AntiBeeSpray December 5, 2016 Share December 5, 2016 On 12/5/2016 at 5:17 PM, potatoradio said: Ahem. Pence. Dear. Tubby is refreshing, eh? He has this incredible connection, does he? Yes, I can smell the stench of that refreshment clear across the globe, thank you. Also, I'm pretty sure most serial killers will tell you they have connections with their victims - they know exactly how they like to kill and how they like to bury. It's incredible, really. Honestly, Tubby needs an entire army of shit scrubbers to follow behind him, shovels and lies and deviations and "but Hillary" and "but Obama" excuses on their backs. It's pathetic. They are never going to convince the majority of voters that the sky is green. The only refreshing thing about Tubby's administration is that it will end and I'm motivated to do everything I can to resist and throw his arse out on his ear in four years. Assuming, again, we don't get nuked in the name of building a Trump hotel first. I'm bitterly disappointed now, more than angry, that so many people were fooled and are convinced that the sky is green. I really thought more people valued their ability to think for themselves and that they'd take as much pride in seeing Tubby for what he is as they did for (supposedly) seeing HRC as the devil, but...nope. That's just embarrassing, really. Expand Yep. As for green sky, that could happen if he continues to bumble along as he has been. Nuclear winter, anyone? Exactly. Yep. They got fooled, big time. And if Hillary was in, they'd be complaining that she's ruining their lives. They're so brain washed that it's scary. 8 Link to comment
Padma December 5, 2016 Share December 5, 2016 I was glad that yesterday Stephanopolous pushed Kellyanne about why Tubby still isn't taking intelligence briefings. this point, he and everyone knows what to expect as an "answer". I'm extremely disappointed that he didn't question her further after she (ever so predictably) stonewalled. When she said, contemptuously, "He is getting a lot of information from multiple sources," I wanted him to ask, "From where?" And not stop asking until she answered him. What are sources of intelligence information comparable to the PDBs? Why is this acceptable practice 3 weeks in? If China is making a move in the STraits of Formosa and he doesn't know it, his ill-conceived conversation with Taiwan could be viewed as GREAT provocation and threat. Americans need to know. WHERE is our next president getting his intelligence information from? I believe Tubby is being ill-advised (perhaps by Flynn) for someone else's benefit (perhaps Putin's). There IS a Flynn-Putin connection and now he's NSA. Obama really needs to listen to the Democrats on the intelligence committee and tell us the full story of Russia's interference in the election on Tubby's behalf. 11 Link to comment
Padma December 5, 2016 Share December 5, 2016 When I don't do the job I'm hired for, I want to tell the boss that my lack of performance and professionalism is "refreshing", just like Tubby's. 17 Link to comment
DollEyes December 5, 2016 Share December 5, 2016 (edited) On 12/5/2016 at 12:02 AM, onthebrink03 said: No Kellyanne, people are NOT tired of that argument. Just because YOU don't mind working for a sexual predator and just because you don't seem to find sexual assault a heinous action doesn't mean that all the millions of men and women around the world agree with you. And I think jobs can be created and the fight against ISIS can be addressed by someone other than an entitled asshole who admits to sexually assaulting women just because his fame, in his mind, seemingly allows it. You don't need to lose your moral compass or set aside your values and ethics to elect a President. YOU Ms. Conway are a disgraceful human being and boy did you pick an equal to represent and support. Birds of feather and all that... Expand The way I see it, anyone who thinks that sexual assault is no big deal either has never been assaulted themselves nor knows anyone who has been. KAC can have more seats than the Superdome, as far as I'm concerned. As for the second point, a President has proven that they can create jobs and fight terrorism without being a sexual predator . His name: Barack Hussein Obama. SyracuseMug, if all Trump supporters were as reasonable as you, I wouldn't be worried-no, terrified-about Trump's becoming the next leader Of the free World. Trump's mistakes would be hilarious if they weren't so tragic. As you said in a previous post, Trump keeps making it tougher for you to defend him. Knowing Trump's nature, I predict-no, I know-that he'll not only get worse, chances are he'll say/do more to turn at least his most reluctant supporters against him than any of us ever could. As if Trump's post-election "victory tour" wasn't bad enough, his pick of Gen. James "Mad Dog" Mattis as Defense Secretary, was still active in the military a few years ago, which is against the law, which is beside the point to Trump. Then there was Trump's suggestion-on Twitter, of course-that anyone who burns an American flag should not only have their citizenship revoked, they should go to jail. What next-imprisoning columnists who disagree with him? Journalists who investigate him? Private citizens who just don't like him? News flash, Donny: the First Amendment is the First Amendment for a reason. I don't like flag-burning either, but I wouldn't deprive someone else of their Constitutional right to do it. If you keep picking fights with everyone who criticizes you, you'll just be in one Twitter feud after another, which sounds great in theory, except for one thing: "Acting President Pence," which neither one of us wants, for different reasons, so try to grow at least some semblance of a brain-at least on [/I] that[/I] score, MMK? According to the MSM, Trump/the Republicans' victory means that we're living in a "post-truth" era, which seems to means that when a politician promises something, they meant it at the time, but when they renege on it, that's OK with their supporters. In other words, Trump means what he says, but not really. To quote that brilliant philosopher Wade Wilson, "What in the ass?" Call me old-fashioned, but some things still matter to me. Character matters. Fairness matters. Intelligence matters. Experience matters. Dignity matters. Compassion matters. The law matters. Facts matter. Class matters. Always did, always will. Edited December 5, 2016 by DollEyes 11 Link to comment
BookWoman56 December 5, 2016 Share December 5, 2016 Apparently, Trump has advisors who favor privatizing Native American reservations. Can't wait to see how that works out both for the Native Americans and the environment. 6 Link to comment
