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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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1 hour ago, backformore said:

Interesting -  because this is almost exactly what I just saw from KellyAnne Conway on The View this morning.  Any question about why Trump was doing something was answered as "why isn't anyone asking why Hillary>>>>> blah blah."    she kept going on and on, even when called out on it, she got pouty, and said she wasn't being allowed to speak.   They must all attend a class on "How to Deflect direct questions" 

If they are, then the ones I have heard must be getting Ds because they are crappy at deflecting questions.  The way you deftly deflect a question is to start be sounding you are answering it but seamlessly segway into the topic you want to discuss or by giving an answer that sounds like an answer, but really isn't.   These surrogates just interrupt before the question has been fully asked and start talking about their bullet points.  

35 minutes ago, scriggle said:

This is what really pisses me off about the media and their coverage of this election.

Trump’s history of corruption is mind-boggling. So why is Clinton supposedly the corrupt one?

This makes sense.  My theory was that there is so much corruption surrounding Trump that it is the norm and not unusual.  On the other hand, there is so little implication of wrongdoing by Clinton that that anything that sound like it is corrupt gets lots of attention.  If your male neighbor started shaving his chin on his front porch every morning, the neighbors might mention that it was an odd place to shave, but they would soon disregard it. If you female neighbor started shaving her chin on her front porch every morning, people would be gossipping about it for weeks,  

A corollary to this theory - Trump says such inflammatory stuff and has so many stories of corruption coming out of his campaign that every time there is a new one, it gets quickly replaced by a newer one.  

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Did anyone see this yet? A black church in Mississippi was burned and then someone spray painted "Vote Trump" on the side of the building. Disgusting. And people still want to vote for Tang the Conqueror?  And the KKK's newspaper also officially endorsed Trump. How revolting.

Right, and I'd be seen as being over dramatic by some when I say get ready for us to go back to those hangings the Klan use to enjoy in the south. Get ready for the burning crosses to make a comeback. And with Trump in power you can be damn sure he won't be sending the FBI in to investigate a damn thing. But seeing as the FBI is showing its ass now a days as being corrupt, I suspect there are quite a few klansmen/women running the show when it comes to the FBI. So they serve no purpose either. The klan definitely haven't been completely purged from our local police forces. So Trump won't even pretend to give any lip service to it. If they think it's bad now with that BLM movement, just wait, good luck with that my fellow black folk, as some try to act like Trump and Hillary are equivalent. My passport is ready.

Edited by Keepitmoving
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Well it appears the Child Rape victim of Donald Trump is going to come forward today.   I swear this election...........I despise this man with every ounce of my heart.

This girl is the daughter of Gloria Allred, so I assume this whole thing is going to get insane.  Gloria is too smart to take on anything that doesn't have merrit so I believe her.

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4 minutes ago, Advance35 said:


Well it appears the Child Rape victim of Donald Trump is going to come forward today.   I swear this election...........I despise this man with every ounce of my heart.

This girl is the daughter of Gloria Allred, so I assume this whole thing is going to get insane.  Gloria is too smart to take on anything that doesn't have merrit so I believe her.

Wait, the girl Trump raped is the daughter of Gloria Allred?

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Wait, the girl Trump raped is the daughter of Gloria Allred?

Oh no. Gloria Allred's daughter Lisa Bloom is representing her.  Say what you will about them, I have know doubt this girl has been vetted.   Apparently when she was 13 Trump forced sexual contact, beat her up and threatened both her and her family with death.  It's absolutely hair raising.

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4 minutes ago, Advance35 said:

Oh no. Gloria Allred's daughter Lisa Bloom is representing her.  Say what you will about them, I have know doubt this girl has been vetted.   Apparently when she was 13 Trump forced sexual contact, beat her up and threatened both her and her family with death.  It's absolutely hair raising.

Oh, ok. I was just confused by your wording. I didn't think she was, but I was like, holy shit will THAT ever blow up. 

