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S06.E08: Mother's Day

Tara Ariano
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1 hour ago, RamonaSenomar said:

... and nary a bucket full o' Mr. Clean was to be seen.
I swear she just smeared dog piss all over the floor instead of actually disinfecting it.

Oh god, that was just gross. And to think, that same mop will be used to wipe the other parts of the floor when those dogs piss.

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7 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Amber just looks so unhappy. It's funny that even with her new FU house in her uppa class neighborhood, just down the lake from Indiana's finest McMansions, and her shades she still looks miserable. Many moons ago I lived in a very large house. It had more than 5,000 sq, ft. and was quite possibly the largest house in the county. (We didn't own it.) A year after we moved in, however, my youngest son died in one of the many bedrooms. A few months later, my mother had a stroke in the house, my father a heart attack.My husband lost his job, our car stopped running. I ended up needing brain surgery. I found myself confined to the bed with illness for months at a time. Our friends ditched us and we were mostly alone up there on that mountaintop in our little mansion. In short, we had a beautiful home and yet it had become a house of horrors in a way. That's how I kind of feel about Amber's life. It all LOOKS good on the outside but the real story is much different. 


**We now own a 2500 sq. ft. house on a ridge with a leaky basement. It's drafty, small despite the space it has on paper, will never turn anyone's eyes with its curb appeal, and needs updating but we are MUCH happier. In that way, it reminds me of Gary's house and life. 

Wow. That is terrible - I'm so sorry! Makes you wonder if there was something in the house to cause everything. That just seems like a whole lot of coincidence. 

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14 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

There's almost nothing more annoying as a runner than having a random dog run "with" you or at you. I understand if the dog legitimately gets out or breaks away from its owner, but PLEASE don't just let your dogs out without leashes. It's scary as hell (especially if it's a big dog) to have a dog you don't know running at you.

Amen. My small town doesn't seem to believe in leashes. So any time I take my kids and/or dog on a walk (MINE is on his leash), I have to worry if we're going to get freaked out by random dogs. I really hate people like Matt who just allow their dog in intrude on someone's personal space. 


3 hours ago, Calm81 said:

I caught Tyler saying "This is why women shouldn't drive trucks," asshat. I'm no feminist but I'm sure sick of men ( not all men) running their mouths like we women are incapable of anything past cooking and minding the children.

In that moment, I really wished that Cate had not told him about the truck and let him think HE did it. Asshat. 


3 hours ago, imjagain said:


I went and rewatched Tyler's  flower scene,  he really did say Happy fucking Mother's day under his breath .  Wow he is really is a shit isn't he.  How can their "fans" think that he's a good loving husband. 


I missed that too. Thanks. What a petulant brat. What is he so up in arms about? 


1 hour ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Kim did one time (right after TMOG started back up) tell Tyler he needed to get a job/career and said something like "and sorry MTV, this ain't it." I was like "Go Kim!" 

I have no idea what happened to that Kim. I guess everyone (including Kim) has to walk on eggshells around Crown Prince Tyler and cannot call him out, lest he have a royal hissy fit (which is what I guess happened). 

Yes! Thank you for remembering that. That is the Kim I liked. I knew I liked her for a reason. She was no-nonsense and didn't put up with ANY shit. Now? What happened to her, indeed. I wonder if she didn't get in a real picked and need Tyler's financial help. And now she feels she can't call him out anymore. Because it's all Catelynn all the time. And while Cate has made her own bed in a lot of ways, Tyler is guilty of most of the same crap!

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First of all, holy sideboob Farrah!! Gosh, I would be embarrassed if my mother dressed like that. And I have to disagree with Debra, Miami does not have some of the nicest beaches in the world. I've been to some beautiful beaches in the Caribbean way nicer than Miami.

Was the dog on Cate's lap eating out of her Chinese take out box??

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

In that moment, I really wished that Cate had not told him about the truck and let him think HE did it. Asshat. 



