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No kidding. Either that or Kendra has something hanging over Hank's head that makes him stay and he allows her to continuously degrade and humiliate him - on camera no less!! No man I have ever met would put up with that bullshit. They're either heading for a major payday with all this or Hank needs to grow a fucking spine and leave her nasty, entitled ass. Without him she'd have nothing. She has no skills. Being a former Playboy bunny/Hef's ex isn't exactly a huge door opener. At least Holly Madison parlayed her time with Hef into a career (doing what, I'm not sure anymore) in Las Vegas. Kendra will have nothing, just the 2 kids and a whole lot of lifestyle changes.

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I'm not buying it either.  The thing I can't get over is that this "scandal" is about 2 years old at this point; only still being talked about because they keep trotting it out on various shows and taunting us to keep tuning in for the reveal!  And whether Jim and Elizabeth have PhD's from Harvard or nothing but acting credits, the only reason Hank and Kendra are on the show is to do this publicly and try to get some viewers for their show.  What conversations have those two been having in their private time for the last 2  years if he hasn't ever told her anything about what happened?  As a viewer I can see how it's easy to get sucked into the show's timeline, but for me it all falls apart when the real timeline is considered.


As for what really happened - IMO either they made the whole thing up, or he DID do something bad (either real cheating or in sketchy area for other drugs than pot) and this is the story they concocted to get him off the hook.  The people I was feeling the most sorry for were Hank's parents - they must have had such high hopes for their attractive, smart and athletic son, and this is where he is today.  

It seems likes two years because of how long it's been dragged out, but actually it's just been a year, the story broke when Kendra was just about to give birth and their daughter turned one in May.


As long as I'm here, might as well add I didn't buy that story. I think there were elements of truth, but I think the reason Hank sounded so off telling it is because he's STILL not giving over the whole truth. All that "I don't know if someone else was taking pictures, I can't remember if my pants were open," etc.,said to me he went there for more than drugs and got more than he expected, and maybe did freeze up to an extent. He's telling most of the truth - the portion they agreed to share is what I think he told her - but the panic and sounding strangled when he talks says to me that he's fighting not to say anything more. He knows if he gives up a full-throated confession a skeleton bone would fly out (TM Eddie Murphy).


Do I believe it was faked? Hell no. It's one thing to be an NFL pro and marry a Playmate; on a certain level your ex colleagues can get behind "turning a ho into a housewife."  But you don't come back from legit getting busted cheating with a transgendered woman who hasn't completed the surgery. That just reads on another level for them. (Note I said busted, we all know there's a whole bunch of them who will do whatever if they think they won't get caught.) Do I believe he's going along with milking this for the money? Absolutely.  Because I believe he's guilty and thinks it's part of making it up to Kendra and taking his punishment. I also believe he was severely depressed (and probably still is to an extent); losing your livelihood and not being able to maintain their lifestyle without resorting to reality TV when he was always the accomplished golden boy must fuck with his head tremendously, along with trying to keep up the hellish mortgage on the happiness of that wife he willingly shackled himself to. Dude made his own bed there.


The one part that really interests me is how when they're shown on the room cameras, its like Hank takes off his hairshirt and is in control of the situation and Kendra is the one appealing to him. She's not at all yelling or insisting like she is in public; when he shuts it down, she shuts up.

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Not trolling, but I don't understand how we've jumped to the conclusion that Hank was sexually assaulted.  Had he smoked so much weed that he was incapable of giving consent?  Doesn't sound that way if he had such a clear recollection of events.  He wasn't under any sort of threat of violence, he wasn't trapped.  He was sitting on a couch and someone made a move on him and he didn't say no stop i'm out of here.  Let's keep in mind Hank is a former (not too long ago) pro football player.  He's probably at least 6 inches and 50 lbs heavier than the person he was hanging out with.  If he wanted out of that room he would have left.


Well, I'm personally not jumping to any conclusion.  Hank is the one who told the story and in his version of events, he was sexually assaulted.  And then Jim said he believed Hank's version of events.  So, within the confines of this show, we have one person saying he was sexually assaulted, and the therapists calling someone claiming to be a victim of sexual assault a "cheater."


