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S01.E01: Episode 1

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After being appointed Pope, Lenny Belardo must navigate the political hallways of Vatican City. However, the new Pope shocks the Vatican with his desire to reject both publicity and the liberal philosophy of his predecessor. As a new type of awkward arrives to the Vatican in dreams and reality, the staff is facing personal and systemic critiques.


Airs in the US on 1/15/2017.

Before reading this review, I texted my best friend as follows:

"Oooh--The Pope Show with Jude Law (which should instantly become the title of something on British late night) is FICTIONAL, not a biopic. Whew, now I don't have to feel weird watching it . . . or do I?"

And after:

". . . and I won't be watching it because I just found out it sucks."

I can attest that I--a fallen, lapsed, interfaith-married, soon-to-be-divorced Catholic--was ready to overcome the imprint of the Church that remains on my psyche to watch this. But madonna mia, it sounds like a bore. National Geographic published a deeply fascinating chunk of thing on the Vatican a couple of years ago. This shit need not be a snore, or boring-weird, is what I'm saying.

If all the bizarro parts could be edited into a supercut, however, that might work for me.

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I've watched the whole season and I like it the lot. The cast is excellent, the characters are both original (never seen before AND unusual) and credible within the story, and we have plenty of character evolution. I was intrigued from the pilot but I think it's episode 5 that hooked me for good, so be ready for a slow burn, get to know and/or be confused by the characters for a while, and just go with the flow.  

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So the Pope is kind of a dick, huh?  And maybe kind of sinister.  I'm intrigued just enough to keep watching.  I am a sucker for anyar kind of organizational political intrigue, whether its King Henry VIII's court, the Mafia or the Vatican, and there was plenty of that here.  I think that Jude Law is really good at the "Golden Boy with dark secrets" and I liked his scenes with some of the "lowlier" priests.  

Most of the reviews that I have read are pretty divided, people either loved it or were bored and I can see understand both sides.  I have also read that the show (most likely inadvertently given the timing) parallels what is going on in the U.S.  And I admit that this came to mind immediately when I was watching.  The "outsider" who is put into place by people who think that he will be easy to control, but who is bucking all tradition and bringing in his own advisor(s) who may not go along quietly.  I believe that the writers have said that they had no political intentions when they were writing this, so I guess we'll see, but I was definitely struck by the similarities.  

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As a work of fiction I loved it.  Very visually stimulating, the Pope as a villain of sorts, very interesting.  It is a bit contrived as to how a Pope of this sort would be chosen, one would typically be a lot older, and rise through the ranks as a bishop/archbishop/cardinal and so forth to be considered for Pope,  Benedict was JPII's secretary for 10 years as a cardinal and Francis was a Cardinal for a long time after a career helping the poor.  However I can suspend my realism for awhile to watch the show and enjoy it.  Although I think the real Pope has a daily plan that involves a lot of religious activity and ceremonies and stuff that he wouldn't blow off.   Also speaking Italian would be a normal thing for the Pope probably.  It is intriguing to think of the Papacy as a corporation that would bring in a brash American with a troubled past to shake things up.  I think that is sort of what happened with Francis, the in the streets true believer (he stayed in a non-descript hotel when he was being elected and walked in while the Italian Cardinals showed up in Limos) that was a move by the conclave to bring in an outside guy of impeccable character.  (and before any people bring up anyone's role in church scandals and coverups, and deficiencies let me preface my statements by stating clearly that they are superficial and brief with an eye toward making a comparison to the show for the sake of discussion of reality versus this contrived TV drama, which I do like so far).

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So the Pope is kind of a dick, huh?

Really. Did he have to smack his personal cook down that hard? Make your own lunch, Papa.

Interesting that so many people are saying they were bored by it. Last night seems to have been a disappointing night of tv. Was looking forward to 'Victoria' on PBS but barely made it thru the first hour.

Edited by LuciaMia

I was extremely confused watching it. At first I thought it was based on some historical Pope but the iPhone ring gave that away.  I liked Jude Law's performance and I liked the idea of the pope as a dick... but the story was not fully engaging last night. I also dislike shows that spend too much time on dream sequences because it shows poor writing. But, I think I might give the second episode a shot.  I kind of want to see what Lenny's plan / goal is.  


the Pope as a villain of sorts, very interesting.

