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"The View": Week of 10/31/2016

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17 minutes ago, Bmarsh said:

so can I call joy without make up ugly on this forum with no problem? She said Carly fiorina has a scary face. Sunnys smirk looks pretty demented at times.... idk kellyanne has so many things to attack her on, leave her looks alone because I don't remember people saying these things about Corey's looks.

The thing about Lewandowski is he sounds like Paul Ryan if you aren't actually watching the the screen or listening to the actual words he's saying (always in defense of tRump).

I have no problem, as a woman, commenting about how a woman dresses, whether it appeals to my aesthetic, or what a woman looks like because that's in the eye of the beholder.  So if you think Joy is ugly without makeup - you should feel free to say it.  I actually think that Carly Fiorina always looks angry - it wasn't just her nasty shtick about Clinton, I thought she looked angry and smarmy when she was a McCain surrogate as well.  I don't want to get into too much trouble, but I also have strong feels about how KAC looks - I've expressed them in a thread a few weeks ago so I won't repeat them.

What I have a real problem with, is men that rate women and base their worth on their appearance.  Or men that call women who speak with a clear voice shrill, or men that tell women to smile.  That's a problem to me.  YMMV.

Edited by NextIteration
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5 minutes ago, NextIteration said:

The thing about Lewandowski is he sounds like Paul Ryan if you aren't actually watching the the screen or listening to the actual words he's saying (always in defense of tRump).

I have no problem, as a woman, commenting about how a woman dresses, whether it appeals to my aesthetic, or what a woman looks like because that's in the eye of the beholder.  So if you think Joy is ugly without makeup - you should feel free to say it.  I actually think that Carly Fiorina always looks angry - it wasn't just her nasty shtick about Clinton, I thought she looked angry and smarmy when she was a McCain surrogate as well.  I don't want to get into too much trouble, but I also have strong feels about how KAC looks - I've expressed them in a thread a few weeks ago so I won't repeat them.

What I have a real problem with, is men that rate women and base their worth on their appearance.  Or men that call women who speak with a clear voice shrill, or men that tell women to smile.  That's a problem to me.  YMMV.

Fair point. But I would rather women not make comments on other women's looks so much either.  Joy telling Carly to smile and not look demented wasn't great.

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I don't think it's cool to judge anyone, male or female, by their looks, I realize I'm in the minority on this issue.  I think it hurts the person saying it, the person being talked about, and the person listening. I usually don't comment on other people doing it, I prefer to lead by example.

Now, that being said, who could WG be referring to in that article?  Didn't DT make some nasty remarks about Barbara Walters several years ago?

5 minutes ago, Bmarsh said:

 Joy telling Carly to smile and not look demented wasn't great.

Agree with your point, but I do think that was Michelle Collins with the 'demented' remark.

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33 minutes ago, ChicagoCita said:

Years ago I read that Whoopi took a Jewish name because of the prominence of Jews in the entertainment/ TV field:


Whoopi Goldberg changed her plain name from Caryn Johnson to Whoopie after a whoopee cushion, and took the last name Goldberg because her mother thought she would need a Jewish name to succeed in show business.

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2 hours ago, Bmarsh said:

I wonder who she meant then? She seems to be talking about something specific 

I'm guessing she meant people she knows who are Latino, black, LGBT, female, Muslim, Mexican, etc. He's attacked such a wide number of people, most people should be offended--if not on their own behalf, then on someone else's.

EDIT: You beat me to the point, NextIteration. :p

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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57 minutes ago, Bmarsh said:

so can I call joy without make up ugly on this forum with no problem? She said Carly fiorina has a scary face. Sunnys smirk looks pretty demented at times.... idk kellyanne has so many things to attack her on, leave her looks alone because I don't remember people saying these things about Corey's looks.

I was the one who said she  reminded me of a woman on a documentary about anorexia, based on her facial features. 

But I have also said Joy has on too much eye makeup, Raven seems to think every day is Halloween, Sara looks dim, and Whoopi dresses like a homeless person.   So, yeah.  I have opinions about blue lipstick and raggedy scarves.  Feel free to disagree on any of those views. 

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Whether we like to admit or not we all look at people and judge their appearance. It's just human nature to look at someone and think whether we find them appealing or not.  Some of us voice our opinions and other's only silently say it to themselves.