callmebetty December 5, 2016 Share December 5, 2016 On 12/5/2016 at 8:26 PM, BookWoman56 said: Apparently, Trump has advisors who favor privatizing Native American reservations. Can't wait to see how that works out both for the Native Americans and the environment. Expand First their will be a beautiful new hotel on the reservation done up in Inca gold, with the a name for all in the reservation to gaze upon. Second what the fuck is with the privatizing everything ? I'd love to not only privatize them out of job, but to privatize my foot up their ass. 22 Link to comment
peacheslatour December 5, 2016 Share December 5, 2016 On 12/5/2016 at 3:51 PM, Lunata said: THEN there's THIS! There are multiple articles online claiming that this gunman was an ACTOR!! So what they're trying to tell us is that the Republicans were behind this controversy to intentionally make Major Flynn's son look like he was spreading fake stories. BUT...this and ALL the other claims that this shooter is an actor comes from websites like Reddit, WordPress, Zerohedge and Wolftimes....ALL crazy conspiracy theory websites! So they're trying to disprove a fake story with another fake story! My head hurts, I need Tylenol. Unfuckingbelievable. And Donald Trump and this China situation.... really I'm just going to lay down in a big ashtray and wait for the nuclear devastation. Anyone care to join me? Expand Um, no. 2 Link to comment
MulletorHater December 5, 2016 Share December 5, 2016 On 12/3/2016 at 9:39 PM, Lunata said: Seriously, the guy is a 'black hole' as Tony Schwartz has described him. How else can he get this much attention and loving affirmation from thousands of fans other than a rally like his 'thank you' tour. It's not a thank you tour at all, never was intended to be a 'thank you' tour. Has anyone heard him sound thankful at all, or have we only heard "I told you so" and more of the same campaign bullshit as he said the year he campaigned? It was a way for him to refill his black hole. That need was getting low since winning the election and he's a junkie getting his fix. He took some steps to renew the attention with the big show of people coming and going into the club house in New Jersey. He and Pence, and sometime just he alone, stood out in columned portico for the showy display for cameras. I caught sight of him a couple of times after they all went inside the door, him heading left and Pence with the possibly candidate turning right. He wasn't even part of the discussion, he was only there and visible for the attention. He's never going to get enough, you know that right? He demands more and more attention since his campaigning is over with. He'll hang in and hold on to the bitter end. Plans to retreat anywhere are not part of his agenda. He's only going to get worse once his 'thank you' tour and the inauguration is history. What then? Will sitting in the oval office trying to get briefed by someone else about what's going on in the country and the world really going to be enough for this monstrous egomaniac? Oh no, there's more coming, much more. There's nothing he can do that's too outrageous or egregious to prevent this man from refilling his needy black hole. Expand He's like Sméagol a/k/a Gollum from the Lord of the Rings. The only difference is that Drumpf's crack isn't a ring; it's the attention and adulation he receives. ("Give me pre-shussssssh!") He craves more and more of it and he is a bottomless pit of need. Like Gollum, Drumpf also refers to himself in the third person and speaks in an idiosyncratic manner. When not speaking of himself in the third person, he speaks in the plural ("we") as if he's two or more separate entities. How else to describe someone who takes on another persona--John--and calls into media outlets and pretends to be his own spokesman. I remember a far more innocent time when Governor Mike Dukakis had his mental fitness questioned because he refused to release his full medical history amid persistent rumors that he had sought psychiatric treatment in the past. That and the Willie Horton thing were enough to sink his campaign. And, Lord, help us because look at what we've got now. Too bad he surrounds himself with sycophants who prop him up and isn't relegated to the swamp where he belongs. I'm afraid that Drumpf is also like Gollum in that he seems to have an unlimited number of lives and that they are all extended beyond their natural limits. Even if he does something to flub his new job before being sworn in, we will never be rid of him. As the standard bearer of a major political party, he is that party's presumptive head and historians will talk about "Trumpism" for years to come. There are times when I put my head in my hands in despair and wonder, "Why us? What could we have possibly done to bring this horror on us?" 8 Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray December 5, 2016 Share December 5, 2016 On 12/5/2016 at 8:29 PM, callmebetty said: First their will be a beautiful new hotel on the reservation done up in Inca gold, with the a name for all in the reservation to gaze upon. Second what the fuck is with the privatizing everything ? I'd love to not only privatize them out of job, but to privatize my foot up their ass. Expand They just have an obsession with it. Figure it will help with saving money. But all of that 'privatization' is only going to make people very, very concerned and very angry. 10 Link to comment
callmebetty December 5, 2016 Share December 5, 2016 On 12/5/2016 at 8:34 PM, AntiBeeSpray said: They just have an obsession with it. Figure it will help with saving money. But all of that 'privatization' is only going to make people very, very concerned and very angry. Expand It also lines their and their benefactors pockets with more of our money. But they are really looking out for our best interests , wink wink nudge nudge . 9 Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray December 5, 2016 Share December 5, 2016 On 12/5/2016 at 8:37 PM, callmebetty said: It also lines their and their benefactors pockets with more of our money. But they are really looking out for our best interests , wink wink nudge nudge . Expand Yep. They don't give a damn about anyone else but themselves. And my mom just brought up about land and mineral rights, I'm betting that Drumpf and co., are just itching to find any way to drill, baby, drill. 11 Link to comment
Padma December 5, 2016 Share December 5, 2016 On 12/5/2016 at 8:34 PM, AntiBeeSpray said: They just have an obsession with it. Figure it will help with saving money. But all of that 'privatization' is only going to make people very, very concerned and very angry. Expand And some very poor and others very, very rich. 5 Link to comment
