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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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Employees working for Trump are having difficulty with their Obamacare.
“I can say all of my employees are having a tremendous problem with Obamacare,”


So he either is a horrible employer not providing health insurance to employees...
or he is clueless with no idea what "Obamacare" is.

Edited by springtime
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Here's a stomach-churning article from Politico magazine called, "How White Nationalists Learned to Love Donald Trump." 


Perhaps surprisingly, it wasn’t Trump’s initial campaign announcement about Mexican “rapists” that cemented his support: It was his steady, consistent push for an anti-immigration platform, one of the central policy pillars of the nationalist right. And as white-nationalists began to rally around Trump as its closest political ally in a generation, they began to detect what members called “wink-wink-wink” communications from the candidate. There was his retweet of bogus murder statistics that exaggerated black crime; two separate retweets of a racist Twitter feed called @WhiteGenocideTM; and the interview that sealed the deal: the moment on CNN when—just days before the Louisiana primary—Trump dodged the question of whether to repudiate the endorsement of former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, which one commenter on the white nationalist site Stormfront called “the best political thing I have seen in my life.”

I'm old enough to remember when a polite racist society used coded terms like "Southern Strategy" to appeal to the scum of America. Now, thanks to Trump's laziness or intellectual inability to employ any truly clever evil people, shit's all out in the open for everyone to see -- and for his supporters to ignore.

Frankly, I'm shocked that these people can actually operate a computer. Then again, they might be setting up websites on their still-active AOL accounts, who knows. 

Edited by Guest
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6 hours ago, BW Manilowe said:

Since he was married to Ivana at the time, somebody probably would've believed him/been "influenced" to believe him if he described what he did to Ivana in terms of "normal" marital sex he was "entitled" (there's that word again) to, instead of rape. I'm not sure if the concept of "marital rape" had entered the "zeitgeist", as they say, at that point in time.

You betcha'!

Both Donald and his attorney used "marital consent" almost boastfully.

I think in the end he paid her off which came with a non-disclosure caveat.

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So he either is a horrible employer not providing health insurance to employees...
or he is clueless with no idea what "Obamacare" is

I think he is just using "Obamacare" to refer to all health insurance in general.  I've talked to many people who complain about their "Obamacare" who actually have employer-provided health insurance.  They just hate all the problems they have dealing with the insurance company, and somehow  believe that all health insurance is "Obamacare", and that all the crap the insurance companies make them go through is Obama's fault.   

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12 minutes ago, ALenore said:

I think he is just using "Obamacare" to refer to all health insurance in general.  I've talked to many people who complain about their "Obamacare" who actually have employer-provided health insurance.  They just hate all the problems they have dealing with the insurance company, and somehow  believe that all health insurance is "Obamacare", and that all the crap the insurance companies make them go through is Obama's fault.   

Reminds me of "Obamaphones" even though those came about before he ever got into office. 

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I had a friend rail and rail and rail about having to get different coverage because of ACA, which cost her a little bit more. I had to go through her entire former policy and show her that she would have gone through her savings and ended up penniless and possibly homeless if she'd gotten any kind of serious illness. Her old policy wasn't acceptable because it was crap and couldn't meet the ACA standards. She ended up a fan but it took all my patience and hours of my time. She actually realized that she finally had access to good coverage she could actually afford, though the exchange. 

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11 hours ago, Pixel said:

I have to say, it does concern me when the only signs I see on lawns are Trump signs. I truly hope this doesn't mean there are closet Trump supporters who don't want to admit to pollsters who they are voting for. I'm in Illinois, but in a smaller rural community, so the heavy mix of Trumpanzees here isn't that surprising.  It is, however, disconcerting. 

The only benefit of the doubt I will give Trump is that maybe he's not a good speaker. He may be good at writing papers and test taking. I can't say for sure. But yeah, probably his dad bought him a degree. 

I don't think that someone who puts a Trump sign out in their front yard is going to be afraid to admit to a pollster that they're voting for him.  I think what the deal is is that while his fans call themselves the "silent majority," what they really are is the "vocal minority."  They're just so loud and proud that they make it seem like they're a larger group.  