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40 minutes ago, backformore said:

It's not that they didn't LET HER SPEAK.  It's that they asked her a question, (about Trump, whom she represents)  and then she decided, multiple times, to answer the question in terms of Hillary. 

It is nearly impossible for Trump supporters to not mention Hillary because he has no platform. (I once asked someone on FB -- politely! -- to answer a question without mentioning Hillary. She called me a time-wasting idiot. My first flaming, and highly amusing!) I would love for some show -- even The View, but some show -- to have a big air horn for when guests go tearing off on a tangent. For KAC, it could be for each time she says the name "Hillary." She says it, and HONNNNKKKK! I would watch that every single day.

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On 10/31/2016 at 5:16 PM, buffynut said:

I used to work with a born again Christian and at their church kids did get to dress up for Halloween, but they dressed up as characters out of the bible. 

They must have been so excited.  

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^^^^ Clap Clap Clap ^^^^

.... but, I don't think they're (CNN, MSNBC) are worried about being rude, I think they're scared to death that they might OFFEND the surrogate to the point that they wouldn't go on the show again OR Donald would start bad-mouthing them on stage, e.g. Katy Tur.  Why hasn't anyone shown the video of the woman that was (allegedly) raped by Donald when she was 13, telling about all the gawd-awful things he (allegedly) did to her.  Why???  They're afraid??  I don't know!!!

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Just watched the Kellyanne interview without airhead Sara at the table.  Have they finally realized she adds nothing?

The producers are reading my posts. I just know it!! (ha-ha).


      On ‎10‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 0:47 PM, Vinyasa said:

That is likely because they talked about fluff stuff ie Mariah Carey's ring and Khole  Kardashian.

Airhead Sara can not understand or keep up with rapid political or healthcare discussion. That is when she just sits there with a blank look on her face.

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Celia and M Crow good posts!  I so agree.  On The View (and others) it is a breath of fresh air to hear one say, "that is not what I asked you!"  The constant  avoiding a direct answer to a simple question drives me nuts.

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I was so proud of Whoopi today, I loved her attitude towards KellyAnne. I had no problem with it at all.. We needed a bitch, like Whoopie, today, to deal with the noise and falsehoods of the Trump campaign.

Joy was more welcoming towards her, but, I  loved Joy, telling her, that, she was delusional about Trump.

Paula is Team Trump all the way. I noticed that she seemed a bit nervous around Whoopie, when she spoke and gave her opinions.

Jed was ready to break out into a song, when she was introducing KellyAnne.

Sunny should have taken Sarah's spot for today. Sara added nothing as usual..

Airhead Sara wasn't included at the table for the Kellyanne interview.  Did anyone even notice she wasn't there?

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"I used to work with a born again Christian and at their church kids did get to dress up for Halloween, but they dressed up as characters out of the bible. "

"They must have been so excited. "



To be fair, that story does scare the shit out of me.

(Wings707-you made me lol!)

Edited by GiveMeSpace
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2 hours ago, NextIteration said:

I have no problem, as a woman, commenting about how a woman dresses, whether it appeals to my aesthetic, or what a woman looks like because that's in the eye of the beholder. 

I completely agree. 

I once got chewed out here for talking about what Hillary Clinton wore on the show because supposedly I was epitomizing some kind of horrible double standard because people never talk about what men wear, only what women wear.

This although there were no men on the stage that day to be talked about.   

Now maybe it there had been some men on the show that day and I talked about their ideas and accomplishments but when it came to HRC I focused on nothing but critiquing her wardrobe, such a criticism would be valid.  But there is this kinda nuts idea out there that any reference to how a woman looks or is dressed is SEXISM!!!  PER SE!!!!  And that's silly. I don't think there is anything wrong with talking about whether or not you like Hillary Clinton's latest Nehru jacket.  It doesn't mean you don't take her seriously as a politician.

I'm sorry, but overly simplistic knee-jerk responses that mischaracterize the thinking of others as ignorant or  "un- PC" really bother me, lol


What I have a real problem with, is men that rate women and base their worth on their appearance.  

Yes, this is the kind of "appearance" discussion that is really harmful to women. Suggesting that not having a pretty enough face means you can't be president, or that your value as a human being is determined by your level of sex appeal makes chatting about whether Hillary looks better is a blue-based red or a more orange tone seem pretty innocent in comparison, doesn't it? 


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Oh, where do I start? Where do I start?