Cate fucked up. She obviously didn't learn from Roseanne on how to play it off about damaging your husband's truck. Just play it off like it was hit in the parking lot. Then, when he cries like a big pussy, give him whip cream with his dessert.

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2 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Catelynn is co-dependent. As miserable as her life is, she can't see life beyond or away from Tyler.

Tyler is also co-dependent. To MTV $$.

A few episodes ago when Cate was discussing her childhood trauma, she mentioned a time when her mom's boyfriend (or maybe husband- she said it was her little brother Nick's dad) was beating her and Tyler was there pulling him off of her. It made me so incredibly sad for Cate (and a little for Tyler) that they were in situations like that as kids. I feel like that memory that Cate described summed up for me exactly how and why she came to be so codependent with Tyler. My heart broke for teenaged Cate being beaten by the guy and for teenaged Tyler having to pull an adult man off of his girlfriend who he was beating. These kids have seen some shit and they've seen it together. I get why Catelynn is attached to Tyler - the (relative) calm in the storm of her childhood. But he's an emotionally abusive douche in a tiny hat and she needs to find the strength to break the codependency.

I've struggled with issues of codependency myself. I wish someone (her therapist?) would hand Cate a copy of the book "Codependent No More." That book (along with talk therapy), helped me tremendously. 

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Catelynn was likely told by the therapists in Arizona, but she has to want to listen and make that choice for herself. I am reminded of Chelsea who was stuck on Adumb like shit on a shoe. Chelsea made a comment to her friend that the therapist she was seeing was saying the same things her dad was telling her. She was annoyed at the advice given. All the best advice in the world can be given, it is up to the patients to follow through with the game plan. Therapists can't force these girls to do anything until they are ready. I can see Cate ignoring all the advice about her being co-dependent. All she wanted to hear was the advice about how Tyler is an ass to her when he tells her what she is doing wrong.

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6 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

If Cate wants privacy, she needs to get her ass off this show, off social media, stop it all, and get some real help. Cate is not doing herself any favors by continuing to engage in certain behaviors, but then expecting people around her to remain quiet. Even if Kim didn't say anything, there are those who are around her who would be willing to sell a story for some quick cash as a source. She did herself no favors by covering up the cameras as she went to town with April while getting high while driving. I am only mad at Kim for not calling out Tyler. If she is not going to call him out, then remain quiet about Cate.


Agree that Cate needs to get some real help and get off social media - and get away from Tyler. Yes, there are people will sell her out in a fat minute but, IMO, that someone should not be her mother in law. If her mother in law loved her or cared about her AT ALL she would zip it while on camera.  And, as you stated, if she is going to open her mouth she'd better include her loser son in her accusations.

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2 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Cate fucked up. She obviously didn't learn from Roseanne on how to play it off about damaging your husband's truck. Just play it off like it was hit in the parking lot. Then, when he cries like a big pussy, give him whip cream with his dessert.

By golly, I've found another Roseanne fan! I love watching the reruns along with I love Lucy show. 

Sorry for being off topic. :-)

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How nice of Farrah to send herself all those gifts for Mother's Day. I mean, Sophia, how nice of Sophia to do that. 

Deborah and Farrah on the beach: if you went up to Deborah and asked about her and her sister, I bet she'd give you $250,000 too. Lady is so obviously wanting to be like her daughter.

What an opening to the Amber segment. Talking about farting on tv and a dog pissing on the floor, then taking it out to pee without a leash. No backyard in that fancy neighborhood? They have how many dogs and no fenced in area? Matt's accent is so gross to me, and with how strong it is I wouldn't be surprised to find out it's put on.

Amber: you are the parent, you should be making sure that Leah keeps her iPhone (iPod?) charged while she's with you -- you know she has it, you know how they work, you know it's there so that her father can talk to her independently, be the adult and make sure it's available. I've dealt with kids with separated parents and the responsible ones go out of their way to make sure the kid calls the other parent every day/night because it's about the kid, not the parent's ego.

