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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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5 minutes ago, Drumpf1737 said:

Trump said "she's such a nasty woman". As far as I'm concerned election over

So you won't vote and Trump will win because millions of others ALSO thought it was over too? 


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Trump had this, ready to go, two minutes after the debate (the only button says, "Contribute $100"). I don't see how donating $100 will help them "surge in the polls". Maybe its the online polls that Trump loves so much and can buy people or bots to vote multiple times that he won...is winning...Will Win!!!!



Tonight it was us against the world… And we won.

We showed the world that our country can once again be run by the AMERICAN PEOPLE -- not the special interests, not the lobbyists, not the Washington bureaucrats.

Friend, and as I’m stepping off the stage, I want to remind you that there is less than 1 hour and 30 minutes left until the FINAL FEC deadline of the entire election.

Tonight’s deadline is our opportunity to show the media, to show Hillary, to show the WORLD what’s coming on November 8.

Please make a contribution of $100, $65, $50, $35, $25, or $15 before the FINAL FEC deadline of the entire election to help us SURGE in the polls after tonight’s debate. 

The debates might be over, but the fight’s just getting started.

The Clinton Cartel is going to bombard you with the nastiest lies and attacks you’ve ever seen.

And the 24/7 media machine will back up every single one of her attacks, all while willfully turning a blind eye to her worst acts of corruption.

We must stand our ground. We must cut through the noise to deliver our message straight to the American voter. The future of our country depends upon it.

Please make a contribution of $100, $65, $50, $35, $25, or $15 before TONIGHT’s FINAL FEC deadline to help us SURGE in the polls. 

Thank you,


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The problem with Trump saying he won't accept a loss doesn't just affect this election. Let's say he wins and becomes president. What happens in four years if he doesn't get reelected? In eight if he somehow gets elected to two terms? Will he step down then? Or will he not accept that he can't be president then either? This is very dangerous dictator talk.

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Yes, InsertWordHere, you are right.  That statement undermines our entire democracy.  It's the underpinning of our country.   The peaceful transfer of power on a regular basis is what separates us and holds us up as that "shining city on a hill".

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Just now, atomationage said:

Oh happy day!   Drumpf prove beyond a doubt that he is totally deplorable.

"She's such a nasty woman." 

He'll keep us in suspense about whether or not he accepts the election results.

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, for sure.

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Well, Trump was actually coherent the first 30 minutes of the debate, then he became his rambling, obnoxious self shortly after that. This is the headline on Fox News. "Trump won’t commit to accepting election results, at fiery final debate with Clinton." To reiterate, Fox News has this as the leading headline. I've not seen any negative headline about Trump on Fox News until the last few days, but this headline is "YUGE."

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I'm so sad that she let him get away with saying she was "guilty of a crime".  Why why couldn't she say, "Donald, unlike you, I have never been charged with a crime. You're going on trial for fraud--three trials actually--next month. But I wouldn't say you're guilty because you haven't been convicted of anything. We have a system of laws, it's not about your opinion, it's based on evidence in a courtroom. 

So, I really want to know your reasoning on this because you keep saying it at your rallies that I am "guilty of a crime".  Please explain what crime I have been convicted of."

Then, after he answers (the usual), drop the hammer: "That's how totalitarian governments work, Donald. People are guilty because someone powerful says they are. That's how Putin might work it or Kim Jung Un.  But that's not how Americans decide things. We have a system of laws and are guaranteed due process through the courts. The FBI investigated my emsils--100 agents looking into it for a year--and the Republican FBI Director--a man of impeccable reputation--said I was careless--which I admit--but that "there was no evidence of a crime".   Which makes sense since I made a mistake, not a crime.  Not like trying to defraud people through a fake university, for example."

"That was what the nation's highest law enforcement officials concluded--there was no evidence of a crime. So who are you to keep pretending you are judge and jury and telling people I AM guilty when I haven't been charged with anything--in fact, exactly the opposite!"

And I would have mentioned his upcoming fraud trials a lot in these debates. I don't understand why she never does!

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Kellyanne just said Trump would accept the results of the election because he's going to win it. Yeah right - not after tonight you poor, ignorant woman. I wonder how much time she spends trying to make sure she's never alone with Trump.

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Best lines from the debate forum:


@InsertWordHere said:

When the Republicans send their children, they aren't sending their best behaved. They're sending their tantrum throwers. They're sending their nose pickers. Some, I assume, are good children. 

I'm still laughing.

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4 minutes ago, Rapunzel said:

Kellyanne just said Trump would accept the results of the election because he's going to win it. Yeah right - not after tonight you poor, ignorant woman. I wonder how much time she spends trying to make sure she's never alone with Trump.

