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S03.E11: Mad City: Beware the Green-Eyed Monster


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Well howdy do.    Poor Jim Gordon always the beat up brides maid and all that.  Well at least he got to shoot the groom in the end even after he promised he wouldn't.  Wait!  Has Jim EVER kept a promise to anyone?  Ever?  

Yes I am continuing on my crusade to get more Barbara Keen time because she is awesome.  I am hoping the show goes forward with the Nygma, Butch, Tabitha, Barbara alliance because that looks like so much fun.  Plus the idea of Barbara running the Gotham underworld sound like my kind of good time.

That was the shortest marriage I have seen in a long time.  Lee might actually hold the new record.  Married and widowed in the span of an episode.  Still her scene with Jim had the proper amount of heart tug and now with Jimbo shooting Mario its going to be all kinds of awkward between them.  Should be fun.

  • Love 8


-and lee finally knows that Jim came to see her!

-and ed wants to kill Ozzy! Yes!

-Babs for new crime boss!

-sad that Talon's dead already. Gotham continues it's streak of killing off all the interesting characters.

-I thought the confrontation at the church was well-done.

-Jim, you literally just promised Falcone that you'd bring Mario in alive. 

Overall, it was decent. I'd give it a solid B. Wasn't bad, but kinda forgettable.

Can't wait for January! Woo!

Edited by HoodlumSheep
  • Love 1

Jim, you should have just let Mario kill her.

Seriously, she has the nerve to throw a tantrum for Jim revealing his feelings the day of the wedding after she spent the better half of this season trolling him for a jealous reaction, and then kissing him on the night before her wedding?! She is now WORSE than Babara 1.0.

Crazy Babs is the smartest person on this show. Never thought that would happen.

Jerome is coming back?! Hooray!!!

  • Love 12
8 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

Jim, you should have just let Mario kill her.

Seriously, she has the nerve to throw a tantrum for Jim revealing his feelings the day of the wedding after she spent the better half of this season trolling him for a jealous reaction, and then kissing him on the night before her wedding?! She is now WORSE than Babara 1.0.

Crazy Babs is the smartest person on this show. Never thought that would happen.

Jerome is coming back?! Hooray!!!

Hey maybe we'll get ales kidnapping Jim in a wedding dress.  Or her stalking him.  Maybe it is Jim.  Making all his eyes cray cray.  

Ed needs to get a clue! How did he NOT know Oswald's feelings for him? I don't keep up with casting stuff, so when Banshee's Carrie showed up as Selina's mother, I was pleasantly surprised! She made an awesome vigilante in the 4th season of that show, and made it believable, unlike some on the CW. The last scene was so old-school cinema cheesy! Loved it! So is she Lee Falcone now?  If she inherited the crime family and Barbara became Queen B in Gotham, BOTH Jim's exes would be in interesting positions going forward.

  • Love 4

I should've watched this "live" and Supergirl on DVR. I need to start my Monday with batshit insanity, and a crossover shouldn't have gotten in the way.

Geez, Jim. If you're gonna shoot Super Psycho Mario, could you make sure the murder weapon doesn't wash away? Even if Mario flunks tests, Leslie is not gonna be happy with Jim. Maybe she can team with Barbara and Valerie to form a League Of Bitter Exes?

And now, a moment of silence for TV's greatest short-lived bromance. On the bright side, Ed throwing in with Babs, Butch and Stumpy should make the rest of the season interesting as hell.

I will have to rewatch this again to get the Owls plot.

  • Love 2

Are we are supposed to like this version of Gordon? The angry yelling guy is just annoying. He doesn't seem to be a good cop either. He just runs into things without thinking and shoots without thinking, but then somehow ends up the hero.

Loved Bruce and Selina's caper. I'd rather watch them then watch Gordon scream and growl his way through everything. Selina's mom, interesting. 

Babs, Tabitha, Butch, and Ed working together. 

And finally Jerome!

  • Love 3

I could write another review about how this show has gone off the rails and how I'm worried it may be too derailed to ever get back, but I don't want to do that. It's a broken record at this stage to state that this episode was, yet again, another example of Gotham's false drama, where things kind of just happen because the writers really need them to happen and the characters truly don't develop or act organically at all.

