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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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Loved the Alverado Freak Show today. Mr. A, trying to rock the Wolverine look (if Wolverine were a short, squat loser who lives with his daddy and likes to dress "Twinsies" with his loser idiot friend) suing the aunt of Shrek-ette, his girlfriend: Never mind that neither of them are capable of supprting themselves but decided to have a kid anyway. That's par for the course on this show. The most astonishing thing about this case is that there are other women who want Alverado. Yes, there are!!



90% of the time, when there is an assault, JJ rules for the man.


IMO, she ruled for Darnell after she found out he had the deep laceration on TOP of his head. I know Ms. Pitts said in the hall that "He assaulted himself" and then apparently spread his own blood from that self-assault all over the apartment, but I find that kind of ridiculous and I have no trouble seeing why JJ found for him. OH, and so did the police, since they arrested HER.


Those two brawling idiots are just lucky no one was walking by when they were throwing things out a 4th story window.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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Saying "axed" instead of "ask" isn't illiteracy, it's called metathesis.  Some words roll off the tongue better than others.  It's interesting that it's the one thing you would change.  It's no different than people saying "jewlery" instead of "jewelry" or "realator" instead of "realtor".  I remember some of my teachers saying "warsh" instead of "wash".  Some people on the east coast also put an "r" sound in some words.  If it's understood what people mean, whether the deviation from English is cultural, regional, etc., I don't see what the big deal is.

You hit on just about all my pain points with those.  The only things missing are irregardless and supposably.

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A woman sues a man for damages resulting from assault and battery.

This is JJ. You know this isn't going to go well for the woman. Her story was barbecued, grilled, turned over, basted, and pricked with a meat thermometer. His was boiled for 5 minutes

The plaintiff has the burden of proof. The defendant really doesn't have to do anything.

Also there are things in the written complaint that might set her off, which I think happens in a lot of the cases where she comes in with her mind seemingly made up.

Edited by WhoaWhoKnew
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The plaintiff has the burden of proof. The defendant really doesn't have to do anything.

 And then today, there is the case where the plaintiff said not a single word. Obviously a boring case, since I remember no details, other than I backed it up to verify that indeed, she said not a word. (Was it the truck that the new girlfriend repossessed? I recall Judy gave Plaintiff $5000.)


The sheer white sweater wanting the ex roommate to keep paying rent was nuts. Did she really think that would work? Maybe she was one of those wanting her own tv show, since she came "dressed" for the part. I must say, though, that I am picking up quite a few fashion and makeup tips...

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IMO, she ruled for Darnell after she found out he had the deep laceration on TOP of his head. I know Ms. Pitts said in the hall that "He assaulted himself" and then apparently spread his own blood from that self-assault all over the apartment, but I find that kind of ridiculous and I have no trouble seeing why JJ found for him. OH, and so did the police, since they arrested HER.


I think JJ was concerned about multiple other issues besides the injury to the guy and the arrest of only the woman. Her story about running around the apartment complex naked and no one saying anything -- especially the neighbor who gave her his cell phone to use seemed to help JJ make up her mind as well.


If a person knows you well enough to give you their cell phone for you to take back to your apartment to use (I don't let my son out of my sight with my cell phone!), wouldn't that person ask about you standing there naked? Perhaps the plaintiff was embellishing a bit but it made it sound like she was making things up...

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I think JJ was concerned about multiple other issues besides the injury to the guy and the arrest of only the woman. Her story about running around the apartment complex naked and no one saying anything -- especially the neighbor who gave her his cell phone to use seemed to help JJ make up her mind as well.


If a person knows you well enough to give you their cell phone for you to take back to your apartment to use (I don't let my son out of my sight with my cell phone!), wouldn't that person ask about you standing there naked? Perhaps the plaintiff was embellishing a bit but it made it sound like she was making things up...

Plus she was very familiar with what the police would look for in case of domestic violence and just what was needed to insure what party got arrested. I think JJ got that one right on the money.

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Ms. Pitts said in the hall that "He assaulted himself" and then apparently spread his own blood from that self-assault all over the apartment, but I find that kind of ridiculous and I have no trouble seeing why JJ found for him. OH, and so did the police, since they arrested HER.

