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S04.E04: That Tuna Is F@#!ed

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I think the scripts are showing.

Agreed. The extensive diet restrictions, the 12-course dinner, the toys...all probably producer-driven.

However, I think Sierra's cluelessness is all her own. When she was smashing oranges onto the juicer, I was reminded of a great scene in the movie In & Out. Shalom Harlow played a beautiful, dim model who tried to use an old-fashioned dial telephone. She jabbed her finger over and over against the dial, hoping for push buttons. I wonder what happened with Sierra's juice business - did it ever really get off the ground, or was it an idea only? Bless her heart.

I'm glad Trevor is gone. He was loathsome but I also felt bad that production served him up on a platter to be ridiculed. I think he expected (in his delusional way) to be a breakout star and instead he was blindsided.

At least two of the guests are those get-rich-quick yahoos. http://www.johnchow.com/             http://www.shoemoney.com  

Captain Lee is a gem.

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22 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

So Sierra wants to leave now? She got all butthurt because of what? I really didn't catch what warranted her tears. Was it the big salad that took too long to make? Ben not kissing her ass? I might need to go re-watch that part.

I guess she thought Ben was too hard on her, especially about the salmon.  He was a bit brusque, but it wasn't personal. He was trying his best to provide all these conflicting people what they wanted, and that's just the nature of the beast. The female deckhand (why can't I remember her name????) got a bit of his brusqueness too, IIRC, and she just brushed it off and kept trying her best. I think Sierra is way too delicate to work in such an intense industry. 

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2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Even in restaurants with more than one chef and a large kitchen a 12 course tasting menu is going to be 2 1/2-3 hours minimum which appeared to be the timeframe for this meal.

I agree.  I've done tasting menus of only 6/7 courses with a larger group than that (business function), and we literally are sitting for 3 hours.  It's a long, drawn out affair - not just about the food, but the presentation, resting between courses, wine pairings, etc.  I don't think they did wine pairings, but it's still not your usual app/salad/main/dessert timeframe.

And, I was about ready to pull my hair out and scream by course 4 - I'm not a gourmand or a fancy food eater, so sitting through all these multiple courses with only two-three bites of food in each was torture for me!  I am a kind of picky eater (nowhere near the difficult guest though), so there was a lot of cutting things up and moving them around on the plate to make it look like I ate them!   ;-)

Edited by njbchlover
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1 hour ago, dleighg said:

Sierra just suggested goat cheese. Isn't the troublesome guest "no dairy"?

Well the goat was vegan.

Bet the guest's tip consists of copies of their get rich quick books and vouchers to their seminars.

Edited by Giselle
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3 hours ago, Diane Mars said:

Because the kitchen is really small, because he doesn't have 20 pans and/or casseroles, and that you have to wash and clean every dishes asap in order to be able to continue your service ;)

But given that it's a small kitchen I don't see why he would want two people in there doing half a job. Lauren seemed to get it, she stayed in the corner out of the way unless asked to help. I don't get why Ben wanted Sierra in the kitchen preparing a salad for two hours or why Kate approved that decision. She let Emily off for the night in the middle of dinner. Doesn't she need someone turning beds? No offense to Sierra but that salad was pathetic, probably delicious but it didn't fit the aesthetic of the night. It looked like something I would eat out of a plastic container at my desk, and that's okay because she's not a chef. I can't imagine Ben would let that monstrosity out of his kitchen alongside delicate tasting plates, especially without confirming the guest was skipping the tasting menu. Either he just didn't give a shit about pissing her off or production offered an incentive to blow the meal.

34 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

The pasty fat guest with the hairy back. Holy crap, that was one of the most disgusting things I have seen on any of these charter eppy's, and his personality made it even worse. Dude, take some of your new money and go get that shit lasered off for good.  

I think this is the charter with the platter of wax strips from the season preview. Let's just skip to the next one. I am so sick of these people.


At least two of the guests are those get-rich-quick yahoos. http://www.johnchow.com/           http://www.shoemoney.com

Ugh, this guy literally blogs about blogging. I hate them all so much.

