Jaded October 16, 2016 Share October 16, 2016 Monday: Clay Aiken talks one on one with supporters at a recent Trump rally; "View Your Deal" with hottest items at affordable prices.Tuesday: Day of Hot Topics.Wednesday: The Political View with ABC News' Martha Raddatz.Thursday: Tyler Perry ("Boo: A Madea Halloween").Friday: The Political View with Senator Al Franken (MN); Daphne Oz (ABC's "The Chew"; author, "The Happy Cook: 125 Recipes For Eating Every Day Like It Is The Weekend." 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/
pinkle6 October 17, 2016 Share October 17, 2016 Candace is back on the show this week. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2657683
TheGreenKnight October 17, 2016 Share October 17, 2016 Oh, God, not another week of Jedi and Candace together. Lord have mercy. Why can't Jedi or at least Sara sit out for Sunny when Candace is there?? At least Candace made her point about voting for Trump without screaming or talking crazy, thankfully. I'm glad Hot Topics are mostl fluff--for my blood pressure. Whoopi informing us that that was "My Girl" we just heard in the video clip they showed... Who doesn't know that song? And it repeated "My Girl" 4 or 5 times. Thanks for keeping us informed, Whoopi. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2657686
Popular Post honeydo7 October 17, 2016 Popular Post Share October 17, 2016 Poor baby, CCB is back, more frightened than ever, should HRC be elected president, her children won't be able to keep their large stash of assault weapons, have the right to legally intimidate people of color/immigrants/anyone belonging to the "wrong" religion & the right to threaten clients, staff & physicians at at Planned Parenthood clinics with violence. Candace, if you're so worried about the future, of the USA, I'm sure Trump's pal Putin will be happy to bestow Russian citizenship on you & your kids, once you get off the plane in Moscow! 33 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2657711
Popular Post dinkysquid October 17, 2016 Popular Post Share October 17, 2016 Right on, honeydo7!! CBC is back in all her whiny, strident, bible thumping glory. I don't know what alternative universe this woman lives in, but it sounds like one messed up place, where no one believes in evolution, Science, climate change, gun control or the right for a woman to have control over her own body. She really buys this Trump bullshit about making America great again and how he's going to create jobs...lots and lots of jobs. Okay...can you be more specific? In what sectors? Where? Are they in manufacturing and if so, how does he purpose to persuade all those companies who have gone to China, to come back? He is never, ever specific. Ever. Now I know that The View wants to encourage difference of opinions and healthy debates among the panel but THIS WOMAN?!!! She is such a throwback to the closed -mindedness of the 1950s, it would be hilarious if it weren't so pathetic. It was so nice when she was gone. Now, my blood pressure will once again suffer. 25 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2657879
StaceyNotStacie October 17, 2016 Share October 17, 2016 I didn't miss Candace while she was gone. She doesn't really bring anything to the table. I'd rather have Paula full-time than Candace. I like Sarah, but am not a fan of Jedidiah. I wouldn't miss her if she was gone for a week. Her walking out like she's a Kardashian entering the club gets on my last nerve. I'd rather see more Sunny, but I understand her not being on as much since they use her quite often on GMA. I found the Clay Aiken segment interesting. I was born and spent part of my early elementary school years living in Wilkes-Barre and still have family that live there. It is not the same small town where my parents and grandparents grew up. The houses and sidewalks are old and worn out, the roads are crappy and the local politics and schools are an old boys network hot mess. If it weren't for the arena, the Mohegan Sun and the pizza (I recommend Angelo's if you're ever in the area), there would be nothing there. It's more diverse than I remember and with it's close proximity to NYC and lower housing prices, many people are moving to the area from out of state. A lot of the industries are union based. Oh, and kudos to Joy for correctly pronouncing Wilkes-Barre. 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2657962
spiritof76 October 17, 2016 Share October 17, 2016 (edited) Sigh, I did not need to see this chick back on my TV screen. Doesn't she have another Hallmark movie to shoot? Console her daughter over getting kicked off The Voice? Too harsh? Honestly, Candace is so darn inarticulate and that more than her opinions is what really irritates me about her. When Joy, who is on the other side, has to help you get out what you are trying to say, you are in trouble. She just doesn't seemed to actually have thought about what she is saying and believes. So for example when both Jedidiah and Whoopi tried to point out that, she has absolutely no proof that Donald Trump will appoint the judges she wants or really do anything she wants, she just sat there and nodded her head. No pushback. No counterargument. Just a lot of talk about not being able to vote for someone who goes against her morals an values (Hillary) when she just said, that Trump doesn't represent the morals and values she wants. Just that basically he has said what she wanted to hear regarding judges. And as Whoopi pointed out, he only came up with that list when he was going to talk to evangelical leaders to get their support. One of the people on the list, Senator Mike Lee of Utah, is a Mormon who has never endorsed Donald Trump, and after the Access Hollywood fiasco actually came out very forcefully asking him to step down from the ticket. So apparently he's considering appointing people to the Supreme Court who don't even like him? But where Candace's whole argument fell apart for me was when she tried to take it into the realm of