I could not stop watching Ms. Pitts tell her story. . . it was like watching a preschooler. . '" and then I ran naked into the hall. . .  and den there was a dinosaur with purple teefies and he tore off my eyebrows and I put him in a spaceship and sent him to the Moon and then had a cheese sammich on the Mooooooonnnnn. . . . . "


Please to explain to me how the dude hit himself on the top of the head hard enough to need a staple. . . . and then have the sense to think "hey, let's take advantage of this and throw blood all over the place so the cops think she did it since that's the LAW!!!" 


Meanwhile back at the ranch she's got the neighbor's cell phone and runs BACK to her apartment to confront the dude crazy enough to hit himself in the head - if she was scared wouldn't she have run AWAY from Crazy Head Wound Guy (for the love of God, give him some caaannnddaaaayyy) -or have asked the neighbor for a ROBE or shirt? 

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I think in most of the domestic violence cases with JJ, she rules from the standpoint if the woman took the man back and if they continued the relationship past the assault.  The same way she does with loans between couples.


What JJ usually gets is Person A hit Person B on January 1st.  The couple makes up and then when they break up 8 months later, Person B wants to be compensated for the assault.

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If I didn't know JJ better, I would have thought she was purposely trying to titillate the viewing audience by mentioning "...and you were NAKED, correct?" approximately two dozen times. But in this case I understood where she was going...most folks, neighbor or not, would either immediately call 911 when a naked person is banging on their door, or invite them in, offer them a blanket or a robe or something and dial 911 on their behalf. But no, this neighbor hands his cell phone out the door without question and then sends her on her way. As mentioned above, most rational humans do not just hand their expensive cell phones to a relative stranger and let them trot away with it, even if they are bedazzled by a display of nudity. Miss Pitts' story was nonsensical to the point of hilarity.

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I didn't believe all of Ms. Pitt's story, but when she described asking her neighbor for his cell phone and his subsequently handing it to her and shutting the door, I thought to myself, "Yup, they live in Philly." Having lived there myself, I believed that part. It may not even have been the first time that day that one of his neighbors knocked on his door naked asking to borrow a phone. God, I miss Philly! I saw some of the craziest stuff I've ever seen in my life during my time there.

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Big guy in wheelchair came as close as humanly possible to admitting to swindling the government of wages destined to his helpers.  JJ caught him red handed.  Of course he signed the hours to a relative.  Maybe even split the money!  He couldn't sign Obi Wan's time sheets because those hours were already spoken for.


Mr Strudel and I were puzzled as to why he needed pretty much a full time helper.

Edited by Toaster Strudel
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Laughing at the rerun today where a woman was trying to get money back on a loan from her neighbor/ex-boyfriend.  The boyfriend had given her some of his property to hold as collateral, though he was claiming that he gave them to her to sell from her ebay store.  JJ told her, "Sell his stuff," and walked out.  Both litigants were yelling, "Wait, your honor ... your honor ... wait."

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The girl in the white sweater from yesterdays case works about five blocks from my office! I was all like "oooooh someone from Canoga Park on JJ"-my sisters looked at me like I needed professional help-they are not wrong,lol

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Even the scammer in the wheelchair couldn't hide his smirk at his ridiculous story. I think what really got me is that a certified home health care aid gets 11$/hr?? Now I understand why nearly everyone we see on this show in that profession is an illiterate, violent and brutal beast.  It seems this the job you do when you are capable of doing absolutely nothing else. This is sad and scary at the same time, but I did think Obi may be an exception and took good care of that scamming slob. who has his whole family on the government dole.



Mr Strudel and I were puzzled as to why he needed pretty much a full time helper.


Because apparently he has a lot of family members with their hands out.


I was glad Obi got 5K$ and the creep got zippo.


What about the nurse, straddling and manhandling the patient? I absolutely believed def and her daughter. The last time I went for a major blood test, the nurse tried twice to take my blood, was unable to do it so called in another nurse who got the job done with


. The first nurse got annoyed (Hey, it wasn't my fault!) but I think this is the usual procedure - not to keep stabbing someone until it works! Nursey deserved to lose her job if this the way she treats people who are incapacitated and defenseless. And here she sounded so reasonable and educated, well, until a "Had went" slipped in there.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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AngelaHunter, you are sooo in my head!  I hope someone from the govt saw Mr. wheelchair's case, but I doubt anything would change. Glad Obi won.