KerleyQ December 5, 2016 Share December 5, 2016 On 12/5/2016 at 5:02 PM, fishcakes said: "My bone spurs! They is givin' me pains!" Expand Silly, everyone knows that the kind of bone spurs that keep you from serving only afflict the very wealthy. On 12/5/2016 at 6:17 PM, Padma said: I was glad that yesterday Stephanopolous pushed Kellyanne about why Tubby still isn't taking intelligence briefings. this point, he and everyone knows what to expect as an "answer". I'm extremely disappointed that he didn't question her further after she (ever so predictably) stonewalled. When she said, contemptuously, "He is getting a lot of information from multiple sources," I wanted him to ask, "From where?" And not stop asking until she answered him. What are sources of intelligence information comparable to the PDBs? Why is this acceptable practice 3 weeks in? If China is making a move in the STraits of Formosa and he doesn't know it, his ill-conceived conversation with Taiwan could be viewed as GREAT provocation and threat. Americans need to know. WHERE is our next president getting his intelligence information from? I believe Tubby is being ill-advised (perhaps by Flynn) for someone else's benefit (perhaps Putin's). There IS a Flynn-Putin connection and now he's NSA. Obama really needs to listen to the Democrats on the intelligence committee and tell us the full story of Russia's interference in the election on Tubby's behalf. Expand I agree they should, but the problem is that, no matter how many times you repeat the question, they just don't answer it. At this point, they need to do a little of what Trevor Noah did with Tomi Lahren last week - point out a few times that "you still haven't answered the question I asked, which is..." But, add to it. When that still fails to elicit a direct response, shut it down with "Clearly you do not want to answer that question, so we'll all have to draw our own conclusions as to why you refuse to answer it." Then move on, don't let them dig into another prepared talking point. On 12/5/2016 at 8:26 PM, BookWoman56 said: Apparently, Trump has advisors who favor privatizing Native American reservations. Can't wait to see how that works out both for the Native Americans and the environment. Expand What in the ever-loving fuck? On 12/5/2016 at 8:34 PM, AntiBeeSpray said: They just have an obsession with it. Figure it will help with saving money. But all of that 'privatization' is only going to make people very, very concerned and very angry. Expand They don't care even a tiny bit if it will save money. They'll lie and tell us it's going to save money, and then count on the bulk of their voters not sitting down and doing the math for themselves. But the real reason is because their corporate donors are dying to get their hands on more tax money. Privatizing government functions allows them to do so. Take Trump's scheme for privatizing road construction. The investors who buy in will get huge tax breaks, from us. Then, they can charge tolls if they want. So we'll be paying them for the rest of our lives. But, this is somehow going to be a savings to us, just because it doesn't actually show up as an expenditure of tax money on the budget. They have zero shame in this. Like Ryan's hard on for privatizing Medicare. He has repeated the "Obamacare has left Medicare broke" lie so many times, he probably believes it at this point. But, he needs that lie to be believed as fact in order to do what he wants to do, which is to hand Medicare over to his donors (Oh, hi, Blue Cross Blue Shield, exactly how much have you donated to Ryan's campaign over the years?), so they can suck up our tax money and provide us lower quality for more money. 20 Link to comment
izabella December 5, 2016 Share December 5, 2016 (edited) On 12/5/2016 at 10:08 PM, KerleyQ said: They have zero shame in this. Like Ryan's hard on for privatizing Medicare. He has repeated the "Obamacare has left Medicare broke" lie so many times, he probably believes it at this point. Expand Not only is that a lie, Ryan's plan essentially turns Medicare INTO a semblance of Obamacare - individuals purchase health insurance themselves on the "open market" using vouchers that go to the insurance company (instead of tax credits that go to the individual in Obamacare). Privatization is just code for = give already-crazy wealthy companies and their shareholders government tax money that guarantees them a MAJOR income stream, forever. Watch their profits soar, and watch Wall St. make a killing, while you struggle to get an x-ray paid for. Edited December 5, 2016 by izabella 18 Link to comment
Duke Silver December 5, 2016 Share December 5, 2016 8 Link to comment
callmebetty December 5, 2016 Share December 5, 2016 On 12/5/2016 at 10:19 PM, izabella said: Not only is that a lie, Ryan's plan essentially turns Medicare INTO a semblance of Obamacare - individuals purchase health insurance themselves on the "open market" using vouchers that go to the insurance company (instead of tax credits that go to the individual in Obamacare). Privatization is just code for = give already-crazy wealthy companies and their shareholders government tax money that guarantees them a MAJOR income stream, forever. Watch their profits soar, and watch Wall St. make a killing. Expand Watch citizens go broke, die, suffer. 14 Link to comment
Lunata December 5, 2016 Share December 5, 2016 (edited) We know for sure that Donald Trump would do just about anything for his favorite woman. No, I don't mean Melania, I mean Ivanka. I'm convinced that Melania has her own separate and individual life with her boy Barron and could care less what Donald does. I was especially creeped out when I read that she used to lather her own brand of caviar lotion on her 7 year old baby after his bath every night in 2012. Okay this was in 2012 and Barron was 7, but still, a seven year old boy getting a lotion lather by mommy dearest? “It smells very, very fresh,” Melania, who launched the skincare line exclusively in Lord & Taylor in 2012, and as she told ABC News. “I put it on him from head to toe. He likes it!” Her caviar lotion isn't on the market anymore but it must work, Barron doesn't look a day over 10. Ivanka and Jared Kushner have been house hunting in Washington D.C. today. Ivanka met with Al Gore at Trump Tower today to talk about climate change. Does this mean that there's a Trump that gives a damn about the environment? Ivanka Trump is supposed to be running the family business, acting as an outside control ensuring that there's at least something of a firewall between the actions of the president-elect and the effects on his pocketbook. I can almost guarantee that Donald Trump is going to favor his daughter with a government job based on protecting the environment. Plus his son-in-law Jared Kushner will also have a place inside the cabinet in some way. The things that Donald Trump totally undisguised and thumbing his nose at the world, daring anyone to just try and something about it, is just sickening. After he's sworn in, there will absolutely be nothing in his way for him or his family from becoming the most powerful and wealthy people on the planet. Edited December 5, 2016 by Lunata *noted that Duke Silver and I posted about the same thing at just about the same time! 10 Link to comment
