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S11.E18: Vicious Lies And Broken Ties

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20 minutes ago, Giselle said:

Meghan has Heathers number so did Lydia. They are the only ones to really ever take Miss. Fancy Pants down a peg.  I'd like to see those two on the show together with Heather and keep her airs in check. Also, keep Shannon and add Lauri in for good measure. Shannon was upper middle class and was raised with money. She doesn't have anything to prove socially and it shows. Lauri landed a golden goose and married up but she doesn't put on the performance that Heather does she just enjoys the good things fortune has brought her.

Lydia is "to the manor born" she is used to being mega rich, there is no pretense. She doesn't call you out if you use the wrong fork or correct your grammar in public but she will if you are rude (Slade). In many ways Lydia is more mentally stable than Heather.  Heather is a striver wannabe to her core who is always trying too hard and it shows that she is playing a role she has in her mind of "this is what rich people do". She calls you out in public not to truly correct you but to make herself seem superior to those around her. She and Terry have to have and have to be the biggest and the best in the room. Nothing will ever be enough for them. No one is more pious than a reformed whore.

You forgot to mention the John that gets popped in a vice sting. They find Jesus pretty quickly?

Eventually the pleather and scary show will come to a screeching halt.


How many times can you correct the people around you before they get tired of your 'pious' shit? 

Just looking at those two I can see them on the wrong side of 4 of the Seven Sins??

Gluttony, greed, wrath and pride.

IF the doobrows are total dipshits on camera, I wonder what assholishness they are about when the cameras are off?

  • Love 3

Or Rockies - that would really stick it to Jim!

Jimmy might not mind getting sticked.


I don't give a crap if Shannon is on reality TV. I don't give a crap if she answered questions on several occasions and then didn't want to talk about it anymore. That's her right in this case.

This. The viewing audience isn't owed the details of what the DV incident entailed. If Shannon says Vicki was lying, then that should be accepted, end of story.


I think it was tongue in cheek Ubiquitous.

Maybe, but he seemed serious when he said it.

Edited by jaync
  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, jaync said:

Jimmy might not mind getting sticked.

This. The viewing audience isn't owed the details of what the DV incident entailed. If Shannon says Vicki was lying, then that should be accepted, end of story.

Maybe, but he sure looked serious when he said it.

I really like Shannon and all her quirkiness however it does her no good to deny that her husband is an abuser and furthermore it is public record.

In addition, if you don't want your squeletons to get out of the closet stay out of reality tv.

Vicky is an asshole but Shannon is stupid to believe that this crap will stay buried.

I don't like the dude at all and can't understand why she does not cut him lose.

He looks miserable and she looks lost.

  • Love 10
On 11/1/2016 at 11:07 AM, zoeysmom said:

Briana was diagnosed some time ago and I doubt her health care in So Cal is that superior to Oklahoma.  What Briana needs to "own" is the fact she has willingly for almost a year removed herself and her children from their father who was stationed state side.  Should Briana's husband stay n the USMC and he gets deployed I have zero sympathy for her since for a paycheck she removed herself and the children from his company to chase bravo dollars.  Briana's focus should be on her children being with their father rather than trying to keep Tamra and Vicki together.  Briana knows if Vicki doesn't get picked up there goes her paycheck. 

I hate to speculate, but is it possible that all is not right in their marriage?  I can't stand Briana, but after seeing the way Ryan behaved a couple of seasons ago, I wouldn't doubt that there is more to this than money and exposure.  I just can't see Ryan the control freak being okay with this unless something more is going on in their marriage.  Something doesn't smell right about any of this.

Briana seems to have numerous health problems, but she would rather move away from Ryan and live near Vicki.  Lupus is not some rare disease that can only be treated in CA.  Heck, she wasn't that far from Dallas, which has some of the best medical facilities in the country.  

It's possible she is just a snob who grew up with money and wants to live well, and I can definitely see that about her.  But, she may also see the show, and Vicki, as a way to escape. I'm willing to accept that Ryan's behavior may be caused by PTSD, but that doesn't mean that Briana and their two boys should be forced to put up with it. Especially if he tends to lose his temper over small things. 

  • Love 18
3 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

I really like Shannon and all her quirkiness however it does her no good to deny that her husband is an abuser and furthermore it is public record.

In addition, if you don't want your squeletons to get out of the closet stay out of reality tv.

Vicky is an asshole but Shannon is stupid to believe that this crap will stay buried.

I don't like the dude at all and can't understand why she does not cut him lose.

He looks miserable and she looks lost.

Shannon knows this event is public knowledge. She's already addressed and discussed it.  I think her main issue is with the "He beat the shit out of you" wording.  I don't doubt he may have hit her, but I don't get the impression that he "beat the shit out of" her, or that it is or was an ongoing problem.

  • Love 6
28 minutes ago, AnitaKnight said:

Shannon knows this event is public knowledge. She's already addressed and discussed it.  I think her main issue is with the "He beat the shit out of you" wording.  I don't doubt he may have hit her, but I don't get the impression that he "beat the shit out of" her, or that it is or was an ongoing problem.

Could it be that she confessed to Vicky and that it is an ongoing situation?

