and I can't really fault her for that. I personally cannot stand liars and when I find someone's been lying to me, then I have absolutely no truck with them until they own their actions and apologize.

OK, this is new info for me.  With that in mind, perhaps I'm wrong.  Maybe Mariah has more to be mad about.  Still, I think they should move on and reconcile.  

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, wings707 said:

Yes, our brains do not fully develop until about 23 years of age. Early 20s are a tough time for kids. 

yeah, mine didn't kick in until 32....late bloomer   :-)

2 hours ago, Nowhere said:

It is favoritism but not between the girls. It's Maddie's fiancé that the family is all twitterpated about. If Mykelti wanted to marry him you'd think they favored her. I don't think it would have mattered if Maddie married him a day after they met. For some reason this guy is like royalty to the Browns. FT couldn't have measured up even is he wasn't a pretentious jackass. 

OMG Kody would live in Caleb's shirt if he could - skin to skin.  

  • Love 5

I get the idea that Mariah is upset and yes, in many ways she has a right to feel that way.  But, what I don't get is, if she felt her mother was in danger, being lied to, used, etc. and it was causing her such distress, why would she go to Kody to express her concerns?   He is her father, and "supposedly" they have a marriage of sorts.   Does Mariah not have any type of relationship w/Kody - except he's basically a sperm donor for all those kids.    Because she was, in many ways, an only child, naturally she's always been close to her mother, so it still doesn't make sense why she didn't go to him with concerns.

  • Love 2
16 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

I get the idea that Mariah is upset and yes, in many ways she has a right to feel that way.  But, what I don't get is, if she felt her mother was in danger, being lied to, used, etc. and it was causing her such distress, why would she go to Kody to express her concerns?   He is her father, and "supposedly" they have a marriage of sorts.   Does Mariah not have any type of relationship w/Kody - except he's basically a sperm donor for all those kids.    Because she was, in many ways, an only child, naturally she's always been close to her mother, so it still doesn't make sense why she didn't go to him with concerns.

Or how about her 'other mothers'??? If she didn't want to tell Kody for whatever reason, isn't she supposed to have 3 other mothers who are like sisters to her own mom? Aren't they supposed to be worried about each other and look out for each other? If Mariah was really concerned she could have gone to them too. Personally I don't think Mariah was as upset/concerned at the time as she is claiming to be now so that hindsight puts her on the "right" side and of course we know that the 'sister' part of this wives stuff is a crock so Mariah really didn't have a family to support her if there was a problem and she needed help.

  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

Oh I support her eyebrow advice! 

While I think we all agree that the advice was warranted it as said in much the tone as grade schoolers insult each other on the playground.  "Your glasses make you look like a fish, Four Eyes.  Neener-neener".  And acting like that on national TV was just about as immature as possible.  OK, we get it, you are mad at mommy.  So act like an adult and say "Mom, I am hurt and angry.  Can we talk about it" - not blurt out childish insults.

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

Yes true as it may be, if I had  talked  to  my  mother  that way  she would  have smacked  me into next week and she rarely  hit me. She was flat out rude.

Well that is part of the teen/early 20s behavior, it is in all the books. It is a step in breaking away.  Smacking is never a solution. 


Mariah felt she was holding a big secret and if it got out it would impact her mom. She was protecting her by not telling anyone. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

Or how about her 'other mothers'??? If she didn't want to tell Kody for whatever reason, isn't she supposed to have 3 other mothers who are like sisters to her own mom? Aren't they supposed to be worried about each other and look out for each other? If Mariah was really concerned she could have gone to them too. Personally I don't think Mariah was as upset/concerned at the time as she is claiming to be now so that hindsight puts her on the "right" side and of course we know that the 'sister' part of this wives stuff is a crock so Mariah really didn't have a family to support her if there was a problem and she needed help.

That's the part I really don't get about this show. It is so achingly clear that while the kids might be close, the other parents do NOT see the other kids as truly their own, and the wives do not have close relationships. So if those are two of the major polygamy perks...what's left? 

  • Love 5

Maybe she wasn't as concerned as she appeared to be.  She did make the comment about warning her mom, and that she wasn't to blame.   Which makes me think Kody , and the wives, probably got mad at her and said "why didn't you tell me what was going on", so she felt she had to act hurt, offended by it all because she was taking some heat for being there and not saying anything.     Otherwise, if she was so upset at what was going on, she would have said something to somebody - even one of the other kids - who in turn would have told their mom.   

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