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Marriage Boot Camp - General Discussion

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19 hours ago, Coffeewinewater said:

Yes, I started thinking she wants us to believe she dumped him but he was clearly over her. Did you hear him say. The thought of spending one more day with you makes my stomach turn , or something like that lol. Now I kind see were her anger was coming from.  She knew he was done. And realized she looked like a fool . Matt is definitely a grifter, but I'm not sure we can't say he didn't earn that money. Jk.

Every week I watch and I'm in disbelief that nuMatt saw that hateful, screaming  beast and was interested. 

What HE saw was another door opening (OldMatt leaving) for him to score some easy money and tons of social media followers before dodging town but NuMatt hasn’t been a con artist for as long as OldMatt was and forgot to protect little Andrew. Sealed 18 years of child support. Poor Andrew was making Matt’s old mistakes of leaving a token with each woman he leaves in the dust. Amber is a FOOL, but a sugar momma.

Matt EARNED that money. He put up with tons of BS and I don’t buy him hitting her 100% as Amber likes to omit pertinent facts. Like, “she was coming at me screaming she was a ‘badass bitch’ and started punching me in the face where she scratched my face until it bled (photo is online) so I hit her back to get her off of me”. That’s what I THINK Amber may have been referring to when she said Matt hit her. Self defense. 

  • Love 11

When Amber was talking about Matt's faults out by the fire, she could have been talking about herself.  Always the victim-check, doesn't take responsibility-double check.  I'm glad the 'doctors' pointed out that the faults that Amber acknowledged were basically just her tolerating others' faults.  Then she tells her mom she wants her to stop feeling guilty,  after ripping into her last episode about her childhood.  It's one or the other, nutjob.  I want so badly for her to puff up to the wrong person.  Some people really do need their asses kicked.  It's an unpopular opinion, but it's true.  Only in extreme circumstances, of course.  Maybe when the show is canceled and she's trying to make money and stay relevant she'll sign up for some 'celebrity boxing' gig.  Then, surprise!  Rhonda Rousey steps into the ring.  Lol  I wish MTV still had that show 'Bully Beatdown'.  But they'd get drug through the mud for showing people-who-definitely-deserve-it-and-actually-signed-up-for-it learn what it's like to be on the receiving end.  But I digress...

I don't understand why Chrissy opted out of this drill, of all drills.  It was very tame and one of the only drills that might have had some therapeutic value.  Made no sense.  The other whiners who opted out didn't surprise me because they are idiots and object to things just for the sake of objection, but Chrissy is smarter than the rest of the bootcampers combined. 

Edited by eskimo
  • Love 8

Amber is such a piece of work. The only word for her is one of the few we aren’t supposed to use here. The chick who is “sick” 362 days of the year is calling someone else out on faking sick? She can’t even see the irony of the situation because she’s so stupid. And death threats, “on [her] daughter’s life” really?  I think I “like” (relative term) Matt more than Amber at this point and that’s insane. Also, she used my favorite term for her (trash bag) on Matt and that offends me. She’s the ultimate trash bag and not a name brand like Hefty... she’s  a dollar store trash bag.

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 12
11 hours ago, DudeLeaveMeAlone said:

I seriously don't get how she went from the last episode being all up on him (and he rejected those advances) to this complete psycho in this episode. The rage seemed to come from nowhere! And her "badass bitch" face - I laughed after I cringed. She thinks she's so tough. She looks like a damn fool.

Borderline Personality Disorder. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, toodywoody said:

My gosh, Amber just needs to stfu.  She always play the victim and it isn't Matt that gets her riled up, anyone that tells her anything she doesn't like she blows up at them.

Ain't that the truth. We watched how she has already gotten riled up at Baby Huey over paint colors. It is always someone else responsible for her anger issues.

  • Love 10

Argh. Another "lie detector" bs night. "So and so isn't talking, that tells us everything." Yes, it tells you they are too smart for phony science. There is a reason this stuff is inadmissible in court. People can react with increases in blood pressure, etc.simply because the subject is a sensitive one. What if someone asks me if I am guilty of adultery when I am in turmoil wondering if my SO is guilty of it? Come on, folks, get real.