  • Love 2
25 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

I really like Shannon and all her quirkiness however it does her no good to deny that her husband is an abuser and furthermore it is public record.

In addition, if you don't want your squeletons to get out of the closet stay out of reality tv.

Vicky is an asshole but Shannon is stupid to believe that this crap will stay buried.

I don't like the dude at all and can't understand why she does not cut him lose.

He looks miserable and she looks lost.

Although Shannon did not address this on the show in the last 3 seasons, she has talked about it in interviews and she is not denying the DV, just that he never  hit her.

That said, this is what Vicki may be talking about in her "I am worried about Shannon" mutterings. http://www.allaboutthetea.com/2016/11/02/abusive-incident-between-shannon-david-beador/  This supposedly happened not long before filming began in 2015. Oh, and she says that Vicki said that no one needed to know about this but then Vicki went and told Kelly about it anyway. If Vicki wasn't all that worried about Shannon's safety, then it is a good bet that she knew Shannon was indeed drunk and not believable, which is why she didn't call 911/send Shannon help.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, beaker73 said:

I agree.  What she and Brooks did was so gross beyond words.  And for what? A storyline? To make the other HW's like Brooks? To sell smoothies?  I think she's the most heinous HW across all franchises and I want nothing more than for her ugly ass to be fired but, alas, this is Bravo we're talking about and I'd bet my paycheck she's back again next season.  

With respect, saying that she's the most heinous HW across all franchises doesn't, to me, begin to sum her up. She's a vile woman who hooked up with someone even slimier than she is (while she was married, if rumors are to be believed), chose him over family and friends, alienated basically everyone  she's in contact with or works with and then compounded her actions by attempting to make money through a fake charity shilling fake 'miracle cure' smoothies, or whatever the fuck they were before being shut down.

And her current priority seems to be retaining her contract for big bucks with Bravo while generating sympathy for being bullied and ganged up on by the mean meanies who just don't understand.

The problem with that logic is that, in fact, her co-workers--and viewers--do understand. We understand pretty damn well.

Sorry for the rant but she, and people like her, just burn my balls.

  • Love 22
4 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Although Shannon did not address this on the show in the last 3 seasons, she has talked about it in interviews and she is not denying the DV, just that he never  hit her.

That said, this is what Vicki may be talking about in her "I am worried about Shannon" mutterings. http://www.allaboutthetea.com/2016/11/02/abusive-incident-between-shannon-david-beador/  This supposedly happened not long before filming began in 2015. Oh, and she says that Vicki said that no one needed to know about this but then Vicki went and told Kelly about it anyway. If Vicki wasn't all that worried about Shannon's safety, then it is a good bet that she knew Shannon was indeed drunk and not believable, which is why she didn't call 911/send Shannon help.

So Vicki wants Shannon to talk about an argument she and David had to show their marriage isn't working?  Okay I guess.  It is kind of like when the producers talked about the Maloof/Nassif marriage and the arguments the two of them would get into off camera.  I would think if Shannon were in that much peril she would have called 911 instead of Vicki.  Maybe lessoned learned by Shannon that you don't call the police out because you are having a heated argument.

I think it wise of Shannon to admit she had been drinking and was drunk.  It sounds like she might be one of those that gets a little amped up while drinking and takes a clearer look the next day. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, CatMomma said:

I hate to speculate, but is it possible that all is not right in their marriage?  I can't stand Briana, but after seeing the way Ryan behaved a couple of seasons ago, I wouldn't doubt that there is more to this than money and exposure.  I just can't see Ryan the control freak being okay with this unless something more is going on in their marriage.  Something doesn't smell right about any of this.

I can't see how moving to another state with your 2 kids is going to make a marriage stronger, that's for sure. Maybe Ryan doesn't mind so much because he has a little something on the side in Oklahoma? Just my opinion, but why else would he be ok with her taking his kids away to go live with Vicki? Now that her illness is finally diagnosed, wouldn't he be worried sick about his wife? Lupus is a serious disease. I agree with you, Catmomma, something doesn't smell right. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 12

Who is the credible source that was at Vicki's house with her husband?  Was it Brianna?  If so they are shitty for doing this.

What is the motivation to put this out there - simply to trash Shannon and make her look like a woman who hides things?  Good luck with that Vicki, no one will ever be a bigger liar than you.

What's funny is how does Vicki think this redeems her or makes her look better?  These people need to really learn the meaning of taking the high road.

  • Love 9

I woke up early this morning and was flipping channels when I came across a "court show" - the kind where people sue each other for stupid shit.

A woman was suing a guy that moved in some servers and other electrical shit over her office. After two days she began to get migraines, sleeplessness and other maladies. She went to a doctor that said she might be sensitive to the electricity in the office above. She asked the new tenant to share the cost of some shields to block the electric waves coming thru the ceilings and the guy said, "No".

She went on and on about her 'sickness' - she was very dramatic and sure that the electricity was making her sick!

She wanted 3k for doctor bills and the cost of breaking her lease - The judge ruled againt her and as a parting shot the guy said to the woman, "Good luck selling insurance!"

I laughed and thought of another insurance broker, who is just as stupid.......