faith. As she was being pushed on the fact that she couldn't trust that Trump would do what he said he would, eventually she just said, well "That's where faith comes in. I answer to a higher power and I'm not putting my faith in any president." I say this as a person of faith myself, but that answer? Is crap. Because just as easily as she can pray for Donald Trump and pray he does the right things, she can also do the same for Hillary Clinton. Prayer and faith don't belong to a certain party. What she seems to be saying is, "I can support Trump, even thought he is an awful person and goes against everything I claim I believe in, because he has said he will appoint the right Supreme Court judges. And I can also support him knowing, that I have no proof that he will actually carry through on any of these things, because he has no conservative background, because I can just have faith that God will work it out." But if we are really talking about faith, wouldn't the same apply to either not voting for president ( and voting down ballot like Joy said) or even supporting Hillary? If you are truly talking about faith couldn't you say, "I am not voting for either candidate for President because both go against my moral code and what I believe in. I believe they both could be harmful and can't support either one, but I have faith that God (a higher power, whatever) will ultimately be in control"? Because Candace seems to be saying her faith and prayers will only work if she votes for Trump and I most certainly missed that part in Sunday School. Understand I'm just coming at this from a faith based perspective since that seems to be her argument. I know talk of having faith in God, prayer, etc is not something that everyone believes or adhere's to and may even sound silly. I'm just trying to offer a perspective to that thinking. I'm a progressive and a Christian so I'm not having any spiritual problems with my vote but I understand conservative Christians who are. Which is why many are just voting down ballot. It sounds like Candace is pulling the lever for Trump and she is using her faith to justify it and on that I'm calling bull. And notice she was pretty quiet the rest of the political discussion. I don't think she asked Clay any questions about his interview with Trump supporters. Everyone else asked at least one. What I wouldn't give for a real, articulate, well read conservative on this panel. They do exists! In other news I hate, Whoopi and that dang Valley Girl voice! HATE! Why must she keep doing that? Don't they get feedback or notes? Isn't anyone telling her it is old, played out and annoying? Ugh! Just stop. And of course "Whoopi the all knowing" doesn't get the need the for couples counseling. I couldn't even follow her point. What was she trying to say? Is Sara maybe getting a little better? Admittedly the bar is low, but she seems to be getting a little more comfortable in engaging. I might be able to tolerate her. Jury's still out. Edited October 17, 2016 by spiritof76 19 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2658016
Popular Post susieq147 October 17, 2016 Popular Post Share October 17, 2016 (edited) Can someone please explain to me why any self described Christian (like CCB) is voting for Trump. As far as I can tell he has no "Christian" values to speak of. And as Spiritof76 posted above if Christians think "Oh well God will work it all out" then why does a candidate have to fall in line with your beliefs if you think God will use his almighty power to work his magic anyways? I am so fed up with people saying they only want to vote for candidates that align with their religious beliefs. SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. It's in the Constitution. If you need to read it Mr. Khan will be more than happy to share his copy with you. Edited October 17, 2016 by susieq147 26 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2658100
backformore October 17, 2016 Share October 17, 2016 (edited) 58 minutes ago, spiritof76 said: But where Candace's whole argument fell apart for me was when she tried to take it into the realm of faith. As she was being pushed on the fact that she couldn't trust that Trump would do what he said he would, eventually she just said, well "That's where faith comes in. I answer to a higher power and I'm not putting my faith in any president." I say this as a person of faith myself, but that answer? Is crap. Because just as easily as she can pray for Donald Trump and pray he does the right things, she can also do the same for Hillary Clinton. Prayer and faith don't belong to a certain party. What she seems to be saying is, "I can support Trump, even thought he is an awful person and goes against everything I claim I believe in, because he has said he will appoint the right Supreme Court judges. And I can also support him knowing, that I have no proof that he will actually carry through on any of these things, because he has no conservative background, because I can just have faith that God will work it out." I think her answer falls in line with some of the people Clay interviewed - to them, Trump seems like a strong, paternal figure who will do the right thing. They don't want to look into it too much, don't want to THINK about it - just go with that feeling that he is smart and confident. I loved Clay's analogy about walking into a haunted house, and being less scared because you're with someone who isn't scared, blindly following them because if they're not scared, they must know something you don't. I guess for some people, when Trump says something outrageous, and follows it up with "believe me" - they do. Edited October 17, 2016 by backformore edited because blandly isn't the same word as blindly 24 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2658185
telemachus2 October 17, 2016 Share October 17, 2016 what's goin' on with Joy's eyes?? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2658213