I sort of missed the first part of the first segment when they were talking about faking students' death on school property? I will admit, I didn't care because they were talking about it as if this is the first time schools have resorted to this kind of action. Not true. When I was in high school, back in the OLDEN DAYZZZZZ, teenage drinking and driving was a huge thing. And one time one school, not mine, "showed" a car seemingly driving drunk during the school day and crashing, and how most of the kids were in tears because they didn't know who it was, but that it was someone from school.  What my school did for one week, when it was awareness week, was have a car that had been in a drunk driving accident propped up next to the flag so we teens would see it every day. And for once, Sara had a point: Teenagers, especially today, need to see what could happen to have an affect. And it's not like spanking (just as an analogy), where doing it again and again will lose its effect.  Most, if they see it, it will affect them. If that doesn't work, then bring in people who have been in accidents and barely survived. That might work. But teenagers since I don't know, have always felt immortal, and have had the thinking It will never happen to me! until it does.

And while I was glad to see that Paula was there instead of Chipmunk, I was doing a whole lotta eye rolling at her passive aggressiveness, of not saying that it was Hillary who called half of Drumpf's supporters "a basket of deplorables." No, no. She had to say "another campaign said it." Just own it, and say it, if you're going to bring it up. And I'd like to know what "people" Sara knows or has spoken to who aren't racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted, xenophobic ASSHOLES. Because Whoopi was right.  They are deplorables. They want to go back to a time when the Caucasians were the MAJORITY, and everyone else was suppressed.

And like others, the show needed Whoopi to call Beached Bottle Blonde Crypt Keeper on her shit. Sunny would try, but she'd be too polite. And she's so tone deaf. And if no one else is aware, she isn't unbiased, either. She's had a hate-on for the Clintons going back to the 90s. So she has her own agenda to see Hillary lose, that has nothing to do with her being Orangutan's campaign manager. And no, BBBCK. The reason why so many people stand for hours and hours to listen to that warthog is because he's normalized overt racism, and they've found in him someone who is openly racist, hateful, treasonous, and isn't called on the carpet for it, and is allowed to continued to spew his vitriol. They no longer have to hide in their homes or deep in their hearts, their own hatred and racism, sexism, etc.

And gee, where was Jedilyingliarwholies' OUTRAGE toward the Orange Orangutan today? What does she do? She talks about how he is a tough talker and it's what people respond to. So she can just STFU from now one whenever the others are criticizing that blowhard. Because she's a hypocritical, two-faced double talker.

And I don't know what "traditional" school she went to, but the school I went to, in addition to having mandatory and elective course I could take, also had sports, extra-curricular activities, clubs, so I would be a well rounded student. It's her own fucking fault that she was too stupid to look for that. Was she forced to become a teacher? Did she want to be a teacher? If she did, she wouldn't have been able to become without having to go to college. I'm Team Joy on this.

Oh, and Whoopi looked like she couldn't care less and made it so clear she wished she were anywhere else while the others were talking about the school's showing students the faked deaths as a result of texting and driving. She was totally checked out there. Along with the rolling eyes and sneering on her face.

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I burst out laughing when Jed (I'm pretty sure) was talking about kids in show business having a different sort of education. (I don't recall exactly how she worded it .)  All I could think of was Raven and BAB, neither of whom is a Rhodes Scholar. Not much of an endorsement for alternative education.

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4 hours ago, NextIteration said:

The thing about Lewandowski is he sounds like Paul Ryan if you aren't actually watching the the screen or listening to the actual words he's saying (always in defense of tRump).

I have no problem, as a woman, commenting about how a woman dresses, whether it appeals to my aesthetic, or what a woman looks like because that's in the eye of the beholder.  So if you think Joy is ugly without makeup - you should feel free to say it.  I actually think that Carly Fiorina always looks angry - it wasn't just her nasty shtick about Clinton, I thought she looked angry and smarmy when she was a McCain surrogate as well.  I don't want to get into too much trouble, but I also have strong feels about how KAC looks - I've expressed them in a thread a few weeks ago so I won't repeat them.

What I have a real problem with, is men that rate women and base their worth on their appearance.  Or men that call women who speak with a clear voice shrill, or men that tell women to smile.  That's a problem to me.  YMMV.


That is all

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8 hours ago, ari333 said:

Can I be superficial and bitchy and say that KA reminds me of a boiled chicken? I'll be in hell if you need me.