  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, FamilyVan said:

Who is the credible source that was at Vicki's house with her husband?  Was it Brianna?  If so they are shitty for doing this.

What is the motivation to put this out there - simply to trash Shannon and make her look like a woman who hides things?  Good luck with that Vicki, no one will ever be a bigger liar than you.

What's funny is how does Vicki think this redeems her or makes her look better?  These people need to really learn the meaning of taking the high road.

I don't think it is Briana, she wouldn't be afraid of them saying it was her instead of them calling her a "source". According to the "source" she came forward because Vicki was getting bad feedback from her "worried" comment. Maybe this friend should have counseled Vicki that she should have kept her big mouth shut in the first place and not have told Kelly.

  • Love 5
21 hours ago, Jel said:

I agree it damaged their friendship, but frankly, Shannon seems to be happy about that. She really seems happy to be rid of Vicki. I always got the feeling that Shannon wanted to be on the inside, and being friends with Vicki kept her on the outside.  The faking cancer scandal gave her a way to save face and ditch Vicki -- she got her "reason" for dropping her and no one could really fault Shannon for doing so because ZOMG! Faking cancer!  Once she did that, Shan was welcomed into the open arms of Tamra and Heather. I just don't see any long term damage; she seems to be quite happy and comfortable in their clique. She better watch it though -- Tamra has a way of turning on people

I think she seems happy about it this year, because it finally dawned on her just HOW awful Vicki is. And who needs friends like that? But when it was all unraveling and Vicki was being super nasty to Shannon for basically no reason, Shannon seemed devastated. I think she really was a true friend to Vicki, hence confiding in her things that Vicki seems so eager to reveal now. 


19 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Unlike some others though, I think Shannon and David are going to be just fine. I do not in the least see any fake emotions from either of them. There have been enough marriages fail on the HW series that were obviously going in that direction. I just don't see it here, and wish them well.

Even if some of their "we're in the best place ever" sentiment wasn't 100% sincere, I still don't see them divorcing. I don't know what it is about them, but I really see them sticking it out until the very end. 


18 hours ago, 100PercentPain said:

Yeah, I've got to be honest, I'm not sure how between Heather/Shannon/Tamra and Vicki/Kelly, the former are somehow worse.

Personally, I still think Vicki and Kelly are the worst, but I wasn't pleased by the trio's behavior in Ireland. At all. Tamra, meh, she's no surprise. But I was a bit disappointed by Heather and Shannon, because I expected more. 


16 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

Vicki's boyfriend was with her at the party, but it was just her and Brianna in the car home. Weird? Where did he go? Did he stay? Confused.

I posted this earlier, but he did leave with them. He shown after the confrontation with Tamra, being shown out of the house by Shannon. I just assumed he was on the other side of the limo. 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, LIMOM said:

really like Shannon and all her quirkiness however it does her no good to deny that her husband is an abuser and furthermore it is public record.

In addition, if you don't want your squeletons to get out of the closet stay out of reality tv.

Vicky is an asshole but Shannon is stupid to believe that this crap will stay buried.

I'm kind of both minds on this. I agree that if you sign up for a TV show, you should be aware that anything from your past might come out. But I also will think the person who reveals something so private, or uses it as ammo against someone, is the lowest of the low. Just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you SHOULD. 


1 hour ago, AnitaKnight said:

Shannon knows this event is public knowledge. She's already addressed and discussed it.  I think her main issue is with the "He beat the shit out of you" wording.  I don't doubt he may have hit her, but I don't get the impression that he "beat the shit out of" her, or that it is or was an ongoing problem.

Well, plus, the way Vicki is acting, it makes it appear as more than one incident. Not something from the past. Something ongoing. She is saying, "I'm worried about Shannon." Present tense. It gives one the impression that he is presently beating the shit out of her. 

IF that were true. That is NOT something you out on national television. Not if you really care about the person. For all we know, that might send David into another rage. 

  • Love 10
31 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I don't think it is Briana, she wouldn't be afraid of them saying it was her instead of them calling her a "source". According to the "source" she came forward because Vicki was getting bad feedback from her "worried" comment. Maybe this friend should have counseled Vicki that she should have kept her big mouth shut in the first place and not have told Kelly.

Could the source have been Vicki's brother Billy and his obnoxious wife?  We know she had a lot to say to Shannon at Tamra's baptism?   

We all know Shannon's behavior was unhinged at that time, isn't that around the time she went to Heathers house to ask her about the email and Tamra talk get about her behind her back?

  • Love 5

My cousin is in the Navy and his wife was diagnosed with Lupus.  He said she tried local doctors but when the Navy docs stepped in, she got the best treatment ever.  I think Brianna wanted to get away from Oklahoma and the boring, dreary life in that area.  No fancy shopping malls, no waterfront beauty, no expensive restaurants and no being on reality TV as much.  

Ever since they started on this show, I always thought David was a sleaze and Shannon was freaky.  But in my mind, her freakish behaviors wouldn't deserve to be hit by anyone.  

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On 10/31/2016 at 8:17 PM, mbaywife123 said:

Would be great if SNL did a RHOC Jeopardy sketch!