spiritof76 October 17, 2016 Share October 17, 2016 14 minutes ago, susieq147 said: Can someone please explain to me why any self described Christian (like CCB) is voting for Trump. As far as I can tell he has no "Christian" values to speak of. And as Spiritof76 posted above if Christians think "Oh well God will work it all out" then why does a candidate have to fall in line with your beliefs if you think God will use his almighty power to work his magic anyways? I am so fed up with people saying they only want to vote for candidates that align with their religious beliefs. SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. It's in the Constitution. If you need to read it Mr. Khan will be more than happy to share his copy with you. Because if they are being honest it isn't about their faith. At least where evangelicals are concerned. It is about power and access to power. I was just looking at some polling the other day laying out the voting preferences of people of faith through out the country. White evangelical Christians overwhelmingly support Donald Trump. Something like 78% to 17%. In contrasts Catholics prefer Hillary. It is a slim margin, but it's there. Also Mainline protestants also prefer Hillary also by a slim margin. Mormons have always been very cool to Trump which is why he almost might lose Utah, since Evan McMullan is a factor. And the African-American church has also been firmly against Trump. Evangelicals, up until now have been an important part of the GOP and have had some power in that party (which I think will soon be coming to an end). With Trump they saw someone they thought they could control to get what they wanted, in exchange for excusing all of his moral failings. Things that they would have ripped anyone else for. Well jokes on them because Trump can't be controlled. And now they are having to defend a position they know is indefensible. And like Candace they are trying to conjure up a theological or moral justification when there really is none. Notice Candace threw in "small government" right along with protecting the unborn. Small government? What part of the Bible is that in? No, Candace and her ilk should just be honest and say that they are voting for Trump because they want to. They don't have to. They want to. Own it and keep it moving. Oh also Candace, if she is anything like her brother, does not believe that separation of church and state is a thing. No seriously. They believe this is a Christian nation, founded on Christian values, full stop. Lastly, I don't want to make light of faith or prayer because they are important in my life as well. I just want to point out that my understanding of it, is those hings are not confined to a certain person or party. And Candace, unless I was hearing her wrong seemed to be saying she could deal with Donald's awfulness because faith prayer, but didn't seem to think that the same would extend to Hillary. in that case she is putting her faith in a presidential candidate and party, contrary to what she stated. 19 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2658217
backformore October 17, 2016 Share October 17, 2016 If you go to a church, and you believe that the pastor/minister/priest SPEAKS FOR GOD, and that person tells you that God has chosen Donald Trump to lead the country - you will vote the way you are told. I don't know that religious leaders are saying it (because I am a heathen) But I know that in the past, religious leaders have preached against voting for candidates based on the abortion issue only. and in more recent times, gay marriage. I've heard enough Trump supporters say on TV that GOD has chosen Trump to lead, that I assume they are being told this by ministers. I believe that CCB is of that mind as well, because she has been clear that she bases decisions on her Christianity. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2658236
spiritof76 October 17, 2016 Share October 17, 2016 11 minutes ago, backformore said: If you go to a church, and you believe that the pastor/minister/priest SPEAKS FOR GOD, and that person tells you that God has chosen Donald Trump to lead the country - you will vote the way you are told. I don't know that religious leaders are saying it (because I am a heathen) But I know that in the past, religious leaders have preached against voting for candidates based on the abortion issue only. and in more recent times, gay marriage. I've heard enough Trump supporters say on TV that GOD has chosen Trump to lead, that I assume they are being told this by ministers. I believe that CCB is of that mind as well, because she has been clear that she bases decisions on her Christianity. I'm not disagreeing with you. My favorite has been hearing some religious leaders invoke King David from the Bible as an example of God using a flawed man to rule. No seriously. Google it. This isn't even the place to get into how theologically unsound that argument is, but it is. I guess I just hate that Candace seems to be the stand in for all Christian thought on the show and in reality she is speaking for a certain branch. And she is so inarticulate to boot and it just exacerbates the issue to me. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2658322
rcc October 17, 2016 Share October 17, 2016 26 minutes ago, backformore said: If you go to a church, and you believe that the pastor/minister/priest SPEAKS FOR GOD, and that person tells you that God has chosen Donald Trump to lead the country - you will vote the way you are told. I don't know that religious leaders are saying it (because I am a heathen) But I know that in the past, religious leaders have preached against voting for candidates based on the abortion issue only. and in more recent times, gay marriage. I've heard enough Trump supporters say on TV that GOD has chosen Trump to lead, that I assume they are being told this by ministers. I believe that CCB is of that mind as well, because she has been clear that she bases decisions on her Christianity. That's how I see how the evangelicals could possibly vote for a disgusting individual like Trump. Their pastor must be telling them to based on the abortion issue. I remember Trump saying a while back that women "should be punished" for having an abortion. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2658358
