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Marriage Boot Camp - General Discussion

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I usually don't watch Marriage Boot camp, since most of the time I have no idea who the people are, but this season is an exception, so I'm all in.

Amber sure does suck the air right out of the room doesn't she? It's just all about Amber. I laughed when she bragged about her show, which she has had for TEN years. Matt is just along for the cash. Amber's mom looks beaten down by life. I can't wait to see Matt in the crib, lol. 

And I love how Renee gives no fucks about Amber. 

Waiting for Brandi to get wasted and go nuts.  

  • Love 12
13 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Amber griping about her room was laughable. This is the same chick who lives in a filthy rental home with dog and cat shit and piss all over the place. Remember her apartment with dirty clothes all over and the cat litter boxes filled with feces? Leah's crib had a bunch of junk in it and the kitchen was a pig sty.

Her house back in Indiana is absolutely filthy. Any flat surface in her bedroom is covered with 32oz. fast food to-go cups. Yet, her room in California isn’t to her liking?  It must be hard to recognize which personal space is yours if you don’t have animal piss marking the way. 

On 3/11/2018 at 1:49 PM, druzy said:

Matt is such a scumbag. 

  • Love 16
14 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Amber burns calories when she is angry. It is the only time she is moving around and not lying on a couch.

Amber griping about her room was laughable. This is the same chick who lives in a filthy rental home with dog and cat shit and piss all over the place. Remember her apartment with dirty clothes all over and the cat litter boxes filled with feces? Leah's crib had a bunch of junk in it and the kitchen was a pig sty.

Amber is busy sleeping on the couch so she asked me to direct you to this tweet:


For what it's worth, I tried defending your post to Amber by showing her some pictures. She suddenly jumped off the couch took a swing at me (I swayed to the left, and avoided the punch). As she was storming towards me she screamed "Don't call my man a pedophile". Running towards the door I fell over a big lump, (which turned out to be NuMatt) I threw the pictures in the air as I made my escape.



Edited by druzy
  • Love 17
11 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Her house back in Indiana is absolutely filthy. Any flat surface in her bedroom is covered with 32oz. fast food to-go cups. Yet, her room in California isn’t to her liking?  It must be hard to recognize which personal space is yours if you don’t have animal piss marking the way. 

Matt is such a scumbag. 

Agreed. Can you imagine being a child of his? He will say or do anything to avoid responsibility for his kids. I'm guessing he would show up on any of their doorsteps claiming to want a relationship  if they suddenly struck it rich. That said, I have zero sympathy for Amber. She was warned repeatedly by many people, including her brother, Gary, other TMs and a phalanx of people on social media, all of whom she chose to ignore. Now she wants to cry about how he took advantage of her. Oh please. The funniest thing I read upthread is that she wants to use ForeverFaux to launch a non-profit. Doesn't a business need to be successful before you can fund non-profit ventures? 

  • Love 10
22 hours ago, WordsWordsWords said:

I missed watching (or recording) this. So I just watched it on the WETV website. Wow. I always say I watch these shows (all the reality shows) for research. I know I'll get some good stuff for my writing this season because all of these folks are nuts. Some are sympathetic-more-or-less nuts (the mafia women -- and I remember Renee from her earlier season), some are delusional nuts (the Joneses) and some are angry-loony nuts (Amber and Brandi).

So far my least-favourite inmate is Amber. I've never watched Teen Mom, so I have no prior experience with her, but woof. She's both explosive and stupid. What a combination.

You must stay and meet Amber in all her glory! 

This is great to us TM watchers cause usually she just lies around on her couch or bed in onesie PJ’s while declaring to to everyone she’s a badass “real” bitch and coming up with excuses why she can’t see her daughter (father has full custody).  

The best is her online boutique. It’s called Forever Haute - she thinks it means high fashion in French - when it really just means Forever High. Hurry though - the 75% off sale on the entire site has only been going on for a couple of months now. I’m sure it will end soon!

  • Love 13
On 3/11/2018 at 1:49 PM, druzy said:

Classic Matt.  Trying to gaslight the therapists (or whatever the hell).    They. Shut. It. down.    Best scene ever. 

Matt:  "See, what had happened was..."   

Them:  Did you father those kids?  

Matt:  Yes but...

Them:  G'night Matt.  The number is the number.   We're done.  


