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S02.E05: Revenge Of The Queens

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That LSFYL was pretty brilliant. If I had to be the one to choose a winner, I wouldn't have known who to choose. Ru kept them both, which seemed the right thing to do. I wonder if that means that there will be a double elimination next week?

I was elated that Phi Phi was finally chopped. Ding dong! Really was hopeful that she might have grown up from S4, but no such luck. Her stank attitude and her shady , conniving behavior created a toxic wall of stank and cast a cloud over what should just be an enjoyable contest.

Though I don't wish anything bad on her, I do hope she gets the therapy she needs to address not just her attitude but her underlying issues that cause her to act out.

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I just saw the very end of the show, and I had to check to make sure it wasn't a repeat.  Then I realized,yeah it was indeed Thursday night, and it was a new episode.  

I was so happy Tati and Alyssa were doing the LSFYL.  Both were so good, not sure how you'd pick one; it'd be splitting hairs.    Glad both are back and glad that Phi Phi was sent home.

No ill feelings towards Phi Phi, just not right for this type of show.  She may have some issues as she seems to get offended so easily, and the attitude at being eliminated really stunk/stinks.  You'd have to realize that there is that possibility on a competition show; you screw up one time and you could be sent packing.  You have to be satisfied you did your best under the circumstances and try to take it and learn from it.  Stupid to piss off Ru, whether rightly or wrongly justified.  

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6 hours ago, OnceSane said:

Now I understand why LOGO wanted this episode for itself.  It. Was. Everything!!  Only Roxxxy exiting could have made it better.

Alyssa…BEAST.  Alaska…her's to lose.  And Tatiana & Detox…Killed. It.  I could not stop laughing during either set.

Ding dong, the least talented is gone!  Bye, Pheef…I won't miss you.  The victim act was annoying and the blaming all others was old back in season 4.

It was everything, which is why they should have wanted to share it!  Give the larger audience the best part, maybe they'll subscribe for the rest assuming/hoping it's as good.  


Can we talk about Ginger's shenanigans trying to call out Alyssa for sending her home and THEN saying had Katya been eliminated she would have taken her place?!  Alyssa called it right. A goddamn stunt.  If you were gonna quit to save your friend then who cares you got eliminated.

Yeah, what was that about?  Was she just pissed that Alyssa robbed her of that dramatic moment?  

I almost want to go back in time and see if she'd really do it.

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9 hours ago, Blakeston said:

Her comment about Sharon being the one to throw her under the bus spoke volumes.

So apparently the coda to her first episode line about being here to redeem herself was to do so by proving that everyone else was wrong all along.

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2 hours ago, Glaadrial said:

Ru has said it from day 1: Her show, her rules. From what has been written over the years, I gather that the only interaction that Ru has had with any of the contestants is what we see on TV. They are not friends, and she is not their mentor outside of what happens when the cameras are rolling. She is rightly unapologetic about this, and apparently only comments when she means to state her business.

ITA - I like that Ru keeps it all business with the contestants. That's the professional thing to do and it keeps things fair. She is not obligated to prop up Phi Phi after the way Phi Phi shot herself in the foot. Between her behavior on the show and her behavior online, why should Ru defend her or say anything positive? Phi Phi made her choices and now Ru is making hers. That's the consequence of interacting with people. They are allowed to react. Just because Phi Phi doesn't like the way Ru reacted doesn't make Ru wrong, but Phi Phi loves to play the victim.

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I loved Alyssa taking Phi to task post mirror. Alyssa did specifically say during the Phi meeting she didn't want to talk about the others in the bottom 3, but about herself, and Phi claimed just the opposite. At least from what we were shown, Phi is the jackass here.

If people really were threatening her, not cool. But I wouldn't want to go to a bar Phi was at just because I think she'd be a mean bitch.

Typing that, I realized Phi is the one who reads most as his male talking head to me, whereas the other queens I think of their drag self as the primary. 

WTF was Ginger talking about wanting to eliminate herself for Katya? Glad she didn't come back, even though I like her. 

Tati is amazing. I was hoping Ru would keep them both after that throw down.

Roxy again saved by the Rolaskatox alliance that totally doesn't exist.

Its definitely between Alaska and Tati for me.