Vinyasa October 17, 2016 Share October 17, 2016 Quote Oh, God, not another week of Jedi and Candace together. Lord have mercy. Why can't Jedi or at least Sara sit out for Sunny when Candace is there?? CCB all week? Her appearance quota should be up by now!! I can't take her and airhead Sara together. Quote Is Sara maybe getting a little better? Admittedly the bar is low, but she seems to be getting a little more comfortable in engaging. I might be able to tolerate her. Jury's still out. Ummm, no! She continues to have that blank, confused look on her face. Seems they only use her for the "View Your Deal", picking a number from that wind machine and stupid stuff. They need Sunny back! 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2658361
spiritof76 October 17, 2016 Share October 17, 2016 2 minutes ago, rcc said: That's how I see how the evangelicals could possibly vote for a disgusting individual like Trump. Their pastor must be telling them to based on the abortion issue. I remember Trump saying a while back that women "should be punished" for having an abortion. True. And yet he has donated thousands of dollars to Planned Parenthood and has said he is pro-choice repeatedly. At least up until he started running for President. Which Jedawhatever pointed out to Candace, to which Candace just looked backed blankly. For evangelicals it is all about abortion and in turn the Supreme Court. But as was pointed out by Jedawhatever and Whoopi, they are depending on someone with no record or history of supporting or fighting for those things. Quote Ummm, no! She continues to have that blank, confused look on her face. Seems they only use her for the "View Your Deal", picking a number from that wind machine and stupid stuff. They need Sunny back! I'm trying to be generous! HA! The bar is so low. She just didn't make me actively annoyed at her today, when usually she does. But I can't argue with you about Sunny! I can always use more Sunny. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2658397
TheGreenKnight October 17, 2016 Share October 17, 2016 2 hours ago, spiritof76 said: I'm not disagreeing with you. My favorite has been hearing some religious leaders invoke King David from the Bible as an example of God using a flawed man to rule. No seriously. Google it. This isn't even the place to get into how theologically unsound that argument is, but it is. I guess I just hate that Candace seems to be the stand in for all Christian thought on the show and in reality she is speaking for a certain branch. And she is so inarticulate to boot and it just exacerbates the issue to me. This is another reason I wish Sunny had been in place of Sara or Jedi if Candace had to be at the table--not just because of her delivery facts in general, but on a personal level she could respond to Candace from a faith-based perspective the other co-hosts could not (or would not) since she's talked about her religion before. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2658415
Former Nun October 17, 2016 Share October 17, 2016 29 minutes ago, spiritof76 said: And yet he has donated thousands of dollars to Planned Parenthood But HAS he? He has claimed innumerable donations; now that people are checking, there are very few. Very few. 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2658517
spiritof76 October 17, 2016 Share October 17, 2016 Speaking of Planned Parenthood, did anyone else notice how Whoopi threw out that shout out to Planned Parenthoodon celebrating its 100th Anniversary? I kind of wanted to see Candace's face when everyone was clapping. Because I am super, super petty. I'm working on it. Pray for me. Ha! 22 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2658663
JAYJAY1979 October 17, 2016 Share October 17, 2016 Remember how we complained about how uniformed and shallow Raven was? The show listened and gave us sara instead. Someone that seems too timid to give her view. Shes usually looks like she has a deer caught in headlights. Im sure shes nice and well liked..but she needs to quit the tears and harden that backbone and express her view on a show called the View. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2658699
tenativelyyours October 17, 2016 Share October 17, 2016 Yeah Too Big Hair and Troweled on Make-Up Bure was annoying as hell. Trying to make it about fearing for her freedom of religion when it boils down to her believing she has the freedom to impose her religious views on others is sickening because of the overwheening arrogance that sits at the core of that belief. I wish someone in the audience would just stand up when she was going on about her concerns if Clinton was elected with "when was the last time you were arrested for praying? Going to church? Reading your version of the Bible? Having that Bible in the first place? Over and over again all she did was pretend she was afraid for herself and all she did was show how disgustingly arrogant and ignorant she is in regards to why if she enjoys the freedoms she does, and SHE DOES!, so should every one else. The fact is she thinks she has some kind of holier than thou rights and is terrified a continued Progressive Presidency would continue to keep a Jesus hating but Jesus Prating* Tyranny from rising up. Why is that these faith pounders like Bure forget one of the easiest to remember and most telling stories told by Christ himself in the Bible. Do they realize that the Good Samaritan, which before loony Saul/Paul came along was the core tenet of Christianity and how it should treat others of faith -- that it was a complete and utter remove of the Old Testament's Go forth and smite in the name of God? Why is it that so many throw around Christ as their cause and yet fall back on the Old Testament judgments that Christ's purported words simply lay to permanent rest? I would love Joy who has more knowledge than most of the panel on the differences in faith to ask Bure for a Christian shouldn't she get with it and actually read the New Testament sometime? 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2658758