11 hours ago, irisheyes said:

With as crazy as some of his supporters are, I won't put a Hillary sign out or a magnet on my car. Trump's supporters aren't all crazy, but the ones that are are also dangerous. 

Ditto.  I considered putting one in my yard, but I'm in an area of Illinois that's kind of dicey on that front.  We're a suburb that seems mostly liberal (and our local elected officials are liberal), but, we're sandwiched in between a pretty wealthy suburb and a rural town.  So you don't have to venture too far away from our front door to see Trump signs and homemade "Killary for Prison" signs.  So I feel safer not inviting their interest in my home or my car (which is like 6 months old, so I'd like to not find it keyed when I come out of the grocery store).  I don't know if they'd do anything now, but I do think that, on election night, they might be out for some kind of vengeance.  

7 hours ago, BW Manilowe said:

Since he was married to Ivana at the time, somebody probably would've believed him/been "influenced" to believe him if he described what he did to Ivana in terms of "normal" marital sex he was "entitled" (there's that word again) to, instead of rape. I'm not sure if the concept of "marital rape" had entered the "zeitgeist", as they say, at that point in time.

Yep.  His attorney flat out said that you can't rape your spouse.  That point in time was when it was just becoming known that date rape is a real thing.  Spousal rape wasn't really on a lot of people's radar.  (Even today, there are a decent number of people who would still say that you can't rape your spouse.) 

2 hours ago, springtime said:

Employees working for Trump are having difficulty with their Obamacare.
“I can say all of my employees are having a tremendous problem with Obamacare,”


So he either is a horrible employer not providing health insurance to employees...
or he is clueless with no idea what "Obamacare" is.

If he isn't providing insurance to his employees, he'd be in violation of the law.  Any company over 50 full time employees (or 50 full time equivalents) is required to provide coverage to their employees or pay a tax penalty.  So him being out there declaring the issues his employees are having with Obamacare coverage should invite a nice little investigation by the IRS as to whether he's meeting his obligations.  

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His two faces say different things at the same time. I've seen clips of him saying that line about his employees having trouble with Obamacare and others where he says he provides coverage or them.

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13 hours ago, hoosier80 said:

Every day Trump says something that is factually wrong.  How did this person graduate from Penn?  Small vocabulary, inability to really give a coherent speech, doesn't care to read - how does this gel with an Ivy league graduate?  It does not even seem like he reads anything re: current events, nor does he know how the governmental process is set up to work.  The President does not make laws; Congress does.  True, there's executive orders, but executive orders do not cover everything - by design.  I know I had to sit through a semester of Government in high school, and I've retained the very basics (sometimes refreshing my memory as I need to do so in order to keep up with current events).  There doesn't seem to be one ounce of intellectual curiosity at all, which is pretty disturbing.  How in the world would he even understand a security briefing or understand why some laws or regulations were put in place originally?


12 hours ago, Rapunzel said:

Yep - His degree was just bought and paid for. A man who is so inarticulate and sounds as though he never finished the 5th grade should have never gotten into any college, much less received a degree from an Ivy League School. We know he has this sense of entitlement, so I'm sure he felt it was his right to go to an Ivy League School.

I believe that's why he is so obsessed with President Obama.  As someone reminded me upthread, he didn't just challenge the president to produce his birth certificate he also demanded to see his college transcripts.  

Throw in a heaping dose of racism and a sense of entitlement, and someone like Drumpf can't countenance that someone like Obama didn't earn his degrees without some kind of leg up over other people who they feel deserve it instead (i.e., the kids of their White friends who couldn't get a spot because of affirmative action).  Drumpf even claimed that, "[t]he people that went to school with (Barack Obama), they never saw him, they don't know who he is."  This ridiculous statement was greeted by wild applause by the attendees of the CPAC conference where Drumpf was a speaker.  Like virtually everything that comes out of his stupid mouth, this was yet another lie---one that some conservatives were happy to accept because it also fed into their own suspicions about Obama's background.  Plus, it fed into their need to believe that a Black man couldn't possibly be that talented, have worked that hard, or could have earned what he has on his own merit.  There were articles debunking Drumpf's claim, which also included interviews with Obama's former classmates.  The actor Hill Harper was a classmate of Obama's at Harvard Law School.  Politifact determined that Drumpf's slander warranted a Pants on Fire rating.  Of course, when the president publicly dragged Drumpf's ass at the White House Correspondents Dinner, his obsession to best Obama kicked into overdrive.