Move over because I think a boiled chicken that's been left out in the sun. I can't help it because KAC is such a: vile, odious, loathsome, rude, soulless person, and I'd love to know how much this deal with the devil put in her bank account? I don't know why The View even has her on - so everybody can talk over each other, worse than usual? It's so stupid! KAC just sits there, like some of skinny, blonde gargoyle, spewing out her typical sound bites, all well rehearsed and used over and over, not letting ANYONE get in a word, except Whoopi who I must admit I did actually admire. The panel throws the latest Trump accusations and utter lunacy that he says at her and she just ignores it all and blissfully continues to regurgitate her lines, without taking a single breath. 

I can't wait for next Tuesday so this foul harpy will no longer darken my TV screen. 

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2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Oh, and Whoopi looked like she couldn't care less and made it so clear she wished she were anywhere else while the others were talking about the school's showing students the faked deaths as a result of texting and driving. She was totally checked out there. Along with the rolling eyes and sneering on her face.

I didn't roll my eyes but I checked out by using FF.  :^)  

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On ‎11‎/‎1‎/‎2016 at 2:50 PM, Bmarsh said:
7 minutes ago, dinkysquid said:


I can't wait for next Tuesday so this foul harpy will no longer darken my TV screen. 

dinkysquid - I love your name for KAC "foul harpy".  That's her.

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Whoopi is a bad moderator and idc how much you hate Kellyanne or Trump, was downright disrespectful. She could've easily argued her with composure and substance instead of being so rude. (and yes I know you are all going to reply, but KAC and Trump are awful etc.) when they low we go high. Kill em with kindness. Joy would've handled it better. and I am sorry but Robby Mook will be constantly pivoting to Trump, Russia and why Trump is worse so don't act like pivoting is a Trumper thing. Both these campaigns are awful (Trump is worse)

Edited by Bmarsh
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3 minutes ago, Bmarsh said:

Whoopi is a bad moderator and idc how much you hate Kellyanne or Trump, was downright disrespectful. She could've easily argued her with composure and substance instead of being so rude. 

It's hard to argue or debate with someone like Kellyanne  in a respectful manner.  She talks over others & will not STFU.

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I thought Jehoshaphat was going to throw her panties at Eva Braun...err...KellyAnne when she introduced her


Normally I'm annoyed the way they talk over guests, but they actually showed more restrain with KA than I would.  Joy seemed shocked and speechless that KA had no response to that commercial (and holy shit, that's the first time I'm seeing that commercial, WTF, America?) I'll be so glad when she's no longer on my screen everyday.

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2 hours ago, ariel said:

It's hard to argue or debate with someone like Kellyanne  in a respectful manner.  She talks over others & will not STFU.

I thought Whoopi did great with KAC.  The only way to shut KAC  up is to talk over her.  KAC doesn't talk about the issues - you ask her any question and her answer is to just  attack Hillary.  Good job, Whoopi.

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12 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

.They actually sell chicken in a can on Amazon.  Maybe they should rename it Kellyanne in a can.

LOVE IT!!!! Move over, Spam.....you've got some competition! 

You can have some great drinking games with KAC. Imagine...every time she says "Hillary" you take a drink. Every time she says "Ben Ghazi" take a drink. Every time she says "Emails".....um...I think you get the idea.

I wonder what this wretched, morally bankrupt sell-out will do once the election is over? Crawl back under whatever rock she came from? What did she do in her former life? Before she sold her soul, integrity and dignity?

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I see "Crusader for the Unborn," CCB, has returned to the panel today........waiting for her to start giving reasons why this election should be cancelled & her darling , perfect Mr. Trump IMMEDIATELY be appointed president........I'm sure thousands of angry viewers will be happy to let the ABC Network know they're done with "The View," and ABC network programming. 

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It was actually embarrassing to see BAB fumble around while asking a question today.  She was looking at her blue cards and couldn't find her place, so you know that she had no comprehension of the question.  Just absolutely has no reason to be taking up space on that panel.  Aargh, I will be glad when this election is over so she can quit acting like she has a clue. 

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He deflected the Donna Brazile question to "oh idk I never even saw them and they were stolen by Russians" when it is very clear the Clinton Campaign gladly accepted questions to multiple debates. Donna needs to resign, what she did was cheating. 