  • Love 11

I don’t know if Matt ever beat Amber but I don’t believe a word she says. She is in recovery and still drinking? It doesn’t matter what her drug of choice was. I am going round and round with a sponsee over this. And she was an employee in a recovery program for years! Still loving Brandi,her dad and the G sisters. The other family seems to be making progress.

Edited by hoosiermom
  • Love 10

I did not believe it was possible to hate Amber more, boy was I wrong. How does someone get to be so stupid, mean, clueless, narcissist and deluded?

"I.am not a victim, I have never played a victim in my life"...man if I had been around during that tirade  I would have stepped  back to make sure I was not struck by lightning..  the only time she is not playing victim is when she is playing bad bitch..but she can do both at the same time.

Victim..let's see:

Mom was drunk, mom left me at home alone, , dad drunk  nobody at home, so that is why I drunk, why I skipped school, why I hung out with bad crowd. Matt is why I am angry, Matt lied to me, Matt won't let me drive, Matt and mom stole my money, matt abuses me, Matt takes advantage, the doctors are shit stirrers so that is why I am mad, the people here just want to start fights" 

WOW..but then again she also states she never hit anyone...I have never said anyone have a clenched fist in my life.  Why didn't anyone ask her under the lie detector test how many people she has hit! ..it makes me wonder where that anger will go when her kids are teenagers and mouth off.

When she tries to say what a real woman she is and how she is so tough and strong. ..well no one that strong would be taken advantage of and blame everyone else else. Plus she made me feel slightly bad for sleezy Matt. Eeww. 

I worry for this new baby, unless Gary can take it in, where will he go when Andrew flees and Amber can't cope. Even the 2 docs spoke out against Amber in a magazine last week.

  • Love 12

When Amber said she wanted to leave, I knew it was because Matt had left and she wanted to go chase after him. Amber and Matt were apparently still back and forth with each other up until late July. Filming of this show was in May. She was also still talking and texting him up until November. That was when he informed her he had gotten married. By then she was three months pregnant. Pretty damn skeevy to have one guy in your bedroom while still chatting it up with your ex and being pregnant by one of them.

I actually was happy to hear Matt tell them all he wasn't going to take the lie detector test.

  • Love 10

I haven't finished watching yet but lord Amber is a vile human.  And she pissed me off because she's making feel bad for Sleezy Matt.  

I did laugh when Renee said  Amber's mom was going to count her pills to make sure he didn't take them lol. What a completely messed family. 

I wish Brandi would stay of the Jones' business. That's the Brandi I can't stand. Jim does seem to be trying.  I see why Chrissy feels disrespected sometimes but pick your battles. Dont go in on him when you've had a few drinks. Loved his mom and Chrissy playing the Dr's .

The G sisters crack me up. 

Amber you didn't just break up with Matt he left. 

The Amber nuMatt time line is scetchy. If she was still talking to Matt in November,  she definitely wanted back. Her mom is a mess but Amber can stop with I'm tired of taking care of other people. They both said they barely see each other.

Edited by Coffeewinewater
  • Love 9

I'm disgusted with Amber's mom, Tonya. Wow. She can barely speak a coherent sentence. Seemed like she got off the hook for drinking while taking prescription meds. It was interesting when she ran up to her room to be sure nobody took her pills. Clearly, she has a problem and it seems like they know it, but nothing is being done. 

  • Love 10

I can't believe I'm posting this.  Amber is a monster, no doubt.  But I think this experience must've been a nightmare for her.  Matt seemed checked out from moment 1.  If he wanted to make things work, having been caught cheating & stealing her money (which, ok, to be fair he kind of earned as the driver/chef/babysitter) he would've been kissing her ass.  But he was ignoring her & spilling her secrets.  And Tonya was just blackout the entire time, and bowed out of many challenges due to "not remembering what she said."

also, who cares, Amber sucks.  Moving on...