I don't really buy the whole thing about him going to get weed (since it's so easy to find in California).  But, again, that's the version of the story that the show is peddling to be true.  And in any case, consenting to buy weed (or even coke or meth, if that's what it was) is not consenting to sexual activity.


As for his freezing up, we don't know if it's true or not, but the show wants us to believe its true.  And freezing up is something that happens to victims of sexual assault.  And if someone hypothetically (because we have no idea if this applies to Hank or not) was molested when they were young, then that would have been one way for a young victim to deal with the abuse, and that could cause flashbacks later.  And a real therapist would be aware of that possibility, not calling a claimed victim of sexual assault a "cheater."


Again, we have no idea if Hank's story is true or not.  But the story as presented in the show is one of a sexual assault victim.

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I found it embarrassing and vulgar as well. So, to Elizabeth, who shared more and went in there was the most successful out of all of them? Wow. I understood why Jordan was uncomfortable (I'd be, too), but I was disappointed and angry how Elizabeth used that and portrayed it as something bad.

Kendra is repulsive and hard to watch, she needs to go away.

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I think all of these couples are doomed. At least one of the partners in most of the pairs is too egotistical, too immature, too self involved to be in a relationship. Kendra and Aubrey especially. They don't need couples therapy, they need intense individual therapy to fix their horrible personalities. Maybe a lobotomy for good measure.

I like Tammi, but she treats Reggie like her son vs. a partner.

Jordan and Jeff seem like sweet people but they seem so uninterested in each other. They don't talk about sex or religion or marriage plans or where they plan to live if they stay together. She probably is too timid to talk about what to cook for dinner with Jeff.

Mike and Travis both have the same issues with self-esteem. They have had brief tastes of "fame" with very little effort and now think they have some "amazing talent" the world needs to see and appreciate. If they aren't surrounded by groupies and fans, or aren't constantly being told how awesome they are, they have no self-worth. You can't expect your romantic partner to always be cheering you on and telling you over and over that you are the bestest!!!! EVAH! If you think deep down you're a loser despite being told/shown otherwise, eventually the people around are going to see you as a loser.

I don't believe that " you complete me" BS. I think to have a healthy adult relationship, you need to be complete going into it vs. expecting someone to fill a void. Of course people can grow and learn as a result of good or bad experiences, but I don't think it lays a good foundation to present yourself as "broken" and tell someone you need fixing.

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This is normally my Friday night before bed guilty pleasure for trainwreck TV & this was by far the least enjoyable episode to me... I am far from being a prude but I don't want or need to know what other couples are doing or not doing in their bedrooms.  It was just uncomfortable to watch.


I do want to say that Reggie just seems to get more attractive to me every episode... maybe it is because he is so laid back & reminds me of my own husband in that aspect.  Mr. Lucy doesn't get too worked up about ANYTHING, whereas I am the more loud, yelling (kinda like Tami) one.  He balances me out.


Travis's insecurities are the least attractive quality to me.  I wouldn't want to have to constantly reassure someone, especially after sex... way too tedious for me!

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Jordan and Jeff seem like sweet people but they seem so uninterested in each other. They don't talk about sex or religion or marriage plans or where they plan to live if they stay together. She probably is too timid to talk about what to cook for dinner with Jeff.

I don't believe that " you complete me" BS. I think to have a healthy adult relationship, you need to be complete going into it vs. expecting someone to fill a void. Of course people can grow and learn as a result of good or bad experiences, but I don't think it lays a good foundation to present yourself as "broken" and tell someone you need fixing.

I agree with you in general, but especially on these two parts. I can't and don't have the right to say that Jeff and Jordan don't love each other, but as people, they do seem to have little awareness of themselves, their needs or what a relationship should have in order to be successful. To me, i doesn't seem like a problem to them, because they look like they are used to the way their relationship and like they both don't have a problem with it. They get that the other one is too blindsided sometimes by his/her own actions (so the person fails to acknowledge the other person or her/his needs) and unaware as a person.


As for the second paragraph, I think that is the biggest truth that people don't have a realization of once they are entering a relationship. No one can repair or help us but ourselves. The relationship would benefit more if we'd come into it as healthy developed and already built, mature individuals. The relationship can only help us grow and develop more as individuals, but regardless of having a relationship or not, we still need to do that. Obviously, when many people that are in a relationship see a demand for change of their personality, they look at it as justified. It's like, in that name it's much needed, but when it comes to you as in developing you for yourself, there's no need, you'll get by.