I came in late to the nurse case, and couldn't figure it out. The nurse was the plaintiff, but the episode description said the daughter and patient were suing the nurse. I couldn't figure out why that wasn't in criminal court. But after seeing the end - nurse was suing them for slander?! Defendant's comments at the end were exactly right - you have to be an advocate for your loved ones. Even "good professions" have bad eggs.


Question: Do we have definitive info on how payments are made? Is there a $5000 pool of funds? Do they each get up to $5000, less any judgements? Or is it no money, and production just pays any judgements up to $5000?  It would drive me nuts if even the loser-iest losers still make money off this. Maybe PopTart16 can use her connections with Sweater Girl to find out?!

Edited by SandyToes
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 I felt so bad for the mom in the ER, I have been in that very situation.  Unfortunately, for me, the rule was "Keep sticking her until it works".  I had to scream more than once for help; some nurses (ONLY SOME) have such pride in their work that they WILL GET THAT BLOOD.  To the detriment of their patients, in some cases.  Poor lady, and she couldn't even scream.

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if she was scared wouldn't she have run AWAY from Crazy Head Wound Guy (for the love of God, give him some caaannnddaaaayyy)

Oh, Patti, that made me laugh so hard. (What kind of a god would give a man a PICKLE for an ARM?) Happy Halloween, all y'all. I've been sick all week, or I'd have busted out my JJ costume again. :)

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Do we have definitive info on how payments are made? Is there a $5000 pool of funds?


It's my understanding that there IS a $5000 fee to be divided between the litigants. If one side wins a judgement that amount is subtracted from what the other side gets. I'm positive that this is why JJ sometimes awards the whole $5K to one side even if that amount wasn't requested, to make sure that some particularly amoral and vicious cretin who has done outrageous things gets absolutely nothing in return for his/her exposing their nastiness to the world.


Edited because I cannot type tonight.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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That smirking wheelchair-bound scammer is probably one of those handicapped people who careen down sidewalks or through shopping malls safely ensconced in their turbo-charged chairs, because they are owed everything by reason of their misfortune, including absolute right-of-way; it is our humble duty to get out of the way. They give a bad name to the handicapped everywhere by being so entitled; he upped the scumminess a few degrees by thinking he was allowed to dispose of his caregiver's salary as he pleases.


I bet he thought he had an easy mark in Mr. Obi since his accent places him as an immigrant or offspring of immigrants, i.e. less likely to take action. Too bad for him this was a determined and well-spoken plaintiff.

Edited by Florinaldo
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JJ was at her very best with the handiscammer.  She sliced through his BS story like a truth technician.  I wish she then would have gone full JJ on the weasel for scamming us.  Shame on him!  He would be the first to scream like a stuck pig on the local news if we daaaaaaared take away his benefit due to his illegal scheme to get his family paid.   This was a case tailor-made for the show.  The dude never had the money to pay Obi.  Given how expensive emergent care is, I'd be stunned if Obi actually ended up with the full amount he was due.  Notice we never once heard the amount of the medical claim he had proven?  But, he would have collected zero from the handiscammer in an actual court.


Why didn't JJ say she was going to report the handiscammer to the State welfare office for fraud?  She loves to moralize about how the mere peons (you and me) must do the right things, but then she never follows through morally.


I am one of those unfortunates who give even the best phlebotomists fits.  It is very difficult finding veins with which to establish an IV or draw blood.  I have dealt with my fair share of prideful ones, or those fearful they would be chastened by their bosses for having to bring in another.  I guarantee you that I am like JJ in that when I see someone over their head, I am most insistent that the charade be dropped and that the best person be brought in.  I also am quite verbal with whomever comes in that the first person is not to be marked down for their inability.  They always agree since I present a most difficult challenge.


I 100% believed the defendants today.  I'd also bet everything I have that the plaintiff had already found another nursing job, given the shortage of experienced folks.  I was surprised she agreed to appear on JJ.  She is not very bright.

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I believe that to be a home health aid, all you need is your STNA/CNA license. (It depends on what they call them in your state.) My wife is a CNA at a nursing home, but she is also in a BSN program, and planning to get her masters to become a CRNA. The downside with being a home health aid is that you can't stay certified that way, and have to continue to get re-certified every couple of years, unlike people who work in hospitals and nursing homes. (Or at least that's how it is in Ohio and Michigan.) I felt really bad for that plaintiff, and was glad that he was so well spoken and had everything documented. He presented his case well, and that defendant was a piece of human garbage, disabled or not.