Duke Silver December 5, 2016 Share December 5, 2016 56%? Seriously, I'm surprised it's this low, based on the geniuses I've encountered IRL.... Americans Dislike How The Media Treats Trump — And How He Treats The Media 1 Link to comment
parisprincess December 5, 2016 Share December 5, 2016 I read about a party that Trump, Bannon and KellyAnn attended last night at the home of one of their biggest donors. The theme was "Villians and Heros". Trump went as himself (you know, the hero), KellyAnn went as Supergirl and Bannon didn't wear a costume (guess all of his sheets were at the laundry). Eta: I stole that last line from a poster on another forum ( we need a little humor!) 11 Link to comment
MulletorHater December 5, 2016 Share December 5, 2016 On 12/5/2016 at 10:53 PM, Duke Silver said: 56%? Seriously, I'm surprised it's this low, based on the geniuses I've encountered IRL.... Americans Dislike How The Media Treats Trump — And How He Treats The Media Expand I'm confused...which one is it? Is it "American voters" or Trump voters who dislike how the media treats the Orange Orangutan? I only ask because they sure as hell didn't poll me or any of my friends, family or acquaintances. Now, if it's actually Trump voters who feel this way, that's one thing. It's another thing to attribute the feelings of his voters (who are in the minority) to the rest of us who don't want to see him normalized. If anything, I wish corporate media would remember their obligation to the public and call a spade a spade. 9 Link to comment
windsprints December 5, 2016 Share December 5, 2016 New York Asks U.S. to Pay Trump Security Costs; Puts First Bill at $35 Million Why isn't the media all over asking why Ivanka needs to meet with Gore? She's supposed to be off running his business isn't she? 13 Link to comment
Lunata December 5, 2016 Share December 5, 2016 (edited) On 12/5/2016 at 10:55 PM, parisprincess said: I read about a party that Trump, Bannon and KellyAnn attended last night at the home of one of their biggest donors. The theme was "Villians and Heros". Trump went as himself (you know, the hero), KellyAnn went as Supergirl and Bannon didn't wear a costume (guess all of his sheets were at the laundry). Eta: I stole that last line from a poster on another forum ( we need a little humor!) Expand The party was thrown by Republican millionaire donor Robert Mercer. Here's the AMJoy video. See....this is how it is in America. If you're rich you can throw a costume party any day of the week even when it's not Halloween. If you're poor and you run around publicly in a super hero costume they test you for drugs or alcohol then lock you up in the loony bin. Edited December 6, 2016 by Lunata 13 Link to comment
Hooper December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 Quote If you're poor and you run around publicly in a super hero costume they test your for drugs or alcohol then lock you up in the loony bin. Expand Or if your skin tone is dark enough, just shooting you is always an option. 14 Link to comment
Toomuchsoap December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 On 12/5/2016 at 11:05 PM, Lunata said: The party was thrown by Republican millionaire donor Robert Mercer. Here's the AMJoy video. See....this is how it is in America. If you're rich you can throw a costume party any day of the week even when it's not Halloween. If you're poor and you run around publicly in a super hero costume they test your for drugs or alcohol then lock you up in the loony bin. Expand Christ on a cracker. Is this still the fucking '80s? Where's Raygun? 3 Link to comment
Lunata December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 (edited) A lot of us might be aware that there's a special with Van Jones that will air tomorrow night on CNN. It's called 'The Messy Truth'. He traveled to the 'rust belt' to get the perspective with those who voted for Trump as to why they did. There's no doubt that there will be a lot of discussion about this special. I have my own opinion as far as the small clip that was shown on Anderson Cooper tonight. But there's going to be some more understanding for the reasons people didn't want to vote for Hillary and would have voted for anyone else, even if it was Donald Trump. One of the men actually said that if Hillary Clinton had won that there would have been another Civil War. I think most of us knew that there would most certain be some violence. As one family the Sykes family tells Van Jones, they were Democrat and voted twice for President Obama. But he never listened to them. They felt the same about Hillary Clinton, she just didn't bother to see them. As he said "we voted Democrat, but she hurt us". Although I haven't seen more than 15 minutes so far, I have concluded that they're right, the Democrats ignored them. The Democrats did not hear or see them, they were literally invisible to Washington and the elites. The other thing I noted was this man's son, who was old enough to vote for Obama but this time voted for Trump. But this son was able to move his career out of the industry-life that was dead there. He went to college and became a counselor for drug addictions. The others in those areas that lost jobs because industry either moved or just became obsolete stayed and mourned and became angry at their fate without working towards a solution or a new life away from industry into other areas and fields of employment that are pertinent today. Everyone, no matter how old, can get an education and retraining. I did it myself so I know it's possible. These people are angry and let that cloud their critical thinking. I'm sure there will be a lot of discussion about it. You can watch a clip of the upcoming special here; Edited December 6, 2016 by Lunata 4 Link to comment
Nysha December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 On 12/4/2016 at 9:47 PM, KerleyQ said: I've been saying for a few years now that the Tea Party rightfully should have formed their own new party, but, because it's difficult to form and sustain a new party on a national level, they decided to usurp the GOP. And the GOP has essentially rolled over and let them. I mean, some have put up a fight, but they just get shouted down with cries of "RINO!!!" and threats of being primaried. Expand I personally think that the Republican party thought they could co-opt the Tea Party several years ago by covertly funding and supporting all those disrupted town meetings and flame the fire of dissent, then bring them all under the Republican banner. Except the Tea Party voters turned out to be more vocal and more numerous than Republicans expected and instead of toeing the party line, they viciously attack anyone who doesn't follow their agenda. Sucks for the country and moderate Republicans, but it is a fair bit of karma biting them in the ass. 5 Link to comment