Loved the Black Jeopardy with Tom Hanks.

Good lord just imagine the topics (answers & questions) they could come up with!

"Made Up Words" would have to be a category, of course.  Kelly fans would dominate on that one.

  • Love 2
39 minutes ago, IKnowRight said:

Could the source have been Vicki's brother Billy and his obnoxious wife?  We know she had a lot to say to Shannon at Tamra's baptism?   

We all know Shannon's behavior was unhinged at that time, isn't that around the time she went to Heathers house to ask her about the email and Tamra talk get about her behind her back?

It was allegedly about nine months later.  What is interesting is at the 70's party Vicki said, "Shannon is in all her glory," while arguing with Kelly.  It isn't exactly a state secret that Shannon gets very, very intense while arguing.  When she ran to David she had a hard time articulating what exactly Kelly and her husband were saying, (Mrs. Roper and dumb), same with the argument at Lizzie's, Shannon gets very animated and some irrational when offended.  If the basis of the argument was unhappiness at a restaurant, I could see Shannon getting emotional.  Another thing after this issue, Vicki took great pride, in being the one to encourage David and Shannon to stay together, during and after the affair.  So if she were worried about Shannon, it would seem she would be encouraging her to leave-not stay in the marriage. 

My take away is when Shannon is unhappy or arguing she wants reinforcement.  She was at her worst when she discovered her MIL had bad mouthed her.  She had to actually apologize to David for going off on him.  Another display of unbridled emotion.  So I think those who know Shannon know also that she can make a mountain out of a molehill. 

I like Shannon's quirkiness but she really needs to get a handle on her reactions during arguments. 

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, IKnowRight said:

Could the source have been Vicki's brother Billy and his obnoxious wife?  We know she had a lot to say to Shannon at Tamra's baptism?   

We all know Shannon's behavior was unhinged at that time, isn't that around the time she went to Heathers house to ask her about the email and Tamra talk get about her behind her back?

I suspect you could very well be right, it sounds like something Billy's GF would do. This would have happened when they were filming last season, the year after Shannon went to Heather's house was cheating but when they were in therapy.

12 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

It was allegedly about nine months later.  What is interesting is at the 70's party Vicki said, "Shannon is in all her glory," while arguing with Kelly.  It isn't exactly a state secret that Shannon gets very, very intense while arguing.  When she ran to David she had a hard time articulating what exactly Kelly and her husband were saying, (Mrs. Roper and dumb), same with the argument at Lizzie's, Shannon gets very animated and some irrational when offended.  If the basis of the argument was unhappiness at a restaurant, I could see Shannon getting emotional.  Another thing after this issue, Vicki took great pride, in being the one to encourage David and Shannon to stay together, during and after the affair.  So if she were worried about Shannon, it would seem she would be encouraging her to leave-not stay in the marriage. 

My take away is when Shannon is unhappy or arguing she wants reinforcement.  She was at her worst when she discovered her MIL had bad mouthed her.  She had to actually apologize to David for going off on him.  Another display of unbridled emotion.  So I think those who know Shannon know also that she can make a mountain out of a molehill. 

I like Shannon's quirkiness but she really needs to get a handle on her reactions during arguments. 

Exactly, Vicki knows that Shannon tends to blow things out of proportion when she is upset and then when you add booze, she gets paranoid on top of it all.  This "source" is alleging that Vicki had that phone call well before the 70's fight happened and yet Vicki had no problem getting up in David's face about his wife's behavior, was she hopping that he would in fact "beat the shit out of her" when Shannon/David got home? Things like that make me wonder just how low Vicki will go to pay Shannon/the others back for Brooks leaving her!

  • Love 6

I think it kind of sucks that people want to speculate about an active duty service member who has to be separated from him family to complete his commitment to serving his country. Brianna is not well and needs the support of her mother as weak and insufficient as it might be. People want to be near their Mom when they are sick and need help. Plus the money she gets from Bravo is nothing to sneeze at. 

People who serve in the military have to be separated from their families all the time for a whole bunch of reasons. Ryan might be a lot of things but he is a veteran who served a couple of tours in harms way. I respect him for that. 

  • Love 16

I also respect Ryan's service to our country, and I wish Brianna good luck with her diagnosis. Yet I find Brianna very unlikable.  Vicki is absolutely a difficult person, but Brianna chooses to be around her and then bashes her on national television in her talking heads. She's not a novice, she knows how this works, and yet every season, she publicly criticizes her mother.  If she finds her mother is so difficult to be around, then she should simply avoid her.  It's hypocritical and unseemly for her to accept Vicki's help (such as it is) and then throw stones. 

  • Love 10
53 minutes ago, KLovestoShop said:

My cousin is in the Navy and his wife was diagnosed with Lupus.  He said she tried local doctors but when the Navy docs stepped in, she got the best treatment ever.  I think Brianna wanted to get away from Oklahoma and the boring, dreary life in that area.  No fancy shopping malls, no waterfront beauty, no expensive restaurants and no being on reality TV as much.  

Ever since they started on this show, I always thought David was a sleaze and Shannon was freaky.  But in my mind, her freakish behaviors wouldn't deserve to be hit by anyone.  