I did notice that MBC sprung for new glasses that are not as scratched up and greasy as what Matt sported on Teen Mom OG.   <gag>   

Edited by SuzWhat
  • Love 14
2 hours ago, druzy said:

Amber is busy sleeping on the couch so she asked me to direct you to this tweet:


For what it's worth, I tried defending your post to Amber by showing her some pictures. She suddenly jumped off the couch took a swing at me (I swayed to the left, and avoided the punch). As she was storming towards me she screamed "Don't call my man a pedophile". Running towards the door I fell over a big lump, (which turned out to be NuMatt) I threw the pictures in the air as I made my escape.




  • Love 8
On 3/12/2018 at 3:59 PM, SuzWhat said:

Classic Matt.  Trying to gaslight the therapists (or whatever the hell).    They. Shut. It. down.    Best scene ever. 

Matt:  "See, what had happened was..."   

Them:  Did you father those kids?  

Matt:  Yes but...

Them:  G'night Matt.  The number is the number.   We're done.  


I did notice that MBC sprung for new glasses that are not as scratched up and greasy as what Matt sported on Teen Mom OG.   <gag>   

He always laughs when he's lying, but it's that "you're being ridiculous for not believing me" type of laugh.  It's a definite trigger for Amber (what isn't?), but I loved the way the therapists completely shut him down.  He is such a slimy, manipulative, liar.  I wonder if his 2 kids who were shown on teen mom regret singing his praises now.  They were obviously brought on the show to rehab his image, but unfortunately for him, the general public isn't as dumb as the women he can manipulate, and we weren't fooled by anything those kids had to say.  

  • Love 10

I just finished the episode. Really smart to give “former” addicts alcohol when they’re struggling with their family members. The last thing quarreling family members need is an all access to a liquor bar ON TV. Recipe for arguments and embarrassment. 

Amber is such a dumb sloth. “I wasn’t angry before you came around??” Helllooooo Amber! We have video footage of you throwing a large quarterback lookalike down a fight of stairs (exaggeration but whatever lol).

When Matt entered your life you were just recently released from Gel and was trying to give people this born again Amber, but without proper therapy you weren’t able to shelter the beast inside you. Matt helped you unleash it because you have no control over your anger. Yes, Matt is a douchebag, but to blame him for your actions is being a pussy - the name you like to give him.

At least Matt admits to being slime, you have to always have an excuse for your actions all of the time. And that moment she stood in front of the class with her head tilted, she gave that same annoying look she gave when her therapist at rehab (season two?) asked her if she was okay. The lazy mouth hanging open look lol.

And take several seats when being picky about your sleeping quarters. We haven’t forgotten your early season apartments. You slept on Taco Bell wrappers instead of bedsheets...your daughter didn’t even get food wrappers for sheets, you dumb shit.

  • Love 17

I am new to this show but I'd like to know - have they had any successes with this bizarre " therapy"? These people are unstable to begin with, and then to use these crazy stunts as therapeutic techniques would seem to be be playing with fire. It reminds me of that horrible Dr. Drew show " Celebrity Rehab" where half the clients ended up dead shortly after their stints on the show. And by the way, who is licensing all these charlatans who claim to be mental health professionals?

Edited by Caseysgirl
  • Love 9

Random thoughts:

I don't particularly like Dr. V, but when she stared at Matt and said, "Shut up, Matt," I legit laughed out loud.

Amber is a bundle of high explosives wrapped none-too-tightly and with a hair trigger. 

Jimmy and Jimmy's mom are not going to learn a thing (nor do they want to). Look, I know a lot of the exercises used on this show seem silly, but I believe a person could learn a lot from them. I've been in therapy, though a different kind, and some of the things I did seemed stupid when I was doing them, but they paid off later.  But you've got to expend at least a little effort.

I was working at my computer (I have deadlines, and they're looming like looming things) through some of this episode, and I couldn't tell any of the Mafia women apart by their voices. They sound so much alike to me. Maybe not to everyone else, but they so to me.

Brandi and her father were talking (in the snake pit, I mean) at 100% cross-purposes. "I wasn't an escort!" "But that's what I read!" "But I never said it!" Okay, the problem here is that he believed what he read, and she didn't address *that*. She just addressed the fact that she didn't say it. (And, because I've read some of the same articles, I don't know if she said it or not.) My husband and I used to have some of the same types of arguments (not about escorts, of course, but arguments about two different things at the same time). My therapy (as mentioned above) helped me figure out how to keep myself on topic better, so I'm not fussing about something he didn't quite say.