I am also someone who is a hard stick. I've been in and out of the hospital for my long list of health problems since I was fourteen, and my veins are completely shot. If the nurse can't get the IV in after two sticks, and they typically can't, they bring in the ultrasound machine, or bring in a nurse that knows how to operate the ultrasound to look for veins for IVs. Not all nurses are trained for that. That's what any kind, compassionate, understanding nurse would do. They're not going to keep sticking you like you're a voodoo doll, and they're certainly not going to become aggressive and straddle you. What she did to that patient, especially considering that she was nonverbal at the time, was unconscionable. I believed every last word that came out of those defendant's mouths. They had no reason to lie, and they weren't even countersuing. She deserves to lose her license for that.

Edited by Mindy McIndy
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It's my understanding that there IS a $5000 fee to be divided between the litigants. If one side wins a judgement that amount is subtracted from what the other side gets. I'm positive that this is why JJ sometimes awards the whole $5K to one side even if that amount wasn't requested,

Oh, this will make me a happy camper. Thanks, AH.   I knew that sometimes she did the whole $5000, so was hoping that was how it worked.  I've got no qualms with Mr. Wheelchair man having his relatives EARN their salaries for his care - it might be more comfortable for him-, but it becomes pretty blatant when the outsider does not get paid. And I think when JJ first asked him who else took care of him, he said the nephew, and was listing others, but she stopped him. Wonder how many other hands are in that cookie jar?  Grrr.  Hope Obi has landed well, and is working for a respectful employer. Add him to the Bicycle and Chicken Men "Litigants we Love" group.

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Why didn't JJ say she was going to report the handiscammer to the State welfare office for fraud?  She loves to moralize about how the mere peons (you and me) must do the right things, but then she never follows through morally.


A guess?


He probably legitimately needs the assistance, and if she reports him, the family won't take care of him if the government money isn't coming in. The family, including him in my suspicion, got greedy, but at the end of the day this wasn't a guy with no disability and we don't know what the familial influence was. He's in a wheel chair and the relatives may not be that um... giving, if his benefits are cut off completely.

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I felt bad for Mr. Obi, too; and was glad that he won his judgment. Big Wheelchair Dude was a piece of work. In the beginning I didn't follow why JJ was mentioning all the relatives who were caregiving for him, and thought she meant Wheelchair Dude's cantankerous personality. Then it became obvious where she was going with her questioning.


I couldn't understand, though, how Obi could work all those months with no pay. I certainly couldn't go that long without being paid.


SandyToes, we should start a "Litigants We Love" thread! Top of my list would be the guy who owned the pup "Baby Boy"!

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The second new case today (loan of over $2000 given by father to his daughter's BF, which BF is repaying monthly until GF breaks up w/him) was a bit of a snooze after the saga of Mr. Obi and Big Wheelchair Dude. However, I just love it when defendants accept money from people for things they want but can't afford -- then later, turn around and it's --


"I didn't ASK him for the money!"


"His daughter was the middleman, it was HER idea!"


"I felt MORALLY obligated while I was shtooping his daughter, but now I'm not getting anything so I'm not LEGALLY obligated."


Did anyone notice how the camera kept panning to the daughter/ex-GF to get a reaction, but she sat there stonefaced. Her magnificent eyebrows were the best part of the whole case.

Edited by Intocats
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Dang, we didn't get the nurse case today due to pre-emption by the Giants victory parade. We are getting part of a car crash case between a foster dad and daughter named "Evelady". Foster Dad is trying to school JJ on "state law"! Love it!

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I have read in multiple places that the $5,000 pot that most people think JJ pays from is incorrect. Here's one link to a former litigant's story. Now he was on in 2012 (in fact, I think I remember his episode), so it may be different now. He was paid an $850 appearance fee, $40 per diem, and the amount of the judgment he won. So it sounds like it's still a pretty good deal, if you're willing to subject yourself to public humiliation. Anyway, here's the link:


I also found something in Wikipedia that says the appearance fee is much less, but I don't know when it was posted and with Wikipedia, which anyone can change, it may not be valid.