That's big of him. So if he wins, the election was fair (despite all the millions of fraudulent votes that are always being cast) and if he loses the election was definitely rigged?  Is there any OTHER way to evaluate incidents of fraud? 

Seems like there should be, to reassure the people down ballot, too, that it wasn't that one side just CHEATED better than the other, since--per Trump--its so easy to do. 

Also there are more Republican Secretaries of State/Governors -- 30 of them, inc. Florida, Nevada  and Ohio! Shouldn't I be worried now, thinking that if Trump wins its because the Republicans have gone all out to cheat for Trump?Even to their small brains doesn't there seem to be something wrong with that reasoning?

Edited by Padma
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48 minutes ago, Drumpf1737 said:

Trump said "she's such a nasty woman". As far as I'm concerned election over

That was such a vile & uncalled for remark!  Talk about nasty, he's as mean and selfish and nasty as all get out.

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What did he say in the debate, No one treats women better than me, or no one has more respect for women than me?  He sure screwed that up.

If he dropped out now, would he mess up the GOP more, or would he be helping them?

Edited by atomationage
drop out drumpf
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16 minutes ago, atomationage said:

I'm still laughing.

Thank you! I'm blushing. My favorite was from @Pixel


As a nurse, I believe "ripping the baby out on the due date" is called "delivery". 

That "being ripped out of the womb one day before the due date" comment hasn't gotten enough discussion. Does Donald Trump, a father of five, not understand how labor works?

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8 minutes ago, BuckeyeLou said:

That was such a vile & uncalled for remark!  Talk about nasty, he's as mean and selfish and nasty as all get out.

And at a completely odd place. He talked over her while she was answering a question on entitlements, I believe. She wasn't even talking about him, just outlining her plan. This man is seriously bonkers.

Many in the media seem to agree that he basically disqualified himself tonight with the nasty woman remark and, more importantly, the fact that he would "keep people in suspense" as to whether or not he would accept the election results. Also, his nuclear policy didn't do him any favors. He told Hilary to find a quote about Japan, Korea, Saudi Arabia, etc. and the fact checkers on NBC rolled tape of him saying just that just a week or so ago. You can't have a President who can't even get a nuclear policy straight or keep it consistent. 

Edited by Rapunzel
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What exactly is Donny going to do if (hopefully) he loses?  Just hold out?  Even if he were planning a coup, you'd keep that secret and go along with the "I would accept the will of the people".  He's an idiot.

I hear Donny Jr. is on tv, basically saying dad isn't a professional debater (it wasn't fair!!).  The whiny apple does fall far from the whiny old tree.

As for the "such a nasty woman remark", didn't he just say earlier no one respects women more than he does?  Secondly, it just shows he's a bully and like all bullies, basically a wimp.  When someone stronger confronts a bully, they get all wimpy, and resort to whining and in this case name calling.  

I've never missed voting in an election, and I will be either early voting or be at the polls bright and early.  I am not taking anything for granted.

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1 minute ago, atomationage said:

Maybe he saw Macbeth recently, "untimely ripped from my mother's womb", or maybe he remembers it from his school days.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of Macbeth!

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5 minutes ago, atomationage said:

What did he say in the debate, No one treats women better than me, or no one has more respect for women than me?  He sure screwed that up.

If he dropped out now, would he mess up the GOP more, or would he be helping them?

It also cracked me up that in the impromptu closing statement he had to make, he mentioned how women being disrespected in this country was a major problem. This from one of the biggest misogynists on the planet, caught on tape saying obscene things and about sexual assault, etc. I cannot believe he used that in his closing statement.

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9 minutes ago, atomationage said:

What did he say in the debate, No one treats women better than me, or no one has more respect for women than me?  He sure screwed that up.

If he dropped out now, would he mess up the GOP more, or would he be helping them?

He said no one has more respect for woman than me, a line he also used at the second debate and both times it got a laugh from the audience. I have to imagine someone told him to not use that line but he thinks it's true.

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Thank you! I'm blushing. My favorite was from @PIXEL

You're welcome! Yeah, every time they say something like that I'm like, you idiots- if the fetus was healthy it would be viable and wouldn't be an abortion at that point. It would be a premature birth.  Nobody is going around murdering babies just because they feel like it! Well, not any medical professionals in the line of duty, anyway.  

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2 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

He said no one has more respect for woman than me, a line he also used at the second debate and both times it got a laugh from the audience. I have to imagine someone told him to not use that line but he thinks it's true.

Every time he says that, I'm sure what he really means is, "No one appreciates good T&A like I do. No one!"

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2 minutes ago, ABitOFluff said:

I'm sure what he really means is, "No one appreciates good T&A like I do. No one!"