jhlipton December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 On 12/5/2016 at 4:29 PM, AntiBeeSpray said: Thing is, some women have NO interest in getting pregnant. I'm one of them. So to use that as an excuse, won't always work. So it would have to come down to other reasons to not serve for some out there. Expand Phil Ochs had you covered: NOTE: This was before the college deferments were ended and DADT. 3 Link to comment
MulletorHater December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 On 12/5/2016 at 10:19 PM, Duke Silver said: Expand And, because I am "that bitch" tonight, I can't help but think how delightfully ironic it would be if some of the properties they looked at had deeds with restrictive covenants: "No neo-Nazis, KKK members, sympathizers of same, or those who directly benefit from the racism of these hate groups need apply." Maybe Drumpf will know what it feels like to be discriminated against when it comes to housing. 9 Link to comment
windsprints December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 Why I Will Not Cast My Electoral Vote for Donald Trump 10 Link to comment
Constantinople December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 On 12/5/2016 at 11:01 PM, MulletorHater said: I'm confused...which one is it? Is it "American voters" or Trump voters who dislike how the media treats the Orange Orangutan? Expand "American voters" means "Real American voters", and "Real American voters" and "Trump voters" are one and the same (of course). Don't worry, this and other matters will be made clear at reeducation camp. 18 Link to comment
Dresdengirl December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 On 12/5/2016 at 5:25 PM, SoSueMe said: It lends a little credence to the rumors,....or Melania will use any excuse to keep some distance between herself and the orange one. Expand Can you blame her? 9 Link to comment
random chance December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 On 12/6/2016 at 3:26 AM, MulletorHater said: And, because I am "that bitch" tonight, I can't help but think how delightfully ironic it would be if some of the properties they looked at had deeds with restrictive covenants: "No neo-Nazis, KKK members, sympathizers of same, or those who directly benefit from the racism of these hate groups need apply." Maybe Drumpf will know what it feels like to be discriminated against when it comes to housing. Expand Isn't her husband Jewish? Because it would be even more ironic if that kept them out of something. 4 Link to comment
candall December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 On Sunday, KerleyQ had me thinking about whether DT might want to quit. If he went out voluntarily, he could start that television network, perform at rallies, sign autographs, grab pussy, sell tacky Christmas ornaments at exorbitant prices, build hotels, screw over contractors, enjoy the rest of his life as a Bigly Hero. Fun! Although . . . he's already done all of that, save one, so same old-same old may not be appealing. If he stays, he's going to be hearing someone ask every damn day: Is he reading those intelligence briefs? X Country was offended by what you said. Was that move another impeachable offense? And seeing the derision of SNL and the growing numbers of T-grets. But otoh, you have to actually be wearing the ring to get the maximum kneeling and kissing of the ring. And the potential for the international empire of T Palace Hotels is infinite. Who knows whether any or all of that runs through his mind? There are probably only four people on the planet who really know the true extent of his cognitive functions. He's following the steps in the Hitler playbook pretty closely . . . is that deliberate or has it not even dawned on him? Watching Pence on Meet the Press made my skin crawl. I'm not ready to start hoping for that yet. My (possibly inaccurate) sports analogy: it's deep in the fourth quarter, but we still have six weeks to go for a Hail Mary. ********************************* So that's how I felt on Sunday: it's not over 'til it's over--he's not the prez yet. (Will it still count if the Bible bursts into flames when he touches it?) 24 hours later and ker-aash. Carson is the new HUD Secretary, the massive Taiwan fuckup is now being called "T takes a tough stand with China," the new Republican plan on Obamacare is "repeal it immediately, but not reveal the NEW, BETTER, CHEAPER plan for three years" aka after the midterm election cycle. . . At least Obama was still in position to do something about the North Dakota Pipeline. And Biden thinks he might campaign in 2020. Fuck. 2020? What will 2020 be like??? 12 Link to comment
NewDigs December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 Stephanie Ruhle just had Jim Cramer on to discuss the Carrier/UT quid pro quo deal their CEO just exposed. And not one word about Trump owning stock in United Technologies ! And what the fuck with AirForceOne? Is he trying to put people out of work ? David Corn just pointed out that by pissing off China (Taiwan issue) he might also be screwing with a large order the Chinese have with Boeing. 10 Link to comment
Guest December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 On 12/5/2016 at 11:01 PM, MulletorHater said: If anything, I wish corporate media would remember their obligation to the public and call a spade a spade. Expand Here's the thing: the corporate media has no obligation to the public. Their only obligation is to their shareholders and their CEOs. Link to comment
KerleyQ December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 On 12/6/2016 at 2:48 PM, NewDigs said: David Corn just pointed out that by pissing off China (Taiwan issue) he might also be screwing with a large order the Chinese have with Boeing. Expand Trump: "Don, Jr, Ivanka, do we have any investment in Boeing?" The Washington Post is doing a running graph of the 662 administration positions Trump has to fill, and how far he's progressed towards that mark. He's not even 10 percent done with that. Hell, he's not even 5 percent done with that. So, he's not taking intelligence briefings, and he's not taking the job of filling all the "not sexy" administration positions very seriously. Basically, all he likes about the job are the "victory lap" things. Things like calling receiving congratulations from world leaders (and working them for some concessions for his or his kids' business interests), appointing the high profile positions that people will kiss his ass to get, so he can show how powerful and liked he is, and, of course, his new added "perk" of the job - the victory rallies. He has zero interest in filling the jobs that won't have people publicly kissing his ass to get them. He's going to just hand all of that off to Reince, Pence, and KAC. 11 Link to comment