Meanwhile, Drumpf refuses to release his own transcripts from Wharton (like his tax returns).  According to Salon, evidence suggests that Drumpf was able to transfer to Wharton because his late brother's friend was on the admissions committee.  Also, according to Salon, The New York Times ran a story in 1984, indicating that Drumpf often claimed he graduated first in his class at Wharton.  However, a program from Drumpf's 1968 commencement did not list him as being awarded with any honors.  But, I guess we'll never know since this vile hypocrite won't volunteer the same transparency that he demanded of President Obama.

What Kind of Student Was Trump?

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Okay, here's where it gets really dark. Armchair psychologists like myself (heh) have had a fascination with the inner workings of a personality like Donald Trump. I am a medical person and I have had a few years of mental health experience but no formal training or degree in mental health. But I, like many people, recognized early on that there's just something not right about Donald Trump. I had suspected long ago that he has a genuine, medical diagnosis of NPD, Narcissist Personality Disorder. This isn't the garden variety of narcissism that's so prevalent in our society, this is a true medical diagnosis.

Affirmation of this has come in spurts over the past months and revealed through interviews with his ghost writer Tony Schwartz and with author Michael D'Antonio, "The Truth About Trump".  In 2014, when he was writing his book, D'Antonio recorded interviews with both Donald and Ivana Trump separately. They are very revealing as to the psyche of Donald Trump. Michael D'Antonio goes on to explain that one of the most prevalent thing that absolutely unsettles Donald Trump is being ignored. He admits to needing fame and in his own words "What would unnerve me.... if I didn't have it".  In the interview he says, "The most important aspect of leadership is winning and if you're winning, people will follow you". I had to digest this statement and take it at face value. He feels that the most important thing, the thing that he equates to good leadership, is winning. Are he and Charlie Sheen some kind of separated at birth relatives or are they both mentally disturbed individuals with a lethal personality disorder? (winning!)

The last part of the interview with Michael D'Antonio was even more pertinent. He said that among all the Trump children, Donald was the only one sent away to a military boarding school. The others got to lounge around their big mansion. Donald's father was one of the wealthiest men in the country at that time. After college, Donald wanted to do something that Fred Trump never ventured doing, to expand development of real estate in Manhattan. There was something missing in his emotional life growing up, there's no doubt about it. Donald Trump talks a lot about humiliation.

Michael D'Antonio, "Why is Donald always talking so much about humiliation? Why does he worry that people are laughing at him?  I suspect it because somebody laughed at him a lot when he was young and he's trying to make up for it ever since."

Edited by HumblePi
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Him saying his employees were all complaining about Obamacare just proves what a shameless liar he is. They weren't saying boo about it because they didn't have it.

Or they were complaining about the shitty, expensive coverage he provides as their employer. 

Then again, I don't think he's out there chatting up his employees at all anyway. In my imagination, he probably walks around with a hand mirror all day, staring at it and, when not fixing his whipped hair, makes kissy lips into it and tells himself how awesome he is. 

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Supposedly, the insurance plans at most Trump hotels are pretty good. Not that he's aware of it. I still haven't seen the CLIP of him being corrected by the GM that his employees actually don't have "Obamacare". Wish they were showing that more.

Also a bit upset that apparently he's getting a lot of Cuban American support, with heavy early voting in Miami. This is a failure of Democrats to capitalize on that news about him illegally doing business in Cuba in the 1990s. Darn it!

Good news was that MSNBC showed an interesting story about the "secret voters"--but not for Trump. They're Republican women who don't want to get into arguments with their husbands and others but plan to vote "Clinton". Makes sense.  (And if they need a reminder, last night's effort by Gingrich to shout down and bully Megyn Kelly should be a good one. Gingrich...Trump....Giuliani....Christie.  Has there ever been a less appealing group of candidate+bully-cloned-surrogates when it comes to women?)