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10 minutes ago, Giselle said:

Well the goat was vegan.

Bet the guest's tip consists of copies of their get rich quick books and vouchers to their seminars.

Wasn't there, in a past season, another group with a guy with ridiculous guests that did penny stocks, and also "made millions", but in reality, the millions were made by selling his money-making scheme online?  And, I think those guests were pretty obnoxious, too, if I remember correctly.

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11 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Wasn't there, in a past season, another group with a guy with ridiculous guests that did penny stocks, and also "made millions", but in reality, the millions were made by selling his money-making scheme online?  And, I think those guests were pretty obnoxious, too, if I remember correctly.

It was season 2. He had a 19 year old girlfriend who didn't like "fancy" food.

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34 minutes ago, rho said:

But given that it's a small kitchen I don't see why he would want two people in there doing half a job. Lauren seemed to get it, she stayed in the corner out of the way unless asked to help. I don't get why Ben wanted Sierra in the kitchen preparing a salad for two hours or why Kate approved that decision. She let Emily off for the night in the middle of dinner. Doesn't she need someone turning beds? No offense to Sierra but that salad was pathetic, probably delicious but it didn't fit the aesthetic of the night. It looked like something I would eat out of a plastic container at my desk, and that's okay because she's not a chef. I can't imagine Ben would let that monstrosity out of his kitchen alongside delicate tasting plates, especially without confirming the guest was skipping the tasting menu. Either he just didn't give a shit about pissing her off or production offered an incentive to blow the meal.....

Ben was hoping for an abundance of help to call on if needed for prep and odd jobs, Sierra was a hindrance more than a help. He would have sung her praises if she had performed well.

Putting Sierra in the kitchen got her out of Kate's hair for the most part. Kate didn't have to hand hold Sierra and serve the guests. Also Kate dealing with a calm cooking Ben is better than a pissy in the weeds one. It would have been a win all around if Sierra had worked out.

A "well" rested Emily probably had to take the lead in the morning dealing with breakfast.

Turn down service probably goes quickly.

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Looking at Trevor's face too long makes my eyes literally water, because he ... almost looks cross-eyed? Something about the wonky way he views the world makes it impossible for me to look at him too long.

I was just thinking that he seems to have some kind of cross-eyed/lazy-eye thing happening. Or maybe his eyeballs are just still floating in all that booze?

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One of the reasons I love Captain Lee is because he doesn't allow any of the crew to try any phony BS, kiss his ass and try to play favorites.  Almost every boss I have ever had lives for that shit. Not our captain Lee, though. He ain't having it. Be real with him or get the fuck out of his face! Love, love him. 

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4 hours ago, gaPeach said:

The 12 course tasting dinner was interesting to me but I had no idea it would take so long.

It didn't have to. This wasn't some sort of pretentious restaurant giving the guests a dining "experience". They just wanted a variety, and weren't dictating the menu, so if Ben had better planning and time-management skills, it could have been done in half the time.

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I think when a guest asks for a 12 course tasting menu on a yacht they are expecting a dining experience.  Clearly the primary was because he dressed up for it and appeared to relish every bite.  For one chef to get twelve gourmet courses out for 6 people in one evening is amazing to me.  So the picky eaters didn't enjoy the dinner ("do you have any popcorn?") and one guy fell asleep, as Ben said the primary guest was the one who ordered the dinner and the one he was trying to satisfy.  Mission accomplished.

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1 hour ago, Trooper York said:

Two things.

Trevor just gave us a twelve course distaste menu.  He is a talented dude.

Emily seems pretty happy to provide a Turn Down service to both Kelly and Nico. It looks like they will be served. Nice.

How does Emily calmly watching them vie for her attentions turn into her providing Turn Down service to both Kelly and Nico? Because multiple men desire Emily she must automatically be promiscuous now? No. Emily behaved admirably and it was very entertaining watching Kelly fold while shirtless.

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Hey it was just a joke. She was "Turning them down." A play on words.  Jeeez.

Of course she should turn them down if she isn't interested. I would expect nothing less of her. She seems to have respect for herself. She seems very level headed. 