  • Love 9

@teapot if I ever start to feel any sympathy for Amber I just think about what she has put her daughter through. Allllll that is known about Matt and she still always put him before Leah. Then she and Matt break up and she gets a new guy ASAP and then puts him before Leah. Matt sucks but Amber deserves zero sympathy. Also, just think of all the horrible things she said about Matt’s former marks (ie relationships). And she had the benefit of all this information about him, something the other women he fucked over didn’t have. She’s the worst kind of idiot - one who thinks she’s smarter than everyone else.

Hopefully Leah would never go down this televised bullshit route, as Amber and Tanya have done, but Amber better be ready to answer for her shitting “parenting” herself soon enough. 

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 12
55 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

@teapot if I ever start to feel any sympathy for Amber I just think about what she has put her daughter through. Allllll that is known about Matt and she still always put him before Leah. Then she and Matt break up and she gets a new guy ASAP and then puts him before Leah. Matt sucks but Amber deserves zero sympathy. Also, just think of all the horrible things she said about Matt’s former marks (ie relationships). And she had the benefit of all this information about him, something the other women he fucked over didn’t have. She’s the worst kind of idiot - one who thinks she’s smarter than everyone else.

Hopefully Leah would never go down this televised bullshit route, as Amber and Tanya have done, but Amber better be ready to answer for her shitting “parenting” herself soon enough. 

you are not wrong, my friend! 

I was just thinking, wow she's also in a really shitty situation here.  it does not excuse her awful-ness at all. 

plus do I think that gave her the right to go Ham (Massachusetts term, perhaps?) on anyone in the house who even slightly disagreed w/her?  oh HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Love 7

That's Amber's problem. Anyone that disagrees with Amber gets jumped all over.  First it was Gary, then it was Farrah, then Matt, then her Mom, then Chrissy, then Brandy. All the common deminators are Amber. Amber is the problem, instead of looking at what people say, she threatens to kick their asses. Real mature, what is going to happen when her kids question her? And for her to say she is loving, to who? The only person she loves is herself. And everyone is a trigger.

Edited by toodywoody
  • Love 8

Renee Graziano & her under-the-breath comments about Tonya are making me laugh so hard! Oh my God - she’s hilarious (and I couldn’t stand her on “Mob Wives”!). 

The comment about Tonya going upstairs to count her pills AND

T: “...and I couldn’t remember....”

R: “what day of the week it is.”

Dying laughing!!!

Sadly, as someone who does suffer from chronic pain and who does take prescription medication, Tonya is the poster child for those assholes who ruin it for those of us who have to call around to 2834 pharmacies to make sure we can fill our RXs. Too many doctors don’t know what they’re doing when it comes to handing out RXs for pain pills. I don’t see my primary care doc for my sciatic nerve pain and the three herniated discs in my back; I’ve been treated by a Pain Management specialist for the last 10 years. I have annual MRIs, outpatient surgical injections, practice yoga (in lieu of physical therapy) and have random UAs. I have no problem with being closely monitored at all because I have nothing to hide. That’s the way to treat a patient with intractable pain.

My mind is blown that Tonya’s organs haven’t shut down yet from the combination of alcohol, nicotine and abusing her medication. I heard Amber say in the season finale  “some of the stuff she’s on should not be mixed”, which made me think that Tonya takes more than one type of pill for her back pain, which can be normal, as long as a specialist knows what they’re prescribing. (Long acting pain meds, breakthrough pain meds and muscle relaxers are the ones off the top of my head)

No doctor in their right mind should write her a prescription for anything other than ibuprofen until she puts the bottle down, is monitored weekly and goes to physical therapy. (Yoga has kept me ambulatory, mobile and off of an OR table!) IF she really does have back pain, I’ve got a great doctor who will take care of her! 

Sorry for the essay on substance abuse, but it makes me want to hunt down these doctors that write prescriptions to anyone who asks and lay the smackdown on them. 


When Mama Jones said she “had been working hard”, I wanted to ask her: “at what?” She and her son both don’t want to do anything! She’s all talk and I don’t care for her at all. She doesn’t want to do any of the work or address the past, nor does she understand why she has to deal with the past to move forward. She’s so stubborn that it’s irritating. She’s not cute. She’s not a “grandmother” or maternal figure at all. She’s just over involved in her child’s relationship. She must be related to TM2’s Roxanne.