I think that the warthog and Gomer were trying to pull a fast one.

They were counting on a full medical discharge - back problems and PTSD are sketchy things to diagnose and I think that his 'injuries' didn't pass the smell test.

A full d/c and the bennies that would go with it? And the 'offer' of a place in bicki's empire?

Gomer really warmed up to that idea.

I get the idea that the Warthog was diagnosed a while back and was looking to maybe go on disability - way easier to talk a doc you know into getting your paperwork in order? 

THAT may have been a reason to come back to CA and 'her doctors'?

I worked with people who knew docs and had NO problem getting notes, meds and time off - It was a common practice and people had no problem working the system to get what they wanted.

  • Love 4

I tell my wife all the time that Mothers and Daughters are always messed up. I have a store and when you have mothers and daughters come in it is one of two things. They are really close and have a great time shopping together. Or they hate each other and passive aggressive knife fights break out like the Sharks and the Jets.

Brianna has a bunch of problems and unfortunately they are spread all over TV. I know, I know she signed on for this. Well actually her mother did and she went along for the money. But why is that so horrible. She actually doesn't have a lot of money. Her mother tries to buy affection and any money she can generate from Bravo would help her be a little more independent. Not enough to break free. So the passive aggressive shots continue because she wants to assert her independence even though she needs her Moms financial support. This is one of the oldest stories in the books. 

Lupus is a really nasty debilitating disease. I hope she can get some relief. 

  • Love 11
9 minutes ago, crocodile said:

I also respect Ryan's service to our country, and I wish Brianna good luck with her diagnosis. Yet I find Brianna very unlikable.  Vicki is absolutely a difficult person, but Brianna chooses to be around her and then bashes her on national television in her talking heads. She's not a novice, she knows how this works, and yet every season, she publicly criticizes her mother.  If she finds her mother is so difficult to be around, then she should simply avoid her.  It's hypocritical and unseemly for her to accept Vicki's help (such as it is) and then throw stones. 

There are some parts of this story that aren't being questioned?

Service to country and service to man are noble endeavors, but not really part of this story?

I have a sister who is a nurse who is a total asshole. I lost respect for her in a lot of ways, especially when she and her husband fucked my parents for seven years by taking advantage of them both.

And as they both were dying, she didn't even have he common courtesy to come to the home she grew up in to say goodbye to either one. Sis never passed up the chance to question my mom's choices or call me up to rag on her with gossip or just plain lies......

No, I respect all enlisted people and many nurses and physicians I have met or worked with - their job and characters sometimes are two different worlds. And sometimes those worlds do not mesh - and that is a sad thing.

  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, Trooper York said:

Her mother tries to buy affection and any money she can generate from Bravo would help her be a little more independent. Not enough to break free. So the passive aggressive shots continue because she wants to assert her independence even though she needs her Moms financial support. This is one of the oldest stories in the books. 

I remember in ( I think it was the last reunion), Brianna was all pissy and indignant saying that as a nurse in OK she was earning six figures and Ryan was also doing well,  and she didn't need or want any of Vicki's money. Has that changed cause she sure had an attitude about it back then. 

  • Love 5

I think that someone who served multiple tours overseas in service to our country deserves the benefit of the doubt over douche nozzles like Terry Botched the Surgery Dubrow or Batters Up David Beador.

I don't know if Brianna was able to work long hours with two kids and health issues. So I think money is a legit concern. Things change. We aren't always in the position to stand on our dignity. Some times you have to swallow a lot of shit to get by. It doesn't taste good. Sometimes you end up vomiting some of it back. It's not pretty. Just human.

 Your mileage may vary.

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

There are some parts of this story that aren't being questioned?

Service to country and service to man are noble endeavors, but not really part of this story?

I have a sister who is a nurse who is a total asshole. I lost respect for her in a lot of ways, especially when she and her husband fucked my parents for seven years by taking advantage of them both.

And as they both were dying, she didn't even have he common courtesy to come to the home she grew up in to say goodbye to either one. Sis never passed up the chance to question my mom's choices or call me up to rag on her with gossip or just plain lies......

No, I respect all enlisted people and many nurses and physicians I have met or worked with - their job and characters sometimes are two different worlds. And sometimes those worlds do not mesh - and that is a sad thing.

I understand what you are saying and agree with it but we haven't seen Briana turn her back on Vicki like your sister did your parents. I guess that measure of love, respect and loyalty to Vicki will come when Vicki can no longer take care of herself and I am unwilling to say that Briana will turn her back on Vicki when that time comes now. Also, I don't believe that Briana is "taking advantage" of Vicki now either but I do think it is the other way around.


2 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I remember in ( I think it was the last reunion), Brianna was all pissy and indignant saying that as a nurse in OK she was earning six figures and Ryan was also doing well,  and she didn't need or want any of Vicki's money. Has that changed cause she sure had an attitude about it back then. 

Yes, it has changed, Briana got sick and is unable to work. Oh, and Vicki needed Briana as a storyline as much, if not more, than Briana needed Vicki's help financially.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I'm kind of both minds on this. I agree that if you sign up for a TV show, you should be aware that anything from your past might come out. But I also will think the person who reveals something so private, or uses it as ammo against someone, is the lowest of the low. Just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you SHOULD. 