Well, perhaps not entirely- Edward Nygma's going through quite a bit of great character development, even if the story choices that brought him there were horrible. There's a large part of me that hopes the Nygma/Barbara Kean alliance actually happens because...well, Barbara has so much potential but never ever gets used.

However, I'm not holding my breath...so long as Gotham decides its primary character is Jim Gordon.

For me, I believe it's more pertinent  to understand where, exactly, Gotham went wrong with Gordon. I don't believe there was anything wrong, in principle, for Gotham to have as its central character a morally upright, "by the books", "good" cop and watch how this character grapples with the realization that, in the City of Gotham in order to do good, you have to be willing to be willing to sacrifice your morals. Harvey Bullock was supposed to represent the toll this decision has on someone, and the character had wonderful potential as the "mentor", to teach Gordon "how things really work" and to stop Gordon from following the same path he did. S1 seemed to go well in this regard, as we had Gordon "get too eager" before eventually calming down and understanding how things really worked, without losing his ethical centre.

So when S2 came around and presented Teflon Galavan, it was almost perfect, because despite Galavan's flaws as a character, having a situation where Gordon really did have to break the law- and compromise his morals- was precisely the challenge that Gordon needed at the time. Seeing Gordon descend from that choice and literally lose everything- his job, his love and his freedom- was perfectly natural, setting up a scenario where Gordon was forced to ask the tough questions to figure out how- or even if- he had a way back.

I think that is where the show got lost. It seems to me that since Gordon fell, the writers have no idea what to do with him really, leaving him as this lifeless, soulless husk. In principle, this isn't a bad character development- it is depression, after all- but it's not a really enthralling story if the character never really does anything more than just brood. This would be fine if Gordon were relegated to a background character whose depression forced him to slum at Wayne Manor (wouldn't Gordon getting involved with the Court of Owls plot been a better way to get him back into the GCPD?), or if it was Gordon who was visibly pining for Lee (even if he never actually stated it), but it doesn't work when all the character does is go through the motions, especially through 10 episodes. One, two, maybe- but not half a season.

...and now we're gearing up for drama with Carmine Falcone that should have impact but, again, it rings false. I mean, how many times can Gordon take a beating before it doesn't mean anything anymore?

The Bullock Meter- 5

OK, so Harvey was in most of this episode. He had some good sized lines. He had quite a bit of screentime. I thought Donal Logue brought a lot of energy and gravitas to the role tonight.

However, I felt like Bullock was poorly written tonight, as if the writers felt like they just had to have Bullock be "the contrarian" so that there's some fake doubt about Mario not being infected with Alice Tetch's blood. I get that it's perfectly reasonable for Bullock to think Jim is merely acting out of emotion and not objectivity, but, given that Jim's hunch was a foregone conclusion and that Bullock's angry objections passed into "hit us over the head with it" territory, it was just dull.

This "unmemorable"-ness to Bullock seems to be a recurring theme this season. I don't think Bullock has ever been a really well written character overall- he's never been given the same level of detail as Gordon has, with the only depth the character has had coming in "The Spirit of the Goat"- but it does feel like, before, the writers tried to give him some qualities (like loyalty and a keen observation) to make him well-rounded, as well as some well-placed zingers. This year...all that's kind of been missing, as Bullock's kind of just doing what the plot needs him to do. It's a pretty sad development in what has been a subpar first half of the third season all around for Gotham.

Episode Grade: D. Just not that invested in this half of the season as the writers frustratingly go through the motions...even worse because I know they can do better.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Proteus said:

I can't stand Jerome and all the fuss made over him. They gave him a fitting ending. I'm disappointed that they caved and are bringing him back.

Still hate Butch and Tabs.

I continue to question why I watch this show.

Ditto on both bolded parts. Jerome just reminds me of my brother commenting that a girl he went on a date with was a 'manic pixie try-hard'. There's just so much effort going on in trying to make him interesting and threatening.

And whilst I frequently feel I might be hate-watching at this point, i'm probably a little bit too emotionally invested for that. Dammit, show.

Having said that...I did not see the Jim/Mario/Lee cliffhanger coming. That was genuinely unexpected and delicious. 