Of course based on some of the previews we will be getting some drama based on inter-staff hook ups. There might be a guid pro quo for being on the show. Or getting a lot of screen time. The ones who put it out there get the screen time. Rocky did that last year and was the focus of episode after episode.

Edited by Trooper York
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As a chef, I think Ben is kind of a mixed bag. Clearly talented, but not a whole lot of hustle. He sure does bitch and moan a lot about how difficult every little thing is, but (and this could very well be a function of being on tee vee and having to get the shot, etc. but...) it strikes me that I never really see him busting his ass all that much in the kitchen. He works at a very leisurely pace. Which is interesting, given that he basically prepares whatever the hell he wants to, "delegates" grunt work at every opportunity to someone else, and usually isn't exactly dealing with the most sophisticated of palates. It shouldn't (and probably isn't, in my opinion) all that difficult to "wow" the people he's usually preparing meals for. Which doesn't mean he doesn't prepare high-end meals, because it sure seems to me that for the most part he does. But high-end doesn't have to mean difficult, and not much Ben does seems to me to be particularly labor-intensive. Which is a talent in and of itself, and I respect that. I'm just saying that to me Ben has a tendency to reeeeeeally play up the actual difficulty of what he does in the kitchen.

He's not nearly as lazy as Leon, nor nearly as much of an arrogant pain in the ass, but I've slowly come around to the opinion that they're not as far apart from each other on the spectrum as it might have seemed once upon a time. Twelve courses for six people, right? 72 plates in one sitting. That's a lot, I get it. Not exactly "easy" but not exactly mission impossible either. You're not taking orders, everybody* is getting the same thing, and they're getting what you've decided to prepare for them, and you were given at least a day (more or less, whatever the amount of time was that passed between the pre-charter meeting and service, which seemed to me to be at least a day) to prepare for it. I mean, I don't remember all the courses, but I remember that one of them was a chunk of raw tuna set atop a blender sauce. I bet it was delicious, maybe even mindblowing. But not exactly labor-intensive. Six plates of that is 10 minutes start to finish, max. Without even breaking a sweat. And I've got a hunch that most of the other courses were similarly short on elbow grease. Boo fuckin' hoo, Ben.

And as far as the "picky eater" (and by no means am I denying she was, because WOOO BABY, but...) the thing is Ben didn't even have to deal with her, and didn't even try. "Just give her a fuckin Big Salad, and have one of the stews make it, I can't be bothered." Which to me is a major peeve, and a "shit chef" red flag. And I'm not even That Customer... give me ALL THE PORK and whatnot. But dismissing a diner out of hand because they have requests, even if it's nine separate requests based on bullshit dietary fads, treating them as an afterthought, not even attempting to include them while making the slightest attempt to accommodate them, and blowing them off by having a non-chef throw together a salad for them... well, that's just fuckin rude. Ben could have thrown that salad together in 10 minutes. It still would have been rude and dismissive, but at least it would have been prepared by THE CHEF. But much like toast, Ben is above preparing a salad. And then when the salad is shit, it's not THE CHEF'S fault that he couldn't be bothered, because he had oh so much more important things to do and not nearly enough time to do them all, it's the fault of the non-chef who volunteered to help out and the chef said "Meh, fuck it, sure. Go for it. I don't care." But Ben can't resist making a big show of how "This Tuna Is Fucked" and once again someone who was just trying to help ends up in tears. Just like Julia back in the Med. He does the same thing with Kate, repeatedly, but the difference there is that Kate ain't gonna cry, and Ben knows damn well that he can only go so far because Kate will cut a bitch.

Anyway, the thing is that I still can't help but to like Ben. But dude really REALLY needs to get the fuck over himself. And, again, maybe the fact that it's a tee vee show is a big part of it. I do have a hunch that both Kate and Ben have tweaked their personalities a bit for the sake of moving the needle. I suspect that the show has established that Kate's niche is "snarky is great, but dial back the mean a bit and be a little nicer about it" while Ben's is "inherently charming is great, but amp up the prickly bitchiness, put a little Leon in it." So maybe that's all it is. I don't know.