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5 minutes ago, BW Manilowe said:

Donald Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (yes, he actually has/had 1, presumably in the TV category) has been destroyed by a vandal with a sledgehammer (apparently it's been vandalized before, but--obviously--not to the point of destruction). The LAPD is investigating.


If there is ever a 'Walk of Shame' then his just might be the first star placed on it.

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10 hours ago, abstractstuff said:

This election is really something else. Because Trump is so horrible, people are completely ignoring the mountain of Hillary's flagrant corrupt bullshit. 


With an a not an e.  

To be absolutely fair to you and to all others opposed to Hillary Clinton, she does have some shady things in her past. There are moments in her history that she and others wish to forget and sweep under the rug. There's many sayings about politicians but this particular one stands out for me, "In order to become the master, the politician poses as the servant." ~Charles de Gaulle

Bringing all things into reality, politicians are politicians for two reasons, to serve themselves and to serve others. Hillary Clinton is guilty of both but on the opposite side of the spectrum Donald Trump's agenda his entire life has been to serve himself above all. I know that Donald Trump is a billionaire and has had both failed and successful business enterprises. That's to his credit. To Hillary Clinton's credit is the fact that she did work unselfishly for children's rights when she was just 17 years old. She has been a woman's advocate all her life mentoring bills in the Senate that would only serve to enhance women's health and wellness. She has tirelessly worked for better education, better prenatal care, equality in the workplace and the rights of minorities. Using those things as a ruler by which I will vote, there's no other choice than Hillary Clinton.

As the first woman President she is well aware that she will be scrutinized and criticized for any spoken word, any action and any changes she will strive to make as president. This in itself is going to make her possibly one of the most outstanding presidents of the 21st century.

Edited by HumblePi
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One of the reasons why I'm encouraging everyone to stop following him on twitter is because he craves attention and if you tweet directly at him, even if it's negative stuff, he loves it. My strategy is that I use the term Orange Hitler and then the #ImWithHer hashtag when I want to slam him that way he doesn't get the numbers he talks about so much.

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53 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

Okay, here's where it gets really dark. Armchair psychologists like myself (heh) have had a fascination with the inner workings of a personality like Donald Trump. I am a medical person and I have had a few years of mental health experience but no formal training or degree in mental health. But I, like many people, recognized early on that there's just something not right about Donald Trump. I had suspected long ago that he has a genuine, medical diagnosis of NPD, Narcissist Personality Disorder. This isn't the garden variety of narcissism that's so prevalent in our society, this is a true medical diagnosis.

Affirmation of this has come in spurts over the past months and revealed through interviews with his ghost writer Tony Schwartz and with author Michael D'Antonio, "The Truth About Trump".  In 2014, when he was writing his book, D'Antonio recorded interviews with both Donald and Ivana Trump separately. They are very revealing as to the psyche of Donald Trump. Michael D'Antonio goes on to explain that one of the most prevalent thing that absolutely unsettles Donald Trump is being ignored. He admits to needing fame and in his own words "What would unnerve me.... if I didn't have it".  In the interview he says, "The most important aspect of leadership is winning and if you're winning, people will follow you". I had to digest this statement and take it at face value. He feels that the most important thing, the thing that he equates to good leadership, is winning. Are he and Charlie Sheen some kind of separated at birth relatives or are they both mentally disturbed individuals with a lethal personality disorder? (winning!)

The last part of the interview with Michael D'Antonio was even more pertinent. He said that among all the Trump children, Donald was the only one sent away to a military boarding school. The others got to lounge around their big mansion. Donald's father was one of the wealthiest men in the country at that time. After college, Donald wanted to do something that Fred Trump never ventured doing, to expand development of real estate in Manhattan. There was something missing in his emotional life growing up, there's no doubt about it. Donald Trump talks a lot about humiliation.

Michael D'Antonio, "Why is Donald always talking so much about humiliation? Why does he worry that people are laughing at him?  I suspect it because somebody laughed at him a lot when he was young and he's trying to make up for it ever since."