ETA: But, in all likelihood, the only thing i'm really going to remember from this episode in years to come - apart from Ed stomping Oswald's heart into little pieces -  is Jervis and his glorious paper mache top hat. 

Edited by Blackcanary
  • Love 3

I never question why I watch this show. I absolutely love this show. However there have been several currents in this half season poisoning it and creating a very uneven experience - Fish in 1-2, Jimleerio ramping up the horsecrap through the season and Ivy hanging as a little curse over it whenever she's around, for example.

So I understand some criticism against it, but I frankly get annoyed with the unqualified and nuanceless hate. Plus the scenes with Bruce and Selina always put a smile on my face. They do those very well; consistently the strongest point of the show and almost managing to save the whole experience for me off a mediocre installment.

  • Love 4

I don't like how this show disposes of some its villains. As with Barnes, I thought Mario had potential to be a great long term nemesis for Gordon. They got rid of him way too quickly. He should have continued to toy with Jim. Mario helping Barnes escape and teaming up to terrorize Gotham would have been fun. Oh well.

I hope that Barbara and Tabitha continue to get more to do. This show needs strong female characters. Lee is basically a damsel in distress like Barbara used to be.

As always, I love Bruce, Alfred, and Selina. I cracked up at Alfred's exasperation over their romantic angst. The heist gone wrong was loads of fun. Alfred fighting to death to protect Bruce and Bruce refusing to leave him was poignant as ever. I love their devotion to each other.

I am looking forward to Jerome's return. Cameron Monaghan is great in the role.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 1

I thought this was a fast-paced, somewhat frenetic but good episode. I don't take this show seriously in any way, shape, or form - it's just an hour of mind candy, so all in-depth analysis of characters is not important to me at all.  That said, I do think Jim is the most useless character on the show, other than Lee,  and is the weakest link. Everything he touches turns to crap! He gets beat up regularly, he can't control himself in any way (although sometimes that's good for a laugh, like when he shot Falcone's two goons in their knees - alrighty then!), and he's often too late with too little. Falcone's going to go out of his mind when he finds out his son has been killed despite Jim's promise not to do so. True - Mario was about to kill Lee, but too bad Jim couldn't have shot him in the leg or something, enough to save Lee but not necessarily kill Mario. And of course the knife falls into the water and is washed away...never to be found...making Jim look like the wacko, obsessed ex-boyfriend. Jim sort of deserves the shit storm he's now created. Heck, if Falcone doesn't kill him, Lee might!

How hot did Alfred look in his all-black ninja stealth outfit?? Nice! Good thing Cat's mom showed up to save the trio, and yes, she sure could be a love interest for Alfred, why not? He deserves some TLC.

How awkward was that Penguin/Ed scene in which Penguin professed his love? Oy vey!! I just hope that Ed's anger is completely driven by the fact that Penguin killed Isabella and NOT because Penguin is in love with him. Murdering Isabella is indeed very wrong...one man in love with another is not.

Teche's hat he was wearing in Arkham was hilarious.

I liked the Joker character and the actor who plays him, so bring him on, I say! As long as he doesn't overwhelm the show, I look forward to seeing him return.

  • Love 3
47 minutes ago, Kathemy said:

I never question why I watch this show. I absolutely love this show. However there have been several currents in this half season poisoning it and creating a very uneven experience - Fish in 1-2, Jimleerio ramping up the horsecrap through the season and Ivy hanging as a little curse over it whenever she's around, for example.

So I understand some criticism against it, but I frankly get annoyed with the unqualified and nuanceless hate. Plus the scenes with Bruce and Selina always put a smile on my face. They do those very well; consistently the strongest point of the show and almost managing to save the whole experience for me off a mediocre installment.

This is very true. Surrounded by adults conspiring to screw up themselves, others and the world in general, Bruce and Selina together are like a delicious, soothing sorbet. The writing for that relationship goes from strength to strength.

Edited by Blackcanary
  • Love 10

Good mid-season finale. More set up than loose ends being tied up but definitely enough to get me back in 2017 with it.