I love Ryan's parents. Ryan has his issues but I think his parent's are doing what they can with a son his age, and being able to speak pretty frankly about dating and such shows good communication (regarding the, "they need to get along with us and Maci"). If Ryan wasn't so blah (which might just be around the cameras, I don't know), he would be a good catch in the future. He may be one of those guys that at ~30 has it all turn around and click, and he becomes ready for commitment, I've seen it with guys who spent their 20s doing the same as him (just without the teenage pregnancy).

I think Bentley is adorable and his reaction to his brother was so cute. They are obviously doing something right.

I really think that Gary and Kristina are such great examples for Leah. I bet people (Amber/Matt) will claim its all for the cameras, but its still evidence for an adult Leah to see that her father is honestly thinking about her and how to work with Amber (the cookout invitation, and the episode where he was happy to let Leah stay with Amber on her birthday).

Catelynn's meal? Girl, we know you eat like this regularly. I wonder if her and Ty know how to cook a meal that doesn't involve a microwave.

I am 100% in favor of marijuana legalization; I think that smoking pot should be looked at as no different than having some drinks. Tyler and Catelynn, and people like them/Jenelle, and their dependency and grossness about pot make me disgusted.

Tyler is gross and I want him off my TV (laptop).

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21 minutes ago, DoctorWhovian said:

What an opening to the Amber segment. Talking about farting on tv and a dog pissing on the floor, then taking it out to pee without a leash. No backyard in that fancy neighborhood? They have how many dogs and no fenced in area? Matt's accent is so gross to me, and with how strong it is I wouldn't be surprised to find out it's put on.

They have a nice backyard but scummy Matt can't flirt with a jogger from the backyard.

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6 hours ago, lidarose9 said:

Cate is used to being overlooked, invisible. She believes she has nothing of value to offer anyone. So when she hit the MTV gravy train, she finally felt "empowered." Apart from Tyler's toys, all that MTV money has probably gone to family members: a new car here or there, then another new car, paying for house repairs or a remodel, helping someone with the down payment for a new house, getting someone new boobs for their birthday, etc. For a while it was probably really intoxicating to be able to give people stuff they wanted, and for 10 minutes it felt good. But if she expected them to actually be grateful and treat her with a little more consideration, she may have been badly disappointed. In time they even become resentful. And somehow it ended up just making everything worse. I suspect this is behind a lot of Cate's depression. She doesn't use the money on herself, obviously -- she doesn't have a clue about how to take care of herself, and I don't mean her appearance.

All of this goes back to the neglect she experienced as a child with April. Some women really adore infants and babies, but once the child gets old enough to be an actual independent person, those feelings cool. I think April is like this. That's why she's so delighted to be foster-mom to Nova. Once Nova gets a little older, I bet we'll see April lose interest. (Nick may not be subject to this so much because he's a boy. Lots of women unconsciously favor their male children.)

I think April was in the throws of addiction and incapable of parenting anyone. Catelynn raised Nick while April was doing god knows what with whomever. 

April probably has enough awareness to know she was a horrible mom to Catelynn and Nick and wants to be a better grandmother. Where is Nick these days? How old is he now? About 12?

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8 hours ago, RamonaSenomar said:


mamadrama -- from one loss mom to another loss mom, my sincerest condolences to you on the loss of your son ((hugs)).

Thank you so much. I have been enjoying your snark on this episode. These boards keep me sane!

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Tyler is as much a product of his environment as Cate.  I agree that the things he says to her constitute verbal abuse. He was raised in a home where his dad treated women like shit and he doesn't know any better.  Didn't April have to call the police on Butch a lot for physical violence?  This is not an excuse for Tyler's behavior.  I do think he needs intensive therapy as much as Cate does, though.  I see no real love or romance between them.  They act like brother and sister.