He had his struggles at the military academy boarding school where he lived from 13 to 18 and eventually wound up captain of the baseball team and head of the cadets. Probably at an early age it was pretty rough.

I don't have the feeling his parents were all that bad, though Fred was tough and reserved but I don't think necessarily mean to Donald. (Of course, later Donald became his pride and joy. He succeeded in working with his father for five years in Brooklyn where the older brother had failed--and then expanded their company into Manhattan, with Fred's money and connections and his own moxie.)

The head of NYMA was a tough sob himself and thought Fred was pretty demanding of Donald. But he also mentioned how Fred (often with Mary and other Trumps) would drive up (70 mi. one way) to see Donald and take him to dinner every Sunday (he had to tell them to leave the chauffeur and Rolls at home).  That was unusual for boys at NYMA--mostly, their families decided they were incorrigible, sent them away and then didn't bother. 

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Also a bit upset that apparently he's getting a lot of Cuban American support, with heavy early voting in Miami. This is a failure of Democrats to capitalize on that news about him illegally doing business in Cuba in the 1990s. Darn it!

Good news was that MSNBC showed an interesting story about the "secret voters"--but not for Trump. They're Republican women who don't want to get into arguments with their husbands and others but plan to vote "Clinton". Makes sense.  (And if they need a reminder, last night's effort by Gingrich to shout down and bully Megyn Kelly should be a good one. Gingrich...Trump....Giuliani....Christie.  Has there ever been a less appealing group of candidate+bully-cloned-surrogates when it comes to women?)

The former part of your post makes me want to scream and tear out someone's hair.  Ugh.  If only democrats really did hold sway over the media.   I don't know why they are letting Trump's tantrum's swat at them, play and air, all of the Orange one's misdeeds.   At this point it wouldn't be biased, it would FINALLY be the truth.   I just feel queasy.

And kind of related to the MSNBC story, though not really, I was asked out on a date, by a Trump supporter.   It did my heart good to say "Nope."   Imagine being married to a supporter, even after everything he's said about women?????


To be absolutely fair to you and to all other Hillary Clinton supporter she does have some shady things in her past. There are moments in her history that she and others wish to forget and sweep under the rug. There's many sayings about politicians but this particular one stands out for me, "In order to become the master, the politician poses as the servant." ~Charles de Gaulle

I think this is also a big reason why her campaign may have been on the defensive.  There are "issues" but they pale in comparison to Trumps IMO.   And to people who say he'll have people around him to make sure he doesn't do anything to outrageous.   He doesn't trust the Intelligence Community, the people he surrounds himself with are a horror show, Bannon, Russian Bond Henchman Manafort, and the underling slime he's employed.   These people with our future in their hands?  I weep.

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35 minutes ago, BW Manilowe said:

Donald Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (yes, he actually has/had 1, presumably in the TV category) has been destroyed by a vandal with a sledgehammer (apparently it's been vandalized before, but--obviously--not to the point of destruction). The LAPD is investigating.


Hope it doesn't get rebuilt.

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And kind of related to the MSNBC story, though not really, I was asked out on a date, by a Trump supporter.   It did my heart good to say "Nope."   Imagine being married to a supporter, even after everything he's said about women?????

Well, that's one good thing he's (indirectly) done! Provided a better dating screening service than Match.com! No more "what's your sign?" (dated reference, I know). Now women can get right to the point, "Trump? Yes?...Next!" lol and good for you. I -cannot- imagine being married to a Trump supporter. For a time my ex was hearing something different than I was from him and kept saying he might vote for him, but...Thank you, Donald....Trump became so awful that I no longer know anyone who supports him.  Which is nice!

But somehow today, I had the thought--consider it like an "alternate universe" thing--what if  Trump actually wins? I mean, a horrible thought, but imagine what that would be like, not just for us now (God forbid) but in terms of American history.  Not just that our country lost the chance to have the first woman president--and a woman who was so experienced and capable.

But that the first viable woman president lost to that--a man so completely inexperienced in governing, so ignorant of the issues, and a corrupt liar who is beyond "sexist bully" to "genuine abuser".  The idea that that kind of man--Donald Trump--would be the man who defeated Hillary Clinton!    