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21 minutes ago, Keepitmoving said:

Right, and I'd be seen as being over dramatic by some when I say get ready for us to go back to those hangings the Klan use to enjoy in the south. Get ready for the burning crosses to make a comeback. And with Trump in power you can be damn sure he won't be sending the FBI in to investigate a damn thing. But seeing as the FBI is showing its ass now a days as being corrupt, I suspect there are quite a few klansmen/women running the show when it comes to the FBI. So they serve no purpose either. The klan definitely haven't been completely purged from our local police forces. So Trump won't even pretend to give any lip service to it. If they think it's bad now with that BLM movement, just wait, good luck with that my fellow black folk, as some try to act like Trump and Hillary are equivalent. My passport is ready.

Hate to break it to you, but the cross burnings never really stopped.  They just aren't publicized as much.  

The FBI had really cleaned up its act over a decade ago, and it's all been shattered.  I will NEVER trust them again--ever.  And, remember how Comey was reluctant to classify what Dylann Roof did as a hate crime.  Never mind that that little fucker told those people why he had to kill them.  So, yeah...I don't see the FBI diving in to investigate anything either should the unthinkable happen.

There were several reports a while ago about White supremacists infiltrating police departments.  Not surprising at all.

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1 hour ago, Advance35 said:


I can't even believe this.   A Child Rapist is one of the Presidential Nominee's.  My god what have we come to?

Well, innocent until proven guilty, right?  No, wait. In Trump's America, Hillary (never accused of ANY  crime) is a "criminal" who "needs to be locked up!"  Same for Bill's discredited rape accuser, Juanita Broaderick--she gets paraded around and her accusations repeated over and over by Trump and Co as TRUE!

So....time for some "Trump style justice" here!  And with that in mind, yes, I can't believe that a man who has assaulted at least a dozen women and raped a child (probably had sex--maybe drugs involved--at the Epstein parties with other minors as well) is the Republican candidate!   Good thing he's told people who already voted for him how to change their votes to Hillary!!

On a serious note, Lisa Bloom and her mother Gloria Allred are excellent lawyers and present themselves very well. Bloom in particular will be a good choice for this case as she does not have the fame-baggage of her mother and is a young relatable woman. They--and this brave woman--are my new heroes!!!

And Advance35, if this is true (and the website makes it look so, although I dare to hope), posting this news made my day! I was starting to be really, really worried about a right wing government--Trump, SC and Congress all one party, the far right.  Maybe this will counter the stupid FBI garbage.

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It made it to Huffington Post Why Hasn't the 13 Year Old's Rape Accusation Been Covered in the Press?

Here's an article by Bloom at HuffPo about the case in summer before Bloom was involved: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lisa-bloom/why-the-new-child-rape-ca_b_10619944.html

Also, I hope someone will remember nearly three weeks ago when Trump called all his other dozen accusers "liars" and promised that he would be "producing evidence to discredit them very soon".  Crickets chirping on that one still.

Edited by Padma
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On a serious note, Lisa Bloom and her mother Gloria Allred are excellent lawyers and present themselves very well. Bloom in particular will be a good choice for this case as she does not have the fame-baggage of her mother and is a young relatable woman. They--and this brave woman--are my new heroes!!!

I only know Gloria Allred by rep but I assume neither she or her daughter would take a case they didn't think had merit.  They usually mean business from what I hear. 

It's also posted on the NY Daily News.

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1 minute ago, Advance35 said:

I only know Gloria Allred by rep but I assume neither she or her daughter would take a case they didn't think had merit.  They usually mean business from what I hear. 

It's also posted on the NY Daily News.

Exactly. They are -very- good, vet carefully because they are famous lawyers and value their reputations.  I think it's great that they are famous because that will help get the media's attention.  Bloom OFTEN is consulted on numerous news programs when legal issues are involved.  

Gloria was a Hillary delegate to the DNC from California this year--I'm sure the Trumpkins will try to use that against them. But I think its obvious that she supports Hillary--and has good reason based even on believing her client Jill Haarth who long ago did business with him and accused him, in court, of assaulting her at Mar-a-lago.

I hope Trump will have a breakdown before the week is out.

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2 hours ago, Keepitmoving said:

Get ready for the burning crosses to make a comeback


2 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

Hate to break it to you, but the cross burnings never really stopped.  They just aren't publicized as much.