These kids used to have goals (I feel old saying that and am less than a decade older).  Cate and Tyler used to want to go to college, for example.  Did they ever even graduate from high school?  They sit around and collect checks from MTV and get high.  Farrah is a mess in all ways.  Maci seems to have her life in order after all her problems with college, which I realize is simply not the path for everyone.  Amber is a blob and has no excuse.  Her child barely lives with her, why doesn't she start a career?  Go to school.  Do something.  This is your life, time isn't forever. 

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8 hours ago, DoctorWhovian said:

Matt's accent is so gross to me, and with how strong it is I wouldn't be surprised to find out it's put on.

Hahaha, its very much a typical, north of Boston blue collar accent. Matt's isn't even that heavy! 

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22 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Oh god, that was just gross. And to think, that same mop will be used to wipe the other parts of the floor when those dogs piss.

Mr. G said the same thing. "You don't use a mop to clean up dog piss!"

Also, asshole, PUT A FUCKING LEASH ON YOUR DOG! Seriously. The main issue I have with my neighbors is that they let their fucking dog run around with no leash and no collar. It's the height of irresponsible pet ownership. That's how your dog gets kicked, that's how your dog gets eaten by another dog, that's how you get hit with a lawsuit when your dog bites someone. It's not under your control when it's "jogging" with an unknown person.

OMFG. These people.

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1 hour ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Mr. G said the same thing. "You don't use a mop to clean up dog piss!"

Also, asshole, PUT A FUCKING LEASH ON YOUR DOG! Seriously. The main issue I have with my neighbors is that they let their fucking dog run around with no leash and no collar. It's the height of irresponsible pet ownership. That's how your dog gets kicked, that's how your dog gets eaten by another dog, that's how you get hit with a lawsuit when your dog bites someone. It's not under your control when it's "jogging" with an unknown person.

OMFG. These people.

Matt, the rapist, is a bigger threat to the Jogger than the dog. Put that zilch on a leash. 

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1 hour ago, Marisagf said:

Mr. G. from "Summer Heights High"?  OMMr.G!  I love this!

I think she means her husband, Mr. G. Sometimes members here will refer to their spouse by their username. In this case the member's name is guilfoyleatpp therefore her spouse is Mr. G. because her username begins with a "G".


16 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

Tyler is as much a product of his environment as Cate.  I agree that the things he says to her constitute verbal abuse. He was raised in a home where his dad treated women like shit and he doesn't know any better.  Didn't April have to call the police on Butch a lot for physical violence?  This is not an excuse for Tyler's behavior.  I do think he needs intensive therapy as much as Cate does, though.  I see no real love or romance between them.  They act like brother and sister.


My thoughts exactly. Whenever Cate's upbringing is brought up, I am always thinking to myself, but Tyler had the same upbringing since he and Cate were step-siblings. He wasn't with Cate since the beginning of her tumultuous life, but he was there with her at a young age. He too endured abuse and watched abuse. He surely heard Butch talk about women aside from abusing them. I know that Butch was a drug abuser and they tend to be abusive in their relationships. Not giving excuses, just pointing out what Tyler was exposed to. Butch has rattled off some questionable things about women on camera. Tyler didn't have the luxury of having a proper man as a father to teach him how to respect and treat others.

Tyler is an adult now. He has admitted on occasions his mouth spews out things he shouldn't. He is at a point in his life, just like Cate, where they are old enough to go seek treatment and proper help. They can attend couple's counseling. I mean real couple's counseling, not the back room therapist they both see on camera. But neither one is willing to do what it takes to help their relationship. Tyler puts the blame on Cate, and Cate sits there and just takes it.  I think Tyler wants Cate to walk out on him since he doesn't have the balls to end it himself.

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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

I think she means her husband, Mr. G. Sometimes members here will refer to their spouse by their username. In this case the member's name is guilfoyleatpp therefore her spouse is Mr. G. because her username begins with a "G".

