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Marriage Boot Camp - General Discussion

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On 5/12/2018 at 2:15 AM, Bridget said:

WTF did Lana think they were going to ask her? “Do you know who wacked Johnny “Three Chins” last month?”

You owe me one mouthful of Mountain Dew.

On 5/12/2018 at 6:12 PM, WordsWordsWords said:

Tonya is going to kill herself with her denials. "They're just prescription medications, not drugs." Sure. A metric ton of people in this country die every year from prescription meds, especially when the user mixes them with alcohol.

It's people like this that ruined it for normal people.  Used to be, back in the day, every year your doctor or dentist would give you (prescribe you) a nice bottle of Vicodin to keep in the house for emergencies.  Thank God I stock piled them over the years for now you can't even get more then 6 after surgery.  Crack a tooth on a Saturday night?  Take a pill and leave a message for the dentist.  What is wrong with that?  Back in 1979 I had my wisdom teeth out and got morphine, MORPHINE!  Best recovery ever!  30 in a bottle and 2 refills.

My mother would get "shut the hell up" pills once she had kids.

  • Love 5

This episode left me more curious about Amber and NuMatt.   Not one crew member could figure out how that happened ? How did these two hook up?   It is hilarious that someone actually said what we all have been laughing about. NuMatt who saw it all , thought I need this woman in my life lol. What a weirdo or as my 8 year would say "beardo"  (diary of a wimpy kid - movie ) . It fits nuMatt.

Edited by Coffeewinewater
  • Love 7

While I enjoyed the producers ragging in the reality “stars,” they billed this show as revealing when Amber and NuMatt got together. Turns out, they couldn’t figure it out. Kind of a waste of time. 

I also detest when Amber calls people “sweetie” or “honey.” The producer in the trunk, who she never properly met, she calls sweetie. It just makes me cringe. Amber is so gross. 

  • Love 8

So this "Secrets Revealed" show basically showed nothing at all about NuMatt and Amber hooking up during filming.  They showed a couple of clips that NuMatt happened to show up on, never the two of them together, then the staff "speculating", saying they saw nothing.  Yawn.  Seriously, what does it say about this dude's judgment if after spending all this time around Amber he thought she was attractive????

It was satisfying to learn that my instincts were correct that the "Mama Jones" family never had any intention of doing any "work" relating to their relationships and were there only for the paycheck and for sonny-boy to smoke pot the entire time. 

I agree that this episode was more fun to watch because of the staff snarking on all the behind-the scenes cr@p

  • Love 3
On ‎5‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 2:02 AM, hoosiermom said:

I laughed so hard at secrets revealed. It was better than the entire season! I just knew Amber started hooking up with Andrew as soon as Matt left. What a pig she is. So glad Matt walked out on her. Amber is a miserable little troll. She disgusts me. 

sorry, this is kind of  a "crossover post" LOL

Matt did walk out on her during MBC, but then he went back to her house & they didn't officially break up yet.  could it have just been to eke out whatever Teen Mom money he still could?

  • Love 1

Aubrey O'Day AGAIN?!?!?  With a different reality ho, of course, from Jersey Shore.  Everything she has done to her face/body just makes her look worse. 

Other than Kim Richards, I don't know any of the others.  Mama D is seriously messed up. 

The producer "insider" interviews at the end are going to be the only reason I continue to watch.  I laugh at how they try to tell us that these are REAL people with REAL issues.  Whatever. 

  • Love 3

So far, Kim Richards (!!!!!) seems like the sane one. This can't last.

Other than Kim, I know Aubrey O'Day a little bit and Pauly D. a little bit, and I know none of the other victims, er, I mean participants.

We have on hand our abusive drunk, our whitebread secret-keepers, and the usual assortment of emotional, substance-abusing train wrecks. 

The producer bits at the end of the episode look promising. Here's the thing, though, these are real people, with real problems. They don't get real help here. 

  • Love 5

The only cast member this season I have seen more than a little bit is Kim. Aubrey doesn't seem to have much luck -- for one reason or another -- with relationships. I mean, apparently, she had a short-lived one with Don Trump, Jr., too.  @FairyDusted, I use a lot of these shows as research. I'm a writer, and writers mine their own relationships for drama -- and mine are mostly drama-free. I have to find drama and conflict where I can. Reality TV is great for research purposes.

  • Love 6

This was a boring episode but I did laugh at them dragging around their luggage.