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That damn Rolaskatox alliance that everyone seems to be in on. If everyone is afraid to send Roxy home then whatever. Keep some weak sauce in the competition. Ugh. We're going to have to start adding Alyssa, Katya, Tati and everyone else that has saved Roxy's wonderful ass. Let me come back when I find a moniker that includes all of those names... Roxy was completely dreadful. I understand that she had the hardest job, but it doesn't matter- 3rd time in the bottom three! Come on. Though I think Roxy's runway is the best left, and her personality is cute, and she knows her strengths...she should've gone home for sure. That lipsynch was epic. Nothing to say about PhiPhi

*Rolaskatatiyalyssasox- best I can do. I suck.

Edited by Granimal
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The thing about roxxxy is, she's either everybody's real life fave OR they're using Challenge MTV rules and keeping a weak link to increase their own chances to make it to the top 3. 

Personally, Roxxxy earned her spot this week with the phi phi-3 way phone face crack line. 

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Roxxxy's benefiting from favoritism, but at least Alyssa and Tatianna are back in the game. I think keeping Roxxxy over Phi Phi made sense given how abrasive Phi Phi was to Alyssa. Also, I thought Roxxxy was fine as the MC once she switched persona. She wasn't hysterical, but outside of the Michelle Visage at the truck stop joke, I didn't think she was bad. It was kind of weird--none of them were funny to me but none of them were bad either. They all seemed comparable levels of fine. I laughed a bit at all of them (including Coco/Phi Phi); I didn't laugh a lot at any of them. I did have problems understanding Detox. 

Between her behavior on the show and her behavior online, why should Ru defend her or say anything positive? Phi Phi made her choices and now Ru is making hers.

Because Phi Phi is being actually harassed and is affected by it. As I said before, I have no issue with Ru blacklisting Phi Phi from WOW productions. That is a logical and predictable outcome of the trash talking Phi Phi did. Phi Phi burned that bridge and has no one but herself to blame for it. However, Ru claims to genuinely care about love, tolerance, and acceptance. Feeding into an online mob or even silently condoning the behavior is not part of that. It's also not necessary. It costs Ru nothing to be the bigger person here and embody the ideals she claims to hold.

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Alaska does gorgeous makeup.

As much as I live for Alyssa , Tati did beat her. Alyssa was throwing everything but the kitchen sink into her routine a bit too much even for drag.  I don't know why Tati hasn't been on the tour before.  She is top notch.  Poor Roxxy.  I'll think she'll go next.  She is so pretty!

How does it work that Detox and Tati had matching outfits, albeit white vs black, how would they know they would be paired together when they were at home packing?  Hmmmm

Am I a bitch to mention that Alexis Mateo has gained like 60 pounds??

Edited by WhineandCheez
forgot to add...
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The only thing I was really left wanting in this episode was more Katya. Since they brought everybody back, I feel like we got less of her. Otherwise, this was pretty great.

I didn't think Roxxxy did SO terribly as the host and I appreciate the salad puns. When Roxxxy is not actively melting down and being a bitch, I find her very likeable. She also gets points from me that she owned her bad behavior in her season instead of blaming editors and tried not to do that this time around.

Phiphi's exit was bizarre and uncomfortable. She didn't want to hug Alyssa but made sure to sing as she left. Weird. My uncle's stepson is a drag queen in Chicago and I was drunk at the time so don't remember totally when we talked about it last year (I don't see him very often since I live in NC), but he knows phiphi and I want to say he didn't have a terribly favorable impression of her. There were a couple others he doesn't like, but he has apparently met Ginger or worked with her before and loves her, and thankfully he loves Katya which means the next family gathering won't be awkward.

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I've seen photos of Tatianna in both in both the white and black dresses, so I think she just lent Detox the black one.


3 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

How does it work that Detox and Tati had matching outfits, albeit white vs black, how would they know they would be paired together when they were at home packing?  Hmm


Edited by Luciano
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It's a shame about PhiPhi.  (warning: a bit of armchair diagnosis to follow)

I think he's the kind of person who really wants everyone to like him -- which is kind of normal, actually. As Katya points out in one of her recent videos, the only people who genuinely don't care what anyone thinks of them are sociopaths. So it's understandable to want to please others. I think PhiPhi wants to be loved so much, that it's in his nature to do things like tell Tatiana she was the funny one, and then tell Detox exactly the same thing. I remember acting like that in middle school. It wasn't unkindness or cruelty on my part. I wasn't consciously trying to manipulate anyone. I just wanted to be everyone's friend and didn't know how to go about that. I think we're all capable of acting like that, even as adults. Can anyone on Earth say that they've never ever gossiped, or never ever done a little manipulating? God knows that in times of stress or uncertainty, I still catch myself from time to time being gossipy or a little manipulative, and I'm a grown ass woman who tries not to do that crap anymore. It's hard to stamp out completely, and when you're anxious or upset or nervous or depressed I think a lot of us revert to our worst selves. In my case, afterwards, I feel crappy about it and try to bounce back, having learned a little bit more about why I don't like acting like that. But it was hard to face, at first. Who likes to admit what is wrong with themselves? That's hard work.