I think Tyler wants Cate to walk out on him since he doesn't have the balls to end it himself.

Me too. How can he play the best husband ever if he dumps his wife? He gets more sympathy if he gets dumped - he was too good for her, she never appreciated him, etc. 

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I really think Tyler set up that pot comment from his mother. I watched it again and when Kim asks, Tyler turns his head away and just has this LOOK on his face. If he did, that's just low. Look, I'm not excusing Cate's behavior. She shouldn't smoke pot and drive. She shouldn't smoke if it's interfering with her meds. She shouldn't smoke if it becomes a dependency and not just a casual thing. But addiction isn't that cut and dry and for Tyler to act all superior and intentionally have her called out on national TV really sucks. But that's what I think happened. He keeps mentioning how her therapists in AZ told him not to comment on her shit anymore, so I think he got his mother to do it instead. He makes me ill. 

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I really think Tyler set up that pot comment from his mother. I watched it again and when Kim asks, Tyler turns his head away and just has this LOOK on his face. If he did, that's just low. Look, I'm not excusing Cate's behavior. She shouldn't smoke pot and drive. She shouldn't smoke if it's interfering with her meds. She shouldn't smoke if it becomes a dependency and not just a casual thing. But addiction isn't that cut and dry and for Tyler to act all superior and intentionally have her called out on national TV really sucks. But that's what I think happened. He keeps mentioning how her therapists in AZ told him not to comment on her shit anymore, so I think he got his mother to do it instead. He makes me ill. 

Seriously. I bet the therapists told him as much and he did NOT take kindly to it. I'm assuming he's going to comment-not-comment on her choices constantly ("you're really indulging") just like he comment-not-comments on Carly constantly. He can't stand being told something is inappropriate or that he cannot do it. 

I know we all blame Cate to varying degrees for her circumstances, but the bottom line is that no matter what one thinks of Cate, you cannot shame someone out of an addiction, whether it's binge eating or pot. Even the strictest rehab programs don't use shame and insults as tactics. Once someone gets to the point of addiction, they're not having fun with whatever they're doing. You have to address the root issues causing the addiction. Shame does the exact opposite. 

Tyler was likely told something along those lines but he's so obsessed with control and doing things "his way" that he'd happily throw Cate under the bus in order to maintain his own superiority. 

Edited by Lm2162
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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I really think Tyler set up that pot comment from his mother. I watched it again and when Kim asks, Tyler turns his head away and just has this LOOK on his face. If he did, that's just low. Look, I'm not excusing Cate's behavior. She shouldn't smoke pot and drive. She shouldn't smoke if it's interfering with her meds. She shouldn't smoke if it becomes a dependency and not just a casual thing. But addiction isn't that cut and dry and for Tyler to act all superior and intentionally have her called out on national TV really sucks. But that's what I think happened. He keeps mentioning how her therapists in AZ told him not to comment on her shit anymore, so I think he got his mother to do it instead. He makes me ill. 

I also think that he was about to admit to smoking when the producer asked them in the kitchen. The way Cait's head flipped around and the face she made shouted "don't you dare tell them!" so maybe they (Tyler/production) trotted in his mom to ask the "innocent" question. 

I am NOT a Tyler apologist - I think he is the douchiest asshat who ever mansplained - but I almost wonder if his "Happy F-ing Mother's Day" groan was due to the fact that Cait was still in bed. Like maybe he had everything set up downstairs for her and she was refusing to get out of bed and so he had to bring everything up to keep the shooting schedule on.... I don't know. Just something about how he dropped Nova on her with the "mommmmmy get up!" made me think that there was more going on. 