They are all here for a paycheck but I think two of the couples are faking their relationship and two are in a relationship. I'm not familiar with the Bachelorette couple so I don't have an opinion about them.

I've always had a soft spot for Puma. I watched Black Ink Crew a few years ago and he was bullied and ganged up on by his co-workers at Black Ink. He eventually left Black Ink and opened his own shop.  The Black Ink Crew intimidated and beat up both Puma and Quani (not at the same time). I stopped watching after that.

I'm familiar with Momma Dee from Love & Hip Hop Atlanta.  She was married to Ernest during which time she discovered he stole money from her rapper son Scrappy so she called the cops. Ernest got arrested for drugs and did time. I think they divorced while he was in prison because upon his release or shortly thereafter, they had a big wedding special on LHHA. 

I think both of those couples are legit or at least have a real history.

Kyle Richards, Kim's sister was on the Jeff Lewis Radio Show a few weeks ago.  Jeff asked where the hell Wynn came from. Kyle tried to cover for Kim and said they were seeing each other on and off but you can tell she was lying. I think Kim knows this guy but there's no relationship there.

Pauly and Aubrey. I have no commentary on them. I'm going with my Pisces intuition. I guess I'm going with my Pisces intuition regarding all of them.

  • Love 5

Kim needs to dump Wynn, he is so gross. Pauly D and O Day, first off she needs to quit fucking crying over everything, pick up her fucking shit and show some respect and not let her dogs fucking shit everywhere. She fucking knew damn well who and what Pauly was when they got together, if she can't handle all the girls chasing him then she should have never gotten with him. Seems funny she said the same shit about her other ex.

Puma and Q seem legit and to really care for each other. Why is every bachelor couple end up on here. Their relationship started on a show, of course there is going to be problems. DUH. Beater D and Ernest, need to let each other go and quit abusing each other.

  • Love 6

Marriage Boot Camp is getting to be more and more of a misnomer. Actually married couples are in the minority.

Here Kim is again and she doesn't even know if her partner considers her a girlfriend, much less has any sort of commitment to her. Which turns out to be a good thing, since he's so gross and adolescent she needs to dump him tout de suite. What are they even doing there?

Pauly's hair! What a greaseball. It makes me sick to even look at it. I can't imagine having to touch him. Ugly and unctuous hair, yuck!

Kim as temporarily most sane person on board is not a good sign.

Guy who was never physically attracted to his wife - why is he even with her?

Edited by renatae
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, renatae said:

Here Kim is again and she doesn't even know if her partner considers her a girlfriend, much less has any sort of commitment to her. Which turns out to be a good thing, since he's so gross and adolescent she needs to dump him tout de suite. What are they even doing there?

A girl's gotta eat and pay bills!  If that nasty Wynn is actually dating 25 year olds he must be super rich though :)

Shouldn't "Aubrey ODay" have to marry someone before coming on this show again?  Last time I didn't even believe she was in a relationship with that Travis anyway, just like Kim and Wynn this time.  Best part of the show was when they came in and everyone recognized the Jersey shore meathead and not her at all!  I can't stand her - she vies with Kendra's mom for my least favorite reality ho of all!

  • Love 9

"A girl's gotta eat and pay bills" lol.

I thought it was Aubrey who faked her relationship last time, but I rechecked and it was Tara Reid and Dean May who "frauded" everyone.

Momma D needs to stop shaming Ernest over his erectile issues. The meds he needs for his aneurysm do cause it. I was shocked to hear he periodically goes off his BP meds because that can definitely cause his aneurysm to rupture. I hope they get a real physician to talk some sense into him about that. Otherwise, they are committing malpractice, IMO. Or should I say "even more malpractice."

  • Love 5

I think O Day needs to chill the fuck out. She claims all this abuse but is an asshole herself. To me she comes off as a fake bitch who can't stfu and wants things her way and doesn't give a shit about anyone but herself and is inconsiderate. But to wish someone dead is all kinds of fucked up. And as much as I hate to hear someone say they are suicidal, to me it comes off as her trying to get people to be on her side. I just think the girl is fucking always an attention getter and wants Paulie's attention to be on only her. What was wrong with him going to work out, why was it such a big deal? She just always seems to be bitching and nothing he does is ever good enough.

Chris is a snoozefest.

Momma D and Ernest just need to get divorced.

Puma and Q don't even need to be on here, they seem like a normal couple.

Wynn's face is always so shiny it is distracting. 