Yes this is the way they should have sold it. 

As a currently practicing Catholic, from a very long line of practicing Catholics, I felt like I needed to check this out. And...I am really going to have to put aside everything I actually know about how the church works, right? And just focus on the intrigue and the visuals? Because I can do that, I just need to know how seriously I need to take this thing.

I also really need to deal with how the Pope is in equal parts an asshole, and really hot. This show is going to send my ass right back to confession, I swear. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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Funny you mention the accent. Not knowing anything about the show, I tuned in to hear his wonderful English accent and voice. He's an underrated actor - I think all those years of partying and romantic intrigues kind of delayed his career growth. But his American accent is great. (Side note - for years I assumed he was related to John Phillip Law.)

I'm cautiously optimistic. I'm not Catholic but grew up in deeply Catholic southwest Louisiana. I'm always up for a TV show that hasn't been done before.

Giggly Priest who's usually leaning against a wall threatens to steal his scenes. And when the pope first appeared in the broad-brimmed white hat my thoughts flew wildly to Palm Springs Lady Who Lunches.

I believe the pope wears red Gucci shoes, no?

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21 hours ago, LuciaMia said:

Really. Did he have to smack his personal cook down that hard? Make your own lunch, Papa.

That was so mean! I wanted to give that poor woman a hug.

I was at times both intrigued and bored. The first ten minutes confused the heck out of me. I'll probably watch a few more episodes just to see where this is going. Not sure if this is considered a spoiler but


According to the preview, the Pope fucks? Really? Is it bad that I kinda want to see that? Mainly because it's Jude Law.

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Cherry Coke Zero!

What was with the soccer cards on the table when the Cardinal first came in? Then they weren't there, just the book he wrote? And then Sister Mary, who just arrived minutes before, knew to come take the book and replace it with the red bag of cigarettes?

The parallels to the US right now make me a little queasy.

I'm enjoying the scenery--the Pieta was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life.

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I'm kind of confused as to actually what this episode was actually about. I mean, yes, first episodes tend to paint a picture or world build, and it would seem the point is that this is a pope who is going to do very different things. At the same time though, I find it hard to believe the college of cardinals would elect an American for one, and someone so young, for the other. Although I guess he isn't that young ish. I do hope the show will address his election, at least in general. 

On 1/16/2017 at 10:33 AM, jwc said:

It is intriguing to think of the Papacy as a corporation that would bring in a brash American with a troubled past to shake things up.

Is that what they meant? They could have been a little clearer.


On 1/17/2017 at 11:44 AM, Kbilly said:

What was with the soccer cards on the table when the Cardinal first came in?

It was Napoli! I root for them all the time! But they showed Higuaín who is with Juve now. Boo!

On 1/17/2017 at 1:44 PM, Kbilly said:

I'm enjoying the scenery--the Pieta was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life.

Yes it is!  I'm not an art expert, and don't usually react too strongly to most art, but the Pieta* made me cry.  And I'm not religious.

Edited by cocobeans
* it made me cry when I saw it in person

Jude Law is so compelling. He is almost the whole show for me. I do love the Italian actor playing the Vatican insider. I hate his mole. Hate it. And his accent is hard sometimes but he speaks slowly so it helps.

The show is weird. Fever dream weird. Like the early work of Scorcese or the director of The Bad Lieutenant. But watching Law is such a pleasure. It has been a while since he has just been beautiful. Or used his beauty so effectively. He is menacing and unsettling with flashes of charm. Mercurial. So unlikable but charismatic. I really want someone to beat the smug off his face.

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On 2/3/2017 at 0:56 AM, jeansheridan said:

The show is weird. Fever dream weird. Like the early work of Scorcese or the director of The Bad Lieutenant. But watching Law is such a pleasure. It has been a while since he has just been beautiful. Or used his beauty so effectively. He is menacing and unsettling with flashes of charm. Mercurial. So unlikable but charismatic. I really want someone to beat the smug off his face.

I love this description - "fever dream," "mercurial," "unlikable but charismatic," etc.

(Except I don't want anyone to beat his beautiful face. Even if a lot of the beauty of our young pope is due to lighting, make-up, fake tan, and hairpiece people have worked overtime to make Jude look better than he has in a decade. 

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