Lee remains THE BEST. Trevor remained the worst, right to the bitter end. Bye, Felicia. Kelley... oh my... somebody please give me the heads up when it's time for us all to put our hands over our eyes, because it sure does seem like that train is gaining steam and it's only a matter of time. Nip it in the bud, Emily! Nip it!

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I thought Sierra was just being ditzy when she told that troublesome diner that she wasn't getting a tasting menu. That's nuts. I certainly would have expected her to get just as many courses: eating the shared ones when it fit her restrictions, and getting a bite of something else when it didn't.

4 minutes ago, Trooper York said:

Well to be fair spooning sorbet into a shot glass is definitely labor intensive. 

Two courses were in a shot glass! (Gazpacho too) I'm sorry that doesn't really count as a "course." Not without at least some garnish or crunch or something to make it not-a-shot.

Edited by dleighg
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5 minutes ago, dleighg said:

I thought Sierra was just being ditzy when she told that troublesome diner that she wasn't getting a tasting menu. That's nuts. I certainly would have expected her to get just as many courses: eating the shared ones when it fit her restrictions, and getting a bite of something else when it didn't.


This is what did happen and was intended to happen all along, Sierra just misunderstood her question.

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1 minute ago, biakbiak said:

This is what did happen and was intended to happen all along, Sierra just misunderstood her question.

The way it was presented she missed one or two of the courses while waiting on the salad, didn't she?

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Just now, dleighg said:

The way it was presented she missed one or two of the courses while waiting on the salad, didn't she?

Yes, she missed the foie and the scallop but they did have other courses left but perhaps I was wrong and she was only supposed to get the gazpacho, the sorbet, the salad, seared tuna dish that got 86d and dessert. If that's the case then Ben is ridiculous because the small slice of tuna wouldn't be an adequate replacement for the large seared tuna plate. 

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3 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Wasn't there, in a past season, another group with a guy with ridiculous guests that did penny stocks, and also "made millions", but in reality, the millions were made by selling his money-making scheme online?  And, I think those guests were pretty obnoxious, too, if I remember correctly.

Yeah! The guy who split the tip in half, right before Capt Lee's eyes. He also slipped in a "free" seminar for the crew. But I think this lot might finally boot him out of his spot as reigning douche guest. The "if something should happen to my wife" comment is really one of a kind.

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They really are scraping the bottom of the barrel for guests. I understand the penis pillow guy is going to reappear this season.

Why not invite a bunch of people who post on this board? 

I bet we can scape up a tip of around $100 or so. 

I mean we know that production is footing the bill. So why not go all the way?

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Just now, Trooper York said:

They really are scraping the bottom of the barrel for guests. I understand the penis pillow guy is going to reappear this season.

Why not invite a bunch of people who post on this board? 

I bet we can scape up a tip of around $100 or so. 

I mean we know that production is footing the bill. So why not go all the way?

Only half the bill. 

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I have heard the same thing. I tend not to believe it.

I mean do you really think these scam artists would pay a bunch of money even to get on TV. They really didn't promote their business. Not for the amount of money they would be out of pocket. I would accept much more readily for people like the "Tilted Kilt" girls on Med because they got a lot of shout outs. But why not let them go for the full boat to get some interesting people on board the ship?

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6 minutes ago, Trooper York said:

I have heard the same thing. I tend not to believe it.

I mean do you really think these scam artists would pay a bunch of money even to get on TV. They really didn't promote their business. Not for the amount of money they would be out of pocket. I would accept much more readily for people like the "Tilted Kilt" girls on Med because they got a lot of shout outs. But why not let them go for the full boat to get some interesting people on board the ship?

It's been mentioned by people who have actually seen the contracts and we're "reporting" for Grantland.

Edited by biakbiak
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Fair enough.

It just seems fishy to me. I just don't see hairy back guy going for thousands of dollars to sleep on a couch. It doesn't add up. I am sure they create a paper trail put a front on it. I don't doubt the people who saw the contracts. I just doubt that they are real.

I just don't trust Satan Andy. I don't believe anything he says and everything he does is tainted.