Anyone else think it was creepy when Jim said “You’re cruising...” to Chrissy when he was pissed at her last week? I immediately thought of the phrase “you’re cruisin’ for a bruisin’” when he was being so bitchy to her. I wonder if he’s put his hands on her before?  I don’t know who he is outside of the house and I don’t understand what Chrissy sees in him because he comes across as a grumpy dickhead who acts like a child when he doesn’t get his way. Acting like a mature adult for a few minutes doesn’t make up for the years of shit he’s put people through. 

Lana G. not taking the lie detector test was just plain odd, especially when her two sisters did it, one of whom is the epitome of “staying loyal to living in a certain culture.”

WTF did Lana think they were going to ask her? “Do you know who wacked Johnny “Three Chins” last month?”

Did she think this was a real sting & the Feds were trying to trick her into cooperating? What a moron! 

This show is pure comedy gold and I laugh out loud so hard when it’s on. I’ve still got the season finale left to watch, so I’m bummed it’s over. Thank God that the other pure comedy gold TV series with the nutjobs on it (90 Day Fiancé) is returning in a few weeks! 

Edited by Bridget
  • Love 9

I almost died laughing when Amber talked about being a narcissistis is not in her DNA, then went on to say she’s humble and loving and blah blah blah lol. Omg my side hurts from laughing.  She said it all with that angry squished up face lol.

I can't wait for next week. Creepy nuMatt lurking in the background hahaha. 

I'm not a violent person,  I'm really not. And I'd never  wish harm on anyone but I'll just say, if I walked past as someone was kicking Amber's ass, I'd stop and watch.

Edited by Coffeewinewater
  • Love 12
9 hours ago, Bridget said:

Renee Graziano & her under-the-breath comments about Tonya are making me laugh so hard! Oh my God - she’s hilarious (and I couldn’t stand her on “Mob Wives”!). 

The comment about Tonya going upstairs to count her pills AND

T: “...and I couldn’t remember....”

R: “what day of the week it is.”

Dying laughing!!!

Sadly, as someone who does suffer from chronic pain and who does take prescription medication, Tonya is the poster child for those assholes who ruin it for those of us who have to call around to 2834 pharmacies to make sure we can fill our RXs. Too many doctors don’t know what they’re doing when it comes to handing out RXs for pain pills. I don’t see my primary care doc for my sciatic nerve pain and the three herniated discs in my back; I’ve been treated by a Pain Management specialist for the last 10 years. I have annual MRIs, outpatient surgical injections, practice yoga (in lieu of physical therapy) and have random UAs. I have no problem with being closely monitored at all because I have nothing to hide. That’s the way to treat a patient with intractable pain.

My mind is blown that Tonya’s organs haven’t shut down yet from the combination of alcohol, nicotine and abusing her medication. I heard Amber say in the season finale  “some of the stuff she’s on should not be mixed”, which made me think that Tonya takes more than one type of pill for her back pain, which can be normal, as long as a specialist knows what they’re prescribing. (Long acting pain meds, breakthrough pain meds and muscle relaxers are the ones off the top of my head)

No doctor in their right mind should write her a prescription for anything other than ibuprofen until she puts the bottle down, is monitored weekly and goes to physical therapy. (Yoga has kept me ambulatory, mobile and off of an OR table!) IF she really does have back pain, I’ve got a great doctor who will take care of her! 

Sorry for the essay on substance abuse, but it makes me want to hunt down these doctors that write prescriptions to anyone who asks and lay the smackdown on them. 


When Mama Jones said she “had been working hard”, I wanted to ask her: “at what?” She and her son both don’t want to do anything! She’s all talk and I don’t care for her at all. She doesn’t want to do any of the work or address the past, nor does she understand why she has to deal with the past to move forward. She’s so stubborn that it’s irritating. She’s not cute. She’s not a “grandmother” or maternal figure at all. She’s just over involved in her child’s relationship. She must be related to TM2’s Roxanne.