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Anyone other than me think that Aubrey would do Mike in a heartbeat?  The way she stares at him (on the Watch-It show) sometimes appears like more than just a "brotherly" affection.

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The "puppet sex" episode is almost always one of my least favorites. No one takes it seriously (though should they?), and the exercise seems more for making the group laugh than figure out intimacy issues.

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After reading all the previous comments, I'm reluctant to say it, but ... I laughed out loud during Hank's "confession." I don't buy it for a minute, from asking some randoms in a parking lot for weed to all the rest of it. With all this time, he could have come up with something more compelling than this. IMO, YMMV and all that.


Somehow, the repellent Mike, aka "The Situation" from Jersey Shore, is the most likable person on the show for me. Seems like a genuine person to me, which is shocking.

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My favorite part was when Aubrey self-righteously ranted something about  girls with fake extensions, and Mike picks up a lock of her own horsetail weave, looks at it, then at the camera. I burst out laughing. Like Kathy Griffin would say, it was like a hug from Baby Jesus.

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This season really seems to be dragging on.  The Hank scandal stuff kept me engaged for a while, not because I really cared what he did, just that I was interested in how they were going to spin it.  99.9% of this show is total b.s.  I doubt that I will continue watching. 

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This season really seems to be dragging on.  The Hank scandal stuff kept me engaged for a while, not because I really cared what he did, just that I was interested in how they were going to spin it.  99.9% of this show is total b.s.  I doubt that I will continue watching. 

It's funny how I still watch the show for the rest of the cast. I didn't follow Kendra neither knew exactly who she was before, I googled the scandal, found out and I was good. There's definitely a factor of me not liking her and what I've read so far about them here.

You're right, they have really, but really dragged that whole thing for too long, it got tiring and it really came down to putting an effort to continue to watch the show. I will probably continue because I'm lacking of shows to watch and I started watching because of Aubrey, so maybe I'll find out something new about her.

Edited by EuropeanGirl
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Jim helps the couples release their inner demons and darkest thoughts, including Hank, who faces his fears like never before. Meanwhile, Kendra is desperate to repair her relationship, but first needs Hank to realize that she's a victim of his lies.

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I haaaaate this "you must forgive" bullshit. Sorry, but God himself doesn't forgive unless the sinner truly repents. 


It's "forgive" in the sense of "I forgive a loan - you no longer owe me", not "I absolve you of the offense you committed against me", but they never really emphasize that distinction. I understand why Tami refused the latter. You don't need to forgive the offense to forgive their obligation to give restitution - you give up waiting for them to make it better or apologize.


Man, Kendra's a piece of work. Everything comes back to her. All Hank's pain is about her and how it affects her. Jeez.

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I would pay cash money to see Mike pummel Jim.  As always, totally useless exercises.  


I love Tami for refusing to forgive her abuser.  Just because she will not forgive her abuser, that does not mean she cannot forgive others.  More bullshit from these "counselors". 

Edited by Muffyn
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More BS "therapy" from those quacks. Maybe I'm a bad person, but I don't think I could forgive a person who molested me or had direct involvement with the death of a loved one. If the victim decides from him/herself that forgiving is a good way to move ahead, great! But to be told to forgive is stupid. What made this farce even stupider is Quack 1 & Quack 2 think making these people parade through a Party City Halloween commercial is going to heal them. Most of these participants are egomaniacs with much more baggage that needs unpacking before they can be ready for mature relationships.

Kendra continues to be disgusting. We all know she & Hank are holding back/lying/acting because they want to continue riding the fame train. If they spill all deets now on the "alleged" drug/groping blackmail plot (YAWN), what will they talk about on their next reality show? Kendra even said something that confirmed it IMO...she was talking at Hank (per usual) and he said something like he wants to come clean, get it out there blah blah and Kendra spoke for him (per usual) and said "but now isn't the right time." That is Kendra Kode for " we have another show to do so milk this shit as long as possible". And really, Hank? ASTHMA is the root of your issues???

And someone remind me again who is Travis and what is he D-list "famous" for? Did his boy band ever have any success?

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These exercises just get more fuckin' dumb each time. Jim, is that his name? Was acting so inappropriate half the time. Mike should've headbutted him and so should've Hank.