Edited by Bmarsh
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32 minutes ago, Jpxfactor said:

Wow...what a softball interview, and notice how they did not stop him bad mouthing Trump...they joined in.  Yes very balanced.

they asked him questions, he answered the questions that were asked, without resorting to name calling and accusations.   I thought it was a good interview.  He did keep focused on what Hillary is going to do, what her agenda will be as president.  NO evasion of questions. 

The View is not a show that touts a "fair and balanced"  slogan.  it called THE VIEW - it's a talk show, not a news show.  they are allowed to present their opinions.

Edited by backformore
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They really missed the boat on the "happy crack"  issue.   Kids are bringing baggies of sugar mixtures to sell, trade, distribute at school, and kids are ingesting the stuff at school.  Most schools have policies against eating in the classroom, selling anything on school property, AND pretending to be using drugs.  Are parents really sending kids to school with baggies of sugar and Kool-Aid?  I wouldn't want to be a teacher in a classroom where kids are sitting there eating sugar.  And I wouldn't want to send my kids to a school where pretending to use/sell/possess drugs was accepted. 

Schools have to adhere to regulations about what they serve at lunch, schools teach health education.   Parents thinking it's ok to send baggies of sugar to school contradicts the message that the school is required to teach.

From the school in question's parent handbook:


  No student will use/possess or distribute any controlled substance on school grounds. Any student violating this policy will be recommended to the district’s discipline hearing officer for disciplinary action.     
  No student, regardless of age, will possess, use, sell, purchase, barter, distribute or be under the influence of alcoholic beverages or other controlled substances in the following circumstances.     
      •   on school property (including buildings, grounds, vehicles)               •   at any school-sponsored activity, function or event whether on or off school grounds           (including any place where an interscholastic athletic contest is taking place)                •   during any field trip               •   during any trip or activity sponsored by the board or under the supervision of the board or           its authorized agents           
  No student will aid, abet, assist or conceal the possession, consumption, purchase or distribution of any alcoholic beverage by any other student or students in any of the circumstances listed above.     
  No student will market or distribute any substance which is represented to be or is substantially similar in color, shape, size or markings of a controlled substance in any of the circumstances listed above. Look-alike substances or substances that mimic the effect of drugs will be treated as illegal substances.

Edited by backformore
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WOW! Talk about a huge difference!!! Mook was polite, waited his turn to speak...and the most startling thing of all?!!! HE ACTUALLY ANSWERED QUESTIONS!!! How refreshing! To have a campaign manager come on and NOT: rudely keep speaking over everybody or not give anyone else a chance to speak, and who speaks in an intelligent, logical manner, which is something that Mike Pence and Kellyanne In A Can have not yet mastered and I doubt, ever will. 

Mook came across as a human being...not some dead-eyed, zombie-ish fembot who can only spout all the rhetoric and stupidity that the Trump campaign has shoved into her brain.

Poor Sara. She is so out of her league when the conversation turns serious. Where's Sunny been? She would have been amazing going up against KAC who should qualify as the record holder in the Guinness Book of Records for "Person Who Speaks The Longest Without Ever Taking A Pause Or A Breath."

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This belongs in "The View in the Media," but really...there's little traffic there.  Rarely do posters read or comment.  So...this week's TVGuide features a nice article with a pretty photo of Jedidiah.  In it they describe her, "this card-carrying Libertarian is one of the freshest, funniest and most illuminating people talking politics today."   GEEZ!   I completely disagree, of course.   The entire article is on this View forum in the "Media" section.

17 hours ago, WhitneyWhit said:

Normally I'm annoyed the way they talk over guests, but they actually showed more restrain with KA than I would. 

Whoopi certainly didn't.  She was loud and overbearing and, of course, more right than anyone else in the world.  I'm watching Mook just now and wonder if she was told to tone it down.

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Wow, Robby Mook was able to discuss and defend his candidate without resorting to obfuscation, deflection, or slinging mud at her opponent.  Impressive. 

I guess that's what can happen when you really believe in the person you are working for and you're not just a hired mouthpiece whoring yourself out on behalf of someone you actually find embarrassing and know is unqualified to hold office.  I suppose under those circumstances - when you can't defend someone on their merits because they don't have any -  you have no choice but to go on the attack the way Kellyanne did yesterday.   It explains a lot. 

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I cant get that spoiler box off of here. Sorry

I hate to say it, but Whoopi had some decent points the last couple of days. SHOCKER.  If she'd leave out the Valley accent I'd be happy.

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