So, yeah, PhiPhi probably just can't help being a little gossipy and manipulative, while all the time justifying that kind of behavior to himself as normal -- which, let's face it, it kind of is. PhiPhi just does it a bit more often than others, and this doesn't always mean that he's an awful person. Probably, in day to day life, he's nice. He probably wouldn't go out of his way to harm anyone, and probably in fact would go out of his way to please others. He's just probably going through a lot of things emotionally. There was the issue of his arrest, and I think I remember him saying he's cut off from his biological family, over the gay and/or drag thing. And it must have been hard to go through being one of the most hated drag queens in the world, and literally getting death threats. For someone who is kind of unstable anyway, having all that crap happen isn't necessarily going to lead to a personal renaissance.

I think that his current freak out on social media is a reaction to the cognitive dissonance he must feel, seeing himself on screen looking so unpleasant, when he knows that in his heart he's a good person. Which, legitimately, he pretty much is. You can be a good person in your heart and still make mistakes out of uncertainty or nervousness. Like I said, he probably doesn't wake up in the morning thinking, "I'm going to treat everyone like crap." He just sort of... accidentally.... does... sometimes. So yeah. He really *did* do those awful things, but he's not strong enough in himself to face that and love himself anyway. And if you can't love yourself...

I feel nothing but pity for him. I think he does have talent, and I bet you anything he'd make a good friend, someone fun to hang out with -- if not exactly trust your deepest secrets to. It makes me sad to see that he didn't learn how to muzzle himself in front of the cameras and not take the producers' bait. So I hope that people are going to be a lot kinder to him this time around. No, he didn't "deserve" to win (does anyone "deserve" to win a reality competition? is that anyone's birth right?), but I really do hope he figures things out for himself and manages to find a place for himself in the world where he can relax, retract his defensive claws, and let his best self shine. And that won't be on camera.

(end armchair diagnosis)

Edited by Nerdlove
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7 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

As much as I live for Alyssa , Tati did beat her. Alyssa was throwing everything but the kitchen sink into her routine a bit too much even for drag.  I don't know why Tati hasn't been on the tour before.  She is top notch.  Poor Roxxy.  I'll think she'll go next.  She is so pretty!

I agree that it had me scared because I like Tati, but I did not want Alyssa to leave my TV.  On reflection, and in hindsight, I think that the editing is always tricky with these closely matched LSFYL performances. Alyssa rocked the timing of her big dance moves which takes a big scoop of talent and musicality. Seen Live these kinds of punctuated dance moves are awesome; for TV, though (and we've seen this on the competitive dance shows) you really need to really work on the camera blocking to get any kind of an impact from these moves.

Since Tati's Lip-sync was so tight, she was able to benefit from "less is more" on TV. I do give her credit for turning it out, though, there were a couple of spots where I saw what looked like shadow-drag where Alyssa started doing something outrageous (like whipping her hair) and Tati matched her whip for whip. I'm not shading her for doing it because it made for a great performance, I just see it as an example of Alyssa brings out the best in her competition and win or lose, that's her legacy. Thankfully, we got a tie and all is good!

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I love that Jessica Rabbit 'I'm not bad, I was just drawn that way' quote that Ru sent out.  It's classic Rupaul shade, indirect, on point, and funny.  He has a right to throw shade when a former contestant is throwing him and his entire production under the bus, regardless of whether pp is now playing the victim of both the editing and the fans of RPDR. 

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Oh, and if anyone can make GIFs out there, someone please GIF that moment right after Ru tells Tatiana, "you're a winner," and Tatiana realizes that she gets to stay on the show. She may or may not have been acting, but I don't even care. It's such a beautiful moment. You get to stay, Tatiana. Oh, my heart!

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So glad we got both Tati and Alyssa back, especially Alyssa.