W. Kamau Bell has a program on CNN called United Shades of America.  In one episode he was interviewing a member of the KKK as they were preparing to light one up.  The man from the klan was quite insistent that  there were no "cross burnings" , that the correct phrase was "cross lightings" (I don't pretend to understand the difference)

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16 minutes ago, khyber said:

Live press conference of the rape accuser in less than 10 minutes.

That was a lot of nothing.  Called press conference, accuser decides not to appear, ends press conference.

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41 minutes ago, Kromm said:

He's such a punk ass bitch.  Always has been; always will be.

This is the same clown who proudly supported deadbeat rancher, Cliven Bundy, and his anti-government cohorts.  He even promised Bundy that he had his back and would be out there with him everyday.  Never mind that Bundy was breaking the law.  But, he fed into Hannity's "state's rights" narrative.  And, then after giving this welfare king round-the-clock coverage, Hannity ended up having to distance himself (unsuccessfully) from Bundy's fuckery when he made his musings about "Negroes."  You know, little gems like them aborting their young children; and putting their young men in jail because they never learned how to pick cotton.  And, Bundy was so "concerned" about "Negroes" that he wondered if they were better off being slaves, picking cotton and having a family life under that shameful institution, or better off living off of government subsidies.

Never mind that the old fucker is a deadbeat living off of our tax dollars and illegally grazing his cattle on government land for pennies on the dollar without paying.  Hannity repudiated Bundy, but of course didn't repudiate his own coverage of him.  Plus, he has peddled conspiracy theories to attack President Obama for years.  So, it's no surprise that he willingly jumped all over that fake story.  And, just in case he missed it, MoveOn.Org organized a conference call for its members and Senator Warren tomorrow evening.  A far cry for someone who is supposedly repudiating Hillary Clinton.

Hannity deserves to get punked.

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4 minutes ago, starri said:

That was a lot of nothing.  Called press conference, accuser decides not to appear, ends press conference.

Not surprised she got scared. A large bunch of "deplorables" probably wants her gone in a more permanent way. 

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Just now, Kromm said:

Not surprised she got scared. A large bunch of "deplorables" probably wants her gone in a more permanent way. 

Agreed, but if there is even the tiniest chance that what she's claiming is true, the American people REALLY deserve the right to judge for ourselves.

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1 minute ago, starri said:

Agreed, but if there is even the tiniest chance that what she's claiming is true, the American people REALLY deserve the right to judge for ourselves.

And she has the right to put her safety and sanity first, to change her mind in the face of something that would scare most of us. She's at least pursuing a case against Trump. It's a shame that the media gives him  a pass for pretty much everything but I don't think anything could prepare a person for the vitriol and hate she faced. 

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Just now, Darian said:

And she has the right to put her safety and sanity first, to change her mind in the face of something that would scare most of us. She's at least pursuing a case against Trump. It's a shame that the media gives him  a pass for pretty much everything but I don't think anything could prepare a person for the vitriol and hate she faced. 

I'm not disputing that.  The People reporter had to flee the country, for goodness sake.  I just worry that people will question her credibility for her obviously very legitimate concerns for her safety because of this.  I don't blame her, but from Huffington Post, half the reason the press has been skittish about the story is that they can't vet her.

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5 minutes ago, Kromm said:

Not surprised she got scared. A large bunch of "deplorables" probably wants her gone in a more permanent way. 

It would be scary enough to take on Trump, who's a monster with no empathy for anyone. But thinking about his army of deplorables would be scary, too. She probably already has had death threats, as has Bloom.

They might have hoped that simply calling a press conference would have gotten a bit of attention for it but...no such luck, except on HuffPost.

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5 minutes ago, starri said:

 I just worry that people will question her credibility for her obviously very legitimate concerns for her safety because of this.    