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I didn't follow why JJ was mentioning all the relatives who were caregiving for him, and thought she meant Wheelchair Dude's cantankerous personality.


Especially his uncle(?) who has no certification whatesoever, probably meanders over to bring HandiScammer a slice of pizza or to play video games with him while other people pay for it and the real worker gets stiffed. We didn't hear anything about the verbal and physical abuse Obi got, but I believe it happened, and also that he worked all the time and not just the proscribed hours.

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I think what really got me is that a certified home health care aid gets 11$/hr?? Now I understand why nearly everyone we see on this show in that profession is an illiterate, violent and brutal beast.  It seems this the job you do when you are capable of doing absolutely nothing else. This is sad and scary at the same time, but I did think Obi may be an exception and took good care of that scamming slob. who has his whole family on the government dole.


Obi did seem like one of the rare good guys; it's a shame he got put through hell by Wheelchair Dude.


As a long-time (unpaid!) caregiver for family members, I can verify that unfortunately, certified home health aides generally do fall into the "I'm incapable of doing anything else" category. Many are caring but not especially bright or motivated. The occasional gem is bright, motivated, and caring; we've had aides who could have done other things but chose this work because they genuinely love it, or they're on a trajectory to become a CNA, LPN or RN. My father was just assigned an aide who was a doctor in his native country, and it's like Christmas in November.


Far more often you're dealing with lack of common sense (if the patient requests water and you don't see bottled water in the kitchen, consider that perhaps the patient doesn't buy bottled water and fill a glass from the tap rather than announcing "there's no water"; don't put empty food containers back in the fridge and hope the family members discover them and buy replacements); inappropriateness (showing up for work at a stranger's house in flip flops and a flimsy spaghetti strap sundress with your boobs on prominent display); lack of responsibility (being late on a regular basis, or not showing up at all and not calling) and negligence (disappearing out onto the porch to smoke a cigarette and talk on your cell phone when patient is not supposed to be left alone). 


The pièce de resistance? The woman who couldn't be bothered flushing the toilet and doing minor seat cleanup after my father's use so instead she peed in the bathtub. No, I'm not making that up. I couldn't make it up if you paid me.


I wish I could say the home aides that stand in front of JJ surprise me, but from my own experience they're pretty much par for the course. Stay healthy, America, because this is what's out there.

Edited by designing1
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A lot of government aid takes months to process. When we've had Section 8 renters (never again!) it was often 3-4 months before the first rent check came in. So Mr. Obi probably did NOT get paid those first few months, but knew that. That's why he had to be loaned money for the background check, gas, etc. But he seemed one of the compassionate few (gasp, desinging1!) who would be in for the long haul, had he not had a jerk of a client. How did Mr. Wheelchair expect him to pay him back without a paycheck??? Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out.


Thanks for the additional info, teebax.  I checked out the wikipedia stuff, and it mentions how she will sometimes throw the cases back to the home courts just so a particularly offensive defendant will be stuck with additional court costs. heh. She threw one back this week, and both sides looked so aghast! I'm just glad to know that the "losers" don't walk out with a pile of cash. A trip to LA to be humiliated on TV - not problem with that one.  From a plaintiff's standpoint, it is most likely the only way they will ever get the cash they are awarded.


Litigants We Love is up and running!


Really, I do have a life outside Judge Judy.  But mostly I sleep through that part.  :-/

Edited by SandyToes
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Is there really a law in Pennsylvania that the person covered with the most blood is considered the victim, not the aggressor?

No. Girlfriend is insane.

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I would have torn that nurse's head off if she was treating my mother that way.

That case was upsetting for sure...especially when the mother was explaining that she wasn't able to verbally express to that "nurse" that she wanted her to stop her completely incompetent attempts to start her IV. It was so obvious that the mother was physically trying to motion and cover her arms and the "nurse" just lost it, CLIMBED ONTO THE BED ON TOP OF HER, turned her head aside, and threatened her while holding the needle ("I'm going to get this blood!"). Holy crap.


And then SHE has the nerve to sue them?!?!?!? It's been a while since I've gotten truly upset/angry at a JJ episode, but that one did it for me easy. And then she claims they changed their story, and it was EXACTLY the same. This is one of those times I'm glad people are stupid enough to expose themselves on one of TV's most popular shows, because that woman should never work in health care again.