So glad PhiPhi is gone. She was horrible. But I can't help feeling sad for her, seeing herself as such a shrew on the screen and realising she did not "redeem" herself one iota, only made it all worse. I keep thinking of the poor old chook weeping hysterically into her pillow.

I hope something good comes out of it for her, that some people are nice and supportive in her life, in a no bullshit kind of a way, and that she can pull herself together and learn from this and carry on, in a more mature fashion, somehow.

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FWIW, in the movie, Jessica Rabbit wasn't bad. And she was definitely drawn that way. 

That said, my (totally uninformed) take on Phi Phi is that she may just be a garden-variety type A control freak, with a little napoleon complex in the mix. And in actual reality, that's not a monster. Maybe a sometimes trying friend, but not a monster. But, those personality traits have to be the drama equivalent of a O- blood donor to reality TV producers and probably make a person vulnerable to easy instigation. End of the day, Phi Phi's waterloo was thinking she had any control over the narrative. Girl, you don't have the camera or the AVID station.

I'm guessing the designated winner is Alaska, tho the whiff of being above it all is irritating. I've been enjoying Alyssa, Katya, & Tatiana much more (and was hoping the fact that she got an endearing edit in the first two eps meant that she was coming back - and SHE DID!) Roxxxy's been fading for a while & Detox is hit or miss. I felt bad for Ginger - she had no real chance & was really trying to find a storyline. Tho "Ginger Minj, Katya's Bestest Friend In The Whole-Widest World" is just weeeeird branding. 

Edited by Kyrielle
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45 minutes ago, Kyrielle said:

And she was definitely drawn that way.

FWIW, literally, yes, but also figuratively (as a moth to a flame). If that's the quote, then Ru delivered a masterful allusion. Definitely kinder than her usual "Sashay away."

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One of the most entertaining all 'round RPDR episode ever.

Thrilled to bits my darling Miss Alyssa Edwards is back and Tatiana too. I've Season 2 and have been re-watching it this weekend (along with binging on Season 3 of 'Transparent') and as much as Tati has really grown as a queen it also reminded me that I loved her in Season 2 and her 'talking heads' were great.

I'm so over PP. On the night of her getting kicked the hell off the show she was on 'periscope' (that somehow popped up on my facebook feed) and she and Jiggly were just reading everyone to filth and laughing their fool heads off. If she's so afraid of 'bullying' and 'death threats' via social media she doesn't seem bothered at all by it and even seems to be very 'oh yeah? fuck you assholes' about it all. Also, don't forget but her new 'single' and upcoming 'album' (released and recorded under her male name) are just coming out right now so I guess she's of that 'even bad publicity is good publicity' school of thought and this might boost his single/album sales somehow.

As far as Ru's meme response to PP? All I can say is that I admire Ru's restraint. Absolutely any measure of 'fame' that PP has she completely owes to RuPaul and being on 'RuPaul's Drag Race'. You reap what you sow, girl. Anyway: slow curtain, the end.

4 hours ago, Kyrielle said:

I'm guessing the designated winner is Alaska, tho the whiff of being above it all is irritating. I've been enjoying Alyssa, Katya, & Tatiana much more (and was hoping the fact that she got an endearing edit in the first two eps meant that she was coming back - and SHE DID!) Roxxxy's been fading for a while & Detox is hit or miss. I felt bad for Ginger - she had no real chance & was really trying to find a storyline. Tho "Ginger Minj, Katya's Bestest Friend In The Whole-Widest World" is just weeeeird branding. 

Yes to all of this, especially the comment about Alaska. I think she is very talented and witty and her drag has really improved but to quote her from her first season "Gurl, take it easy."

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On 9/23/2016 at 0:09 AM, Cosmic Muffin said:

Good episode. I believe P2 is Filipino, which makes the choice of accent a little worse.

  Oh, it makes it way worse IMO. Manila Luzon did the same thing in the "QNN" episode several seasons ago, but it was funny and she won the challenge, unlike P2, on both counts.  P2, you're no Manila Luzon.  Bitch, bye. 

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I finally got to watch this episode, thank goodness!!

I neither like nor dislike Tatianna, but she deserves the chance to return.  Thankful that Alyssa got to, as well.

What has happened to Katya?!  Her bit with Ginger wasn't very funny, and she seemed to be checked out of it. She can be sooooooo funny on her own channel, and with Trixie, and her talking heads are awesome...but she isn't clicking for me this season.  Still love her, though.