But hey that is just me. 

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I think the title of the Episode should have been "They found out I was a hair model."

Because, when Capt. Lee asked Senior Dickhand what had happened and Trevor looked at him and said "They found out I was a hair model." I found it to be the funniest thing I've seen/heard in a long time. Cause, yup, that explains everything.

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5 hours ago, candall said:

But see, that's what I mean about storylines being artfully crafted by production.  Guests arrive, have a nice lunch, relax before motoring out to a beach for the day's main yachtie-event--a clambake--then discuss some custom-tailored snackies for a late night nosh.

That's a different tale than guests arrive, wait several hours for a fly-specked clambake, then the chef saves himself a few steps by suggesting "tapas" as opposed to a proper dinner.  Hey, lucky you didn't get the Doritos and salsa.


I didn't mean "scripted" as in, everyone memorizing their lines.  I meant the story is conceived in the writer's room and then the details are arranged and the footage is edited so that story gets told.

I'm cynical.  Blame "Adam Ruins Everything."  Those Alaska show people live in Seattle?

I think we all know that these shows are partially scripted.  I for one, know it but hate to be constantly reminded of it.  I know they aren't 100% real but I still enjoy them. I guess I prefer to stick my fingers in my ears, say "lalalalalala" and pretend it's real.  

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7 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Even in restaurants with more than one chef and a large kitchen a 12 course tasting menu is going to be 2 1/2-3 hours minimum which appeared to be the timeframe for this meal.

Right,  even if each course came out on 10 min intervals, that's 2 hours.   And you know 10 min is not happening in a yacht galley.

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Not to bother anyone, but, regarding Ben and what being a Chef means, I really think that mot of people don't really understand what it means in reality....

And for those who think that it was way too long, if I remember correctly, it was something like 30 minutes between two courses, which is perfectly normal in any restaurant.

#Chef'sWife #restaurantOwner

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2 hours ago, curbcrusher said:

I think the title of the Episode should have been "They found out I was a hair model."

Because, when Capt. Lee asked Senior Dickhand what had happened and Trevor looked at him and said "They found out I was a hair model." I found it to be the funniest thing I've seen/heard in a long time. Cause, yup, that explains everything.

I also love how he presented it like everyone else had done some Holmesian level sleuthing to discover this, rather than him bragging about it.

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4 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

I also love how he presented it like everyone else had done some Holmesian level sleuthing to discover this, rather than him bragging about it.

Not only bragging about it but insulting Kate's hair in the process!

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I would have eaten that "f%^&ing seared tuna" in a heartbeat and I bet the guests would have too.  Look, here's another course!  Yay!

What was supposed to be wrong with it?  It had the color from the sear on the outside and the rare middle I'd expect to see in a very thin filet of seared tuna.  Twenty seconds more on the grill and you'd have overdone dry tuna sawdust in your mouth. 


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5 hours ago, zulualpha said:

I think when a guest asks for a 12 course tasting menu on a yacht they are expecting a dining experience.

As far as the food is concerned, yes, but you don't have the kind of elegant surroundings that you can take in while waiting for the next course. How long can you savor a sorbet before you're wondering why the next course isn't arriving?

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1 hour ago, dleighg said:

I think Ben should have put a slice of lemon in every glass to see if she knew what that meant :)

Lol, but drinks are the stews' job. Kate's gotta be all over that lemon water and toast game.

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3 hours ago, curbcrusher said:

I think the title of the Episode should have been "They found out I was a hair model."

Because, when Capt. Lee asked Senior Dickhand what had happened and Trevor looked at him and said "They found out I was a hair model." I found it to be the funniest thing I've seen/heard in a long time. Cause, yup, that explains everything.

That would set me off. Too bad keel hauling is frowned upon these days. 

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Nico relished in Trevor's ousting a little too much for me. I understand why he wanted him gone and that he was happy about it but it bugged me how much he enjoyed it. Also I did not like his comment to Captain Lee that he hoped so when Lee said he would deal with it. I like Nico I just hope he does not change now that Trevor is gone.

Edited by fifty8th
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