Well, plus, the way Vicki is acting, it makes it appear as more than one incident. Not something from the past. Something ongoing. She is saying, "I'm worried about Shannon." Present tense. It gives one the impression that he is presently beating the shit out of her. 

IF that were true. That is NOT something you out on national television. Not if you really care about the person. For all we know, that might send David into another rage. 

David for whatever reason was arrested for DV, took a plea and was punished.  Then Shannon according to "sources" called Vicki, terrified, locked in a room because she said he was coming after her.  Now Shannon, who put the DV info out there initially is pissed off that the incident is revisited on national tv.  She's making Vicki and Kelly sound like the bad guys when it's David that's the bad guy.  I understand Shannon  wants to protect her marriage and the father of her children but she's deflecting on to Vicki and Kelly and that's not fair.  There's no shame in getting abused just like there's no shame in getting raped.  It's the abuser that needs to be ashamed.  In my experience there's no such thing as one terrifying experience with a DV perpetrator.  Unless they get ongoing help, they don't stop.  And if alcohol is a factor in the Beador household which it appears to be both Shannon and David need to stop drinking.  From what I've seen this season, Shannon has a drinking problem and from what I've heard about David he has a drinking problem as well.  If Shannon cares about her kids and I know she does, she should stop drinking.  Vicki and Kelly may have inadvertently done the Beador family a favor letting some light shine on an ongoing issue.

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I remember in ( I think it was the last reunion), Brianna was all pissy and indignant saying that as a nurse in OK she was earning six figures and Ryan was also doing well,  and she didn't need or want any of Vicki's money. Has that changed cause she sure had an attitude about it back then. 

I knew some ER nurses who were earning about 30 bucks an hour. This was about 10 years ago? IF she was earning 40 an hour that would put her at about 79k a year.

One thing that I noticed is that med jobs in the Midwest aren't on par, financially, as they were on the West Coast. So, I can see why there were tears and teeth gnashing over taking a 1/4 to one-third pay cut for doing the same job she had in Cali.

One thing that she should be thankful is that bicks is still alive.

I miss my parents, but I am sure they would be proud of me and the steps that I have taken on my own. Sometimes you have to cut the apron strings and other times they are pulled out of your hands?

It's a good feeling to know you let go of them on your own?

10 minutes ago, Trooper York said:

I think that someone who served multiple tours overseas in service to our country deserves the benefit of the doubt over douche nozzles like Terry Botched the Surgery Dubrow or Batters Up David Beador.

I don't know if Brianna was able to work long hours with two kids and health issues. So I think money is a legit concern. Things change. We aren't always in the position to stand on our dignity. Some times you have to swallow a lot of shit to get by. It doesn't taste good. Sometimes you end up vomiting some of it back. It's not pretty. Just human.

 Your mileage may vary.


I don't question any service member - ever.

I married a former sergeant in the military and retired sergeant on a PD.

His service record is off the table - I won't even touch that topic.

Dubrow and Beador aren't even real men.

  • Love 3
16 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I understand what you are saying and agree with it but we haven't seen Briana turn her back on Vicki like your sister did your parents. I guess that measure of love, respect and loyalty to Vicki will come when Vicki can no longer take care of herself and I am unwilling to say that Briana will turn her back on Vicki when that time comes now. Also, I don't believe that Briana is "taking advantage" of Vicki now either but I do think it is the other way around.


When bicks was stumbling about with the neck brace, briana couldn't even fake some sympathy and play along with the game.

Yes, bicks was bouncing around milking it for what it was worth, but would it have killed her to wink and elbow the people who questioned her injury?

No, that says a lot for her and to her relationship with the bickster.

IF she was going to do a talking head and tell the world that her mom might have been faking it, I find that to be truly nasty.

My mom would say, 'No one knows what someone else feels.'

But when the words come out of a mouth, you get the basic idea?

  • Love 2
On 11/1/2016 at 9:23 AM, poeticlicensed said:

BTW, are vow renewals really a "thing"? I am well over 50 and know a ton of married couples who have been together for decades, and I have never once been invited to a vow renewal or know anyone who had one. If you watch enough Bravo and TLC, it seems like vow renewals are pretty standard.  

2 weekends ago my dad was going on about how he really wanted to do a vow renewal with my stepmom.  He was going on about doing it at the same place as their wedding 25 years later and all kinds of other stuff.  He was super drunk though, so I don't know how he feels about to topic while sober.  Stepmom was not into it at all.  I told him that if he watched the RHs he'd know it's the kiss of death.


On 11/1/2016 at 0:37 PM, jaync said:

That's fine, you don't have to...it's a mileage thing, big whoop.

I don't recall anyone here claiming she was faking her health problems. Given her weight, I'm surprised she isn't diabetic, too.

She's not that fat.  She's sick.  And if I'm not mistaken has had at least part of her thyroid removed.


13 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

So Vicki wants to go on a Witch Hunt?  Maybe she should look up the definition first.  She'd better be careful tossing around a word like misdiagnosis."