That he is so close that it's actually possible it could happen...that Donald Trump (corrupt, self-serving celebrity businessman who brags about sexual assault and lies about everything, pays no taxes, gives nothing to charity, routinely stiffs contractors) could defeat Hillary Clinton (first lady, senator, secretary of state) and become president of the United States.....Seriously...what does that say about our country that this is even a genuine possibility?

Edited by Padma
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20 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

Hope it doesn't get rebuilt.

Among the people I follow on Twitter is the woman in charge of selecting who gets a star each year (among those who pay the--hefty--fee, which is for making the star that goes in the sidewalk & putting it in its assigned space, & who also submit the required paperwork from the celebrity giving their permission for a possible star & agreeing to attend the unveiling ceremony, & other paperwork). She's also subsequently in charge of "producing" the ceremony at which the star is unveiled (which the honoree must attend unless, of course, it's a posthumous ceremony). And I'm not using her Twitter handle so people won't bombard her about not replacing his star. So far, she hasn't weighed in on the situation--whether or not the star will be replaced--presumably because of the still rather early hour in the Pacific Time Zone.

When asked, she previously said/Tweeted, though, that Trump's star would not be removed simply because of the views he's espoused/his assholic behavior (this is my choice of words) on the campaign trail. Obviously someone took the removal into their own hands.

Edited by BW Manilowe
To add some stuff I forgot.
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15 minutes ago, Padma said:

Seriously...what does that say about our country that this is even a genuine possibility

That for millions of Americans, reality teevee "stars" are somehow exempt from the usual rules of human conduct. Not even Jeb! would have gotten away with half the shit Trump has pulled.

Plus misogyny.

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After a long battle with Alzheimer's disease, Fred Trump died at the age of 93.

At Fred Trump’s wake, at the Frank E. Campbell funeral home, his son Donald stepped forward to address the political, real estate and society power brokers in the crowd. One attendee recalled Mr. Trump’s unorthodox ode to his father, which Mr. Trump confirmed.

“My father taught me everything I know. And he would understand what I’m about to say,” Mr. Trump announced to the room. “I’m developing a great building on Riverside Boulevard called Trump Place. It’s a wonderful project.”

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53 minutes ago, Padma said:

But somehow today, I had the thought--consider it like an "alternate universe" thing--what if  Trump actually wins?

I assume he'll be impeached inside of a year. But that year will sure be "interesting times."

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 can't wrap my head around how anyone - male of female - can support him.

One of the lawyers with whom I occasionally work and with whom I'm Facebook friends posted that he was going to vote for Trump because, to him, the most important thing was preventing Hillary from appointing a liberal judge to the Supreme Court.  Now, I like this particularly person and have a certain respect for his legal knowledge, and his post saddened me greatly, but I sort of understand his viewpoint even though I completely disagree with it.  And am desperately hoping the next Supreme Court nominee is liberal as all get out.

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On ‎10‎/‎25‎/‎2016 at 9:58 AM, KerleyQ said:

His supporters claim that, because he draws such "huge" crowds at his rallies, that means he's really winning.

Yeah, if that were really the case, Bernie Sanders would've been the Democratic Party's nominee.

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7 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

One of the lawyers with whom I occasionally work and with whom I'm Facebook friends posted that he was going to vote for Trump because, to him, the most important thing was preventing Hillary from appointing a liberal judge to the Supreme Court.  Now, I like this particularly person and have a certain respect for his legal knowledge, and his post saddened me greatly, but I sort of understand his viewpoint even though I completely disagree with it.  And am desperately hoping the next Supreme Court nominee is liberal as all get out.

On the flip side of that coin, Republicans never complained having the controlling Supreme Court vote with Judge Antonin Scalia. There were no objections from any lawyers or Republicans that he was a generally (though not perfectly) reliable vote for the conservative faction on the Court. Scalia’s sudden death effectively ends a long era of the Court being controlled by Republicans, and marks the beginning of a new age in which the politics of Supreme Court nominations will be increasingly fraught. Conservative viewpoints should be respected of course but those should not impede the judgements made by those appointed to represent all the people in a court of law with little regard for their individual rights as citizens of this democracy.