Can Babs succeed where Fish failed in Season 1 and become the underworld queen? I'd be impressed if she did but I do like this potential team up with herself, Tabitha, Butch and Nygma though.

It seems like Nygmobblepot just torpedoed in this episode as well. Or did it? Maybe Ed is playing both sides. Maybe he'll forgive Oswald. Stranger things have happened on this show.

Selina and her mother. I guess that'll be the arc for the three episodes airing in January. Nice introduction and her and Bruce really did feel like they were becoming their future selves with Alfred in the mix. Talon died too soon though.

Nice to see Zsasz again though the Gordon/Leslie/Mario stuff was fairly dull. With Carmine popping up so much and Mario dead, I'm guessing he'll come out of retirement soon.

And now Jerome will be back too? 8/10

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, Blackcanary said:

This is very true. Surrounded by adults conspiring to screw up themselves, others and the world in general, Bruce and Selina together are like a delicious, soothing sorbet. The writing for that relationship goes from strength to strength.

I actually thought it was hilarious watching Alfred getting ordered around by a couple of kids.  I  not always the biggest ex fan of the Bruce and Selina relationship.  I think it is often a little to.,,I don't know...for me but it is written and acted well.

  • Love 2
45 minutes ago, Biggie B said:

How awkward was that Penguin/Ed scene in which Penguin professed his love? Oy vey!! I just hope that Ed's anger is completely driven by the fact that Penguin killed Isabella and NOT because Penguin is in love with him. Murdering Isabella is indeed very wrong...one man in love with another is not.

I got the impression that Ed's reaction there is largely fuelled by the realisation that Barbara was correct, and Oswald betrayed him in killing Isabella BUT Oswald very much perceived it as Ed being revolted by his confession of love. He looked pretty devastated.

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Proteus said:

I can't stand Jerome and all the fuss made over him. They gave him a fitting ending. I'm disappointed that they caved and are bringing him back.

This show makes me contradict myself. I know this is based off of a comic and is intentionally trying to be campy. Some of the campy villains work for me (Tabitha, Butch, and Babs), some don't (Oswald and Nygma), and some work some times (Fish and Jerome). Fish and Jerome both left at around the time I started to be bugged and now he is coming back.

I have yet to see this episode yet, so I won't say much.

1 hour ago, Blackcanary said:

This is very true. Surrounded by adults conspiring to screw up themselves, others and the world in general, Bruce and Selina together are like a delicious, soothing sorbet. The writing for that relationship goes from strength to strength.

Selina and Bruce are my favorite parts of this show.

Not gonna lie, my favorite part of the episode was the January promo. JEROME!!!!!

I had hoped this episode would've been more action-packed since it was the fall finale. That said, while I would've liked Ed to figure out Penguin's guilt on his own, I'm so looking forward to Ed joining up with Barbara, Tabitha and Butch. And it's been nice seeing Barbara with more to do than just taunt Jim for a scene every episode.

I also appreciated the break from Ivy, she's been dragging down the Bruce/Selina scenes lately. It's better when it's just Bruce, Selina and Alfred.

And I still couldn't care less about Jim/Lee/Mario. I wouldn't have minded Mario killing Lee just before Jim shot him tbh. Regardless, Falcone's reaction will be what I'm watching for.

6 hours ago, Blackcanary said:

Ditto on both bolded parts. Jerome just reminds me of my brother commenting that a girl he went on a date with was a 'manic pixie try-hard'. There's just so much effort going on in trying to make him interesting and threatening.

Well, look at it this way, if Gotham is so dead set on turning Lee into the horrendous Rachel Dawes, then maybe Jerome can take a page out of The Dark Knight and rid us of her for good.

I've never been big on Selena and Bruce's scenes together. There's just not enough talent between the young actors to carry a scene. I have thought they both work well with the adults though, especially Jim. However, that scene with them on the rooftop, and then the caper may have warmed some sub-cockles of my heart. Even if the kiss felt off, they played well off one another. And Alfred's lecture to Selena as she left Wayne Manor was good too.

Barbra playing everyone is fantastic. She, Ed, and Oswald have been the standouts on the show for me. I'm excited to see what more they can achieve working one another. I'm imagining a very convoluted crime triangle.