Kendra is insane, Travis just seems tiring and needy, Jeff seems more boring than anything, Jordan has air between her ears and I cringe every time I hear Hank with his whiny, crying voice. Mike and Lauren are coming across surprising well, and I have no real qualms with Reggie and Tami. Aubrey I've liked throughout, for whatever reason.


"He wrote his letter to asthma." "...yeah, we're gonna change that." I had a good laugh at everyone mocking Hank's enormous obstacle to overcome. Did I mishear or later when they met up Kendra was like, 'did you tell them about the asthma?' and he's all 'yeah' like they got shit done.

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Kendra continues to be disgusting. We all know she & Hank are holding back/lying/acting because they want to continue riding the fame train. If they spill all deets now on the "alleged" drug/groping blackmail plot (YAWN), what will they talk about on their next reality show?


There was actually a commercial about that - apparently their next season is all about Kendra getting even by flirting with lots of guys and then doing something SHOCKING that she REGRETS .  .  .  what could it be?  Tune in and you might find out!  Or maybe not until next season!!l   Yawn - when this show is over I'm done with those two.

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This episode made my stomach churn.  I am fine with making peace with things within myself so I can move on. (more along the lines that I can't change the past so move past it by forgiving myself for being a victim) but that doesn't mean I have to forgive someone who made me the victim in the first place.  I have crappy parents who made my childhood awful & as an adult I have an ok relationship with both I am more of "it is what it is" but forgiveness isn't something I have ever even considered since an apology would never come out of either of their mouths.  I just made sure I was a better mother to my son.


Kendra can just shut the fuck up.  I'm so tired of hearing her talk for Hank.  And Hank?? When you do talk... Asthma?? REALLY, Hank??


I would also like to know what the hell is Travis supposed to be known for besides that stupid hair do?  I want to judge for myself if he is talented or not.


I have to admit, ya'll, I teared up right along with Reggie... maybe it is because I have the biggest crush on him :)

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I don't think Kendra believes Hank's story one bit. She knows he's full of shit but figures she's gonna go along for the ride. I don't know about anybody else but I'm sick. of seeing the previews of her Kendra on Top new season. She's really gonna go in on Hank, partying, flirting and treating him like crap. We can see she learned nothing from this show. 

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I don't think Kendra believes Hank's story one bit. She knows he's full of shit but figures she's gonna go along for the ride. I don't know about anybody else but I'm sick. of seeing the previews of her Kendra on Top new season. She's really gonna go in on Hank, partying, flirting and treating him like crap. We can see she learned nothing from this show. 


How is any of that different from her storyline from earlier seasons of that crap show?



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I didn't get to the show until late last night & quite frankly Kendra is taking all the joy out of this trainwreck for me.  I don't understand all of her talk on whether he is strong enough to handle it the next time.  The story they are trying to sell us is Hank was sexually accosted by a transsexual while trying to procure weed in order to self medicate his depression.  So....exactly when will the next time be, Kendra?  Is this something that happens on the reg where they live?  I fully believe Hank had sexual contact with a transsexual, willingly & all the rest of this is Kendra spinning it.  When she said to Hank during their TH that he can't get angry or women won't like him, that was the final nail in the coffin for me that it is all about perception & how she wants it to play out.  It isn't worth it, Hank... get away from the soul sucking vampire that is Kendra.


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ITA Lucy!  Kendra seems to be completely and totally self-absorbed.  Like it's all about HER for cryin' out loud.  She needs HANK to be strong because she's feeling weak? What the fresh hell?? And then, I also think she's throwing all this crap around just to promo her new season of whatever the hell her own show is called.  THis whole bunch of crap is just that.  A BUNCH OF CRAP. Bye Felicia!

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Perhaps it's because I've experienced a few scary episodes of the same intense level of self-loathing, but for the first time I felt real empathy for Aubrey during her punching bag exercise, much more than I did for any of the others.  Never thought there'd be a moment where I just wanted to give her a big hug.


I'm sure I'm not the only one who was expecting Hank to say, "And this is for you, asthma!!" Nor am I probably the only person who says, "the She Wolf" every time Ilsa's name is spoken.

