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The Challenge in the Media: "The road to [fame] is straight and narrow."

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2 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:


I tend to believe her.



“MTV the challenge forced me to quit, and that is facts. I’ve never quit anything in my life. Heck I’m one of the oldest Olympians bc I don’t quit, I was pulled aside before the show and told to make it look like I needed to leave,” the Champs vs. Pros alum alleged. “The good news is had I not left I would not have made the USA Bobsled Team. I would’ve missed the team cut off by 2 days! If I had not made the team I would not be a World Champion. So in the end God directs our paths. God knows how hard I fought to stay after meetings w producers.”

The Big Brother alum also claimed that the daily challenge that aired on Wednesday night was “staged” and Chris “CT” Tamburello and Tula “Big T” Fazakerley didn’t really win.

“Once I realized the producers can change the rules to fit who they want to win, I was still willing to stay and fight,” Jones added. “There are so many secrets that are not known to the viewers. hope that people remember the challenge is not a real competition it’s a tv show. They Do Not show the full picture but what is entertaining. So before u write hate messages know u are judge and jury w/o full evidence.”



7 hours ago, DEL901 said:

Lolo claims producers forced her to quit and that CT and Big T didn’t really win. 

What a coincidence that she “left” just two days before the cut-off date for joining the bobsled team.  

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9 hours ago, aghst said:

I tend to believe her.



While I do think there are producer shenanigans when it comes to the results/times, especially when they don't all compete at the same time so it's tough to make a team to team comparison, I don't believe her that they forced her to quit. I think Lolo was embarrassed (as she said herself multiple times) that she wasn't excelling in the game and she convinced herself that she wasn't going to be given a "fair" shot to get into the elimination. And everyone else but her seemed to realize that it's "not a real competition". 

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I think she realized that she would never get voted in because none of the girls want to go against her and the only way she would go into an elimination would be if they won a daily and threw themselves in. Nam and her aren't working well together so the chances if winning a daily are slim so she thought "why keep staying if I can't get anywhere in this game when I can go home and qualify for the Olympics?" I'm not sure I believe the story about the producers making her quit. She's always been a little nutty. I can imagine she went to production, told them how she was feeling and they said "ok, if you want to quit that's fine" and she took that as "They forced me to quit!"

I can also believe some producer shenanigans, like switching an elimination from male to female or encouraging a hookup, but would they really say someone won a daily when they didn't? I know it's edited in a way where we don't know how long it takes each team but TJ said it wasn't close so we have to assume CT and Big T won by a lot. Maybe I'm being naïve lol

Edited by MaggieG
edited to add
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19 hours ago, DEL901 said:

Lolo claims producers forced her to quit and that CT and Big T didn’t really win. 

Wow, how unexpectedly lucky that she was forced to quit just in time for qualifying events! I don't doubt that producers are angling to get certain actions and reactions out of people, but I agree with others who have said it seems unlikely that this wasn't something she already wanted.

15 hours ago, aghst said:

There are so many secrets that are not known to the viewers. hope that people remember the challenge is not a real competition it’s a tv show. 

If I wanted to watch a competition show, I would. The draw of this is the living together/mental games/long-standing relationships being tested piece. I don't think anyone was under the impression this was physical sport period. Not a fan of Lolo.

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On 2/24/2021 at 10:58 PM, Lantern7 said:

The Challenge: All-Stars (better known now as "OG Challenge") will be airing exclusively on Paramount+.

I'm pissed off. I was thinking of recapping this season because I covered a lot of the people involved, but I'm not subscribing to a service just for that.

Is there a full list of the "All Stars" (and WTH, wasn't Big Easy from Fresh Meat?) I don't want to subscribe to another service, but the Gen-X revival of RW/RR is tempting. 