GHScorpiosRule October 17, 2016 Share October 17, 2016 (edited) 8 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said: This is another reason I wish Sunny had been in place of Sara or Jedi if Candace had to be at the table--not just because of her delivery facts in general, but on a personal level she could respond to Candace from a faith-based perspective the other co-hosts could not (or would not) since she's talked about her religion before. But don't you know? Sunny is Catholic! They're not considered REAL Christians! Haven't seen today's show yet, but I really wish someone would have asked BAB if she knew why so many Europeans fled England...that was she aware that Native Americans lived here FIRST, and they weren't Christian...but were forced to convert...or, I don't know, just give her a history book, or the DVD of HBO's John Adams. Edited October 18, 2016 by GHScorpiosRule Fixed typo 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2658794
tenativelyyours October 17, 2016 Share October 17, 2016 Yeah that is what is part of the whole infuriating aspect of Bure. The "as a woman of faith" preludes she is always throwing out are basically saying the conclusions and beliefs she has come to hold are right and everything else is not just wrong but it is damned. That is pretty narrow minded shit when you think about. Today and many other days when she is on she also throws the "as a woman of faith" but in ways that get vastly overlooked. Because she agrees on an issue. But for me there is this huge disgusting issue that even when she agrees on a conclusion, there is still the fact she hammers home that she came to it via her faith and that even though someone else on the panel has the same view on the matter, it is oddly and kind of scarily clear she thinks overall they are wrong because they didn't come it via the same faith process. She gets that patronizing gurgling frog thing in her voice as if she is just so amused when it seems clear she is also dismissing that other person. Her like truly scares me because they think the imposition of their faith is for the 'sinner's' own good. And she gets to sit and be paid for really practicing an antiquated and narrow interpretation of the matter because it seems clear to me she doesn't just disagree with people, she condemns them simply over this "faith" matter but smiles and acts like she is doing the whole "hate the sin but love the sinner" bit. When often the only "sin" is not thinking exactly like she does. And ironically she shows over and over again how little thinking she actually does. If she had more facts than actual fingers on any given topic, I'd swear to watch her crappy piece of shit re-boot on continuous loop. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2658824
spiritof76 October 17, 2016 Share October 17, 2016 1 hour ago, tenativelyyours said: I wish someone in the audience would just stand up when she was going on about her concerns if Clinton was elected with "when was the last time you were arrested for praying? Going to church? Reading your version of the Bible? Having that Bible in the first place? Good point! I'm not sure what America she's living in, but I'v been getting up and going to church every Sunday for most of my life with nary a problem. Went just this Sunday. Nobody followed me. Tried to stop me from going in the door. (Well the usher did make me wait in the vestibule before I could enter because I was late and they were in the middle of prayer. How was I supposed to know they were going to start on time? They never start on time!) You know what I do worry about? Getting pulled over by the police. But seriously, Candace is showing her privilege when she talks about feeling "persecuted" for her faith. There are actually Christians in other countries that are truly being persecuted. As in being jailed and killed. Not to mention all the other faiths that are actually being persecuted against. What's being done to her? Somebody said, "Happy Holidays", to her instead of "Merry Christmas" at the Wal-mart? 20 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2659051
Tosia October 18, 2016 Share October 18, 2016 (edited) I also think evangelicals are deep into the patriarchal system of God, the FATHER, as the head of their religion --not Mother Mary--or any female--therefore, Hillary has the audacity to try to move out of the Biblical, ordained, nuclear family, and ( totally sexist) position. Blechhh. I agree that Bure is so privileged that she has no clue what poor folks, esp. single moms, and those Christians persecuted in other countries (including persecution of Jews, and Muslims) go through. Her argument was debunked beautifully by you all above. Thank you. Edited October 18, 2016 by Tosia Frustrated by morons affects my tuping. And typing. Arghhh. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2659247
gatopretoNYC October 18, 2016 Share October 18, 2016 9 hours ago, pinkle6 said: Candace is back on the show this week. Ugggh. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2659286
atomationage October 18, 2016 Share October 18, 2016 With CCB back on preaching the gospel according to Drumpf, and Jedi Bile re-branding herself as center-right, center-right, center-right, they clearly don't want me to watch this show. I was so sick of Raven that I was glad to see she wasn't on, but this was just a mess. They should rebuild the show around Joy and Sunny, and find some other women with whom those two could intelligently converse. I'm going to watch the Clay Aiken clip. I couldn't stand the rest of it. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2659413