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Smoking some pot or drinking a few beers at the end of the day is not harmful....assuming you're in work or school part of the day and are relaxing! Cate and Tyler don't work and Nova gets her basic needs met, but as others said, it's not like Cate is giving her a super-enriching life. It's terrible because Cate and Tyler never had that and aren't exposed to people who do things like take their kids to the library. If they had a better relationship with Brandon and Teresa, maybe they would be willing to give them some advice, but they have their own lives and kids to raise.

I feel more sadness for Amber. I think the year or so she spent in jail had a damaging effect on her bond with her daughter. Especially at such a young age, that constant contact and routine is very important. It's great that Amber was able to get help, but I don't think she did the legwork when she got back to rebond with her daughter. I have a feeling that Amber is going to regret when Leah is a tween and that "adorable" time has passed. Cause Leah is a really charming, easy kid but who knows how she will be when she's older.

Bentley is another very sweet kid. I think Maci basically wants to be a stay-at-home mom. The t-shirt business is stupid as hell and I bet they spend a few hours a week on it. Maci seems to have her shit together as best as the women on this show can get.

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1 hour ago, swishandflick said:

Nova gets her basic needs met

Does she though? I know she is fed (although what are they feeding her?) and probably bathed but I would say that attention from parents is also a basic need.  We don't ever see her getting any kind of interaction or stimulation from her parents.  They basically ignore her and stare at their phones while she entertains herself. 

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8 minutes ago, poopchute said:

Does she though? I know she is fed (although what are they feeding her?) and probably bathed but I would say that attention from parents is also a basic need.  We don't ever see her getting any kind of interaction or stimulation from her parents.  They basically ignore her and stare at their phones while she entertains herself. 

eh, Leah Shirley turned out all right...

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Leah gets loads of attention, though. Gary has been a shitty boyfriend, but I don't recall him every being a bad dad. And Kristina seems to really dote on Leah. 

Nova, I do worry about her. There's been several scenes of the adults and producers talking in one room, and Nova just wandering around. Or even CRYING in another room, and no one bothers to check on her. She seems to entertain herself a lot, and often has this very dull look on her face. Love and affection are SO crucial in the early years, and I really don't know that she's getting it. If they're this detached ON camera, imagine what it's like when no one is around. 

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On 10/6/2016 at 4:54 AM, Pepper Mostly said:

Hahaha, its very much a typical, north of Boston blue collar accent. Matt's isn't even that heavy! 

Former Bostonian here, & I agree with this post ALL THE WAY. Don't let the leech bag ruin how sexy our Boston accents are :-) Just watch a Matt Damon movie and the accent will sound amazing all over again.

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If I had to be married to Tyler I'd try to stay in bed as long as possible too.

And his stupid, childish, passive-aggressive "I'm not supposed to talk about xxx, so I'll talk about not talking about it."

He is a child. I can't believe he has a child. 

The best thing Catelyn could do would be to kick his ass to the curb. It's hard to see when you're 23 and have been "in a relationship" since you were 13, but it is really better to be alone. Just think how much happier she would be not having to deal with his stupid, snotty comments 24/7, not having to deal with or be responsible for his "temper," and not having to deal with his ungrateful ass. He should be kissing her feet for allowing him to be around for Teen Mom. Let him go sleep with skanks. They will divorce before 30. I hope she files.

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On 10/5/2016 at 5:39 PM, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

A few episodes ago when Cate was discussing her childhood trauma, she mentioned a time when her mom's boyfriend (or maybe husband- she said it was her little brother Nick's dad) was beating her and Tyler was there pulling him off of her. It made me so incredibly sad for Cate (and a little for Tyler) that they were in situations like that as kids. I feel like that memory that Cate described summed up for me exactly how and why she came to be so codependent with Tyler. My heart broke for teenaged Cate being beaten by the guy and for teenaged Tyler having to pull an adult man off of his girlfriend who he was beating. These kids have seen some shit and they've seen it together. I get why Catelynn is attached to Tyler - the (relative) calm in the storm of her childhood. But he's an emotionally abusive douche in a tiny hat and she needs to find the strength to break the codependency.