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4 hours ago, MaggieG said:

I can also believe some producer shenanigans, like switching an elimination from male to female or encouraging a hookup, but would they really say someone won a daily when they didn't? I know it's edited in a way where we don't know how long it takes each team but TJ said it wasn't close so we have to assume CT and Big T won by a lot. Maybe I'm being naïve lol

Apparently the accusation centers around her belief that they jumped past or out of the parameters (and therefore had less distance to swim) as opposed to time.  I don't know if that's true, but if it is, that's a judgment call, or looking away at a minor infraction, as opposed to "fixing" the competition so CT and Big T could win.

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The thing is, Lolo is nuts. We’ve seen this for ourselves, multiple times. So while I’m not saying that what she said couldn’t be true, I don’t trust her perception at all. That said, while I’m generally of the mindset that production doesn’t tamper with things nearly as much as people claim, I could easily believe that they were not going to let CT get eliminated by default because no one would vote him in to get a skull. By the same token, they could have easily did what they did on the island and had the last elimination be some sort of face off involving anyone who hasn’t gotten to go in yet. Also, it would have been pretty easy to fix that wrestling over the x daily to make his team win if that’s what they wanted to do. So I don’t really think the reasoning holds up.

For what seemed on paper like it was going to be the most competitive female cast in a long time, this has turned out to be a very disappointing season on that side. They chose not to use Jenny, Natalie had to leave, and Lolo...did whatever it is she did. 

Edited by Jillibean
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I think "fixing" or rigging any type of game show or competition show is actually illegal, so I don't think they do it.  (MTV/production).  That being said, I think they engage in manipulating the game all the time in order to get desired results, ie. like last season splitting Jenny's win to include Johnny, or not disqualifying Johnny when he took amphetamines to ensure his win with Sarah, etc.   I think I read on Twitter that production let Leroy and Kaycee do the air lift stunt a second time after Kaycee fell, which is why Josh was so surprised when he messed up and asked if they could go again and they said no.  So maybe they did in fact look the other way when CT and Big T jumped too far...who knows?!  I like them and I'm glad they won, so I don't care, but I certainly understand why the cast gets angry at these shenanigans and manipulations. 

As for Lolo, she's such a baby, and she's definitely lying about stuff, but there might be some half-truths going on here, too.  She was showing a lot of mental health struggles over the weeks, which possibly concerned production.  So....maybe they talked to her about leaving for mental health reasons, which she put off until the Bobsled national team deadline came up and she realized she had no shot to win, so might as well jump ship and join the team.  If this version is true, than she definitely quit, but it explains why she twisted it around in her statement to imply that production made her leave, when in reality they were looking out for her mental health. 

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22 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:

I think I read on Twitter that production let Leroy and Kaycee do the air lift stunt a second time after Kaycee fell, which is why Josh was so surprised when he messed up and asked if they could go again and they said no.  So maybe they did in fact look the other way when CT and Big T jumped too far...who knows?!  I like them and I'm glad they won, so I don't care, but I certainly understand why the cast gets angry at these shenanigans and manipulations.

Yeah, it definitely looked like they were going to say that Big T didn't let go in the "drop zone" (or at least it looked that way to the other cast members from what they were yelling), so even though they had the best time, they were DQ'd. I also bumped on Big T's confessional that she was swimming and CT was behind her and that was shocking - not that she PASSED CT, just that he was behind her. So at that moment, I was like, yeah, he's behind you because he dropped in the zone and you didn't. But then TJ said they ran away with it and no one pitched a fit, so I assumed that it just looked wrong from the angle that the other cast members were watching from. I was only half-paying attention myself, so I could be wrong too.

Lolo's a hella unreliable narrator, so I don't believe the producers told her to quit; she's just trying to save face. I think she hit it on the head and she finished the swim (that she blamed on her shoe!) and was in disbelief that SHE, an Olympic athlete was losing to people like Devin, who drink beer all day. I think her ego just couldn't take that. Because it's not an "athletic competition" - it's a game show. There's a reason we call the participants "cast members" and not "athletes."