I would watch a series devoted to Barbara Butch Nygma Penguin and Tabitha.  Now that would be fun.

Instead boring Jim is the lead.  

Selena and Bruce are both talented but not enough to carry more then a few scenes.

The shows major fault though is that it disposes of villains too quickly.  Or it ends storylines to suddenly.  Just when things have finally gotten interesting...it's over.

Kinda like Jim Gordon.

  • Love 2

I miss Talon already, and all we knew about him was that he worked for the Court of Owls and likes to murder and occasionally kidnap people... :'(

gone too soon. 

And I'm kinda bummed about Jim killing Mario--mainly because it'll mess with his and Falcone's relationship. The  Jim/Falcone stuff is some of my favorite bits of the show, but that will probably be destroyed (just like the Jim and Oswald stuff).

Unless Mario miraculously survives because of the crazy magic blood somehow? 

The Jim/Falcone/Court of Owls stuff has reminded me of the Jim/Falcone scene waaaay back in season 1. The one with Jim's father's knife that I thought was endearing but completely out of place and pointless (because we haven't seen or heard of that knife since). 

I hope that knife returns when the time is right, because I wouldn't mind more closure on it. 

Oswald could have made a great central figure for the show. After all, we know he's going to become one of Gotham's premiere crimelords and seeing him rise would have been fun (as it was during S1).

We could have also used Bruce or Alfred as the central figure, raising the young Batman to adulthood.

Or, for the Breaking Bad in us, watched as The Joker descended from an all-around good citizen (or even just an average criminal) into a mastermind where someone like Batman is needed to contain him.

Not that I think Jim being the "everyman" who serves as an audience surrogate who reacts to all the weirdness around him was necessarily a bad idea...I just believe they wasted it by trying to give depth to Jim's story without committing to that same kind of depth to his character. Jim's character template is like Seinfeld (the character), who always "resets" after every episode (or given very small arcs), but, after S1, the show refused to commit to that. Maybe Ben McKenzie requested it (after all, he did say S2 was better than S1 because the show got away from "the case of the week"), but I do think this attempt to give Jim long arcs falls flat because his character lacks depth.

15 hours ago, Biggie B said:

I thought this was a fast-paced, somewhat frenetic but good episode. I don't take this show seriously in any way, shape, or form - it's just an hour of mind candy, so all in-depth analysis of characters is not important to me at all.  That said, I do think Jim is the most useless character on the show, other than Lee,  and is the weakest link. Everything he touches turns to crap! He gets beat up regularly, he can't control himself in any way (although sometimes that's good for a laugh, like when he shot Falcone's two goons in their knees - alrighty then!), and he's often too late with too little. Falcone's going to go out of his mind when he finds out his son has been killed despite Jim's promise not to do so. True - Mario was about to kill Lee, but too bad Jim couldn't have shot him in the leg or something, enough to save Lee but not necessarily kill Mario. And of course the knife falls into the water and is washed away...never to be found...making Jim look like the wacko, obsessed ex-boyfriend. Jim sort of deserves the shit storm he's now created. Heck, if Falcone doesn't kill him, Lee might!

How hot did Alfred look in his all-black ninja stealth outfit?? Nice! Good thing Cat's mom showed up to save the trio, and yes, she sure could be a love interest for Alfred, why not? He deserves some TLC.

How awkward was that Penguin/Ed scene in which Penguin professed his love? Oy vey!! I just hope that Ed's anger is completely driven by the fact that Penguin killed Isabella and NOT because Penguin is in love with him. Murdering Isabella is indeed very wrong...one man in love with another is not.

Teche's hat he was wearing in Arkham was hilarious.

I liked the Joker character and the actor who plays him, so bring him on, I say! As long as he doesn't overwhelm the show, I look forward to seeing him return.

 HAHA, good luck with that not happening. It always becomes the Joker show. Fans like him more then freaking Batman

  • Love 1
17 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

Well, look at it this way, if Gotham is so dead set on turning Lee into the horrendous Rachel Dawes, then maybe Jerome can take a page out of The Dark Knight and rid us of her for good.