"Two things: you don't mess with my family, you don't mess with my money. My family is my everything, and I'm gonna find this doctor. He was going to kill my daughter. So, when I do find him, I'll probably pull him up against a wall and tell him what I think of him," she told ET. " I want to go on a witch hunt for him."


I guess Vicki has a thing for pushing people into walls and yelling at them given it's already been revealed she did the same exact thing to a producer.


11 hours ago, Ubiquitous said:

Wow, what a shittty thing for Terry to say! How did I miss that?

Milage may vary. but to me Heather and Terry were obviously joking when this was said -- just like Jimmy was obviously being sarcastic when he said he was sad about not being able to make it.


4 hours ago, LIMOM said:

Could it be that she confessed to Vicky and that it is an ongoing situation?

And that type of speculation is exactly what Vicki and Kelly were hoping for.


Megan's baby bump was super cute.  It was tiny, but it was finally really there and not just Chipotle.

This episode was kind of meh for me.  More of the same shit.  Kelly and Vicky still suck.  Shannon, Tamra, and Heather suck less but are definitely not showing themselves in the best light.  One thing that really gets me about Kelly is when blurting out on the bus about David "beating the shit out of" Shannon she then says "and it's all out there now!  How about that!"  To me that's not just someone that lost their temper when backed into a corner but someone that wanted to blurt hurtful shit out on camera.  And "of course" she "isn't like that", "didn't mean it to hurt" and "would never do that" and whatever other phrases she always recycles for her apologies.

ETA: I wish I had been paying better attention all season, I could have made Kelly Dodd apology bingo cards

Edited by yourmomiseasy
  • Love 14
On 11/1/2016 at 0:23 PM, poeticlicensed said:

BTW, are vow renewals really a "thing"? I am well over 50 and know a ton of married couples who have been together for decades, and I have never once been invited to a vow renewal or know anyone who had one. If you watch enough Bravo and TLC, it seems like vow renewals are pretty standard.  

They can be.  My mom and stepdad renewed their vows on the 10 year wedding anniversary.  I remember the deacon at our church commenting that he'd done 25 and 50 year wedding vow renewal ceremonies but never a 10 year one.  When my stepfather passed away a year later, that same deacon came up to my mom and said he would never question the timing of a vow renewal again.

And I'm going to hell for this but...seems like vow renewals really are the kiss of death.  Sorry Mom!

  • Love 5

I think it kind of sucks that people want to speculate about an active duty service member who has to be separated from him family to complete his commitment to serving his country.

His family doesn't have to be separated; it's a choice his wife made, and with which he assumingly agreed.


She's not that fat.  She's sick.  And if I'm not mistaken has had at least part of her thyroid removed.

She's clearly overweight. The reasons why don't change that fact.

If Brianna needs help physically and financially, then why didn't she just move in with her mother? It's not like Vicki doesn't have the room. Sorry, but I can't sympathize with someone who chooses to do a hundred grand's worth of cosmetic renovations on a house that wasn't a necessity in the first place.

Edited by jaync
  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Trooper York said:

I think that someone who served multiple tours overseas in service to our country deserves the benefit of the doubt over douche nozzles like Terry Botched the Surgery Dubrow or Batters Up David Beador.

I don't know if Brianna was able to work long hours with two kids and health issues. So I think money is a legit concern. Things change. We aren't always in the position to stand on our dignity.  Some times you have to swallow a lot of shit to get by. It doesn't taste good. Sometimes you end up vomiting some of it back. It's not pretty. Just human.

 Your mileage may vary.

Bravo, Trooper York.  

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, ElDosEquis said:

When bicks was stumbling about with the neck brace, briana couldn't even fake some sympathy and play along with the game.

Yes, bicks was bouncing around milking it for what it was worth, but would it have killed her to wink and elbow the people who questioned her injury?

No, that says a lot for her and to her relationship with the bickster.

IF she was going to do a talking head and tell the world that her mom might have been faking it, I find that to be truly nasty.

My mom would say, 'No one knows what someone else feels.'

But when the words come out of a mouth, you get the basic idea?

Had Briana played along viewers would be calling her out saying she was enabling Vicki, she gives her honest opinion, she is called out for exposing her, even though most of us know who/what she is but how dare her daughter say it and still love her. Me, I like that Briana doesn't try to snow us but still calls her mom her BFF and loves her warts and all. LOL

59 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

2 weekends ago my dad was going on about how he really wanted to do a vow renewal with my stepmom.  He was going on about doing it at the same place as their wedding 25 years later and all kinds of other stuff.  He was super drunk though, so I don't know how he feels about to topic while sober.  Stepmom was not into it at all.  I told him that if he watched the RHs he'd know it's the kiss of death.


She's not that fat.  She's sick.  And if I'm not mistaken has had at least part of her thyroid removed.


I guess Vicki has a thing for pushing people into walls and yelling at them given it's already been revealed she did the same exact thing to a producer.


Milage may vary. but to me Heather and Terry were obviously joking when this was said -- just like Jimmy was obviously being sarcastic when he said he was sad about not being able to make it.


And that type of speculation is exactly what Vicki and Kelly were hoping for.