This is my first exposure to Lolo on the Challenge, so I don't know how she's been previously, but her behavior has been erratic and her treatment of Nam is ridiculous. She's always mad about something and there's a reason why no one else was begging her to stay. It didn't have anything to do with not wanting to face her in a final - she's never won a daily or even come close! Unless the final involves sprinting, hurdles, or bobsled, I don't see how she's that much more competition than anyone else.

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3 hours ago, absnow54 said:

Is there a full list of the "All Stars" (and WTH, wasn't Big Easy from Fresh Meat?) I don't want to subscribe to another service, but the Gen-X revival of RW/RR is tempting. 

It's on the Casting Spoilers thread.

1 hour ago, LotusFlower said:

I think "fixing" or rigging any type of game show or competition show is actually illegal, so I don't think they do it.  (MTV/production). 

Big Brother is not legally considered a 'game show' and therefore does not have to adhere to those rules so I imagine The Challenge is the same.

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21 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Big Brother is not legally considered a 'game show' and therefore does not have to adhere to those rules so I imagine The Challenge is the same.

Really?  That’s surprising to me, but then again - I don’t watch Big Brother, so I have no idea what it’s about!

Devin called out Lolo directly and said CT and Big T win was legit per the instructions provided to the cast at the time of the challenge and said anyone saying different is lying and crying sour grapes.  Darrell also liked his tweet saying this so he agrees the win is legit. The rest of the whole cast was so excited for her, do you really think they would be like that if they thought it was rigged?

I think the issue is that she let go of the rope at the very edge of the drop zone but her momentum carried her a little past it maybe.  There is no way that they would have not reviewed the footage and let TJ praise their performance saying it was even close if it wasn't legit. They would just do the usual it was close but they won. I don't think MTV would also be praising Big T's performance all over social media with clips and everything if it was rigged.

If you go back, you can clearly see multiple people dropping BEFORE the drop zone yet they weren't disqualified either so there was obviously some leeway going on.  Leroy said on his podcast that they let him and Kaycee have a do over since they messed up the first time.  Yet neither Josh nor Devin were provided the same do over, which is why Josh sounded so surprised they weren't given another chance and they were DQ.  To me that sounds WAY more like rigging for Leroy/Kaycee than letting where Big T fell (if it was in fact outside the buoys as it is hard to tell from the angles provided) stand and not count as a DQ.

Lolo is also not being honest about how MTV "made her leave".  After losing yet another challenge (and anyone who has seen Lolo on other shows can tell she cannot handle losing) she was talking about self harm. Kaycee and Josh brought this to production and they as well as their insurance people reviewed the comments and footage and determined that she could not stay as they couldn't insure her with what she was saying.  So they told her to film that bullshit excuse for her leaving to try and let her save some face and not to air her mental health issues on camera.  That is why TJ also didn't even make any comments about her leaving like he normally does. If she truly left for the reason stated on camera he would have shit on her like he does all quitters.

So yes MTV "technically" made her leave, but it was because her own actions and comments about self harm made it impossible for them to keep her in that environment because she was potentially a danger to herself if things continued the way the most like would have with her losing over and over because she sucks at the challenge.  She may be an elite athlete in track and bobsledding but she could not handle the challenge and that broke her.

Her crying now is like CT crying that he didn't quit Duel 2, MTV made his leave when it was his actions that made him get booted.  

I hope Lolo never comes back and I say that as someone who was excited to see her on this season.  She just doesn't have the skills to do the type of stuff in the challenges and cannot handle the pressure of being responsible for her own placement and strategy to compete on the show. She admitted it multiple times, she needs a coach to tell her what to do when things get tough.

I felt so bad for Nam because I think he would have done much better if her spot had been filled with almost anyone else and he was partnered with her.