I sort of want better for Lee. And by 'better', I mean I want her to go a bit crazy, take up the Falcone mantle that Mario never wanted and engage Barbara in a duel for control of the underworld. Complete with that ridiculous mob-wife hair she's been sporting.

  • Love 3
19 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

Well, look at it this way, if Gotham is so dead set on turning Lee into the horrendous Rachel Dawes, then maybe Jerome can take a page out of The Dark Knight and rid us of her for good.

Jervis already did the "Harvey / Rachel" game for Lee... When Joker tries it, Gordon will shoot Lee...Joker will be so surprised that he fails to escape...

Ah, Gordon.  You are nothing if not predictable.  Even when it dawned on him that it was all Mario's plan to make him look bad in front of Lee, he kept digging that hole by confessing his love to her, instead of probably just bailing and getting solid proof.  Classic Jim!  Plus, he continues to just do everything by himself, which is dumb.  I know Bullock is the acting captain now, but I'm pretty sure he'll actually back you up or maybe (gasp!) find you another partner, so you aren't constantly going into dangerous scenarios by yourself.  Anyway, in the end, he gets proof, but is then forced to kill Mario before he stabs Lee, but the knife falls into the lake, so likely she is going to think he just straight-up murdered him.  Whatever; I'm more curious about Carmine's reaction.  He knows Mario was infected, but will he still be suspicious of Jim?

Meanwhile, Barbara's plan is working out perfectly.  Thanks to her words (and hilarious awesome pantomime of Isabella's death!), Nygma now sees the light and realizes that Oswald is both in love with him and killed Isabella.  Instead of killing him of course, he wants to "destroy" him.  And Barbara plans to use this to get his spot in the crime organization.  Obviously, Oswald won't get offed or taken out of the equation for too long, but I'm looking forward to seeing what Nygma and Barbara's game plan will be!

Selina, Bruce, and Alfred open vault which has some kind of glass owl, and then get jumped Talon, only for him to get taken out by.... Selina's mom!

Victor Zssaz appearance!

Glad we got confirmation that Tetch and Barnes are cell neighbors!

So, if the previews are any indication, the second half of the season is going to kill off with the return of Jerome (Joker?)!

  • Love 2

Yep, you definitely won Lee back for sure with that move, Gordon!  So is the running theme of this show going to be that Gordon's ex's all turn into underworld figures?  I'd be good with that.  I like the pairing of Nygma and Babs.  Poor Oswald, I almost feel sorry for him.  Just when things are really getting fun I have to wait for the new year.  This show has been a blast.

  • Love 1

Almost everyone at the wedding was wearing black, except Lee of course. Way to telegraph the plot, show :)

You know they all headed straight from the reception to the already-booked funeral home. Get two formal occasions out of the same bridesmaid's dress!

Jim Gordon, the dummy, has earned that title with this episode as he never has before. He went through every single step of Mario Kart/Tetch's plan, describing it in detail to anybody handy, and kept doing what he KNEW was designed to make Lee hate him while telling her about it!  And then heading right on over to double tap Mario in front of her as the cherry on top of this idiot sundae! I hope this ends up with Lee joining forces with Carmine and the two of them going head to head with Barbara and her band of nutters over who gets to kill Jim first.

Every time they cut over to the Court of Owls I'd say to myself oh yeah, this. I loved Alfred's hot Court robbing togs, almost as much as the hospital will when he shows up for his regularly scheduled stitches and antibiotics--he seriously should have his own wing by now. Maybe once he's home he can quiz Bruce on where he suddenly got the upper body strength to hold up Selina on that cable. But I imagine Sel's mom showing up will derail that conversation for a while.

Poor Pengy. Even as he commits his string of atrocities I feel bad for the little weasel; he just doesn't know how to handle loving something that he can't plot to steal, or a person who didn't mess with his head since the womb. Barbara's re-enactment of IsabellA's last moments on earth was pretty damn entertaining too. I'm so glad they figured out that she's more than great legs--she's a damn fine comic actress who can more than carry her share of the show.

  • Love 4
On ‎11‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 9:07 PM, Chaos Theory said:

That was the shortest marriage I have seen in a long time.  Lee might actually hold the new record.  Married and widowed in the span of an episode.