Edited by Scout Finch
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Loved it when Hank's spanking paddle broke, went flying across the room, and whacked Jim across the face, whereupon Jim started crying like a 5 year old. I rewound that piece of perfection and watched it about thirty times, yelling "Oh, my nose!" a la Marcia Brady each time. 


No sympathy from me. If you're a fraud, Karma will bite you in the ass. Or fly across the room and whack you across the face.

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Aubrey is not someone I like or follow, but I gave a cheer when she confronted Kendra. When they were all debriefing after the "therapy" session and Aubrey said something like "Don't you think it's ironic that the thing you dislike about yourself is what you are mad at Hank for?" Kendra got deer in headlights look on her stupid face and back tracked how it's different for her vs. Hank. Because in Kendra's world even her faults are better then anyone else's and she gets a pass for it. Where as her own husband & father of her kids is a pussy, a weakling, a punching bag who doesn't stand up for himself... I wish Hank would find his nerve to ask for his balls back and leave Kendra. But he won't go. I guess being on yet another4th tier basic cable network TV show must pay enough to give up dignity and self respect.

And I cackled like a five year old hearing fart jokes when Jim got whacked with the paddle. Serves you right you dumb quack. Who stands in the line of fire after inciting rage in full grown physically fit men armed with a flimsy pine board from the local arts & crafts store?

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There's not exactly a lot of drama over whether Kendra and Hank stay together when they show the commercials for their crapfest of a show every damn commercial break.  The lie detector was just more bullshit for all of the "couples".  Given the qualifications of the "therapists" on this show, I don;t even believe they were given the actual results - anything for more drama.  What a train wreck this thing is.  I may need to see a reputable therapist to help me understand why I continue to watch it. I got drawn in by the Watch It version.  Might I just say, yes, Mike, I know what you mean.  Please stop inquiring. 

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"The Long Lie," indeed.


I'd stopped recording but captured the repeat of this one last night. Watching this morning. So far, it's been "Kendra and Hank, Round 640382029494950540." Then came the pre-commercial preview of Jim getting whacked. I cackled so hard the dog jumped.


Then, of course, we go directly to a promo fo the next great chapter (The Kendra and Hank Comedy Hour). "I'm the victim! I want to have fun! I want to be MEEEEE!" 


Blah blah blah blah.

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Loved it when Hank's spanking paddle broke, went flying across the room, and whacked Jim across the face, whereupon Jim started crying like a 5 year old. I rewound that piece of perfection and watched it about thirty times, yelling "Oh, my nose!" a la Marcia Brady each time. 


No sympathy from me. If you're a fraud, Karma will bite you in the ass. Or fly across the room and whack you across the face.

What?   Oh, I picked the wrong week to stop watching this shit-show!   

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I think those lie detector tests were total fucken bunk...


I might've believed Aubrey had cheated or at least pushed the boundaries a bit too far but I don't believe for a moment Lauren cheated on Mike, she seemed pretty pissed off.  I also hate it when people say someone wouldn't be pissed if it weren't true... why wouldn't you be equally pissed if someone was saying something you knew was not true was? (I'm not sure that makes any sense after typing it...)  I think they are feeding into Travis's insecurities about his relationship with Aubrey for drama purposes.  There can be all sorts of reasons someone fails a lie detector test which is why they aren't admissible in a court of law.  Jim & Elizabeth are hacks & this "therapy" is some bullshit.


As far as I am concerned I don't know why Reggie's came up as deceptive when he didn't cheat... if you are broken up then that isn't cheating.  Did Tami say "Okay, Reggie, we are breaking up right now but we could get back together so I expect you to conduct yourself as though we are together"?  Because NO, you aren't breaking up with me but still thinking you have some control over my actions.


Similar with Aubrey... evidently she isn't allowed to go out & dance with anyone without Travis thinking that is somehow cheating or disrespecting him (LOL) so how do we know that although Aubrey didn't cheat (I don't know or care if she did) but knowing he thinks it is got nervous during the test & so it registered deception. 


Now I have been married to my husband for almost 22 years & have never felt the need to go through his cell phone & I also don't want him going through mine, there is nothing on there to hide but I don't feel that just because we are married to each other we have given up all rights to privacy.  My friend's will text me about problems they are having that are none of Mr. Lucy's business.  I, also,  don't go through his wallet & expect my purse to be off limits unless I give him permission to get in there. 