candall December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 What is wrong with people?! DT does this Taiwan phone call thing and "diplomats all over the world are alarmed." His excuse is: "They called me! To say congratulations. What's the big deal? Thank you!" There's a recording released to prove no call to Taiwan was scheduled. Then everyone and his mother is dispersed to news shows to say, "No, no, it wasn't a policy thing, it was just a courtesy thing." Then the narrative switches 180 degrees to "DT decided to go bold and throw a scare into China." Today's version is that Bob Dole set the whole thing up and it wasn't just courtesy--there was a long policy discussion during that call. Now I'm watching six people on Morning Joe marveling at DT's moxie and saying, "How brilliant to make such a strategic move!" Truth now officially equals the latest utterance. And every truth is great, until the next one comes along and then that one is also great, even if it's the opposite. Not a day goes by that he doesn't reverse himself on something--when did everyone forget that constantly changing your story means your credibility is suspect? Are the people on this board (plus a few lonely Olbermanns and Maddows) the only people left alive who can see this? 17 Link to comment
Lunata December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 There was this tweet from President-elect Trump. The cost of a new Boeing 747 airplane with enhanced security is more like $370 million not $4 billion. The CEO from Boeing is on Trump's advisory team. Earlier this year, Donald Trump 'went off' on Air-force One calling it a "very old airplane" saying that it "had old engines and was spewing stuff' but potentially now changing his tune talking about that cost overrun. On 12/6/2016 at 2:48 PM, NewDigs said: Stephanie Ruhle just had Jim Cramer on to discuss the Carrier/UT quid pro quo deal their CEO just exposed. And not one word about Trump owning stock in United Technologies ! And what the fuck with AirForceOne? Is he trying to put people out of work ? David Corn just pointed out that by pissing off China (Taiwan issue) he might also be screwing with a large order the Chinese have with Boeing. Expand Initially the contract was signed with Boeing last January to start preliminary work on two planes. Reuters said initially the contract was for 25.8 million dollars but the air force actually planned to spend a lot more but not even close to the $4 billion. 6 Link to comment
KerleyQ December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 On 12/6/2016 at 3:18 PM, Lunata said: There was this tweet from President-elect Trump. The cost of a new Boeing 747 airplane with enhanced security is more like $370 million not $4 billion. The CEO from Boeing is on Trump's advisory team. Earlier this year, Donald Trump 'went off' on Air-force One calling it a "very old airplane" saying that it "had old engines and was spewing stuff' but potentially now changing his tune talking about that cost overrun. Expand He is probably just working an angle to get to use his own plane as POTUS, so he can charge us for the use of his plane instead of flying on Air Force One. 17 Link to comment
Ceindreadh December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 He should just accept delivery and stiff them on the bill. Isn't that his usual method of trading? 18 Link to comment
sistermagpie December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 On 12/6/2016 at 3:04 PM, candall said: Truth now officially equals the latest utterance. And every truth is great, until the next one comes along and then that one is also great, even if it's the opposite. Expand On The Daily Show last night Jordan Klepper talked to some Trump fans at the rally and it was amazing watching him talk people through Trump's flip flops. Like they'd get excited about "draining the swamp" and getting rid of those bankers and then when he'd bring up the fact that he's actually filling the swamp they'd just switch into arguing how of course you have to bring in some lobbyists and Goldman Sacs bankers because they're the most qualified! That's just common sense! Or just literally cheer for him saying one thing and then the opposite. On 12/6/2016 at 3:04 PM, candall said: Now I'm watching six people on Morning Joe marveling at DT's moxie and saying, "How brilliant to make such a strategic move!" Expand I guess it's even more heroic that he wanted to hide his heroic moxie by lying about it and pretending he wasn't doing it. Like...why lie about it if you're trying to send a message? More likely reason is that he went along with the call because he was encouraged by his anti-China people and he hates China too, then he lied in the face of criticism, then he changed his mind again when people praised him for it. 10 Link to comment
SmithW6079 December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 (edited) Kellyanne Conway is starting a ministry of propaganda to disseminate Trump's lies agenda. New pro-Trump group takes form, with Kellyanne Conway possibly at the helm Quote Senior Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway said in an interview Monday that she is considering leading a group being formed that will provide “a surround-sound super structure” to bolster the new administration’s political and policy goals. The entity, whose legal structure has not yet been determined, will serve as the outside hub to support President-elect Donald Trump’s agenda. Discussions about the formation of the group have been underway for several weeks. Expand We're descending into fascism, folks, and I don't think I'm being an alarmist. Maybe Don the Con isn't a fascist per se, but those around him are. On 12/6/2016 at 4:01 PM, sistermagpie said: On The Daily Show last night Jordan Klepper talked to some Trump fans at the rally and it was amazing watching him talk people through Trump's flip flops. Like they'd get excited about "draining the swamp" and getting rid of those bankers and then when he'd bring up the fact that he's actually filling the swamp they'd just switch into arguing how of course you have to bring in some lobbyists and Goldman Sacs bankers because they're the most qualified! That's just common sense! Or just literally cheer for him saying one thing and then the opposite. Expand The vocabulary word to keep in mind for instances like this is "blackwhite," courtesy George Orwell. Quote Blackwhite is defined as follows: this word has two mutually contradictory meanings. Applied to an opponent, it means the habit of impudently claiming that black is white, in contradiction of the plain facts. Applied to a Party member, it means a loyal willingness to say that black is white when Party discipline demands this. But it means also the ability to believe that black is white, and more, to know that black is white, and to forget that one has ever believed the contrary. This demands a continuous alteration of the past, made possible by the system of thought which really embraces all the rest, and which is known in Newspeak as doublethink. — Orwell, 1984 Expand Edited December 6, 2016 by SmithW6079 20 Link to comment