Yeah, he thinks he's a regular Casanova.  I thought that too.

Edited by atomationage
he thinks
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10 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

a line he also used at the second debate and both times it got a laugh from the audience.

Mark Cuban said before that one of the things that threw Drumpf the most was people at the debates laughing at him. 

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Looks like Pence is already screwing himself and changing the statement he made on Sunday when he stated he would accept the results of the election regardless. They just showed him being asked about what Trump said tonight and  his response was that Trump was going to win anyway. Then when pushed that he didn't answer the question, he said something like "well, Donald also said he would wait and see before deciding whether or not to accept the results."

The media are tearing him apart right now and he basically ended his political career when Trump loses.

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So, now let's see if Republicans come out in droves in condemning Trump's extremism.   

I'm hoping that his refusal to concede the election (when he's declared a losing loser who loses) will not only undo Trump, but Pence as well.  And please, for the love of Pete, let's hope none of Trump's creepy children try to run for office in a few years.  I've had enough of this gross family.

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7 minutes ago, millennium said:

What was CNN thinking setting up their broadcast booth in front of the Trump supporters? 

I think the Drumpf paid supporters were told to go wherever CNN was.  They're the Clinton News Network, you know.   As soon as I saw that, I knew it was done by Steve Bannon.

Edited by atomationage
bannon bad
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So the person who has more respect for women than anyone else ever feels it's appropriate to spit out that his opponent is a nasty woman? Way to provE the laughter was justified.

Edited by biakbiak
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3 minutes ago, atomationage said:

I think the Drumpf paid supporters were told to go wherever CNN was.  They're the Clinton News Network, you know. 

It makes the broadcast nearly unwatchable.   Of course considering that Corey Lewandowski is starting to lose his shit, maybe that's not an  altogether bad thing.

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1 hour ago, mustbekarma said:

Well, Trump was actually coherent the first 30 minutes of the debate, then he became his rambling, obnoxious self shortly after that. This is the headline on Fox News. "Trump won’t commit to accepting election results, at fiery final debate with Clinton." To reiterate, Fox News has this as the leading headline. I've not seen any negative headline about Trump on Fox News until the last few days, but this headline is "YUGE."

I saw one show where they timed it at 25  minutes, when he started to waver.  I saw the same thing.  The first half hour, I thought he was doing well.  Then he started unraveling just a little.  after an hour, he couldn't contain his rage any more.  He is a very angry man. 

What does it mean it not accept the election results?  Does he just declare himself the winner anyway?   have a tantrum in the White House and refuse to leave?  or is it more like "FINE!  you can be president!  But I'm EMPEROR, and emperor is better!"

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I couldn't make it through the debate tonight, I'm just worn down by it, I'll paraphrase the late great Robin Williams speaking about Madonna's infamous appearance on Letterman "It was a battle of wits against an unarmed opponent".

I've just had a rough day, I shared that awesome Keith Olbermann video only to have an actual family member respond with one of the nastiest comments I have ever received in my life, this person cursed at me, called me an misinformed "stupid girl" and said he thought my parents raised me better (they're die hard democrats, as is most of my family, so why he thought they would raise me to support Trump is beyond me) I'm still a little shaken up by it. He texted me to try to apologize later and I told him I would prefer if he just wouldn't speak to me for the foreseeable future.

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Steve Schmidt on MSNBC said something very interesting earlier regarding Trump TV.  They were discussing Russian interference in this and European elections and Hillary's wonderful jab that Trump would be Putin's puppet. 

Anyway, Schmidt is wondering where the funding for such a network would come from, which is something we've discussed here.  I don't think there's a reputable business in this country that would buy ad time and his supporters don't have enough money to sustain it for the long-term.  And you know Trump won't use his own money.  But the possibility of Russian money floating the thing is clearly something political commentators suspect could happen.  I wonder how his anti-Mexican, anti-Muslim, anti-women, anti-black, anti-gay, anti-war hero, anti-disabled, anti-science, anti-democracy supporters would feel about their Papa Trump if he turned out to be a stooge for a foreign despot?

Edited by Kitty Redstone
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Since the talking heads seem determined to compare one to the other, here's a video of Al Gore conceding the 2000 election after the Supreme Court halted the Florida recount:

This is the man who won the popular vote, and as president of the Senate, later overruled objections from members of his own party when presiding over the congressional vote to certify the election results. 

We'll see if Trump acts the same when and if it (hopefully) becomes clear he has lost by (most likely) both the electoral and popular vote tallies and no recounts are needed.

ETA: The youtube link.