Edited by HumblePi
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But that the first viable woman president lost to that--a man so completely inexperienced in governing, so ignorant of the issues, and a corrupt liar who is beyond "sexist bully" to "genuine abuser".  The idea that that kind of man--Donald Trump--would be the man who defeated Hillary Clinton!    

That he is so close that it's actually possible it could happen...that Donald Trump (corrupt, self-serving celebrity businessman who brags about sexual assault and lies about everything, pays no taxes, gives nothing to charity, routinely stiffs contractors) could defeat Hillary Clinton (first lady, senator, secretary of state) and become president of the United States.....Seriously...what does that say about our country that this is even a genuine possibility?

It says a lot and none of it good.  I have never seriously thought about relocation until now.  Even if the animal is defeated, that he made it this close.  I know I'm a broken record, but people I considered myself close too are voting for this thing that looks eerily similar to a man.   The GOP made this Frankenstein, if it's defeated  (and then locked away for, god, pick anything) what are they going to cook up next?   The buffoon made it this far, imagine if Trump possessed impulse control and an understanding of the job and what it entailed???????   And all those people who are voting for him strictly to combat abortion, from what I understand, it didn't stop abortion, women just had less safe ways of pursuing it.   You can bet this will be one of the first things to go under Pence.

And glad his stupid Hollywood Star was smashed.   Now if only America would do that to his ambition for the White House.

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Oh, I agree completely, HumblePi.  I think this friend is 100% wrong, but I could at least understand why he would consider voting for Trump (or perhaps more accurately, against Hillary) since continued conservative control of the Supreme Court is of utmost importance to him.  Knowing this about him does make me think less of him.  That's why I try to avoid political posts on FB - I really don't want to know.

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1 hour ago, Advance35 said:

And to people who say he'll have people around him to make sure he doesn't do anything to outrageous.   doesn't trust the Intelligence Community, the people he surrounds himself with are a horror show, Bannon, Russian Bond Henchman Manafort, and the underling slime he's employed.   These people with our future in their hands?  I weep. He

Well, let's see, he has people around to make sure he doesn't do anything too outrageous while campaigning...How's that working out? Among the many things I can't understand about Trump supporters is how they could possibly think he would be any different if he wins. 

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5 minutes ago, needschocolate said:

Well, let's see, he has people around to make sure he doesn't do anything too outrageous while campaigning...How's that working out? Among the many things I can't understand about Trump supporters is how they could possibly think he would be any different if he wins. 

This is actually very pertinent because there's enough evidence to show that Donald Trump, if by some wild chance he wins this election, will fail to unite this country in any way. Contrarily, he will continue his message of separatism from the world, aggression towards allies and bigotry throughout the country. He's not going to change his ideals, he's not going to soften his stance on immigration, he's not going to care about the environment or women's issues. He's going to rule with an iron hand as he's accustomed to doing. On the other hand, if Hillary Clinton wins, she will be committed to uniting the country, fight against prejudice, seek to protect the environment and pledge to champion children and women's rights as she's done all her life.

Edited by HumblePi
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This cares me. I have a neighbor who is ill (lung disease) and on a fixed income. He is 77. He said to me that he is voting for Trump ONLY bc he hates , "those damn foreigners." YIKES.

I had seen some Trump signs in yards. They have been removed, but I don't know if it's bc the residents changed their minds or if someone took the signs or if they chose not to advertise their support for Trump.

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About the "damn foreigners"... my neighbor is of Irish decent (and so am I, partially) I said to him, "weren't our family members 'damn foreigners' at one point?" He had no answer.

Trump seems anti-anyone who's not white and male and rich, so there's that. (imo)

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12 minutes ago, ari333 said:

This cares me. I have a neighbor who is ill (lung disease) and on a fixed income. He is 77. He said to me that he is voting for Trump ONLY bc he hates , "those damn foreigners." YIKES.

I had seen some Trump signs in yards. They have been removed, but I don't know if it's bc the residents changed their minds or if someone took the signs or if they chose not to advertise their support for Trump.