What's sad is that even as she was telling Dr. Drew that, she was categorizing her childhood trauma as "more or less verbal, not so much physical" and didn't even mention any abuse she suffered at the hands of April. She's so used to emotional and "light" physical abuse that she didn't even think it merited a mention. I vacillate between hating and tolerating these girls, but the obvious difference in the fresh-faced, clear-eyed, less bloated Catelynn fresh out of rehab last week and the one we saw this week damn near broke my heart. When Tyler just couldn't wait to bring up the pig situation and what she'd do if someone smoked in front of her last week, I knew she'd be back to hunching, picking at herself, and stress eating in no time; he does not want to see her rehabilitated. Her down pat recitation of "my problems stem from anxiety and depression, not pot" in the car sounded like it came straight out of Tyler's mouth so I wasn't surprised to find out that she was smoking again. I'm sure he rolled her a Welcome Home joint the second the cameras left that first night. 

Does anybody else feel like Amber has been slowly pulling away from Matt ever since she saw her old cellmate for her birthday? Last week when Matt was all "We'll take it!" in the furniture store, she said something like "We sound like such douchebags" but in a tone that sounded like she really meant 'you' instead of 'we'. Add to that her annoyance on the boat and her face after Gary's invitation this week, I think she's (hopefully) having some doubts. When you encounter something real, everything that's phony becomes that much more obvious. That girl reminded her of what genuine friendship feels like and she's been looking askance at Matt ever since. 

Edited by luvly
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On October 6, 2016 at 3:28 PM, Marisagf said:

Mr. G. from "Summer Heights High"?  OMMr.G!  I love this!

Now I have the Summer Heights High theme song in my head. If only I could see Farrah and Jai'me together. 

I always forget how young these girls are. I assumed Farrah was going to Miami for her 30th birthday. When she said 25, my eyes bugged out.

Sophia had an entire face of make up on. Even rouge. That is disturbing.

Gah, Matt is sooo phony! Him telling the producer that Leah is, "really a good kid," as if he's her parent or teacher, made me roll my eyes. He sounded like he was trying way too hard. Like my awful neglectful babysitter who used to tell my mom how great I was and give me hugs when my mom came to pick me up. Knowing full well that bitch did nothing but watch soap operas all day and eat food in front of us daycare kids. I think Gary probably takes some small comfort in knowing that the producers are at least there when Leah is with Matt and Amber.

I didn't really get a good look at her, but the jogger looked and sounded really young. Like she was the daughter of someone who owns a home in that neighborhood.

Edited by charmed1
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PS. It seems to have taken on a life of it's own, but the Mr. G I was referring to is Mr. Guilfoyleatpp.  He totally needs his own reality show spin off, if only so he has someone else to talk to (he's a SAHD and when I get home he talks my ear off).

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Can someone explain to me why Amber got the biggest ALL WHITE sofa the store had for her new house, then has it draped in gross looking blankets. That is so tacky. Just don't get a white sofa and get one with slipcovers that can be washed, and an easy to clean fabric if you're worried about your 12 million dogs ruining it. Ugh. No common sense. 

Edited by lilsadone
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On 10/5/2016 at 10:38 AM, Uncle JUICE said:

Yeah, but Tyler's MTV dough (and there are a lot of people who say this is all Cate money, but it isn't: they're the only couple that have been under contract since 16P, he's likely getting a fairly even split) probably paid for some pretty sweet benefits for Kim (cosmetic surgery maybe, vacations for sure, upgraded living quarters, etc). 

Tyler paid for his sister's titty job.

There was a time when Kim was upset with Tyler for not having a job and telling him MTV wasn't going to be around forever. That wasn't that long ago. I am sure Tyler had already provided his mother with some nice presents. Kim didn't always hold back.