Haleth October 18, 2016 Share October 18, 2016 I'm back from the land of rapists and drug dealers. How refreshing it was to not hear any political lies discussion while I was away. But why did I have to come back to BAB? Plus I couldn't even with Clay's interview with Trump voters. I hear enough from his sheep apologists on a daily basis. When did Jed fall off the Trump bandwagon? She seemed to do a complete turnaround when the Access Hollywood audio came out. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2659458
ChicagoCita October 18, 2016 Share October 18, 2016 7 hours ago, spiritof76 said: Candace and her ilk should just be honest and say that they are voting for Trump because they want to. They don't have to. They want to. Own it and keep it moving. Evangelicals are mostly conservatives (in all matters, not just politically), and fear the unknown. They like a world where everything is familiar and in its place. Gays marrying, women being sexually active with no regrets, and politicians and police not being revered authority figures freaks them out! So Trump comes out with his talk of a nation out of control, that he will return to the old days and traditions (Make America Great Again), and they eat it up! They are also obsessed with the right to abortion on demand, as CCB mentioned. Somehow they feel that revoking Roe v. Wade will stop all abortions. They don't seem to realize that it will stop safe abortions for the majority of women. Rich women will be able to have abortions performed by their doctors, as they always have, and poor women will die trying to abort their fetuses, as they did for centuries prior to Roe, and will do if Roe is somehow revoked. Somehow they are able to completely ignore lying, adultery, cheating, whoremongering, and taking the Lord's name in vain because ... abortion. And the Second Amendment obviously trumps the Ten Commandments in their world. As a progressive, left-of-center Christian, I find it amazing and sad beyond words. As for Utah, the Mormons have been cool to Trump ever since he started pressing the Muslim thing. They, more than most other groups, know and remember what it's like to be persecuted in one's own country due to religious doctrine and beliefs. I want to slap Whoopi's face when she mocks the Hot Topics, especially when she uses THAT VOICE. Don't like the Kardashians? Well, Queen Bee, don't bring them up! There are plenty of other topics that don't annoy you -- and consequently, you won't annoy us with. 18 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2659700
Ladyrain October 18, 2016 Share October 18, 2016 6 hours ago, spiritof76 said: Speaking of Planned Parenthood, did anyone else notice how Whoopi threw out that shout out to Planned Parenthoodon celebrating its 100th Anniversary? I kind of wanted to see Candace's face when everyone was clapping. Because I am super, super petty. I'm working on it. Pray for me. Ha! I noticed it too, and I thought Whoopi led little Miss Holier Than Thou down the garden path then BAM! smacked her between the eyes with that Planned Parenthood congrats. Whoopi doesn't bother me as much as she does some, but she really earned some extra points with that one. As for CCB I literally groaned when I saw her walk out today. However - I can't wait to see her face on Nov. 9th. Heh heh. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2659934
Bronzedog October 18, 2016 Share October 18, 2016 Why is Candace pimping her brother Kurt's project on The View? I don't remember him ever even appearing on the show but she's given time to promote the freak's next project? WTF? 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2660949
backformore October 18, 2016 Share October 18, 2016 (edited) today I liked Sara. Mostly because she corrected CCB about Trump's "language". Nobody is saying that adults don't SAY words in private that they may not say in public. People vent about their spouses/bosses/in-laws/neighbors in ways that they don't want everyone to hear. Sara was able to correct CCB that it wasn't the word "pussy" that people objected to - it was the sexual aggression and the idea that he can do whatever he wants because he's famous. CCB, as the mother of a daughter, needs to step out of the party line and LOOK at this candidate that she keeps defending. And instead of interrupting her, they should have shut up and let her keep talking and showing how STUPID (yeah, I said it Whoopi!) she is. Her blue card talking points reminded me of former View hosts. Oh , and her dress is stupid too. Sorry, but strapless AND high collar? Please! Edited October 18, 2016 by backformore 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2661033
May Jacks October 18, 2016 Share October 18, 2016 (edited) Candace has got to be kidding me with her deal about Trump media coverage over his sexual assault boasting vs. Clinton's wikileaks "scandal". The coverage was wall to wall because he was bragging about sexually assaulting women. Clinton has been bogged down by emails from the media for like two years and there is no there there with this "scandal". She was giving Bitsy vibes today. What is she talking about? She just wanted to get in that "both sides" argument and like the others said, he has gotten free press to benefit his campaign since it started. She's really annoying. The thing with JedididImentionI'mlibertarian is that she can point out when Trump is being full of it without going into "both sides". I can appreciate that much about her. Edited October 18, 2016 by May Jacks 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2661045
backformore October 18, 2016 Share October 18, 2016 Reading between the lines, I get that the ladies of The View are pretty freakin' tired of being made to push products on the "View Your Deal" segments. It's not like these are great deals on shit you can't buy at the same prices on Amazon or at stores. And Amy Schumer does stand-up. People pay to hear her talk about what she wants to talk about. There's no guarantee that she will tell jokes that you LIKE. CCB walked out of shows because of being offended? I wanted SOMEONE to ask if she appreciates her good friend Bob Saget's comedy. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2661082