Roxxy really is beautiful, and is cute as a boy, too.  But that's all I ever really get from her.

Phi Phi, I just can't.  She can't seem to own up to her behavior,  and it drives me nuts because I have friends like that.  One coworker, also, who is always whining about how unfair it is that the boss makes the rules, blah blah blah.  Just leave, if you're unhappy!!!  Phi Phi and coworker alike...why make everyone else around you miserable,  just because you are?!

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Well, it looks like no new episode this week (because of the prez debate??) They will be showing last week's ep with tweets, comments, etc. The same with Prince Charming.

OOPS Senior Moment. Keep forgetting shows are on Thursdays. my bad

Edited by worleybird
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I've never been a fan of bringing queens/contestants back to competitions.  Especially in Tati's case because she left so long ago it just didn't seem fair.  Both her & Alyssa did well in challenge and LS so enh I'm ok with it I guess just not wild about it though.  And I like Phi2 so I was bummed to see her go.  Why get rid of such a good villan?  What are we going to watch queens being nice to each other?  BOORRRING.

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I was not a fan of PP and Tati is still new to me because I came late to the party.  I like Alaska and am fine if she wins but I love Katya and Alyssa---I hope they are paired up for a challenge.  The episode was grand--but I hope Roxxy goes soon.  

Shouldn't it be a wall of Flame?   

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I lurve seeing former Queens in the audience.  Why couldn't there have been some sort of little walk-on for each?  You could hardly make out who most of them were.  A waste having them there if they don't spend any time showing them off. I saw Lagana E., Alexis Mateo, Vivacious, Porkchop (glaring), Nicole.Paige.Brooks (I think), Latrice Royale (SQUEE!), and Yara Sofia or Kenya Michaels--not sure which.  Who else was there, please??

Edited by WhineandCheez
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On September 24, 2016 at 0:47 PM, Glade said:

I love that Jessica Rabbit 'I'm not bad, I was just drawn that way' quote that Ru sent out.  It's classic Rupaul shade, indirect, on point, and funny.  He has a right to throw shade when a former contestant is throwing him and his entire production under the bus, regardless of whether pp is now playing the victim of both the editing and the fans of RPDR. 

ITA that the tweet in question was classic Ru shade (and that Ru has the right to express her opinion about a contestant who is clearly fine with burning every bridge she can find).


ETA: Sorry for the second quote being below instead of up here where it would make more sense. For some reason, my phone won't let me move the quote or type anything below the second quote box!

On September 24, 2016 at 9:25 PM, Glaadrial said:

FWIW, literally, yes, but also figuratively (as a moth to a flame). If that's the quote, then Ru delivered a masterful allusion. Definitely kinder than her usual "Sashay away."

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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My verdict: Best. Episode. Ever., or at least in my Personal Top 5. It had everything: the rises of Alyssa & Tatianna, one of the greatest LYFYLs of all time and best of all, Phi2 not only got exposed for the phony, lying, passive-aggressive and backstabbing bitch she is, she got eliminated because of it and contrary to her opinion, she's got nobody to blame but herself. Phi2 can spew all the bullshit she wants about "producer manipulation," but nobody made her throw shade at Alyssa at gunpoint, nor did they make her sabotage Roxxxy during the Snatch Game nor talk smack about Ginger Minj to the choreographers of the "HERstory" challenge behind her back. When Phi2 got caught in her lies, she not only tried to play the victim, she tried to blame the real victim, aka Alyssa. 

  In the past, I wasn't a huge Alyssa Edwards fan, but seeing her on this show has not only changed my mind, she's become one of my favorites, not just because of her talent and beauty, but she also has the maturity and class that Phi2 lacks, to put it mildly. When Alyssa was eliminated by Alaska in the previous episode, Alyssa not only didn't take it personally, because, to quote Alyssa, "It's not personal, it's drag," she & Alaska worked together on this week's main challenge and killed it by just letting each other do what they do best. Tatianna & Detox played characters, but their delivery and their chemistry was as on-point as Alyssa & Alaska, in its own way. 

Ginger & Katya were OK, but mostly because of Katya. I felt bad for Coco for being stuck with Phi2, but at least she made the best of it, unlike Phi2, whose performance, like her personality, was a total fail. Roxxxy did the best she could, but if she keeps being lame, ITA that she should be the next to go.