Oh, and LOL at the foster dad who never showed up for his foster daughter's case and then tried to sue her. Lame! 

Edited by mattie0808
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Would it be weird if I went to Follow Your heart to see if the girl that was on JJ a few days ago is there? Would that make me a creeper?


My kid sister has lupus and has been in and out of hospitals for years, I can't tell you how many times she's come home looking black and blue from nurses poking her non-stop while trying to do blood work or get an IV- that sh*t does not go down when I'm there because I always ask for someone else to try if the first person can't get it done, and I'm always thankful for nurses who try their best but know when to stop and when to ask someone else for help.


My other sister gets paid to help my aunt, she runs errands for her, goes to the doctor appointments, cooks, cleans and generally makes sure that things don't go to hell, she gets paid a whole $200.00 a month and let me tell you, she spends a boat load of time helping out, my aunt has a hard time walking (she broke her leg and because of diabetes having surgery to fix it is not an option) and she prefers to have my sister help her than having a stranger in her house, my sister did have to pay for- and pass a background check.

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Big Guy in the Wheelchair was a real dickhole.

Yes, he was.  He struck me as a sociopathic con artist.  Even when he knew JJ had made him, he just snickered.  This was one episode where I wished JJ would have said she was going to turn the tape over to a prosecutor.   I liked the plaintiff, though.  He was so polite to JJ, even though she kept yelling at him to shut up. 


Whoever's writing the episode synopses for comcast is still having fun (as I mentioned earlier in the thread).  The above episode is titled:  “Wheelchair Runs Over Caregiver?; Broke Down Dating!”

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The woman who couldn't be bothered flushing the toilet and doing minor seat cleanup after my father's use so instead she peed in the bathtub. No, I'm not making that up. I couldn't make it up if you paid me.


I may not have believed that at one time, but after years of JJ, not only do I totally believe you but I'm just surprised she didn't do much worse. I've never seen one so-called "health care worker" on this show that I would allow to take care of my dog for an hour. As JJ says, "Make sure you take your vitamins, folks!"

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The bald chick who said she was running around her apartment complex all assed out because of her abusive boyfriend didn't play her cards right. She should've said he cut himself when he was smashing her laptop. It's more plausible than he intentionally cut himself and then smeared blood all over the apartment to make them think she assaulted him if she didn't.


Am I the only person annoyed by JJ's "that's hearsay" tut-tuts? I know she's been doing this a long time, but for one thing, she picks and chooses what she wants to believe anyway so why is she so particular about hearsay? If it still sounds like bullshit, "so-and-so who isn't here say X" shouldn't sway her. Also, there are plenty of exceptions to the legal definition of hearsay. It isn't hearsay, for example, if you say, "I was asleep and my mother woke me up and said so-and-so is in your car", but JJ acts like it is. Hearsay evidence is inadmissible because the person who made the statement isn't there to corroborate the statement. Evidence pursuant to the claim itself cannot be based on hearsay, but in recounting a story, what someone said may or may not be germane to the issue at hand. And given JJ can't subpoena people and she doesn't take sworn affadavits, I think she needs to loosen the reins a bit on the "hearsay" thing.

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I may not have believed that at one time, but after years of JJ, not only do I totally believe you but I'm just surprised she didn't do much worse.


The bathtub peeing happened on her second day, and as I'm sure you've all guessed, she was summarily dismissed, or who knows what might have happened.

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I have heard JJ say on many occasions that there are specific people the the IRS and the gov. disability office that monitor her shows on a regular basis, so I have the feeling the scammers get the comeuppance sooner  or later.  I think they also send videos to state unemployment offices as well.   I'm pretty sure you sign a disclosure when you go on her show.


At least one would hope so

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Apropos of nothing really, every time they take blood out of my left arm it's extremely painful and I'm told it shouldn't be, then they casually mention they probably punctured my nerve. 


Loved Obi, I hope things are going well for him.  I wish JJ had let him talk about the verbal abuse a little more to humiliate that entitled scumbag.  I don't mind that relatives were watching him but it seems like he thought he could just use Obi. 


Can't he sit alone with a pint of Ben & Jerry's, watch JJ and go for a nap, and take care of himself that way a few hours every day?



My ex died slowly for 2 years and was repeatedly denied any benefits at all and he needed it badly.  You can only bathe your ex so many times...

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