And they would question her credibility if she gave the press conference, and if she had fifteen witnesses, and if there were a video and if the man who she is accusing had a history of bragging about sexual assault and is documented as assessing underage girls as potential sex partners (both in the future when they're legal and in a few years when they're still underage) and has been accused of rape before. Oh, wait...that's true. She probably worried, too, about not being believed, but she had her life threatened.  The least I can do is not suggest she's letting us down because she just couldn't face it. Hell, I've been threatened on the Internet just for criticizing Trump and that was scary. When the Access Hollywood tape came out and I posted about one of my sexual assaults in response to a now-famous thread, I was shaking. I have empathy for this woman. I am afraid for her. 

Edited by Darian
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I didn't see the press conference, but if the media did show up and was told what it was about, then, even if the victim didn't appear, at least the news is out there.  And more people will hear of it.  

1 hour ago, Padma said:

Well, innocent until proven guilty, right?  No, wait. In Trump's America, Hillary (never accused of ANY  crime) is a "criminal" who "needs to be locked up!"  Same for Bill's discredited rape accuser, Juanita Broaderick--she gets paraded around and her accusations repeated over and over by Trump and Co as TRUE!

So....time for some "Trump style justice" here!  And with that in mind, yes, I can't believe that a man who has assaulted at least a dozen women and raped a child (probably had sex--maybe drugs involved--at the Epstein parties with other minors as well) is the Republican candidate!   Good thing he's told people who already voted for him how to change their votes to Hillary!!

I like to follow the Golden Rule - treat others the way you would like to be treated.  I also assume that everyone else also follows that rule and treats me and others the way they want to be treated.  In other words, I will use the golden rule in its inverse - I will treat people the way they treat others, because that must be the way they want to be treated. Therefore, I would not think any less of Hillary if she walked up to the podium and started of her speech with "Corrupt, lying Donald Trump is the biggest pedophile and rapist this country has ever seen...." 

1 hour ago, Padma said:

Also, I hope someone will remember nearly three weeks ago when Trump called all his other dozen accusers "liars" and promised that he would be "producing evidence to discredit them very soon".  Crickets chirping on that one still.

I am still waiting for that proof that Obama was not born in the US that Trump said he had and would show when the time was right.

52 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

I've said to people who are undecided, who say that they just can't feel good about either candidate, to think of their vote as a vote on what kind of Supreme Court we will have.  We already know one spot is up to be filled, and there are decent odds that at least one more will open up during the next President's term.  Whoever we vote into the White House this year will, in effect, decide what happens with equal rights for the LGBT community.  They'll decide if Planned Parenthood is forced to close, and if women will have the right to make decisions about their own bodies.  They'll decide if we will be getting big money out of politics.  (And here's a hint on that last one, since Trump keeps paying lip service to wanting to upend the "system":  In order to get big money out of politics, we need to have Citizens United overturned.  A conservative Court will not overturn it.  Trump has promised to nominate the most conservative justices he can.  So, despite his talking points to the contrary, he would, as President, enable the system to remain exactly as is for decades.) 

I think the kind of Supreme Court we will have is the reason why a lot of people who don't like Trump are voting for him. They want Roe vs Wade overturned.  However, I don't think that as many undecided pro-choice people take the supreme court into consideration when trying to make up their minds.  I suppose that is because the anti-choice people want to change something, and it is more difficult to remember that you sometimes have to take steps to keep things from changing.  

Therefore, I ask you to please mention the idea of taking the Supreme Court into consideration only when you are talking to people you know are pro-choice.  

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30 minutes ago, NextIteration said:

Hugely disappointing, but it makes sense after reactions to this.

If there's even a shred of decency in Comey somewhere, then this should be the biggest sting of all for him to endure.  I can't even talk about the comments under the letter. 

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1 hour ago, NextIteration said:

Jane Doe and Lisa Bloomed called if off for reasons of safety.  Hugely disappointing, but it makes sense after reactions to this.

Trump campaigns like a bully and will govern as a bully, with all of the powers of the U.S. president at his disposal. I believe that Comey has been corrupted for some reason (on Rachel the other night a counterespionage expert said the acronym is "MICE"--"money, ideology, coercion, ego" as reasons people can be coopted. (Personally, I'd add in "sex" but then it would be "MICES" and kind of spoil the effect.)