  About Alyssa & Tatianna's LYFYL, it was EPIC! It gave me life like my mama! It was perfect-the song choice, Alyssa & Tati's looks and their performances. Ru made the right decision to keep them and Alyssa & Tatianna made the right decision to dump Phi2, whose shadiness towards Alyssa and about Ru afterwards was even worse than her performance. Good riddance-and I hope the door kicked Phi2 in her fake ass on her long-overdue way out. 

Edited by DollEyes
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On September 26, 2016 at 2:41 PM, WhineandCheez said:

I lurve seeing former Queens in the audience.  Why couldn't there have been some sort of little walk-on for each?  You could hardly make out who most of them were.  A waste having them there if they don't spend any time showing them off. I saw Lagana E., Alexis Mateo, Vivacious, Porkchop (glaring), Nicole.Paige.Brooks (I think), Latrice Royale (SQUEE!), and Yara Sofia or Kenya Michaels--not sure which.  Who else was there, please??

Did Vivacious bring Ornacia? Now THAT was some seriously funny shit! I don't remember seeing her in the audience.

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Finally saw this.  Oh yeah, this was a fun episode all over the place.  Tati came back, Alyssa was funny, Phi Phi got gone, Ginger Minj made an impression(Y'all  I keep forgetting she was even on the show)  and even Coco didn't annoy me. 

I especially loved the start with the reveal of the departed queens behind the two-way mirror and the shots of Phi Phi's face.  Roxxxy's analogy was perfect.  And then Tati's analysis of Phi Phi's game playing was perfect.

I actually thought Alyssa and Tati were both great in the lip sync.  I did give the slight edge to Tati because Alyssa tends to go overboard a bit with the death drops, but I thought Alyssa was more restrained than usual.  And it helps that they seems to compliment each other in looks.  So I am glad they both got to stay.

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2 hours ago, DearEvette said:

I actually thought Alyssa and Tati were both great in the lip sync.  I did give the slight edge to Tati because Alyssa tends to go overboard a bit with the death drops, but I thought Alyssa was more restrained than usual.  And it helps that they seems to compliment each other in looks.  So I am glad they both got to stay.

I thought they were both great, too, but have to wonder if they coordinated their outfits on purpose. The almost-identical cuts of the costumes paired with thigh-high boots can't be a coincidence, right? I'm also wondering if the queens will change clothes for the lip sync going forward--this only started with Phi Phi in her weird catsuit, if I'm correct (other than shoe changes). 

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10 hours ago, Halo said:

I thought they were both great, too, but have to wonder if they coordinated their outfits on purpose. The almost-identical cuts of the costumes paired with thigh-high boots can't be a coincidence, right? I'm also wondering if the queens will change clothes for the lip sync going forward--this only started with Phi Phi in her weird catsuit, if I'm correct (other than shoe changes). 

The queens have been changing their clothes for the lip syncs all season. This is probably due to doing the deliberations in the workroom where they have access to all their things, rather than a waiting lounge (a la Untucked)

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7 hours ago, snowblossom2 said:

The queens have been changing their clothes for the lip syncs all season. This is probably due to doing the deliberations in the workroom where they have access to all their things, rather than a waiting lounge (a la Untucked)

I couldn't resist going back, and it seems like some queens change (Alyssa, Phi Phi) and some haven't (Detox, Alaska, Roxxy). It really changes the dynamic from regular seasons, like when poor Acid Betty had to LSFHL in pregnant Madonna drag. 

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6 hours ago, Halo said:

I couldn't resist going back, and it seems like some queens change (Alyssa, Phi Phi) and some haven't (Detox, Alaska, Roxxy). It really changes the dynamic from regular seasons, like when poor Acid Betty had to LSFHL in pregnant Madonna drag. 

Kati, I think, was the first when she changed her Latex runway (she really kind of had to). LSFYLegacy changes things up because the winning looks are being rewarded, whereas with the LSFYLife, if you're on the bottom you've got to go with what you have to try to stay in the game. 

Also, I think this just sort of happened only because it was possible and once one did it, others followed suit. Alaska changed her look for one of her lip-syncs. I remember because she asked Roxxy to borrow a top during her "deliberation" conversation.

I don't remember any of the Season 8 queens changing for their lip-syncs. Since that was filmed after All Stars, I don't think it made it into the actual rules. Still, it remains to be seen if this will affect upcoming seasons, which I doubt it. This is an All Star season, and that seems to mean more this time around than it did after the joke that was AS1.

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