DollEyes December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 (edited) On 12/6/2016 at 2:25 AM, Lunata said: A lot of us might be aware that there's a special with Van Jones that will air tomorrow night on CNN. It's called 'The Messy Truth'. He traveled to the 'rust belt' to get the perspective with those who voted for Trump as to why they did. There's no doubt that there will be a lot of discussion about this special. I have my own opinion as far as the small clip that was shown on Anderson Cooper tonight. But there's going to be some more understanding for the reasons people didn't want to vote for Hillary and would have voted for anyone else, even if it was Donald Trump. One of the men actually said that if Hillary Clinton had won that there would have been another Civil War. I think most of us knew that there would most certain be some violence. As one family the Sykes family tells Van Jones, they were Democrat and voted twice for President Obama. But he never listened to them. They felt the same about Hillary Clinton, she just didn't bother to see them. As he said "we voted Democrat, but she hurt us". Although I haven't seen more than 15 minutes so far, I have concluded that they're right, the Democrats ignored them. The Democrats did not hear or see them, they were literally invisible to Washington and the elites. The other thing I noted was this man's son, who was old enough to vote for Obama but this time voted for Trump. But this son was able to move his career out of the industry-life that was dead there. He went to college and became a counselor for drug additions. The others in those areas that lost jobs because industry either moved or just became obsolete stayed and mourned and became angry at their fate without working towards a solution or a new life away from industry into other areas and fields of employment that are pertinent today. Everyone, no matter how old, can get an education and retraining. I did it myself so I know it's possible. These people are angry and let that cloud their critical thinking. I'm sure there will be a lot of discussion about it. You can watch a clip of the upcoming special here; Expand Quote Expand I don't have much sympathy for them. That "Basket of deplorables" comment wasn't Hillary's best moment, but compared to the things that Trump has said/done over the past 18 months, IMO that's nothing. At least Hillary apologized for what she said; Trump otoh, not only hasn't apologized to those he hurts, he doubles down. I want to feel sorry for those Trump supporters, but their willingness to either trivialize or completely ignore his comments, his behavior, his "alt-right" supporters and their behavior stops me. Trump has tapped into an emotional, if not primal sense of rage and resentment in the wrong kind of people, empowering them however accidentally (or so he claims) to hurt minorities. The Democrats did make mistakes re this election, but the election happened a month ago and I'm already tired of the MSM's treating working-class Whites like special snowflakes, no pun intended. Contrary to the MSM's opinion, working-class White is not the new Black. For all their whining, working-class Whites still have one advantage-they're still White. They may be poor, but they're also White. As bad as many working-class Whites have it, many working-class people of color have it way worse. Trump may do a couple of seemingly nice things like that Carrier deal that saved some jobs, but others are still going overseas anyway, but if those working-class Whites think that Trump/the Republicans give any semblance of a fuck about anything other than their votes and/or their money in the long run, then they're in for a very rude awakening. What's more, why is it only the Democrats/liberals who've got some soul-searching to do? When it comes to the growing number of hate crimes against minorities that have been committed in Trump's name after the election, the responses from Republicans in general and Trump in particular have ranged from nonexistent to pathetic. Instead of lecturing Democrats about the problems in our house, the Republicans, from the top down, should clean up their own. Edited December 7, 2016 by DollEyes 22 Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 Drumpf talked to Al Gore recently. Thoughts? I think it's just bs. He's trying to throw a little bone towards Democrats and moderates, thinking it'll calm them down. Wrong. We see through you. Source: @SmithW6079 You bring up a good point. I think that newspeak is a good way of putting it. It's double talk, pure and simple. I think any of these (for the ministries in 1984) could fit now. Source: 7 Link to comment
KerleyQ December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 So, essentially, KAC is going to build up a SuperPAC, but one that actively and continuously coordinates with Trump? And one that will have the backing of and access to the POTUS? Paul Ryan is out there shilling his ass off for Trump and himself (of course, it's all really for himself, but he'll lie for Trump when it benefits him). I'm the least violent person you can imagine, but boy do I get a punching urge when he puts on his condescending "sincere" face during these interviews. I'm just appalled that, as a country, we don't see through his shit. And, because the country didn't see through his shit, it built up the ability for Trump to come along and lie his ass off, pretending he's here for the "little guy," and voters bought it. I just can't understand how, when the GOP members of Congress were completely open and honest about how their most important job was to stop anything Obama proposed, and then we all experienced the ensuing gridlock, including actual government shutdown, there wasn't a collective outrage that booted their asses all out of Congress. Instead, President Obama got the blame, this orange asshole rode that narrative to the White House, and Paul and Mitch were gifted with complete control of the country. 24 Link to comment