  • Love 9

Idk if I'm gonna be able to hang in here with this show. It's kind of boring so far, probably because I've already seen Amber and Matt before in all their glory. Nothing new to see with them. Although I am surprised Amber actually left him but then I remember she hooked up with Numatt immediately so that's why she was able to kick old Matt to the he curb. 

This whole show is such a joke. I do enjoy watching Jim though. He cracks me up because he takes this show just as seriously as he should. He knows it's all a joke, and he's only there for the check. I can respect that.  I just wish I had whatever he was smoking when I watch these. I might be having a better time then. ?

  • Love 8

watched Jim & Chrissy Jones & Mom on another show and I cant believe Chrissy is still hoping he'll marry her after all these years. he's married to his mom you might as well say and pretty much kicks back while they fight over him LOL.  And I actually like Mrs. Jones, but she is ,so far, low-key here, compared to her Love & Hip Hop persona 

  • Love 4

During episode #1 of the new season, Amber called herself an "ex-addict" when she freaked out about her room. Maybe 15 seconds later, she said "you don't trigger an addict." I bet she thinks of herself as an ex-addict (as far as I know that's a made up word) and Matt as the addict. Then she went back and forth between calling herself an addict and a former addict. She is so stupid!! (at least she said "gel" and I laughed so freakin hard!)

I've heard many people, who are in recovery and have been sober for years, still refer to themselves as "addicts"; it's just a matter of how long they've been able to stay sober.

For example, when Rob Lowe talks about being sober for so many years now, he always says he's an alcoholic, and that each day is a fight to maintain his sobriety. My understanding is that once a person admits that they're an addict/alcoholic, it's up to THEM about how to handle it and stay sober, but they never take any shame in referring to themselves as addicts/alcoholics. Zero shame. Then again, the addicts who maintain their sobriety that I speak of know it's not OK to be around alcohol, let alone drink any.

On 3/16/2018 at 7:05 PM, FairyDusted said:

BITCHES GET STITCHES!   I'm putting that on a pillow.

@GreatKazu, I'd like to order that phrase on the other side of my "Roxanne TM2" tote bag please. Thank you!!!!!!!

Edited by Bridget
  • Love 8
On ‎3‎/‎18‎/‎2018 at 10:55 PM, xls said:

watched Jim & Chrissy Jones & Mom on another show and I cant believe Chrissy is still hoping he'll marry her after all these years. he's married to his mom you might as well say and pretty much kicks back while they fight over him LOL.  And I actually like Mrs. Jones, but she is ,so far, low-key here, compared to her Love & Hip Hop persona 

I never saw these people before, but when they listed all the shows they've done previously, it's clear that they consider this their means of employment and that's all it is to them.  They're just going through the motions fabricating drama to earn the paycheck.  And the dude is using as few motions as possible - he's planning to sleep through the entire show!

  • Love 6

I believe that Amber is half telling the truth. I do believe that Matt has hit her - in a self defense way and probably out of desperation when having her in your face constantly screaming!!!! That doesn’t make it right to hit her, for the screaming part not the self defense part. 

But I’m not too sure I believe the part where he purposely cut his face and threw himself down the stairs threatening to call the police because Amber has a rap sheet for domestic abuse - filmed throwing a man nearly down the stairs.

On the other hand, I have heard of true stories of pathetic men slapping them self so that their GF/Wife can go to jail, too, since nowadays the police have to arrest both parties if accusations of hitting are being made.

I think I just confused myself. I don’t know what to believe because both assholes are lying con-artist that you can’t trust as far as you can spit!!!! We’ve caught Amber in a ton of lies and same with Matt.

I don’t like domestic violence but in this case, they both suck and both have intentionally harmed other people - they got their justice desserts!!!!!!

  • Love 11
On ‎3‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 10:35 AM, suzeecat said:

I never saw these people before, but when they listed all the shows they've done previously, it's clear that they consider this their means of employment and that's all it is to them.  They're just going through the motions fabricating drama to earn the paycheck.  And the dude is using as few motions as possible - he's planning to sleep through the entire show!

He always looks like that :)

  • Love 2

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