Anyone else think it was creepy when Jim said “You’re cruising...” to Chrissy when he was pissed at her last week? I immediately thought of the phrase “you’re cruisin’ for a bruisin’” when he was being so bitchy to her. I wonder if he’s put his hands on her before?  I don’t know who he is outside of the house and I don’t understand what Chrissy sees in him because he comes across as a grumpy dickhead who acts like a child when he doesn’t get his way. Acting like a mature adult for a few minutes doesn’t make up for the years of shit he’s put people through. 

Lana G. not taking the lie detector test was just plain odd, especially when her two sisters did it, one of whom is the epitome of “staying loyal to living in a certain culture.”

WTF did Lana think they were going to ask her? “Do you know who wacked Johnny “Three Chins” last month?”

Did she think this was a real sting & the Feds were trying to trick her into cooperating? What a moron! 

This show is pure comedy gold and I laugh out loud so hard when it’s on. I’ve still got the season finale left to watch, so I’m bummed it’s over. Thank God that the other pure comedy gold TV series with the nutjobs on it (90 Day Fiancé) is returning in a few weeks! 

THANK YOU! As someone with chronic pain I also am amazed at Tonya's mixing of drugs, other drugs and alcohol. I have a contract with a pain doctor and follow all their instructions including always trying to use the same pharmacy or notifying my doctor immediately if I have to search for one with my meds. She is exactly why it is getting harder to find a primary care doc. Around here they will not accept you as a patient if you take narcotics. Too much risk...

  • Love 4

I don't know why you'd sign up for some kind of therapy and not even try, not even to lift your hand to write a few things you don't like about yourself. That's lame beyond words. Just weak.

It seems the Mafia sisters and Brandi and her father might be learning something. That's nice.

Mama Jones is also sad. She doesn't want to participate, doesn't want to take any responsibility.

Amber  drives me nuts. She is someone I couldn't spend thirty seconds alone with without exploding in rage.

ETA: I typed this a week ago and forgot to click submit. *head-desk*

Edited by WordsWordsWords
Massive goof
  • Love 3

So the show's over for now. A few random thoughts:

Amber continues to show her (lack of) character. She flies into a rage with very little provocation (seriously, what Brandi said to her was a 2 on the scale of provoking things -- and Amber has often stepped up to make nasty level 11 on the 1-10 scale assessments of other people. ) And then would rather stay in her room than celebrate with the other participants. She's a toad. (Apologies to actual toads.)

Tonya is going to kill herself with her denials. "They're just prescription medications, not drugs." Sure. A metric ton of people in this country die every year from prescription meds, especially when the user mixes them with alcohol.

Mama Jones. "It's mean when you don't trust me." This right after she spilled beans (which weren't hers to spill) to Renee. Yeah, Mama, people don't trust you because you've proven yourself untrustworthy.

Jim and Chrissy shouldn't have left. They should have stayed and faced his Mama. They also should have brought up this problem earlier. A big issue like infidelity could have been addressed instead of being locked away till someone (Mama) blabbed.

Brandi and Guy. I was shocked by my reaction to Brandi (whom I've detested for several years). She does seem to have taken the advice she received and the input of the exercises to heart. (And my inner cynic says, "Maybe.") She also looks a lot better with the more low-key makeup she usually wore during this show than the over-the-top look she usually wears.

I'm still rooting for the Mafia sisters. They are dysfunctional as all get-out, but they do seem to care about each other. I hope they can work out their issues.

  • Love 6
17 hours ago, Bridget said:

Renee Graziano & her under-the-breath comments about Tonya are making me laugh so hard! Oh my God - she’s hilarious (and I couldn’t stand her on “Mob Wives”!). 

The comment about Tonya going upstairs to count her pills AND

T: “...and I couldn’t remember....”

R: “what day of the week it is.”

Dying laughing!!!

Sadly, as someone who does suffer from chronic pain and who does take prescription medication, Tonya is the poster child for those assholes who ruin it for those of us who have to call around to 2834 pharmacies to make sure we can fill our RXs. Too many doctors don’t know what they’re doing when it comes to handing out RXs for pain pills. I don’t see my primary care doc for my sciatic nerve pain and the three herniated discs in my back; I’ve been treated by a Pain Management specialist for the last 10 years. I have annual MRIs, outpatient surgical injections, practice yoga (in lieu of physical therapy) and have random UAs. I have no problem with being closely monitored at all because I have nothing to hide. That’s the way to treat a patient with intractable pain.