Edited by Unclejosh
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11 hours ago, Unclejosh said:

Leroy said on his podcast that they let him and Kaycee have a do over since they messed up the first time.  Yet neither Josh nor Devin were provided the same do over, which is why Josh sounded so surprised they weren't given another chance and they were DQ.  To me that sounds WAY more like rigging for Leroy/Kaycee than letting where Big T fell (if it was in fact outside the buoys as it is hard to tell from the angles provided) stand and not count as a DQ.

I agree. To me, this sounds like straight-up bullshit. Unless they were told they'd get a chance to do it again if they fell off the rope but not if they never made it on the rope, which doesn't seem to be the case.


Lolo is also not being honest about how MTV "made her leave".  After losing yet another challenge (and anyone who has seen Lolo on other shows can tell she cannot handle losing) she was talking about self harm. Kaycee and Josh brought this to production and they as well as their insurance people reviewed the comments and footage and determined that she could not stay as they couldn't insure her with what she was saying.  So they told her to film that bullshit excuse for her leaving to try and let her save some face and not to air her mental health issues on camera. 

Where did you hear this?

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Devin and Darrell were both specific and consistent in their explanation of why it was not rigged—basically that while there was a designated drop zone, it was never part of the rules that there was a penalty for not landing in the drop zone. Rather, it was explained that if you hung on past the drop zone the helicopter would start to turn to the left, having finished its run, taking you further away from the platform. So according to them, the drop zone wasn’t mandatory so much as a visual indicator to the challengers of where they should let go to avoid staying on the rope as the helicopter turned. Devin said that since CT and Big T went last, they watched enough times to know you could stay on a little longer before the helicopter turned. Darrell said he noticed the same thing but miscommunicated it to Amber so they weren’t able to take advantage. And honestly? That explanation makes a lot of sense. However, other challengers are siding with Lolo’s version of the events. It seems like this might be a situation similar to Johnny seeing the lights without going into the foam last season, where it’s not really within the spirit of the game but it’s also not technically against the rules as they were explained to the challengers. 

On 2/26/2021 at 4:51 PM, LotusFlower said:

I think "fixing" or rigging any type of game show or competition show is actually illegal, so I don't think they do it.  (MTV/production).  That being said, I think they engage in manipulating the game all the time in order to get desired results, ie. like last season splitting Jenny's win to include Johnny, or not disqualifying Johnny when he took amphetamines to ensure his win with Sarah, etc.  

Yes to the second part, but the “Jenny really won but then they decided there were two winners” thing is pretty clearly not real. I think one of the things we need to keep in mind is that when we hear about things being “rigged” we’re dealing with two kinds of unreliable sources, the first being those spoiler and tea pages who all have clear biases and often are wrong when it comes to things other than concrete info (who was eliminated, who defeated whom, who won), and the second being cast members who have their own investments and perceptions. Cast members are obviously on the whole much more reliable than spoiler accounts, but this is a perfect example of a situation where lots of people were there and they don’t all agree about what happened. And I don’t think it’s just a matter of some of them trying to be good soldiers for BMP. I think Devin and Darrell legitimately believe this wasn’t unfair, and Kam legitimately believes it was. 

Edited by Jillibean
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On 2/28/2021 at 6:55 PM, Jillibean said:

Yes to the second part, but the “Jenny really won but then they decided there were two winners” thing is pretty clearly not real.

I didn’t get this from any blog or someone’s SM (I don’t think!), but if memory serves me, the show started out by saying there would be one winner, and then sometime down the line, one became two.  Right?

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2 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

I didn’t get this from any blog or someone’s SM (I don’t think!), but if memory serves me, the show started out by saying there would be one winner, and then sometime down the line, one became two.  Right?