I understand his opinion but don't agree with it of course. I too am a baby-boomer as your neighbor is. We grew up in an atmosphere of incredible strides in industry and manufacturing. We saw the first moon landing, the first commercial jet airplanes, the 'cold war' with Russia and the economy was robust and extremely conservative. We also saw prejudice and segregation and some very ugly things. We saw a President and his brother get assassinated and later discovered that both were guilty of marital infidelities. The immigration during the post-war era was in favor of European immigrants. The largest percentage of immigration was given to people from Europe still escaping a war-ravaged Europe.  It wasn't until much later that the immigration of Hispanics and blacks from other countries increased greatly.  Old baby boomers like your neighbor didn't like the Italian speaking, Polish speaking, Russian speaking immigrants and treated them very badly indeed. But they were the same race so there wasn't the ugly bigotry seen until the large influx of non-whites flooded the US and began to take jobs away. But the jobs were disappearing anyway since after the Vietnam war, there was less demand for munitions, military contracts, etc.

There's so much that influenced these misguided ideas that there's books written that would take a lifetime to read. Your old neighbor grew up in what was actually an unrealistic society and he just never could accept the change.

Edited by HumblePi
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11 minutes ago, ari333 said:

About the "damn foreigners"... my neighbor is of Irish decent (and so am I, partially) I said to him, "weren't our family members 'damn foreigners' at one point?" He had no answer.

Trump seems anti-anyone who's not white and male and rich, so there's that. (imo)

Welllll...there are certain other immigrants he likes:  Eastern European former models.  He likes them so much that he sees it as his duty to wife them up.

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Watching MSNBC show early voting starting in NC.  Jacob Rascone interviewed an African American family--3 or 4 adults lined up to vote. The younger woman praised TRUMP for his "outreach to AAs and how he wants to fix the inner cities."  The older one urged people "not to be deceived by words and to look at the record of failures (presumably Democratic and Clinton failures) and vote for something better."

This family--like the Cuban Americans I heard about this morning--was voting for Trump.

I feel ill....

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There are misinformed or stupid people in every community. Case in point some white gay men who are Trump supporters like Peter Thiel. It does make me ill as a lesbian who is scared out of my mind about this election.

32 minutes ago, Padma said:

Watching MSNBC show early voting starting in NC.  Jacob Rascone interviewed an African American family--3 or 4 adults lined up to vote. The younger woman praised DRUMPF for his "outreach to AAs and how he wants to fix the inner cities."  The older one urged people "not to be deceived by words and to look at the record of failures (presumably Democratic and Clinton failures) and vote for something better."

This family--like the Cuban Americans I heard about this morning--was voting for Drumpf.

I feel ill....

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 (Even today, there are a decent number of people who would still say that you can't rape your spouse.) 

Until 1993, there were still states saying you can't rape your spouse (North Carolina was the last state to get on board, just behind Oklahoma).  It wasn't until 1976 that the first U.S. state changed its law to make spousal rape a crime; prior to that, every state's penal code included language like "of a person other than a spouse" when defining rape.  And there are still states that treat marital rape and non-marital rape differently (and I mean by statute, not just in the differing attitudes towards victims and the reluctance to prosecute spousal rape cases).

Edited by Bastet
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Watching MSNBC show early voting starting in NC.  Jacob Rascone interviewed an African American family--3 or 4 adults lined up to vote. The younger woman praised TRUMP for his "outreach to AAs and how he wants to fix the inner cities."  The older one urged people "not to be deceived by words and to look at the record of failures (presumably Democratic and Clinton failures) and vote for something better."

This family--like the Cuban Americans I heard about this morning--was voting for Trump.

I feel ill....

Pyrrhic I know, but if the worst happens, I hope all of those voters are the first one's to get the "punchline".   Being able to see the realization of what they've done will have to be enough.   I really should have gone into the bridge selling business.   Apparently it's easy.


There are misinformed or stupid people in every community. Case in point some white gay men who are Trump supporters like Peter Thiel. It does make me ill as a lesbian who is scared out of my mind about this election.

Thank You!!!!!!! I saw a gay couple being interviewed and one guy introduced the other as his fiance.   And I'm like, HELLO?????? Smell the barley Charlie.

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