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Kim must be making more this season. After "Boogietown", it is clear that the producers are avoiding creating scenes with April. Kim is now doing April's scenes (most likely because she relapsed).  With double the screen time, Kim is coming across very harsh -- but the reality is that it's all a lie and they speak in half-truths to conceal Catelynn's harder drug abuse. 

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On 10/7/2016 at 2:34 PM, ghoulina said:

Nova, I do worry about her. There's been several scenes of the adults and producers talking in one room, and Nova just wandering around. Or even CRYING in another room, and no one bothers to check on her. She seems to entertain herself a lot, and often has this very dull look on her face. Love and affection are SO crucial in the early years, and I really don't know that she's getting it. If they're this detached ON camera, imagine what it's like when no one is around. 

This could prove to be a life long documentary on Carly and Nova.  Same biological parents, very different upbringing.  Let's check in with both of them at 10 years old, 15 years old, 21 years old, and whatever other milestone MTV producers would come up with.  

Because seriously, that shit is writing itself right now.

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On 10/8/2016 at 1:47 PM, guilfoyleatpp said:

PS. It seems to have taken on a life of it's own, but the Mr. G I was referring to is Mr. Guilfoyleatpp.  He totally needs his own reality show spin off, if only so he has someone else to talk to (he's a SAHD and when I get home he talks my ear off).

ha ha I was right. I posted that to the person who mentioned it first.

With all the editing Tyler is claiming, I wouldn't be surprised if Kim may also be ragging on Tyler for pot smoking or some other things, but those moments get edited out. Cate and Tyler both give each other looks. Still, I don't trust Tyler. God knows what he is telling his mother away from the camera.



Kim must be making more this season. After "Boogietown", it is clear that the producers are avoiding creating scenes with April. Kim is now doing April's scenes (most likely because she relapsed).  With double the screen time, Kim is coming across very harsh -- but the reality is that it's all a lie and they speak in half-truths to conceal Catelynn's harder drug abuse. 

Kim saying "You looked high the other night" sounded as if she was referring to something else, not pot.  That scene was highly edited. I am certain they cut out the reference to what that drug is that Cate was ingesting. Cate was being shady and Tyler was staying quiet until he blurted out Cate has to deal with her problems while he deals with his own. I believe Kim when she stated she wasn't made aware of the rule to keep quiet about Cate's drug problem. It just irks me that Kim is ready to mention Cate's drug problem without telling her son that his  dabbling in marijuana is also an issue in the relationship and is the likely cause for him not being able to get a job

MTV is also shady. They made it seem as if Cate went to rehab for stress and anxiety. The same shit they tried to sell us with Leah Messer. Cate's quick look to the camera as she said she wasn't wanting to discuss "it" is the total opposite of what has been going on with Cate talking about smoking pot having no qualms about covering the car cam. It isn't as if Cate is suddenly worried about smoking pot and having that be known. She publicized her weed card on Twitter. Cate has no problem telling the world she smokes weed. She has a problem letting the public know she was/is ingesting other drugs.

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On 10/11/2016 at 4:27 PM, Caracoa1 said:

Maybe a visit from CPS will live up her day .....then she won't be so bored.

But a child would actually have to be living there. Nova is only in their presence when MTV is filming. After they leave, off to April's she goes.

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I don't. Unless we have guests that want a picnic on the beach, then we'll take a sheet. I can't think of anyone that does bring a towel. I guess I did when my kids were toddlers but for the most part, we just leave them in the car to sit on. Is that weird? Lol

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12 hours ago, MissMel said:

I don't. Unless we have guests that want a picnic on the beach, then we'll take a sheet. I can't think of anyone that does bring a towel. I guess I did when my kids were toddlers but for the most part, we just leave them in the car to sit on. Is that weird? Lol

We have a summer house on an island in the south and we keep an array of towels in the back, just in case we want to stop and visit the beach. The sand just seems to shake off the towels easier. Plus,if we decide to take a quick dip then we are ready. 

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