sugarbaker design October 18, 2016 Share October 18, 2016 44 minutes ago, Bronzedog said: Why is Candace pimping her brother Kurt's project on The View? I don't remember him ever even appearing on the show but she's given time to promote the freak's next project? WTF? I always thought this was one of the reasons she took the View job, to pimp her brother's awful projects. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2661088
whydoiwatchtv October 18, 2016 Share October 18, 2016 After all this time, they finally found something to get rid of me. I can't stand watching women (or any person) make excuses for Trump and his awful behavior in every area of being a human being. Jediblabla started it and CCB and her together is just too much! Fuck's sake! I'll watch again after the election but CCB and her "faith" in Donald Trump was it for me. Her stupid views are almost painful to hear. Almost every wrong and bad adjective can be attributed to Trump and watching his defense is mind-numbing. I'd rather listen to Whoopi scream Welcome To the View Y'all the entire hour than listen to one more person excuse this spoiled, psychotic baby. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2661130
backformore October 18, 2016 Share October 18, 2016 (edited) Candace Cameron Bure's Daughter was recently on The Voice. So - I wonder, if there was tape of the coaches talking backstage, and the guys were commenting on the contestants' bodies, talked about liking to hug certain singers, and one of them made a comment about liking to cop a feel from some of the cute singers - saying that they let it happen, because "I'm their coach". DO you thin CCB would dismiss it as locker room talk, because, you know, boys will be boys? Because I think she would be calling for the coach's firing from the program, at the very least. Certainly she wouldn't be saying they should run for president. That is the outrage. That women can ignore the kind of thing that, by another man, would mean the end of a job and/or criminal charges. And they can ignore it when it is done to women they don't know or care about. Edited October 18, 2016 by backformore 19 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2661257
TheGreenKnight October 18, 2016 Share October 18, 2016 3 hours ago, May Jacks said: What is she talking about? She just wanted to get in that "both sides" argument and like the others said, he has gotten free press to benefit his campaign since it started. She's really annoying. The thing with JedididImentionI'mlibertarian is that she can point out when Trump is being full of it without going into "both sides". I can appreciate that much about her. I have to disagree there. Right when the show opened when they were talking about Melania, Jedi's comparison to Hillary defending/staying with Bill was the first thing to spill out of her mouth. The difference is Candace is brave enough to support Trump openly and be called out for it; Jedi's just fake and cowardly with her opinions. 3 hours ago, backformore said: today I liked Sara. Mostly because she corrected CCB about Trump's "language". I agree. I'm trying to think when was the last time Sara added to the discussion at the table? I guess I'd have to go back several weeks, but my memory doesn't stretch that far with View details. But handling Candace's BS was nicely done on her part. What I want to know is why Candace would have been going to see Book of Mormon in the first place? For one, it's about Mormons--not her religion. It mocks religion in general, features gay characters and gay actors. I wouldn't be surprised if she walked out during the very first performance, "Hello!" llllol I thought this was one of Joy's stronger days. Her comments about Trump's hypocrisy in saying the media's rigging the election for him when the media is why he made it this far in the first place were immaculate. The best part was zooming out to see Candace's face after she said it, cue the commercial break. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2661336
spiritof76 October 18, 2016 Share October 18, 2016 I only saw 2 clips on Twitter and those were enough make my blood boil. The one where they talked about Melania especially. I actually found myself agreeing with Jedawhatever! Say what now?! But I believe she is correct in saying that character is very much who we are when we think other aren't watching. Those tapes of Trump is who he is when he is comfortable. And CCB fixed her mouth to argue with that! Girl please. I don't want to hear anything else from her ever about morality, etc. November 9th can not come soon enough for me! The day after the election will be glorious! That is one week I actually want her there. Sounds like from the rest I didn't miss much and what I did miss will raise my blood pressure. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2661375
athousandclowns October 18, 2016 Share October 18, 2016 I'm rewatching yesterday because as I missed the PP shout out from Whoopi. Rob Kardasian is almost 30 I could not stand to sit in on a conversation between those two. I could see Lewis Black having a stroke listening to them. Good thing about being in a reality show/show biz you don't have to be ablei to have an intelligent conversation let alone language skills. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2661634