I -so- want to have an investigation of Comey, including HIS email.  It wouldn't surprise me if there are connections to the Trump campaign there. 

The FBI is the highest law enforcement power in the country and has already had its integrity and conduct in the protection of American citizens (from Russia stealing email, to the sanctity of an election, to protecting the identity of a 15 year old girl.)  That's with Trump OUT of power!  Just imagine how terrified journalists and others would be if bully-fascist Trump had his lackeys in powerful positsions throughout our government, backed up by Republican Congress (who would even control gerrymandering districts with the next census) and a hard-right Supreme Court waiting to rule on test cases that could roll our country back to the 1970s or earlier. ("Make America Great Again" seems to evoke the 1950s while "America First" was the slogan of fascists in the 1930s).   His co-author on Art of the Deal says Trump is a "sociopath" and even Cruz called him a "pathological liar".

I do agree with Trump on one thing:  this is the most important election in our history, because what is available to him to do damage with is greater than any other time.

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Oops, post deleted in Hillary thread.  Should really have posted it here as it was more pertaining to Trump, but discussion is all blurring together as it's hard to discuss one without the other.

But in a nutshell, my question was, how did Trump become a Teflon candidate?  Nothing sticks to him, nothing.  Stuff that would have killed every other candidate's campaign long ago had no impact on his.  That shocking Mexicans are rapists comment would have ended other campaigns.  Little did I know then how many more shocking comments he would make and get away with.  His constant lying is ignored, his inexcusable attacks on women and others are ignored, his unprecedented attack on the fairness of the voting system is ignored.  How does he do it?

What is it about Trump that gives him this Teflon quality?  Is it his celebrity, is it his personality?  Lots of people are willing suckers, but Trump's still doing something that lets him get away with what others wouldn't in a million years. 

That he polled as someone more honest and more trustworthy than Hillary after all he's said and done is the last straw.  He has mastered The Art of the Deception.

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It's awfully convenient for the deplorables that their actions (threatening the victim) led to the press conference being canceled so they can now say "see, we told you it's fake!"  You've got to love those self-fulfilling prophecies.  

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4 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

It's awfully convenient for the deplorables that their actions (threatening the victim) led to the press conference being canceled so they can now say "see, we told you it's fake!"  You've got to love those self-fulfilling prophecies.  

And, yet there's still the lawsuit.  What are they going to do next?  Bombard the courthouse?  Threaten the judge?

When does it stop?

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1 minute ago, MulletorHater said:

And, yet there's still the lawsuit.  What are they going to do next?  Bombard the courthouse?  Threaten the judge?

When does it stop?

Neither would surprise me.

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Every time I see him, I think of the movie The Dead Zone.  He reminds me of the character Martin Sheen played.   Seriously!    Does anyone remember that movie.    It's DJT to a tee.   It scares the hell out of me.   

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4 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

And, yet there's still the lawsuit.  What are they going to do next?  Bombard the courthouse?  Threaten the judge?

When does it stop?

For their purposes, all they need to do is prevent the accusation from having any credibility until Tuesday night so they can get their lord and savior elected.  They probably assume that, once he's in office, he'll have the ability to make that trial go away.  (He probably assumes that, too.) 

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23 minutes ago, madmaverick said:

Oops, post deleted in Hillary thread.  Should really have posted it here as it was more pertaining to Trump, but discussion is all blurring together as it's hard to discuss one without the other.

But in a nutshell, my question was, how did Trump become a Teflon candidate?  Nothing sticks to him, nothing.  Stuff that would have killed every other candidate's campaign long ago had no impact on his.  That shocking Mexicans are rapists comment would have ended other campaigns.  Little did I know then how many more shocking comments he would make and get away with.  His constant lying is ignored, his inexcusable attacks on women and others are ignored, his unprecedented attack on the fairness of the voting system is ignored.  How does he do it?

What is it about Trump that gives him this Teflon quality?  Is it his celebrity, is it his personality?  Lots of people are willing suckers, but Trump's still doing something that lets him get away with what others wouldn't in a million years. 

That he polled as someone more honest and more trustworthy than Hillary after all he's said and done is the last straw.  He has mastered The Art of the Deception.