I noticed because Kendra's show premieres next week, we get no "WATCHit" episode.

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I don't believe Lauren cheated on Mike. The question they asked her was not "have you cheated?" but "have you ever had sex with anyone other than Mike?" So unless he was her first and only, her answer came out deceptive. Sleezy manipulation by the "experts" to cause drama.


Aubrey totally cheated, her behavior and facial expressions were screaming "I'm so busted!" before the reveal. Big surprise.


There is a WATCHit episode, it was pretty funny because Aubrey was on her phone during her "Deception indicated" reveal and was ignoring Tami's attempts to discuss it, Tami got disgusted and slapped the phone out of Aubrey's hand, whereupon Aubrey stormed off the couch and left. LOL

Edited by ElderPrice
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If Aubrey did cheat, I can't blame her. I'm not dating Travis, and I want to cheat on him.

I came in to say the same thing. I hope she cheated all over him. Sex in his bed while his mama's in the kitchen making biscuits and he's jamming with his lame band in the garage.

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A www guys. I like little Travis. I think he has a great sense of humor about everything except his relationship with Aubrey.

I actually came on here to say I don't believe the lie detector results since my eyes were open as to who the "therapists" really are, I say they made up shit for drama purposes. They probably had the question asked in such a way to get the needed results. I caught that one that the poster up thread caught with Mike's gf. The way her question was asked was a recipe for disaster. It's a damn shame that people who aren't really qualified are allowed to mess with people for fame and fortune. I wonder if the contestants even bothered to check the validity of Elizabeth and Jim.

That being said, I do enjoy and now only watch the WATCH IT version since I enjoy the commentary of Tami, Mike and Aubrey. And I must say I like Tami Roman a whole lot better than I used to.

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A www guys. I like little Travis. I think he has a great sense of humor about everything except his relationship with Aubrey.

I actually came on here to say I don't believe the lie detector results since my eyes were open as to who the "therapists" really are, I say they made up shit for drama purposes. They probably had the question asked in such a way to get the needed results. I caught that one that the poster up thread caught with Mike's gf. The way her question was asked was a recipe for disaster. It's a damn shame that people who aren't really qualified are allowed to mess with people for fame and fortune. I wonder if the contestants even bothered to check the validity of Elizabeth and Jim.

That being said, I do enjoy and now only watch the WATCH IT version since I enjoy the commentary of Tami, Mike and Aubrey. And I must say I like Tami Roman a whole lot better than I used to.

I love the WATCH IT version too. My only qualm is sometimes Mike aggravates the shit out of me. Just spit out your sentence and move on already.

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Bottom line, this is really a stupid show.  The one thing this show has done is convince me I will NOT be watching the next season of Kendra on Top.  Kendra has exceeded her time limit in my life. 


I also prefer the Watch It version, except my DVR only picks up the original, the watchit version shows up as a repeat and doesn't get recorded. 

Edited by suzeecat
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I think this show really managed to insult our intelligence. I could tell in 99% of the cases if "deception was indicated". I can't tell if Aubrey cheated or not, but I do agree that probably everybody would freak out, because their integrity is on the line. Travis acts as if God himself confirmed that she cheated! I get why he has doubts, she is a flirtatious person, but it seems like he couldn't wait to prove his doubts right. It was ridiculous. Not to mention a great deal of his own insecurities are involved in the issue. If he can't trust her, why is he still with her? It's as plain as that.

By the way, I saw the news before about their break up, but I saw on her Instagram a bunch of pics with him among other people, so I don't know if they're back on?

This is definitely my first and last show with Kendra. The only word that comes to mind is repulsive, repulsive and nothing else. I think it downgrades Hank whenever she asks him if he's scared, especially in that tone of voice of hers (like you better not be). She has no understanding of his position and by that I don't mean to defend him. It's just that it is all about her, she is hurt and the only victim. By the way, I think he loved the fact that he didn't have to do the detector examination and that she couldn't do anything about it, because it wasn't his fault. I don't get how Heff had her in his mansion, because to me, neither her looks or personality are great.

I can't wait to see the end of this show and I'm disappointed that Aubrey did it. Not that I think she's such a wise person, but because she made me watch it and it is really painful every single time.


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