TJ told them the season was for a million dollars, then before the final gave them the breakdown, that it was 500k to the first man and first woman to finish. Similarly, on wotw he said the season was for a million dollars and then told them before the final that it was 750k for first and then whatever it was for second and third (I don’t remember!). The whole “conspiracy” was that it was always one million for first but then when Jenny won they “convinced her” to give up half her prize to Johnny so they could say he won too. But it’s clear from the episode itself and the way the contestants are speaking that it was always going to be a 50/50 split between a male and female winner. Jenny has also said that the only reason she beat Bananas was that he yelled her out where to go—she had gotten lost. He could easily have overtaken her if he didn’t know he was going to win anyway. It’s just an example of a rumor that really dug its claws in to the point that people still insisted it was true long after it became clear that it wasn’t. 

The adderall thing sounds pretty feasible to me, but I also take anything Sarah says about Johnny with a grain of salt, especially since there was a time lapse between Sarah telling Susie about Johnny taking the money and telling her that he cheated. If Johnny really did have adderall hidden in his jacket, he should have been penalized. But I also sort of figure that the truth is somewhere in between Sarah’s version and Johnny’s denial that anything of the kind happened. 

Edited by Jillibean
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5 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

I didn’t get this from any blog or someone’s SM (I don’t think!), but if memory serves me, the show started out by saying there would be one winner, and then sometime down the line, one became two.  Right?


3 hours ago, Jillibean said:

TJ told them the season was for a million dollars, then before the final gave them the breakdown, that it was 500k to the first man and first woman to finish.

I remember him also saying that it was an "individual game", but no other specifications were given about what that meant. And then during the final was when he mentioned that there would be two winners, which confused me, so I can see why so many people called shenanigans.

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10 hours ago, Jillibean said:

If Johnny really did have adderall hidden in his jacket, he should have been penalized.

I thought he was.  I thought I read that he was penalized financially because of it (from the $1M prize).  But it’s possible I just read a rumor.  I don’t remember!  

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II have not liked Lolo in anything I've ever seen her in which is all MTV related though I think I'd been aware of her virginity stance. I guess she'll blame editing for her bad treatment of Nam. I hope she's never invited back for a Challenge and I am deeply disappointed that we didn't get to see TJ rip her a new one for being such a loser quitter.

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Was watching American Housewife, Katie (the housewife) was talking to a girl who said that she wanted to appear on Bachelor.  Katie replied that she would watch her in Bachelor, Bachelor in Paradise, Big Brother, Road Rules and then Celebrity Rehab.  Sure they didn't quite get the name right but I did enjoy the little shout out.

  • LOL 2
14 hours ago, xfuse said:

Was watching American Housewife, Katie (the housewife) was talking to a girl who said that she wanted to appear on Bachelor.  Katie replied that she would watch her in Bachelor, Bachelor in Paradise, Big Brother, Road Rules and then Celebrity Rehab.  Sure they didn't quite get the name right but I did enjoy the little shout out.

Ha! I noticed that too. I thought to myself, "that writer clearly was old enough to remember Road Rules was a thing, but hasn't watched MTV in a really long time if they couldn't even get the name right."

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1 hour ago, Lantern7 said:

Honestly, I can’t justify subscribing just for this. I’d be paying for Beth to annoy me. I’m not one of those fans.

I'm sure they have a free month trial so you could watch a few eps and then see if you like it enough to pay for the rest. Also, Paramount+ has been putting the premieres up on their youtube so I imagine they'll do that for this.

I am so ridiculously pumped for this. I wish there were some others there and that some of the ones who have done more recent seasons weren't there but I'm still really excited.

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6 hours ago, Giuseppe said:

I'm excited for this, but it kind of looks like it'll be sort of a standard season, just with old school players. I was hoping for more of the old field day vibe that the older seasons had. But, perhaps I'll be surprised. It does look like it'll be fun.

That's what I was hoping more for too.  But, I did catch that there was a challenge where they were melting a giant ice cube with someone's body, so hopefully it will be more stuff like that and not the super athletic challenges on the regular season.  But it's kind of hard to pair "goofy challenges" with "All Stars".  I don't even know how they can call it All Stars, tbh, without the more recent Challenge big winners like John, Wes, and even Ashley.  It's Old Stars, and that's what we wanted in the first place! 