Edited by InsertWordHere
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On ‎10‎/‎18‎/‎2016 at 6:21 PM, mythoughtis said:
2 hours ago, InsertWordHere said:

That "being ripped out of the womb one day before the due date" comment hasn't gotten enough discussion. Does Donald Trump, a father of five, not understand how labor works?


I just saw Joy talking about this on MSNBC. It hasn't gotten nearly enough attention. When Trump described a C-section like that (twice), I thought, "He's memorized something someone told him and can only repeat it, he has no idea what he's talking about." Donald, "ripping out of the womb" is a surgical procedure (C-section) common at various stages of delivery when, for a variety of reasons, it is disadvantageous to woman or baby to have a vaginal delivery.  Why would he say it like that, like its some shocking thing? I guess he meant, "They perform a C-section and then kill the baby after its delivered".... I don't know, he's so unqualified and knows nothing.

I mean, if a baby is "ripped from the womb" as a delivery  through surgery...that's that. If its "ripped from the womb" and then killed because--what? the mother decides after 9 months she doesn't want it?--(I really don't know what he was saying) THEN I guess its a partial birth abortion. His language was just so weird.  He may share "Teflon" with Reagan, but no one will ever call him "a great communicator".

Chris Wallace seems to be getting raves. Listening to him now, I'm not impressed. Like every other moderator, he seems too deferential to Trump and to unnecessarily interrupt Hillary.

That said, at least on MSNBC everyone but Hugh Hewitt (even Steele, Nicole Wallace and Schmidt) all think Trump's refusal to accept results unless he wins is "disqualifying" So... good job Hillary!

Edited by Padma
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30 minutes ago, Kitty Redstone said:

I wonder how his anti-Mexican, anti-Muslim, anti-women, anti-black, anti-gay, anti-war hero, anti-disabled, anti-science, anti-democracy supporters would feel about their Papa Trump if he turned out to be a stooge for a foreign despot?

Well, liberals used to be called commie pinkos, but now that Russia has ostensibly free elections and a capitalist economy, it's super cool to admire them! Russia's fondness for retribution and invading other countries is also very Trumpian. If The Donald says Putin is awesome, it must be true.

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I actually thought Chris Wallace was pretty even-handed, and possibly even a little harder on Donald.  He only asked Hillary one tough question (on the relationship between donors to the Clinton Foundation and rebuilding contracts in Haiti).  She didn't answer it at all and he didn't press her on it.  He also handed her the perfect opportunity to use Russian hackers and Putin against Donald.

She really just blew Donald out of the water.  She kept her cool throughout, smiling and laughing when it was appropriate and somehow kept her eyes from rolling out of her head.  Her jabs at Donald using Chinese steel in his gaudy Vegas hotel was a thing of beauty and totally threw him for a loop.  Her remark that undocumented workers paid more federal tax than him, a paper billionaire, was also a great jab.  But of course he turned that around and blamed her for his actions.  As usual with him, it's always someone else's fault.  He should be embarrassed that he's such a whiny fucker.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
Replacing Trump with Donald, because apparently he doesn't like being called Donald
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After that debate, I can't wait to see Trump TV’s new mini series,  “Nasty Women” -- Emmy rigging, a few bad hombres, and a whole lotta Lace  (“Which one of you bitches is my Madam President?”) 


Does Donald Trump, a father of five, not understand how labor works?

Best guess --  he was talking about all the undocumented Mexican women getting all those free ripped-from-the womb abortions. 

Edited by film noire
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Everything I'm reading - people are OUTRAGED that Trump won't say he'll accept the results of the election.  HIs apologists are comparing this to the Al Gore situation.  NOPE -  Florida had to have a re-count, Gore waited to concede.   But the main thing is - this was AFTER the election.   Trump is refusing to accept the results BEFORE the election.   He knows he's going to lose, he wants a group of people to be riled up and ready to follow him to his next venture.  HIs loyal followers will take Hillary's win as PROOF that the election is rigged.

HIs team is talking about "voter fraud", one idiot said there are 4 million voters registered who are actually dead -  and jumped to the conclusion that it meant 4 million cases of fraud.  No - that just means 4 million people died, and their names are still on the list.  And there are people registered in 2 states - because they MOVED.  doesn't mean they're gong to vote in both states. 

Trump's "poll watchers" - are they going to take photos and cross-check to make sure nobody votes twice?   Or are they there to intimidate and harass voters who "look"  like democrats? 

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1 hour ago, film noire said:

After that debate, I for one can't wait to see Trump TV’s new mini series,  “Nasty Women” -- Emmy rigging, a few bad hombres, and a whole lotta Lace  (“Which one of you bitches is my Madam President?”) 

Oh my God, I loved that cheesy thing! Now I'm gonna have "Which one of you bitches is my motherrr?" in my head for days. :D

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