SmithW6079 December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 On 12/6/2016 at 5:06 PM, AntiBeeSpray said: Drumpf talked to Al Gore recently. Thoughts? I think it's just bs. He's trying to throw a little bone towards Democrats and moderates, thinking it'll calm them down. Wrong. We see through you. Source: @SmithW6079 You bring up a good point. I think that newspeak is a good way of putting it. It's double talk, pure and simple. I think any of these (for the ministries in 1984) could fit now. Source: Expand Here's another Newspeak word by Orwell that's important for 2017: Quote Duckspeak Ultimately it was hoped to make articulate speech issue from the larynx without involving the higher brain centres at all. This aim was frankly admitted in the Newspeak word duckspeak […]. Like various words in the B vocabulary, duckspeak was ambivalent in meaning. Provided that the opinions which were quacked out were orthodox ones, it implied nothing but praise, and when the Times referred to one of the orators of the Party as a doubleplusgood duckspeaker it was paying a warm and valued compliment. — Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four Expand Speaking of seeing through Trump, this woman tweet an epic takedown: Woman shuts down Trump's SNL criticism in epic Twitter rant 4 Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 @SmithW6079 Yep and that's all he wants to hear. Praise. Anything else gets slammed/attacked. 2 Link to comment
Lunata December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 On 12/6/2016 at 5:00 PM, DollEyes said: I don't have much sympathy for them. That "Basket of deplorables" comment wasn't Hillary's best moment, but compared to the things that Trump has said/done over the past 18 months, IMO that's nothing. At least Hillary apologized for what she said; Trump otoh, not only hasn't apologized to those he hurts, he doubles down. I want to feel sorry for those Trump supporters, but their willingness to either trivialize or completely ignore his comments, his behavior, his "alt-right" supporters and their behavior stops me. Trump has tapped into an emotional, if not primal sense of rage and resentment in the wrong kind of people, empowering them however accidentally (or so he claims) to hurt minorities. The Democrats did make mistakes re this election, but the election happened a month ago and I'm already tired of the MSM's treating working-class Whites like special snowflakes, no pun intended. Contrary to the MSM's opinion, working-class White is not the new Black. For all their whining, working-class Whites still have one advantage-they're still White. They may be poor, but they're also White. As bad as many working-class Whites have it, many working-class people of color have it way worse. Trump may do a couple of seemingly nice things like that Carrier deal that saved some jobs, but others are still going overseas anyway, but if those working-class Whites think that Trump/the Republicans give any semblance of a fuck about anything other than their votes and/or their money in the long run, then they're in for a very rude awakening. What's more, why is it only the Democrats/liberals' who've got some soul-searching to do? When it comes to the growing number of hate crimes against minorities that have been perpetrated in Trump's name after the election, the responses from Republicans in general and Trump in particular have ranged from nonexistent to pathetic. Instead of lecturing Democrats about the problems in our house, the Republicans, from the top down, should clean up their own. Expand I don't think that it's only the Democrats that have some soul-searching to do. Let's be honest, our government has been guilty of a lot of things on both sides of the fence, Republican and Democrat. The fact that the government is run 'for the people and by the people' is pure fantasy that government perpetuates because it serves their agenda, it helps to control masses of people. People believe they have a voice in government and the fact is we don't, none of us. Money controls our government. This particular election proved to all of us that it wouldn't have mattered one bit who ran against Donald Trump. If it wasn't Hillary, or Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden or even Jesus Christ, they would have lost this election. Why? Because the minds of voters were manipulated because they were vulnerable and able to be manipulated. People feel that the banks were allowed to screw them and take their homes from under them and despite that they got bailed out by the government. They are angry and pissed off about that. But it's those same people that were not thinking about how they were going to pay back their huge mortgage that they simply could not afford. They wanted the American dream, their own home. They wanted a new SUV. They wanted a new Mac Pro and had to have the newest Smartphone when it came out on the market even--if it cost over $600. People are greedy consumers and they weren't and still aren't smart about their own greed. The intentional ignoring of the government to not only rein in that impulse in Americans to consume voraciously, but to encourage it was deliberate. It created a precariously balanced economy that would create a false economy and artificial stock market. Looks good to people when they see the stock market rising, the housing market recovering and jobs created. In August 2016, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that 255,000 new jobs were created. Great! you say. But that number includes part-time workers without benefits and they count a person working two jobs as two employed persons. So the numbers in August were like this; Professional and business services led the way with 70,000 new positions, while health care rose 43,000 and Wall Street jobs increased by 18,000. Leisure and hospitality continued to be a big contributor to job growth, adding 45,000. Government added 38,000 to the total. Job losses came in mining and logging (-7,000), while construction added 14,000 and manufacturing grew by 9,000. There you go, this is a part of the reason why people in the 'rust belt' of Ohio for instance, felt that Democrats were just not paying attention to their needs, and they were hurt badly by this lack of focus on their welfare. The blue collar worker living in those depressed manufacturing areas are certainly not going to become a financial services or health care professional overnight. But they don't want to be either. They want back what they lost and heard Trump tell them that's exactly what he planned to do. 5 Link to comment
Duke Silver December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 7 Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray December 6, 2016 Share December 6, 2016 I have no words. Just no, Time. The Flint Whistleblowers sure, but Drumpf or Putin, hell no. 6 Link to comment
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