There was that newlywed couple that Jervis mindcontrolled into suicide in front of Jim.

If that was foreshadowing for Mario and Lee, then bravo, writers.

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Snookums said:

Jim Gordon, the dummy, has earned that title with this episode as he never has before. He went through every single step of Mario Kart/Tetch's plan, describing it in detail to anybody handy, and kept doing what he KNEW was designed to make Lee hate him while telling her about it!  And then heading right on over to double tap Mario in front of her as the cherry on top of this idiot sundae!

Not gonna disagree, but I feel like Lee is equally as idiotic in this situation, with constant trolling of Jim for a jealous reaction only to do a complete 180 when he finally does admit his feelings.  Maybe he should have phrased it differently though, by adding something like, "I walked away because I wanted you to be happy, and I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't 100 percent sure Mario was infected."  But given how Lee has been acting this season, I doubt she would have believed him anyway.

  • Love 2

Oh, I hold Lee very responsible for these shenanigans, ideed! Her constant demands for Jim's attention to the status of their ended relationship made me want to throw things;  especially since she apparently came back to Gotham only to screw with him. Why get engaged, return to the scene of your last love affair crashing and burning, re-take your job at the same place your ex works at, and constantly rub your new relationship and wedding in his face, only to leave Gotham right after the ceremony??? Did Lee give two weeks notice? Line up a replacement? Get her files in order? What the hell?

These two are perfect for each other, is what I'm saying.

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, paigow said:

Now she can do autopsies on:

  1. Mario
  2. Talon
  3. Anybody else Jim and Alfred decide to kill

Now that I think about it, hasn't Jim and Alfred killed more people then actual crazy people like Nygma and Barbara.  I was going to include Barnes but Barnes actually murdered a few people so good for him showing some initiative.

  • Love 3
On 11/28/2016 at 9:47 PM, NorthstarATL said:

So is she Lee Falcone now?  If she inherited the crime family and Barbara became Queen B in Gotham, BOTH Jim's exes would be in interesting positions going forward.

The next confrontation between Lee and Babs will be fun, but this time we'll all be rooting for Babs (or at least I will).

On 12/5/2016 at 9:43 AM, Kathemy said:

<Doux Reviews> <Beware the Green-Eyed Monster>
Another win for the show is the introduction of Jervis Tetch and the transformation of Captain Barnes. While the Mad Hatter looks nothing like any of his previous incarnations, the show manages to stay true to the spirit of the character, and Benedict Samuel is a gem in the role. 

I like the review but I must take exception to this.  There were two Tetch's -- the one we saw at the start who messed with people's heads and was a fun character, and the one at the end who made it All About Jim -- which, as always ruins a plot.  I was frightfully annoyed and bored by the little snot by the end.

Jim coming in and shooting Mario in such a way that Lee never saw the danger and the knife floated away made me laugh SO hard. That guy has the damndest luck.

The quick compliancy and reaction of the security at the blood center when Jim told him to call the police after they realized the murderer was there shows that guy hasn't been in Gotham long. He actually gave a damn and hurriedly called for help.

Jim actually played Tetch and won in the rhyme game! Our boy is learning.

Thank you, Alfred for letting Selena know that she was included in the deal Bruce made. Selena's mom is some perfect casting so far.

That book 'Gotham Sewers: An Oral History' should be an invaluable resource for anyone wanting to learn how to skulk around the city.

MB could totally do Mafia Queen but unlike Babs, Leslie doesn't have as clear cut a motive nor power grab issues to snap and break bad in such a way for her to want to rule/control Gotham. Although it is hilarious that what Babs is having to scrap and negotiate for, Lee could get by marriage.

Nygma was dressing snazzier and darker and standing taller this episode and cut a pretty menacing figure.

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5 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

MB could totally do Mafia Queen but unlike Babs, Leslie doesn't have as clear cut a motive nor power grab issues to snap and break bad in such a way for her to want to rule/control Gotham. Although it is hilarious that what Babs is having to scrap and negotiate for, Lee could get by marriage.

Unless we are supposed to assume that she will snap in response to having her "innocent" husband be killed by her ex.  Personally I think Jim made a mistake losing Babs 

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