Megan's baby bump was super cute.  It was tiny, but it was finally really there and not just Chipotle.

This episode was kind of meh for me.  More of the same shit.  Kelly and Vicky still suck.  Shannon, Tamra, and Heather suck less but are definitely not showing themselves in the best light.  One thing that really gets me about Kelly is when blurting out on the bus about David "beating the shit out of" Shannon she then says "and it's all out there now!  How about that!"  To me that's not just someone that lost their temper when backed into a corner but someone that wanted to blurt hurtful shit out on camera.  And "of course" she "isn't like that", "didn't mean it to hurt" and "would never do that" and whatever other phrases she always recycles for her apologies.

ETA: I wish I had been paying better attention all season, I could have made Kelly Dodd apology bingo Delete repeated word

Exactly, this is exactly what Vicki/Kelly want, it takes the heat off of their horrid behavior.

Like saying she isn't to blame, that its all Vicki's fault for telling her to begin with! LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 11
7 minutes ago, jaync said:

His family doesn't have to be separated; it's a choice his wife made, and with which he assumingly agreed.

She's clearly overweight. The reasons why don't change that fact.

If Brianna needs help physically and financially, then why didn't she just move in with her mother? It's not like Vicki doesn't have the room. Sorry, but I can't sympathize with someone who chooses to spend a hundred grand on cosmetic renovations to a house that wasn't a necessity in the first place.

I am sure the simple fact of her being too ill to work made paying their mortgage difficult, so moving in with Vicki allowed them to sell the Ok house and having a paycheck from Bravo is helping her to buy, remodel the OC house for all of them to live in when Ryan does get out of the Marines.

Briana is still living at Vicki's house as her new OC house is still under renovation.

Brianna does not need huge expensive houses as a wife of a serviceman but if she wants them I hope they can afford them without Icky always sticking her purse and her nose in. But then again that is their dynamic so whatever. I just can't imagine doing all that renovating unless you have money to throw around but then I am very happy in a one-bedroom apartment...even after living in a normal-sized home during a 20+ yr marriage that ended two years ago. It is one thing for Heather and Terry to throw money at a house but young couples with two little kids, it seems kind of flashy unless you have bucks. Why not find a house that does not need tens of thousans in "upgrades"? Ok I am just griping, maybe they have tons of cash, whatever. That entire family just makes my teeth hurt.

  • Love 4

When we watch these shows we put ourselves in the shoes of the people we are watching on TV. There are very few people who I emphatize with. Certainly very few on Orange County. But Brianna is one of them. She has health problems. Thyroid. Lupus. Real stuff not imaginary Beverly Hills bullshit. You can see it in her health over the seasons. Yes she has a complicated relationship with her overbearing mother. Lots of people do. Yes they choose to be separated while Ryan serves out his enlistment. So Brianna can be with her doctors in California. So she can have the support both financially and physically of her mother as limited and/or crazy as that might be. No so terrible. Not so reprehensible. Just normal. Lots of people do the same thing. The one thing that you can say about Vicki is that she loves Brianna and her grandchildren. That's for sure.

What is not normal is selling you multi-million dollar mansions and complaining about living in another multi-million dollar rental. Or humble bragging about your house that is big as a city block with kitchen counters that cost more than what the rest of us poor mooks make in a year. Kelly Dodd has the right term for the Shannon/Heather/Tamara axis of evil. 

On balance Brianna is pretty normal and someone we can root for. At least for me. 

As I said. Your mileage might vary. 

  • Love 12
19 minutes ago, Bebecat said:

Brianna does not need huge expensive houses as a wife of a serviceman but if she wants them I hope they can afford them without Icky always sticking her purse and her nose in. But then again that is their dynamic so whatever. I just can't imagine doing all that renovating unless you have money to throw around but then I am very happy in a one-bedroom apartment...even after living in a normal-sized home during a 20+ yr marriage that ended two years ago. It is one thing for Heather and Terry to throw money at a house but young couples with two little kids, it seems kind of flashy unless you have bucks. Why not find a house that does not need tens of thousans in "upgrades"? Ok I am just griping, maybe they have tons of cash, whatever. That entire family just makes my teeth hurt.

I wouldn't call Brianna's house huge, the area that they keep showing is the kitchen, living and dinning area so it's not that large at all. 

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 5
32 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Had Briana played along viewers would be calling her out saying she was enabling Vicki, she gives her honest opinion, she is called out for exposing her, even though most of us know who/what she is but how dare her daughter say it and still love her.  Me, I like that Briana doesn't try to snow us but still calls her mom her BFF and loves her warts and all. LOL

I agree with all of this, but especially the bolded.  The fact that Briana calls it like she sees it (which is as WE see it) with Vicki and doesn't make excuses for her was one of the first things that won my respect, but the fact that she's also a protective, concerned daughter to that wretched woman and wouldn't sell her down the river earns even more points from me.  I don't think a single bit of that loyalty has anything to do with Vicki's money, either - however much there is (or isn't).   I think she turned out well, despite the vile woman who raised her.   

I am sad to hear of her diagnosis, I've suspected it for a while but really hoped I was wrong.  

Edited by straightshooter
  • Love 13

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