This is what happens when America gets dumbed down.  We don't teach critical thinking in our public schools; teach only to the test; then promote Kardashian-type "reality" shows, and what we're left with is a vast voting constituency weaned on a "fill in the blanks" mentality coupled with the Cult of Personality.  The sorry, frightening result is half the U.S. population and a sizeable portion of the media falling in line behind that disgusting, and YES, deplorable, loathesome orange buffoon.  He tells the people what to think, and because they have no experience in thinking critically, they accept it all as fact, and the lazy media honchos don't dispute any of it because the three-ring circus he creates is bringing in viewers/listeners/readers = $$$$$$. 

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Honestly, I think its a complete failure of messaging. Trump has shown all his opponents what works (a simple theme that fits available negative information and--this is the important part--that you repeat over and over and over...at every. freaking. rally!)  He did it with his slogan. He did it with the wall. He did it with "bringing back jobs".

And no one ever understood (`1) he took the slogan from Reagan. (2) There's no way a president can "build that wall" without Congress budgeting for it--which they won't; (3) Trump manufactures products abroad and LOTS of them--in China, Mexico and 10 other countries.

It's also a failure of the media--esp. cable tv, all of them--for waiting until the general election before they started being seriously critical (MSNBC primetime hosts excluded--but they don't get many viewers)

The biggest thing is messaging from Trump's opponents and that was a MAJOR FAIL.  Even today, Clinton...Warren...Kaine ... the Obamas just don't have that clear Trump-like negative message they bring home. Obama skirts around the one I would choose--that this man is the ENEMY of working people, not their friend--but no one really seems to have sat down and worked one out.  ("He lies a lot" would be another good, true one).

Trump has a killer's instinct for on-target messaging, and he's relentless. That's why he's  (unbelievably) 15 pts higher than Clinton when people are asked "Who's more trustworthy and honest?"  It's "Crooked Hillary, hiding her criminal activity by destroying those emails" and he plays it over and over and over again.

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5 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

He's such a punk ass bitch.  Always has been; always will be.

This is the same clown who proudly supported deadbeat rancher, Cliven Bundy, and his anti-government cohorts.  He even promised Bundy that he had his back and would be out there with him everyday.  Never mind that Bundy was breaking the law.  But, he fed into Hannity's "state's rights" narrative.  And, then after giving this welfare king round-the-clock coverage, Hannity ended up having to distance himself (unsuccessfully) from Bundy's fuckery when he made his musings about "Negroes."  You know, little gems like them aborting their young children; and putting their young men in jail because they never learned how to pick cotton.  And, Bundy was so "concerned" about "Negroes" that he wondered if they were better off being slaves, picking cotton and having a family life under that shameful institution, or better off living off of government subsidies.

Never mind that the old fucker is a deadbeat living off of our tax dollars and illegally grazing his cattle on government land for pennies on the dollar without paying.  Hannity repudiated Bundy, but of course didn't repudiate his own coverage of him.  Plus, he has peddled conspiracy theories to attack President Obama for years.  So, it's no surprise that he willingly jumped all over that fake story.  And, just in case he missed it, MoveOn.Org organized a conference call for its members and Senator Warren tomorrow evening.  A far cry for someone who is supposedly repudiating Hillary Clinton.

Hannity deserves to get punked.

Well if it gives any satisfaction, I tweeted the photo of G.W. Bush hugging Hillary Clinton to Hannity. (ew I hate that guy)

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Where are the rabid Trump supporters in this forum? Aren't there any here to defend him? I thought there would be a few at least but I haven't run across any yet.

The two forums are nearly identical, so they should be blended together to make one.

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The New York Observer, the newspaper owned by Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, is not endorsing Trump.



The New York Observer, a weekly newspaper and website owned by Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, will not be backing a presidential candidate ahead of Election Day. Editor-in-chief Ken Kurson told The Huffington Post Wednesday that the “Observer is not going to make an endorsement in the general.”  The Observer was one of four publications to endorse Trump during the Republican primary, along with the Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post, the Santa Barbara News-Press and The National Enquirer.

Edited by Moose135
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