  • Love 11

I’m sure it’s probably difficult to be the girlfriend of a D list celebrity who is in a job where he has access to lots of drunk, young girls,but Aubrey had a guy that wasn’t desired by a lot of woman and she completely rejected him. It is exhausting watching her one hour a week, I can’t imagine how awful it would be to be in a relationship with her. I’ve never had much of an opinion about Paulie but I’m feeling his pain.

  • Love 10

I just think she is so needy for attention all the time that even when she gets his attention she is bitching at him it wasn't done correctly or to her specifications or how she thinks it was suppose to go down. Instead of just living in the moment and going with the flow, everything on her list of things has to be checked off and in the correct order. Clearly Paulie felt something for her tv o stay with her that long and to keep putting up with her shit and her dog's shit even though he is a clean freak.

  • Love 7

She bitched at him because he had the nerve to work out before cooking her breakfast and bringing it to her in bed!!!  Ungrafeful!  If he had brought it to her and said he was going to work out while she ate, she would have bitched at that too.  "What you aren't going to stay here and watch me eat, your touchering me"

  • Love 6
On 10/5/2018 at 9:07 PM, DNR said:

When Aubrey was looking at PaulyD after that blue course challenge she looked NUTS ! Aubrey is crazy, she’ll drive any guy she’s with away eventually. But she thinks she’s an expert cuz she’s been to therapy.  Glad PaulyD got the hell AWAY from that crazy azz bitch Aubrey Oday

Wow you had my hopes up!  But no luck.  

  • Love 3

Did you see her the last time she was on the show with "boyfriend" Travis?  These two make a waaaaay more believable couple.  I just don't get why anyone cares if they stay together or break up - they're not married with a couple of little kids at home!  They don't seem to like each other at all.  Aubrey was kind of glowing when he came back and she was hanging all over him, but IMO that's because she was excited to continue famewhoring and not have to leave the show early!

  • Love 6

I can never remember the Bachelor couples names ... Chris & Desiree? .... So she picked HIM on the Bachelor? He seems like such a know-it-all bore ! When they were doing truth or dare i think it was and Desiree HERSELF said ‘I’d like a little dirty talk’ and Chris replied ‘I can’t believe that’ or something to that effect . Dude! She’s telling you what she’d like and still you’re dismissing it!  She’s so pretty and seems sweet, i don’t know what she’s doing with that boring azzhole. You married down girl. 

  • Love 8

Wow! Aubrey is just too much!  If I were a guy, there aren’t boobs big enough or hair blond enough to listen to or spend any time at all with her.  When is she ever fun to be with, loving, caring or personable?  It’s all about her and she can never be pleased.she completely lacks the ability to be about anything but herself. And was that her weave tracks I saw very prominently on the top of her head?

  • Love 9
19 minutes ago, Caseysgirl said:

Wow! Aubrey is just too much!  If I were a guy, there aren’t boobs big enough or hair blond enough to listen to or spend any time at all with her.  When is she ever fun to be with, loving, caring or personable?  It’s all about her and she can never be pleased.she completely lacks the ability to be about anything but herself. And was that her weave tracks I saw very prominently on the top of her head?

Don't forget that she's a filthy pig who lets her pets poop in your house and doesn't clean it up!  She's the worst.

  • Love 3

When are they going to stop letting sadists decide what happens to  reality show participants? These exercises get more pathetic with time and the way the supposed therapists enjoy them is seriously disturbing to watch.

Of course, if that egomaniac Aubrey had been the victim, I might rethink that. What a self-absorbed, non-apologetic harridan she is. Yes, she knows what she wants. Everything her way, all the way, all the time.

Obviously, going through therapy a zillion times has taught her nothing except how to talk the talk.

  • Love 4

It's a good thing Pauly is pretty easy going.  Can you imagine someone with a temper as her partner?  It would be toxic.  I still think they got back together to do this show.  I hadn't heard anything about them in forever, last I knew they broke up a long time ago.  On both Jersey Shore seasons this year, he was single. 

Edited by ShaNaeNae
  • Love 2
8 hours ago, ShaNaeNae said:

It's a good thing Pauly is pretty easy going.  Can you imagine someone with a temper as her partner?  It would be toxic.  I still think they got back together to do this show.  I hadn't heard anything about them in forever, last I knew they broke up a long time ago.  On both Jersey Shore seasons this year, he was single. 

Well that wouldn't surprise me at all.  If this show is the only way she can stay "famous" then she needs a man to do it with!  (Although I think they should tell her she can't come back unless she can get one to marry her :)

  • Love 5

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