My mind is blown that Tonya’s organs haven’t shut down yet from the combination of alcohol, nicotine and abusing her medication. I heard Amber say in the season finale  “some of the stuff she’s on should not be mixed”, which made me think that Tonya takes more than one type of pill for her back pain, which can be normal, as long as a specialist knows what they’re prescribing. (Long acting pain meds, breakthrough pain meds and muscle relaxers are the ones off the top of my head)

No doctor in their right mind should write her a prescription for anything other than ibuprofen until she puts the bottle down, is monitored weekly and goes to physical therapy. (Yoga has kept me ambulatory, mobile and off of an OR table!) IF she really does have back pain, I’ve got a great doctor who will take care of her! 

Sorry for the essay on substance abuse, but it makes me want to hunt down these doctors that write prescriptions to anyone who asks and lay the smackdown on them. 




Me too.  I have to submit to randoms and go to a pain specialists.  Had to have an MRI and get infections.  Use one pharmacy and have to show my ID to pick up my meds which I lost both yesterday.  People like Tonya who just take and drink are the reason the responsible ones who need it have to go through hoops .

  • Love 4

When Amber starts arguing with someone, she seems like a caricature.  She puffs up like a peacock.  Honestly, after seeing her argue with Brandy, jumping right to the swears, hand gestures and tough persona, I was embarrassed for her. She went on and on dropping Farrah's name, when in reality, she is very similar.  Can you imagine poor Leah watching that mess.  Thank the Lord for Gary and Kristina.  Why can't Amber accept any constructive criticism?  We all have faults, she was there to work on her relationships.  I know Matt stole from her, but I have little sympathy. The signs were there. She CHOSE to ignore them.  It shouldn't have been a surprise. He came with more baggage than a Fed Ex plane. Her mother. Honestly. Agree with posters above. She was irresponsible with her prescription medication. If she said it's prescription medication one more time... yes, we get it. It doesn't mean you can abuse it.  For the show, considering liability, why wouldn't they have someone there to give out medications when people need to take them? Especially given the amount of available alcohol and challenges they give the group.

  • Love 10
On 5/12/2018 at 4:57 PM, toodywoody said:

Me too.  I have to submit to randoms and go to a pain specialists.  Had to have an MRI and get infections.  Use one pharmacy and have to show my ID to pick up my meds which I lost both yesterday.  People like Tonya who just take and drink are the reason the responsible ones who need it have to go through hoops .

Forgive me if you already know any of this, but make sure you file a police report ASAP to document your lost items. You’ve then got an official statement to bring to your Pain Doc to show them that you’re compliant with any contract you might have signed. It also makes you look good in your doctor’s eyes, even if you have a great relationship with them and you’re a model patient.  

You should be able to refill your missing meds as soon as your doc writes a new RX. You might have to pay out of pocket for your “new refills”, but your insurance will reimburse you once they’ve processed the paperwork (police statement, doc notes, etc). 

I’m so sorry that happened to you and I hope you’re not in too much pain.  I also hope you keep a few of your pills stashed at home for emergencies like this.

I asked the pharm tech why they scan IDs and I learned that it’s to serve as proof regarding who picked up the meds. The new trend is that ppl (addict family members mostly) pick up other people’s medication without their knowledge/consent, so this is a way of making sure only certain ppl can pick up RXs. I’ve also been told “if someone else is picking up your meds, we need you to let us know ahead of time.” (They know my voice over the phone. 

  • Love 2

Several young people in my family are studying to be in "film production" which includes sound, camera, production, directing etc ( 4 year college degree) and when I watch this show and "Teen Mom" I realize that these jobs must be endlessly frustrating. Working with all these entitled, some times ignorant, reality stars, and having to take all the shit they hand you must be awful. And imagine, that Amber Portwood is your reward for a job well done!

  • Love 8

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