Buckeye71034 October 18, 2016 Share October 18, 2016 (edited) 5 hours ago, spiritof76 said: I only saw 2 clips on Twitter and those were enough make my blood boil. The one where they talked about Melania especially. I actually found myself agreeing with Jedawhatever! Say what now?! But I believe she is correct in saying that character is very much who we are when we think other aren't watching. Those tapes of Trump is who he is when he is comfortable. And CCB fixed her mouth to argue with that! Girl please. I don't want to hear anything else from her ever about morality, etc. November 9th can not come soon enough for me! The day after the election will be glorious! That is one week I actually want her there. Sounds like from the rest I didn't miss much and what I did miss will raise my blood pressure. Since Jedediah doesn't have a horse in the race unlike Candace, she has been pretty fair and reasonable imo. I like her lately. Edited October 18, 2016 by Bmarsh 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2662412
Blissfool October 19, 2016 Share October 19, 2016 The air-machine segment made me mad today. First off, the lady started picked up bills before they said "go." Second, everyone knows the rule in the air-machine is that you can't pick bills up from the floor (hasn't this lady ever been to Chuck E Cheese?). THEN, they awarded her $10k because Sarah couldn't count fast enough. Hey, rules are rules! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2662573
Ladybugnine October 19, 2016 Share October 19, 2016 9 hours ago, Bronzedog said: Why is Candace pimping her brother Kurt's project on The View? I don't remember him ever even appearing on the show but she's given time to promote the freak's next project? WTF? I about blew a gasket when I saw that! How is she able to do that? Kirk has NEVER been on the show, to my knowledge. And if he has, it was 25 years ago, at least! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2662641
Ladybugnine October 19, 2016 Share October 19, 2016 8 hours ago, backformore said: Reading between the lines, I get that the ladies of The View are pretty freakin' tired of being made to push products on the "View Your Deal" segments. It's not like these are great deals on shit you can't buy at the same prices on Amazon or at stores. And Amy Schumer does stand-up. People pay to hear her talk about what she wants to talk about. There's no guarantee that she will tell jokes that you LIKE. CCB walked out of shows because of being offended? I wanted SOMEONE to ask if she appreciates her good friend Bob Saget's comedy. So much the bolded part! CCB's such a friggin' pill. I'm kinda glad she's on this week, in light of Trump's statements. I was curious to see how much gymnastics she was going to have to perform to spin that shit. Even if she's never seen Saget's stand up, I'm sure she's heard about it. She probably disassociates Danny Tanner from Bob Saget: "La la la la la la!" 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2662652
Bronzedog October 19, 2016 Share October 19, 2016 23 minutes ago, Blissfool said: The air-machine segment made me mad today. First off, the lady started picked up bills before they said "go." Second, everyone knows the rule in the air-machine is that you can't pick bills up from the floor (hasn't this lady ever been to Chuck E Cheese?). THEN, they awarded her $10k because Sarah couldn't count fast enough. Hey, rules are rules! I didn't have a problem with that because this show is usually so incredibly cheap. They once had a guy on the show who was teacher of the year, or something, and he and some of his students traveled to the show and they were all like " hey good for you! Teaching is the most important job! Blah, blah, blah". And, the segment ended just when most shows would have given him or his school something. He didn't even get a damn View mug. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2662664
Blissfool October 19, 2016 Share October 19, 2016 Yeah, i saw that. That teacher deserved the $10k. I was embarrassed that they didn't give him anything. But i still didn't like this lady getting the big prize. Yes, I realize I'm being a stickler, but so be it. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2662684
abstractstuff October 19, 2016 Share October 19, 2016 Candace has been close to Bob since she was a little girl, and has nothing but love for him. He could be pretty raunchy on set too, but, from what she says, he has always been like a dad to her. It's a typical reaction to not care if it's someone close to you, but, judge the hell out of other people for the same offenses. Pimping out Kirk's bullshit ticks me off. He's a disgusting hate monger. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2662691
Medicine Crow October 19, 2016 Share October 19, 2016 Did anyone else wonder what prompted The Whoopster to go on her preachy/rant about how hard it was for the black people to get the vote & everyone must recognize their responsibility to get out and vote. She burned five minutes of my daylight saying something that's been said many times before on this show. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2662860
alegria October 19, 2016 Share October 19, 2016 21 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said: Did anyone else wonder what prompted The Whoopster to go on her preachy/rant about how hard it was for the black people to get the vote & everyone must recognize their responsibility to get out and vote. She burned five minutes of my daylight saying something that's been said many times before on this show. I applaud her for using her position for this purpose. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2662939
tenativelyyours October 19, 2016 Share October 19, 2016 3 hours ago, Medicine Crow said: Did anyone else wonder what prompted The Whoopster to go on her preachy/rant about how hard it was for the black people to get the vote & everyone must recognize their responsibility to get out and vote. She burned five minutes of my daylight saying something that's been said many times before on this show. She heard Sunny was planning on bringing it up later this week? It is funny to have the self-absorbed Stah (hey is that why she always dresses like an unraveling roll of Bounty?!) who constantly puts down others concerns about racism and now suddenly this. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49223-the-view-week-of-10172016/#findComment-2663343
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