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On 3/3/2021 at 12:26 AM, LotusFlower said:

I thought [Johnny] was [fined for taking Addreall].  I thought I read that he was penalized financially because of it (from the $1M prize).  But it’s possible I just read a rumor.  I don’t remember!  

That’s what I heard . . . but I think he wound up losing change so chump, it didn’t make him regret taking it. If he did it, I mean.

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On 3/17/2021 at 1:25 PM, lasu said:

But it's kind of hard to pair "goofy challenges" with "All Stars".  I don't even know how they can call it All Stars, tbh, without the more recent Challenge big winners like John, Wes, and even Ashley.  It's Old Stars, and that's what we wanted in the first place! 

That was what I was coming on here to say, calling them All-Stars is a bit of a stretch.  But I guess if Big Brother could call that cluster fuck of a cast from last season All-Stars, then MTV can call this group All-Stars.  The Old Stars got a huge laugh from me.

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Devin, Kam, and Leroy are in promos for the reunion show, which double as commercials for Dr. Pepper. I can't find a video online at all, but there were a couple different versions that aired on the Challenge channel on Pluto. Interesting to see who they made the "faces" for promo purposes!

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20 hours ago, lasu said:

Wow, that is so heartbreaking and some of those details are horrific to imagine.  I wish them all the peace in the world, no matter how things turn out.

It's been completely heartbreaking to follow. Her condition has progressively worsened for months. They raised well over a million pounds for a last-effort treatment in Singapore in basically a day (I saw that Johnny made a generous donation, I'm sure other challenge people did as well, but people were donating so rapidly that you couldn't really see names except in the "top donor" section), only to find out that the cancer had spread so rapidly and extensively that the treatment was no longer an option. Ashley and his girlfriend have been keeping a very brave face on social media and  have been raising awareness of her specific type of leukemia, but it is absolutely tragic. It's also amazing how much Azaylia looks like her mom, which is just adding to the heartbreak for me. 

10 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

S37 halted due to positive COVID test. No results spoilers, but there is a link to Vevmo that has those. I can think of a few people who could fuck up like that.

ETA: Abram is a daddy. I’ll keep the smart-ass remarks to myself.

Not a spoiler, but Josh and Kaycee were turfed from Big Brother All Stars before filming because of violating Covid safety protocols and hanging out in bars unmasked.   

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15 hours ago, DEL901 said:

Not a spoiler, but Josh and Kaycee were turfed from Big Brother All Stars before filming because of violating Covid safety protocols and hanging out in bars unmasked.   

Yeah, and I'm thinking one of them got the positive test.

I do not think it's Kaycee.

If either or both of them are on the cast, I mean.

Edited by Lantern7
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I can see someone breaking protocol, and I put that on MTV's shoulders. If the producers tried to bring them to a bar or club, instead of creating Club Quarantine on set, that's asking for trouble.

Or since they quarantined for two weeks, someone would have to have tested negative, but be so sick, they were shedding virus two weeks later. That would expose everyone, and shut down production, if not cancel the season outright.

I'm beyond curious to see what happens next.

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15 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

I can see someone breaking protocol, and I put that on MTV's shoulders. If the producers tried to bring them to a bar or club, instead of creating Club Quarantine on set, that's asking for trouble.

Or since they quarantined for two weeks, someone would have to have tested negative, but be so sick, they were shedding virus two weeks later. That would expose everyone, and shut down production, if not cancel the season outright.

I'm beyond curious to see what happens next.

Apparently they only quarantined for one week, which is what people are speculating led to this outcome. It's glaringly irresponsible--they knew they were going to let all these people loose in a house with no masks and no social distancing. They owed it to their cast to make sure they were safe, and they didn't uphold that. I'll be shocked if they don't get any social spread. Production has cut corners on safety so many times, but this is the one that's going to really bite them. If they have multiple positive cast members, I don't know how they salvage this season. 

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